BELURE | About
We are a Consulting Firm & Advisors. We work with top executives and companies to help them make better decisions, convert those decisions to actions and deliver the sustainable success they desire. We been passionate about achieving better results for our clients—results that go beyond financial and are uniquely tailored, pragmatic, holistic and enduring. As an internationally-minded specialist, with deep rooted knowledge and experience in luxury brands, BELURE offers a rich and diverse strategic approach to brand-building.
Somos una Firma de Consultores y Asesores. Trabajamos con altos ejecutivos y compañías para ayudarlos a tomar mejores decisiones, convertir esas decisiones en acciones y alcanzar el éxito sostenible que desean. Nos apasiona lograr mejores resultados para nuestros clientes, resultados que van más allá del ámbito financiero y están diseñados de manera única, pragmática, holística y duradera. Como especialistas con experiencia internacional, con un profundos conocimientos y experiencia en marcas de lujo, BELURE ofrece un enfoque estratégico diverso para la construcción de su marca.
BELURE | Services
We know that in this busy world, every minute counts. We therefore take a proactive approach, trying to anticipate our clients’ needs. Our professionals go out of their way to ensure that your demands are not just met, but exceeded. Below is a list of our services. Call us today to set up an introductory meeting with a member of our team. Global Operations | Luxury Brands | Hospitality | Real Estate
Sabemos que en este mundo ocupado, cada minuto cuenta. Por lo tanto, tomamos un enfoque proactivo, tratando de anticipar las necesidades de nuestros clientes. Nuestros profesionales hacen todo lo posible para garantizar que sus demandas no solo se cumplan, sino que se superen. A continuación hay una lista de nuestros servicios. Llámenos hoy para programar una reunión introductoria con un miembro de nuestro equipo. Operaciones Globales | Marcas de Lujo | Hoteles—Restaurantes | Bienes Raíces
BELURE | Operations We guide our clients through the full business operations process, overseeing the planning and execution of its goals, strategic planning, global networking opportunities, events, managing its full corporate process, enforcing brand standards, managing all global strategic relationships &
marketing, servicing platform, sales process and company strategic growth as a leading providers in their industry. The face of operations is changing rapidly, driven by global trends, shifting industry ecosystems, and groundbreaking digital technologies. This ever-evolving landscape presents new challenges and opportunities for operations to move beyond the role of cost-effective business enabler and become a source of competitive advantage. Operations executives are being asked to change cost structures and increase productivity, and they must make those changes faster, safer, and in a more automated fashion to keep pace with competitors. A cross-functional collaboration has the greatest potential for helping companies to reach their strategic goals. By combining profound, cross-functional Operations knowledge with the latest technologies, analytics, and leading edge alliance partners. We help clients achieve their goals and make transformative change a reality. Creating value for your company.
Orientamos a nuestros clientes a través de todo el proceso de operaciones comerciales, supervisando la planificación y ejecución de sus objetivos, planificación estratégica, oportunidades de creación de redes globales, eventos, administrar su proceso corporativo completo, hacer cumplir los estándares de marca, administrar todas las relaciones estratégicas globales y el marketing, la plataforma de servicios, el proceso de ventas y el crecimiento estratégico de la compañía como proveedores líderes en su industria. La cara de las operaciones está cambiando rápidamente, impulsada por las tendencias mundiales, el cambio de ecosistemas industriales y tecnologías digitales pioneras. Este paisaje en constante evolución presenta nuevos desafíos y oportunidades para que las operaciones vayan más allá del papel de el facilitador comercial rentable para convierse en una fuente de ventaja competitiva. A los ejecutivos de operaciones se les pide que modifiquen las estructuras de costos y aumenten la productividad, y deben hacer esos cambios de forma más rápida, segura y de una manera más automatizada para mantener el ritmo de la competencia. Una colaboración multifuncional tiene el mayor potencial para ayudar a las empresas a alcanzar sus objetivos estratégicos. Al combinar conocimiento de operaciones profundo e interfuncional con las últimas tecnologías, análisis y socios de alianzas de vanguardia. Ayudamos a los clientes a alcanzar sus metas y hacer que el cambio transformador sea una realidad. Creando valor para su empresa.
BELURE | Luxury Brands
WE •
Analyze and improve brand performance.
Attract a specific clientele to the brand.
Conduct market research for target products.
Oversee and organizing multimedia advertising campaigns.
Contribute to product and distribution plans.
Address and manage brand budgeting and resources.
Consult with outside agencies, promotional representatives and corporate executives.
Collaborate with brand designers and creators.
Supervise marketing staff and assignments.
Analizamos y mejoramos el rendimiento de la marca.
Atraemos una clientela específica a la marca.
Realizamos estudios de Mercado.
Supervisamos y organizamos campañas publicitarias multimedia.
Contribuimos con los planes de distribucion de productos.
Administramos recursos y presupuestos.
Consultamos con agencias externas.
Colaboramos con diseñadores y creadores de marcas.
Supervisamos el personal de marketing y las tareas asignadas.
BELURE | Hospitality
Restaurant Management | Business Operations | Food & Beverage | Operating Systems | POS | Operations & Enterprise Review | Menu Development - Analysis Design | New Concepts Development | Pre-opening, Post-opening and Turnaround Support | Project Management | Production Planning | Serve Safe | Bar Operations |
Front House Services | Systems | Restaurant Back Office | Fine Dining Restaurants Branding | Marketing | Hospitality Leadership Recruitment | Restaurant Design | Nutritional Analysis | Restaurant Costs & Financial | Food Styling |
BELURE | Real Estate
Real Estate Operations Residential and Commercial Management
Rentals Sales Corporate Real Estate High-end Property Management Market Analysis Property Inspection Commercial Real Estate Management Home Staging Property Photo – Shooting Property Inventory Home Search and Selection New Developments
BELURE | Real Estate
Every corporate client has unique objectives, constraints, operational circumstances and economic realities. BELURE professionals have
the industry expertise and experience to help our corporate clients, real estate owners, investors and lenders better navigate the market’s complexities and manage its inherent risks. As unbiased and independent advisors, we
represent leading public and private real estate entities, including financial institutions, banks, hotels, malls, retail, insurance companies and owners/developers, offering real estate consulting services that help align strategy with business goals.
Bev Ballester Advisor
M: 1.809.603.5161 M: 1.809.815.5161 E: .
Consulting Firm Private & Public Sector Business Development Real Estate | Hospitality | Operations | Corporate
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