Classic Mansion - ML

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b y Luxuri ousLi vi ng ForSi mon&Bli ssDi xon|j une201 8

OurConceptDesi gnPr oposalf oryour magni ďŹ centnew homecent er sar ound creat i ngopul enceandt i mel ess el egance-abl endi ngof Heri t age& Cl assi cst yl i ng, t i mel essyetf reshandexci t i ng

Takeal ookatourdet ai l edconcept workf ort heGr oundFl oorand moodboar dsf ort heremai ni ngoor s

Enj oy!

Cr e at i n gt h eLo o k

Cr e at i n gt h eLo o k

Cr e at i n gt h eLo o k

Cr e at i n gt h eLo o k

En t r a n c eH a l l wa y FURNI TURELAYOUT


En t r a n c eH a l l wa y Hi ghBack Poi tersChai r

Vo l gaPl i n t h s

Consoles & Mi rrors

FeatureArmchai rs

Occasi onalTable

Colour Palette

LI GHTI NG St ai r wel lPendant

LI GHTI NG Wal lLi ght s


Upholsteryf abri cs

SeatFabr i c

Back&Ar m Fabr i c



|Snugarea Upholsteryf abri cs

Chai se&BenchFabr i c Di ni ngChai r s


Ki t c h e n|Breakfastarea Vo l gaDi n i n gTab l e&Ch ai r s

Ki t c h e n|Breakfastarea Vo l gaCh ai r s&B arSt o o l s Upholsteryf abri c

|upholsteryf abri cs

Br eakf astAr ea Di ni ngChai r s

Chai seLongue &Bench

Di ni ngChai r s

| wi ndowtreatments Cur t ai n&SwagsFabr i c

Fabr i cf orTai l s & Secondar yCur t ai ns

Di n i n gRo o m LI GHTI NG Pendant

Br e a kf a s tAr e a LI GHTI NG Pendant


Ha r pRo o m

Be l gr av i aSo f a&Ar mc h ai r

Ha r pRo o m

Uphol st er yFabr i c

Ha r pRo o m

M ayf ai rAr mc h ai r

Ha r pRo o m Forr ef er ence Fabr i cf or Bel gr avi asof as

Uphol st er yFabr i c Bel gr avi a & Mayf ai rAr mchai r s

Ha r pRo o m

Uphol st er yf abr i c

Vo l gaB e n c h

Ha r pRo o m Si deTables

M ayf ai rSi deTab l e s

Ha r pRo o m CoffeeTables

M ayf ai r

Be l gr av i a


Cur t ai nFabr i c

Fabr i cf or Swags&Tai l s &Secondar yCur t ai ns &Bl i nds

LI GHTI NG Pendant

LI GHTI NG Wal lLi ght s

6Candl e 2Candl e

LI GHTI NG Tabl eLamps

PowderBl ue Chi ffonShades

Si t t i n gRo o m FURNI TURELAYOUT

Si t t i n gRo o m |ClassicStyling

Si t t i n gRo o m |ClassicStyling

Si t t i n gRo o m |ClassicStyling

Si t t i n gRo o m |ClassicStyling

Si t t i n gRo o m |ClassicStyling

Si t t i n gRo o m |ClassicStyling

Opt i on2

Be s p o keW e l l i n gt o nU Sh ap e dSo f a-Pl an

Si t t i n gRo o m |ClassicStyling

Be s p o keW e l l i n gt o nU Sh ap e dSo f a-El e v at i o n

Si t t i n gRo o m |ClassicStyling

Be s p o keW e l l i n gt o nU Sh ap e dSo f a-Ar t i s t i cRe n de r

Si t t i n gRo o m|upholsterfabrics

Chai rFabr i c

Sof aFabr i c

BenchFabr i c

Si t t i n gRo o m |ClassicStyling

M ayf ai rF e at ur eCh ai r s

Si t t i n gRo o m |ClassicStyling

Ne v aB e n c h&W e l l i n gt o nPe de s t al

Si t t i n gRo o m |ClassicStyling

We l l i n gt o nCo mmo de&M ayf ai rM i r r o r

Si t t i n gRo o m |ClassicStyling

M ayf ai rCo n s o l eTab l e

Si t t i n gRo o m |ClassicStyling

M ayf ai rCo n s o l eTab l e s

Si t t i n gRo o m |ClassicStyling

We l l i n gt o nTab l e&Co f f e eTab l e

|wi ndow treatments

Secondar yCur t ai ns& Tai l sLi ni ngFabr i c

Cur t ai n&SwagsFabr i c

LI GHTI NG Pendant

LI GHTI NG Wal lLi ght s

Si t t i n gRo o m LI GHTI NG Wal lLi ght s


Li b r a r y

Vo l ga

Li b r a r y

Ve r mo n t

Li b r a r y

Vo l ga-Pas tPr o j e c tAr t i s tRe n de r

Li b r a r y

Ve r mo n tSo f a

Li b r a r y

Ve r mo n tAr mc h ai r s

Li b r a r y|UpholsteryFabrics Occasi onalChai r s Fabr i c

Sof aBodyFabr i c

Scat t erCushi ons Fabr i c

Sof aBackCushi ons Fabr i c

DeskChai r Fabr i c

Li b r a r y Si de&CoffeeTables

M ayf ai rSi deTab l e

M ayf ai rCo f f e eTab l e

|wi ndowtreatments

Cur t ai n&SwagsFabr i c Fabr i cf orTai l s & Secondar yCur t ai ns

LI GHTI NG Pendant

LI GHTI NG Tabl eLamps


Sn ug|Heritagestyling

Sn ug|Heritagestyling

Sn ug|Heritagestyling

Sn ug|Heritagestyling

Sn ug|Heritagestyling

Sn ug|Heritagestyling|UpholsteryFabrics Sof aBodyFabr i c

BackCushi onsFabr i c

Scat t erCushi onsFabr i c

Ar mchai rFabr i c

Sn ug|Heritagestyling|UpholsteryFabrics

M ayf ai rAr mc h ai r


Sn ug|Heritagestyling

Nan t e sCo f f e e&M ayf ai rSi deTab l e s

Sn ug|Heritage&ClassicStyling

Nan t e sTV Cab i n e t

LI GHTI NG Pendant

Be dr o o ms

Be dr o o ms

Be dr o o ms

Be dr o o ms

Be dr o o ms

Of f i c e

Of f i c e

Of f i c e

Of f i c e

Of f i c e

Of f i c e

ProductSuggesti ons

ProductSuggesti ons

ProductSuggesti ons

ProductSuggesti ons

ProductSuggesti ons

ProductSuggesti ons

W hatW eHaveDone|OurPedi gree|Pr oj ect sar oundt heworl d

I mper i alPal ace,Tokyo Publ i cBui l di ng-Musi cUni onofLl i r i a Dor alBeachHot el ,Mi ami Ar meni anPat r i ar chat eofJer usal em RebekahHar knessTheat r e,New Yor k TheMosqueofDamascus,Si r i a vani anSt at eCapi t ol Pennsyl Pal ace,Emi rofDoha,Qat ar Pal ace,Sul t anofKel ant an,Mal aysi a Shi nOhmi yaGol fCl ub,Japan Al gi er sAi r por t ,VI PLounge Pr i vat eResi dence,Shanghai Pr i vat eYacht ,Aust r al i a Offici alResi dence,Sochi ,Russi a Pal aceofBat a,Equat or i alNew Gui nea Mal aboAi r por t ,VI PEquat or i alNew Gui nea Pal ace,Russi a Cor por at eOffices,Angol a Casi no,Ri ga,Lat vi a Luxur yYacht ,Bennet t i ,Japan Pal ace,Abayak,Equat or i alNew Gui nea

Luxur yYacht ,Pr ot eksanTur quoi se Pr i vat eResi dence,MayorofSant oDomi ngo Pr i vat eResi dence,Br emen,Ger many Radi ssonHot el ,Jal andhar ,I ndi a Pr i vat eResi dence,Pune,I ndi a Pr i vat eResi dence,New Dhel i ,I ndi a Pr i vat eResi dence,Ri ga,Lat vi a Pr i vat eResi dence,Br at i sl ava Pr i vat eVi l l a,Ar meni a Pr i vat eResi dence,Jeddah,SaudiAr abi a Mar i naHot el ,Dubai Pr esi dent i alOffices,Ghana Resi denceofVi cePr esi dent ,Ghana Embassy,Ghana Sher at onHot el ,Doha,Qat ar Ri t zHot el ,Doha,Qat ar Ant ar aHot el ,BananaI sl and,Doha,Qat ar Pr i vat eResi dence,Abuj a,Ni ger i a Pr i vat eResi dence,Shanghai ,Chi na Pr i vat eResi dence,Hangzhou,Chi na Uni ver si t yofCommer ce,Nagoya,Japan

Cont actUs-W ewoul dl ovet ohearf r om you.

I mper i alPal ace,Tokyo Publ i cBui l di ng-Musi cUni onofLl i r i a Dor alBeachHot el ,Mi ami Ar meni anPat r i ar chat eofJer usal em RebekahHar knessTheat r e,New Yor k TheMosqueofDamascus,Si r i a vani anSt at eCapi t ol Pennsyl Pal ace,Emi rofDoha,Qat ar Pal ace,Sul t anofKel ant an,Mal aysi a Shi nOhmi yaGol fCl ub,Japan Al gi er sAi r por t ,VI PLounge Pr i vat eResi dence,Shanghai Pr i vat eYacht ,Aust r al i a Offici alResi dence,Sochi ,Russi a Pal aceofBat a,Equat or i alNew Gui nea Mal aboAi r por t ,VI PEquat or i alNew Gui nea Pal ace,Russi a Cor por at eOffices,Angol a Casi no,Ri ga,Lat vi a Luxur yYacht ,Bennet t i ,Japan Pal ace,Abayak,Equat or i alNew Gui nea

Luxur yYacht ,Pr ot eksanTur quoi se Pr i vat eResi dence,MayorofSant oDomi ngo Pr i vat eResi dence,Br emen,Ger many Radi ssonHot el ,Jal andhar ,I ndi a Pr i vat eResi dence,Pune,I ndi a Pr i vat eResi dence,New Dhel i ,I ndi a Pr i vat eResi dence,Ri ga,Lat vi a Pr i vat eResi dence,Br at i sl ava Pr i vat eVi l l a,Ar meni a Pr i vat eResi dence,Jeddah,SaudiAr abi a Mar i naHot el ,Dubai Pr esi dent i alOffices,Ghana Resi denceofVi cePr esi dent ,Ghana Embassy,Ghana Sher at onHot el ,Doha,Qat ar Ri t zHot el ,Doha,Qat ar Ant ar aHot el ,BananaI sl and,Doha,Qat ar Pr i vat eResi dence,Abuj a,Ni ger i a Pr i vat eResi dence,Shanghai ,Chi na Pr i vat eResi dence,Hangzhou,Chi na Uni ver si t yofCommer ce,Nagoya,Japan

Luxuri ousLi vi ng TheLuxuri ousLi vi ng Group

Mai nShowr oom & Desi gnSt udi o 62Gi l l ygat e,York,Yo317EQ Tel :01904677063

www. l uxuri ousl i vi ng. co. uk www. col ecci onal exandr a. co. uk www. mari ner . l ondon ww mari www. ner . l i ght i ng

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