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Three-year terms for new ARTC leadership
THE Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC) has new leadership: Mr Peter Duncan AM is the new ARTC chair and Dr Collette Burke anonexecutivedirector of the board. Bothappointments for three-year terms were announced by the federal government.
ARTC plays avital role in managing the nation’s interstate freight rail network. ARTC is also delivering Inland Rail enhancements such as the Port Botany Duplication and several other significant Government-funded infrastructure projects that aim to build the resilience and capability of Australian rail transport.
Mr Duncan replaces the Hon WarrenTruss AC, whostepped down as chair of the ARTC board on November 30 2022. Mr Duncan has more than 40 yearsexperience in government and infrastructure, working at local, state and national levels.
He is the current chair of WaterNSW, deputy chair and commissioner of the NSW Independent Planning Commission and aboard member of the Office of Projects Victoria. Mr Duncan is a former chief executive of NSW Roads and Maritime Services, director-general of the NSW Department of Services Technology and Administration, and managing director of Forests NSW. He is aformer chair of InfraSol Group, the Australian Road Research Board and Austroads.
Dr Burke is ahighly qualified and experienced engineer with more than 25 years’ of experience in theinfrastructure construction sector. She was theinaugural Victorian Chief Engineer and has