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Kidnapper sentenced again
MORWELLman,Thane Jago,has been sentenced to afurther 21 months behind bars, after pleading guilty to multiple charges.
Mr Jago, 41, kidnappedawoman in Moe, on October 23, 2021.
Mr Jago didn't allow the woman to get out of the car, demanding she give him her possessions. Upon doing so, Mr Jago grabbed her throat and pushed her head against the car's door.
The woman escaped by jumping out of the moving car.
The following day, Mr Jago, while being chased by police, stole petrol from a service station and drove onto the wrong side of the road.
Investigators later found that the car he was driving was stolen.
Mr Jago pleaded guiltytochargesofrobbery, theft and dangerous driving while in pursuit.
Mr Jago had served around 20 years in prison, almost his entire adult life.
The ABC reported that Judge Smallwood said at the time of Mr Jago's offences,hewas homeless and had little support.
"[You are] clearlyinstitutionalised and have been for some time. It's adreadful state of affairs," Judge Smallwood said.
Mr Jago hasspent nearly500 days in prison since his arrest in 2021, eight of those months in solitary confinement.
He joined the court hearing from prison via video link, then was sentencedtoserve afurther 21 months behind bars.