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We currently have opportunities for experienced Night Shift Linehaul Drivers based at Morwell delivering to anumber of areas across metro Melbourne and regional Victoria. Successful Applicants must:
● Hold acurrent MC licence, ideally you will have aminimum of 12 months experience
● Have aproven safe driving record
● Provide your current VicRoads licence history
● Have ahigh level of communication and customer service skills
● Pass apre-employment medical (which includes a drug and alcohol test) and company induction

● Hold BFM accreditation or willing to obtain
● Have avalid forklift licence or willing to obtain If you enjoy operating modern equipment, are well presented, energetic, customer focussed and willing to develop with agrowing professional and safety focussed company please apply through Seek https://www.seek.com.au/job/60153333
Latrobe Valley Industries MAJOR OUTAGE MARCH 2023
Latrobe Valley Industries are seeking expressions of interest from experienced and qualified personnel for upcoming Major Outage works at Loy Yang.
White Card, Power Industry Card and all necessary trade certifications. Proven experience within the Power Industry amust. Major shut rates apply. Please email Expression of Interest to info@lvindustries.com.au Or Text your name and email address to 0438 217 690 for an application form to be forwarded to you
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TOYOTA Fortuner GXL, 2016, solar panel, roof-rack, duel battery, fridge/drawer system, exc. cond., r.w.c. 147,000kms,1IT-3AJ. $46,000. 0409 436 578.
MATHIESON, Allan Raymond. 12/12/1933 -12/2/2023.
Beloved brother and brother-in-law of Beryl, and Mary and Alan.
Devoted husband of Nancy (dec.).
Loved father and fatherin-law of Roslyn and Jon, Barry and Wendy, Dianne and John, and Lisa and Peter.
Treasured by 11 grandchildren, 13 great grandchildren and two great, great grandchildren.
Treasured memories of a wonderful man. We will miss you so. Love Roslyn and Jon, Chris, Adrian, Hayley and partners.
Dad; Never one to complain, you always saw the best side of people and inspired us right to the end with your caring nature and impeccable manners.
Asporting legend with a cheeky wit, you will be greatly missed.
Love Barry and Wendy; Whitney and Sam; Brodie and Paul; Kirby, Paul, Lachie and Archer; Cory, Kate and Matilda.
Dear Dad (Pop/Grand Pop),
So dearly loved, so sadly missed. We will never forget you. You were the best dad (pop) ever.
Thanks for all the wonderful memories. Forever in our hearts. Reunited with Mum (Nan).
Dianne, John, Ashlea, Mick and Baby Taylor and Cam.
Much loved and loving father of Lisa (Fred) and Peter. Adored and adoring pop of Rhys and Carly.
Deaths •
Request For Tender
Council is seeking submissions from qualified companies/applicants for the following:
RFT/361 -Korumburra Rail Precinct Carpark: Stage 1
Tenders close 2pm AEST on Tuesday 14 March 2023.
Documentation is available from Council's e-Tendering Portal www.southgippsland.vic.gov.au/tenders
Request For Tender
Food Services Department
Latrobe Regional Hospital is now seeking quotations from suitably qualified suppliers for the supply of fresh meat to the Food Services Department. The supply contract will commence on 1May 2023 for atwo (2) year period. ITS submissions must be lodged by the closing date and time and in the format that is specified. The ITS specifications can be found via the LRH procurement portal https://www.healthsharevic.org.au
For assistance, please contact Michelle Brady on 5173 8825 or Steve Henry on 5173 8394
COLLINS, Myra Gwendoline. Passed away peacefully at Warrnambool on 11th February 2023.
Aged 80 years
Much loved partner of Wayne.Dearlyloved daughter of the late James and Gwendoline. Loved twin sister of Jimmy and loved sister of Lindsay (both dec).
Abrilliant star and eternal spirit
You will never be forgotten
Rest in Peace
CROSBIE, Donald. Passed away suddenly whilst having afabulous day on the beach, on Wednesday, 15 February 2023. Loved and loving husband of Marg. Beloved father of Joel and Carla, Dean and Bianca, and Leah. Poppy Don to Lachie, Maddock, Hamish, Elizabeth and Link. Will be greatly missed by Drifter and Gunner. Great Last Day
To the Vella family, sending you all love and strength at this sad time. May he rest peacefully. With love from the Frendo cousins.
WEBB, John William. 26/11/1934 -15/2/2023.
Passed away Peacefully at Latrobe Regional Hospital. Loved and loving husband of Adeney (dec.) Loved father to Leonie, Brendon, Julie, Glen (dec.), Michael, Terry, Wendy and their families.
WIGGINS. The Funeral Service to celebrate the life of Jennifer Wiggins will take place in the Federation Chapel, Lilydale Memorial Park Crematorium, Victoria Rd, Lilydale, THURSDAY (23 February 2023) commencing at 11.45am.
More than local Funeral Directors
Wellington ShireCouncil invites suitably qualified contractorstotender forthe demolition of existing toiletand construction of newtoiletblock wellingtonshirecouncil).
MATTHEWS, David. Passed away on Friday, 17 February 2023. Loved son of Roger (dec.) and Shirley. Adored father of Sherridan, Chelsea, Martine and Shane. Adored grandfather of Harley, Alyssa and Bentley.
Loved brother of Peter and Janet, Kerri and Gary. Will be greatly missed by all his extended family.
The strongest man we knew Finally at Rest Loved nephew of Russ and Olwyn Balfour. Cousin of Michael and Wendy, Janine and Frank, Robyn and Laurie and families.
Fond memories of happier times
WRIGHT, Clyde James Richard. Of Eastwood in Bairnsdale. 31/8/1938 -14/2/2023. Dearly loved husband of Evelyn. Father of Linda Mealing, father-in-law to Kevin. Father of Glen. Grandfather to Rebecca, Alex, Connor, Jess and Johannah. Great grandfather to Clyde and Savannah. Very dearly loved Sadly missed
WRIGHT, Clyde J. R. Atrue, loyal and generous friend of our family for over 60 years. To Ev, Linda and Kevin, Glen and families, our love and sympathy at this sad time. We will always remember the many wonderful times we had together -Elaine and Morrie, Andrea, Julie and John, Mandy and families.
WRIGHT. The Funeral of Mr Clyde James Richard Wright of Eastwood in Bairnsdale, will leave Our Chapel, 613 Main St, Bairnsdale, after aService commencing at 1pm on FRIDAY (24 February 2023) for the Bairnsdale Lawn Cemetery. Clyde's Funeral Service will be streamed online. Please see Clyde's funeral notice at: stephenbaggs.com.au for alink to the livestream. Stephen Baggs Funeral Directors Bairnsdale 5153 2150
In Memoriam
GRANT, Eric Robert. 20/5/1926 -24/2/2020. Dearly loved and devoted husband of Yvonne for over 65 years.
Aloving son, husband, father, grandfather and sincere friend. Loved father of Ken, Colin, Lynette and grandchildren.
Iwish Icould have you back again. Wonderful Memories
Dad, we shared such a special bond, Iwill forever miss hearing you call me Fred. We were honoured to have such awonderful, caring gentleman as our Father and Pop. Rest in peace. You will live on always in our hearts
MOORE, Bryan George. 16/7/1929 -13/2/2023. Aged 93 of Morwell. Reunited with his loving wife Betty (dec.) and his much loved Mum and Dad.
Loving wishes from Alan, Tracey and family, Alan, Helen and family, and Andrew and Tania. Rest In Peace
PEDERSEN, Peter (Preben).
Passed away peacefully at NarracanGardens on the 17 February of 2023.
Aged 92 years Loved and loving husband of Sophia (dec.). Much loved father and father-inlaw of Hans and Christine, Leon and Joanne, Erik and Janice (dec.). Loved Poppy of Jenna, Tara, Mia, Natalie, Melody, Lacey, Shenae, Carey, and Georgie.
Rest in peace
VELLA, Consiglio (Con). 19/7/1949 -12/2/2023.
Son of Emmanuele (dec.) and Benedetta (dec.).
My beloved brother Con, Iwept for what has come to pass so soon; the time that is no longer promised. Iwill miss seeing you sit in my workshop, as we share our passions and stories.
You were one of the strongest men Ihave ever come to know and Iam proud to have called you my brother. Iknow you heard your call and with dignity and honour you surrendered. Iwill miss you greatly but Iknow you are now truly at peace.
"When everything is ready, Iwill come and get you, so that you will always be with me where Iam. And you know the way where Iamgoing"
(John 14:3-4)
Our sincere condolences to Rose, Christine, Simon, Lauren, Jesse and their families. All our love Charlie, Toni, Dean, Paula, Max, Lenny, Leanne, Faifaiaso, Vilikesa and Salanieta.
CROSBIE. The Funeral Service and Committal for Cremation of Mr Donald Crosbie will be held at Latrobe Valley Funeral Services Chapel, 260 Princes Highway, Traralgon, on MONDAY, (27 February 2023) commencing at 2pm. Please wear casual dress including flannelette shirts and thongs. No flowers by request. Donations to the Gippsland Rail Trail would be appreciated. Envelopes available at the Service.
Place your tribute on latrobevalleyfunerals.com.au
The Funeral Service and Committal for Cremation of Mr David Matthews will be held at Gippsland Memorial Park Crematorium, Rose Chapel MONDAY (27 February 2023) commencing at 10.30am.
Place your tribute on latrobevalleyfunerals.com.au
MOORE. The Funeral Service and Committal for Cremation of Mr Bryan Moore will be held at Gippsland Memorial Park, Rose Chapel on THURSDAY (23 February 2023) commencing at 11am.
MORWELL 5134 4937
Place your tribute on latrobevalleyfunerals.com.au
PEDERSEN. The Funeral for Mr Peter Pedersen will be held at Latrobe Valley Funeral Services Chapel, 6Ollerton Ave Moe, on MONDAY (27 February 2023) commencing at 10.30am. At the conclusion of this Service the Funeral will leave for the Moe Cemetery. MOE-MORWELL-TRARALGON MOE 5126 1111 Place
IKIN, Gordon Herbert. 21/4/1917 -24/2/2003. Dad, it's 20 years since you left us, Ilove and miss you every day. Love Suzanne XXX.
Bereavement Thanks •
ANDERSON, John. 1984 -2023. My sincere thanks to family and friends for the love and respect shown for John and myself. The care, visits, heartfelt tributes have been comforting at this heart breaking time.
Fr Bickley, thank you for the care given to John in his early years. It was an honour to have you bless John for his next journey.
Lucia Anderson.
DOWNES, Ian. 1947 -2023. Lyn, Adam and Tracy, David and their families would like to thank every one for their kind messages, thoughts, visits, flowers, cards and cooking during this difficult time. Your love and support helped in so many ways and has been very much appreciated. We would also like to thank the doctors and nurses at both LRH Avon Ward and Maryvale Private Hospital for their exceptional care of Ian in his final days.
SMITH, Ray. Barb,Donna, Travis, Andrea, Ingrid and their families would like to thank extended family, friends and community for their kindness and support during the time of Ray's passing. Phone calls, visits, messages, cards, tributes, flowers and food drops were very much appreciated. Thank you to all those who attended Ray's Funeral Service in person and viewed online. We did not get to speak with all of you on the day, but your presence was felt. Thanks to the Glengarry Cricket and Football Netball Clubs for providing the wake venue and helpers. Ray lived afull and happy life and will be greatly missed.
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