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Moe’sAlbert Street PrimarySchool gets 2023 started
PREPS have been welcomed into the school community at Albert St Primary School, Moe, for the beginning of the school year.
Last year, during Term 4, our new preps participated in the school’s Ready Set Grow Program, which supported parents/carers andtheir children to become familiar with school routines, staff and the environment.
It was very obvious that the Ready Set Grow Program assisted with asmooth transitioninto the school year.
By the end of the first week of term, students were happytoindependently enter the school grounds.
In partnership with StateSchoolRelief, Albert St was able to supply an assortment of school shoes, socks, pants, bathers and jackets to all of its 2023 prepstosupport familiesduringthese challenging economic times.
Albert St student leaders have also been appointed for the 2023 school year.
The school’s first assembly was well attended by family member to celebrate with the Year 6 students as they were presented with their Year 6jackets and awarded leadership roles.
In 2022, all year five students had the opportunity to submit applications for this year’s leadership roles.
Applications were carefully considered and discussed by all Albert St staff before appointing students.
Congratulations to all Year 6leaders, especially to those appointedtoroles.
Albert St school leaders are: Darcy (school captain), Nate and Jesse(school vice captains), Burt (junior school council president), Violet and Shkaylah (sustainability leaders), Nate and Jesse (sports captains), Hannah and Bailey (arts captains)and Noah and Xavier(digitaltechnology captains).
Also selected were this year’s rotary junior community award participants,Shkaylah,Emily, Violet, Darcy, Jesse, Nate, Xavier and Noah.