Color theory final

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COLOR THEORY By: Luz Mar�nez




Film + Color

Hospitality + Color












Introduc�on + Color

Theory + Color

Designers + Color

Balance + Color

Healthcare + Color

Rhythm + Color

Retail + Color

P/S and U/H + Color

Photography + Color

Rendering + Color

Culture + Color


My name is Luz Mar�nez and my major is Interior Design. I’m currently on my second year as a graduate student and have an Associates in Arts. I’m glad to say that I’m star�ng a new job at IKEA, as a customer rela�ons Rep., with the expecta�on in growing with the company and gain field experience as one of their Interior Designers. I have mul�ple interests involving music and art, including pain�ng, drawing & playing my violin. Hopefully, in 5 years I see myself doing stage design for Opera shows (My ul�mate favorite pass �me).

THEORY + COLOR Color is a powerful tool used by Interior designers to be able to enhance our physical environment and provide a greater sense of comfort and well-being.

Key Tools: Split Complementary Monochroma�c Triad Tetrad

DESIGNERS + COLOR Color selec�on for a project include trends, styles and aesthe�cs. O�en �mes the Interior designer also select composi�ons of color based on age, gender and cultural surroundings of the client. Color can also be func�onal based on ac�vity and way-finding.

FILM + COLOR Color pale�es are carefully chosen in films to create a mood, message and transi�ons of events. O�en �mes the characters are symbolized by a certain color to indicate how they feel and/or their personality. Films use a combina�on of light, color and sound to capture the viewers a�en�on.



Mar�nez Color+ Environment_Film Analysis_M.3

FILM SUMMARY Storyline: Before China was one Great country, it was divided into seven warring states. Yan, Zhao, Qi, Wei, Han Qin & Chu. In the kingdom of Qin was a ruthless ruler, he had a vision to unite the land. To put an end, once and for all, to war it was an idea soaked in the blood of his enemies. 1 The main character “Nameless” was a trained swordsman that was named a Hero a�er he assassinated three of the deadliest assassin in Zhao to protect the Emperor life. However, the pot has a twist where Nameless true inten�ons was to become allies with the three assassins “Sky, Broken sword and Snow” to have them sacrifice their lives so he can get 10 spaces closer to the emperor as he receives rewards for each assassin he killed, only to use the prac�ced skill of 10 years to kill the emperor once and for all. Color’s are used throughout the film to separate each storyline for the three assassins visited by Nameless and then transi�ons to purple & white to reveal the truth behind the real story.

“In any war there are HEROES on both sides...”

SCENE ANALYSIS Fight scene with “Sky”: Scene is Gray with green-�nted background this gives a mood of calmness, dullness & lifeless feeling. Sky is a yellow-greenish �nt symbolizing Strength, Importance & Power. His sword is silver with white symbolizing the white pure sky, also sta�ng that he is in the opposite side of “Nameless” (dressed in black). Nameless enters in all Black with drama�c mystery music se�ng the mood to a dangerous encounter. Nameless symbolizes Death, Enemy, Challenge & Emo�onless.

COLOR PALETTE Yellow-Green Olive Green Blue-Gray Black

SCENE ANALYSIS Scene where “Broken Sword”, “Snow” & “Nameless” fight off the arrows: Red is the prominent color of the scene used in the costumes & interior classroom where the tradi�on of calligraphy is prac�ce as a mean of inner art & passion. Red symbolizes passion, love, strength, dedica�on & blood. The black arrows symbolizes death, trouble & cri�cism that society throws at us, trying to knock down our passion & wiliness to love.

COLOR PALETTE Deep Red Bright Orange Dusty Orange Black

SCENE ANALYSIS Scene Two Mistress figh�ng for “Broken sword”: Red-Yellow falling leaves indicate a love that has passed away & grief. The two lovers of “broken sword” are wearing Red symbolizing the passion & love they shared towards one man. The Red draws the viewer to the two characters figh�ng & the Yellow leaves & wind rushing around them gives a feeling of anger, violence & drama. Transi�ons occurs when the leaves turn to Red, showing a sense of death while one of the mistress dies. The mood shi�s to sadness & danger, communica�ng that great passion can consume you to a dangerous ending.


Dusty Yellow

Passion Red

Hash Brown


SCENE ANALYSIS Scene “Broken Sword”, “Snow” & “Nameless” meet: This scene is �nted in shades of purple symbolizing unity, mystery & calm atmosphere. Here all three characters are joined for one common purpose & mission , to agree upon “Nameless” (the assassin) skill set to kill the Emperor of Qin. Also, this is the first scene �nted completely of one color, because it is the Emperor of Qin telling the real story of what happened, instead of believing “Nameless” lies; therefore, Purple also symbolizes truth & discovery.

COLOR PALETTE Purple Hash Purple Light Purple Light Blue

References 1. Original Film: HERO by Zhang Yimou (2002)

“People give up their lives for many reasons, for friendship, for love, for an ideal. And people kill for the same reasons..�

BALANCE + COLOR Balance is the rela�onship of different hues to one another when each is perceived to be equal in perceived visual weight. Balance can be achieved by three techniques: symmetry ( formal balance), asymmetry (informal balance) and radial balance ( from the center outwards). Repe��on of objects shape and color throughout a space also create a visual balance and allows the eye to visually experience unity and balance.

HEALTHCARE + COLOR Healthcare is con�nuously growing both professional and in the design industry. Research believe that color affects how pa�ents feel, behave and recuperate based on their surroundings. Event-hough no direct evidence exist, one thing we can confirm is how color can be use for func�onal spaces throughout healthcare; for example, way-finding and zoning of areas can be assigned colors for pa�ents and visitors guidance.

RHYTHM + COLOR Rhythm along with color can be used to create five types of visual a�rac�on: repe��on, altera�on, progression, con�nua�on and radian�on. By playing with color hues, values and intensity and interior space can become harmonious and rhythmic. Repe��on of objects shape and color throughout a space also create a visual balance and allows the eye to visually experience unity and balance.

RETAIL + COLOR Retail plays a big role in all of our lives , but do we realize what makes a store appealing to go in? Besides the products, it is how the merchandise is displayed combined by its surroundings. The background can either emphasis the clothing with contrast of materials, color and/or light, or complement the collec�on with varia�on of hues and intensity. The loca�on of the merchandise is important to be clearly viewed and be able at a glance tell buyers what the store has to offer.

Mar�nez Color+ Emphasis_Retail Analysis_M.7

STORE STORY Desigual is a clothing brand originated in Barcelona, Spain. The clothing line is known by their colorful patchwork prints, graffi� art & flamboyant hint of color. The concept pf the clothing line is to inject posi�vity, tolerance, commitment and fun to their customers.

“La Vida Es Chula”

CONTRAST OF HUE Contrast of hue are colors used opposite from the color wheel, to a�ract the customer a�en�on. 1 In this image we see how contrast of hue is used in the collection. The product it self contains complementary colors, like Orange & Blue, Yellow & Purple and Red & Green. The neutral dark background also promotes a contrast in hue, allowing for the merchandise to standout.

CONTRAST OF VALUE Desigual clothing is full of bright color value and pa�erns; therefore, the background of the store is mainly black & gray. However, towards the middle of the store we do see a shi� in color value on the painted �les on the floor. The color used on the floor are the same color schemes seen throughout the collec�on, but with a lighter value. The smaller imaged further illustrate the contrast between the clothing and the floor contrast of values.

CONTRAST OF A DESIGN FEATURE Throughout the store and the collec�on geometric shapes (Squares, circles, diamonds etc..) are used, with the excep�on of the fi�ng rooms; In this image we can see how an organic carpet pa�ern was implemented giving a direct contrast to the store and the pa�ern seen in the clothing.

CONTRAST OF TEXTURE Another way to give emphasis to an item or loca�on is the contrast of texture . This can consist of using mul�ple materials, pa�erns and/or different applica�on techniques. On this image we see the use of wood for shelves and display areas, contras�ng against a smooth polished concrete floor and smooth painted walls. The solid black walls also are in contrast with the pa�ern texture of the clothing. This also allows the customer eyes to rest from the busy pa�erns seen in the collec�on.

FOCAL POINT Focal point is achieved by a single design element that receives the greatest visual emphasis in a room. ďż˝ The store uses marketing posters of the collection as the focal point. This is achieved by size, colorful pictures and the directional spot light illuminating these posters. The store is trying to emphasize messages to the customer about what they stand for and how chic they can look in the collection. Way-finding is another reason, because like the image of the little girl shown here it is only displayed in the children section ( Women- women poster and so on).

REFERENCES Reed, Ron. Color Design: Transforming Interior Space. New York: Fairchild, 2010

PROPORTION/ SCALE & UNITY/ HARMONY + COLOR Propor�ons of color should be determine a�er analyzing the scale and the amount of natural ligh�ng is available in a space. Golden sec�on, Fibonacci and Le Modular are systems created in the passed s�ll used today to determine a propor�onal, unified and harmonious spaces. Repe��on of color throughout a space unifies the pale�e. This can be achieved by repea�ng hues in tex�les, ornaments and furniture.

PHOTOGRAPHY + COLOR Photography another form of expression & art. Due to the advancement of technology we are able to capture valuable images of moments throughout life. Color photography has been a revolu�onary discovery also impac�ng mo�on pictures.

Downtown Miami

Local Garden

Hallandale Beach

Downtown Miami


Local Restaurant

Downtown Miami

Hallandale Beach

Chillis Restaurant

Downtown Miami

HOSPITALITY + COLOR Hospitality has taken a residen�al turn to invite guest to stay longer and enjoy themselves. Color and variety of textures and shape help a�ract repea�ng and new guest. However, balance must be kept in mind to avoid impulsive uses of color, giving too much variety therefore lacking unity and harmony.



COLOR + VARIETY Commercial Design Analysis







Entrance of an hotel always has to adhere to a great welcoming and reflect what the hotel is about in one glance. The Epic is a high end bou�que hotel located in downtown Miami, therefore, the overall appearance has to speak , elegant, class, modern, clean and sophis�cated. This is achieved with the following variety design elements:

Elements of the entrance floor, ceiling, walls and fixtures where used for the analysis.

LINE: Polished floors with extended beige lines creates a pa�ern and way-finding element straight to the recep�on desk. These lines create a visual interest and welcoming to incoming guest. SHAPE: Contrast in shape is found in the center chandelier fixture, by introducing curved lines against the rec�linear background shapes found in the recep�on desk, ceiling and floor.





TEXTURE: Ceiling and floor crea�ng a smooth and polish texture contras�ng the feature wall of stone finish. This textured wall adds dimension, interest and variety in materials. PATTERN: Sharp edges and straight lines wrap around all over the entrance area, giving a clean and modern feel to the Epic Hotel. Varia�on of the repeated lines are seen on the ceiling light alignment, floor pa�ern and structural components of the building extending upwards. This makes the room seem wider and extends higher to the viewer.








Adjacent to the entrance we have the wai�ng area, with the same design intent, but with new elements such as furniture and light fixtures.

Elements of the entrance floor, ceiling, walls and fixtures where used for the analysis.

LINE: Wood paneling system extending upwards mimic the structural lines seen in the columns. Horizontal bands also are seen in between the wood paneling at a smaller scale, giving varia�on to the repeated pa�ern. SHAPE: Organic curved elements are incorporated with the light fixtures and decor elements, yet the color hue is kept neutral to maintain overall harmony. TEXTURE: Carpet is introduced to highlight the wai�ng area from the entrance, crea�ng a warm invita�on. The contrast between the polished floor and the fuzzy carpet create a different texture both visually and physically.





PATTERN: Repe��on is used to create a pa�ern and rhythm to the space with the light fixtures, decor pieces, arrangement of tables and lineal background elements.



CULTURE + COLOR Our culture influence the way we see and accept color, beliefs, lifestyle and even food. When designing for a client it is important to learn about the meaning behind the colors we select before recommending it. Personal preference in color may conflict on how other perceive them. Color has the ability to evoke many complex emo�ons and memories.






Bright Blue, Liberty & Purity

Varia�on of Blues are seen in the tropical se�ng.

Green is seen in food, Growth & Fer�lity

Varia�on of Green is used in Art & experience with the Ocean views.

Yellow are used in clothing, Art & Home interiors, Joy & Happiness

Orange Warmth & Life

Dominican Republic is rich in history and culture with strong bonds to the se�lers from Europe, African slaves, Arawak & the French. Religious belief remains 95% Roman Catholic influenced by the Spanish roots and a small por�on of the popula�on prac�ce Voodoo secretly, honoring the spirits influenced by the African ascendancy. Color is celebrated in carnivals honoring the dead, with extravagant colors symbolizing strength, celebra�on & honor. Glazed and unglazed Terra-co�a po�ery pieces are seen in homes along with Colonial buildings and plazas. The na�onal flag is composed of Red (Blood of Heroes), White (Salva�on) & Blue (Liberty). The colors are equally par��on to make a white cross that extends to the edges, symbolizing a cross. Food is mainly composed of local grown goods like plantains, red beans and white rice. Fish is highly eaten due to the tropical se�ng.

Red symbolizes the blood of heroes in the past, Strength & Power



Red represent rising sun, Power & Wisdom

Pink & Purple represent Cherry Blossom, Peace & Nobility

Blue represent water, Heavens & Immortality

Green is seen in Earth, Growth & Fer�lity

Brown represent Earth, Life & Warmth

Shades of neutral colors used in interiors to connect the outside with the inside.

Japan faces the pacific ocean and contains approximately 1,500 volcanoes. Religion plays a big role, with 95% of people following Buddhism. Some of the common symbols in Japan is the dragon (symbolizing power, strength & wisdom),Cherry blossom and the red & white na�onal flag (signifying the rising sun).These symbols are o�en shown in shades of pink, red & Violet. The interiors consist of neutral colors, with flexible arrangements of movable par��ons (making the living, bedrooms etc..) In each home it is custom to have a shrine in ebony black, gold and deep red. Natural materials used on the interiors depict neutral colors consis�ng of stone, bamboo, cane & maple woods, connec�ng the outdoors in. The usual images seen to represent Japan culture, such as geisha's and samurai are not accepted by Japanese people as truly iden�fying their culture, however the white kimono are used by women symbolizing purity.


References: /japan.html dominican-republic.html Reed, Ron. 2014. “Color + Design Transforming Interior Space” . Bloomsbury publishing Inc, 2010

AFTERWORD + COLOR The theory of color has been analyzed for many years and con�nues to impress us on how intangible and powerful it is , affec�ng our personal experiences and environment. As Interior Designs learning is a on-going journey in our profession and it is our responsibility to use the tools learn to create well-being interiors for society. Lucky we have some orienta�on on how to do so , by keeping true to the principles learned in these pages. Key take aways are: Repe��on in color, shapes and pa�ern allow us to maintain harmony and unity within our designs. Propor�ons and scale is to be analyzed in order to avoid confusion and imprac�cable spaces and consider learning about the culture in which you client comes from, to select an appropriate pale�e.


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