Group Profile

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UPRH English Program – Practice Teaching Group Profile – Rufino Vigo Elementary School ________________________________________________________________________________

Table of Content

Page I. Student Survey..........................................................................................................2 Demographic Data.................................................................................................2 Students Interest.................................................................................................... 2

II. Graph for Survey Results.........................................................................................3-18 Graphs and interpretations.......................................................................................3-18

III. Open Questions Results and Interpretations...........................................................19-20

IV. Reflection................................................................................................................21


UPRH English Program – Practice Teaching Group Profile – Rufino Vigo Elementary School ________________________________________________________________________________


UPRH English Program – Practice Teaching Group Profile – Rufino Vigo Elementary School ________________________________________________________________________________

I. Students Survey Demographic Data: The Group Profile was done to the 4-1 group of the elementary school Rufino Vigo at Humacao, my practice group. The group ranges from eight to eleven years old Puerto Rican students mostly from a project community. The group is comprised of five males and twelve females. The group predominantly female students. Each individual student has their own likes and dislikes. The students seemed to agree in their love for math and their disinterest in Social Studies. From the open questions asked, I as a teacher knew a lot about my students interests that I can use as advantage in class to make learning relatable. Aside from that, I was able to recognize my student's likes and have already prior knowledge that can help me to relate and make the classroom environment one appropriate for learning. Some students like things related to their gender like sports for boys and dolls for girls, while others, especially the girls, surprised me by adding likes such as toys and movies that have a different demographic. It was compelling to see how many of these students are connected but at the same time so individual and have their separate worlds. Finally, its incredible how the student's likes go in accordance with their future professions. One of the girls said she, likes dolls, watching girls' TV shows and that she wants to be a model. One of the boys, likes animals, watches animal programs and likes science hoping to become a zoologist. Knowing my students likes changed my perspectives of them and filled me with hopes of them being successful in the future, The ball is in my court now. With the information I have gathered, I need to prepare better classes for them to relate, enjoy and learn.


UPRH English Program – Practice Teaching Group Profile – Rufino Vigo Elementary School ________________________________________________________________________________

Gathering Data Tool: Questionnaire The questionnaire was a template the practice teaching peer Jaileen Rodriguez forwarded in other to work on it. The tool was made in Spanish for better understanding. The questionnaire consisted of twenty-four (24) items which fifteen (10) are closed questions with various options and seven (14) opened question to get insights in their thoughts. The questionnaire has the purpose to let the teacher know things that help improve the learning environment.

Esc. Elemental Rufino Vigo | Distrito Escolar de Las Piedras Estimados Padres, Madres o Encargados: Saludos, mi nombre es Luis R. Torres y soy estudiante practicante del Programa de Inglés de la Universidad de Puerto Rico en Humacao. El siguiente cuestionario va dirigido hacia los estudiantes con la ayuda de los padres o encargados para conocerlos mejor y así brindarles una educación de excelencia a su hijo/a. Favor marcar en los encasillados de abajo y seleccione haciendo una marca de cotejo (✓) o escribiendo la respuesta a la pregunta en el espacio provisto. [NOTA: Favor de entregar en o antes del 29 de agosto de 2014] Grado: 4-1 | Maestra Inglés Ms. Peggy Cruz / Mr. Luis R. Torres (Maestro Practicante)

1. Nombre del Estudiante: 2. Fecha de Nacimiento (Mes/día/año): 3. Genero: 4. Edad: 5. Lugar donde Resides: 6. Tipo de vivienda: 4

UPRH English Program – Practice Teaching Group Profile – Rufino Vigo Elementary School ________________________________________________________________________________

_____ Casa Propia ____ Renta/Alquiler ____ Residencial ____ Apartamento 7. Composicion Familiar: ____ Madre y Padre ____ Madre Soltera ____ Padre Soltero ____ Abuelos o Tutor Legal ____ Madre y Padrastro ____ Padre y Madrastra 8. Hermanos: _____ Si _____ No Si contesto “Si” a la premisa anterior escriba la cantidad: _____ 9. ¿Has vivido fuera de Puerto Rico? (Si ha vivido, indique el lugar):

10. Medio de transportación para llegar a la escuela: ____Auto ____ Guagua escolar

_____ Caminando

11. Clase favorita: ____ Español

____ Inglés

____ Educación Física

___ Ciencias

____ Música

___ Estudios Sociales

___ Matemáticas

___ Movimiento Corporal


12. Clase quen menos te gusta: ____ Español

____ Inglés

____ Educación Física

___ Ciencias

____ Música

___ Estudios Sociales

___ Matemáticas

___ Movimiento Corporal


13. ¿Entiendes el idioma Inglés? _____ Si _____ No 5

UPRH English Program – Practice Teaching Group Profile – Rufino Vigo Elementary School ________________________________________________________________________________

14. ¿Puedes hablar en Inglés?

_____ Si _____ No

15. ¿Tiene acceso en tu hogar a alguno de los siguientes recursos? (Marque todas las que aplique): ___ Computadora

____ Tablets/iPad

____ Internet ____ Diccionario/Enciclopedia

16. ¿Cuál o cuáles es/son tu(s) pasatiempo(s) favorito? 17. ¿Cuál es tu deporte favorito? 18. ¿Qué tipo de música te gusta? 19. ¿Cuál es tu programa de televisión o serie o favorita? 20. ¿Cuál es tu película favorita? 21. ¿Qué quisieras ser (profesión) cuando seas grande? 22. ¿Qué te gusta sobre el mundo en que habitamos? 23. ¿Qué te gustaría mejorar sobre el mundo en que habitamos? 24. ¿Tus padres o encargado asisten a reuniones de la escuela? ______ Si

_____ No

_____ A veces

!Gracias por su cooperacion! ___________________________ Firma del padre, madre o encargado


UPRH English Program – Practice Teaching Group Profile – Rufino Vigo Elementary School ________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________


Maestra Ingles

Maestro Practicante de Ingles

II. Graph for Survey Results (Note: The differentiation in statistics from the actual group number on the graphs, if noted, was caused by questionnaires not handed-in in the time due or because of answers left in blank by the persons that filled them)

Interpretation: In this graph, we can see the number of males and females in the group 4-1. It is clearly visible that the female students are more predominant. This implies that more feminine appealing ways of teaching will have a better effect on attracting the students attention. Regardless it is important we not forget and take special consideration in the minority and not let them feel left out.

Interpretation: The following graph shows information of vital importance. It is here that as a teacher we see what students are on par with their grade and what students are older for their group. This quickly suggests that the students with eleven years old are repeating the grade twice already and that special attention should be focused on them in order to help them pass with better grades. 7

UPRH English Program – Practice Teaching Group Profile – Rufino Vigo Elementary School ________________________________________________________________________________

Interpretation: This information reveal to us the places and possible hypothetic conditions our students are facing where they live. Out of the seventeen students, only one lives in their own house, seven of them live in houses that have to pay rent, six live in the project communities and one in


UPRH English Program – Practice Teaching Group Profile – Rufino Vigo Elementary School ________________________________________________________________________________

an apartment. This can widely help the teacher to visualize the students possible situations at home if something doesn't add up at the classroom.

Interpretation: A core question from the questionnaire was this one, family composition. Here teachers and other viewers can get an idea of how a student thinks and acts. Also, it helps inform the situation so when we meet up with the parents we can know what to expect and how we can help our students. Many situations or conflicts on our students lives can be simply based on family matters, it is good for the teachers to know what is going on or have ideas in their students household to be fair and help them if they need in class.


UPRH English Program – Practice Teaching Group Profile – Rufino Vigo Elementary School ________________________________________________________________________________

Interpretation: The whole mass interviewed answered yes to this question. The implications of this is that the resources and parents at home need to be shared and there is less interaction the students may have. On the other hand, if the siblings are older they help their younger ones. On the follow up question regarding siblings in the questionnaire the predominant number of siblings was three.


UPRH English Program – Practice Teaching Group Profile – Rufino Vigo Elementary School ________________________________________________________________________________

Interpretation: This display of students that have traveled and the rest that haven't demonstrates how almost none of them have met the English language in another community different from Puerto Rico. Only one student confirmed to have traveled to the states portraying his partial dominion of the language. This can be interpreted as the teacher needing to focus on what we learn here without making many allusions from places outside the island.


UPRH English Program – Practice Teaching Group Profile – Rufino Vigo Elementary School ________________________________________________________________________________

Interpretation: Most of the students from the group 4-1 have the necessary means of transportations to reach the school and other places. Some students, due to the proximity from their home to the school, go on foot, some both times mornings and noon others just at noon as they have specified on their own. However, none seem to depend on the school bus. The implications of these in the time of class portrays that some may come in late due to traific jams or other situations. On the other hand, special projects can be given since most of them can afford a trip to different places.


UPRH English Program – Practice Teaching Group Profile – Rufino Vigo Elementary School ________________________________________________________________________________

Interpretation: This question in particular provoked a lot of thought. First of all, as it is visible the classes that students liked the most were Math with eight (8), Science with five (5) and Corporal Movement with four (4). Lastly the English class with two (2), while Social Studies with zero (0). This brings a lot of situations a float. It is pleasing to see a love for Math within the students since this is the least favorite class for several people. This brings high hopes for the future of the students. Regardless is worrisome the unpopularity of English and other social classes. As a teacher, I can use this to the advantage and combine both classes it examples to pick up interest of the students. Also, I can see how the other teachers work and learn tricks that can help in my own class.


UPRH English Program – Practice Teaching Group Profile – Rufino Vigo Elementary School ________________________________________________________________________________

Interpretation: This is alarming from my perspective. First, the graph clearly shows how unpopular the Social Studies class is among the students. Aside from that two (2) students mentioned to dislike the English class. Regarding the Social Studies class, it is alarming how twelve out of sixteen students disliked that class. There are many possibilities worth investigating, the teacher they are with, the time they take the class or maybe the topics. In my case, I feel bad since I believe in an approach that involves students embracing their culture and social interaction. The trend with the group it seems that they are motivated towards more rational situations than to abstract situations and content, As part of the solution, the teacher can see what is going wrong in that class and not do it and help his coworker with what might be the trigger of the students dislike.


UPRH English Program – Practice Teaching Group Profile – Rufino Vigo Elementary School ________________________________________________________________________________

Interpretation: This question was done with the express interest of knowing how students auto-evaluated themselves about the understanding of English. As a teacher, this gives me the knowledge to see how students see themselves and if it is true or not. When in class, if I give commands and most of the students do what I told them or answer me back, I will see who was honest and needs help and who doesn't believe in themselves and that they can understand the language. As a teacher, knowing that more than half of my students might not understand what I will be saying, gives me time to plan ahead reinforcements or other plans without depending too much on Spanish as a crutch in class.


UPRH English Program – Practice Teaching Group Profile – Rufino Vigo Elementary School ________________________________________________________________________________

Interpretation: This question was done with the express interest of knowing how students auto-evaluated themselves about speaking English. The graph tells us that only five (5) students know how to speak English while eleven (11) say they don't. This is an alarming rate and tells us as teachers that we need to motivate our students and to practice their speaking skills. It is no surprise since classrooms are mostly teacher speaking and students listening which makes it easier for students to learn to understand but not to speak. In this case, I feel prompt as a teacher to change the game plan and create lessons that involves the student speaking aspects a lot more to enhance that quality. This aspect is always done with a lot of positive reinforcers and demanding respect from students and myself.


UPRH English Program – Practice Teaching Group Profile – Rufino Vigo Elementary School ________________________________________________________________________________

Interpretation: This final closed question was giving with the purpose to assess the capability of students being able to do high demand homework at home. This graph indicates, to my surprise, that only six (6) students have computers at home and six (6) have tablets or IPods. This as a teacher helps to gauge whether or not I should give homework to research on the web and how often, exposing myself to have of the group not being able to comply. Regardless, eight (8) students have Internet access and almost everyone included that they own a dictionary. Again, this tells me that I should focus on notebook and hand-in works rather than technological ones if I want to have better hopes at receiving homeworks done by the next day. Nonetheless, I should vary from time to time the homework format and be creative with the tasks.


UPRH English Program – Practice Teaching Group Profile – Rufino Vigo Elementary School ________________________________________________________________________________

Interpretation: On this final question from the questionnaire, the intentions were to gauge if parents were going to be assisting meetings if I called one to be necessary. There were zero (0) No's and the Yes I assist and sometimes were split in half. This helps me see what can be the prediction of the assistance to future meetings and which student's parents are available. As a teacher, it is important to also know your student's parents since you need to work hand in hand for the better education of the students.


UPRH English Program – Practice Teaching Group Profile – Rufino Vigo Elementary School ________________________________________________________________________________

III. Opened Questions Analysis: A big part of this questionnaire were the opened questions that require the students to think. These type of questions were done with the purpose of seeking insight of those student's minds regarding situations. We first kick off with ¿Cuál o cuáles es/son tu(s) pasatiempo(s) favorito(s)? In this question, the purpose was to see what are the interest and what students do on their free time and see how that can help implement and get their attention in class. Some of the students put dancing and expending time with family while the others told they like to play videogames and other forms of playing, sports and outside games. In ¿Cuál es tu deporte favorito? I was going for into knowing how active the students are and their favorite sports to see how it can relate to class. The predominant sports among the boys were Basket Ball and Soccer while one of the students surprised me saying he liked golf. On the girls side the huge majority likes Volleyball, while the highlights were one of them that likes Soccer and another that likes Tennis. The question what type of music revolves into further knowing my students and applying that knowledge in class exercise and more. In this question, ¿Qué tipo de música te gusta? the most demanded music genre were Reggueton and Bachata, while there were minorities that liked Christian Music and ballads. The question, ¿Cuál es tu programa de televisión o serie o favorita? was the hardest to pin point a tendency. Most of my group of students have similar likes regarding TV popularity that I didn't expected. The students' answers ranged from a large variety of Cartoon shows, while 19

UPRH English Program – Practice Teaching Group Profile – Rufino Vigo Elementary School ________________________________________________________________________________

Comedies like "Raymond y sus Amigos" was the predominant answer among the students as a show to watch. Knowing this can help for the teachers to see also and have bonding conversations with their students the next day and so on. On the open question, ¿Cuál es tu película favorita?, was the hardest one yet to tally. This question has a lot of different likes that almost nobody had a match on movie likes. The movies such as "Frozen" and "Step Up" a movie about dancing. Finally, the highlights were a girl that answered she likes the "Resident Evil" zombie franchise. As a teacher is good to incorporate in class as motivational technique to make the class more friendly. ¿Qué quisieras ser (profesión) cuando seas grande?, is a question that is almost a default in our lives at that young age. My students are average nine (9) years old and they have a clearer perspective of what they want. Their jobs impressing go connected with their likes and other aspects of their lives such as school and personalities. There is one boy student that wants to be a gardener. He likes nature and his personality is very gentle, quiet and smart. There is a female student that likes things health related and wants to be a doctor. This part is one of the most exiting ones of the group profile, to know how you can help create future doctors, artists and teachers of tomorrow. The final two question came in a bundle, ¿Qué te gusta sobre el mundo en que habitamos?, ¿Qué te gustaría mejorar sobre el mundo en que habitamos?. The purpose of these questions was solely to see my students' thoughts regarding the world around them and how aware they are of what is happening. The results shows promise as most of the students showed their love for nature and general environment awareness. Aside from that, they offered great concerns such as,


UPRH English Program – Practice Teaching Group Profile – Rufino Vigo Elementary School ________________________________________________________________________________

people's health, stopping violence, protect the nature and even funny ones like selling everything to a dollar. These answers make me feel proud and happy that students really care for change. Reflection The experience of the Group Profile was one of arduous data gathering and management but with amazing results. As a teacher that barely knows his students, I feel like I know them for years and that I have the tools necessary to enrich the learning process. The primary purpose of the Group Profile is, for us teacher, to know the students we are teaching or will be teaching and as a teacher know how to deal with them in the classroom. On a personal level, I feel that teachers can learn so much about their personalities and that faith can be restored and this world can change. I see this experience as a bridge that was carefully built between the students and me and that now I can share things in class for them to relate to their lives. At the University, I learned that finding lessons relatable to our lives can make a big difference when understanding a skill. The profile can help us teachers make those connections to attract our students, especially the distracted ones. There is no better discipline assistance than seeing a student is talking, bored or distracted and mention something in particular in class that captures it's interest. That is the tool the Group Profile represents. This tool also gives accuracy to the teacher, instead of having him guessing or expending lots of time on an activity that the students won't feel connected to. For me, this experience felt great. I remember the day I got the questionnaire filled and I couldn't wait to read them all. When I did read them I felt very happy and connected to my students. Since that day, I have heritage their dreams and I need to make sure my lessons have an ultimate objective prepare those twenty students of the group 4-1 and all the rest that I will attend and make sure I provide all the English skills they will need. 21

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