2 minute read
Newscheme amended

LATROBE City Council has adopted aplanning scheme amendment for the Morwell Activity Centre Plan.
The amendment willnow be submittedtothe Minister for Planning for approval.
The Morwell Activity Centre Plan will be used to guide development withinthe Morwell Activity Centreover the next 15 to 20 yearsand formed thebasis of the amendment.

Changestothe activity centre seek to address long term ambitions for Morwell’s growth and sustainability as well as supporting its reactivation, increasing housing, retail and employment opportunities in line with future growth demands AmendmentC137was placed on exhibition from October 27 to November 28, 2022.
This included notification to landowners, occupiers, agencies, authorities, local businesses and community groups and Ministers.

Atotal of six submissions were received.

All changes requested by submissions were able to be accommodated.
Mayor of Latrobe CityCouncil,Councillor Kellie O’Callaghan said the Morwell Activity Centre PlanisanimportantpartofMorwell’spopulation growth.
“The Morwell Activity Centre Plan is afantastic project thatwill seegreat outcomes for the Morwell communityand future planning for the town,” said the Mayor, Kellie O'Callaghan.
“The population in Morwell is expected to experience moderatepopulation growthand will increase to approximately 15,000 persons by 2033, planning for the central business district will allow for this growth to be accommodated.”
Formoreinformation,visitwww.latrobe.vic.gov.au/ amendment_c137_morwell_activity_centre_plan
State suffers worst job loss rate to date, unemployment rises
VICTORIAhas suffered its worst-ever post-Christmas job losses, as more than100,000 Victorianslost their jobs in January 2023.
ABS datareleased today (February 16) has shown aconcerning 0.5 per cent increase in Victoria’s unemployment rate to four per cent -the equal highest of any mainland state or territory.
In contrast, unemployment in New South Wales remainssteady at 3.1 per cent,almosta fullpercentage point lower than Victoria.
January 2023 also saw the largest number of job losses in asingle month since October 2021,during the height of COVID restrictions.
Youth unemployment spiked to 10.7per centin January 2023, up 3.6 per cent, with 21,000 youth jobs lost during the month.
Shadow Treasurer, Brad Rowswell, said these job losses are deeplyconcerning and will only add to increasing pressures on household budgets.
“Victorians are already feelingthe pain of increasing grocery, energy and everyday bills and these jobs losses willonly makemattersworse,”MrRowswell said.
“Whilst New South Wales has maintained its recordlow unemployment -almost 3300 Victorians lost their jobs each and everyday during January, as ourstate falls even further behind.
“The Andrews Labor Government mustfocus on connecting unemployedVictorians with sectors crying out for staff, including hospitality, construction and heath and aged cared.

“Instead of more waste, higher debt and new taxes under Labor, we need areal plan to ease of cost living pressures for Victorians and that starts with responsible economic management from the state government.”
Trend: Victoria suffered alossofover 100,000 jobs to start 2023

CrosswordPuzzle No.8522

with Muzza
1. What product does the company Ray-Ban manufacture?
2. What is the name of the artist who won ‘Album of the Year’ at this year’sGrammy Awards?

3. Oxfordand Cambridge arefamousuniversities in which country?

4. Agambling token shares its name with which food?
5. In the ‘Harry Potter’ novels, who is Harry’sgodfather?
6. Which flower is the national symbol of England?
7. If Iwas standing in front of the Big Banana, what state would Ibein?
8. Which poisonous plant is associated with kissing and Christmas?
9. Hugh Jackman’scharacter In the movie ‘The Greatest Showman’, was based on what real life person?
10 Which count is used to specify quality of bed linen?

11. Cartoon character Fred Flintstone plays which sport?
12. Who is the lead singer of Led Zeppelin?
13. What is the legal term for telling lies under oath?
14. Classic sci-fi novel ‘The Time Machine’ was writen by which author?
15. Name these five car logos. One point each.


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