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Former Bible Correspondence Course Graduate Shares
Lessons with Youth
Bible Correspondence Courses (BCC) are a vital part of sharing the Gospel for many LHM ministry centers around the world. These Biblebased studies enable people of all ages, faiths, and educational levels to explore the Bible’s teachings and the Christian faith, often from the security and comfort of their own homes.
Ministry staff present BCC content according to the needs and characteristics of their local cultures and typically offer multiple courses under a variety of titles. Over the past year, more than 50,000 people registered to participate in LHM’s BCCs and around 33,000 internationally completed their first course.
The ease of use for people of all ages was appealing to a Ghana man. More than 20 years ago, Alexander took part in the BCC program hosted by LHM–Ghana. He did not know much about the Bible then, but the lessons and his ongoing communication with staff members helped him understand the Word of God. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, Alexander became a Christian. Now Alexander is the headmaster at a local school and an elder at his church. A short time ago, he got back in touch with LHM–Ghana staff to ask about bringing the BCC program to his school. He is thankful that LHM–Ghana made their materials available to the children since he knows many of them are eager to learn more about Christianity. He recently shared that 152 students at his school have already graduated from the BCC program this year. u unharvested fields and asking, “What more is God calling us to do?” We are praying and talking about just that thing here every day, and I boldly ask that you join us in that prayer. We can simultaneously celebrate what God has done today while challenging ourselves as to how much greater our impact can be. Pray that all of us may feel a genuine discomfort in the status quo, that a message of such importance should not be bounded but released.
What impresses me most is that when we vision a greater impact in the future through this worldwide ministry, a future that doesn’t just add to those numbers but multiplies them, our LHM team doesn’t flinch. I can assure you they are ready to go.
While we know there is much work yet to be done, we are blessed to be on this journey of a growing Gospel movement with you! May God richly bless our partnership in ministry throughout the coming year. u