15 minute read
Northrop & Johnson
In 1949, yachting aficionados Jim Northrop and George Johnson founded yacht brokerage firm Northrop & Johnson in New York City. Today, under the ownership of Kevin Merrigan, what was once a small brokerage has now turned into a prospering company with over 15 offices worldwide (Naples, Florida, is the newest location). The growth started when Daniel Ziriakus, the newly promoted president and chief operating officer, decided to rebrand the company.
Ziriakus spent many years in the luxury world, working for Estée Lauder, Bridger Conway and multiple high-end real estate developers. With the yachting industry booming, we spoke to him to get his take on why seasoned yachters continue to choose Northrop & Johnson and what advice he would give to newcomers entering the boating world.
What is behind Northrop & Johnson’s growth
and success? The real formula for our success is that we take care of our people and their families—that’s our priority. Behind the scenes, it’s our stringent focus on and heavy investment in technology and intelligence, which allows us to know who our customers are so that we can provide them with extraordinary experiences.
Where are most of your clients from? As a true international brokerage house, we have clients from all over the world. In the past, we were heavily focused on the U.S., but today, we are a global firm with global reach. We’re currently the fastest-growing brokerage house in Europe, and with offices from Asia-Pacific and back to San Diego, our clients are found in all four corners of the globe.
What effect has the pandemic had on the
boating/yachting business? It’s had a positive impact. There is security on the consumer demand side when you tell people they can’t go to restaurants, go to the mall or play golf. So what do people do? They go boating!
How is yachting a safer travel option? Yachts are incredibly hygienic, insular environments. Whether you own or charter a yacht, the
Daniel Ziriakus, president and chief operating officer of luxury yacht brokerage Northrop & Johnson, shares insight, tips and trends for the current yachting and chartering market.
level of protection found on board is simply unparalleled to a luxury hotel or even a private villa. Yachts promise a level of safety and security that is second to none, which has many new clients thinking differently about enjoying their time on the water rather than ashore.
What is your goal for the company? As a fullservice yacht brokerage, we are here to bring clients through their entire life cycle, from their entry through charter to purchasing their first yacht, selling a yacht, putting their yacht on the market for charter and even building a new yacht with the expertise and assistance of our new-build specialists. Our goal is to provide an extraordinary 360-degree experience for clients in every facet of their yachting journey.
What size yachts do you offer? The 60- to 80-footers are our starting point, with 100- to 164-footers being our core. We also offer megayachts ranging from 200 feet and longer. We deal with these sizes for sales, purchase, charter and charter management.
What are the current trends in the yachting
world? Trends in yachting are tough because all clients have different tastes and preferences. Someone might like old wood and dark faucets, while another might like ultra-modern, minimalist vessels. As a general design trend, you can look at what’s happening in real estate. For example, where more modern-looking places are being built—like Miami and New York—you will see parallels in our business.
What is the most important advice you would give to someone entering the yacht
market? Finding the right broker—one you get along with—is critical! Don’t try to cut corners; it will cost you in the end. When research is done online, the decision is purely productbased. I’ve never seen a person charter a boat they initially inquired about. That’s just the entry point. With the right questions, a broker can help analyze the deal and find a boat that is right for a customer’s needs and wants. If you’re new to the industry and haven’t been on boats often or fully understand how layouts can affect your lifestyle, you could end up not being as comfortable as you could be. As you become more familiar with boating and layouts, you’ll progress and become a better boat or yacht owner—and by using a good broker, you’ll shortcut your learning curve. Northrop & Johnson’s ethos is to deliver extraordinary to every client in every aspect of their yachting experience. It’s essential to work with a yacht broker who believes that you are the most critical aspect of the deal to ensure your experience is extraordinary.
What makes your brokers qualified? Many of our brokers have been yacht captains, chief stewards or on a yacht in some capacity, which means they know the mechanics in and out, the layouts of the boats and how they’ll best suit your lifestyle. They also have a good network of industry partners they can refer. They’ve traveled the seas—from New England to Alaska to the Caribbean and beyond— and they know life on board. They’re able to organize activities, know where reservations should be made and navigate trips to the right places to suit your needs—whether it’s a boys’ trip or a family getaway. But it’s more than just our individual brokers. We have a collaborative culture at Northrop & Johnson. Not only do our brokers rely on our internal network, but they also have vast networks of colleagues throughout the industry on which they can rely. Additionally, as the only genuinely tech-savvy brokerage, we equip our brokers with the tools and intelligence needed to provide the absolute best for their clients.
What’s on the horizon for Northrop &
Johnson? We will be opening some new offices and locations throughout 2022. We also have a couple of very cool tools for clients coming live later this year. We are very excited about what’s on the horizon and look forward to continuing to deliver extraordinary every single day.
To view what boats and yachts Northrop & Johnson currently has for sale or charter, visit northropandjohnson.com.
Using Your Guide to Marinas Around the U.S.

Miami Beach Marina - Miami Beach, FL
Dog River Marina | Mobile 75 slips, max length: 150’ Full-service | near city center dogrivermarina.com Orange Beach Marina | Orange Beach 161 in-water slips, max length: 130’ Near Gulf of Mexico | luxurious | sportfishingfriendly | retail | restaurants orangebeachmarina.com CALIFORNIA
Marina Harbor Anchorage | Marina del Rey 321 slips, max length: 110’ Near Venice Beach | relaxed ambience marinaharbor.com The Marina at the Marina City Club | Marina del Rey 302 slips, max length: 115’ Near hotels/restaurants marinaatmarinacityclub.com Best Western Plus Island Palms Hotel & Marina | San Diego 188 slips, max length: 200’ Near open ocean | near city attractions | hotel amenities islandpalms.com Safe Harbor Cabrillo Isle | San Diego 477 slips, max length: 139’ Luxurious resort amenities | near city center | social activities shmarinas.com Marina Bay Yacht Harbor | Richmond 850 slips, max length: 120’ Deep-water access | peaceful park ambience mbyh.com South Beach Harbor | San Francisco 700+ berths, max length: 125’ In city | great views | near attractions sfport.com
Saybrook Point Resort & Marina | Old Saybrook 125 slips, max length: 200’ Scenic | luxury yacht-friendly | megayachtfriendly | deep-water access saybrook.com FLORIDA
The Boca Raton Yacht Club | Boca Raton 32 slips, max length: 170’ In city | luxurious | resort services and amenities thebocaraton.com Boathouse Yacht Facility | Fort Lauderdale 6 covered slips, max length: 135’, max height: 39’ | 3 outdoor slips, max length: 200’ | 420’ facing dock In city | state-of-the-art megayacht “dockominium” boathouseyachtfacility.com Harbour Towne Marina | Dania Beach 165 slips, max length: 200’ Award-winning | environmentally-minded harbourtownemarina.com Las Olas Marina | Fort Lauderdale 60 slips, max length: 160’ In city | great ambience | lots of amenities lasolasmarina.com Loggerhead Marina | Hollywood 190 slips, max length: 120’ Concierge service | luxurious | lots of amenities | near restaurants/retail loggerheadmarinas.com Marina Bay Yachting Center | Fort Lauderdale 168 slips, max length: 150’ In city | award-winning | megayacht-friendly | luxurious | lots of amenities marinabay-fl.com Marina Mile Yachting Center | Fort Lauderdale 35 slips, max length: 150’ In city | full-service boatyard marinamileyachtingcenter.com Pier Sixty-Six Marina | Fort Lauderdale 164 slips, max length: 400’ In city | dockside concierge service 66marina.com Royale Palm Marina | Dania Beach 60 slips, max length: 145’ Full-service boatyard | decades of experience royalepalmmarina.com Pink Shell Beach Resort & Marina | Fort Myers 41 slips, max length: 120’ Full-service | resort ambience and amenities pinkshell.com Yacht Harbour and Marina, South Seas Island Resort | Captiva 2,400’ alongside berthing, max length: 120’ Luxurious | world-class resort amenities southseas.com Conch Harbor Marina | Key West 40 slips, max length: 200’ Near island center | great restaurants onsite | fisherman-friendly conchharbormarina.com Galleon Marina Key West | Key West 91 slips, max length: 150’ Highly-protected harbor | resort-style amenities | pro boat-racing host galleonmarinakeywest.com Stock Island Marina Village | Key West 288 slips, max length: 450’ Largest deep-water marina in the Keys | resortstyle amenities | unique culture and history stockislandmarina.com
Stock Island Yacht Club & Marina | Key West 101 wet slips, 419 dry slips, max length: 101’ Prime water location | scuba-friendly | sportfishing-friendly | resort-style amenities stockislandyc.com Dinner Key Marina, Coconut Grove | Miami 582 slips, max length: 110’ FL’s largest wet slip marine facility | park setting miamigov.com EPIC Marina | Miami 900 linear feet of slips, max length: 300’+ In city | luxury amenities | full-service | deepwater slips epicmarina.com Fontainebleau Marina | Miami Beach 23 slips, max length: 140’ In city | part of a luxury hotel | access to on-site restaurants/amenities fontainebleau.com Marina Palms Yacht Club | North Miami Beach 112 slips, max length: 100’ Full-service concierge | watercraft access with membership | scenic mpmarina.com Miamarina at Bayside | Miami 130 slips, max length: 150’ In city | part of Bayside Marketplace—a major shopping center | deep-water slips miamigov.com Miami Beach Marina | Miami Beach 400 slips, max length: 250’ In city | fisherman-friendly | sailboat-friendly miamibeachmarina.com One Island Park Marina | Miami Beach 8 Superyacht berths, max length: 800’ In city | superyacht-friendly | full-service | crew facilities igy-miami.com Rickenbacker Marina | Virginia Key, Miami 200 wet slips, max length 120’ Full-service | fisherman-friendly | sailboatfriendly | concierge assistance rmimarina.com Safe Harbor Rybovich | West Palm Beach 52 slips, max length 390’ Resort-style | Superyacht-friendly | Deep-water access | Crew campus shmarinas.com

Sea Isle Marina & Yachting Center | Miami 220 slips, max length: 110’ In city | easy water access | entertainment/ shopping/banking nearby seaislemarina.com Turnberry Marina | Miami 68 slips, max length: 180’ In city | luxurious | newly-renovated | access to JW Marriott Miami Turnberry Resort & Spa turnberrymarina.com Vice City Marina | Miami 36 slips, max length: 100’ In city | great views | full-service wet-storage facility vicecitymarina.com Naples Bay Resort & Marina | Naples 97 slips, max length: 90’ Near Gulf of Mexico | resort amenities naplesbayresort.com Cannonsport Marina | Palm Beach Shores 54 slips, max length: 130’ Near Atlantic Ocean | intimate | sportfishingfriendly cannonsportmarina.com Palm Harbor Marina | West Palm Beach 200 slips, max length: 250’ In city | international-yachting-friendly palmharbor-marina.com
Safe Harbor North Palm Beach | North Palm Beach 110 slips, max length: 120’ Near Palm Beach inlet | secluded harbor | resort amenities npbmarina.com Safe Harbor Old Port Cove | North Palm Beach 208 slips, max length: 200’ Luxurious | megayacht-friendly | resort amenities opcmarina.com The Bluffs Marina | Jupiter 102 slips, max length: 130’ Near 2 ocean inlets | near city | hurricane-safe facility thebluffsmarinajupiter.com Safe Harbor Harborage Marina | St. Petersburg 376 slips, max length: 200’ Only full-service megayacht port on FL’s west coast shmarinas.com The Resort at Longboat Key | Longboat Key 291 slips, max length: 150’ Largest resort marina on FL’s west coast | environmentally-friendly longboatkeyclub.com Westshore Yacht Club Marina | Tampa 149 slips, max length: 108’ Near city | resort-style amenities westshoreyachtclubfl.com
DiMillo’s Old Port Marina | Portland 130 slips, max length: 250’ Near city | full-service dimillosmarina.com
Chicks Marina | Kennebunkport 40 slips, 300’ open-face dock, max length: 165’ Established business | near historic city center chicksmarina.com MARYLAND

Henderson’s Wharf Marina | Baltimore 256 slips, max length: 100’ Near Chesapeake Bay | in city | near historic area | on-site hotel hendersonswharfmarina.com St. Michaels Marina | St. Michaels 55 transient slips, max length: 220’ Full-service | near town stmichaelsmarina.com
Boston Waterboat Marina | Boston 36 slips, max length: 150’ Prime Boston Harbor spot | city’s oldest continually-operating yachting facility | quiet ambience | nice views waterboatmarina.com Charlestown Marina | Boston Newly-renovated Pier 6: 121 slips, max length: 340’ In city | near historic area charlestownmamarina.com Constitution Marina | Boston 300 slips, max length: 165’ In historic area | luxurious constitutionmarina.com Fan Pier Marina | Boston 100 slips, max length: 500’ Near the city center | new-build fanpiermarina.com Safe Harbor Marina Bay | Quincy 686 slips, max length: 150’+ Full-service | New England ambience | dining | nightlife shmarinas.com Yacht Haven Inn & Marina | Boston 100 total slips, 6 megayacht berths, max length: 400’ In city | near historic North End | luxurious | megayacht-friendly thebostonyachthaven.com Hyannis Marina | Hyannis 180+ slips, max length: 200’ Prime Cape Cod location | resort-style amenities | megayacht-friendly hyannismarina.com Kingman Yacht Center | Cataumet 235 slips and 130 moorings, max length: 120’ Prime Cape Cod/Buzzards Bay location | fullservice kingmanyachtcenter.com
Provincetown Marina | Provincetown 100 slips, max length: 300’ Prime Cape Cod location | historic | cultural center ptownmarina.com Nantucket Boat Basin | Nantucket Island 240 slips, max length: 200’ In island center | luxury amenities | full-service | historic | upscale locale nantucketboatbasin.com
Roche Harbor - San Juan Island, WA
South Jersey Marina | Cape May 75 slips, max length: 140’ Full-service | convenient amenities | resort nearby southjerseymarina.com Liberty Landing Marina | Jersey City 520 slips, max length: 160’ Near NYC | in Liberty State Park near the Statue of Liberty libertylandingmarina.com NEW YORK
Safe Harbor Capri | Port Washington 325 slips, max length: 150’ Great scenery | yacht club ambience | marine service team on-site shmarinas.com Chelsea Piers Marina | New York 65 total slips, 25 megayacht berths, max length: 300’ In city | part of major sports complex | megayacht-friendly chelseapiers.com ONE°15 Brooklyn Marina | Brooklyn 100+ berths, max length: 300’+ Near Manhattan | in Brooklyn Bridge Park | NYC’s largest community dock | calm waters one15brooklynmarina.com Gurney’s Star Island Resort & Marina | Montauk 232 slips, max length: 220’+ Luxurious | resort amenities | sportfishingfriendly | megayacht-friendly gurneysresorts.com
Maidstone Harbor Marina | East Hampton 95 slips, max length: 75’ In a naturally-protected cove | pristine setting | in historic area | near luxe town center maidstoneharbormarina.com
Sag Harbor Yacht Yard & Marina | Sag Harbor 31 slips, max length: 118’ Established in 1797 | full-service mechanic’s shop | historic area sagharboryachtyard.com Sag Harbor Yacht Club | Sag Harbor 62 slips, max length: 200’+ Near town center | historic area | on-water activities sagharboryc.org NORTH CAROLINA

River Dunes Marina | Oriental 400 slips, max length: 150’ Award-winning | easy water access | coastal maritime ambiance
riverdunes.com RHODE ISLAND
Bannisters Wharf | Newport 30 slips, max length: 280’ In historic, luxurious city/waterfront | upscale racing and cruising yachts aplenty

bannistersnewport.com Newport Marina, Lee’s Wharf | Newport 45 slips, max length: 140’ In historic, luxurious city/waterfront | comfortable amenities
newportmarina.com Newport Yachting Center Marina | Newport 200 slips, max length: 180’ In historic, luxurious city/waterfront | full-service | top-quality amenities | special requests welcome
newportyachtingcenter.com SOUTH CAROLINA
Charleston Harbor Resort & Marina | Mount Pleasant 459 slips, max length 66’ | 17,000 linear feet of floating dock, max length: 120’ SC’s largest in-water marina | lots of amenities | historic | nature-filled area
Safe Harbor Charleston City | Charleston 350 slips, max length: 455’ Near city | home of the famed Mega Dock—a draw for prestigious yachts
shmarinas.com St. Johns Yacht Harbor | Charleston 176 wet slips, max length: 130’ Upscale marina community | resort-like amenities

stjohnsyachtharbor.com Harbour Town Yacht Basin, The Sea Pines Resort | Hilton Head Island 100 slips, max length: 160’ Intracoastal Waterway must-stop | full-service | resort amenities
Chelsea Piers, New York, NY John Penney/Shutterstock
Shelter Cove Harbour & Marina | Hilton Head Island 178 slips, max length: 145’ In island center | island’s largest | water-related recreation | fisherman-friendly
sheltercovehiltonhead.com TEXAS
Seabrook Marina | Seabrook 650+ slips, max length: 125’ Close to Galveston Bay | state-of-the-art docks | resort-like amenities
seabrookmarinacenter.com VIRGINIA
Long Bay Pointe Marina | Virginia Beach 215 slips, max length: 200’ Near city | prime water access | fishermanfriendly
longbaypointemarina.com Virginia Beach Fishing Center | Virginia Beach 66 slips, max length: 100’+ Near ocean access | fisherman-friendly | home of VA’s largest sportfishing fleet
virginiafishing.com WASHINGTON
Roche Harbor Resort | San Juan Island 377 slips, max length: 150’ Natural beauty | relaxed ambience | off the beaten path
Marina del Rey - Los Angeles, CA
Nautical Landing | Seattle 1,900 lineal feet of moorage, max length: 350’ Near city center | superyacht-friendly
nautical-landing.com Salmon Bay Marine Center | Seattle 18 slips, max length: 240’ Near city center | West Coast’s top superyacht moorage and refit facility
The Yards Marina | Washington DC 52 slips, max length: 60’ | Alongside dockage, max length: 120’ Near city center | in up-and-coming DC neighborhood | superyacht-friendly yardsmarina.com