Police investigating police ‘not on’
FAMILY violencecomplaints allegedly perpetrated by Victorian policeofficersshould not be investigated by Victoria Police, parliament was told recently.
Areport by public integrity monitor, the Victorian Inspectorate, highlighted failures by the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission in handling complaints about police. The report, IBAC’s referral and oversight of Emma’s complaints about Victoria Police,detailed an account of awoman named Emma reporting violence perpetratedbyher then-partner, aVictoria Police officer, being referredbacktoVictoria Police It highlighted severerisks to complainants from such procedure.
Victoria Police responses included leaking the victim’s escapeplan backtothe perpetrator on the grounds of ‘member welfare’, which resulted in serious and brutal retaliatory violence against her and her children.
The Victorian Inspectorate has made four recommendations detailing how IBAC could improve its handling of police complaints, marking only the second time it has tabled apublic report since its formation 10 years ago.
Lauren Caulfield from Flat Out, astate-wide advocacy andsupport service for women, trans andgender-diverse people, coordinates Beyond Survival:The Policing Family Violence Project and says sweeping failures are ashocking indictment of asystem that continues to see police investigating themselves.
“Thesesweeping failures,and theharmthey cause to the victim-survivors –mainlywomen and children –experiencing family violence by police officers, are ashocking indictment of asystem that continuestosee police investigating themselves; It’s asystemthat provides impunity to violent officers,” Ms Caulfield said.
“IBAC, Victoria’santi-corruption watchdog, says they will prioritise investigating and exposing harmful police responses to family violence, including violence and predatory behaviour by police, but their record so far shows serious delays, investigative mishandling and apattern of referring the overwhelming majority of complaints back to Victoria Police.
“Knowingthatmost complaints will be sent directly back to Victoria Police for investigation makes complaining about policeresponses to family violenceincredibly risky for victim-survivors,” she said
“Mostvictims we work with avoid complaining at all, leaving many harmful police responses unreported and beyond any public accountability.
“Forfamily members of police officers who are using familyviolence against them, the risksof making acomplaint are even greater.
“This is not about resourcing; it’s about asystem that continuously prioritises policeover the safety and wellbeing of victim-survivors and justice for communities,” Ms Caulfield said.
“The violence and harm that victims are experiencing require skilled family violence and sexual assault response, and one that is both robust, independent and specialised.
“Rather than ever-more funding to police
Lockedout: Anew report highlightssystemic failures allowing policetoinvestigatepolice in matters of domesticviolence photograph contributed
responses, and to IBAC investigations that have continued to endorse these –regardless of the harm to victim-survivors –it’stimefor asystem overhaul.”
Victorian Inspectorate’s special report slammed IBAC for disputing the “soundness” of its inquiry and describing the commission’s approach to
its reviewasunderminingthe state’s integrity system,detailing alitany of issues with the police-complaints system, posing an ongoing risk to survivors of domestic and family violence.
IBACDeputy Commissioner KylieKilgour was quick to release astatement saying, “IBAC recognises that Emma and her children are victims of family violence perpetrated by aVictoria Police officer, and their welfare should be apriority”.
“Family violenceisunacceptable, and there is no place for perpetrators in Victoria Police,” Deputy Commissioner Kilgour said.
“Victims should feel safe to comeforward to both Victoria Police and IBAC.
“We acknowledge Emma’s frustration with the inadequate investigation by Victoria Police and the delays in handling the complaints IBAC referred to Victoria Police in 2018 and 2021.
“IBAC completed athorough review which enabled it to correct several issues with Victoria Police’s investigation of Emma’s 2018 complaint,” Deputy Commissioner Kilgour said.
“Victoria Police is still investigating elements of the 2021 complaint, and this will also be subject to review by IBAC.”
IBAC made clear that it supports the intent of the Inspectorate’s recommendations, which relate to policies and procedures aimed at better recording of decisions, noting that these recommendations will likelyrequire additional resources from the government to implement.
“IBACiscommitted to astrongVictoria Police oversight system,which ensurescomplaintsare addressed with both transparency and accountability,” Deputy Commissioner Kilgour said.
“Victoria’s police oversight system is amixed civilian model, in which Victoria Police are resourced to conduct the majority of the investigations of complaints.
“Without government reform to IBAC’s jurisdiction and funding, which we would welcome, IBAC has little choice but to refer matters such as Emma’s to Victoria Police,” she said.
“Through the government’scurrentreview of Victoria’s police oversight system, IBAC has advocated for stronger powerstorespond to and supportvictimsofpolice misconduct.”
Deputy Commissioner Kilgour saidthe commission “does not wish to detract from Emma’s important story, but IBAC is concerned about the process the Inspectorate followed in conducting its review.
“The Inspectorate’s reportdoes not accurately or adequately reflect IBAC’s role and the limitations of the police oversight system in which we operate, and it, therefore, misses an opportunity to make meaningful recommendationsfor reform,” she said
IBAC ultimately accepted all recommendations made by the Victorian Inspectorate after examining how Emma’s complaint was dealt withdetailed in the report.
Urgent health-care hub planned for Valley
THE state government has unveiled the designs forapromised$6.5million mental health hub at Latrobe Regional Hospital.
People presenting with urgent mental health, alcoholand drug issues will be fast-tracked to the new six-bed hub for specialist care,which will free-up the general emergency department.
People will be assessedand treatedbyan emergency department and mental health team made up of psychiatrists, mental health nurses and social workers, and referred to other services as required.
The hub includes interview rooms, apatient lounge, support facilities, asensory suite, and is connected to the emergency department and ambulance entrance.
Thehub is being built alongside a$217million expansion of the Latrobe Regional Hospital, which is on track to be completed in late 2023.
“The new hub at Latrobe Regional Hospital meansmorepeoplerequiring urgent and immediate care can access the tailored services they need, when they need it, freeing up beds in our busy emergencydepartments,” said the Acting Minister for Mental Health, Colin Brooks.
Federal budget delivers on pre-election pledge
By MICHELLE SLATERTHE Albanese governmentisfollowing through on apre-election pledgetocommit $10 million to progress the GippslandLogistics Precinct, with the money included in last week’s federal budget.
Immigration Minister Andrew Giles visited Morwellbefore the federalelectiontomake the promise, which will contribute towards stage two of the project on land behind Mid Valley. The funding will support developing internal roads, utilities and flood mitigation to help local businesses move freight around the region.
The latestbudgetalsoincludes nearly $448 million for Gippsland rail line upgrades as part of Commonwealth regional infrastructure spending.
The budget review was handed down by the new federal Labor government on Tuesday, after it was elected in May.
It includes nearly $25 billion towards renewables and clean energy and a$1.9billion Powering the Regions Fund to help regional communities transition to net zero emissions.
Thereisalso $1 billion in new regional grants programs for local councils and community groups to dip into,and $250 millionfor local roads and community infrastructure.
However, the budget also warns the cost of petrol will jump after the full fuel excise was reinstated in September, and energypriceswillriseby56 per cent over the next two years.
Latrobe City Council has welcomed the investment in renewables as part of the Valley’s transition.
Latrobe City mayor,Kellie O’Callaghan, said the funding was “crucial” to the ongoing prosperity of the region into new industry and job opportunities.
“We willalsobelooking further into the Powering the Regions Fund as we navigate our transition fromcoal-fired power generation”CrO’Callaghan said.
“The establishment of such aprogram is timely to ensure we remain competitive and continue to thrive as aregional city.”
Cr O’Callaghan also welcomed cuts to the cost of medicines under the pharmaceutical benefits scheme, as well as expanded childcare subsidies and paid parental leave.
“It has also been great to see wellbeing measures considered in this budget– ensuringeducation, health standards and the environmentare reflected for the liveability of our nation,” she said.
But Member for Gippsland, DarrenChester, said the Gippsland rail upgrades announcement was a“recycled” commitment that he had made five years ago as federal transport minister.
In that time, there had been anew railway bridge built at Stratford, and work was progressingon major upgrades to the Traralgon and Morwell stations.
Mr Chester pointedtocutsinregional programs like the Building Better Regions Fund and community development grants. He hoped planned Princes Highway improvements would be honoured.
“I’m ahuge fanofrecycling but that’s ridiculous; most of the money has already been spent. I had low expectations fromacity-focusedLabor budget and unfortunately they have met them,” Mr Chester said.
“I can’t find asingledollar of new funding for Gippslandprojects or programs in thebudget, and we will be lucky to hold on to all of the initiatives already announced by the previous government.”
Home ownership scheme at forefront in Indigenous push
INDIGENOUS Business Australia (IBA) has partnered with the Victorian Government to give extraassistance to Aboriginaland Torres Strait Islanderpeople in Victoria looking to buy their own homes through the Victorian Homebuyer Fund scheme.
Through the scheme, the Victorian Government co-invests with participants in residential property in exchange for an equivalent equity share.
Eligible Aboriginal and Torres StraitIslander participants can receive a35per cent government contribution towards their home. Aminimal 3.5 per cent deposit is required, and participants must be able to cover any acquisition costs, such as stamp duty and conveyancing costs.
The remainder of the purchase price is facilitated through partner lenders, like IBA. The Victorian Governmentdoes not receive interest on its investment but will share in any capital gains or losses proportionate to its share in the property. This means the valueofits share goes up or down proportionate to changes in the property’s value.
Participantsare required to buy backthe government’s share in their property over time through refinancing, using savings, or upon sale of the property.
IBA’sExecutiveDirector,Government &Public Relations, Sean Armistead,saysthe partnership with the Victorian Government supports more Aboriginaland TorresStrait Islander people in Victoria to become homeowners.
“We’re always looking for new ways to support our First Nations customers to become an integral part of the Australian economy –whether that be owninga home, starting or growing abusiness, or investing in their future,” Mr Armistead said.
“Homeownership can create apositive impact on one’s life in many ways,including health, stability and general wellbeing. But the current housing market is affected by the addeduncertaintyof rising interest rates and housing stock availability, which makes the opportunity more difficult.
“This new fundprovides supportfor First Nations home buyers who might not otherwise be able to access their first home,” he said.
“We’re deeply invested in the financial success of FirstNationspeople and providingviable opportunities for home ownership, and welcome thepartnership with the Victorian Government to further those opportunities.”
Treasurer of Victoria Tim Pallas says there is a reason the Victorian Homebuyer Fund has been popular for areason.
“It helps people get into their own homes quicker with help from asecure partner,” Mr Pallas said.
“Thousands more Victorians will now be able to realisetheir dreams with this new injection; combined with the First Home Owner Grant and first home buyer stamp duty relief, it can make a massive difference.”
Coffee gives ahelping hand
By DANIEL PEDERSENIT could be acoffee shop acting as acharity,ora charity acting as acoffee shop, it doesn’t matter; it wants more customers, now.
When you buy acoffee, homemade pie or sausage roll, piece of cake or slice from TCB Coffee Hub, Moore St, Moe, you are contributing to the welfare of people who live around you.
TCB Living to Thriveisacharity,formed in 2018, to assist people fleeing domestic violence and to prevent domestic violence.
In aperfect world it would have achieved what it setout to do years ago, job done, and that would be that.
But these daysit’snot justpeople affected by domestic violence, but an increasingly varied clientele that ends up at its doors.
TCB provides food relief to those who need it, doesn’t ask for ahealthcare card, nor apostcode.
The only question you will be asked is: “How many people are in your home?”
Tracy Kippenformed the charity after completing her bachelor of consulting and then sought out an all-women committeetohelp manage the charity’s affairs.
Deb Mason is secretary and takes care of the day-to-day operations.
Four years ago, the charity formed afood bank and was helping five to 10 people aday,out of the old Moe library.
It’s simplestuff to help hungry people getthrough the day -bread, fruit and vegetables and asmatteringofnon perishableitemsdependent on what people have donated.
Then came COVID and rampantincreasing costs of living.
Now the charity is distributing between 40 and 50 bags of food aday,along withanything else that has come to the charity.
“Toilet paper, tissues, make up, anything really that’s donated to us,” Tracy said.
Of the gratefulrecipients, Tracypauses, thinking deeply, because there is certainly no one-size-fitsall description.
“Single mums, young men, alot of people aged 18 to 25, and some people prefer to come to us because we’re not church-based,” she said.
“And alot of people use it as an opportunity to have achat.”
“Thereare people who are working, but stillcan’t
make ends meet; there are young people who are just starting out and there are people who have mental health difficulties,” Tracy said.
“There are alot of casual workers, who probably aren’t counted as unemployed but don’t get enough hours to make aliving.
“There wasn’t anything that really focused on Moe, if youcan get to Morwell, Traralgon or Warragul there is alot more on offer, but Isaw a gap,” Tracy said.
In abid to provide more for people doing it tough, the charity expanded in March this year, opening the coffee shop.
The place is staffed by volunteers and any profits are directed back to the charity’s core functions, which shift as often as need does.
“I buy food, the volunteers buy food and we take donations, but the idea is to get the coffee shop to help fund the charity,” she said.
The coffee comes from Fat Cat Coffee Roasters at Newborough, Prime blend, the same served by Danbo’s of Moe.
“We try to source all of our ingredients locally,” Tracy said.
“There’s no limits to visitation and no one takes arecord of who comes,and if somepeople have afeeling of displacement that’s okay, they’ll be taken care of,” said Tracy, “We take everyone at face value”.
Tracy and her staff are connected, hence use of the term ‘hub’ in the shop’s name.
Thereare other charities advertising free clothes and bedding on asign at the door.
Tracy said operating the coffee shop -she rents commercially,has energy,coffee and food bills talliesatabout $3000 amonth.
Anythingmorethan that goes straighttofood for people who are hungry.
By PHILIP HOPKINSATOTAL of 19 speciesofflora and fauna have beenrecommendedfor interimprotection relating to forestry operations, according to the Threatened Speciesand Communities Risk Assessment report.
The next step willbetoprepare actionstatements for each species based on the managementneeded to conserve them all.
“All relevant social and economic factors will be considered in their preparation,” the report says, with the actions “feasible and proportionate to the level of risk” the species face.
“Any required permanentprotections aredue to be in place by May 2023.”
The report was released as part of the government’s policy by 2024 to halve the amount of native forest used by industry, from 4.5 per cent of the forest to about two percent.
The government saysthe riskassessments concerning forestry had to be undertaken under Victoria’s modernised Regional Forest Agreements (RFAs). “The risk assessment was informed by input fromscientific experts”,publishedliterature and spatial analysis assessing the impacts over the next 20 years in all the RFA regions.
The scientists included 21 species experts, including staff from DELWP, the Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria, Country Fire Authority and seven independent environment consultants. More than 1300 species were listed as threatened under the Victorian Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act in May 2021. Of these 61 were potentially affected by forestry operations.
Atotal of 32 were identified as at high or significant risk from forestry operations –ninein plantations and 23 in native forest. “All hazards rated as medium risk or higher will need to be considered in future management,” the report says.
Thisassessment wasfurther narrowed down to 19 species that were recommended for interim protections from forestry. These included three Spiny Crayfish, seven rainforest affiliated species, and nine restricted and limited range plants.
The hazards affecting these 61 species were climate change, fire, forestry, habitat modification, invasive species and threats to population health and resilience.
The report notes the myriad impacts on species from bushfires, some of which could modify some areas for decades, even centuries, with the danger exacerbated by more frequentand intense fires due to climate change.
“Bushfire management is the primary controlfor reducing the risk of major bushfires,” the report says, with fuel management the key. This is done through planned burns and newly introduced mechanical fuel reduction.
“While planned burning mitigates against bushfire risk for arange of values, it contributes to a total fire regime and may, in some circumstances and for some species, generateundesirable ecological changes,” the report says.
Machines that create firebreaks around the planned burn perimeter lead to temporary vegetation loss and soil disturbance. “The bush perimeter might alsointersect withstreams or drainage lines, increasing the risk of soil erosion and sedimentation. The use of machines mayalso facilitate the spread of weeds and pathogens,” the assessment says.
Forestry operations can have various effects, according to the report. These include:
Directly killing trees previously harvested and now listed as threatened.
Soil disturbance and compaction from machines, potential soil erosion and sedimentation of waterways.
FORMER AFL premiershipplayer and coach, David Parkin, will take amarkfor men’s health when he speaks to the Rotary Club of Moe and broader community on Monday, November 14.The former Hawthorn premiership captain, who led the Hawks to their second flag in 1971, and later did the same at the Blues, will talk about his fight with prostate cancer and the need for men to get screened.
Parkin’s passionfor educating men and their partners about the issues they face will be at the forefront of the discussion. Rotary Club of Moe president, Robin Noakes, urged men -and women -toattend the important health event.
“We strongly urge women to attend theevent becauseoften men can shy away from these kinds of topics,” Mr Noakes said.”By startingaconversa tion about men’s health -and hearing aboutDavid Parkin’s AFL career -wehope this will encourage mentotake prostate cancer seriously.
“Our message to men in Gippsland is ‘Do it for your partner or wife, your kids and most importantly your grandchildren’, and let’s set agood
Removal, modification and fragmentation of the forest structure, and
Edge creation, leading to micro-climate changes -more intense light, temperature, humidity and wind strength in adjoining forests.
The report says heavy machinery, particularly on snig tracks and log landings, can affect the survival of many understorey species –for example, Baw Baw berry or Mountain Bird-orchid.
“Burrowing and spiny crayfish are vulnerableto sedimentationimpacts arising from roads, stream crossingsand unbuffered drainage lines. Small wetland plants are also vulnerable to sedimentation effects,” the report says. Regeneration burns haveanimpacton recruits, such as Forest Geebung, Satinwood, and Tullach Ard Grevillia, or on surviving mature individuals such as Tasmanian Wax-flower.
Plantationsalsohave an impact, says the report.
“Rapidly growing trees draw down on the water table and may reduce surface run-off, leading to the drying out of wetlands and damper habitats,” it says.
“Similar impacts on hydrology may alsooccur after native harvestingorwildfire, when large areas of vegetation rapidly regrow. Other species maybeimpacted by chemicalrun-off and spray driftfromadjacent plantations.”
example by taking our health seriously.”
Parkin captained the Hawks to their second premiership in 1971, and then coached them to a flag in 1978. He also coached Carlton to successive flags in 1981 and 1982. In 2009, he was diagnosed withprostate cancer and has since visitedrural communitiesacross Australia to talk about the ailment, one of the biggest causes of death for men. The cost of the event is $10 which includes tea, coffee and alight supper at the Moe Racing Club function room.
Ticketstothe Rotary ClubofMoe event on November14are available through Eventbrite. The event is open to the public and you do not need to be aRotariantoattend.Take you,your partner and your friends and take amark for men’s health. For tickets, visit eventbrite.com. au/e/415712787137 For more information, phone Mr Noakes on 0474 853 779.
The eventissponsoredbythe Rotary Club of Moe, with funding from Loy Yang B’sCommunity PartnershipProgram2022/23and the Rotary District 9820 Foundation.
Christmas market
OLD Gippstown, Moe will be having their Christmas Market on Saturday, November 19. Many stalls, food vans and music to enjoy.
Santa will be visiting Old Gippstown on the day.
Gates open at 2pm and it concludes at 7pm.
Dogs welcome on aleash.
Entry is by gold coin donation.
Toongabbie’s old time dance
OLD time dance will be held at the Toongabbie Mechanics Institute Hall on Friday, November 4.
The dance will start at 8pm, with music by Norm Lade.
Dances are held on the first Friday of the month.
The mechanics hall is located on the corner of Cowen and King Sts Toongabbie.
Admission is $8. Please bring a plate to share.
Monte Carlo, lucky door prize and raffle.
For further information, phone Bev on 0407 842 757.
Traralgon Cancer Council
TRARALGON group of the Cancer Council recently held their Pink Ribbon afternoon tea.
It was an amazing success with over 100 people attending.
Adelicious afternoon tea was served and guests enjoyed raffles, door prizes, games and the trading table.
This small group of dedicated volunteers raised $6526 on the day -anamazing effort!
This money will be used for research into finding acurefor breast cancer.
Many thanks to all who donated cash, prizes and to those that assisted on the day.
If you would like to join this hard working group, please phone Yvonne on 5174 2310 or Mariana on 0417 051 158.
The Cancer Council Supporters Hotline is 1300 65 65 85
Cancer Council help Line is 13 11 20
Visit: ww.cancervic.org.au
Get Together
GET Together is an open space for conversation and community. We meet on the first Wednesday of the month.
Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, November 2at10am in the Traralgon Uniting Park Lane Foyer.
This will be atime when you can meet and chat with others over a cuppa.
If you or anyone you know would like to be part of this Get Together, please come and bring them along.
All are welcome. For more details, hone 5174 2398 or 5177 8107.
TRARALGON Croquet Club would like to invite you to ‘Night Croquet under the Lights’ which runs during daylight savings.
It starts at 6.30 pm on Wednesdays.
The green fee is $10 for non members.
It is ideal for those with work and family commitments during week.
The club is on McNairn Road, Traralgon, next to the greyhound race track.
Any enquires ring Alison on 0423 659 663.
View Club
MOE View Club meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 2at 10.30am at the Moe Hotel (Leggies) on Lloyd St.
As it is the Melbourne Cup week, we will be having aBest Hat Prize. Dress up for the Cup is the theme.
Any further enquiries please phone Sue on 0417515745 or Dawn on 0403 611 730.
Moe and DistrictCancer Council
MOE and District Cancer Council volunteer group will be holding a high tea on Wednesday, November 2from midday at the Newborough Bowling Club.
Cost will be $30.
There will be adoor prize, and araffle on the day, also atrading table.
For catering purposes, entry to the event will be by ticket only.
For ticket sales phone Diane on 0438 517 470, Linda on 0427 617 780 or Cynthia: 0409 021 108.
High StreetCommunity Hub
ORCHESTRA Chamber Concert
featuring performances from classical quartets Nexus and Triquetrum will be held Friday, November 25 at High Street Community Hub, 4High St Moe from 10.45am for 11am start through till 1pm.
Admission is $5 for morning tea. Gold coin donation for the Orchestra. Bookings essential/seats are limited.
On Tuesday, December 6, there will be ajazz concert featuring The Alan Clark Swing Combo from 10.30am for an 11am start through till 1pm
Same cost as above.
For Bookings please email 4highstreethub@gmail.com or phone text 0493 131 453 and leave amessage and the coordinator will call/text you back to confirm.
Yinnar market
YINNAR &District Memorial Hall volunteer committee are holding their bye annual Make It, Bake It, Grow It, Sew It Market Day at the Hall on Sunday, November 6,
starting at 9am.
All proceeds raised from our markets go back into fixtures, fittings etc for our Community Hall.
It’s an indoor/outdoor market with over 50 stall holders booked, so there would be something of interest to suit all the community.
Free face painting for the children, plenty of food, coffee and ice-cream vans, sausage sizzle manned by the Yinnar Primary School, Devonshire Tea, condiments, cup cakes, slices, fruit pies, crafts of all descriptions, plants, fresh flowers, cloths, jewellery, toys, baskets, candles, oils, skin care, resin products, leather goods, cushions, bags, and more.
The Kurnai College music students will be entertaining us all, and the local Gippsland Historical Automobile Club will have vehicles on display.
Entry by gold coindonation.
ROTARY Club of Moe is holding asocial event featuring Jefferson Smith, who performs music that appeals to arange of ages.
The event will be held on Saturday, November 5atTurfside Function Centre ,Moe.
Cost is $30 per person and tickets are available at the door or they can be purchased from Lyn Cassar on 0434 239 744.
Doors open from 7.30pm with nibbles supplied.
Drinks at bar prices.
There will be door and raffle prizes.
The theme for the evening is ‘silver’ and attendees are encouraged to ‘sparkle’
Time to tango
NEED to exercise but unmotivated, and going for awalkis uninteresting?
Try Argentine Tango-the walking dance.
Have fun with us on Wednesday nights from 7pm to 8.30pm at St David’s Uniting Church Hall, 9 Campbell St, Yarragon (hall behind church).
Learn the dance with us to then enjoy our social practice dance on first Saturday night of each month.
Easy movement for the body even for those with two left feet Research showing that dancing is beneficial for all types of medical conditions and for prevention of older lifestyleconditions.
No partner or experience required.
Fantastic group of people for social interaction which is great for your mental health.
Keep healthy and active with us!
For more information, phone Naomi on 0405 739 819.
GippslandOrchid Club
GIPPSLAND Orchid Club’s next monthly meeting will be on November 11, the second Thursday of the Month, starting at 1.30pm at the Traralgon Baptist Hall, Kay Street, Traralgon.
Gippsland Orchid Club has had two busy months hosting two orchid shows at Mid Valley Shopping Centre; both shows were abig success.
The standard of orchids on display was wonderful. All members are to be congratulated for their orchids and the fantastic range of orchids that were available on the sales bench.
Volunteers are thanked for their assistance in setting up and pulling down stands, helping on the sales bench and selling raffle tickets, as well as Mid Valley staff for their support.
Gippsland Orchid Club’s last meeting was their AGM, which featured agreat roll-up of new
The AGM was followed by a demonstration explaining how to divide and repot native orchids, concluding with afternoon tea.
Most members left with anew plant and asmile on their faces.
This month club representatives also visited the Freemasons Aged Care Facility in Moe to provide an Orchid Show for the residents; interest and appreciation of the orchids were terrific.
For further information about the Gippsland Orchid Club phone Pat on 0407 741 621.
KnittedKnockersOctober Rafflewinners
KNITTED Knockers thanks everyone who supported the October Raffle including businesses that donated prizes.
The group also thanks the ticket sellers and generous people who purchased tickets.
Prize winners of the Knitted Knockers October Raffle are: 1st prize Isabel T, 2nd Elaine L, 3rd Debbie S, 4th Shirley T, 5th Phillip G, 6th Chris P, 7th Leanne Hand 8th prize -Phillip G.
All winners have been notified.
For further information contact Jann Wright, Knitted Knockers Australia Traralgon Branch, email knittedknockersausttraralgon@gmail.com
Youcan be apartof Community Corner
IF you are acommunity group and have any news items you need publicised, feel free to email us at news@lvexpress.com.au.
You can address the correspondence to editor Liam Durkin.
Deadline is Friday 9am to appear in the following Wednesday issue.
Gold We Buyisyour local gold buyerin Traralgon. We pride ourselves on afriendly, quick and professional service. Thefamily has been in the gold industry, developing an outstanding reputation in the gold buying and diamond market. Voted#1Gold Buyer and Diamond BuyerinMelbourne,you know youare coming straight to the best. We are committed to giving youthe highestpricewhen selling your gold.Wepay cash forgold on the spot, making it easy, fast and private If youare looking to sell your gold forcash, paid themost convenientand easy way, come to at Gold We Buy.Weare the best gold buyers the area, with our shop located in Traralgon ntral, plus serving the whole of Gippsland Gold We Buy we buy gold nuggets,gold bars, gold coins,jewelleryand gold watchesoreven scrap gold in no time.You will be happyand we ensureyou willget atransparentdeal uwill be safeselling your gold assets with us We arefriendly and experienced.Wetest and weight your gold properly with aspecial X-ray machinethatshows the purityofgold
Gold We Buy is open on weekdays,walkin, no appointments necessary. Please bring your Gold in storeand we will validatethe price, and pay cash on the spot on the same day. Gold prices are according to the marketcurve and can change without notice. We do ourbest to payyou the best priceonthe day. No hidden fees
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shop in
Brianna with over18yearsofindustry experience, working with top hair styling brand Redken has had the opportunity to work backstageatSydneys Mercedes fashion week and Vegas in the United States of America, workingalong side some of the best in the industry
David whos been in Businessfor over20years. Has worked alongside leading brands educating hairdressersand barberswith newtechniques
facials, just to name afew
We arebig on employing local people and giving back to the community,soifyou arecurrently out of work,would likethe opportunity to getinto agreat industry or are just looking fora newand exciting change, please pop in and see us fora chat and a coffee
We welcome all past and newclients to come on in or giveusacall to secureyour next appointment and enjoythe newexperience youll receivefromqualified team membersat Style &Co.
Same familiar stylist and more!
Transportbarriersunder scrutiny
ACCESSIBILITY advocates gathered in Traralgon at around table conference earlier this month to discuss how transportcan be mademore inclusive in the Latrobe Valley.
Latrobe Health Advocate Jane Anderson and VictorianChief Accessibility Advocate Tricia Malowney were discussing how inclusive and safe transport can help determine health outcomes.
Other attendees included representatives from government departments and agencies, health services, public and private transport organisations, and local community organisations.
Ms Anderson said many of those experiencing barriers to accessing transport included people
withlow levels of literacy, people living with disabilities, young people or parents with prams.
It also includedpeople over60, the culturally and linguistically diverse, people with mental illness, those under financial stress, people without local knowledge, and people in regional areas.
“The barriers people face when trying to access transportare not unknown and will differ for everyone depending on the context and circumstance,” Ms Anderson said.
“There are examples of past community consultation, government and service system planning and programimplementation to learn from and buildon.”
Waiver means parking-fee boon for small business
LATROBE City Council is waiving the Traralgon Central Business District (CBD) Parking Overlay fees for planning applications for eligible small businesses for the next two years.
The Parking Overlay was introduced into the Latrobe Planning Scheme in April 2016 to ensure that if any planning permit applicants could not meet theircar parking requirements, cash-in-lieu wouldberequired. Council uses the contributions to buildnew or improve existingparkingfacilities within the town centre.
At its meeting in September2021councilresolved to implementthe waiver for 12 months to support localsmall business growth.
Areportwas presented at the most recent council meeting on October 3todetail the outcomes of the program and the next steps.
The report included details of how the program had resulted in fourapprovedwaiver applications since its introduction, with atotal savings of $259,956 to the businesses.
There was also an increase in the numberof small business applications seeking areduction of parking spaces in Traralgon CBD, from two
applications between 2016 and 2020tofour in the last 12 months.
Council considered the positive outcomes for local small businesses in its decision to extend the waiver for afurther two years whilst areview of the Parking Overlay is undertaken.
“Waiving the parking contribution fees for eligible smallbusinesses will reduce their barriers to establish and lower vacancy rates in the Traralgon CBD,” said Latrobe City Council CEO Steven Piasente.
“The waiver can apply to eligible small business planning permits applications with less than 10 full-time equivalent employees and an annual payroll of less than $10 million.
“We will monitor the outcomes of this change over the next two years and hope to see more small businesseschoosing to establishthemselves in the town,’ said Mr Piasente.
More information about the Car ParkingOverlay waiver can be found on the Council website: https:// www.latrobe.vic.gov.au/Property/Development/ Car_Parking_Contributio
The conference discussed improving access to publictransport in the Latrobe Valley or developing awhole-of-Latrobe transport strategy.
Ms. Anderson said one of the mostimportant topics was raising awareness of ways for people to voice their feedback and complaints.
‘’I am interested to understand what needs to change in the system to better support people making complaints,” Ms Anderson said.
“I am excited about the level of interest and commitment to exploring aplace-based project with a focus on the use of communitytransport options.”
Funding promise for Moeschool
ARE-ELECTED Andrews Labor Government is promising to invest $5.3 million on Moe Elizabeth Street Primary School upgradesaspartofa$1.6billion state-wide schools and kinder package.
The promise includes $850 million to fund worksat89primary and secondary schools, with aquarter of this allocated to regional Victoria.
Labor Member for Eastern Victoria, Harriet Shing, visited Moe primary on Monday to make the announcement, which will help fund building upgrades.
“Wewant to make sure that every part of Gippsland has facilities that match the hard work and dedication of parents, staff and teachers,” Ms Shing said.
“I can’t wait to see this continue to transform our educational environments as the Valley grows.”
Gibson calls for dignity during state campaign
By MICHELLE SLATERINDEPENDENT candidate for Morwell, Sharon Gibson, is calling on everyone putting their hand up for politics this election to play fair and run a clean campaign.
Ms Gibson –who is also aLatrobe City councillor -isrunning for the seat at next month’s state election, along with six other candidates. She said it was time to ditch dirty tactics after receiving threats associated with her campaign. It also comes as the Greens candidate for Gippsland South,Jay Tiziani-Simpson, has been calling out bad behaviour after receiving
unsolicitedsexuallyexplicit messages on her social media accounts.
Ms Gibson is asking candidates and their volunteers to stick to campaigning on issues rather than attackingothers, and refrain from removing or defacing electoral material such as posters.
“If our kids actedlike this,we’dtell them to stop This behaviourdoesn’t put yourselfinagood light, it drags you down and people don’t have respect,” Ms Gibson said.
“I’m asking candidates to act with dignity and decorum, Idon’t think this is too much to ask. This is not the best way to represent the community.”
Wind focus turns to the coast
LAST month the Victorian Government released Offshore WindImplementationStatement 1, nominating the Port of Hastings as the state government’s preferred offshorewind construction and development port.
The Nationals Memberfor Gippsland South, Danny O’Brien, said he was astoundedthat just a few days afterthe Premier made ‘hollow’ promises about restarting the State Electricity Commission (SEC) and delivering jobs for Gippsland and the Latrobe Valley, the truth has been revealed.
“The State Government’s Offshore Wind Implementation Statement makes clear that Labor’spreferred port to support offshorewind construction is the Port of Hastings,” Mr O’Brien said.
“This is despite the fact that the vast bulk of the proposed offshore wind farms are currently planned off the 90 Mile Beach and therefore are muchcloser to Barry Beach; Labor is clearly looking for ametro vote dividend and heading to Hastings instead.”
Mr O’Brien said this makes amockeryofthe Government’s claims to be supportingjobs and economic benefits for Gippsland.
“If the Government is going to direct offshore windcompanies to utilise the governmentowned port of Hastings, then the advantages for Gippsland workers and companies to engage in the construction phase are dramatically reduced,” Mr O’Brien said.
“Labor would be excluding Gippsland from the best potential benefits of the proposed massive developments off our own coast.
“Ultimately, the private companies will make theirown decisions about whichports to use, but it is extremely disappointing to have the Victorian Government directing activity away from Gippsland.
Mr O’Brien also noted that the paper indicates that transmission lines from offshore wind to agreed “connection points” will have to be placed underground.
“While this is welcome, it makes no mention of the further transmission lines needed back to the grid,” he said.
Mr O’Brien said the Offshore Wind Implementation Statement raised anumber of questions for the Andrews Labor Government to answer, such as how does the Latrobe Valley and Sale, which are transiting out of coal, oil and gas, benefit if Hastings is to be the hub for offshore wind?
Mr O’Brien said Daniel Andrews was deliberately misleading the people of Gippsland and the Latrobe Valley on the eve of an electionand needed to come clean.
“I believe there are great opportunities for us through the development of offshore wind farms, but there are also many challenges ahead,” Mr O’Brien said.
“If we are going to have to put up with the negatives of new energy developments, then we must also be able to reap the rewards of the jobs and investment actually in our region, not in some distant port.”
Metricon, Australia’s leading home builder will be hosting afree‘open house’ event for the public at its purpose-built selection studio, Studio MatMetriconinTraralgon, Gippsland on Saturday 5thNovember
Located at 43 Grey Street,Traralgon VIC 3844,the carefully designed and purpose-built space featuring an innovative customer inspirationand design centre-StudioMwillbeopen from 10am –12pm.
The family friendly eventprovidesagreat opportunity to check out the studio home of Metricon in Traralgon for yourself with the family.Therewillbegenerous door prizes from Reece, Beaumont Tiles, Google Nest,aspecial guest appearance from Pearlthe ‘Dulux Dog’ and much more.
Members of the public will be able to experience ahost of activities at the open house event,including exclusive mood boarding workshops from Metricon’s top design experts and even achildren’s colouring competition. Acoffee cart making free coffee for all attendees, will also be onsite.
Speaking about the open house event, Jason MacGregor,Metricon’s Gippsland Regional Manager said, “Weare really excited to be able to openour doors to thepublic to showcase what we haveon offer at our state-of-the-art design studio hereinGippsland “Visitorswill be welcomed withanarray of fun activities, expert advice, and the
opportunity to experiencefirsthand the process of design selection whilst being able to browse our extensive rangeof finishes,fixtures, colours and more! We have an immersive and memorable morning and afternoon planned –giving members of the Gippsland community a taste of what theycan expectshould they wish to personalise their dream home with us and see what really is possible.
“Thereare so many choices when building your newMetricon home. We felt it was important to notonly display product,but to also build small-scale installations and now members of the public will get to feel, see and touch products in away that brings them to life.
There’s nowhereelse in Gippsland where you’ll find thisvariety of productunder one roof
“Weare incredibly grateful to our wonderful suppliers whowehave partnered with us for this event and look forwardtobeing abletoshowcaseour new Studio Mvia such abroad range of activities, with something for design enthusiasts through to pre-schoolers,” added Jason.
If you would like to experience Studio M at Metricon in Traralgon, Gippsland for yourself,come along to the free open house on Saturday 5th November 10am-12pm
Anyone interested can reserve their place at: https://fb.me/e/2YkUblN7t
Coalition pledges: Moe rebuild on way
By PHILIP HOPKINSMOE’S city centre will be revamped and abetter transport hub created under aCoaliton plan to complete the city’s Revitalising Project.
As well, nearby Yallourn North’s McGregor Reserve will also get a$1-million uplift if the Coalition is elected at the state election this month.
The Coalition last week announced $7.5 million funding for stage three of the Moe Revitalisation Project, which includes rehabilitation of the abandoned Lloyd Street petrol station.
The site is on land controlledbyVicTrack. Existingtownmurals and sculptures will also be made afocal centrepiece for the community.
Stage one of the Moe Revitalisation Project including the library and community was completed in 2016, and stage two is scheduled to be completed by September 2023, with no funding allocated to complete final streetscape redevelopment.
The Leader of The Nationals, Peter Walsh, speaking in Moe,saidinlinewithcommunity sentiment, the abandoned petrol station on LloydStreet would alsoberemediated and effective community space incorporated in the design.
“We will work with VicTrack. We will put stage 3onthe vacant land, east of the station not west, to beautify this side of the track, which is what Moe communitywants,”he told the Express. “We’re committed to working with the community to complete the Moe town centre project and to deliverafunctionalspace for residents, traders and visitors.”
The Liberal candidate for Morwell, Dale Harriman, said the old petrol station site would become abus terminal that actually works. “The bus turnaround site does not work,” he said.More car parking would also be installed.
“The Moe community has been forced to endure ahalf-completed town centre andlimited parking for many years due to alackoffunding. This project will link the town centre and enhance the streetscapewith modernamenities for locals on both sides of the railway line.”
Mr Harriman said remediation work on the petrol station would be guided by similar remediation work done on aMorwellpetrol station. “Wewillbe able to skim off some of it to afacility like Dutson Downs,” he said. It would be concreted and bitumen placed over top to cap it. “There should be no dramas being able to cap it and work over the top of it,” he said.
The Nationals candidate for Morwell, Martin Cameron, said the project would deliver Moe an improved and modern CBD on both sides of the train tracks. “VicTrack’s disused petrol station on LloydStreet is an eye sore and asource of frustration for locals and we’re committed to rejuvenating it,” he said
“Moe is the gateway to Latrobe City and the first port of call for anyone coming from Melbourne. The town centre enhancements will boost the town’s economy.”
Mr Walsh saidifthe Coalition were elected, money for the projectwouldbeallocated in the May budget. “Stage 2and 3would be done seamlessly and Moe can benefitfromthe wholesitebeing developed,” he said
Mr Walsh said Moe would benefit from coming into the seat of Morwell. “Three major population centres of the area will be in the one state government electorate and in the one shire. That’s agood outcome for Moe, which will have the lobbying power of the local member and the council,” he said. “It’s about the peopleofMoe and the benefits for Moe.”
McGregor Reserve, amajor community hub in Yallourn North that is in dire need of repair, will receive a$1million upgrade under the Coalition.
The Liberalsand Nationals will work with the management committee and the community to prioritise how funding is allocated to ensure upgrades meet the needs of locals.
Mr Walsh said the hall was an important part of Yallourn North’s history. “Supporting our smaller townstomaintain and renovate community assets gives communities asense of pride and more importantly aplace to meet and stay connected,” he said.
Mr Cameron said community consultation was vital. “MonashHalland the surrounding artwork createdbylocals captures the unique history of the Yallourn North community and any upgrades must reflect that,” he said.
Monash Hall andthe McGregor Reserveare usedbyboth the Yallourn NorthCricket Club and Junior Cricket Club, and the local primary school. “Sport is the fabric of smaller communities, especially junior sport,”“Mr Harriman said. “This is away the Liberals and Nationals are supporting grassroots sport.
Tribute for retiring Carol
ALARGE crowd of more than 50 Rotarians, staff members, volunteers, friendsand relatives gathered in aTraralgon restaurant last Saturday to mark theretirement of Gippsland Rotary Centenary House operations manager Carol Crew.
Gippsland Rotary Centenary House is anotfor-profitcommunityaccommodation facility near the Latrobe Regional Hospital, which the LatrobeCluster of Rotary Clubs established to mark the Centenary of Rotary in 2005. The purpose is to provide quality, affordable accommodation for patients and their families throughout Gippsland while they are undergoing treatment at the Gippsland Cancer Care Centre.
The House was opened in 2006 with just seven rooms with CarolCreweasinaugural manager and has since grown to afacility of 30 rooms capable of accommodating up to 60 guests. During the past sixteen years that Carol has been Operations Manager,more than 7,000 guests have used Centenary Houseaccommodations while undertaking cancer treatment or for other reasons associated with Latrobe Regional Hospital.
DistrictGovernor Paul Mee and PastDistrict Governor Mark Humphries both spoke about Carol’s commitment to Rotaryand her role in managingwhathas been an outstanding project for the Rotary District.
Paying tribute to the wonderful contribu tionCarolhas made to the organisation, chairman of the committee of management, David Swainsbury,saidthat it was notonly the homely building and appointments that had made Centenary House such asuccessful venture but the friendly and caring culture that has been established by Carol and her staff. He also acknowledged the contribution from volunteers, Rotary Clubs from throughout Gippsland and the Mornington Peninsula and the wonderful support of the community. Newly appointed Guest Manager, Tania Whitehead, spoke on behalf of the staff and thanked Carol for her leadership and friendship and the great environment that hadbeen createdatCentenary House.
StoryofTrafalgar RSL hall
THE hall’s history began when local returned ex-servicemen in Trafalgar decided in 1919 to build ahall of their own. The association of returned service personnel, at that time, was known as Returned Soldiers and Sailors ImperialLeagueof Australia (RSSILA). It was only after World War 2that the name was shortened, and after some changes is now known as Returned &Services League (RSL).
Messrs RT(Dick) Rolls and John Holman convenedameeting at Trafalgar Scout Hall on February 18 1919.
Around 30 returned soldiers were present at the meeting and voted to form asub-branch of RSSILA in Trafalgar, there being no sub-branch between Warragul and Traralgon at that time.
In 1921,the scoutsoffered Trafalgar RSSILA aportion of land on the corner of Contingent and Kitchener Sts for £35 (equivalentto$2955 today) plusthe cost of moving thescout hallto theadjoiningsitefacing Kitchener St, together with any fencing needed. This offer was accepted.
The building committee of 1921 reported that the costofa brick hallwouldcreatetoo much debt, so it was agreedthat the lowest bid for a timber construction was accepted at acost of £1120 ($94,500 today).
Plans for the opening of the hall were made in August 1922, with the building to be opened by the Governor General Lord Forster, who had been invited to attend.
LordForster openedthe Memorial Hall on October 81922, and his wife, Lady Forster, opened the Friendly Union of Mothers, Wivesand Sisters (FUMWS)stall nearby.
Following the departure of their Excellencies, the Trafalgar community continued its celebrations into the evening with aball.
Monies were raised locally entirelybyeffortofthe RSSILA members, Dads’ Association and FUMWS, as well as donations from the community.
Sub-branchmeetings were held fortnightly, which would have been very difficult, as many would have come in on horseback, or horse drawn vehicles in all types of weather. There was always a good attendance and much business wasdiscussed.
In the mid-1930s,the hallwas used to hold parades in the hall grounds. Equipment such as Light Horse gear,pack saddles and Hotchkiss machine guns, were stored in asmall storeroom on thesamesiteasthe present one. The old storeroom, measuring threemetres by threemetres,
was formerly the caretaker’s residence. At some stagearound that time, the equipment was moved from the storeroom and placed on the west-facing verandah.
When the veterans of World War 2started trickling back,the original ex-servicemen, the veterans of World War1,were in theirlate40s andearly 50s. Within afew years, the World War 2veterans were taking increasing responsibility in RSL affairs and the hall.
The sub-branch had trouble finding office bearers in the mid-to-late 1970s, and after many discussions, the sub-branch decided to assimilate with Moe.
Some years previoustothe decisiontoassimilate, the committee had decided to lease the hall, and acting on the original DeedofTrust, the local service clubs were approached to take over the running of the hall on a‘peppercorn rental’ with RSL still having use of the hall as required.
The Lions Club took up the lease, and it was its home until, with the hall in need of maintenance and uncertainty over continued lease, it decided to relinquish occupancy.
Trafalgar RSL went into recessin1993, although West Gippsland Health Care Group had held the lease on the hall from 1988.
The‘resurrection’ of the newly named Trafalgar Thorpdale sub-branch came about due to the actions of one former World War 2member,
Jack Cooper, and anumberofVietnam veterans, led by RayJames, who wasawardedanOrder of Australia Medalin2018inrecognitionofhis service to veterans and their families.
Ameetingwas held on March 72007, from which the newly named Trafalgar Thorpdale RSL subbranch cameinto existence. Anew charterwas eventually granted four years later on November 18 2011.
The hall itself has seen significant change since 2007. The old tiled roof was replaced with acolorbond one during2014, followedbythe development of an outside area and blinds installed on the front verandah for those who wish to sit outside. Solar panels wereinstalledonthe roof; the firstwiththe financial assistanceofTrafalgar &District CommunityBank.Further panels were subsequently added from the sub-branch’s funds. With the formation of Baw Baw Shire in 1994, the former Shire of Narracan building, which housed the World War 1shire honour board (also known as the Roll of Honour), was used only periodically for shirebusiness, and in the early days of the shire commissioners in the mid-1990s, the shire building was being considered for sale.
Concerned that the buildingmay ultimately be sold and the honour board removed, or worse, destroyed, Trafalgar Thorpdale RSL, led by Ray James, approachedBaw Baw Shire Council to have it moved to the RSL hall.
This createda chain of eventsthat led to the hallbeing extensively re-modelledinternally during 2015, while keeping its original aesthetic appearance.
Led by project managerand RSL member, Grady Edwards, the eastern section of the building was renewed with upgraded toilets and kitchen; anew shed was erected and concreting laid.
As part of the sameworks, the building itself was extended to the southernboundary of its land which has enabled the Shire of Narracan’s beautifulhonour board to take pride of place.
Thecenotaph wasrelocated to the RSL grounds on October 28 2014
It was originally erected on the corner of, at that time, Main and Wellington Sts, and was unveiled by the Governor of Victoria, the Earl of Stradbroke, on December 71921.
Wellington St originally ran from Kitchener Stt to Main Street (Princes Highway), which, for contemporaryreaders, is to the front of the current community centre fronting Princes Highway.
Celebrating children’sweek
LAST week the LatrobeCityChildren’s Expo returned for 2022 as part of National Children’s Week celebrations.
TheLatrobeCityChildren’s Expo was hosted at the Gippsland Regional Indoor Sports Stadium, bringing together ahost of fun entertainment for children and their families and carers, including amagician, afairy, animals, roving entertainers and even dinosaurs.
Hundreds of local children enjoyed hands-on activities, including face painting, frisbee golf and ajumping castle.
Arange of market and information stalls were also there, featuring local businesses and service providers.
Mayor of Latrobe City, Councillor Kellie O’Callaghan, thanked the community and local businesses and organisations who supported the day.
“The expo was afantastic opportunity for our youngest residents and their families to enjoy an afternoonout, with lotsofinteractive activities and entertainment, as well as information about the range of services on offer in Latrobe City,” said Ms O’Callaghan.
Children’s Week celebrations are part of Latrobe City’sbroadercommitment to supporting children
and their families throughdelivering care, learning and health services.
“Making sure our services and facilities are accessible to children is akey priority for Council,
helping them to have the bestpossiblestart to life,” said Ms O’Callaghan.
“We alsofocus on making sure our communityspacessuchasLibraries, Latrobe Leisure Facilities, Latrobe Regional Gallery and Gippsland PerformingArts Centre are places wherechildren feel welcomed and an important part of our community.”
For more information about Council’s services for children and families, visit: https://www.latrobe. vic.gov.au/Home/Families
Diocese praises teachers, staff
STAFF in schools across theDioceseofSale celebrated World Teachers’ Day on Friday, October 28.
In avideo messagetoschools, the Director of Catholic Education in the Diocese of Sale, Ms Maria Kirkwood, applauded school staff for their resilience and unwavering commitment during another challenging year for the education sector nationally.
“The 2022 school year began with arenewed sense of hopeasschools transitioned back to face-to-facelearning after pandemiclockdowns,” Ms Kirkwood said.
“However, the year threw anew set of challenges as schools grappled with significant student and staff absences, compounded by a national teacher shortage.”
Ms Kirkwoodsaidteachers’ importantrole had never been more evident thesepast few years during the pandemic, from the hours spent adapting curriculum to meet the constant changes to the extra support given to the emotional needs of students in their care.
“I have been humbled by the hard work, collegial spirit and commitment of all staff in the Diocese -classroom teachers, leaders and support staff working together to ensure students in their care have the best possible learning opportunities,” Ms Kirkwood said.
“Happy World Teachers’Day to all of the school staff across our Diocese.”
Dialogue to help Gippsland’sforest
By PHILIP HOPKINSSCOTT McArdle is blunt. “Gippsland’s forestsneed ourhelp. Fire,floods, storms, drought, pests, weeds, neglect, exploitation and the changing climate are alltaking ahugetoll –but if we all work together, the future can be different.”
Mr McArdle is the executive officer of anew group, the GippslandForest Dialogue (GFD),that aims to do just that –meet the challenges facingthe region’s forests and find ways to move forward Mr McArdle, previously with Agriculture Victoria and the Latrobe Valley Authority, runs his own sustainable development consultancy.
The group acknowledges the unique role and rightsofthe Indigenous peoples of Gippsland, theirrelationship to ‘Country’and their cultural objectives. “We seek to include everyone with a stake in Gippsland’s forests,” said Mr McArdle, who is based in Warragul.
“We invite residents,farmers,tourism operators, timberbusinesses and business associations, bush stewards, tourists, environment groups, fire managers, community groups andrecreationists to be part of the Dialogue.”
GFD aims to look at all forest tenures –state forests,national parks, plantations,farm trees and private land conservation. “We will consider biodiversity, forestry, water, recreation, tourism, industry andbushfire risk management as fundamentallyinterconnected and interdependent parts of our forests,” Mr McArdle said.
Themovement has been inspired and supported by an international example –‘The Forests Dialogue’ (TFD), which is hosted by Yale University.TFD has held more than 90 dialogues across the world over the past 20 years. These usually consist of field trips,presentationsand discussions, working to breakdeadlocksand create real, meaningful change.
Gippsland is the first Australian region to start aForest Dialogue.
Mr McArdle emphasised that the Dialogue was independent and local,withnogovernment funding or preconceived decisions or agendas. No one group or sector was favoured over the other. “The aim is to build trust,” he said.
The GFD is currently piloted by an advisory group formed from people across the region. Mr McArdlesaidthese were people he would not have the opportunity to talk to. They include John
Mitchell, aformer chiefexecutive of Traralgon City, LatrobeCityand Gippsland Water; Melbourne University forestry professor, Rod Keenan; Ewan Waller, Victoria’s former chief fire officer and chair of the East Gippsland Catchment Management Authority; and Wendy Wright, Professor of Conservation Biology at Federation University.
In astatement of support for GFD, Mr Mitchell said an effective Dialogue would improve greater understanding of our forest assets and the many aspects of interconnectedness of our environment and economy,leading to improvednaturalresource management policy.
Professor Wright said arguments around how forests should be ‘managed’, ‘used’ or ‘protected’ had been polarised and unhelpfulfor decades. “We need anew way forward; one which placesthe forests at
the centreofthe discussion and considersthem as interconnected living systems, with histories and futures,” she said.
Mr McArdle said the Dialogue was not about production forests, but “what’s best for the health and resilience of our forests”. “Start with that and work outfrom there. As soon as you talk about production forests, or ecology vindustry, the fracture lines start,” he said.
“National parks -fire does not see the boundaries of national parks. All forest is potentially at risk as well.”
Mr McArdle said the idea was to get adialogue going that was non-threatening. “The aim is for people to feel safe; they can talk to each other, not representing pre-conceived positions, inquiring minds that think, ‘I don’t have to go down the ‘party
line’ or business line’,” he said.
“Let’s look more at solutions, see what the fracture lines are, see what we agree with (for example) on fires, then work to see whether there is away forward and get bipartisan in acommunity sense –it’sapowerful tool to take to government.”
The first Dialogue will take place this month at Rawson Village.“It willbebased around field trips and getting to knoweachother better on abus trip, talking rather than in aclassroom or lecture theatre, breaking the ice,” Mr McArdle said.
Seeing the impacts of fire, visiting forest coupes that have been thinned or harvested over two or threedifferent periods. “See them for yourself, see what that has created –and go back and discuss,” he said.
Website –www.gfd.org.au
TV, Saturday, 7.30pm
After 18 years and 10 seasons Martin Clunes and the cast of DocMartinare neatly tying a bow on the story of the grumpy but lovable titular doctor who can t stomach the sight of blood This final season picks up a year after season nine, with Dr Martin Ellingham (Clunes) now a father of two struggling to find his place in the world after throwing in the towel on his medical career Flush with comedic situations, quirky characters and, of course, one of the most picturesque seaside locations in Britain there’s one question begging: will the cantankerous old doctor return to his medical roots? It s a fitting send off for the larger than life character with a Christmas themed episode the final hurrah
Wednesday, November 2
THE GRAHAM NORTON SHOW 10, Friday, 8.30pm
When Graham Norton wasforced to conduct mostofthe past two years of interviewsvia Zoom andthenwith his guestssitting forlornly on chairs spaced 1.5m apart,itjustwasn’t the same …Asseason 30 of the muchlovedtalk show kicks intogear it feels celebratory: thebig redcouch is back! Kate Hudson (pictured) chats about her new whodunnit GlassOnion:AKnivesOutMystery,joined by Elizabeth Banks, Brendan Gleeson, Colin Farrell and British Vogueeditor Edward Enninful.
THE BLOCK Nine, Sunday, 7pm
After months of stress, little sleep and frantic Pinterestscrolling forthe contestants, the moment theyhave all been doggedly working towards is here: auction night.Willthe idyllic acreage blocks and generous homes weatherthe storm of the economic downturn and command hugeprofits?
Fans haveseenitall during TheBlock’s 20-year history, with some contestants earning enormousprofitsand others barely apiggy bank fortheir toils. After a dramatic season, hostScottCam (pictured) is likely as nervous as the viewers.
SandraPankhurst(pictured) wasthe captivating subject of theawardwinningbookbySarah Krasnostein, TheTraumaCleaner.Pankhurstwore many hats,with an extraordinary lifethat included running ahighly successful cleaning business that deals with situations no oneelsewould touch. This doco,which recently won praise on the film festival circuit,follows Pankhurstasitexamines the complexities of her business, as well as herunusual life. It’sastunningcharacter study
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6.00 The Talk.(PGa) 7.00 Judge Judy. (PG, R) 7.30 Entertainment Tonight. 8.00 10 News First:Breakfast. 8.30 Studio 10.(PG) 12.00 Dr Phil. (Ma) 1.00 The Real Love Boat Australia. (PGl, R) 2.00 Entertainment Tonight. 2.30 My Market Kitchen. (R) 3.00 Judge Judy.(PG, R) 3.30 Farm To Fork. (PG, R) 4.00 Everyday GourmetWith Justine Schofield.(R) 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful. (PG) 5.00 10 News First.
6am The
6am Children’s Programs. Noon Smash. 1.00 Baywatch. 2.00 Full House. 3.00 The Nanny. 3.30 3rd Rock. 4.00 That ’70s Show 4.30 Raymond. 5.30 TheNanny 6.00 3rd Rock. 6.30 That ’70sShow. 7.00 YoungSheldon 7.30 Dating No Filter UK. 8.30 Love Island Australia. 9.30 MOVIE: American Pie.(1999, MA15+) 11.30 YoungSheldon. Midnight IAmCait. 1.00 Keeping Up With TheKardashians. 2.00 Baywatch. 2.50 MikeTyson Mysteries. 3.00 Bakugan: Geogan Rising. 3.30 Ninjago: Masters Of Spinjitzu. 4.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. 5.00 Pokémon Ultimate Journeys. 5.30 Yu-Gi-Oh! Sevens.
10 PEACH (11, 52)
6am The
LateLate Show With James Corden. 3.30 The King Of Queens. 4.30 Home Shopping.
Thursday, November 3
ABC (2) SBS (3)
6.00 News. 9.00 News. 10.00 Australian Story.(R) 10.30 That Pacific Sports Show. (R) 11.00 All CreaturesGreat And Small. (PG, R) 12.00 ABC News At Noon. 1.00 Hard Quiz. (PG,R) 1.30 Question Everything. (R) 2.00 Sanditon. (PG, R) 2.45 Poh’sKitchen.(R) 3.15 Gardening Australia. (R) 4.10 George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces.(R) 5.00 Back Roads. (PG, R) 5.30 Hard Quiz.(PG,R)
6.00 WorldWatch. 9.00 Peer To Peer.(PG, R) 10.00 Incredible Homes. 11.00 Hugh’s Wild West. (PG) 12.00 WorldWatch. 2.00 Apocalypse: The Second World War. (Ma, R) 3.00 Where Are YouReallyFrom? (PG, R) 3.30 Destination Flavour China. (PGaw R) 3.40 The Cook Up.(PG, R) 4.10 Portillo’s Greatest Railway Journeys. (PGas, R) 5.05 Jeopardy! 5.30 Letters And Numbers. (R)
6.00 Mastermind Australia. (R)
SBS WorldNews.
7.30 Dishing It Up (PG) Narrated by Veronica Milsom.
8.00 Guillaume’s Paris. (PG)Guillaume Brahimi visits Nature Urbaine.
8.35 World’sMostScenic Railway Journeys: Portugal. (PG) Bill Nighy narrates ajourney through Portugal taking in the vineyards of theDoure River and the Palaces
SEVEN (7,6)
6.00 Sunrise 9.00 TheMorning Show. (PG) 11.30 SevenMorning News. 12.00 MOVIE: Knowing (2009,Mhv,R) 2.30 Kochie’s Business Builders 3.00 TheChase. (R) 4.00 SevenNews At 4. 5.00 TheChase Australia. Hosted by Larry Emdur
6.00 SevenNews.
7.00 Home AndAway. (PGas) Bree and Remi bask in their love bubble. Garywarms Felicity’scoldfeet. Eden goesonthe attackfor Remi
8.30 Kath &Kim. (PG,R)After Sharon lands adate, Kim gives her amajor makeover. Kath insists on updating the home theatresystem. However,when Kel’seffortstosecure agooddealfail, Kath insteaddecidestoembrace Brett’sidea.
TheLatest: SevenNews.
11.20 To Be Advised.
1.00 Behave Yourself (PGls, R) Celebrity panellists compete to reveal the facts behind whypeople behavethe waythey do [VIC]HomeShopping.
4.00 NBCToday News and current affairs.
5.00 SevenEarly News. 5.30 Sunrise. News, sportand weather.
TEN (10, 5)NINE (9, 8)
6.00 Today. 9.00 Today Extra.(PG) 11.30 Morning News. 12.00 MOVIE: Married Life. (2007, Ma,R)Chris Cooper,Patricia Clarkson, Rachel McAdams. 1.50 Explore. (R) 2.00 Pointless. (PG) 3.00 Tipping Point. (PG)
4.00 Afternoon News. 4.30[VIC]MillionaireHotSeat
MillionaireHot Seat 5.30[VIC]WINNews.
6.00 Nine News.
7.00 ACurrent Affair
7.30 RBT. (Ml) Follows the activities of police units.
8.30 Paramedics (Mam) First responders worry ateenager could havelife-changing head injuries after afall and seizure at school.
9.30 A+EAfter Dark. (Mmv) In the wake of acrash, amotorcyclist is rushed in to Hull Royal Infirmary for an emergency operation.
10.30 Nine News Late.
11.00 New Amsterdam. (MA15+ms)
11.50 Pure Genius. (Mm)
12.40 Tipping Point. (PG, R)
1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R)
2.30 Global Shop. (R)
3.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 4.00
Believer’sVoice Of Victory.(PGa) 4.30 A Current Affair.(R) 5.00 News Early Edition. 5.30 Today.
6.00 TheTalk (PGa)
7.00 Judge Judy (PG, R) Real-life courtroom drama.
7.30 TheBold AndThe Beautiful. (PG,R)Sheilagets jealous
8.00 10 News First: Breakfast.
8.30 Studio 10 (PG) Panel discussion.
Horse Racing. Melbourne CupCarnival. Oaks Day
6.00 10 News First.
6.30 TheProject Thehosts and guestpanellists takealook at the day’snews, events and hot topics.
7.30 Ambulance Australia. (Ma, R) Follows dispatchers and paramedicsworking forNSW Ambulance’s Sydney operations.
8.30 TheRealLoveBoat Australia. (PGl) The RegalPrincessreturns to Greece where it docks in Mykonos. The Cupids are keeping an eyeout for wherenew relationships can form, anddeliver the goods with brand new intruders boarding theship
9.30 To Be Advised
11.30 TheProject. (R)A look at theday’snewsand events.
TheLate ShowWith Stephen Colbert. (PG) Late-night talk show 1.30 Home Shopping. (R) 4.30 CBS Mornings.
7TWO (72, 62)
6am Morning Programs. 7.30 Harry’s Practice. 8.00 Cruise Away 8.30 Master Build. 9.30 NBC Today Noon Emmerdale. 12.30 Coronation Street 1.00 Sons And Daughters. 3.00 South AussieWithCosi. 3.30 Million Dollar Minute. 4.30 Medical Emergency. 5.00 Animal Rescue. 5.30 Escape To The Country 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 FatherBrown 8.30 Grace. 10.30 Murdoch Mysteries. 11.30 Late Programs.
9GEM (92,81)
6am TV Shop: Home Shopping. 7.00 Creflo Dollar Ministries. 7.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. 10.30 Pointless. 11.30 My Favorite Martian. Noon Days Of Our Lives. 12.55 TheYoung And The Restless. 1.50 As Time Goes By 3.10 AntiquesDownunder 3.40 MOVIE: Carry On Spying. (1964) 5.30 Murder,She Wrote 6.30 Antiques Roadshow 7.30 Grantchester 8.30 Poirot. 10.40 Snapped. 11.40 Late Programs.
10 PEACH (11, 52)
6am The LateShow With Stephen Colbert 7.00 Friends. 8.00 The King Of Queens. 9.00 Becker 10.00 Friends. 10.30 The Middle. Noon The Living Room. 1.00 Frasier 2.00 Becker 3.00 The King Of Queens 4.00 Becker 5.00 Frasier 6.00 Friends. 8.00 TheBig Bang Theory 9.30 Seinfeld. 11.00 Frasier Midnight Shopping. 1.30 Stephen Colbert. 2.30 James Corden. 3.30 KingOfQueens. 4.30 Shopping.
SBS WORLD MOVIES (32)6am Morning Programs. 2pm Shortland St 2.30 KriolKitchen 3.00 Jarjums. 3.50 Wolf Joe. 4.00 Raven’s
NITV (34)
PlacesWith Ernie Dingo 8.30 ThePact. 9.30 MOVIE: Curse Of The Golden Flower. (2006,M) 11.30 Late Programs.
Into The Arms Of Strangers. (2000,PG) 12.40am
7MATE (73,63)
6am Morning Programs.
Noon Billion Dollar Wreck. 1.00 HellfireHeroes. 2.00 Family Guy 2.30 MotorbikeCops. 2.45 Heavy Lifting. 3.45 Irish Pickers. 4.45 Mates On AMission. 6.00 American Pickers. 7.00 Cricket. Women’s Big Bash League. Game 28.Hobart Hurricanes v Melbourne Renegades. 10.30 MOVIE: The Taking Of Pelham 123. (2009, MA15+) 12.45am Late Programs.
9GO! (93, 82)
6am Children’s Programs. Noon Smash. 1.00 Baywatch 2.00 Full House. 3.00 TheNanny 3.30 3rd Rock. 4.00 That ’70s Show 4.30 Raymond. 5.30 TheNanny 6.00 3rd Rock. 6.30 That ’70s Show 7.00 YoungSheldon. 7.30 Survivor 8.30 LoveIsland Australia. 9.30 Naked Attraction. (Return) 10.30 Life After Lockup (Premiere) 11.30 Young Sheldon. Midnight IAm Cait 1.00 Kardashians. 2.00 Late Programs.
9GEM (92,81)7TWO (72, 62)
5.30 Murder,She Wrote 6.30 ICCMen’s T20 World Cup Pre-Show. 7.00 AntiquesRoadshow 7.30 Antiques Downunder 8.00 AntiquesRoadshow Detectives. 8.40 MOVIE: The Firm.(1993,M) 11.50 Late Programs.
7MATE (73, 63)
6am Morning Programs. 11.00 Motor Racing. Supercars Championship Round 12. GoldCoast 500.Day 2. Highlights. Noon Billion Dollar Wreck. 1.00 HellfireHeroes. 2.00 Pawn Stars. 3.00 Timbersports. 3.30 Heavy Lifting. 4.30 Irish Pickers. 5.30 American Restoration. 6.00 American Pickers. 7.00 To Be Advised. 9.00 MOVIE: U.S. Marshals. (1998,M) 11.40 Late Programs.
9GO! (93, 82)
6am Children’s Programs. 12.10pm Smash. 1.10 Baywatch. 2.00 Full House 3.00 TheNanny 3.30 3rd Rock. 4.00 That ’70s Show 4.30 Raymond 5.30 TheNanny 6.00 To Be Advised. 7.30 MOVIE: Legally Blonde. (2001, PG) 9.30 MOVIE: CouplesRetreat. (2009,M) 11.45 The EmilyAtack Show 12.30am Queer EyeFor The Straight Guy 1.30 Kardashians. 2.25 Baywatch. 3.20 MikeTyson Mysteries. 3.30 Late Programs.
6am Home Shopping 8.00 The Doctors. 9.00 What’sUpDown Under 9.30 Escape FishingWithET. 10.00 MacGyver. Noon NCIS: LosAngeles. 1.00 NCIS: New Orleans. 2.00 Bull. 3.00 Bondi Rescue 3.30 TheLove Boat 4.30 Star Trek:The NextGeneration. 5.30 MacGyver 7.30 NCIS 8.30 Bull 10.30 TheCode. 11.30 48 Hours. 12.30am Home Shopping. 2.00 Tommy 3.00 ST:NextGen. 4.00 MacGyver.
10 BOLD (12, 53)
10 PEACH (11, 52)
6am The LateShow With Stephen Colbert 7.00 Friends. 7.30 Seinfeld. 9.00 Becker 10.00 The Middle 11.30 The King Of Queens. 12.30pm Frasier 1.30 Seinfeld. 3.00 The King Of Queens. 4.00 Becker 5.00 Frasier 6.00 Friends. 8.00 TheBig BangTheory. 9.30 Mom. 11.00 Frasier Midnight Shopping 1.30 Stephen Colbert. 2.30 James Corden 3.30 Becker 4.30 Shopping. 5.30 Joseph Prince
10 BOLD (12, 53)
6am Home Shopping 8.00 MotorRacing. Formula 1. Race20. Mexican Grand Prix. Replay 9.00 What’sUpDown Under. 9.30 Escape FishingWithET. 10.00 MacGyver. Noon NCIS: LosAngeles. 1.00 NCIS: New Orleans. 2.00 Bull. 3.00 Bondi Rescue 3.30 TheLove Boat 4.30 Star Trek:The NextGeneration. 5.30 MacGyver 7.30 NCIS 8.30 NCIS:Los Angeles. 10.30
Back To Business (R)
6.10 Secrets Of TheMuseum. Abionic hand arrivesatthe museum.
7.00 ABCNews. Takesa look at today’stop stories.
7.30 Doc Martin. (Return, PG) Martin makes efforts to overcome his fear and questions his decision to resign.
8.20 TheCapture. (Mlv) Carey closes in on the truth, but it takes her into deeper danger thaneverbefore. Isaac finally meets his doppelgängerand is pressured to makeaFaustian pactwith power by the team behind digi-Zac.
9.20 Significant Others. (MA15+s, R) Ciaran and Hanna deepen their relationships with outsiders caught in the rip of Sarah’sdisappearance.
10.10 Miniseries:Des (Mal, R) Part 1of3
11.00 Silent Witness. (Mav, R) Jack andNikki investigate asecond death.
12.00 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv)
6.00 WorldWatch. 9.00 Britain’s Great Outdoors. (Premiere) 10.00 The World From Above.(PG) 11.00 Paul O’Grady:For TheLove Of Dogs. (PG) 12.00 WorldWatch. 2.00 Figure Skating.ISU Grand Prix.Skate Canada. 4.00 Ballroom Fit. (R) 4.05 Wheelchair Sports. 4.10 DrRussell’s Imaginarium. (PG, R) 4.45 I’mNot ARunner.(PGl, R) 5.50 Lost Home Movies Of Nazi Germany.(PGavw,R)
6.30 SBS World News.
7.35 Michael Palin: TravelsOfA Lifetime: Pole To Pole. (PG,R)Michael Palin looks at his second travel series.
8.25 SecretsOfThe RoyalPalaces: Kensington. (PG) Takesalookat Kensington PalaceinLondon, aroyal residence since the 17thcentury
9.20 Secrets Of ThePyramids (PGa, R) Follows teams on the front line of archaeologyacross Egypt as they undertakevarious excavations.
10.10 Celebrity Letters And Numbers. (M, R) Hosted by Michael Hing.
11.10 MOVIE: TheFront Runner (2018,Mls,R)HughJackman
1.15 MOVIE: Novitiate. (2017, Malnsv, R)
3.30 Focus On Ability Film Festival2021. (PGa R) 4.30 Food Safari. (R) 5.00 NHK World EnglishNews Morning. 5.15 France 24 Feature 5.30 ANC PhilippinesThe World Tonight.
6.00 NBCToday. [VIC]HomeShopping. 7.00 Weekend Sunrise. 10.00 TheMorning Show: Weekend. (PG) Highlights from the past week. 12.00 Horse Racing. Five Diamonds Ladies Day and Saturday Raceday. 2.00 To Be Advised 4.00 To Be Advised.
6.00 SevenNews. 7.00 To Be Advised.
9.00 MOVIE: HomeAlone 2: Lost In New York (1992, PGv,R)A year after he waslefthomealone, aboy, stranded by himself in New York after being separated from his family,battles two familiar thieveswho are in town plotting their biggest crime to date Macaulay Culkin, Joe Pesci, Daniel Stern. 11.30 World’sDeadliest:TwistOf Fate. (PGal, R) Alookatdeadly situations 12.30 Harry’s Practice. (R) Dr Harrytries to groom adog [VIC]HomeShopping. 1.10 Travel Oz. (R) Greg meets some colourful characters. 2.00 Home Shopping. (R) 4.00 It’sAcademic (R) HostedbySimonReeve 5.00 House Of Wellness (PGa,R)
TEN (10, 5)NINE (9,
6.00 DriveTV. (R) 6.30 Getaway. (PG, R)
7.00 Weekend Today 10.00 Today Extra: Saturday.(PG) 12.00 Our State On APlate. (PG) 12.30 Rivals. 1.00 DriveTV. 1.30 Cross Court. 2.00 My Way. (PG) 2.30 Animal Embassy. (R) 3.00 The Block. (PGl, R) 4.30 TheGarden Gurus. 5.00 News: FirstAtFive. 5.30 Getaway. (PG)
6.00 Nine News Saturday. 7.00 ACurrentAffair
7.30 MOVIE: Jumanji: Welcome To The Jungle. (2017,PGlsv, R) Four teenagers become trapped in ajungle-based video game as the playablecharacters. Dwayne Johnson, Kevin Hart, KarenGillan.
9.50 MOVIE: Central Intelligence. (2016,Mlsv, R) An accountant and aCIA agent reconnect at areunion and proceed to work together on atop-secret case. Dwayne Johnson, Kevin Hart,Danielle Nicolet
12.00 MOVIE: Begin Again (2013,Ml, R) Asongwriter is discoveredbyan executive.KeiraKnightley,Mark Ruffalo
2.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R)
4.30 Global Shop (R) Homeshopping.
5.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping (R)
5.30 SkippyThe Bush Kangaroo (R)
6.00 Reel Action. (R) 6.30 Leading The Way With Dr Michael Youssef 7.00 All4 Adventure. (PGl, R) 8.00 Road To TheMelbourne Cup Carnival. (R) 8.30 TheLiving Room. (R) 9.30 Studio 10: Saturday. (PG) 12.00 Horse Racing. Melbourne Cup Carnival. Stakes Day
6.00 10 News First.
7.00 Bondi Rescue. (PGal, R) Harrison’s life is put on the line.
7.30 Blue Bloods. (Mav) Danny investigates after aviciousattack leaves afriend hospitalised.
8.30 CSI: Vegas. (Mmv) The CSI team investigates after agroup of teenagers finds adead woman behind the wheel of an abandoned car in aNevada ghost town and decidestobroadcast their discovery on social media.
9.30 NCIS. (Mv,R)The team investigates after abody is found at an ancient burial site that is thought to be cursed.
10.30 To Be Advised.
12.30 Home Shopping. (R)
4.30 Authentic (PG)
5.00 Hour Of Power.
NITV (34)
6am Morning Programs. 1.30pm TradingCultures. 2.30 Football. NTFL Women’s.Under-18s. St Mary’s vSouthern Districts. 4.00 Football. NTFL.Men’s.Under-18s.StMary’sv SouthernDistricts. 5.30 Power To ThePeople. 6.00 Pacific Island Food Revolution. 6.55 News. 7.05 On CountryKitchen. 7.35 Boteti: The Returning River. 8.30 MOVIE: Curse Of TheGolden Flower.(2006 M) 10.30 Late Programs.
6am Sissi. Continued. (1955,German) 7.20 ThirteenDays (2000,PG) 10.00 The Kid From The Big Apple. (2016, M, Mandarin) 12.15pm Waiting ForAnya. (2020, M) 2.15 Mary Shelley.(2017,PG) 4.30 Master Cheng: ASpice ForLife.(2019,PG) 6.35 Belle.(2013 PG) 8.30 Summerland. (2020, PG) 10.20 Do Me Love. (2009, MA15+, French) 11.55 Do Not Hesitate. (2021, M, Dutch) 1.40am Late Programs.
7TWO (72, 62)
6am Morning Programs. 10.00 Auction Squad. 11.00 HorseRacing. Five Diamonds LadiesDay and Saturday Raceday Noon South Aussie With Cosi. 12.30 Weekender 1.00 Creek To Coast. 1.30 Weekender 2.00 Horse Racing. FiveDiamonds Ladies Dayand Saturday Raceday. 6.00 Border Security:Int 6.30 The Yorkshire Vet. 8.30 Escape To The Country 10.30 I Escaped To The Country. 11.30 Late Programs.
7MATE (73,63)
6am Morning Programs. 12.30pm Timbersports. 1.00 Blokesworld. 1.30 Australia ReDiscovered. (Return) 2.00 Boating. Australian V8 Superboats Championship.Round 2. 3.00 RidesDown Under: Workshop Wars. 4.00 Pawn Stars. 4.30 Barter Kings. 5.30 Last Stop Garage. 6.00 American Pickers. 7.00 Pawn Stars. 7.30 MOVIE: The Patriot. (2000,M) 10.45 Late Programs.
7TWO (72, 62)
7MATE (73, 63)
6am Morning Programs. 10.00 Cricket. Women’s BigBash League. Game 32.HobartHurricanesv BrisbaneHeat. 1.30pm Fish’n Mates. 2.00 On TheFly 2.30 Merv Hughes Fishing. 3.00 Hook, Line And Sinker 4.00 Fishing Addiction. 4.55 MOVIE: The LEGO Ninjago Movie. (2017,PG) 7.00 MOVIE: HarryPotter AndThe Half Blood Prince. (2009, PG) 10.15 MOVIE: 300.(2006 MA15+) 12.40am Late Programs.
9GEM (92,81)
6am Morning Programs. 7.30 TV Shop 8.00 Beyond Today 8.30 TV Shop 10.00 My Favorite Martian. 10.30 MOVIE: Folly To Be Wise. (1952) 12.30pm AntiquesDownunder 1.00 The Best 30 Years. 1.30 AntiquesRoadshow Detectives. 2.10 MOVIE: TheMind Benders. (1963, PG) 4.30 MOVIE: Sayonara. (1957,PG) 7.30 MOVIE: PlayDirty.(1969, M) 9.55 MOVIE: Convoy (1978,M) 12.15am Late Programs.
6am Children’s Programs. 1pm Revolution. 3.00 MOVIE: Sabrina. (1995) 5.30 MOVIE: The Last Airbender. (2010,PG) 7.30 MOVIE: The Legend Of Tarzan.(2016,M) 9.40 MOVIE: ClashOfThe Titans.(2010,M) 11.40 Duncanville. 12.10am Kardashians. 2.10 Baywatch. 3.00 Power Rangers Dino Fury 3.30 Beyblade Burst:Quad Drive 4.00 Yu-Gi-Oh! Sevens. 4.30 Ricky Zoom. 4.50 Late Programs.
9GO! (93, 82)
9GEM (92,81)
WorldCup Pre-Show 7.00 Cricket. ICCMen’s T20World Cup.Super 12. 10.00 To Be Advised. 12.30am Late Programs.
9GO! (93, 82)
6am Children’s Programs. 1.30pm Rivals. 2.00 Rich Kids Go Skint 3.00 Full Bloom. 4.00 Dance Moms. 5.00 About ABoy (Premiere) 5.30 MOVIE: Wayne’s World. (1992, PG) 7.30 MOVIE: The Fast AndThe Furious.(2001, M) 9.35 MOVIE: 2Fast2Furious. (2003, M) 11.40 Duncanville 12.10am Rich Kids Go Skint 1.10 IAm Cait 3.00 PowerRangersDinoFury. 3.30 Beyblade Burst: Quad Drive. 4.00 Late Programs.
10 PEACH (11, 52)
6am The LateShow WithStephen Colbert. 7.00 The King Of Queens 8.00 Frasier 9.00 Becker 10.00 Friends Noon The KingOfQueens. 1.00 To Be Advised. 3.30 Friends. 6.00 The BigBang Theory 10.15 Friends. 12.15am Home Shopping. 1.45 The BigBang Theory. 2.15 Mom. 2.45 The Neighborhood 3.35 TwoAnd A Half Men. 4.30 HomeShopping.
10 BOLD (12, 53)
6am Shopping. 9.00
The Doctors. 10.00 4x4 Adventures. 11.00 Escape Fishing. 11.30 Healthy HomesAust. Noon The LoveBoat 1.00 ST:Next Gen. 2.00 A-LeagueAll Access. 2.30 Roads Less Travelled 3.00 MacGyver 5.00 Reel Action. 5.30 IFish. 6.00 Scorpion 7.00 Soccer.A-League Men.Matchweek 5. Western Sydney Wanderers vCentral Coast Mariners. 10.00 MacGyver 11.00 Late Programs.
contestants continue to vie for the $250,000 in silver bars.
9.10 NCIS:Hawai’i. (Mv) The NCIS team investigates afatal carcrash involving aUSNavy officer who turns out to be an imposter.Whistler findsherself in danger when she goesundercoverto learn the truth behind the accident
FBI. (Mv, R) After aUSCongressman is murdered,the FBI hunts for akillerwho is shooting seemingly unrelated targets.
TheSundayProject. (R) Alook at the day’snews.
12.00 Home Shopping. (R) 4.30 CBSMornings.
6am The BigBang Theory 8.00 NBL Slam. 8.30 Friends. 11.00 The Middle. 12.30pm To Kingdom Come. (Premiere) 2.00 Basketball. NBL.Round 6. New Zealand Breakers vSydney Kings. 4.00 Basketball. NBL Round 6. Melbourne United vSouth East Melbourne Phoenix. 6.00 The BigBangTheory 9.00 Friends. Midnight Home Shopping. 1.30 MOVIE: I, Tonya. (2018,MA15+) 4.00 Big Bang. 4.30 Shopping.
6am Shopping. 7.30 Key Of David. 8.00 TheDoctors. 9.00 4x4 Adventures. 10.00 Reel Action. 11.00 Roads Less Travelled 11.30 Truck Hunters. Noon Scorpion. 1.00 Pooches At Play 1.30 Destination Dessert 2.00 What’s Up Down Under 2.30 Soccer.A-League Men. Matchweek5.Brisbane Roar vSydney FC 5.30 Reel Action. 6.00 Bondi Rescue 6.30 MacGyver 7.30 NCIS. 10.20 48 Hours. 11.15 Late Programs.
10.10 Incredible Homes. 11.10 Hugh’s Wild West. (PG) 12.10 WorldWatch. 2.00 Apocalypse: The Second World War. (PGav,R) 3.00 Journey Through Albania. (R) 3.35 Destination FlavourChina Bitesize. (R) 3.40 The Cook Up.(R) 4.10 Empire With Michael Portillo.(PGad, R) 5.05 Jeopardy! 5.30 Letters And Numbers. (R)
SBS WorldNews.
7.30 Celebrity LettersAnd Numbers. (M) HostedbyMichael Hing.
8.30 Scotland’sExtreme Medics. (M) Part 3of5.The trauma team tends to apilot who has crashed his plane on take-off
9.25 24 Hours In Emergency: Miracles. (Ma, R) Acompilation of stories from King’sCollege and St George’s focusing on miraculous recoveries.
10.25 SBS WorldNews Late.
10.55 ThePromise. (Mal)
11.55 Outlander (MA15+asv, R)
Fargo (MA15+v,R)
Food Safari.
French Food Safari.
Destination Flavour Scandinavia Bitesize.
5.00 NHK World English News Morning.
ANC PhilippinesThe World Tonight.
6.15 Forged In Fire. 7.05 Jeopardy! 7.35 8Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown. 8.30 Taskmaster 9.25 PEN15 10.35
6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 TheMorning Show.(PG) 11.30 SevenMorning News 12.00 MOVIE: Chris Watts: Confes sions Of AKiller (2020,Mav) 2.00 World’s Deadliest:Sink Swim Slide Capsize. (Mal) 3.00 TheChase. 4.00 SevenNews At 4. 5.00 TheChase Australia.
6.00 SevenNews. 7.00 HomeAnd Away (PGa)
This Is Your Life: Rebecca Gibney. (PG) The who’s whoofdrama and comedy celebrate everyone’s favourite honorary Aussie,Rebecca Gibney.
9.20 9-1-1. (M)Hen fearsfor Karen’slife when an explosion rocks her lab on the day shebrings Denny to work with her.
10.20 S.W.A.T. (Madv) Mumford returns to work a15-year-old cold case that holds apersonal connection.
11.20 TheLatest: SevenNews.
11.50 Heartbreak Island Australia. (Mals) Chris and Tiarneare re-coupled.
12.55 TheResident. (Mav, R) Kyle begins volunteering at the hospital.
4.00 NBCToday News and current affairs. 5.00 SevenEarly News. 5.30 Sunrise
6.00 Today. 9.00 Today Extra.(PG) 11.30 Morning News. 12.00 The Block. (PGl, R)
1.50 Talking Honey. (PGl, R)
2.00 Pointless. (PG)
3.00 Tipping Point (PG) 4.00 Afternoon News. 4.30[VIC]MillionaireHotSeat 5.00 MillionaireHot Seat 5.30[VIC]WINNews.
6.00 Nine News.
7.00 ACurrent Affair
7.30 My Mum, Your Dad. (Premiere, Mls)
Hosted by Kate Langbroek.
9.10 Under Investigation:Bad Faith (PGa) Liz Hayes andthe team expose the abuse facedbyyoung women at the hands of the Esther Foundation.
10.10 Suburban Gangsters: The Armed Robbers. (MA15+lv,R)A look at Russell Coxand Ray Bennett.
11.10 NineNews Late. Alook at the latest news andevents.
11.40 TheEqualizer (Mv,R)
12.30 Emergence. (Mhv,R)
1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R)
2.30 Global Shop (R)
3.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R)
4.00 Believer’sVoice Of Victory. (PGa)
4.30 ACurrentAffair (R)
5.00 News Early Edition. 5.30 Today
6.00 The Talk.(PGa) 7.00 JudgeJudy.(PG, R) 7.30 The Bold And TheBeautiful. (PGav,R) 8.00 10 News First: Breakfast. 8.30 Studio 10.(PG) 12.00 Dr Phil. 1.00 The Traitors. (l, R) 2.40 Entertainment Tonight. 3.00 Judge Judy.(PG, R) 3.30 My Market Kitchen. (R) 4.00 Farm To Fork (Return) 4.30 TheBold And TheBeautiful (PG) 5.00 10 NewsFirst.
6.30 TheProject. Alook at the day’snews andevents
7.30 TheTraitors. The Traitorsand “loyal” contestants continue to vie for the $250,000 in silver bars.
8.40 Have YouBeen Paying Attention? (Final, Malns)
Celebrity panellists competeto see who can remember the most about events of the week.
9.40 Ghosts. (PGa)Sasappis convinces Samand Jay to try to saveanold tree on theproperty
10.10 Peter Helliar: Loopy. (MA15+ls) Astand-up performance by Peter Helliar
11.25 TheProject. (R) Alook at the day’snews and events.
12.25 TheLate ShowWith Stephen Colbert. (PG)
Home Shopping. (R) 4.30 CBS Mornings.
7TWO (72,
6am MorningPrograms. 8.30 Million Dollar Minute. 9.30 NBC Today 10.30 To Be Advised. Noon Emmerdale. 12.30 Coronation Street 1.00 Sons AndDaughters 3.00 Weekender. 3.30 MillionDollar Minute. 4.30 Medical Emergency. 5.00 Animal Rescue 5.30 EscapeToThe
7MATE (73,63)
6am Morning Programs. 1.55pm The Land We’reOnWith Penelope Towney. 2.00 Shortland St 2.30 The Cook Up 3.00 Jarjums. 5.00 Our Stories. 5.30 APTN National News. 6.00 Bamay 6.40
6am ARiver Runs Through It.Continued.(1992) 7.25 Babette’s Feast. (1987, PG, Danish) 9.25 My Brilliant Career.(1979) 11.15 Monsoon. (2019, M) 12.50pm The Invisibles. (2017, M, German) 2.55 Belle. (2013,PG) 4.55 Summerland. (2020, PG) 6.50 SometimesAlways Never. (2018,PG) 8.30 AVery Long Engagement. (2004,MA15+, French) 10.55 Late Programs.
6am Morning Programs.
Car Club 2.00 Inside
3.00 Seven’sMotorsport Classic 3.30 MotorRacing. Aust Rally C’ship.Adelaide Hills Rally 4.30 Motor Racing. Supercars SupportRaces.Porsche CarreraCup Australia. Highlights. 5.30 American Restoration. 6.00 American Pickers. 7.00 Pawn Stars. 7.30 American Pickers. 8.30 MOVIE: Django Unchained. (2012, MA15+) Midnight Late Programs.
9GEM (92, 81)
6am MorningPrograms. 9.30 Newstyle Direct. 10.00 Danoz 10.30 Pointless. 11.30 The Best 30 Years. Noon Days Of Our Lives. 12.55 The YoungAnd The Restless. 1.50 Explore. 2.00 TheWorld’sMostExpensive Cruise Ship 3.00 AntiquesRoadshow 3.30 MOVIE: The Angry Silence. (1960,PG) 5.30 Murder, She Wrote. 6.30 AntiquesRoadshow 7.30 Death In Paradise. 8.40 Whitstable Pearl. 10.40 Late Programs.
6am Friends. 8.00 The Big Bang Theory 9.30 TheMiddle. Noon TheBig BangTheory. 12.30 Friends. 2.30 TheMiddle. 3.00 The King Of Queens. 4.00 Becker 5.00 Frasier 6.00 Friends. 8.00 TheBig BangTheory 9.30 Seinfeld. 11.00 Frasier Midnight Home Shopping. 1.30 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. 2.30 The LateLate Show WithJames Corden 3.30 The KingOfQueens. 4.30 HomeShopping.
10 PEACH (11, 52)
7MATE (73,63)
9GO! (93, 82)
6am Children’s Programs. Noon Smash. 1.00 Baywatch 2.00 Full House 3.00 TheNanny 3.30 Raymond 5.30 TheNanny 6.00 3rd Rock 6.30 That ’70s Show 7.00 Young Sheldon. 7.30 TheWeakest LinkUSA 8.30 Love Island Australia. 9.30 Dating No FilterUK. 10.00 MOVIE: Ted2.(2015,MA15+) 12.15am IAmCait. 1.15 Kardashians 2.10 Baywatch 3.00 Bakugan: Geogan Rising. 3.30 Ninjago 4.00
10 BOLD (12, 53)
NITV (34) 6am Home Shopping 8.00 PatCallinan’s 4x4 Adventures. 9.00 What’s Up Down Under 10.00 The Offroad Adventure Show 11.00 MacGyver Noon NCIS: LosAngeles 1.00 NCIS:New Orleans. 2.00 Bull. 3.00 Bondi Rescue. 3.30 The Love Boat 4.30 Star Trek:The Next Generation. 5.30 MacGyver 7.30 NCIS. 10.20 TheCode. 11.15 Blood AndTreasure. 12.15am Shopping. 2.15 Late Programs.
PEACH (11, 52)
6am The LateShow With Stephen Colbert. 7.00 Seinfeld. 8.30 Basketball. NBL.Round 6. New Zealand Breakers v Sydney Kings. Replay. 10.30 Becker 11.30 Frasier 12.30pm TheKingOfQueens 1.30 Seinfeld. 3.00 The King Of Queens 4.00 Becker 5.00 Frasier 6.00 Friends. 8.00 TheBig BangTheory 9.30 Mom. 11.10 Frasier Midnight Shopping. 1.30 StephenColbert. 2.30 Late Programs.
10 BOLD (12, 53)
6am Home Shopping 8.00 PatCallinan’s 4x4 Adventures. 9.00 What’s Up Down Under 10.00 MacGyver Noon NCIS: LosAngeles. 1.00 NCIS: New Orleans. 2.00 Bull. 3.00 Bondi Rescue 3.30 The Love Boat 4.30 Star Trek: The Next Generation. 5.30 MacGyver 7.30 NCIS. 8.30 Bull. 10.20 48 Hours. 12.15am Home Shopping 2.15 The Code 3.10 StarTrek: The Next Generation. 4.05 MacGyver
Shaw’sArcadepopping up
By PHILIP HOPKINSVICTORIA’S stringent COVID lockdowns were particularly stressful for small businesses worried about whether they would survive. Some have still struggled in thepost-lockdown world, as have some cautious shoppers.
That’s what promptedCourtneyBroadbent to get active. Courtney, who runs Turn Back Time CafeinMoe with hermum Sue,decidedonan innovative way to bring back customers -start up alittle market. Thus the pop-up market in the neighbouring Shaw’s Arcade got off the ground.
“Themarketisnot for profit,” Courtney told the Express. “I have my own small business with afew pop-ups in front of my cafe. Then Iwanted to bring more business into the cafe, the arcade andall the surrounding shops post-the lockdown. Ifound afew friend in small business -they were on board.I didn’t have to advertise; word-of-mouth spread quickly in Moe.”
Three successful pop-up markets have been held, with twomore to go aheadthis Saturday, November 5, and Saturday December 3.
“We have 20 stalls in the arcade on those Saturdaysmorning. Themarkets willbeongoing. I’ll do them occasionally, for example, before Valentines, Easter, or Mothers Day. I’ll keep it as apop-up because otherwise every month, people will get tooused to it and think,‘We were just just four weeksago’,” she said.
“They will go the next one after this. The pop-up is still exciting, it’s held not so often, and all are local Gippsland-based stores.”
The little market has one or two food stores, but mostare crafts -candles, bath products, people with plants, older ladies with knitting and sewing. “It’s not like other marketsdominated by oneproduct Thereisa variety of everything,” said Courtney.
“The whole point was to make it acommunity of businesses to work together, to support each other instead of competing against each other.
“So far, people are buying from each other and sharing on their Facebook pages, promoting each other, that’s good too.”
Courtney said the experience had been part of the post-COVID lockdown. “One business had been considering closing some months ago. It has broughtmorebusinesstousinthe cafe; some people didn’t even know we were here’,” she said.
Art show returns
THE Leongatha Art and Photography Show attracts more than 500 entries from artists and photographers from across Gippsland, Melbourne, regional Victoria and interstate, with organisers now accepting entries for the upcoming 2023 show.
The Leongatha Art and Photography Show spanning from January 14, 2023 to Feburary 4, will be hosted at the Leongatha Memorial Hall, on the corner of Michael Place and McCartin St, Leongatha. Doorsopen at 10am and close at 4pm; a$5entry fee applies.
New and established artists of all ages are welcome to enter, with prizes for various photography, 3D, junior sections and allAbilities sections totalling over $6000.
For more information about the Leongatha Art and Photography show or to enter, go to www.leonartshow. com.au.
by Joanne Madeline MooreAries Resist the overwhelming urge to be an impulsive and impetuous Ram! Your boss planet Mars is now retrograde (until January 12) so you need to apply the brakes and think before you speak and act and post Otherwise, you could upset others with your hasty words and reckless actions When it comes to your Aries aspirations for the future, the main quality you need to cultivate at the moment is patience, as you slow your motor and cool your heels
Taurus Mighty Mars is reversing through your self esteem zone until January 12, which could dent your confidence and dampen your enthusiasm Don’t dwell on the negatives! Hold your head high and trust your inner judgement Be inspired by actress and birthday great Sally Field (who was born on November 6, 1946): “It took me a long time not to judge myself through someone else’s eyes ” On the weekend, keep the lines of communication and compassion wide open
Gemini It’s time for gung ho Geminis to h Git the pause button, as dynamic Mars reverses through your sign until January 12 Which will stymie motivation and increase impatience, especially involving personal projects and close relationships Jumping to conclusions is definitely not recommended! Hasty words and ambiguous comments will only lead to drama and confusion (especially on Friday) So slow down and listen carefully to what other people are saying
Cancer Mars is reversing through your seclusion zone So it s time to help those around you (especially family members) in a quiet, low key, behind the scenes kind of way On the weekend, Venus and Uranus could send some surprising news in your direction, especially involving a child teenager lover or close friend Wise words for the week are from fellow Cancerian (and humanitarian) Princess Diana: “Everyone has the potential to give something back ”
Leo Many talented Lions have ambitious aspirations for the future But a cherished goal or a longed for dream could be delayed as Mars reverses through your hopes and wishes zone for the next two months (until January 12) Try to be extra patient! Good things will eventually come to Cats who wait On the weekend, expect the unexpected involving a work issue, a family matter or a romantic relationship A flexible and fun approach will see you through Virgo Mars is reversing through your profeg ssional zone until January 12 So it’s not an ideal time to look for employment, apply for a new job or start a challenging work project You’ll require plenty of diplomacy, discretion, patience and persistence, as you navigate a bumpy career path over the next couple of months And expect some communication chaos on the weekend when a friend behaves in an unpredictable way, or an important message goes astray
Libra This week the energy builds towards an opposition between Uranus and your ruler Venus on the weekend So the challenge is to get the balance right between your independence and the needs of loved ones; between being prudently cautious and being creatively spontaneous Draw inspiration from fashion guru Anna Wintour (who turns 73 on Thursday): “I try to remain very open to what others have to say And it’s very important to take risks ”
Scorpio The more creatively you communicate with other people, the more satisfying the week will be But Mars is reversing through your trust and intimacy zones until January 12 Attached Aries strive to be more tolerant and cooperative with your partner Singles are you looking for love? Don’t accept second (or third) best Have the confidence and patience to wait for your soulmate Good things will come (eventually) to strategic Scorpios who wait!
Walking club’swidechoice
Don’t expect close relat g ionships to run like clockwork, as Mars reverses through your partnership zone (until January 12) If you respond to problems deftly and diplomatically, then things will soon be back on an even keel But there could be sudden disruptions or hidden surprises on the weekend when Venus and Uranus upset plans involving work or wellbeing A secret could also be revealed If you keep your adaptability muscles well flexed, you’ll manage fine
Capricorn Expect some challenges and setbacks over the next two months, as Mars reverses through your daily routine and work zone Retrograde Mars also reminds you to reboot your exercise routine so it is more sustainable Keep on keeping on Capricorn! Your mantra for the moment is from actor writer and director Ethan Hawke (who celebrates his 52nd birthday on Sunday): “Success isn’t measured by what you achieve, it’s measured by the obstacles you overcome ”
Aquarius The Venus/Uranus opposition sugg qests a house move, family fiasco, uninvited guests dropping in or some other kind of domestic drama And some Aquarians could experience disruptions at work Whatever happens strive to get the balance right between your public life and your private responsibilities Retrograde Mars also pushes you to reinvent a close relationship But don’t get so carried away that you throw the baby out with the bathwater!
Pisces Many Fish are feeling rather restless Mars is retrograde until January 12, so it’s time to ditch distractions, conserve energy and prioritise important tasks Then slow down and listen to the wisdom of your inner voice Your motto for the week is from birthday great, fashion icon and Vogue editor Anna Wintour: “I respond to my own instincts Sometimes they’re successful and sometimes they re not But you have to remain true to what you believe in ”
BEN CruachanWalking Club, established in 1965, continues its strong presence in Gippsland.
With members livinginboth the East Gippsland and Wellington Shires, the walk calendar is diverse and caters for arange of interests, as highlighted by three recent trips.
The annual ‘WilsonsProm’ walk wasinearly October, with walkers enjoying sweeping views of the stunning landscape, returning to the comfortable lodge each evening to enjoy afine repast and share tales, tall or true.Wildflowers, including native orchids, were abundant and provided fabulousphoto opportunities. Sunny conditions wereperfect for walking and all agreed the trip was aroaring success.
McLoughlinsBeach, South Gippsland, involved amidweek stroll through spectacularcoastal scenery, showcasing this stretch of the famous Ninety Mile Beach. Members traversed boardwalks that protect coastalmangrovesand heath.Prolific bird life was seen, including pelicans and spoonbills
gathering near the channel.Lady finger and spider orchidswerealso spotted by sharp eyes, along with avariety of fungi.
Afew days later, Nyerimilang Homestead, near Metung, wasexplored. This historichomestead overlooking the Gippsland Lakes stands as a testament to abygone era,
Later in October is atrip to Mount Feathertop, near Mt Hotham. Another scheduled walk is along the Mitchell River outside Bairnsdale, where the old weir will be afeature along the walk.
The club welcomes guest walkers, including those who may be unsure if the walksand club are what they are seeking. Upcoming walks are published on the BenCruachan WalkingClub website, with the details of how to register.
With the benefits of regular exercise and immersion in nature well known, and the weather clearing, there’s no time like the presenttoexplore this magnificent part of Victoria.
NOVEMBER will be ajam-packedmonth for the Strzelecki Bushwalking Club,withvarious activities on offer.
The Strzelecki Bushwalking Club monthly club nightwill be held on November9atthe Trafalgar Scout Hall,startingat7.30p.m with specialguest speaker Darold Klindworth, aCanadian geologist who has lived and worked in Australia for many years. Visitors are welcome to attend.
On November 8, the Strzelecki Bushwalking Club will host awalk on the Freeman’s Mill Track. The track is locatedwithin the Bunyip State Forest in Gippsland and will be about 14 km
The actual Freeman’s Mill was destroyed in the
“Black Sunday” bushfires of 1926, in which 60 people died, and 700 were injured across the state
On November 13,the Clubwill host a“sea change” with awalkfrom WonthaggitoKilcunda; this is apopular walkand has excellent coastal views.
On Saturday, November19, the Strzelecki Bushwalking club will be walking to Mt Howitt; the car park at the base of Mt Howitt is about 80 kilometres from Licola, and the track gives spectacularviewsofthe MacalisterRiver. It is well worth the journey to get there.
Further information is available on the website at sbwc.org.au
Preserving rare Highland cattle
By MICHELLE SLATERATRARALGON Highland cattle breeder is making sure that some of the world’s most at-risk bovine breeds are in safe hands.
Erica Smith has just become the Rare Breeds Trust of Australia cattle coordinator, highlighting the need to preserve certain breeds of cattle from disappearing altogether.
The Rare Breeds Trust was established to support the maintenance of diversity in domestic livestock breeds, including sheep, cattle, horses, donkeys, pigs and poultry.
The trust keeps awatch list with the numbers of registered females to alert, if abreed is listed as critical, endangered, vulnerable, at risk, recovering or lost.
Ms Smith said she joined the trust after finding out that Highland cattle were listed
as arecovering breed, with more than 750 breeding females registered in Australia.
“But this population could change if people stop breeding or registering them, and suddenly we won’t have the numbers and we will be back on the vulnerable list,” Ms Smith said.
“This is why it’s important to buy and breed registered stock to produce top quality animals.”
Ms Smith began breeding Highland cattle 10 years ago to help keep the grass down on her Latrobe Valley acreage and “put one in the freezer”.
She said there had been arecent wave of interest in Highland cattle, mainly from hobby farmers looking for an interestinglooking animal with aquiet temperament.
Ms Smithsaidthere were even some breeders looking to invest in Highlands to process for beef.
“There are alot of smaller breeders but people had been buying unregistered cattle. The Highland society allows registration after inspection, which allowed more females into the herd book,” Ms Smith said.
“The demand for Highlands is super crazy, we are seeing asurge of new breeders wanting to participate in shows.”
Ms Smith said one of the important aspects of preserving rare breeds was to maintain traits and genetic diversity lost in the focus on producingcattle for large-scale commercial agriculture.
She pointed to the particular traits in
Highland cattle that offered longevity and the ability to calve to the age of 19.
The world has lost 12 cattle breeds and there were 35 breeds listed as critical in Australia, with fewer than 150 registered breeding females.
In Australia, 80 per cent of the nation’s dairy herd is made up of Holstein Friesians, and 70 per cent of the beef herd is made of Angus.
“Rare breeds offer traits that could be lost to efficient hybrid varieties. We need to promote these breeds and keep them going so genetic diversity is not lost,” shesaid.
“We want to encourage breeders what they can do to build numbers and for consumers to support local farmers if they are working with rare breeds.”
BULLS for Hire/Sale
Angus, Limousin, Jersey,
and Friesian,
0447 331 762.
All sizes, pond or tank, Bristle Nosecatfish. Phone 0411 604 704.
Point of lay, $28 each.
deliver. Buy local, Located Hazelwood North. Ph 0429 619 752.
POODLE pups, 2male, Maltese XToy Poodle. 9 weeks, d.o.b. 30/8/2022,
$1200. 0402
UV stable, economical, strong, waterproof, in stock. 1300 656 211 all hours. www.abctarps.com.au
Landscaping Mulch
Beautify your garden. Bulk quantity available, $25m3. Phone 0412 613 443 or 1800 468 733.
MOE, 124 Wirraway St, Saturday, 9am -2pm. Household items, books, Beanie Kids, Tupperware, tools, furniture and lots more.
NEWBOROUGH, 17 Ellinbank St, Sat. 8am -2pm. Lots of great toys including Little People sets, DVDs, household goods, fridge and kitchen setting, 3wheeler pram with toddler seat. No early callers.
TRARALGON, 9Wotan Crt. Saturday, 7am onwards. Shed clean out, camping chairs and clothes line, tools something for everyone.
MORWELL, 3b/room home, kitchen with dishwasher, 2bathrooms, sunroom, garage, gas heating, air/con. Excellent location, just $275pw. 0421 074 181.
MALE 54 looking for friendship or relationship with a lady. Live in Eagle Point, distance not aproblem. Interests incl. gardening, fishing, camping, animals, boating and enjoy asocial drink. Non smoker. Please reply to: Rod, Reply Number 3278, LV Express, 21 George St, Morwell 3840.
Gippsland Guitar School,
ages, 8-80, beginners to advanced, banjo and ukulele lessons also available. 0439 111 610.
Specialising in
planting. Same day
friendly service. Ph 0434 114 139.
Specialising in all domestic work. REC.4188. Phone Peter 0438 177 153 or Carol 5126 2110.
Gas Appliances
Install -Service -Repairs Co Testing -Gas Safety Check.Contact Paul 0428 877 432. Lic.103230.
Handyman Service
Reg. roof restorer, roofs painted, gutter cleaning,
and house ext.
5/6 kilo, beautiful bundles of joy, avail. now, 95600001326 7624/4961294, MB 100101, Traralgon. 0406 533 098.
Anyone who has
Free quote. Ph Colin 0434 273 073.
Position cannot
Chemical &Environment
Team Leader
Areyou an accomplished leader with technical expertise in power station cycle chemistrywho is looking for anew challenge in an organisation whereyou will be well rewarded with great salary, perks and benefits?
About us
LoyYang Yang Bisanelectricity generator located in the picturesque Latrobe Valley currently supplying around 20% of Victoria’s power.Weare owned by Chow TaiFook Enterprises(CTFE) and belong to theAlinta Energy family,a growing and innovative energy market disrupter
We arefocused on maintaining world class levelsofplant performance, efficiency and flexibility and areinsearch of people with expertise andexperience to contributetoinnovative new projects as we look to re-inventour business.
We arecommitted to increasing workforce diversity and creating an environment wherepeople with newideas feel empowered to speak up and explorewhat is possible.
We constantly strive to understand and meet broad community expectations regarding environmental management,health, safety and good corporate citizenship.
About the opportunity
Contribute to the long-term success of the organisation by supporting the development and implementation of overall business strategy
Build strong team morale by cultivating enthusiasm andcommitment within the Chemical and Environment Group.
Create change and ‘futureready’ the organisation through your involvement in key projects.
What you’ll do
Provide effective leadership, support and communication for the Chemical and Environment Team to maximise group andindividualperformance.
Manage the power station operational chemistrytoensureoptimal plant performanceand maintain long term integrityofthe asset
Develop policies, practices and programs relating to LoyYang BCycle chemistryand environment systems.
Administer the company’s environment management system certifications. Ensurecompliance with LoyYang B’s Greenhouse strategies and programs and state and federalinitiatives forgreenhousereporting and abatement
Operate water treatment plant and provide advice to Operations group, including out of hours coverage.
What you’ll need
Skills to empower,motivate, lead, mentor,coach and develop employees.
Demonstrate excellent communication, presentation andinterpersonal skills, including technical writing.
The abilitytoachieve successful business outcomes through functional and informal networks.
Detailed knowledge of best practice in power station cycle chemistry.
Knowledge of relevantacts, regulations and rules, as well as policies and programs implemented at the state and federal level.
Detailed knowledge of Environmental systems management preferred.
ABachelor Degree in Science andEnvironment relateddisciplines or Electrical, MechanicalorChemicalEngineering.
Substantial exposuretopower plant operations desirable.
If this sounds likeyou, don’t ignorethis opportunity, makesureyou: Apply via our careers page www.loyyangb.com.au/careers
Positioncloses Friday,11November 2022.
LoyYang B–powering your career!
LoyYang Bwelcome applications from people with diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds and people with disability.Wewill provide reasonable adjustments for individuals with disabilitythroughout the recruitmentprocess.Ifyou identify as a person with disability and requireadjustments to the application, recruitment, selection and/or assessment process,pleaseadvisevia the above emailand indicateyourpreferred method of communication (email or phone) so we can keepintouchand meet yourneeds.
Immaculate Heart of Mary Primary (St Mary's) School, Newborough EDUCATION SUPPORT OFFICERS
Applications are invited from suitably experienced persons for four Education Support Officer positions to commence in 2023.
2FTE 30 hours per week (5 days -0.79) -Ongoing
2FTE 30 hours per week (5 days -0.79) -Fixed Term
Part time 18 hours per week (0.48) -Fixed Term until 11 August 2023.
The positions are Category BLevel 2positions under the Victorian Catholic Education Multi Enterprise Agreement 2018. The successful applicants will have ademonstrated commitment to Catholic education and to the safety and wellbeing of children. The successful applicants will possess the skills and abilities necessary to provide support to designated students by working collaboratively with teachers to implement individual and group programs to support the learning and wellbeing of students. The successful applicants will be require aWorking with Children Check and aNational Police Record Check.
Applications to be sent by email to: principal@stmnewbor.catholic.edu.au attention: Lisa Broeren
Applications close: 4/11/2022.
This school community promotes the safety, wellbeing and inclusion of all children
Baker Pastry Cook
Must be highly motivated. Above award rates. Please leave message on: 0407 066 784
Looking for acouple of Painters, must have car and be reliable. Please call 0423 961 098.
Would you like to deliver the Latrobe Valley Express newspaper to individual homes on Tuesday and/or Wednesday afternoons in Morwell, Traralgon, Moe, Newborou gh and Churchill? Please apply to the Circulation Manager 0456 000 541.
Please note: Children must be 11 years or over as we will need to apply for agovernment Child Employment Permit Children younger than 11 cannot or will not be accepted. Adult deliverers also welcome.
St Paul’s AnglicanGrammarSchool is seeking applications forthe followingposition.
FinanceOfficer/Payroll Officer
Full time -permanentongoing BasedatWarragul
Commencing as soon as possible
If you areinterested please forwardacurrent resume and cover letter to hr@stpaulsags.vic.edu.au
Fora copy of the Position Description please refer to our website: www.stpaulsags.vic.edu.au
Applications close 5pm Friday4November2022
GP 16 49652
Junior Paraplanner
Location -Moe
About the business and the role
RGMFinancialPlanners PtyLtd (AFSL 229471) is a financialplanning practicewithoffices in Traralgon, Moe and Drouin and part of alarger financial group (RGM), whichalso offers accounting and SelfManaged Superannuation Funds (SMSFs) services
We areseekinganindividual to fill the role of Junior Paraplanner to join our expandingteam financial planning team. As partofaboutique practice, this exciting role will provide you with exposuretoall areas of advicefrominsurance, superannuationand investments to SMSFs, while working alongside in house taxation professionalsand SMSF specialist advisers. If you have apassion for investing, then this is the role foryou Jobtasks andresponsibilities
Working as part of ateam and reporting directly to paraplanners and seniorfinancial advisers, you will help to assist, prepareand implement strategic advice to our valued clients.
Responsibilities include:
Assisting with the preparation of Statements of Advice andRecords of Advice
Obtaining informationfromproduct providers
Preparing and lodgingclient applications
Maintaining accurate and compliant client files
Handling clientenquiries
Interaction with clients, administrationplatforms and fund managers
Skills andexperience
To be successful in this role you will either have completed or be enrolled in arelevant Bachelor University Degree or aDiploma of Financial Services (Financial Planning) and have awillingness to work towards obtaining further qualification to further your career in the financial services industry. No previous experience is required however some minorknowledge of financial products (such as listed shares) would be an advantage.You must also exhibit ahighlevel of: MicrosoftOffice skills in Word,Excel and Outlook Communicationskillsand working in ateam environment
Desiretohelp avastarray of clientsachieve their financial and lifestyle goals
Time managementskillswith abilitytomulti-task
An attractive remunerationpackagewillbe negotiated based on skills andlevelofexperience. Job benefits andperks
Beingmentored by anexperience team of advisers to help further yourskills and knowledge
Flexible working hours
Continual professional development
Monthly RDO’s
Strong social culture
An organisation thatlooks to nurturetalent Amulti-faceted financial servicesfirminGippsland well known forcreating aworkplace that feels like ateam
If youfeelyou aresuited tothe role please forward your resume with acover letter to: JuniorParaplanner Position via email: moe@rgmgroup.com.auor Online applications: rgmgroup.com.au/career/ junior-paraplanner/
Applications close: Friday25th November 2022
Location -Moe
About the business and the role
RGMFinancial Planners Pty Ltd (AFSL 229471)isa financial planning practice with offices in Traralgon, Moe and Drouin and part of alarger financial group (RGM), which also offers accounting and SelfManaged Superannuation Funds(SMSFs) services.
We areseeking an experienced Paraplanner to join our expanding team with the opportunityto be mentored into an adviser over time (if desired).
As partofaboutique practice, this exciting role will provide you with exposuretoall areas of advice from insurance, superannuation and investments to SMSFs, while working alongside in house taxation professionals and SMSF specialist advisers.
Job tasks and responsibilities
Working as part of ateam and reporting directly to senior financial advisers, you will help to assist, prepare andimplement strategicadvice to our valued clients.
Responsibilities include:
Assisting with the preparation of Statements of Advice and Records of Advice
Obtaining informationfromproduct providers
Preparing and lodging client applications
Maintaining accurate and compliant client files
Handling client enquiries
Interaction with clients, administration platforms and fund managers
Skills and experience
To be successful
by an experience
Chaplain at: Traralgon College - 1.0 FTE (5 days per week)
Grey Street Primary, Traralgon 0.4 FTE (2 days per week)
Baringa Special School, Moe 0.4-0.8 FTE (2-4 days/week)
Korus Connect is seeking aChaplain who is passionate about supporting the wellbeing of the school community. Successful applicants will have aminimum Cert IV in Youth Work, Counselling, or equivalent and avalid WWCC. Applicants are required to demonstrate personal commitment to the Christian faith and values by providing a Minister endorsement and adherence to Korus Connect's Statement of Faith. Contact chaplaincy@korusconnect.org.au or call (03) 9811 0900 for more information and a full list of selection criteria.
Korus Connect is committed to child safety and maintaining child safe and child friendly environments
aCertificate IIIorDiplomainChildrens services (orequivalent)
Learnmore For more information andcontact information forthese roles,visit vt.uniting.org. Interested?
If this soundslikeyou,apply today via vt.uniting.org including:
Coverletter(1pageoutlining your suitabilityfor theposition)
Currentresume(no more than 3 pages)
Employment is subject to satisfactory criminal history andVictorian Working with ChildrenChecksprior to commencement of employment. Uniting is proudtobeaninclusive employer andiscommitted to keeping children andyoung peoplesafe.
St Joseph’sPrimary School is aCatholic co-educationalprimaryschool located in Trafalgar justover100 kilometers EastofMelbourne. Catering for approximately105 students, the school prides itself on being awelcomingcommunity where everyone is valued and respected.
Applications areinvited from suitably experienced personsfor afull time, permanent position as a Classroom Teacherstartingin2023.
The successful applicant will be appropriately qualified, demonstrate enthusiasm and ability to deliver the appropriate curriculum to arange of educational abilities,and be able to provide careand support forstudents whilst supporting and respecting the ethos of the school and its environment
VictorianInstituteofTeaching Registration is a requirement
Applications close: Thurs. 17th November2022
Applicationsshould includecover letter Curriculum Vitae and 3referees (see website www.trafalgar.catholic.edu.aufor selectioncriteria)
Mrs Trish Mulqueen
Principal St Joseph’s PrimarySchool
Email: principal@trafalgar.catholic.edu.au
St Joseph’sSchool community promotes the safety,wellbeing
An organisation
to nurturetalent.
If youfeelyou aresuitedtothe role
with acover letter to: Graduate Accountant via email: moe@rgmgroup.com.au or Online applications: rgmgroup.com.au/career/ graduate-accountant/
close: Friday18th November 2022
Morwell Fish &Chips
Reception and Kitchen Staff
-102 George St.
(next to Coles)
Demolition Labourer
We are seeking casual employees with skills and experience in these roles for work in the Gippsland area.
TEAM LEADER Rotational Moulding
Anew position is available at PFG Group for an experienced Rotational Moulder to join our production team based in Morwell, Gippsland. Having prior rotational moulding experience is an essential part of this position. Having prior leadership experience is highly desirable.
The Team Leader of the Oven plays akey role ensuring atwo-way connection between management and the team under his or her responsibility. The role will be expected to provide leadership, guidance, and direction for the operating team, whilst providing feedback, discussion and support to the managing and scheduling team.
You will be joining aleading manufacturer of rotationally moulded plastics products, and you will become an integral part of our production team as we enjoy aperiod of growth. The right applicant will enjoy on the job training and the opportunity for long term full-time employment.
We are looking for someone who is enthusiastic, safety conscious, hardworking, reliable, has astrong focus on LEAN manufacturing and enjoys working in ateam environment.
Please send your resume to: adminvic@pfg-group.com.au
Forestry Opportunities Available
AAGIM, as manager of the Kiland Estate, is harvesting 14,500 hectares of bluegum and pine on Kangaroo Island. Anumber of long term, stable employment opportunities are now available.
Available Roles (full time)
Harvest Operator Feller-buncher, single-grip harvester, forwarder and skidder operators to harvest and stack forestry resource. Experience driving forestry machinery is required.
Base Salary: $80,000-$95,000 p.a. ($305-$365 p/d1)+ Super, OT and Bonus
Stump Grinder and Tractor Operators Operator to be responsible for grinding of harvested blue gum and pine stumps and/or driving high HP tractors for heavy cultivation. Experience driving machinery is preferred but not necessary.
Base Salary: $75,000-$95,000 p.a. ($290-$365 p/d1) +Super, OT and Bonus
What we offer:
● Competitive basic salary and benefits +O/T + Bonus Scheme
● Accommodation (incl. family) and services provided at no cost
● Ongoing training and development
Fulltime Fixed Term
We are seeking qualified, experienced and enthusiastic Classroom Teachers to be part of our professional learning team. Applicants must embrace an ethos of working in partnership with colleagues, parents and students to develop athriving 21st century learning community where relationships are highly respectful, reflecting our school motto of Strength and Gentleness.
Graduate and experienced teachers are encouraged to apply.
Contact details: Michelle Charlton: Principal Phone: 5174 5515
How to apply: Adetailed position description and application requirements are available by accessing the School website at: www.stgtraralgon.catholic.edu.au/career-s Applications via email: principal@stgtraralgon.catholic.edu.au
Applications close: Tuesday 8November 2022, at 4pm. This school community promotes the safety, wellbeing and inclusionofall children.
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COROMAL Silhouette 391 2008 campervan, 30th Anniversary Edition, as new condition $17,000
Maintenance Labour and Scaffolding Services
LoyYangB Power Stationisseeking suitablyqualified and experienced companies to provide labour scaffolding and supervisor services on site. The successful company will be responsible for: Scaffolding services, involving the erection and dismantling of scaffolds to gain access for maintenance/repair activities.
Providing scaffold equipment to meet the daily ongoing requirements.
Providing technical labour for mechanical, electrical, andinstrumentationwork.
Providing aSupervisortooversee the above services on site.
Formoreinformation and key selection criteria,please email arequest to lybcontracts@loyyangb.com
24 November 2022.
Deaths •
BASTEN, Hein. Late of Morwell. Passed away peacefully at O'Mara House Aged Care Traralgon on 25 October 2022 in the presence of his loving family.
Aged 76 years
Dearly loved and loving husband of Trish for 53 years. Much loved father and father-in-law of Michelle and Bill. Adored Poppy Hein to Laura and Ella.
BASTEN, Hein. 27/1/1946 -25/10/22.
Dearly loved and loving husband of Trish for 53 years. Loved and devoted dad of Michelle, son-inlaw Bill and much loved Poppy Hein of Laura and Ella.
Our journey has ended, may you rest in peace.
Thank you to Omara House for their care of Hein and his family.
Abetter man you would not find, Generous in every way. Gentle and smiling, smart and kind, He was my dad, I'm proud to say.
Dad, Pop, Heiny Heineken
Alive in our hearts now Mich, Bill, Laura and Ella.
We extend our sympathy and love to Trish, Mich and Bill, Laura and Ella, at Hein's passing into eternal life.
We share in the mourning of our dear brother, remembering the love he had for his family and friends, his many commitments to the church and the community of Morwell in which he lived all of his adult life.
Hein treasured his Dutch heritage in the later years, particularly enjoying the music from Limburg, the place of his birth.
With loving hearts we say "Rest in peace" Leo, Gerard and Eny, Engelien and Peter, Joe, Anna and Mike, Liz, Maree, Thea and Peter, Tony and Julie, Connie and Russel and all of your nieces and nephews.
BASTEN, Hein. Our deepest condolences to Trish, Michelle and family. Hein was atrue gentleman and always had time for achat. He will be respectfully remembered by all who knew him. Joe and Josie Vitale.
BASTEN, Hein. Thinking of you all at the passing of Hein. Rest peacefully dear friend. Love Faye, Lisa, Nicky, Jodie and their families.
HANDLEY, Raelene. Passed away peacefully Wednesday, 26 October 2022.
Much loved mother of Melissa and Tanya. Loving gran of Ella, Chloe and Keira.
Forever in our thoughts Loved andremembered always
HERMENS, Petronella (Nellie). 30/1/1930 -21/10/2022.
Passed away peacefully.
Aged 92 years
Loved wife of Gerardus (dec.), mother and mother-in-law of Angelina (Rieta, dec.), Rein and Anne, Maria and Gary, John and Shelley, Esther and Steve, Anthony and Georgia, Bernadette and Brian, Nan of 24, greatNan of 27, great-greatNan of one.
Much loved and sorely missed "Gone home to the Lord"
HUNT, Ryan Kevin.
Passed away suddenly on 28 October 2022.
Aged 16 years
Dearly loved son of Rachael and Chris.
Adored brother of Riley.
Loved grandson of Sandra and Brian, Edward, Janine and Andy. Loved nephew of Vanessa and Amit, Belinda, Abby and Bryce, and their families
Loved forever and always
For funeral details see latrobevalley funerals.com.au
Place your tribute on latrobevalleyfunerals.com.au
MALONE (née Cornwell), Thelma Dorothy. 9/12/1926 -26/10/2022.
Passed away peacefully Wednesday, 26 October 2022.
Aged 95 years
Reunited with her husband Eric; together again and forever.
Mother and mother-in-law of Eugene (dec.) and Carol, Gray and Valerieanne, Kerry (de.c) and Steven, Bruce and Hannelore, Rick and Penn.
Loving Nan and Great Nan to many.
Rest In Peace
MALONE, Thelma Dorothy. 9/12/1926 -26/10/2022. Awell lived and loved life for your 95 years. Leaving us with memories but so many tears. Our hearts are just broken we will miss you so. Pop, Kerry and Eugene were waiting, you had to go. Our lives were enriched because of you. You were our Nan, when only the best will do. Carol, Scott, Kat, Riley, Owen, Cameron and Jack, Todd and Penny.
ROUSE, Sheila. Passed away peacefully Monday 24 October 2022. Loved and loving wife of Kemp (dec.). Mother and mother-in-law of Peter, Mark and Cynthia, Maryanne, Carmel and Gavin, Terry and Vicky, and Jonathon. Loving Nan of Alaura, Kamara, Mackenzi, Ethan, Ashton, Liam, Kody, Flynn, and Quinn. Great Nan of Josalyn, Analeise and Valarie. Rest In Peace
ROUSE, Sheila.
SUSON, Glenda Florence. 2/5/1947 -21/10/2022.
Late of Traralgon. Passed away peacefully at Bupa Traralgon on Friday, 21 October 2022.
At Rest
TYLER, Richard. 12/10/1934 -22/10/2022.
Beloved and loving husband of Carmel. Sonin-law of Betty and Sid (dec.). Brother-in-law to Chris, Noel (dec.), Phillip, Paul and Doreen.
Much respected member of theatre for 54 years.
YOUNG, Jamie Robert.
Loving dad of Layla and Mia. Friend of Jacinta. Dearly loved son of Kath (dec.) and Gary (dec.) Much loved grandson of Carmel and Jack (dec.).
YOUNG, Jamie Robert. Loved nephew and friend of Mick and Dave. Reunited with Mum Rest Peacefully
YOUNG, Jamie. Finding it difficult to believe you are gone.
MALONE, Thelma. Nan, we will miss all the good times we spent together. We laughed and we cried, but we always shared aspecial bond that we will treasure forever. Give mum ahug for us.
Love ya Nan Love always Chantal, Steven, Jett,Ryder, Peta-Jo, Oliver and Steven.
Mum you will always be in our hearts. All the wonderful memories will be with us forever. As painful as it is to lose you, Iknow you are no longer in pain and re-united with Dad. Love you Mum always and forever. Carmel, Gavin, Kody and Flynn.
ROUSE, Sheila.
Mum, your words of wisdom will forever provide guidance, our memories of you will always remain in our hearts.
Life Member of Victorian Drama League and Sherbrooke Theatre. Past member and Direct of Bendigo Theatre Co, Moartz and Traralgon Theatre Companies. Post member and President of Bendigo Vets Tennis Assoc. Past member and President of Moe and Newborough Keenagers Table Tennis.
Rest in peace mate ♥ Droogy and Bek, and family XX.
MALONE, Thelma Dorothy. 9/12/1926 -26/10/2022.
If orchids grow in Heaven, Pop please pick abunch for me, Place them in Nan's arms and tell her they're from me. Tell her Ilove her and miss her, And when she turns to smile, Place akiss upon her cheek, And hold her for awhile. Nan, you will be forever in our hearts. Love Kellie, Justin, Melaini and Hudson.
McMILLAN, Annette Alice. Passed away peacefully with family by her side, at Andrews House Trafalgar, Friday, 28 October 2022.
Aged 85 years
Loved and loving wife of Jack (dec.). Much loved mother and mother-in-law of Suzanne and Jeff, Jaclyn and Arthur, Darren and Sue, Ruth and Colin. Loved grandma to her beloved grandchildren and great grandchildren.
Always in our hearts
May you now be reunited with your true love and soul-mate, Dad has been patiently waiting for you and together may you live in eternal peace.
We will loveyou always Terry, Vicky, Mackenzi, Ethan, Ashton and Liam.
THOMAS (Bilston), Christine Elizabeth (Chris).
Aged 70 years
Passed away surrounded by loved ones at Latrobe Re gio nal Hos pit al, Traralgon on 24 October 2022.
Dearly loved wife of Garry (dec.).
We had awonderful life adventure together for 34 years filled with love. You were my best friend. We grew older together -you left too soon. You have left our wonderful paradise on earth for that in the sky.
Iwas with you to the end. Rest in peace my love, no more pain.
How do Igoonwithout you? It's hard.
Till we meet again. Cheers! and thank you
Thank you to the team at LRH for many years of care. Thanks also to the ED and Bass Ward for their care and support in the last few days.
Your devoted and devastated wife, Carmel. Imiss you so much.
BASTEN. Requiem Mass for the repose of the soul of Mr Hein Basten will be offered at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Commercial Road Morwell on THURSDAY (3 November 2022) at 1.30 pm.
The Funeral will leave at the conclusion of Mass for the Yallourn Cemetery.
MOE-MORWELL-TRARALGON MORWELL 5134 4937 Place your tribute on latrobevalleyfunerals.com.au
PHELPS, Kenneth Neil. 18/1/1956 -23/10/2022.
Passed away suddenly in NSW whilst taking part in the Cannonball Ride across Australia.
Much loved Father and friend of Ryan. Funeral Details will be in next week's edition of the Express.
Much loved mother and mother-in-law of Becky, Clint and Jodi, Tammy and Brad.
Adored Nan of Kane and Noah, Jack, Riley, Reid and Briahna, Kane, Patrick, Jett and Daniel.
Loved sister and aunty. Until we meet again For Funeral details please visit: www.nielsenfunerals.com.au
Private CremationVEENSTRA, Lemke (Lemmy).
away peacefully at L.V. Village Aged Care Newborough, 25 October 2022.
Aged 84 years Dearly loved wife of Hessel (dec.).
Much loved mother and mother-in-law of Carol and Hendrick (dec.), Stan and Lisa, Derrick and Hien, Evelyn and Ian, Margaret and Darren.
Adored Beppe of 13 grandchildren and 10 great grandchildren.
Psalm 91:1
He who dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the almighty.
Lemke's Service was held on MONDAY (31 October 2022).
Her service was livestreamed and is available to watch at: latrobevalley funerals.com.au
MOE 5126 1111
Place your tribute on latrobevalleyfunerals.com.au
YOUNG, Jamie. Passed away on Saturday, 2October 2022.
CALLOW, John Charles. The Celebration for the Life of Mr John Callow will be held at The Rose Chapel, Gippsland Memorial Park, Cemetery Dve, Traralgon on MONDAY (7 November 2022) at 2pm.
Private Cremation to follow
HANDLEY. The Funeral Service and Committal for Cremation of Mrs Raelene Handley will be held at Latrobe Valley Funeral Services Chapel, 260 Princes Hwy, Traralgon on FRIDAY (4 November 2022) commencing at 10.30am.
TRARALGON 5174 2258
on latrobevalleyfunerals.com.au
HERMENS. AService to celebrate the life of Mrs Nellie Hermens, late of Moe, will be held at the Nielsen Funeral Chapel, Korumburra Rd, Warragul, WEDNESDAY (2 November 2022) at 2pm. The Service will also be live-streamed. To view Nellie's Service visit: www.nielsenfunerals.com.au APrivate Cremation will follow.
Ahospitality traineeship is available at Trafalgar High School for the 2023 school year.
This position commences from 27 January 2023.
To apply please call Sharon Lowater -Business Manager on 5633 1733 for acopy of the selection criteria.
Then email your cover letter, resume and selection criteria responses to trafalgar.hs@education.vic.gov.au attention to Sharon. Applications close Wednesday, 16 November 2022
Beloved Son of Kathleen (dec.), grandson of Bill and Margaret Plozza (both dec.), and Carmel and Jack. Will be missed by Jacinta. Loving father of Layla and Mia. Dearly loved Brother of Leonie, Stephen, Daniel and Phillip.
Resting Peacefully
YOUNG, Jamie Robert. 20/3/1989 -22/10/2022.
Much loved son of Kathleen and Gary (both dec.).
Adored father of Layla and Mia.
Brother of Leonie, Stephen, Daniel and Phillip.
Amazing uncle to his nieces and nephews.
Rest Peacefully baby brother
MALONE. The Funeral Service and Committal for Cremation for Mrs Thelma Dorothy Malone will be held at Latrobe Valley Funeral Services Chapel, 260 Princes Hwy Traralgon on THURSDAY (3 November 2022) commencing at 11am.
Thelma's Service will be livestreamed, to view the livestream please visit: latrobevalley funerals.com.au and go to live streaming.
TRARALGON 5174 2258 Place your tribute on latrobevalleyfunerals.com.au
McMILLAN. The Funeral of Mrs Annette McMillan will be held at the Latrobe Valley Funeral Services Chapel, 6Ollerton Avenue, Moe on WEDNESDAY (9 November 2022) commencing at 11am.
Following the service, the Funeral will leave for the Trafalgar Cemetery.
of the
ODLUM, Carol.
1/12/1953 -18/10/2020.
Two years ago you sadly parted, all who knew you were broken hearted.
From all here who you dearly loved, We know you watch us from Heaven above.
Sadly missed, forever in our hearts.
Street, Traralgon on FRIDAY, (4 November 2022)
at 1.30pm.
Following the Mass, the
leave for the Gormandale Cemetery.
SUSON, Glenda Florence.
The Funeral of Mrs Glenda Florence Suson will be held at the Seventh Day Adventist Church Traralgon, MONDAY (7 November 2022) commencing at 10.30am.
Following the Service, a private burial will take place at the Gormandale Cemetery.
YOUNG. AService to Celebrate the life of Jamie Young will be held at Latrobe Valley Funeral Services Chapel, 4347A Princes Drive, Morwell, on THURSDAY (3 November 2022) commencing at 10.30am.
Brett, Jason and Bec, Daniel and Brooke, and all the grandkids, and your Mum and Dad.
Love from Rob, who misses you forever.
SHAW, Chris.
Birthday Memoriam •
YOUNG, Jamie Robert.
Alifetime of fun, sad and hard times we've shared.
You've left ahole in our hearts Jamie.
You are so loved and will be dearly missed.
Terri-Ann, Brett, KristyLee and families XXX.
Bereavement Thanks •
BULL, Alan.
Alan's sister would like to say thank you to everyone who sent cards, flowers, text messages and tributes after Alan passed away.
Aspecial thanks to family and friends for their comfort and support at this sad time. Cherie.
Newborough stops Traralgon bid
By MICHAEL HOLROYD STRZELECKI BOWLS REGION NORTH PLAYING AREA SATURDAYPENNANTROUND 3ofSaturday pennant was again played in threatening weather, with anumber of clubs swapping venues for better playing conditions. All games were completed and the playing conditions were much better than players were expecting.
TRARALGON travelled to Newborough intent of reversing the result of last season’s Grand Final. Newborough were able to withstand all challenges thrown at them by astrong Traralgon, who recruited heavily over the winter to strengthen their team. Tommy Lodge and his rink of Dave Wurlod, John Backman and Scott Jones led the way for the home team with a27 –13win over Matt Ferrari. Ryan Marston and his rink of Tony Kniping, Rod Lewis and Paul Sherman had a22–17win over Michael Yacoub and his rink of Nick Turnbull, Ian Hilsley and Shane O’Loughlin. Kevin Lovett and his rink of Brian Carpenter, Jo-Anne Michaels and George Lambos had a21–21tie with Mick Coram and his rink of Angela Hackett, Shane Chapman and Vin McIlwain. For the visitors James Scullin and his team of Pat Trewin, Brenton Hackett and Chris Ward had a22–13win over Alan Grubb and his rink of Barry Daley, Josh Kennedy and Neale Houston.
Newborough 15 –83defeated Traralgon 3-73431952
WARRAGUL welcomed Morwell and for the visitors, Ron Lyfield and his rink of Ross Harford, Brian kingsley and Chris Goldsbrough won 27 –22against Dave Smith and his rink of John Vickerman, Graeme Davis and Robert Renn. Nathan Cook and his rink of Sarah Ashby, Russell Williams and Gerry Van Duin had a35–10win over Janette Gallasch and her rink of Matt Draisma, Des Stephens and Peter Gallasch. Steve Collins and his rink of Danny McKeown, Mike Arnold and Ernie King had a20–10win over Jim Power and his rink of Russell Carrick, Peter Ellis and David Ferguson. Bill Clappers and his rink of Terry Sullivan, David Alderman and Paul Simmons gained two points for the home team with a32–13win over Keith Gadsby and his rink of Jim Turner, Kevin Pigdon and Laurie Melhuish.
Morwell 16 -95defeated Warragul 2- 74
DROUIN welcomed Trafalgar, and for the home team Mark Atkinson and his rink of David McIlfatrick, John Leighton and Mick Fleming had a33–13win over Tim Fraser and his rink of Graham Hill, Heather Taylor and Paul Dawson. Sam Atkinson and her rink of Steve Barr, Geoff Bayley and Toby Wallace had a 21 –14win over Wil McIlwain and his rink of Jim Wilson, Bruce Giles and Darren Kane. For the visitors, Matt Schreyer and his rink of Col Carmichael, Wayne Hurst and Steve Lodge won 25 –24overDale Hendrick and his rink of Bruce Andrews, Clive Newman and Denise Hamilton. Ian Miles and his rink of Jim Lawrence, Phil Wynd and Tim Anderson defeated Sheryl Atkinson and her rink of Maureen Leighton, Jan Aubrey and Les Firth 26 –13.
Drouin 14 -91defeated Trafalgar 4- 78
MOEhad agood win at home against Traralgon RSL. Steve Pallot and his rink of Stan Myers, Ian Caines and Banger Harvey had a35–16 win over Rick Lukey and his rink of Titch Hore, Garry Trewin and Alan Kanavan. Michael Smogavec and his rink of Paul Louis Read, Brian Rodgers and Stuart Caines had a24–15 win over Beau Williamson and his rink of Dick Glossop, Dave Morley and Terry Hunter. Sandy Caines and his rink of Les Brown, Lachlan Sim and Ted Kuklinsky had a23–22win over Dave Hodson and his rink of Eric Warfe, Ross McKenzie and Kevin Durwood .Ross Sizeleand and his rink of Peter Barnes, Chris Mackintosh and John Taylor had a20–18win over Jayde Leech and his rink of Michelle Muccillo, Jan Rudy and Barry Hawkett to gain two points for the visitors.
Moe16– 100defeated Traralgon RSL 2-73
MORWELL Club visited Longwarry and came home the winners by four shots in aclosely contested game. For the visitors, Tara Harle and her team of Michael Skinner, David Patience and Roger Rejmer had a22–20win over Russell White and his team of Jasmine O’Shea, Barry White and John Majkut. Brett Harle and his team of Dashaa Martin, Mil Karleusa and Wayne Arnold had a20–16win over Trevor Kitchen and his rink of Jason Lieshout, Peter Lieshout and Hank Metselaar. Neil Whitelaw
and his rink of Steve Kilpatrick, Alan Campbell and David Stevens drew with Ken White and his team of John McCarthy, Ian Peterson and Glenn Pask. For the home team, Ken Towt and his rink of Mark Serong, Robert Proctor and Col Finger had a21–19win over Glenn Trembath and his rink of Vaughan Reimers, David Broadbent and Nobby Noblett.
Morwell 15 –80defeated Longwarry 3- 76
NEWBOROUGH (2)welcomed Traralgon (2) and for the home team, Graham Cocks and his rink of John Arnold, Phil Marston and Jeff Wetzel had a27–8 win over Maurie Sutcliffe. Robbert Cook and his team of Dave Madden, Stuart Gemmill and Michael Weatherall had a 26 –15win over Cary Locke and for the visitors Dave Currie and his rink of Matt Ogilvie, Kathy Smiles and Graham Cross defeated Spencer Goss 19 –16. Joan Goldie and Kevin Enguell managed a19–19tie.
Newborough (2) 15 –86defeated Traralgon (2) 3-61
NEERIM District welcomed Newborough (2) and for the home team, Shane Hogan and his team of Richard Kerr, Ross Pollard and Trevor Kuhnell had a25–19win over Graeme Cocks. Neil Adams and his rink of Colin McKay, Jim Fallon and Angus McGillivray had a28–12 win over Robbert Cook. For the visitors, Spencer Goss and his team of Brian Milkins, Graham Smith and Rod Dixon had a17–14win over Peter Throup and Joan Goldie and her rink of Bob Goldie, Julie Jackson and Alan Ryan had a 25 –19win over Peter Brooks.
Neerim District 14 –86defeated Newborough (2) 4-73
TRARALGONRSL (2) welcomed Drouin (2) and for the home team, Gordon Asbury and his rink of Ian Hartley, George Cargill and Jeff Blytheman defeated Col Jeffrey 20 –16.
MaxGibbins and his rink of Craig Wilson, Gordon Bayley and Brian Wilkinson defeated David Tayles 27 –19. Ron Osler and his team of Nathan Forester, Paul Matters and Julie Sutcliffe defeated Brian Thorpe 29 –11. For the visitors, Arthur Moore and his rink of Bob Cole, Ron Douthie and Necip Akarsu had a19–16 win over Gordon Bakker.
Traralgon RSL (2) 16 –91defeated Drouin (2) 2-65
BOOLARRA travelled to Morwell (2) for their annual Friday night game. For the home team, Ken Turner and his rink of Judy Tumney, Bill
Tyben and Darrell White had a29–15win over Jorma Takanen. John Osborne defeated Steven Davey 24 –11. For the visitors David Caldwell defeated Bob Wilson 25 –19and Travis Baker defeated Bob Skinner 23 –15.
Morwell 14 –87defeated Boolarra 4– 74
TRARALGON(3) travelled to Newborough (3) and for the visitors, Bill Francis and his rink of Robert Marsh, Ian Boyes and Ron Baker had a24–12win over Alan Luck. Brendon Smiles defeated Peter Policha 20 –16and Gordon Slimmon defeated Chris Cunningham 25 –17. For the home team Carmel Goss defeated May Cross 16 –14.
Traralgon (3) 16 –83defeated Newborough (3) 2-61
WARRAGUL (2)visited Yinnar and for the home team,Tim Roche and his rink of Gordon Smith, Jenni Harris and Max Aumann defeated Noel Rubenstein 25 –16. Murray De La Haye defeated Linda McCoy 19 –13and Gavin Osborne defeated Bob Currie 22 –16. For the visitors David Gatewood defeated Luka Djudurovic 18 –17.
Yinnar 16 –83defeated Warragul (2) 2- 63
MOE(2) travelled to Garfield and the locals won all rinks, with Shane Oliver and his rink of Graeme Burton, Richard Ross and Alan White defeating Val Griffiths 35 –10. Tom Cleary defeated John Woods 21 –15, Nick Henwood defeated Val Rodgers 24 –16and Stephen Whyte defeated Len Middling 22 –12.
Garfield 18 –10defeated Moe (2) 0-52
TRARALGON (4) welcomed Warragul (3) and Col Mayman and his rink of Maureen Rooney, Ken Ford and Gary Bassett defeated Lester Mason 30 –10. Norbert Schroeter and his rink of Jim Barling, James Overdyk and Roger Davey won 34 –12over Gary Thomas. Winning rinks for Warragul were Bill Clark and Brent Grigg.
Traralgon (4) 14 -97defeated Warragul (3) 4-74
YALLOURN North welcomed Churchill and Rob Matthews and his rink of Greg Maidment, Wendy Sparke and Ray Roberts defeated Tony Colwell 33 –6.John Wasiukiewicz defeated Chris Thomas 27 –10, Ricky Hearn and Bill Brown drew 20 –20and for Churchill Craig Flanigan defeated Darren Fry 19 –16.
YallournNorth 15 -96defeated Churchill 3-55
YARRAGON continued their good form with Jarrod Grigg and his rink of Richard Chetland, Ethan Storer and Bevan Romans defeating Charlie Cadby 40 –9.Other winning skippers were Sam Mazza defeating Eagle Edwards 20 18, Jason Roberts defeating Steve Cunningham 19 –14and Richard Polmear defeating Jim Cuthbertson 18 -16.
Yarragon 18 –97defeated Newborough (4) 0-56
MORWELL(3) hadawin over Trafalgar (2) despite Ken Capper and his rink of Anthony Dalgleish, Terry Robertson and Bernie Detering defeating Bob D”Brass 22 -8and for the visitors Darren Cullen defeated Frank Farrugia 23 –15, and Rita Reddiex defeatied Mal Clymo 25 –13 with Daryl Horner and Trevor Curtisdrawing 15 –15.
Morwell (3) 15 -71defeated Trafalgar (2) 3-65
TRAFALGAR (3) 14 -63defeated Moe (3)2 –59 with winning skips Paul Gridley and Billy Nisbet for Trafalgar (3) and Ray Jackson for Moe (3).
Longwarry (2) 14 –54defeated Drouin (4) 2-50 with Gerard Mitchell and VickiHanks the winning skips along with Peter Hone from Drouin (3).
Morwell Club (2) 16 -96defeated Garfield (2) 0–29 with winning skips Beryl Noblett, Leanne Broadbent and Gail Rejmer.
Traralgon (5) 16 –75defeated Morwell (4) 0-47 with winning skips Bill Bishop, Ron Hales and Shirley Richardson.
Traralgon RSL (3) 16 –70defeated Neerim District 0-33 with winning skips John Farquhar, Frank Metcalf and Margaret Morley.
MORWELL Club (3) 10 –43defeated Yallourn North (3) 0-31, Traralgon (6) 10 -53defeated Thorpdale (2) 0–29, Neerim District (3)16 -46defeated Trafalgar (4) 0–28, Drouin (4) 10 -52defeated Newborough (5) 0–20, Yallourn North (2) 10 –45 defeated Boolarra (2) 0-27and Yinnar/ Churchill 10 –16defeated Traralgon RSL (3) 0–0.
New-look Pelicans success hungry
NOTHING to report again for this past weekend as every match in the Traralgon District Cricket Association was washed out due to the weather causing issues all week in the lead-up to what should have been Round 5inAand BGrade It’s fair to say that it’s beenafrustrating start to the season but it should mean that all players across all grades will be eager to play this coming weekend… weather permitting.
Glengarry vYarram
MATCHofthe round thisweekend will feature Glengarry hosting Yarram &District at Fred King Oval.
For Glengarry, it will be their first match for the season, whichisquite incredible consideringit will be Round 6, but so far they’ve been incredibly unlucky with washouts and then having abye when afullround of cricket was played.
The Magpies have had some players have ahit though, as Nat Freitag, Frank Marks, Ben Marks andAlJenkin have played agame of GCL, so they will be the only players going into the match with any sort of match fitness.
For Yarram, they have been lucky enough to play two games already this season, playing in two close games, winning one against Rovers and losing the othertoExStudents.
It’s anew-look team for the Pelicans this season, with first impressions being they look young, fit and very hungry for success.
Jeremy Babb will play abig part in the teams finals chances this season but all-rounder Daniel O’Keefe is already having abig impact on the seasonwithfourwickets to his name at an average
of 13 while young gun Jack Collins will continue to improve while giving openingbatsmen lots of problems with the new ball.
One to Watch: Glengarry are desperatetounleash prize recruit NathanAllenonthe TDCA.Anincredible all-round talent with agreat cricket CV he adds anew dimension to the already super-talented Glengarry team. Yarram &District will need to keep an eye out for Allen this weekend and the rest of the TDCA will need to keep an eye out for him throughout the season with bat and ball.
Prediction: Without having played amatch for theseason, withthe Pelicans havingplayed two hard-fought games Glengarry is in atough position.
All the training in theworld doesn’t prepare ateam for the furnace in the centreofthe ground and with Yarram &District being abit of adifferent team this season, it’s no better chance for the Pelicans right now to get another win under their wing for the season. Yarram &District to win this game in the ‘Battle of the Birds’.
Roversv Ex Students
ROVERS hostExStudentsinanother tasty matchup this round.
Rovers come into the matchfullofconfidenceafter agood win over Gormandale, while Ex Students’ last match was atense victory.
Rovershavealreadyadjusted their game plan since their Round 2loss over Imperials, dropping Ewan Williams down to number five the most significant, as he has made a50and a70since his Round 2score of one batting at three.
The harder Duke ball is certainly going to help both Williams brothers (Ewan and Dougal) score freely this season, but if they need to get into the middle too early due to wickets being lost at the
start of theinnings,then it will certainly hinder the impact they can have on the game.
Ex Students have enjoyed avery goodrecord at DCP over the years and will be very confident heading into the game.
New captain Jimmy Pryde in his last match at DCP in aGCL game netted the incredible figures of 6/8, while his spin twin Lee Stockdale claimed three in the same game, so Rovers must be prepared to face alot of quality spin this match.
One to Watch: Cameron Taylor made his debut for the Sharks in Round 4, taking three wickets and making 13. The rumours swirling around are that Taylor is playing the whole season and if this is the case he will have ahugeimpact on the TDCA this season considering his amazing record in the Bendigo District CricketAssociation and Vic Country team.
Prediction: DCP has traditionally been spin friendly overthe lastfive years, and with Ex Students boasting the best spin bowlers in the TDCA, it’s hard to see how Roverswill combat that andnot let them have an impact. For Rovers to win they will need their front line spinner Simon Duff to rip through the Sharks, but considering he didn’t get asinglewicket against them last season it’s hard to see it happening. Ex Students for the win.
Gormandale vToongabbie
THE last match for the round has Gormandale hosting Toongabbie at Stoddart Oval.
This will be avery interesting game.
Gormandale was defeated in their only match for the season but still managed to notch up ascore of 180 against Rovers last start, while the Rams knocked off Imperials in agame where they only took three wickets for the match.
It’s interesting becausebothclubswouldsay their
bowling is their strength, but both teams had little impact with the ball in their matches in Round 4, which is where the improvement must come from for either side.
The old heads made an impact for Gormandale in their Round 4match,with Chris Lehner and Travis Switzerboth making45, while AdamBrady took four wickets.
It’s great for the Tigers that they’ve still got it, but for the club to have some success this season, some of the younger players like Matt Hibbs need to get some runs under the belt.
Toongabbie’s middle order was the big talking point of their Round 4win, with Kev Stoddart and Keenan Hughes both batting beautifully to guide the Rams home.
An in-formStoddart will have the rest of the TDCA on notice as there is no other batsman in the competition who is more destructive when he gets going, which means Gormandale will need to be prepared for the hard-hitting star.
One to Watch: Yohan Soyza was very good with the ball in his last match,goingfor just 15 from his nine overs with his first four overs all maidens. If Soyza can replicatehis match from last start again he should take more wicketsasthe Rams batsmen will want to score and won’t be so cautious as the Rovers batsmen were.
Prediction: It always helps to have awin on the board and the Rams, who currently sit second on the ladder, will be confident walking into this game. The Stoddart wicket suits the Rams style of play and with agood mixture of youth and older/wiser heads, Toongabbie should get their second win for the season this weekend.
Imperials has the bye.
Cricket-less October a100-year Valley record
LVDCL By LIAM DURKINANOTHER cricket-less weekend has left this writer feeling abit like Eminem when he said: “I don’t have any lines to go right here”.
Morewet weather meant the Latrobe Valley and District Cricket League was abandoned for the fourth consecutive week.
Yes, fourth consecutive week.
Adecision to abandon Round 4was made on Friday morning after areview of ground conditions.
The result leaves season2022/23 in the unwanted category of being the wettest start to aseason in more than adecade.
While season 2010/11 featured four of the first five rounds washed out, it did not suffer four consecutive abandonments.The month of October has now officially becomeawrite-off, and (discounting World War 2and last season’s COVID restrictions) you would have to go back 100 years to find atimewhen there wasnocricket during the 10th month of the year.
Morwell CricketClubdid not bowlaballuntil the second week of November in season 1922/23. The then Trafalgar and District Cricket Association
did not schedule Round 1until November 11.
Some furtheranomalies have also crept up as a resultofthe wet start.Willow Grovestill haven’t officially got onto the parkasanAGrade outfit
The bizarrestart to the seasonalsomeans some players may already be on the cusp of finals qualification without actually playing agame.
Under LVDCL rules, aplayer must appearfive times during the home-and-away season to qualify for finals -and washouts count as an appearance
There is scope for this rule to be manipulated by naming players in washouts, in full knowledge they were never going to play.
Granted it is unlikely anyone would be that
desperate to qualify someone this earlyinthe season, it would be well within the rules. Taking abit of an obscure look there, but it could happen...
LVDCL Round 5fixture:Morwell vLatrobe (at Keegan St), TrafalgarvJeeralangBoolarra (at Trafalgar Rec), Moe vCATS (at Ted Summerton Reserve), MirbooNorth vCentrals (at Mirboo NorthTurf), Churchill vRaiders (at George Cain), Willow Grove v Traralgon West (at Willow Grove Rec).
Demonsscore man-mountain Sheen
FOOTBALL MID GIPPSLAND By LIAM DURKINMEENIYAN-DUMBALK UNITED has secured arguablythe biggest physical recruitfor season 2023.
Man-mountain Darren Sheen will suit up for the Demons next year.
The journeyman forward has kicked buckets of goals across Gippsland, with stints at Maffra and Cora Lynn, as well as Doveton, Narre Warren and Heathmont.
His time at Maffra in the Gippsland League was most impressive.
He won two league goal-kicking awards, booting 96 and100 goalsin2013and 2014 respectively.
In 2013, he setaMaffrarecord with 17 goals in one game.
He kicked five goals and was best on ground for Maffraintheir one-pointGrand Final loss in 2017.
MDU had abit of astrange season in 2022, with five of their first six games decided by 15 points or less.
The Demons thenlost their next four games convincingly,before defeating premiership fancies Foster in Round 11.
It proved to be afalsedawn -they didn’twin another game until the last round of the regular season.
MDU ended 11th of 13 teams with five wins to their credit.
With Sheen now inside 50, the Demons will be hoping he can help them further in their quest.
WHILE on the subject of key forwards, Yallourn Yallourn North pair Keenan Hughes and Dean MacDonald have recommitted to the Jets.
Hughes was best-on-ground with nine goals in the North Gippsland Football-Netball League Grand Final this year, as YYN took home the flag.
Having bothplayersgoingaround again will no doubt be pleasing for returning coach Barrie Burnett, especially after some talk of MacDonald making areturn to Morwellinthe Gippsland League.
Elsewhere, other NGFNLclubs have made coaching announcements.
Jordan Fenech will coach Churchill, going at it solo after serving as co-coach with Tim Darby this year.
Ray Burgesshas been appointed coach of Glengarry, and hasenticedbrother Steven over from Gormandale as an assistant.
Yarram willbeled by leaguebest-and-fairest Boadie Motton and 11-time club best-and-fairest Griffin Underwood.
TheDemons will be without Corbin Sutherland, who hassignedatWarragul, coached by former AFL player and Yarram boy JedLamb, who is good mates with Sutherland.
Hail didn’t spoil hockey players’ day
ON Saturday, October 8, Latrobe Valley showcased junior hockey talent from across the Gippsland region for the first time in two years in the annual Gippsland Championships in Churchill.
The day includedyoung hockeyplayersfromWest Gippsland Hockey Association, East Gippsland HockeyAssociationand Latrobe Valley Hockey Association, fronting multiple teams in three age groups; Under 12s, Under 15s and Under 18s.
It was aclassic Gippsland day, four seasons in one, with even ashort dusting of hail, but that didn’t stop the hundreds of young Hockeyroos and Kookaburrasplaying their best.
West Gippsland walkedawayaschampions in all three age groupsina spectacular display of
skill and teamwork.
Sunday,October 9, was no different, as it was the seniors’ turn to prove that lockdownsand covid can’t keep agood player down.
In ashocking turn of events, the 2022 Gippsland Championships facilitated asenior men’s competition for the first time in four years.
Aspokesperson from MoeHockey Club said it was great to see the men’s competition return after years of depleted numbers.
“Something for the youngboys in ourcompetition to strive to,” Moe Hockey Club spokesperson said.
The Latrobe Valley Women were up againsttough competition from East and West Gippsland as well as the formidable Bobby’s Coaching Academy,
atraining squad for young female players from across the region.
East Gippsland faced Bobby’s in the final, with Bobby’s taking away the championship trophy.
The men’s competition was made of West, East and Latrobe Valley Hockey Associations, with tight games across the day, just one or two goals separating each win.
East Gippsland played West Gippsland in the final, with East Gippsland proving too strong.
Latrobevalley will follow up the successful weekend with ajunior and senior summer competition held on ThursdaynightsinChurchill;for more information, contact Ash at moehockeyclub@ outlook.com.au
MPayne &D Taylor 42pts.NTP:4th E Woodall, 6th SEvison, 13th TBradshaw, 16th BBradshaw. Birdies: 6th NBracecamp, MPayne,E Woodall; 16th MPayne MOE
Open medley stableford,Thursday, 20 October 2022.
Agrade: MFife(6) 38. Bgrade: M Scammell (14) 40. Cgrade: BSavige (23) 36. Runners-up: RDyt 39; NMuirhead, R King,SNyko, LStansbury37 on c/b; BFox
35; JShearing,PRodaughan 35 on c/b; N Cornish, TWolski, ADevent, PSpiteri, S Backman, BThomson 34 on c/b.Eagles: R King @2.Birdies: RKing 4th; NMuirhead, TMakepeace 14th.NTP: 4th MScammell, 8th RWilson, 14th APickard Men’sstableford, Saturday, October 22.
Agrade: ADevent(9) 41.B grade: RAllen (30) 38. Runners-up: GGeisler,A Pickard, LWilson 38 on c/b; PSpiteri37; DCollings 36; LStansbury35onc/b.Birdies: CImer 4th; WMowat8th;L Stansbury, APickard 14th.NTP: 4th JHarber,8th ADevent, 14th APickard
Women’snine hole stablefordWednesday, October 26.
Agrade: KMiddlemiss (15) 17.Runners-up: CElliot14. Target hole: 10 MLang Open medley stableford,Thursday, October 27
Agrade: TDye (13) 38.B grade: M Papettas(17)40. Runners-up: LVeeman 37; RAllen, AColvin, MDonaldson 35 on c/b; EBeveridge 34 on c/b.Birdies: LStansbury 14th.
Stableford, Saturday, October 29
Overall winners: GGeisler (9) 35 on c/b Runners-up: NSkicko 35; CRothwell, D Collings 34 on c/b; TDonnison, LStansbury, APickard 33 on c/b.NTP: 4th BHarland, 8th BHarland, 14th APickard
Open men’s&women’sstableford, Friday, October 28.
Winner: SLau 36pts Stableford, Saturday, October 29.
Winner: WRobbins 38pts on c/b Runner-up: ABayley38pts.DTL: FDyke, GFlowers 37; MPoxon, PJolley36. NTP: 2nd FDyke; 5th PBurghardt, SKlemke; 11th JMarshall; 13th GAyre, ABayley; 15th MPoxon.
Stableford,Wednesday, October26.
Winner: CKilleen (45) 35pts.Runner-up: KMacGregor (27) 33pts.DTL: SKlemke 32pts,BKeily31pts
Michaela pedallingfor betterment of children
By LIAM DURKINMOE womanMichaelaHeywood has spentthe month of October raisingmoney to helpfightkids’ cancer.
Taking partinthe Great Cycle Challenge, Michaela rode more than 500 kilometres and raised well over $1000 for the cause.
To put that effort into perspective, that is like riding from Sale to Canberra.
Or perhaps, moreappropriately, we should site some local sporting venues around Moe and Newborough.
That is roughly 1250 laps of Ted Summerton Reserve, or 1500 lapsofOlympic Park or Burrage Reserve
Michaela has been afamiliar face at those venues over the years, supporting Moe Football-Netball Club, Moe United Soccer Club and Newborough/ Yallourn United Soccer Club.
Her son Matthew is acurrent senior player for the Lions, while husband Steve has played for the Red Devil’s and coached the Combine.
Last month, Michaela decidedtoagaintakepart in the cycle challenge, continuing atradition that has gone on virtually every year since 2016.
Michaela said she felt it was aworthy cause.
“Kids should be living life, not fighting for it,” she said.
“I am riding and raising funds to support the Children’s Medical Research Institute to continue
their work into the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and finding acurefor childhood cancer.
“Right now, cancer is the largest single killer of children from diseaseinAustralia -over600 children are diagnosed with cancer every year and sadly, three die every week.”
Completing between 20km and 50km rides each day, Michaela has beenhelped thanks to the efforts of locals supporting her along the way.
Ahuge51.6-km ride was completed on Sunday, October 23, going from Moe to Yarragonand back.
In order to change up the scenery, Michaela rode different routesaround Moe/Newborough, as well as rides going out to Westbury and coming back via Trafalgar East.
Whilewet weather deterred many sportslast month, it did little to stop Michaela -ifitrained she simply completed an indoor ride.
Somewhat fittingly, herfirst year taking part in the challenge coincided with aspecial onefor her beloved Western Bulldogs.
Justlike herdevotion to theBulldogs, it looks like her commitment to fighting kids’ cancer isn’t going to end anytime soon.
Donations to Michaela’s Great Cycle Challenge are still open.
Those wishing to donate can do so by visiting https://greatcyclechallenge.com.au/Riders/ MichaelaHeywood
Harriers run ‘Donut’, Verschuur wins
BY MILES VERSCHUURTHE extreme weather events of recent times impacted the Harriers weekly Thursday nightrace on October 13, with copious amounts of mud and water on the planned hilly Scales Rd course forcing arescheduletothe intown,6-kilometre‘Donut’ course. Despite the rescheduling and imminent bad weather, 50 runners and walkersstill finished the three-lap run.
The Harriers welcomed first-timer Neilson ArchibaldonThursdaynight,who ran an impressive 36:03. In the men’s run, Miles Verschuur and Glenn Graham tussled across the course, finishing in 24:07 and 24:12 respectively, with recent TDJFL premiershipwinner, Dempsey Podmore, rounding out the top three as he consistently improves. Another consistent performer in the men’s draw is Dave Mann (26:30)aided by hissprintfinish abilities. Quite amazingly, seven runners all finished less than aminuteapart,showing competition, evenatthe relaxed and inclusive
Thursday-nightruns, is strong. Recent marathon runners Yani Cornthwaite and Courtney French dominatedthe women’s section, withAngeline Snellkeeping consistent in third. The women’s section also saw some close finishing times, with five runners finishing within 30 seconds of each other.
Results: Miles Verschuur 24.07,Glenn Graham 24.12, DempseyPodmore25.24, Clinton Jolly25.59, Dave Mann 26.30, Yani Cornthwaite27.07,PeteSanders27.20, Stephen Renehan 27.30, Owen Notting 27.39, Andrew Greenhill27.50, Jason Odlum 27.52, Chris VanUnen 28.03, CourtneyFrench 29.01, GeoffFrancis 29.45, NickTalerico 30.18, Stephen McLeod 30.33, GaryFox 31.32, Angeline Snell 32.03, Paul Rollandin 32.38, David Barr 33.08, Andrew Broberg33.10, DarcyTulloch 33.14, RonVerschuur34.56, Kate Mayer34.57,Phill Mayer 34.57,Callie Cook 35.06, DesleyTulloch 35.14, Marieka Reilly 35.14, ClaireMacumber 35.25, JohnnyRoscoe 36.03, Nelson Archibald 36.03, Tania Whitehead 36.20, Danelle Wright36.43, Kylee Earl37.05, ZackBeasley 37.05, ColletteHofmann 37.12, Mandy Ellis 38.01, Michelle Sawyer38.35, MarkFairbairn39.38, Matilda Lappin 42.43, Alfie Warner 42.48, Ella Warner 42.48, Ann Bomers43.48, Desmond Dalton 51.32, EilyDalton 51.32, BarryHiggins 56.00, Belinda Heafield 58.28, Karen Graham19.54 (2/3 Laps), Andrew Legge NTR.
Anoteonthis issue
THE sport section of this issue has been severely reduced due to limitations on resources.
Itested positive for COVID on Friday, which meant Iwas physically unable to dedicate the time needed to put together the standard eight pages of Valley Sport.
Ordinarily, stories for Valley Sport are filed Sunday evening ready to send to press Monday night.
My thanks to staff Zoe Askew, Stefan Bradley, Tom Parry, Dan Pedersen, Phil Hopkins, Michelle Slater and Paul Grant for their adaptability to make sure apaper got out.
Kind regards Liam Durkin LV Express Editor