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Have your say in developing a new biosecurity strategy
INTERESTED parties are invited to aworkshop to help develop Victoria’s new Biosecurity Strategy. The new Biosecurity Strategy will outline the priorities for improving how biosecurity issues are managed across Victoria.
Join Agriculture Victoria to help identify the specific ways we can strengthen the biosecurity system.
It is critical that we have input from people across community, government and industry.
Where and when: Clifton Creek (15 minutes from Bairnsdale), 12pm to 4pm, Monday 20 March.
Space in the workshop is limited, so register via Eventbribe.
The workshop aims to help develop the new biosecurity strategy, for release in 2023. The strategyisthe next step followingthe state government’s recent endorsementofVictoria’s Biosecurity Statement.
Withthe statement providingasharedambition for biosecurity in Victoria, the focus is now on turning thosebroad aspirations into tangible priorities.
It is crucial that the strategyisinformed by diverse expertise and experience -whether you are afarmer, operating at acorporate or peakbody level, caring for country with your local community, managingasmall number of livestock on your land, or taking care of the backyard garden.
This workshop will bring awide range of voices to the conversationabout howwecan strengthen the system to protect our land, waters, communities, culture, and economy.
Should you have any questions, email svbsprogram@agriculture.vic.gov.au
The Biosecurity Strategy Development Project is part of the state government’s Strengthening Victoria’s Biosecurity System (SVBS) Program.
Pure Environmental and Chunxing are committed to continuingwithinclusive community engagementregarding our businessand ongoingactivities related to theUsedLeadAcidBattery Recycling Facility at Hazelwood North. TheUsed Lead AcidBattery Community Liaison Committee provides amechanism for ongoingand proactive discussion among localcommunity members andstakeholders with company representatives. TheULAB CLCoperatesunder aTermsofReference that outlines theroles andresponsibilities of the members, as well as the rules of engagement. Thecurrent TermsofReference canbefound on the Chunxingwebsite: www.chunxing.com.au.
If you require furtherinformation aboutthe EOIprocess,please contact TaniaBrown, ExecutiveAssistant,on0341223020,or emailtbrown@purenv.au
Pleasepostoremailyour ExpressionsofInterestbefore 29thMarch2023to:
Address: 213BPrincesDrive, Morwell,VIC,3870
Email: taniab@purenv.au
March10-13, 2023 SecretsofProphecy

Venue: Traralgon Little Theatre, Cnr.BreedStreet &Grey Street, Traralgon

GaryKent is the speaker for The Incredible Journey media ministry. He holds aB.A. in Theology,M.A. in Ancient History&Archaeology, and M. in Divinity.Heisanarchaeologist who has excavated numerous sites throughout Israel and Jordan. As an internationallyacclaimed speaker and TV presenter,hehas spoken and produced numerous documentaries on subjects including the Bible, Bible prophecy,world events and natural health. His passion is to share the good news of Jesus’ imminent return.
Friday, March 10:7 to 9pm
Saturday, March11: 3.30 to 5pm &7to9pm
Sunday, March 12:7 to 9pm
Monday, March 13:7 to 9pm
Forfurther information contact 0448 255 894