Syllabus bioclimatic design 2018 (correct version)

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AR2017. Bioclimatic Design

Timetable: Mondays and Thursdays from 14:30hrs to 16:00hrs ITESM Campus Puebla, Classroom: A2 – 401 Tutoring: Tuesdays from 4:00pm – 6:00pm (appointment needed)

Professor: MSc. Luz Rodríguez Escobar Language: English

NOTE: To obtain the content of the course search in Google the name and code of the class. You can also visit:


Course intention within the general study plan context: •

This is an intermediate level course, designed to provide students with the vision and the necessary analytical and design techniques for creating sustainable architecture from the standpoint of energy efficiency and environmental friendliness.

Previous knowledge is required in basic architectural design.

The learning outcome for this course is that the students design solutions in accordance with environmental conditions and user needs, by applying bioclimatic design tools.

Course objective: At the end of this course, students will be familiar with and able to use the bioclimatic architectural design methodology.

Final product: Students must design a Bioclimatic Design Guide based on the content of the course useful for their future projects.

Methodology: •

Theoretic exposition by the teacher about the specific course thematic

Study case analysis and student exposition in class

Specialized computer programs will be used for digital models (Revit and Flow Design) and proposal analysis

Design and production of physical models

Discussions based on articles and scientific lectures

Discussions based conferences and documentaries

‘Work in class’ activities and workshops

2 ‘Timeclass’ – visits: 1. Casita de Barro, Santa Isabel Cholula from 2:30pm to 3:30pm (Cost $10.00mx)* 2. Pisos Populares La Luz, San Andrés Cholula from 2:30pm to 3:30pm (Cost $10.00mx)*

Weekend visits (optional, they provide benefits) More information is given at the end of this syllabus


1st partial

Topics and subtopics: 1. Bioclimatic design intro 1.1 Bioclimatic design and climate change 2. Bioclimatic design methodology 3. Thermal comfort 3.1 Hourly and monthly temperature comfort determination. 4. Place's atmosphere conditions, types of climate and microclimate 4.1 Terrain's sunlight analysis 4.2 Wind, plant and architectonic barriers 4.3 Orientation and level conditions 4.4 Usage of solar graphics as an analysis tool 4.5 Usage of CAD programs as an analysis tool 5. Surroundings and orientation 5.1 Determination of the optimum form based on weather and use 5.2 Determination of an optimum orientation 5.3 Analysis of sunlight in fronts, covers and external areas 5.4 Usage of solar graphics as an analysis tool 5.5 Usage of CAD programs as an analysis tool

2nd partial

6. General strategies to apply according to a specific climate 6.1 Passive strategies 6.2 Active strategies 6.3 Renewable energy 7. Bioclimatic zoning (interior) 7.1 Space zoning based on use and bioclimatic requirements 8. Materials and finishes selection 8.1 Materials and finishing as bioclimatic elements of thermal control 8.2 Thermal mass materials 8.3 Insulation materials 8.4 Material’s palette 9. Envelope openings design 9.1 Determination of the geometry, proportion and envelope openings orientation, windows, domes and fronts glazing based on bioclimatic requirements 9.2 Solar graphics as tools for envelope openings design 9.3 Usage of solar graphics as an analysis tool 9.4 Usage of CAD or BIM programs as analysis tools 10. Solar control elements design 10.1 Determination of the geometry, proportion and parasol, jalousie and sunblinds based on bioclimatic requirements. 10.2 Solar graphics as solar control elements design tools 10.3 Usage of CAD or BIM programs as an analysis tool


3rd partial

11. Extra lessons: dry toilets and green walls 11.1 Dry toilets: workshop @Sótano Aulas 4 11.2 Green walls: workshop @Sótano Aulas 4 12. Passive conditioning systems 11.1 Passive conditioning systems for cold weather 11.2 Passive conditioning systems for warm-dry weather 11.3 Passive conditioning systems for warm-humid weather 13. Active conditioner systems 12.1 Passive conditioning systems for cold weather 12.2 Passive conditioning systems for warm-dry weather 12.3 Passive conditioning systems for warm-humid weather

Evaluation: 1. First score……………………………....…..30% 1.1 Classroom activities and HW 1.2 Exam 1 2. Second score…………………………..…..30% 2.1 Classroom activities and HW 2.2 Exam 2 3. Final……………………………………….…...40% 3.1 Classroom activities and HW 3.2 Final exam 3.3 Final presentation: guidebook 3.4 Bioclimatic design guidebook (entrega final: printed and/or digital*) 4. Total…………………………………….…….100%

Calendar: To visualize the course calendar in Blackboard use this link: 12f425/learn.ics


Or look for ‘Course Calendar’ Menu in Blackboard:

Calendar and evaluation:


Partial Activity or HW



Deadline (las fechas con * pueden cambiar)

1st partial Act. 1.1

Act. 1.2


Act. 1.3


Act. 1.4



HW: Implications Documentary Visit: Casita de for buildings essay Barro* lecture (quiz)

January 11 (Thursday)

January 18 (Thursday)

Act. 1.5

January 22 (Monday)*


January 25 (Thursday)

Weekend optional visit

1st mark



Proyecto San Isidro, Tlaxcala


PPT: case study presentation mentioning passive and active strategies

Exam 1

Feb 8 & 12 (Thursday and Monday)

Feb 15 (Thursday)

Act. 1.7


Reading solar graph (azimuth and Climate table altitude): class activity

Thermal comfort class activity

Exam 1

Act. 1.6

January 29 (Monday)

January 29 (Monday)


Attended visit = 100 in 1st partial 1st overall score exam

January 27 (Saturday)

2nd partial Act. 2.1

Act. 2.2


Act. 2.3

Act. 2.4

Exam 2

Foro de Reconstrucciรณ n, Pachuca







Visit: Pisos artesanales*

PPT: Constructive technique

PPT: Constructive technique + MODEL (maqueta)

Revit Tutorial

Revision: guide

Exam 2

Feb 26 (Monday)

March 1 & 5 (Thursday and Monday)

March 15 (Thursday)

Weekend Weekend Weekend 2nd mark optional visit optional visit optional visit Granja Tequios, Altixco

Reconst. Oaxaca


Attended visit = Attended visit = Attended visit = 100 in 2nd partial 100 in 2nd partial 100 in 2nd partial exam and final exam exam exam

March 22 (Thursday)

Feb 02 (Friday)

Feb 16, 17 & 18 (Fri, Sat & Sun)


2nd overall score

March 10 (Saturday)

3rd partial Act. 3.1

Act. 3.2

Act. 3.3

Act. 3.4

Act. 3.5

Final exam

Weekend optional visit

Weekend optional visit

3rd mark

Long workshop (to confirm*)


3rd overall score







EcoAldea Ixixtlรกn, Atlixco

Article: class activity

Dry toilets: class activity

Green wall workshop

Final presentation of Bioclimatic Guide

Final guide (digital or printed)

Final exam

To confirm*

To confirm*

April 5 (Thursday)

April 9 (Monday)

April 12 (Thursday)

April 23 & 26 (Monday &Thursday)

April 5 (Thursday)

To confirm*

April 14 (Saturday)

April 27, 28, 29 and 30


Final score

100% Overall score

Nota: las visitas pueden cambiar en costo y fecha. Se notificarรก al alumno con una semana de anticipaciรณn cualquier cambio.


Optional weekend visits: Nota: las visitas pueden cambiar en costo y fecha. Se notificará al alumno con una semana de anticipación cualquier cambio.

• Proyecto San Isidro, Tlaxco, Tlaxcala Guided visit + short building workshop 20 students $350.00 + transportation (aprox. 215) To confirm on January 15th Total cost: $565.00 Saturday January 27 from 9:00am to 6:00pm

• 1er Foro de Reconstrucción, Pachuca, Hidalgo 1 Foro 20 students $400.00 + transportation (aprox. 240) Total cost: $640.00 Friday February 2 from 8:00am to 8:00pm

• Reconstrucción de aulas, Tehuantepec, Oaxaca Long building workshop No min. or max. students required $1000.00 (ADO) + $1000.00 (max) personal food Total cost: $2000.00 aprox. Friday Feb. 16 from 10:00am to 4:00pm Saturday Feb. 17 from 10:00am to 4:00pm Friday Feb. 18 from 10:00am to 4:00pm


• Granja Tequio, Atlixco, Puebla Guided visit 20 students $350.00 + transportation (aprox. 165) Total cost: $515.00 Saturday March 10 from 9:00am to 5:00pm

• EcoAldea Ixixtlán, Atlixco, Puebla Guided visit 20 students $100.00 + transportation (aprox. 120) Total cost: $220.00 Saturday April 12 from 10:00am to 2:00pm


The final Bioclimatic Design Guidebook must include: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

Design 10% Cover and tittle 5% Index (course thematic) 5% Preface 10% Bioclimatic design intro (include definition) 10% Bioclimatic design methodology 10% Thermal comfort 10% General types of climate 10% Surroundings and orientation 10% General strategies to apply according to specific climate 10% 10.1 Passive strategies 10.2 Active strategies 10.3 Renewable energy Bioclimatic zoning 10% Materials and finishes selection 10% Envelope openings design 10% Solar control elements design 10% Extra lessons: dry toilets and green walls 15% Visits: personal photographs, specific comments and learned info 10% Revit and Flow design simulations 20% Conferences and articles 10% Essay/conclusion 10% Bibliography and references 5%

TOTAL = 200%

Policies • •

Our written communication will be our institutional e-mails and Blackboard platform Asesorías: Tuesdays from 4:00pm to 7:00pm (appointment needed please:

• • •

Bring positive attitude Provide a respectful and peaceful environment Honesty: all projects, exercises and tasks must be original and done by each student, the plagiarized works will be creditor of a score of 0/100 and will be reported to the academic direction and as established by the regulations the student will have a DA (Academic Dishonesty) in your file.

The classes are ‘in-person’ classes, so it is mandatory to have 80% of attendance during the semester. 9|Page

• • •

The student who does not comply the minimum number of attendance will not be able to present a final exam/evaluation and, therefore, will not be able to pass the subject. Class tolerance: 5 minutes. Students arriving after that tolerance time will not have their attendance. Avoid e-mails and text messages to announce your delayed, students arriving after 5 min tolerance will not have their attendance.

If the student has any medical situation, a medical prescription will be needed to modify its attendance.

Every HW, activity or exam will have its deadline (instructions will include a delivery day and a delivery hour) if the student do not handle the HW, activity or exam on time, score will be graded under 0/70 points maximum (not 0/100). HW, activity or exam should be saved and uploaded as PDF files, other type of format will not be graded.

• •

You will obtain benefits from attending to the visits of the course The day of the visits could change according to the owner’s availability; however, this will be notified to the group with 1 day of anticipation at least.

USE OF CELL PHONES: the use of cell phones in classroom is forbidden, mainly during the theoretical presentations and / or explanations as well as during the presentations of both the teacher and the students. The student who does not comply with this rule will be asked to leave the classroom = no attendance.

USE OF COMPUTERS, LAPTOPS AND TABLETS: the use of equipment is not allowed except in cases where they are used for academic purposes and these moments will be indicated by the teacher. In case of doubt about the use of these equipment, consult the teacher.

FOOD: no food allowed in the classroom.

In case of non-compliance with these policies by the student, he / she will be asked to leave the classroom and will be absent.

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TEXT BOOKS: * Serra, Rafael., Arquitectura y climas, 1a ed., Barcelona : G. Gili, , 8425217679, 9788425217678 * Alison Kwok, The Green Studio Handbook: Environmental Strategies for Schematic Design, 1, Architectural Press, 1988, INGLES, 978-0750680226 * Rivero, Roberto., Arquitectura y clima : acondicionamiento térmico natural para el hemisferio norte, , México : UNAM, 1994, , 9683604870 BOOKS FOR CONSULTATION: * Givoni, Baruch., Passive and low energy cooling of buildings, , New York : Van Nostrand Reinhold, c1998, , 0442010761, 0471284734 (encuadernado) * Givoni, Baruch., Climate considerations in building and urban design, , New York : Jhon Wiley & Sons, , 0442009917, 0471291773 * Heschong, Lisa., Thermal delight in architecture, , Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, 1999, , 026258039X (pbk.) * Givoni, B., Man, climate and architecture., 2 Ed., Londres : Applied Science , 1981, 0853341087 * Olgyay, Victor, Design with climate : bioclimatic approach to architectural regionalism., , Princeton, N. J. : Princeton University, 1973, * Brown, G. Z., Sun, wind & light : architectural design strategies, 2nd ed., New York, N.Y. : Wiley, c2001, , 0471348775 (ru´stica : papel no a´cido), 9780471348771 (ru´stica : papel no a´cido) * Hyde, Richard, Climate responsive design : a study of buildings in moderate and hot humid climates, , London ; New York : E & FN Spon, 2000, , 0419209700 (ru´stica) * Hausladen, Gerhard, Climate design : solutions for buildings that can do more with less technology, , Basel, Switzerland : Birkhaäuser, c2005, engger, 3764372443 (papel alcalino), 9783764372446 (papel alcalino) * Hyde, Richard, Bioclimatic housing : innovative designs for warm climates , , London : Earthscan, c2008, , 1844072843 (ru´stica), 9781844072842 (ru´stica)

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