20 minute read

Applications open forgrants

THE state government’s LGBTIQ+ Organisational Development Grants 2023 are now taking applicants.

The grants are designed to strengthen Victoria’s LGBTIQ+ communities by supporting LGBTIQ+ organisations and groups, to grow their crucial work.

Eligible organisations and groups are invited to apply for grants of up to $25,000 under Stream 1, or grants of up to $50,000 under Stream 2, to build their capacity, including through staff training and development opportunities, better serve diverse LGBTIQ+ communities across Victoria, and fortify their long-term viability by planning for the future.

Organisations and groups funded to deliver activities through this program must demonstrate how they positively affect the lives of Victoria’s diverse LGBTIQ+ communities and intend to deliver against at least one of the five program objectives -accessibility and inclusion, capacity building, expansion, governance, sustainability.

Accessibility and inclusion

Concern: Theavailabilityofvapes has local authorities worried.

Photograph: supplied

“Australians are clearly concerned about these products and their effects on health. E-cigarettes can contain hundredsoftoxic chemicals which shouldn’t be inhaled deep into our lungs,” Dr Demaio said.

“The vaping industry continuestoexploitthe next generation of young people throughloopholes that enable e-cigarettes to be illegally marketed and sold without aprescription. With support across the country recognisingthis escalating public health challenge, we need urgent government action before it’s too late.”

The CBRC report, commissionedbyCancer Council and Quit, also shows that an increasing number of Australians understand the dangers of e-cigarettes.In2022,morethan eight in ten Australians (81 per cent) agreed that e-cigarettes arehighlyaddictive; asignificant increase from 70 percent in 2021.

“Interestingly, this new data shows that the overwhelming majority (83 per cent) of 18 to 24-year-olds agree that e-cigarettes are ‘highly addictive,”saidLibby Jardine, chair of Cancer Council’s tobacco issues committee.

Data from the 2019 National Drug Strategy HouseholdSurvey indicatedthatmore than a quarter (26.1 per cent) of Australians aged 18 to 24 have used e-cigarettes -the highest usage rate across all age groups.Despite high usage, this age group is just as likely to support stronger policy action (86 per cent) as any other age group.

“Manufacturers and retailers are deliberately mislabelling e-cigarettes, claimingthey don’t contain nicotine, to avoid getting caught importing or selling products illegally. Young people try them wrongly thinking they’renot going to get addicted,” Ms Scanlon said.

Many of the flavours (such as “strawberry milk”, “fruit loops” and“cola ice”) aredeliberately appealing to young people who are beingunfairlytargeted by an unscrupulous industry attempting to hook them on ahighly addictive substance. For support to quit smoking or vaping, contact Quitline (13 7848).

SUPPORT for LGBTIQ+ organisations to improve inclusive practices that engage diverse LGBTIQ+ people. Funding will be prioritised for LGBTIQ+ organisations that focus on working with people with disability, Aboriginal people and regional/ rural communities.

Capacity building

BUILD the knowledge, skills, processes and resources of organisations and their people, equipping them to provide services and support to LGBTIQ+ Victorians.


ENABLE the growth of core operations into regional and rural communities and improve processes to support meaningful engagement with intersectional LGBTIQ+ communities.


STRENGTHEN organisational governance to make sure organisations are stable and secure to respond to the needs of LGBTIQ+ communities. This includes the structure of aboard or management committee.


SUPPORT strategic planning by LGBTIQ+ organisations and groups. This includes support to form partnerships with likeminded organisations to achieve mutual goals, promote long-term viability, reduce reliance on external funding and increase ongoing capacity.

To apply for LGBTIQ+ Organisational Development Grants 2023 or for more information, go to https://www.vic.gov.au/ lgbtiq-organisational-development-grants

Pictorial displays

MOE &DistrictHistoricalSociety

(M&DHS) have set up apictorial display of past graduating nurses and staff activities from the 60’s and 70’s of Latrobe Community Hospital (re: Moe Hospital, Ollerton Ave, Newborough).

The display is part of the historical society’scollectionofphotos from the old hospital and has beenset-up at Moe Library in George Street.

The display will be on show for the next three months.The public who wish to add or provide further information into Latrobe Community Hospital can phone M&DHS on (03) 51 27 6264, or email on moehist@aussiebb.com.au


MOE Art Societymet last Thursday, with 16 members braving the heat.

The members are enjoying their new home; it is cool and comfortable. Artists are diligently working on creating new pieces with enthusiasm.

Tomorrow (Thursday, February23) the group will welcome artist Libby Witchell, who is giving aworkshop using multimedia.

Those not attending the workshop will join Ken Downs for aPlein Air painting day. They will be meeting on Coach Road in Newborough.

The monthly challengeistopainta view either looking from or towards the library.

March will see us painting portraits for the March Challenge. No doubtwith EileenPowell and ChristinaWilkebeing members we will see some great results. Both ladies are always available for a chat regarding portraits; both excellent artists but they have an entirely differentstyle. Eileen is choosing amodel.

Anyone visiting the Moe Library can view paintings by two award-winning artists,LingWangand Ken Downs. Their paintings are exhibited on the wall behindreceptionand along the south wall.

The society meets every Thursday from 9amuntil 3.30pminthe East End of the Moe Library.

Newmembers are welcome and the public are always welcome to come in for achat.

Any enquiries, phone secretaryPeter McLarenon0400 933 609, or president Beryl Galloway on 0407 271 686.


MEETING of Latrobe Valley Prostate Support Group will be held on tonight (Wednesday, February 22) at Morwell Club from 7pm.

Those interested can enjoy counter tea at 6pm before the meeting.

All welcome, newmembers most welcome.

Business, planning for New Year, reports, financial and current programs. More information, phone Allan Cunningham on 0458 111 688.


ON Sunday, February 12 agroup of 14 TRAMPS members met at Maffra for a ride around the locality, brilliantly put together by Andrew and lead by Paul. Two new ladymemberswere welcomed and said they had alovely day. We were light on as some of the club were cycling in New Zealand. The group arrived at the Knob Reserve at Stratford for lunch and took the short stroll up to the look-out.

Fromthere, we had agreat view of the Avon River through the farmlands and Mt Wellington in the distance.

The groupthen rode the exciting pathway through the bushes, that took us under the Stratford Railway Bridge and road bridges to the lightly wooded country back to Maffra.

On the way home there was astopat Heyfield for coffee.

Our next ride starts at the Boolarra

Rail Trail Park at 9am this Sunday (February 26). TRAMPS welcomes new riders.

For moreinformation,visitour website: www.tramps.org.au or our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/ www.tramps.org.au

PhonePaul on 0459 823 422 or Vance on 0403 662 288 for any queries.

Jazz time

PIP Avent’sMouldy Jazz Bandhas been bookedasthe next event for the Moe Latrobe Valley Jazz Club.

The event will be held this Sunday (February 26) at the Moe RSL venue.

Tuba player, Pip Avent, is the leader of the band, which concentrates on tunes from the Golden Days of New Orleans using the sounds of trumpet, trombone, tuba, clarinet, banjo and washboard.

The band plays traditional jazz includingeverythingfromDixielandtogospel, blues and ragtime.

Pip leads avery experienced line-up includingCam Robbins on clarinet, Jeremy Meaden on trumpet,Bill Beasley on trombone,Andrew Dunn on washboard and Tony Alan on banjo. Doors open at 12.30pm for a1pm start.

Get Together

GET Together is an open space for conversation and community. We meet on the first Wednesday of the month.

The next Get Together will be on Wednesday, March 1at10aminthe

Traralgon Uniting Park Lane Foyer.

This willbeatimewhenyou can meet and chat with others over acuppa. If you or anyoneyou know would like to be part of this Get Together, please bring them along. All are welcome.

For more details, phone 5174 2398 or 5177 8107.

We Live TooCreware back

IF you are aperson who lives with a disability or chronic illness, or you care forsomeone who does, this group may be the one for you.

Thislittle groupcome together to share some laughs, lived experience, stories and fun activities together.

The group aims to empower participants to build their capacity to have a voice and access asafesocial space for all abilities.

We provide afriendly link with other services andcivic-minded people.

The group meets on the third Friday of each month.

Art and craft, lunch provided at no cost.

Venue: Morwell Neighbourhood House (48-50 Beattie Cres).

Fungi-the good and the bad in our environment

ON Friday, February 24 from 7.30pm at the Moe Library (George St, Moe), in person or via Zoom, the Latrobe Valley Field Naturalists’ Club (LVFNC) meeting’s speaker will be Dr Mary Cole. She is an internationally recognised academic and plant pathologist who is the director of Agpath.

Her companyintroduces and supports farmers, other land carersand environmentalists to methods that enhance soil health and productivity, and lead to a more sustainable future.

Marywill describe the vital role fungiplays in soil formation and health, and also discuss two areas where fungal diseases cause problems in the Australian bush; Phytophthora cinnamomi (dieback) and beech rust.

The presentation will be followed by our LVFNC’smonthly meeting. Visitors are most welcome.

For more information, phone our secretary on 0410 237 292.

Please visit our website to register if you wish to use Zoom.

Mums and babies



in Moe

YOGA sessions for mums and babies, running at the High Street Community Hub (4 High Street, Moe) tomorrow (Thursday, February 23), Thursday, March 9, and Thursday, March 23.

Sessions run from 10am to 10.45am.

Very gentle yoga and no prior yoga experience required.

Breathe,stretch and socialise with other mums.$15 per session-noobligation to attend all three sessions.

For more information or to book your spot on the yoga mat, call/SMS Maria on 0499 996 364.

For babies 12 months or younger.

Annual congress

EASERN Region Bridge Association held theirannual congress at Phillip Island last weekend.

Entries came from all the local clubs. CongratulationsgotoGlynisLohr andRob Graham who won the open pairs, and to Kaye Douglas and Greg Nicholson who came third. What an achievement for our Traralgon Bridge Club.

Moe View

THE next meeting of Moe View Club will be held on Wednesday, March 1. This willbeatMoe Hotel (Leggies), Lloyd St Moe at 10.30am.

We had an enjoyable breakfast at Old Gippstown this month, raising money for Smith Family.

For further information, please phone Sue on 0417 515 745, or Maureen on 0458 842 256.

Helping hand

OUR ‘Friends’ group have been busy of late, weedingthe recent plantings at the highway end of the Gippsland Plains Rail Trail.

The plantingshave been helped by the wet and mild conditions we’ve experienced, and as aresult, growth and plant establishment has been good.

As well as maintaining plantings, we regularly mow and brush-cut grass and remove rubbish.

Our adopted section of the trail runs from the Princes Highway near Bunnings, north to Black Tank Road, Glengarry.

If you would like to check out and perhaps join our friendly and active group, phone Peter on 0431 940 171.

Latrobe Chorale Inc

FIND your voice in our singing workshop with AndrewWailes,anexperienced Melbourne-based Australian conductor, chorus-master, music director, singer and adjudicator.

Date: Saturday, March 4.

Time: 10am to 4pm.

At :StAndrews Presbyterian Church,


Open to all aspiring choristers (a donation would be appreciated)

Meal break 12pmto1:30pm, bringyour-ownlunch. Coffee, tea, etc is supplied.

Learn about thefiner points of singing together, vocal techniques and exercises to improve voice production. Music, etc supplied

SponsoredbyLatrobe Chorale Inc and supported by grants from the Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal and Delburn Wind Farm.

Register, to ensuresupplies available, with secretary Mark on 0490 115 357.

Email: info@latrobechorale.org

Ourrehearsalsare on Tuesday evenings, 7.15pmto10pmatthe church; all welcome.

Come and give it atry.

Chess results

HOLDING on for two draws after the early winsenabledIan Hamiltontotake the lead in the current event.

Adoubleloss did not lookgood, but Bob Copper found stability and overcame other opponents.

SteveAhern showed plenty of positive signs although he allowed several chances to slip away. Missing the opportunities was the problem for Cliff Thornton.

Peter Bakker had trouble avoiding the traps.

Phone Cliff Thornton on 0413 330 458 or Ian Hamilton on 5134 1971 for details.

Funand fellowship

EVOLVE is an intergenerational time of fun, fellowship, food, music and craft, held at the Traralgon Uniting Church on the fourthSundayofeach month at 4pm.

Time is 4pm to 6pm.

Alight meal is included.

Everyone is welcome to come along. It begins this Sunday (February 26). For more information, phone Kerryn on 0438 281 982.

Live simply, so all may simply live.


MID Gippsland Family History Society Inc. is now open for 2023, and is keen to welcomemembers and the public to the first topic of interest on our calendar for this year -‘Military Medals’.

Michael Weatherall will be the guest speaker on this topic, which will be held at theFamily History Centre,44Albert Street,Moe (next door to Tanjil Place Medical Centre) tomorrow (February 23) at 2pm.

All are welcome, and of course, there is no cost involved.

This is the first of what will be aseries of topic of interest talks throughout the year.

And just areminder, our family history centre is open to the public every Wednesday afternoon between 1pm and 4pm.

We welcome anyone interested in learning more about their ancestors and family history, whether araw beginner or an experienced family historian/genealogist,tocome alongand have achattoone of our experienced researcherswho are keen to help you navigate the resources we have.

You’ll be amazed at what you can discover about your ancestors by using such resources as Trove, Ancestry.com and our large holdings of cemetery records and transcriptions.

For any inquiries,please call 0403 611 730.

Morwell Senior Citizens

HELD at 2-4 MaryvaleCrescent, Morwell.

Current activities: Bowls are held on Tuesdays at1pm. Cards (500) are held on Fridays at 1pm, all welcome. The annual meetingwillbeheld on Tuesday, February 28 at 11am. All members welcome.

Motorcycleswap meet

MIRBOO North Motorcycle Swap Meet will be held Sunday, April 16.

This is amotorcycle only swap meet, therefore no car parts,bric-a-bracor household stuff.

Starting time is 8.30am at Castle St Oval.

Entry is $10 per person.

For more information, phone 0428 684 267.

Good Friday fundraiser

ON Sunday, April2,Our Kinda Country Club will be holding its 11th annual fundraiser for the Royal Children’s Hospital Good Friday Appeal. We havebeen donatingmoney raised from this event to the R.E.H Cork Club.

The event is held at Flanagans Hotel, Traralgon from 12 noon.

The afternoon consists of live music,a rafflewith more than 20 Easter basket prizes and an auction.

For further information,phone Dawn on 0412 161 419.

Twilight market

OLD Gippstownisstarting 2023 off with our twilight market.

Gates open at 4pm on March 4. Gold Coin entry.

Old Gippstown is hosting monthly ghost and park tours. The next one is Saturday, April 29.

Book your place now using this link https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/ghostand-park-tour-tickets-536499423217

Let’s dance

LATROBEValley Dance Promotions

Inc are conductingweekly Thursday night social ballroomdancing with lessonsonThursday evenings at the Guide Hall, Margaret St Morwell.

Beginnerswillbestartingat7pm and are welcome to stay until 10pm.

Intermediate/advanced from 8pm to 10pm.

Cost is $5. Join us for some fun learning, revision, dancing, friendships, and exercise

Follow us on our Facebook page at Latrobe Valley Dance Promotions Inc. Phone Norm on 0428543 737 or Lynda on 0428 489 041 for more information.

Email: latrobevalleydancepromotioninc@gmail.com

Youcan be apartof Community Corner

IF you are acommunity group andhave any news items you need publicised, feel free to email us at news@lvexpress. com.au

You can address the correspondence to Editor, Liam Durkin.

Please write ‘Community Corner’ in the subject line and nothing else.

Deadline is Friday 9am to appear in the following Wednesday issue.

Valleywide Tree Services Alleyw

LEAVE it to Valleywide Tree Services to do all the heavy lifting in the garden.

The companyhas spent the last 25 yearsinthe Latrobe Valley, establishing its name as astrong andreliable portofcallfor not just vegetation work,but also excavation and elevation.

Towerhireisavailable forthose needing work done in high places

Highlyskilled professionals can take matters intotheir hands and prevent youfromtaking any unnecessaryand potentially dangerous risks

Earth moving work includes levelling forhouse sites,boring, constructing laneways and dams and more, plus the team can help clear sites and carryout demolitions safelyand efficiently.

Fortreeremovaland pruning,a qualified arborist will come to the sitetooffer their expertise.Other outdoorservices include clearing electrical lines of branches, landscaping,stump grinding, mulching and much more.

The staffare local people who take theapproach‘the customer is always right’

Thebusiness,which is manned sevendaysaweek, continues to strivetobethe best provider in its field, in and around the Latrobe Valley. Simply, thelevel of experience and qualityofworkmanship is hardtocompetewith. to place your classified in our WEDNESDAY PUBLICATION


All classifications before 3pm Monday

In person:

Latrobe Valley Express

21George St,Morwell

NextraLotto Moe

1-3 MooreSt, Moe Seymour St Newsagency 83 Seymour St, Traralgon

PLEASE NOTE:| thatadpaymentis required prior to publication unless afullaccount is held with the Latrobe Valley Express.

Email: classifieds@ lvexpress.com.au

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Latrobe Valley Express, “Attention Classifieds’’ 21 George Street, Morwell 3840


Most Newsagents act as our agents and will accept your advertisements up until the same deadlines as above

Credit Card:

When placing your advertisement over the phone or via email you charge it to your Mastercard or Visa

HowBULLS for Hire/Sale

Angus, Limousin, Jersey, Hereford and Friesian, very quiet. 0447 331 762.

MALTESE cross pups, 1F, 6M, m/c 95600001582 8431, 15971785, 14982639, 15972575,15830952, 15830629, 15976997, RB 211780. Kath 0438 453 063 or Alan 0412 761 402

MAKITA mower B/S 190cc little use $350. Ryobi mower Yamaha 176cc, used once $350. B/S 190cc, engine excellent cond. $180. Masport mower side throw B/S 190cc, heavy duty ex/cond. $450.

LG SL8YG s/bars X2ex/ cond. $580. 2seat black leather lounge recliner, as new $480. Black game and computer desk and chair, never used $180. Haier 3shelf freezer, as new $220. Phone 0438 371 934.

TRARALGON, 35 Larnach Rd. Sat. 9am-2pm. Huge combined sale. Variety of things to see, drinks and BBQ available, come on and check it out.

YALLOURN North, 120 North Rd, Sat. and Sun., 8.30am -4pm. Camping gear, household items, linen, tiger ornaments, tools and other items. Everything has to go!!

Why Nothold


5135 4455

For Sale •

Bird Cage

Approximately 5metres x 7ft high, free. Phone 0499 972 460 Trafalgar East.



320 Francis Road, Sat., 9am-2pm.Bric-a-brac, china, household, assor-

MEN'S SHED - Renovators, woodworkers,building materials. Post Covid back yard cleanout until end of February. 27A Boolarra Avenue, Newborough.

MOE, 15 York St, Saturday, 8am. No early callers. Household items, scrap booking, assorted vinyl for cutting machines, cake toppers and more.


Cash paid for whole collections, 12'', LPs, and 7'' singles. Ph 0409 145 916.


Voicemail introductions advertisements and voice messages may only be submitted by persons 18 years and older.

When making contact with people for the first time, it is advisable to meet in apublic place and let amember of your family or atrusted friend know where you will be.

We would advise readers and advertisers to exercise caution and giving out personal details. This will be respected by genuine respondents.

Hello Baby In The Express

The Latrobe Valley Express welcomes photos of your newest arrival

Parents are welcome to email a copy of your newborn photos for publication to our editorial staff - news@lvexpress.com.au with the subject line baby photo’

Please include the following details:

On The Buses

Mulwala trip, 21-24 April. Country Music Festival, coach, accom., breakfast, all incl. Ph Kim by 24th February 0408 388 672. Proceeds to the Royal Children's Hospital.


Moe Self Storage

various sizes from $85 p.c.m. Contact Strzelecki Realty on 5127 1333.


Motorists are advised that in order for the safe conduct of the Traralgon Farmers Market it will be necessary for Kay St, T'gon, between Breed and Church Sts, eastbound, to be closed to all traffic on Saturday, 25th February. The market will commence at 8am. It is expected that this portion of Kay St will be closed from 6am-2.30pm.

Responsibility PLEASE CHECK


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Cut It Down

Expression of Interest

Bass Coast &South GippslandClinical Council and CommunityAdvisory Committee Members

Gippsland PHN is part of anational network of 31 PrimaryHealth Networks across Australia. PHNs across the countryare funded to worktowards the objectiveofmeeting the healthneeds of the most vulnerablepeople in the community or those most at risk of poor health outcomes.GippslandPHN works closely with community and the primaryhealth sector to identify opportunities to improve healthoutcomesin Gippsland, through better coordination and support of health servicesand by commissioning new services to address identifiedhealth needs. The PHNcorefunctions: supporttogeneral practice, system integration,health planningand commissioning aredesigned to address identified national objectives and priorityareas. These prioritiesframe the workofGippslandPHN,guided also by community and clinical input.Gippsland PHNs vision is for ameasurably healthier Gippsland.

Gippsland PHN is seeking expressions of interest for the followingroles:

CommunityAdvisoryCommittee members to commence 1July 2023, for athree-year term.

Bass Coast and South Gippsland Clinical Council members to commence May 2023, until 30 June 2024.


All potential nomineesshould review the online information and complete the Expression of Interest link available at https://gphn.org.au/career/ careers-expressions-of-interest/ Formoreinformation, please email company.secretary@gphn.org.au

Applications Close: Sunday, 5March 2023

Underwriting Assistant and Accounts &Claims Manager

Alan Wilson Insurance Brokers (AWIB) have been in operation for 38 years and are awell-known and respected international insurance firm, based in Traralgon. AWIB are renowned for providing excellent customer service and having the highest standard of technical expertise in their sector.

AWIB are currently looking for an Underwriting Assistant and an Accounts &Claims Manager.

These are exciting roles and perfect for experienced administrators who are strongly customer focussed, bring excellent written and verbal communication skills and love learning and grasping new concepts. Additionally, the Underwriting Assistant will need to be analytical with astrong mathematical capability.

These roles are both full time and salary will be negotiated with the successful applicant with consideration of experience and skills.

Any questions can be emailed to: abbey@hrsorted.com.au -please do not contact AWIB.

To apply for either of these roles please search for 'HR Sorted' via www.seek.com.au and apply including your resume and application letter. Both roles close 6March however, please apply as soon as possible as applications will be considered as received.

Gp Required

Full-time/Part-time positions available in asmall family clinic located in Maffra. Modern facilities with a full-time practice nurse.

For information regarding the position please call 5141 1889 or email: manager@johnsonst clinic.com.au



LatrobeCityCouncilhasexcitingopportunitiesforenthusiasticand forward-thinkingindividualswithapassionforprovidingexcellent servicestoourcommunity

• Social Inclusion ProjectOfficer - So InclusionProjectOfficer -Permanent Full Time

• ProjectManager -Gippsland Logistics

Precinctecinct-Temporary Full Time

• Finance Officer-Temporary Full Time

• Graduate Environmental Health Officer/ Environmental Health Technical Officer - En nical


• Preschooland Childcare -Multiple Pr


Forfurtherinformationincludinghow toapply,positiondescriptionsand applicationclosingdates,pleasevisitour websitewww.latrobe.vic.gov.au/careers

Pleasenotesuccessfulapplicantswillbe requiredtoapplyforandsatisfactorilyobtain


Housekeeping Service Attendants

3Positions are Available

We are looking for motivated individuals to join the Team at Farnham Court Motel Morwell.

● Positions are casual

● Weekday and weekend work available

● Shifts are generally 8.30am to 12.00 midday

● Task included rooms and accommodation cleaning, restocking of accommodation pantries and commercial laundry duties

● Previous Hotel /Motel Housekeeping experience is desirable but not essential

● Would suit those looking to earn alittleextra and those seeking to work in an organised, safe, and structured environment

● Wage is Casual Award Wage Rate plus Superannuation

Applicants can apply by sending an Introductory email and Resume to hello@farnhamcourt.com.au or in person by delivering aresume to Farnham Court Motel Reception. Applications close Friday, 10 March 2023.

Full Time Boiler Maker

Omega Network are seeking to employee a fulltime qualified Boiler Maker with proven experience to join the team at our workshop in Morwell and site in afull-time capacity.

You will need to work well as amember of ateam, work productively unsupervised, be adaptable to changing requirements, have Aclass welding skills.

We are looking for an over achiever who would welcome afull-time position with fortnightly RDO's, competitive workshop rates and the desire to make the role their own.

You will need to have acurrent driver's licence, current forklift licence would be desirable, white card, necessary qualifications with trade certificates.

An application form can be downloaded from our website www.omeganetwork.com.au

Alternatively, you can email your Expression of Interest to: info@omeganetwork.com.au or text your name and email address to 0438 217 690 and an application form will be forwarded to you


Full Time -Education Support 1-4 ($88,738 -$104,630)


Part Time -Leading Teacher salary range ($117,949 -$123,257 pro rata)

Head Start is an exciting initiative from the State Government to increase the numbers of students undertaking high quality apprenticeships and traineeships while still completing their senior secondary studies through flexible arrangements. The program success has now enabled further expansion to all State Government Secondary Schools within Gippsland.

As part of the expansion Head Start Program is now seeking to appoint a coordinator and learning leader to focus on schools within the Inner Gippsland area that will be hosted within aschool in the area.

If you think this position would suit you, please apply via https://www.vic.gov.au/joinheadstart, you must submit cover letter application, resume and MUST address each key selection criteria in aseparate document.

For further information please call Amanda McMahon, Gippsland Hub Director on 0428 197 919 or email amanda.mcmahon3@education.vic.gov.au

This position is on Recruitment Online https://www.vic.gov.au/joinheadstart www.latrobe.vic.gov.au/careers

Applications close Friday 3rd March 2023.

Victorian government schools are child safe environments. Our schools actively promote the safety and wellbeing of all students, and all school staff are committed to protecting students from abuse or harm in the school environment in accordance with their legal obligationsincluding the Child Safe Standards. The school's Child Safety Code of Conduct is available onthe school's website.

Deliverers Wtd

Multiple FactoryOperator Vacancies

Forfurther information or to apply visit: www.gbsrecruitment.com.au

Ref: 664675

Recruitment &Career Specialists

Career Opportunity

We areseeking applications from suitably qualified and experienced people for the following position at our Yallourn Mine:

MineRehabilitationProject Manager

Forfurther informationonthis opportunity and to apply visit: http://careers energyaustralia com au GP1653808

Motor Mechanics

Due to the high volume of sales, service and parts, we require additional Motor Mechanics for an immediate start in our service department. We need your services and we are prepared to financially reward you for all of your various qualifications. We pay above award rates of pay and offer ongoing factory training in order to maintain your skills levels. Fourth year apprentices are also welcome to apply.

All applicants will be treated as strictly confidential.

For further information please phone Ray Massaro 0417 887 718 email -ray.m@massaromotors.com.au

Massaro Motors, 479 Princes Dve Morwell 5134 1422


(Option of Full Time or 4days)

Littleton Hackford Solicitors Traralgon

This Front of House position involves assisting a likeable client base, solicitors and staff.

The successful applicant must demonstrate a suitable level of maturity and recognise the importance of initial impression.

General reception duties include meet and greet, phone, email, mailroom, registering matters and routine clerical duties which can be taught on site.

Asolid position to replace along term retiring staff member.

Application and resume supported by driver's licence ID invited to davidh@littletonhackford.com.au by 6March 2023

St Paul’s Anglican Grammar School is seeking applicationsfor the following position at Traralgon Junior School for 2023.

Classroom Teacher

Full-time Fixed term contract Commencing as soon as possibleto December 2023

If you areinterested please forwardacurrent resume and cover letter to hr@stpaulsags.vic.edu.au

Foracopy of the Position Description please refer to our website: www.stpaulsags.vic.edu.au

Applicationsclose 5pm, Monday27February2023

Wisdom Integrity Compassion Respect

Maintenance and Ground Keeper

The Moe Memorial Park is recruiting Permanent/part time. 30 hours aweek. Flexible hours and days.

● Are you reliable and trustworthy?

● Experienced in lawncare and property upkeep?

● Able to work with minimal supervision?

● Flexible and able to respond to worksite priorities?

● Able to operate ride-on and self-drive mowers and brush cutting and other property equipment?

● Do you have acurrent Victorian Driver's Licence?

For aposition description email moememorialpark@bigpond.com or phone the Secretary on 0409 420 218 Applications close Friday, 3March 2023.

Practice Manager

Coaching for Doctors is seeking aVirtual Practice Manager -flexible25hours/week, collaborative team environment, opportunity to have apositive impact on healthcare.

The right person will:

● Be agile, with amindset that is excited about working virtually in astart-up environment

● Be able to listen with care and commitment, and then consistently and reliably deliver

● Have experience in financial management and people management, with exceptional communication skills

● Be ateam player and love our mission Request position description from Sharee Johnson, Executive Director at sharee@coachingfordoctors.net.au

The position is available immediately. Applications close as soon as asuitable applicant is found.

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