University of Puerto Rico – Humacao English Department
Luis R. Torres Cotto Prof. Nilsa Lugo EDPE 4018 – 001 Weekly Reflection #5 15-19 of September, 2014 This week was one of uncertainty. My practice receive a blow in this week, while on part I was able to finish my first official unit, my cooperating teacher had her maternity leave. On Monday we wrapped up everything and my students finish their work. Monday afternoon and Tuesday was the grading process. This process was a sample of my future work as a teacher and I learned a lot from it. I learned immensely how to create better assessment for the grade of my students and to work on my rubric. My cooperating teacher helped me a lot in this process specially with the modification of the rubric. The problem laid in the fact that I was grading with high expectations for a fourth group with the conditions that mine has. In the end I was able to do a good job and grade my students. Afterwards I helped the teacher to accelerate her grading process since she was leaving. This opportunity serve me as a way to see the load work teachers have when we have more than one group at our hands. Late Tuesday was a special time because I was able to give a present to my teacher and say or good bye and well being. The rest days we ones of uncertainty. I started feeling unease o my practice since I'm seeing the rest progress further along with their groups while I'm stuck with nothing.
This period of time was really sad for me, I felt useless not being able to do much around and how my projects with my fourth grade, assessments, case study and their own progress in English get delayed. I have a feeling that things might not end up well none the less I
University of Puerto Rico – Humacao English Department decided to give my best. During this phase I started to help others around including my new cooperation teacher and practice teacher peers. Although I don't feel good I 'm trying to make the most out of every situation.
Now I 'm seeing everything from a perspective as a what I did and how can I improve as a teacher. The situations on my practice make everything seem like a disaster but I feel I have been far more exposed to the inner workings on the system than my other peers. This has a huge cost, my practice as an example but I'm not staying with my hands crossed, I'm helping in other ways, observing and improving day to day. I am and will keep making of every situation the most of it. I always find myself learning.
University of Puerto Rico – Humacao English Department