1 minute read
A new experience in the art gallery.
from Delamar Hotel
On January 1st 2023, the Trimper Gallery opened its doors offering clients an ever-evolving selection of artwork, across all mediums, price points and time periods.
Over the years Alex Trimper developed a totally unique multi-dimensional approach to connecting and working with the gallery's clients. As the only gallery on the east coast with this unique vision the Trimper Gallery will offer a lounge boutique experience. This new gallery concept will offer a higer price point and calliber of artist exhibitated. Trimper will partner with galleries all over the country to present a rotoating art show. With VIP only, highly curated shows where 25 people max will be invited, the entire experience will be like no other.
“Trimper Gallery’s renovation work is very exciting for several reasons, not the least being the enthusiasm of Alex Trimper the owner of the gallery. His creation of the Art Lounge area in the back of the gallery as a venue for regular ‘Artside Chats’ is brilliant. I also found his openness to new ideas refreshing; that collaboration has given birth to the rotating display wall on the front window as well as the moving wall which will hold painting and large prints on both sides and separates the two areas of the gallery at the same time.”
Mahdad Saniee, AIA principal of Saniee Architects LLC, Greenwich, CT.