Lake Victoria Environmental Management Project (Phase II)
Quarterly Online Newsletter
Issue No 007 January-March 2016
CDDs & How they are changing community lives
LVEMP II Rwanda Quarterly Newsletter
Dear Readers,
Welcome to the 7th edition of LVEMPII Rwanda Newsletter. This is yet another issue of our quarterly which brings you hands-on information about what we are doing for the protection of the Lake Victoria basin in Rwanda and the improvement of lives of communities who depend on the resources of the basin.
CDDs & how their are improving communit livelihoods
Through our work, we target degraded hotspots in the basin and focus on priority areas for the benefit of communities, the country and region in general.
This approach involves communities sitting together and brainstorming on how projects could better answer their problems, CDDs are proving to be instrument of change: they are key to the transformation of livelihoods we are witnessing within our intervention areas. People are moving out of poverty, living better and easily meeting their basic needs. Through this issue you will meet some of our beneficiaries and hear from their stories: tales of change and improvement. Also we look at how other lives were changed by LVEMP II: through job creation, skills transfer and capacity building. People are learning how to better improve their lives; and beyond learning they are also practicing it: their lives have changed. Through individual testimonies, you learn how LVEMP II is bringing change within homes. We hope you will find this newsletter simple, friendly and informative and we look forward to your feedback. Enjoy the read.
LVEMP II driving change right from homes
Stakeholders commit to safeguard LVEMP II investments
Kacyiru,Kigali, Rwanda PO Box 7436 Kigali
@LVEMP2_Rwanda lvemp2Rwanda LVEMP II Rwanda LVEMP II Rwanda lvempiirwanda
Annette Sylvie MUHAYIMANA LVEMP II Project Coordinator
Issue No 007
January-March 2016
Address your feedback to
Jean Pierre Bucyensenge LVEMP II Communications Specialist +250783810145
DESIGN: JPBucyensenge
One of the activities driving change within the areas where we intervene is CDDs: the Community Driven Development Sub-projects. Through this scheme, we support environmental-friendly, income generating activities designed by communities themselves to respond to the real needs they have and real problems they face.
LVEMP II Rwanda Quarterly Newsletter
Community Driven Development Community Driven Development subprojects (CDDs) operate on the principles of transparency, participation, local empowerment, demand-responsiveness, greater downward accountability, and enhanced local capacity.
Under this component, LVEMP II supports the implementation of income generating activities with the aim of improving the living conditions of communities in targeted areas. Currently, 23 CDDs are under implementation in 8 Districts. The target is to have 48 well-performing CDDs by June 2017. Apart from the financial support, LVEMP II also supports skills development and capacity building programmes for communities in targeted areas through training. This is part of the project efforts to support life transformation through investment in income generating activities. Under the programme, LVEMP II supports environment-friendly projects that transform the livelihoods of community while reducing pressure on the natural resources of the Lake Victoria Basin. CDDs groups are involved in various activities which include modern farming, animal husbandry, aquaculture and apiculture, among others (see related pictures on the next page)
Issue No 007
January-March 2016
LVEMP II Rwanda Quarterly Newsletter
Issue No 007
January-March 2016
LVEMP II Rwanda Quarterly Newsletter
CDDs: Improving community livelihoods Through Community Driven Development Subprojects (CDDs) LVEMP II Project supports life-transforming income-generating projects with the aim of uplifting the living conditions of communities in targeted areas. Through these interventions, which are designed by communities to respond to their needs and solve their problems, LVEMP II provide grants to community groups who then implement projects to improve their lives. This initiative is proving to be a driver of socio-economic change within the lives of our beneficiaries. In this issue we present to you two of the community groups we support: the Nkanga Cassava Cooperative in Bugesera District and KODUHARU Cooperative in Rulindo District.
Nkanga Cooperative: The Modern Cassava Farmers
Over a year ago members of the Nkanga Cassava Cooperative in the Eastern Bugesera District received funding from the Lake Victoria Environmental Management Phase Two (LVEMP II). This support signalled the beginning of a new chapter within their lives: they knew their lives were up for a sharp, positive change. The funds were meant to help them run a modern cassava production project, which ultimately would lead them into improved livelihoods. With a total cost of over Rwf8million needed to start the project, members of the cooperative raised 1,080,000 Rwf while LVEMP II provided the rest (7,300,740Rwf) . Early last year , members of this CDDs started investing in a modern cassava production venture to uplift their living conditions-growing improved cassava varieties on 3 hectares Their first harvest came last March. At the occasion the excitement was high. "We have invested a lot of efforts in this project and now Issue No 007
January-March 2016
we are getting rewarded," said an excited Christine Mukamana, one of the cooperative members. "Looking at how promising this project is makes me extremely happy and optimistic". "The production is good and I believe it will help us move onto the next level. I hope that this is the beginning of more achievements, including the possibility of acquiring our own land and extending our activities for much income", Mukamana adds. For other members, the first yields opens the door to more opportunities. "When we started this cooperative, we thought it would be very challenging but we have been doing our best and investing all our efforts and now we have got results," notes Elie Kanyarwanda, a married father of 7 who lives in Nkanga cell. "The best reward for a farmer is good production. Today I am excited because my efforts have been rewarded", he notes.
LVEMP II Rwanda Quarterly Newsletter
CDDs: Improving community livelihoods m KODUHARU: Improved potatoes, better life Based in Rwanda's Northern District of Rulindo, Koperative Dushyirehamwe Rurenge (KODUHARU) is supported by LVEMP II under its programme that funds income generating activities to improve the livelihoods of communities
In order to implement a project to multiply improved potato seeds, members of KODUHARU received a grant of Rwf 13, 311, 845 from LVEMP II. They raised another Rwf 1,298,000 in contributions from members and last November they started the implementation of the project. Apart from the financial support, members of this group also received training to boost their ability to successfully implement the sub-project. Early in March 2016, the cooperative got its harvest to much excitement. Members of the group said the support they received opened a new chapter within their lives. "With this harvest, we are going to extend to more areas and ensure we produce more," observed Jean Damascene Habintwari one of them. For Annonciata Nyiraneza, it is an opportunity to invest in more income generating activities to further improve their lives. "Income from our production will help us to easily meet our needs and solve challenges affecting us. In addition, we will now be able to invest in other income Adrien NTABANGANYIMANA, generating activities, Koduharu Representative such as animal husbandry," she said.
We are already preparing the next season. We shall invest income from this harvest into the extension of our activities to ensure we maximise benefits and generate much more revenues. We are resolved to keep increasing our production so that we be able to meed the high and growing demand for quality potato seeds
Issue No 007
January-March 2016
In addition, through training and working together, the beneficiaries have also learnt of new techniques and methods-which they say ensure increased productivity. "We have learnt modern farming techniques and we are using the skills to boost production in our own fields," Habintwari says. 5
LVEMP II Rwanda Quarterly Newsletter
CDDs: Building environmental-friendly communities Under CDDs, communities propose development interventions based on their own priorities for which they get funds for implementation. As such they are empowered economically and encouraged to be active partners in the project and in the protection of environments through adopting sustainable land management practices, rehabilitation and protection of wetlands and land around rivers to reduce erosion and sedimentation. They are also encouraged to be actively involved in the protection of investments made by the project with the aim of pro-
Issue No 007
January-March 2016
tection the Lake Victoria Basin. "We are giving our contributions not only by adopting environmental friendly practices in our daily lives but also by sensitising our neighbours about the benefits of safeguarding our environment and protecting investments that are made in this field," says Elie Kanyarwanda, a member of Nkanga Cassava Cooperative in Bugesera District. "We also work with local leaders to stop whoever that might destroy the environment."
LVEMP II Rwanda Quarterly Newsletter
Change at home:
Tales of improved lives The interventions of LVEMP II have benefited thousands of individuals in targeted areas. Some have got jobs, while others received grants to implement income generating activities. Hundreds more attended life-changing capacity building programmes which inspired their action for better life. In the following section, we look at some of the stories of people who have managed to get out poverty thanks to the work of LVEMP II
Issue No 007
January-March 2016
LVEMP II Rwanda Quarterly Newsletter
Cyriaque Mporwiki Cyriaque MPORWIKI lives with her wife and their 5 children in Ntarabana Village, Gashali Sector, Karongi District. When LVEMP II Project started the protection of Mashyiga River, Mporwiki was amongst the first individuals to be hired. As he considered this to be a golden opportunity to transform his life, Mporwiki and his family hatched a plan to ensure they benefit from the work: they agreed to save part of the money he was earning. With their savings and a little credit from a local Savings and Credit Cooperative, the family has been able to buy a plot of about one hectare-at a cost of 300,000 RWF. Today, he is using the plot to grow tomatoes and potatoes. “Before, I would spend all money I could earn from working in my field. But when I started working with this Project we were encouraged to spend wisely and save part of our income. That helped me a lot," Mporwiki says. In addition to that, the work has also allowed him to buy a sheep which has so far given him four lambs. "Today I am able to easily pay the school fees of my children, subscribe my family to the health insurance scheme and afford other basic needs of my family," Mporwiki says, proudly. Cyriaque Mporwiki Issue No 007
January-March 2016
LVEMP II Rwanda Quarterly Newsletter
Emile Nzabahimana Emile NZABAHIMANA is a 32-year-old gentleman who plans to get married soon. When the implementation of LVEMP II activities in Karongi District started, Nzabahimana was employed alongside hundreds of his fellow villagemates. “This project is of great importance for the local community. Apart from protecting and conserving the environment, it is helping people to overcome poverty,” Nzabahimana says. Nzabahimana says LVEMP II helped him to make his dreams a reality. From the money he earned working on the implementation of the project activities, Nzabahimana bought a bicycle which he uses in his daily activities. But that was just the beginning. “As I worked, I saved money and it enabled me to build my own house,” Nzabahimana says, as he points to his brick house. “It is a dream come true”.
Nzabahimana is pictured here in front of a house he built thanks to working for LVEMP II Issue No 007
January-March 2016
LVEMP II Rwanda Quarterly Newsletter
Innocent Rwigema For years, 56-year-old Innocent Rwigema struggled to raise enough money to pay for the education of his children and his family's basic needs. Having depended on subsistence agriculture for almost his entire life, access to money had become a headache for the resident of Nyamiyaga Village in Simbi sector of Huye District, Southern Province. But in 2013, LVEMP II Rwanda gave him an opportunity to improve his life: he was one of the hundreds of individuals who were employed as part of the implementation of activities to rehabilitate Mwogo, a tributary of Nyabarongo River. The activities included the creation of demarcation lines and progressive terraces on surrounding hills as well as planting reeds, bamboos and agro-forestry trees. Having been employed for one and half years, Rwigema says this offered him a chance to change the life of his family. "I was able to pay the school fees of my two children who were in secondary school. One of them has since graduated," he says. "I have also been able to meet other needs of my family, including subscribing them to the community health insurance scheme among others." His socio-economic livelihoods has as well improved. Using the money he was paid, Rwigema bought small domestic animals which include a pig and goats "My life and that of my family has significantly improved," he says. "Apart from giving us a chance to access funds through the creation of hundreds of jobs, the LVEMP II activities have also greatly contributed to the protection of our environment including reducing erosion and sediments carried into Mwogo River, which led to the increase of our agriculture production. That also contributed to the transformation of our lives." Issue No 007
January-March 2016
Rwigema talks to a friend on a phone he bought after working for LVEMP II. Apart from improving lives, LVEMP II is also supporting technology penetration in rural areas 10
LVEMP II Rwanda Quarterly Newsletter
Speciose Ukwitegetse SPECIOSE UKWITEGETSE, is a 41-years old widow who lives in Rugarama village of Simbi Sector in the Huye District For most of her life, Ukwitegetse who lost her husband some two decades ago, lived a poor life-struggling to raise enough food to feed her family, pay for her family's subscription to the community health insurance and meet their other basic needs.
Ukwitegetse with some of the goats he acquired after working for LVEMP II
Ukwitegetse shows a phone she bought after working for LVEMP II
Ukwitegetse's sole source of income was from subsistence agriculture which only gave her limited food yields and, therefore, leading to vulnerable life. But in 2013 she started working with LVEMP II on the implementation of activities to protect Mwogo River and its surrounding hills. With money she was earning, she opened an account in a local Savings and Credit Cooperative where she used to deposit part of her wages in savings. Two years down the road, Ukwitegetse bought two goats and a pig to increase her income. She has also acquired a plot of land in a nearby model settlement where she plans to establish her new home using savings from her wages and income from her animal husbandry investment. Besides, she has also acquired a mobile phone which she says is helping her to communicate with other members of her community. "My life has significantly improved thanks to the project. I wouldn't be thinking of setting up a new house if it was not for this project," Ukwitegetse says.
Apart from owning goats, Ukwitegetse also counts pigs among her assets Issue No 007
January-March 2016
LVEMP II Rwanda Quarterly Newsletter
Stakeholders commit to safeguard LVEMP II investments
Some of the participants during the training
Members of the Districts' Joint Action Development Forum (JADF) have pledged to incorporate environmental protection as part of their institution's and personal annual performance contracts. The resolution was reached during a two-day training, organised by the Lake Victoria Environmental Management Project phase Two (LVEMP II). The training, held in the first half of April, brought together JADF members from 12 Districts where implementation of physical activities is underway. It was held in two phases, each taking two days. JADF is a consultative forum of District development stakeholders for participatory planning, dialogue, dissemination of information and increase synergy among key stakeholders for effective citizen participation and community development.
Issue No 007
January-March 2016
The Forum brings together District leaders, representatives from civil society, private and public sector, local and international NGOs, local authorities, faith-based organisations, cooperatives and representatives of communities. JADF members from the Districts of Bugesera, Ngoma, Rulindo, Gakenke, Kamonyi and Ngororero met in Kigali on April 5-6, 2016 while those from Muhanga, Ruhango, Nyanza, Huye, Nyamagabe and Karongi met between 14-15April 2016 Participants discussed the environmental laws and policies and their enforcement, Environmental and Social Safeguards as well as the Green growth and Climate Change Resilience Strategy. The training also explored the work of LVEMP II Project and how the investments made in the protection of the Lake Victoria Basin
environment as well as the transformation of community livelihoods can be sustained. After discussions, participants resolved to work with relevant authorities , institutions and organisations to ensure that environment protection is incorporated within their performance contracts. Particularly, participants committed to ensure that LVEMP II investments are reflected within the performance contracts of Districts, Sectors, Cells and households within target areas to ensure their sustainability even after the project closes shop in mid-2017. "This training has further opened our minds on the benefits of environment protection and what role we should play," observed JMV Sinamenye, a community representative from Gakenke District.
LVEMP II Rwanda Quarterly Newsletter
LVEMP II Result Indicators
f (As of June 2016)
Number of hectares under sustainable land management practices in the targeted subcatchments
5000 Ha
4241.7 ha are under sustainable management including land on protected riverbanks and buffer zones, established radical and progressive terraces, water hyacianth removed from Lake Rweru and agro-forestry
Direct Project Beneficiaries
4000 beneficiaries
The number of direct project beneficiaries is estimated at 7327, exceeding the original target of 4,000. 36.9% of them are women
Target industries in the LVB adopting Cleaner Production Technologies
The target for 8 industries to adopt cleaner production techniques has already been exceeded. Currently, 25 Industries have adopted resource efficiency and cleaner production practices. Activities are ongoing
Number of hectares of degraded wetlands restored and/or rehabilitated by communities in targeted subcatchments
200 ha
The target of 200 ha for wetland restoration has been exceeded. 144 ha have so far been achieved from Rweru Lake buffer zone completed. (In addition, Water Hyacinth removal completed on 100 ha)
Percent of community natural resource management subprojects whose implementation is rated satisfactory or better in the targeted subcatchments
60 per cent
8 Community Driven Development Subprojects (CDDs) are currently under implementation while another 15 are in initial phase of implementation. 26 new CDDs have been approved for implementation by the project NTAC meeting held last December
Issue No 007
January-March 2016
LVEMP II Rwanda Quarterly Newsletter
This newsletter is a quarterly publication of the Lake Victoria Environmental Management Project Phase Two (LVEMP II) in Rwanda. To keep getting updates about our work, follow us on: LVEMP2Rwanda @LVEMP2_Rwanda lvempii_rwanda LVEMP II RWANDA LVEMP II RWANDA You can also download copies of our newsletters on
Issue No 007
January-March 2016