2 minute read
A Global Impact Worth Sharing
by DR. KURT SENSKE, Chairman, Int’l LLL Board of Directors
Ihave been privileged to not only serve on many nonprofit boards throughout my professional career, but to chair them as well. While there are many reasons why people join a board—like building their resume or expanding their professional network—I have always taken great pride in being able to work with organizations that not only allow me to maximize my personal impact but become more involved with a cause whose mission aligns with my beliefs.
While my entire family has long been enthusiastic about supporting the work of Lutheran Hour Ministries, my direct involvement with LHM began in 2019 when I was elected to the Board of Directors. I have served as chairman of the Board since 2020. The closer I have become to the work of LHM, the more that work has come to life for me. And the more that work has come to life, the more passionate I have become about telling others about the critical work of this ministry taking place around the world.
I have just returned from the National Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, where I had numerous opportunities to highlight LHM’s impact through one-on-one conversations with church leaders, pastors, and laypeople, and a presentation to members of the Texas District. Let me tell you, what God is accomplishing through LHM is truly amazing:
• People reached with the Gospel around the world last year led to more than 1.65 million of these individuals providing LHM with contact information for follow up and around 255,000 being referred to churches and Christian communities. In addition, ministry activities were completed nearly 360,000 times by people who have been equipped to share their faith more effectively with others.
• In the past year, LHM’s social media messages in the Middle East and North Africa have reached tens of millions of people, and nearly 1.5 million from throughout the region have responded by subscribing to LHM pages. LHM staff has had conversations with tens of thousands of these individuals where they shared the message of God’s hope and love for their lives.
• More than 1.5 million people have explored a diverse range of content at Vivenciar.net, a digital platform that reaches Portugueseand Spanish-speaking individuals who are searching online for answers to some of life’s most pressing issues.
• More than 56,000 people enrolled last year for the first time in an LHM Bible Correspondence Course. These courses are designed to introduce the Gospel to people who do not know Jesus, and to reinforce a biblical understanding for people who do.
While all of these numbers are extremely important, what moves me the most are the personal testimonies of people who have experienced the transforming work of Jesus in their lives. For example, one of our local team members in Kazakhstan established a trusting relationship with a young girl who had attempted suicide. LHM was there in her time of need to share that the Gospel provides a hope and peace that is bigger than her current struggles. It is so gratifying to know that God is using LHM’s talented staff and volunteers to save lives for eternity.
Thank you for your continued involvement and support of Lutheran Hour Ministries to impact lives around the world. There is no greater feeling than knowing you helped someone experience the hope and love of Christ for the first time so that the Holy Spirit can continue to work on their hearts. u