3 minute read
Great career: Dr Ian Webb, has retired afterserving the district for nearly 40 years.
Photo: Supplied
DR Ian Webb, well-known local general practitioner, retired from The Healthcare Centre Morwell after commencing in May 1996, working until February 2023.

Dr Webb graduated from Melbourne University in 1981.
He completed his internship at Queen Victoria Hospital in 1982.
He was fortunate to return in 1919.
In 1922,the government established the Soldier Settlement Commissionwhich allocated lots from the former McMillan Estate to returned soldiers.
Jim Lawless was able to settle on 76 acres on the Morwell River.
He took possession and built abarkhut.
In May 1923, he and Anne Browne married in Bendigo and settled in Hazelwood where they raised five sons, Tom, Jim, Jack, Frank and Tony. The family continued farmingthis area until 2006 when the farm was acquired for coal mining.
Tony is the only surviving son and he attended the gathering with his family.
His grandson Brian was the youngest member who attended, and his sister-in-law Pat Lawless was the oldest member.
70-year marriage celebration
NEWBOROUGH early settlers June and Arthur Pearce celebrated 70 years of marriage yesterday (February 21)
Arthur was born at the Morwell hospital in 1927,and fouryears later, June was born at the Yallourn hospital in 1931. At four-and-a-half years old, Arthur moved to live in Newborough in 1932, while three yearslater, Junealso moved to Newborough, aged four
Both went to school in Yallourn; June attended Yallourn High School and Arthur went to Yallourn Technical College
Following school, June worked atthe SEC municipal office and Arthur worked at the Yallourn and Hazelwood power stations for 30 years.
June enjoyed her long membership at the Yallourn and Newborough Bowling Clubs.
Arthur still enjoys playing golf at the Yallourn Golf Club, wherehehas beena member for nearly 70 years.
The couples two daughters;Caroland Dianne, have given themfive grandchildren and eight great grandchildren.
Their family wishes them the very best and lots of love, to celebrate this amazing 70-year milestone.

Together forever: Arthurand June Pearce celebrate70years of marriage later thismonth.

Photo: Supplied
He obtainedhis Diploma in Obstetrics, Gynaecology at Queen Victoria Hospital in 1983 at the Pediatrics Casualty/Specialist Unit In January 1984, he was marriedand settled locally, working at Latrobe Valley Hospital Moe for 12 months
In January 1985 he workedatCentral Gippsland Hospital, Traralgon as Senior Registrar for Dr’s DavidOgilvyand Brian Mason until May 1985.
Dr Webb commenced at Trafalgar Medical Centre, working with Dr Darragh Murphy on May 20 1985, then moved to Morwell CommunityHealth Centre in May 1986, working with Dr’s Anthony Woodward, Ralph Lurie and Geoff Francis.
In May 1996, he commenced at The Healthcare Centre in Hoyle Street, Morwell, working alongside Dr’s Woodward, Lurie and Chhabra. The practicethen moved to anew premises on Princes Drive, Morwell.
Dr Webb delivered many babies at Moe, Traralgonand Morwell hospitals,but found the distance from home to the hospitals made deliveries inconvenient, ceasing maternity and other services in 1989.
He recalls back in the day when on call meant being available and actually seeing patients afterhours, also performing suturing and looking after simple fractures, before MICA’s became common place and an ambulancewould pick up the duty doctor transporting them to car incidents or to peoplewithchest pain or heart attacks.
One memorableevent Dr Webb recalls is resuscitatingapatient in the backofan ambulance in the car park of the old Morwell Community Health Centre.
Dr Webb hasprovidedexcellent care to manyaged care facility residents in Morwell and patients at Maryvale PrivateHospital throughouthis career, attending many elderly patients for the end-of-life.

Over the years he has taken an active interest in the educating of medical students from Monash University, even offering his home to them during their placement.
He promoted and supervised GP registrars throughout their training time at The Healthcare Centre, and is highly regarded in this area. His loyalty and dedication to his profession has always been 100 per cent. He will be greatly missed by his many patients, peers and the local community.
Dr Webb has indicated he is looking forward to taking on some travel adventures, working aroundhis home,and spendingquality time with his wife Jenny and the family.

Sudoku No.0145

Crossword No.8521

Target Time No.0145 adage, adnate, ADVANTAGE, advent, agate, agave, aged, agenda, agent,agnate, anta, ante, anted, data, date, dean, etna, gate, gated, gave, gean, gnat, nave, neat,tana, tang,vanadate, vane, vang, vantage,vegan, vena.

Target: Average-15, Good -20, Excellent -25+