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MRD structure repairs sorted

EXTENSIVE repair and maintenance works to the Morwell River Diversion (MRD) structure at the Yallourn mine, after an unprecedented flooding event in 2021 are complete.

High volumes of water flooded the MRD in June 2021.

“During June 2021, an extremerain andflood event -the largest since records began 60 years ago -caused flooding of the Morwell River. It caused more than30times the average flood volume of water to run through the MRD, an embankment created to carry the river through the mine," Energy Australia Head of Yallourn Greg McIntyre, said.

“The flood event resulted in cracking in one part of theMRD structure.Failure of the MRD would have resulted in the Morwell River inundating the coal mine. This would have impacted power production at Yallourn power station, which provides up to 22 per cent of Victoria’s energy supply.

“The state governmentdeclared an energy emergencyand provided timely approvals so we could undertake urgent repair works to the MRD.

But if the Therapeutic Goods Administration proceeds with its proposal to tighten regulations even further, the situation will continue to deteriorate and public health maynever recover.

Australia went against the grain on its vaping policy.

While the rest of the world listenedtothe science and made vaping products availableas adult consumer products, the federal government created auniqueprescription-only model, severely restricting legal access to vapes.

It is easier to buy deadly cigarettes than a far safer alternative.

In New Zealand, since vaping was legalised, smoking rates have plummeted to record lows, and alegitimateregulatedmarkethas reduced uptake by young people.

This was awin-win for public health, and New Zealand is now reaping the rewards. Asimilar storycan be seen in the United Kingdom. But in Australia,the government’s hard-line policy hasresulted in ashocking growth in the blackmarket, happily selling dodgy disposable vapes containing nicotine to children.

Adult smokingrateshavestagnated,and smokers are hesitant to consider vaping products because of the widespread misinformation about them.

Harm reduction experts including myself rang the alarmin2021when the prescription-model was introduced.

We understood how dangerous aprohibitionist model would be and warned it would galvanise ablack market and lead to significant uptake by young people.

We wereright and Australia is nowfacing the consequences of this misguided policy.

"A multi-agency Yallourn Emergency Response and RecoveryProject was assembled to oversee the works.

“We’re pleased to advise that all works are now complete in the MRD incident area.

“We appreciate the strong support of the state government, local community, unions, regulators and especially our Yallourn workforce during this time.”

The repairs included:

 Relining asection of the MRD by replacing the clay liner with an engineered layer of clay and grading the surface to improve surface water run-off;

 Both the low and high flow channels have

The experiment with prescription-only products has not worked.

More than 90 per cent of adult vapers do not possess aprescription for nicotine, meaning almost all vape sales currently occur on the black-market.

Very few doctors are willing to prescribe nicotine, and most remain uninformed about vaping.

The policy is effectively adefactoprohibition.

To eliminate the black market, we need to regulate nicotine vaping devices as adult consumer products, with regulated devices soldatlicensed retail outletswithstrict age verification. And by drawing adultvapers onto the legitimate market,and with strict penalties for selling to children, the blackmarketwill no longer be profitable and will diminish, shutting off easy access by young people.

This will create afuture for Australia where smoking rates decline substantially,and young people are finally adequately protectedagainst the predatory black market.

We are witnessing awatershed moment in Australia’s battle to effectively regulate vaping. It’s time for the government to drastically alter its approach, align itself with the rest of the western world, and responsibly regulate vaping.

The failure of the federalgovernmentto implement the correct approachwillhavedire and long-lasting consequences for the health of millions of Australian smokers.

Dr ColinMendelsohnisthe founding chairman of the Australian Tobacco Harm Reduction Association had cracking repaired and have returned to service, and;

 EnergyAustralia received approvals for works to temporarily divert water flows away from the MRD where it runs through the Yallourn mine. All diversion works have now been built. Throughoutthe execution of the repair works, EnergyAustralia saysithas metstrict environmental conditionsset by anumberofstate government agencies.

EnergyAustralia willcontinue to workwith Earth ResourcesRegulationtoimplement further improvements to maintain the integrity of the MRD structure.

by Joanne Madeline Moore

February20- February26, 2023

You’re prone to fiery pronouncements and extravagant exuberance this week, as you over-promise, overspend or overextend Enthusiasm is high but don’t jump to hasty conclusions and pass on incorrect information Get the facts straight, otherwise embarrassing mix-ups are likely (especially involving friends or finances) Do your best to divert excess energy into a challenging project that is ambitious and adventurous, but also realistic


Taurus This week the Sun and Uranus rev up your motivation and boost your Bullish bravado But you could also feel rather rushed and slightly unsettled Cool down and calm down! Aim to do plenty of physical activity so you can channel your restless energy in pleasant and productive ways But being overly proprietorial about a person or situation will only lead to a fraction too much friction Strive to be less stubborn about people, possessions and work

Gemini Geminis are clever c Gommunicators but are you confident enough for big-time success? With seven planets activating your career and aspirations zones, a golden opportunity is waiting in the wings But you must grab it when it appears, or it will pass you by Proactive Mars is charging through your sign, so stop overthinking and start doing!

Your motto for the moment is from birthday great, writer Anais Nin: “Good things happen to those who hustle ”

Cancer The more intently you micromanage relationships, the more family, friends and colleagues will distance themselves from you And if you are too bossy, then power struggles are likely You’re full of information and ideas and are keen to teach or instruct others but don’t assume you have all the answers Crabby hubris will just put others off, so aim to be more inclusive and consultative Wednesday and Thursday are good days to redesign your dreams

Leo Have you been feeling like a tired and listless Leo? This week – courtesy of the restorative, transformative New Moon – you’ll feel your mojo, motivation and Lion’s roar returning So, find a challenging project to direct your energy into Mercury and Mars also encourage you to be much more positive when communicating with others A sunny smile and an encouraging comment will get you a lot further than feisty fireworks and theatrical foot-stamping!

Libra Monday’s positive Venus/Pluto connection encourages passionate feelings and intense interactions

Up until March 25 (under the influence of dynamic Mars) strive to be more proactive and adventurous about pursuing your Libran aspirations for the future Draw inspiration from birthday great, writer Anais Nin: “Throw your dreams into space like a kite, and you do not know what it will bring back A new life, a new friend, a new love, a new country”


Expect some drama at Casa Scorpio as Venus and Pluto increase your magnetism – and then Mercury and Uranus rev up your tendency to tempestuous behaviour

You ve got the power to inspire others and transform your own life So do your best to find appropriate ways to let off steam and choose positive and challenging projects to channel your intense energy into Otherwise you’ll just drive family, friends and colleagues crazy with your capricious ways!


It’s a wonderful week to entergtain at home with a special meal, as the planets stimulate your family and friendship zones, Convivial conversation is a bonus Being of service to others (with kindness, compassion and style) also brings much joy and satisfaction Plus take the time to savour and enjoy the simple things in your everyday life – like a kiss from a child or a walk in the park But avoid making a rash comment (in person or online) that you later regret

THE Prep/Grade 1hub has welcomed the new Preps to Morwell Central Primary.

It has beenatimefor thesenew students to make friends and get to know their teachers and helpers.

The school’s transitionleaders, students from the Grade 5/6 hub, have assisted daily and did awonderful job helping the Preps and Grade 1 students settle into school smoothly.

They have enjoyed playing games and completing fun activities to help them get to know or to reconnect withtheirclassmates and the staff in their hubs.

They have also enjoyed participating in new literacy and mathsgroups and attendingspecialist classes,includingsport,performingarts,music and computers.


The planets could generate a lucky breakginvolving a partnership, joint venture, travel opportunity or educational project So, get your ideas out there (in person and online) as you inform and entertain others with your mercurial mind A major relationship (of the romantic or platonic variety) could go through a New Moon metamorphosis Do your best to air any concerns in a respectful way, as you work through problems that have been holding you back


This week there’s a New Moonp , the transformative Venus/Pluto link activates your sign, and proactive Mars stimulates your daily routine zone So, it s a good time to grab the Goat by the horns and initiate some long-overdue changes, especially involving work, health, education, communication, business and/or finances Be inspired by fellowCapricorn, writer Simone de Beauvoir: “Change your life today Don’t gamble on the future act now, without delay”

Aquarius Mercury and Uranus disrupt dom qestic harmony but don’t let it disturb your equilibrium The secret to success is learning to let go, as you keep what’s working in your life and discard what isn’t (But you may have to lose a current battle in order to win the long-term war ) Opportunities for growth come from loved ones, as you realise who has your best interests at heart It’s also a good time to express your creative side and appreciate the talents of others

Pisces The stars bless creative projects boost intuition and help you get lost in a fabulous fantasy novel or a favourite romantic movie With the Sun, Moon and Neptune illuminating your sign you ’ re keen to please others But avoid the temptation to say ‘ yes ’ to everyone and everything, like an indecisive doormat You may find you ’ ve bitten off more than you can comfortably chew! Confidence is high on the weekend so make the most of it

CopyrightJoanne Madeline Moore 2023

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