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Save the Date for the Fall 2023 LLL Event!
Home. They do this weekly with about 20 inmates at Illinois’ East Moline Correctional Center (EMCC), a minimum-security prison. Loss said, “It took more than seven months to complete this study as it prompted hearty discussions among the men. They identified with the prodigal son’s bad decisions and the Father’s unconditional love. They especially liked the detailed pointers in the study’s last three lessons on how to face the world after prison.”
Best of all was the hope the inmates received from their participation. “Many took a copy of the booklet with them at the study’s completion, and they were encouraged to use it as a resource in their lives going forward. Upon ‘graduation,’ the personalized certificates of completion were much appreciated and received with enthusiastic rounds of applause,” Loss said.
“LHM’s long-running ministry to the incarcerated benefits greatly from conferences like HOPE,” Sallee said. “We get to walk beside chaplains and volunteers who work with very few resources, and its these dedicated individuals who are the essential gateway to getting resources behind prison walls to men and women who are anxious for the Gospel message.”
To learn how you can support prison ministry, contact Sallee at 314-317-4214 or suzie.sallee@lhm.org. u
Paul Schreiber reports on the impact of LHM’s ministry work in the United States.
New this year, the Fall 2023 LLL Event will take place during a different day and time. Join us virtually Wednesday, September 20, from 12 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. CST to learn more about how you can engage with the giftedness of your congregation. The event will help participants recognize the value of their own gifts and how the collective use of gifts within the congregation or community can lead to impactful action. Using resources based on the Gifted for More research done in partnership with Barna Group, join us for a deeper dive into the gifts God has placed in you and your congregation using the EveryGift™ Inventory Participants will be able to register individually online or, just like previous LLL events, some LLL districts might choose to host a local in-person event to view the event together. To see the list of participating districts, visit lhm.org/LLL2023.
Jennifer Prophete, director of community programming, will host the event; Jeff CraigMeyer, president of United States Ministries, will provide an executive update and greetings; and Rev. Dr. Jason Broge, senior director of global research and development, will lead the training portion of the event, focusing on the Gifted for More Church Campaign. Participants will also enjoy a time of devotion together.
“A mantra we use at LHM, based on this research, is ‘Everyone is a gift with gifts to share.’ And, I can say personally, living out that mantra has been powerful in my family and my community. I can’t wait for churches to bring this to life in their congregations and watch the Gospel impact,” says Prophete.
Registration is open now at lhm.org/LLL2023. We look forward to sharing this time together! u