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TheUsedLeadAcid BatteryCommunity Liaison Committee (ULABCLC)has been meetingfacetofaceand on Zoom for thelasttwo years, to ensure continuityof the engagementofthe localcommunity members andstakeholders.The committee members are electedona two-year term Thecurrenttermofthe committee will end on the22ndFebruary2023. Many changes haveoccurred over thelasttwo years includingchangeofprimary ownership to Pure Environmentaland site construction hascommenced.The success of the ULAB CLCisdependentonthe ongoingcommunity engagementwiththe membersand stakeholders.
We are committed to engagingand working with relevantcommunity membersand stakeholderstodeliver astate of the art ULAB recyclingfacility.
If you are interestedinbecomingamember and contributingtothe ongoingsuccess of the ULAB CLC, we invite youtosubmit an Expression of Interest. This should outline;
Yourreasons for becomingamemberof the ULAB CLC
Your connection to localcommunity groupsorstakeholders (business, landholding,neighbour)

The unique experiences and knowledge you bringtoconstructivelycontribute to the ULAB CLC
Former Victorian Premier, Jeff Kennett, has endorsed oncologist and Walkley Award winner, Ranjana Srivastava, who is also acolumnist for TheGuardian.
In the May federal election, Mr Tudge beat Labor candidate Mary Doyle by 52.8to47.2on atwo-party-preferred vote. It was a7.3 per cent swing to Labor. The margin at the 2019 election was 10.1 per cent towards the Liberals.
The 2.9 per cent swing that Labor needs to win Aston may seem possible with favourable national polling for the government, but psephologist, Kevin Bonham, has said there has been“no government gainsfrom the opposition in federal by-elections” since 1920. Labor is yet to announce acandidate.
Adate forthe by-election is yet to be announced
Victorian Senator, Sarah Henderson, has become the Coalition’s education spokesperson, after previously serving in the communications portfolio.