Living legends Greens rejected
THE Victorian Supreme Court has dismissed acaseagainst Latrobe Valley power stationsbrought by an environmental group alleging that the Environmental ProtectionAuthority (EPA)breached climate change legislation when approving alterations to the stations’ pollution licences.
Environment Victoria,represented by Environmental Justice Australia, claimed that the EPAbroke the law when approving licence amendments related to air pollutants such as sulphur dioxide and mercury for Loy Yang A, Loy Yang Band Yallourn powerstations in 2021.
The environmental watchdog did not imposeany limits on greenhouse gas emissions fromthe plants as part of its approvals. Environment Victoria maintained that the EPA had aduty to consider climate change and best practice ‘pollution’ reduction in its decisions.
However,JusticeJames Gorton last week dismissed the case, finding that the EPA had adequately considered the consequences for climate change when approving the alterations. He also said Victoria’s new Climate Change Act -the
legislation was passedonlyin2017and this casewas the first to argue that it applied to licence approvals -was not relevant to the EPA’s decisionnot to impose restrictions on mining licences.
EPA Victoria chief executive, Lee Miezis, said the regulator had “already takenstepstostrengthen ourprocesses and ensure climatechange is demonstrably considered in all our regulatory decisions” since the disputed mine approvals.
“As an organisation, EPAiscommitted to raising the bar in environmental protection,”hetoldthe AustralianFinancial Review after the judgment. “Scrutiny from organisations like Environment Victoria can only make us better.”
The peak body for electricity generators, the Australian Energy Council (AEC) welcomed the Supreme Court of Victoria’s decision,highlighting the efforts of power plantoperators to meet stringent licence requirements.
Aspokesman said “electricity generatorsinthe LatrobeValleyoperate their plants as efficiently as possible to minimise emissions, in compliance with rigorous licence conditions”.
“The amended licenceswere the result of an exhaustive and independent process.They drewonhistorical
compliance records, air modelling and technical information.”
The AEC said reducing carbon emissions required stable economy-wide policy and wasnot amatterfor local environmental licences.
“Any additional licensing requirements would compromisethe role existing plants can play in supporting a reliable and affordable energytransition for Victorians.”
Environment Victoriachief executive, Jono La Nauze, said the decision was disappointing and “makes us question whether Victoria’sclimatechange laws are up to the task”.
“If the Climate Change Act doesn’t requirelimits to pollutionfromcoal power stations -the biggest single source of emissions in thestate -then it’s not really doing what the community expects and needs to be fixed,” he said.
“Whilethe Andrews government is building publicly ownedrenewables through arevived State Electricity Commission, these private coal companies are getting away with profiting off pollution that damages our climate.
“Ourlaws mustreflect the fact that climate change is already here and hurting communities, and if they’re failing to rein in emissions from the biggest
polluters, that’s aserious flaw in their design.”
Mr La Nauze said if the EPA wasn’t protecting the environment and community from the most harmful forms of pollution, it was failing to live up to its name.
EJA seniorspecialist lawyer, Charley Brumby-Rendell, said the laws were not up to scratch and must be fixed. “We’ll work with Environment Victoria to consider the decision carefully and work out the next step in the fight for clean airand environmental justice,” he said.
AGL plans to shut Loy Yang Ain2035, Alinta is expected to close Loy Yang B in 2047 and Energy Australia will shut Yallourn in 2028.
The Australian Energy Council is the peak industry bodyfor electricity and downstream naturalgas businesses operating in the competitive wholesale and retail energy markets. AEC says its membersgenerate and sellenergyto10 million homes and businesses and are major investors in renewable energy generation.
The AEC supports reaching net-zero by 2050, as well as a55per cent emissions reduction target by 2035, and says it is committed to delivering the energy transition for the benefit of consumers.
STORY-PAGE 29 Darren Chester Member forGippsland Shopping Locally CreatesLocal Jobs Authorised by Darren Chester The National Party of Australia, Level13, 30 Collins Street,Melbourne. pp MerryChristmas and MerryChristmasand HappyNew Year Ye Garages &Sheds 188Argyle St Traralgon. 8ArgyleStTraralgon. PHONE:51745311 NE: 5174 5311 G & Sh d CLOSED: Thurs22Dec 2022 RE-OPEN: Mon9Jan 2023 Best Quality Best Price Best Advise GP1 650 19 4 COOLING AND HEATING • Refrigerated air-conditioning • Gas heating • Evaporativecooling • Splitsystems •Add on cooling • Hot watersystems GREATSAVINGS ON CHANGE OVER COOLING, HEATING AND REFRIGERATION SYSTEMS. 51009 Dont missout Callusfor a FREE QUOTE today! 1300 475 099 Mobile 0412 482 499 m au
Greats of local cricketwererecognised for50yearsservice to the game,ata special MCG function during the Boxing DayTest.
Victorian council rate cap
ANEW rate cap of 3.5 per cent has been set for all councils for the 2023/24 financial year.
The cap has been introduced to protect Victorians from uncontrolled rate hikes, while ensuring local governments remain financially sustainable.
Ministerfor LocalGovernment, Melissa Horne, announced the cap on Thursday, December29, under the state government’s Fair Go Rates System.
“The rate cap for the next financial year takes into account higher inflationand the needtoprotectVictorians from uncontrolledratehikes, while ensuring councils can continue to deliver vital community services,” she said.
“Each council is responsible for setting rates within the rate cap based on the needs of their community.
“Community members have the chance to engage with their local councils as they makedecisions
aboutraterises through their budget process each year.”
The FairGoRatesSystemwas introduced in 2016 to ease cost of living pressures on Victorians and encourage sound financialmanagement by local governments.
In the decade before the system was introduced, councilrates increasedby an average of six per cent every year
The decision on the rate cap for the nextfinancial year was guided by independentadvice fromthe Essential ServicesCommission (ESC) recommending acap of four per cent -inline with the Consumer Price Index.
The government set the rate cap 0.5 per cent below the ESC’s recommendation, taking into account cost of living pressures facing rate payers.
The rate cap limitsthe amount a council can increase its totalrevenue fromgeneralrates and municipal charges for that year.
Councils set rates for their residents and use the revenue to fund essential community services and infrastructure like local parks, libraries, community centres, roads, kindergartens,waste collection and sports grounds.
Rates are set individually by councils for their municipalities everyyear through their budget process, and must consult with their communities on decisions relating to budgets, rates and other charges.
Under the LocalGovernment Legislative Amendment (Rating and Other Matters) Act 2022, Victorian councils have the powertodefer or waive rates, charges and interest to rate payers experiencing financial hardship.
To learn more about how council rates are set, visit localgovernment.
Have your say on car parks in Traralgon
AS the new year is here, manyVictorians are preparing to bring anew pet into their lives, and RSPCA Victoria is urging the public to be vigilant when purchasing apet, and to be aware that it is illegal to buy or sell animals in public placessuch as parks, roadsides, and car parks.
Illegalbreeders or sellers often operate covertly, providemisleading information, and may requesttomeet in apublic place to illegally complete the sale of an animal.
RSPCA Victoria’s Inspectorate is currently actively investigating anumberofthese illegal businesses and regularly prosecutes offenders in the courts.
In early December, RSPCA Victoria’s Major Investigations Team executed multiple Domestic Animals Act warrants across two linked properties in Ballaratinrelation to the alleged illegal sale of kittens from an unregistered domestic animal business.
As aresult, Inspectors seized six Burmese kittens due to non-compliance with the mandatory Code of Practice, and RSPCA is currently investigating multiple suspects.
RSPCA Victoria’sInspectorate Team Leader -MajorInvestigations,LisaCalleja,saiditis important to researchbefore purchasingapet.
“If you cannot find asuitable pet to adopt and instead choose to purchase, it is important to make sure you are purchasing from a registered breederoperatinga legal breeding facility,” she said.
“A responsible breeder will answer all your questions, provide accurate information, and will allow you to visit the location where the animal lives to ensure the standard of care and living conditions are appropriate and that it has been bred for atemperament suitedto being apet.
“Many people unknowingly purchase animals from illegal businesses that sell animals from public placestohide the location of their operations.
“The subjects of RSPCA Victoria investigations are often sophisticated networks that use covert methods, so our Inspectorate team relies on thepublic for information that may assist with investigations.
“Significantinvestigations and successful prosecutions do eventuate as a direct result of tip offs from the public, so we encourage anyonewithinformation to make areport.
“All details, no matter how insignificant they may seem, are welcome, and all tip offs are reviewed.”
RSPCA Victoria recommends people looking to become adog or cat owner read the RSPCA Smart Puppy and Dog Buyer’s Guide, or the RSPCASmart Kittenand Cat Buyers Guide, which provide useful guidelines and tips for finding areputable breeder. These include: Visiting the place where the puppy or kitten was born; meeting the mother dog or cat (and father if possible) and making sure they are happy and healthy; and checking the breeder provides ahigh standard of care and living conditions for all their animals.
The Domestic Animals Act1994specifies that dogs and cats must be sold from either aregistered domestic animal business, from aprivate residence, or sold at aplace where an animal sale permit is in place.
LATROBE CityCouncilisencouragingthe community to have their say on car-parking in Traralgon’s central business district.
Asurvey is currently open for locals to identify their current experience in the central business district regarding to access and car parking.
LatrobeCityCouncil’s chief executive officer, StevenPiasente, is urging residents and visitors to Traralgon to participate in thesurvey “This is agreat opportunity for our community
and visitorstoshare their parking experiencesin Traralgon to help us shape parkingsupply and demand,” Mr Piasente said.
“We understand parkingisa hottopic in Traralgon, so this is your chance to have your say and get involved.
“The survey will be open until January to allow people plenty of time to respond afterthe Christmas period.”
According to council, the results will inform a
review of future car parking provision, which will ensureappropriate spaces are provided with a balance between parking availabilityand demand.
Communitymembers interestedinaccessing the surveycan visit haveyoursay
Hard copies are also available at Traralgon and Morwell libraries, or via post on request.
The survey will close on Friday, January 20.
Penaltiescan apply forindividuals or body corporateswho sell dogs and catsfroma public place.
Individuals could face amaximum penalty in courtof$5547.60, whilebody corporates could face amaximum penalty of $27,438.
All reportsmadetoRSPCA Victoria’s Major Investigations Teammustbelodged via or by calling 9224 2222.
news Page 2—The Latrobe ValleyExpress,Wednesday, 4January, 2023
Have your say: Locals arebeing askedtoprovide feedback on car-parking in Traralgon.
file photograph
set for
Assistance: Minister forLocal Government, Melissa Horne photograph supplied 35 Albert Street, Moe. PHONE: 5127 7777 71 Queen Street, Warragul. PHONE: 5622 3800 SALES: RebeccaRobinson PHONE: 0447049 555 LEASING: Dylan Quine PHONE: 0402 513 561 BUYING|SELLING|LEASING RESIDENTIAL|RURAL|COMMERCIAL 5174 2156 Cnr Gwalia St &LiddiardRd, Traralgon Offer valid for financial members must present members cards at t time of purchase
Callfor improved emergency services
HOW do you know when to make an emergency call to 000?
Thatisthe questionthatRusselland Janine Croydon were left asking, after the Emergency Services TelecommunicationsAuthority’s (ESTA) failure to send an ambulance to them last month.
When returninghome from abikeride,Mr Croydon broke his leg in an accident that left him stranded in the middle of the road.
Due to the evident pain and discomfort he was in, his wife called 000, in hopes to get professional help to take him to Latrobe Regional Hospital.
But ESTA refused to deploy an ambulance; instead, ESTA instructed Mrs Croydon not to move Mr Croydon and wait for acall from aparamedic or nurse within the hour.
“What do Ido?” was Mrs Croydon’s first thought.
“Thankfully we had friends there (to help).”
She found this to be quite strange, but time was of the essence as she took matters into her own hands to get her husband to the hospital, as her head scrambled with ideas.
Passers-byhelped Mrs Croydon put her husband in the car, stabilising his leg, before she swiftly took him to the hospital herself.
Once arriving at the hospital, Mr Croydon was in the hands of nurses within 15 minutes and was given pain-killers immediately.
“Therewas relief for me, and definitely (Mr Croydon) getting some pain relief,” Mrs Croydon said.
“I hope that (ESTA) change their rules.
“If (ESTA is) going to say peoplehave to get themselves to hospital with abroken leg, give us some guidance on what we need to do.”
The ESTA receive calls from the community, not the paramedics on standby.
Mrs Croydonpaid avisit to the Traralgon Ambulance Station days after the incident, asking paramedics if her situation was viable enough for an ambulance to deployed;she was told they would have attended.
Mr Croydon underwent two surgeries to repair his broken leg,which required metal pins and rods
His first surgery was two-and-a-half days after he arrived, as they couldn’t operate immediately due to swelling.
Mr Croydon was put under the knife again four days later to complete the procedure, after being bumped back four times due to elective surgeries.
Now out of hospital for over amonth, Mr Croydon is relieved that the processisover, yet worries for otherswho may find themselves in asimilar situation.
Mr Croydon will be out of actionfor six to 12 weeks, potentially missing out on work, up until April this year.
Member for Eastern Victoria, Melina Bath, visited the couple and discussed the potential for this incident to be dug deeper.
“Whenpeople come in the front door and start saying that they’vegot an issue with the state
government, then it’s certainly my role to investigate it,” Ms Bath said.
“It highlighted thatcommunity expectationsona 000 service, is not being met,” Ms Bath said upon speaking to Mr and Mrs Croydon.
Ms Bath mentioned that the advice given to the community outlines that a000 callisjustifiable if someone suffers an unplanned fall.
“(Mr and Mrs Croydon are) not medical professionals and so when you see something of that nature …then the expectation would have been thatthe service wouldsay ‘we will put you in line and an ambulance will be dispatched’,” Ms Bath continued.
“In listening to the Croydons …they’re saying to me through their experienceand other people reaching out to them that ‘it’s notanisolated incident’.”
community feels that the only way they can get an ambulance dispatched promptly is by creating commentary.
“Our paramedics do an outstanding job, so this is notachallenge on their professionalism, it’s the system to dispatch theparamedics.”
Ms Bath stresses the importance to distinguish the separate entities between paramedics waiting on standby and ESTA.
When Mr Croydon was admitted to hospital, he met anotherman whoendured asimilarsituation
Thisindividual was on arural farm and also broke his leg.
According to Mr and Mrs Croydon, he told them he had to say he had chest pains in order to have an ambulance dispatched.
“It’s not aboutme…wewant it to be about people (needing) to know when you ring 000, you aren’t going to get an (ambulance) unless you tell porky pies,” Mr Croydon said.
Mr and Mrs Croydon told The Express that they recalled another patient, who was 78-years-old and was refused an ambulance after he fell in his home
ambulance, and was found later to be bleeding.
It tookuntil his daughtercalled, that emergency services arrived forthe man andhis wife, who were suffering from gastro side-effects.
Last week on Tuesday, December 20, Ms Bath took this incident to parliament alongside other ongoing issues from the Latrobe Valley.
At parliament, an adjournment debatewas held, enabling Ms Bath to put her questions.
The Minister of Emergency Services, Jaclyn Symes, who was present, respondeddirectly to Ms Bath.
“I think the government needs to properly resource the system so that
people likethe Croydons can feel thatthere would be an ambulance dispatched,” Ms Bath said.
“I understand that there is asystem, but Idon’t think community expectations have been met in this case.
“Clearly someone’s lying in the middle of the road with acompound-fractured leg, told not to move, not sure what other injuriesthere are, waiting for up to an hour to have someone ring back is not reasonable.”
Following the adjournment debate, Ms Symes was asked to personally write to the Croydons and explain how the system can be improved, to cater for an incident like theirs.
Ms Symes explained the extensive process that ESTA callersgothrough when receiving a000 call.
“So acode one is cardiac emergency, lights and sirens, ambulance always dispatched,” Ms Symes said.
“When it comes downmore to injuriesand things thatare notlife-threatening -althoughIacknowledge thepainand suffering that your constituents bi ld it bk td ii
obviouslywere under - comes toa decision that is made from avery precise script and avery preciseset of criteria that the call-taker would put into asystem.
“Then it goestoaclinical expert, such as a paramedic or anurse, who returns the call, and the callers every single time -because Ilistened everytimethere -are told to call back if the condition gets any worse or if they see any deterioration in the condition.”
While nothing was immediately resolved, Ms Bath saidshe wouldcontinue to advocatefor Eastern Victorians, especially for issues like this.
Local and metropolitan rail disruptions throughout January
RAILpassengers heading into the CBD in January are warned of significant changes to their travel, including extended journey times, with the City Loop closed for two weeks for upgrade works.
Flagstaff, Melbourne Central andParliament stations are currently closed until the last service on Sunday, January 15.
There will be no City Loop services and trains will be operating directly to and from Flinders Street or Southern Cross station.
Buseswill be replacingtrains on the Hurstbridge LinebetweenParliament and Heidelberg on
weekdays, and on the Alamein Line between Camberwell and Alameinonweekdays and weekends to allow the works to be completed safely.
Passengers who usually get off the train in the City Loop are encouraged to complete their journeys from FlindersStreet or Southern Cross stations by walking or tram.
Larger trams with extra capacitywill be available to help people get around the CBD.
Directional signs will be installed and customer service staff will be on hand to help people get where they need to go.
During this time, crews will be working around the clock to upgrade smoke detection, extraction and sprinkler systems at Flagstaff, Melbourne Central and Parliament stations,aswell as decommissioning existing infrastructure.
Passengers should visit more information and to plan their journey.
V/Line servicesonthe Traralgon and Bairnsdale linewill be replacedbyroad coachesfrom Wednesday, January 4, untilthe end of the month The situation comes as worksonthe Metro
V/Line is also completing works along the Traralgon Line between Tynong, Garfield,Bunyip, Drouin, Warragul, and Moe stations.
Due to the nature of these works, there will be additional light, noise, and dust present each day from January 4to29, as well as each night between 7pm and 7am from January 18 to 23.
news The Latrobe Valley Express, Wednesday, 4January, 2023 —Page 3
Helping hand: Member for Eastern Victoria Region Melina Bath paid a visit to Russell Croydon following his incident with ESTA
Tunnel Project, Gippsland Line Upgrade and V/ Line maintenance continue.
GP1650431 GP1641428
What next: Russell Croydon is expected to be house-bound forthe foreseeable future.Heand his wife arecallingfor improved emergency services photograph tomhayes
news January: Latrobe Regional Hospital delayed non-essential services and entered a Code Brown amid surging COVID cases L R i H i l 2022 JAN January: Density limits were still in place in January 2022 The rule at the time was one person per two square metres file photographs it i i 2022 JAN August: Federal Agricultural Minister Murray paid a visit to Traralgon 2022 AUG July: Westpac Morwell announced it was closing Branch closures were an unfortunate fixture 2022 JUL February: Newborough residents Carla Monteleone and Judy Lee called for reduced speed limits along parts of Old Sale Road N b h d 2022 FEB
2022 MAR
March: Member for Gippsland East Tim Bull speaks at the Heyfield Timber Festival
2022 MAR September:
2022 SEP January: A 3 0 magnitude earthquake struck near Rawson 2022 JAN Looking back at some March: A 97 hectare Morwell lot was sold for $15 million to make way for the Morwell Food Manufacturing Precinct Pictured is former Member for Morwell Russell Northe with Rennie Property principal Peter Rennie and sales agent Mary Ioannou M h h t M ll l t ld f 2022 MAR all us t 4455 or email cl ssifieds@l e d 5135 Classifieds GP1644964
March: Premier Daniel Andrews opened the new Morwell Trade Skills Centre
The death of Queen Elizabeth
evoked memories of the Royal Visit to Traralgon in 1954 The Latrobe Valley Express, Wednesday, 4 January, 2023 Page 5
l b R ll
2022 JUL
July: Incumbent Russell Northe announced he would not be re-contesting the seat of Morwell at the state election
2022 OCT
October: An athletes village for the Commonwealth Games was announced by Commonwealth Games Legacy Minister Shaun Leane (in suit)
2022 FEB
February: Major redevelopment got underway at Maryvale Private Hospital
2022 NOV
2022 FEB
November: Premier Daniel Andrews announced the SEC will be enshrined in the Constitution
February: AGL announced it would bring forward the closure date of Loy Yang A
2022 NOV
November: Nationals candidate Martin Cameron won the seat of Morwell
E t
t t 2022 FEB
February: An Environmental Effects Statement was called by the state government into the Hazelwood Rehabilitation Project
stories of
May: Darren Chester retained his seat as Federal Member for Gippsland, as did Liberal incumbent Russell Broadbent for Monash Mr Chester was however unsuccessful in his bid to win leadership of The Nationals
t t i d hi t
M D Ch
20 b d d d l h l b
April: A 20-bed drug and alcohol rehab centre opened in Traralgon Pictured is Traralgon Youth Rehab Centre manager Scott Forrest with Health Minister Martin Foley and Uniting executive general manager Sylvia Alberti
2022 FEB 2022 APR 2022 MAY GP1650855
February: The human remains found near Dargo in November 2021 were confirmed by Victoria Police to be that of Carol Clay and Russell Hill (pictured)
What is the name of the Australian band that released the song ‘Treaty’ in 1991?
Which Disney princess lost her shoe?
What is the name of the bridge in San Francisco?
Who started his speech with “I have adream...”?
Who is the lead singer of the band the Foo Fighters?
Which female tennis player won six consecutive Wimbledon titles in the 1980’s?
What fruit wedges inspired the design of the Sydney Opera House?
Who plays the lead character role of Wednesday Addams in the Netflix show ‘Wednesday’? THREE POINTERS
What animals name translates as water horse?
Norman Bates was acharacter from which horror/thriller movie?
What American singer/songwriter recently played a‘One Night Only’ concert at the MCG?
The Sturt’sDesert Pea is the floral emblem for which Australian state? FOUR POINTERS
In ancient Greece, what form of racing would you see at The Hippodrome?
What was discovered in 1922 by HowardCarter?
I’ll give you the name of 5sports persons and you give me the sport they areknown for: Samantha (Sam)
Target Time No.0139
Using the nine letters in the grid, how many words of four letters or morecan youlist? The centreletter must be included and each letter may be used only once. No colloquial or foreign words. No capitalised nouns, apostrophes or plural words ending in ‘s’. Solution next Wednesday
Fill the grid so that everyrow and every 3x3 square contains the digits 1to9 Solution next Wednesday.
Sudoku No.0139 Howtoplay.
Kerr,Mick Fanning, Cameron Green, Lauren Jackson, Vitas Gerulaitis. HOW DID YOU FARE? 37: Topofthe class; 30-36: Outstanding; 23-29: Well done; 15-22: Solid effort; 9-14: Room for improvement; 0-8: Hit the books. serswAn 1. thuYo ndiYi 2. ellaCinder 3. The Golden Gate Bridge 4. Martin Luther King Jr 5. Dave ohlGr 6. Martina Navratilova 7. Orange 8. Jenna Ortega 9. Hippopotamus 10. Psycho 11. Billy Joel 12. South Australia 13. Horse/ Chariot racing 14. ombsttankamen’Tu 15 urfing,,SSoccer Golf, Basketball, nnis.Te 1 12 16 20 23 31 36 2 17 32 34 3 9 14 24 29 4 25 38 21 5 13 18 26 33 37 19 6 10 15 30 35 39 11 27 7 22 28 8 Crossword Puzzle No.8515 Target: Average -14, Good -18, Excellent -24+ ACROSS 1Minister’s residence 5Tree 9Dash 10 Trembling poplar 12 Laminated rock 13 Social class 14 Reflected sound 15 Sample 16 Build 18 Stagger 20 Raw hide 21 Withdraws from enemy 23 The world 27 Smart and fashionable 29 Fissure 30 Summit 31 Got up 33 Faithful 34 Make amends 35 Bird 36 Wrath 37 Regrets 38 Distress signal 39 Inward feeling DOWN 2Stick 3Pick out 4Choose by vote 5Call for repeat 6Employer 7Monkeys 8Cross, as lines 11 Not fresh 16 Given to luxury 17 Otherwise 19 British boys’ college 21 Destroy utterly 22 Prolongedpain 24 Sharp ridge 25 Singers 26 Furred aquatic mammals 27 Fold 28 Tiny islands 30 Remedies 32 Wise man Solution next Wednesday with Muzza Take some time out overthe holidays... trysome puzzles! Solutions next week.
New year,new home for art society
MOE Art Society is set to greet the New Year of 2023 from their new Meeting Place.
Members will begin theirmeetings on Thursday, January 12, 2023, at the East End of the Latrobe City Library, George Street Moe.
The hours will be 9am until 3.30pm.
Visitors are welcome and will be able to come in for avisit either through the main door of the library or through the East End door.
Throughout the year, members will be working hard towards the Spring Art Show in October.
The society is looking forward to enjoying their new venue and meeting there on Thursdays.
Libby Witchell, teacher and artist, will be presenting aworkshop on Thursday, February 23 in the East End. More details will be provided acouple of weeks before the workshop.
Those membersnot attending the workshop will be able to joinKen Downsfor aday of Plein Air painting (weather permitting, of course). Ken will provide information closer to the date.
Other workshops are coming up, and the society is pleased to have access to such brilliant artists to pass on their knowledge and expertise.
All enquiries to secretary,PeterMcLaren,on 0400 933 609 or president, Beryl Galloway,on 0407 271 686.
Revised Walhallaedition released
LOCAL author Yolanda Reynolds has arevised edition of her book Walhalla Graveyard to Cemetery available now.
The book is agenealogical and historical publication of 200 A4 pages, withacomplete list of burials in the Walhalla Public Cemetery.
It has more than 200 photographs and illustrations, as well as acoloured map that identifies the locations of interments.
There is 20 chapters of historical text relating to fatalities from mine and tramway incidents, flood and fire, privation and epidemics.
The book has biographical information on past Walhalla inhabitants,with around 4700 surnames referenced.
Also included is monumental inscriptions of all gravestones;a completelist of burials in the Happy-Go-Lucky and Cooper’s Creek graveyards.
Books are available at Morwell Newsagency, Moe Variety Store and Traralgon News &Lotto.
Orders can also be made by phoning Ms Reynolds on 0408 332 051, or emailing
Walking toward thenew year
The Walks Calendar is filling, with Saturday, January 7offering two walks around Mt Erica -one with afocus on Mushroom Rocks, and the other, Mt St Gwinear.
The 15km walk from the Mt St Gwinearcar park to the Mt Erica car park is arguably one of the best day walks in all of Victoria. It follows the Australian AlpsWalkingTrack throughmaturesnow gum forest and past towering granite rock out crops.
remnant adjoiningthe busy Latrobe Valley.
The club welcomes guest walkers, and details of all hikes, and how to contact the very experienced walk leader, canbefound on the walkscalendar link on the website.
news The
Express, Wednesday, 4January, 2023 —Page 7
Latrobe Valley
Gathering: Moe ArtSocietymembersenjoying their end of year lunchatOld Gippstown. photograph supplied
IT’S been alively and diverse year of impressive walks for the Ben Cruachan Walking Club.
Withmembers hailing from East Gippsland, Wellington and Latrobe shires, the club has a plethora of hiking destinations to choose from. Mostrecently wasthe PetersonsLookout, with views to Tyers Gorge. Located in anortherly direction from Traralgon, it’s ashort drive to be immersed in something special. While only asixkilometrereturn walk, it featured aprofusion of wild flowers and large Mountain Grey Box and Silver Top Ash. Orchids, lilies and native violets were prolific. The 1800hapark is aprecious
GP1651423 Buildyourdream home in Morwell Heartland is anew communityin Morwelloffering arare opportunity to live close to everyconvenience. Work fromhome, wind down, explorenatureatits bestorhost family gatherings.A place perfectly suitedtoyoungfamilies, firsthome buyers and emptynesters. Heartland offersawiderange of lot sizes from 272-946 sqm withprices startingat$230,000. 3 Under 2hoursdriveeastof Melbourne 3 10 minute driveeastofTraralgon 3 Under5 minute driveto Morwell’s town centre 3 Regional First Home Buyer’s Guarantee available 3 Stage1construction completion expectedQ1 2024 3 Flat land -low sitecosts 3 $1,000 holding deposit for reservations 3 10%deposit Makingiteasyfor you, we also provideexclusive partnerships with someofMelbourne’s top builders to offerhouse and land solutions. Justask us! With many stage 1lotsalready sold, see what everyone is talkingabout and getincontact withone of our Estate Agents today. TedWindow 0435 222 278 Adam Peterson 0416 048 200 175 Crinigan Road, Morwell 1 ll STAGE1 ON SALE NOW
AS the first week of 2023 is underway, now might be agood time to test some ideas for the new year.
An entertainment segment Ihave thought about compiling on asemi-regular basis is unpacking lyrics of well-known songs and trying to bring to light their meaning Let’s see how this is received.
First cab off the rank -American Pie by Don McLean.
EVERYONE knows the chorus, but will anyone ever really know the meaning behind McLean’s cryptic lyrics from his signature 1971 song?
The song acts as asocial commentary and linear narrative detailing the changing landscape in the western world from the innocent 1950s to the many overlapping social and cultural movements of the 1960s.
n Along long timeago Ican still remember how That musicused to make me smile And Iknew if Ihad my chance That Icould makethose people dance And maybe they’d be happy for awhile But Februarymade me shiver With everypaper I’d deliver Bad newsonthe doorstep Icouldn’ttake one more step McLean’s hero Buddy Holly died on February 3, 1959 in aplane crash along with Ritchie Valens and The Big Bopper.
McLean’s only other job besides song-writing was as apaper boy.
n Ican’tremember if Icried When Iread abouthis widowed bride Holly’s wife was pregnant when the crash occurred and soon after had amiscarriage.
n Something touched me deep inside The daythe music died
Following McLean’s reference to the crash, February 3, 1959 has become known as ‘The Day the Music Died’.
The music that died is considered the standard rock and roll songs. The crash was the final blow to this music because these three were the only major artists left.
Elvis Presley was drafted, Little Richard turned gospel and Chuck Berry was arrested.
n Did you write the Book of Love The Book of Love was ahit in 1968 by the Monotones.
n And do you have faith in God above If the Bible tells youso?
Into verse two and the swinging 1960s have arrived. Faith in the music now replaces faith in God.
n Do you believe in rock and roll? Can music saveyourmortal soul? And can youteach me how to dance real slow?
This is from the song Do You Believe in Magic? by the Lovin’ Spoonful, written by John Sebastian in 1965.
n Well, Iknow that you’reinlovewith him ‘Cause Isaw youdancin’ in the gym In the 1960s, dancing was seen as amuch greater sign of love than it is today.
n Youboth kicked offyour shoes Man, Idig those rhythm and blues Iwas alonely teenage broncin’ buck With apink carnation and apickup truck But Iknew Iwas out of luck The daythe music died Apickup truck was asymbol of sexual freedom, and Marty Robbins had ahit with A
While Elvis was in the army, Dylan took his spotlight and changed the whole music business.
The thorny crown is the price of fame, and is referenced with Christs thorny crown before he was crucified.
n The courtroom was adjourned No verdict wasreturned This deals with the Kennedy assassination. Lee Harvey Oswald was never convicted because he was murdered.
n And while Lennon read abookon Marx
The quartet practicedinthe park This could have adouble meaning, as communism was still the subject of debate from the McCarthy-era, which is often linked to revolutionaries Vladimir Lenin, who was an avid reader of Karl Marx. Lenin and John Lennon are pronounced the same and the quartet is The Beatles, whose music started to become political during the late 1960s.
n And we sang dirges in the dark Adirge is afuneral song. These songs were for the Kennedy’s (John and Robert) and Martin Luther King, who all died in the 1960s.
The marching band refusedtoyield
The Beatles had some anti-violence songs that made protesters think twice about the way they were acting. All You Need is Love (1967) says there is abetter way than violence, and in Revolution (1968).
n Do you recall what was revealed
The daythe musicdied?
TheBeatles have become the ‘Sergeants’, leading the march of counter-culture, with Dylan 'on the sidelines in acast'.
n Oh, and therewewereall in one place TheWoodstock Music and Arts Festival.
n Ageneration lost in space
TheSpaceRace between the US and Soviet Union had seemingly distracted many from the real issues athand. David Bowie’s Space Oddity was also released, which sang about ‘Major Tom’ who gets lost in space.
n With no time left to startagain
So come on Jack be nimble, Jack be quick Jack Flashsat on acandlestick Jumpin’ Jack Flash was ahit for the Rolling Stones.
n ‘Cause fireis thedevil’s only friend Somebelieved the Rolling Stones sold out to the Devil.
n Oh and as Iwatched him on thestage My hands wereclenched in fistsof rage
In December 1969, the Rolling Stones attempted another Woodstock, this time at Altamont Speedway.
White Sport Coat (and aPink Carnation) in 1957.
n Now,for 10 yearswe’ve been on our own And moss growsfat on arolling stone But, that’snot how it used to be
The great Bob Dylan wrote Like aRolling Stone in 1965. This was his first major change from folk music.
In late 1966, Dylan was involved in amotorcycle crash and hid in his house in Woodstock, New York, for agood year, hence the fat and moss showing the time change.
Dylan didn’t really get his muse back until 1975.
The old cliché is turned on its head, reflecting how the wholesale rejection of conventional values had become commonplace by 1970.
n When the jester sangfor theKing and Queen
In acoat he borrowed from James Dean And avoice thatcame from youand me
Dylan is the jester, the King is Peter Seger and the Queen is Joan Baez. The jacket Dylan borrowed from James Dean can be seen on the iconic cover sleeve of his 1963 album The Freewheelin Bob Dylan’ as well as the red coat Dean wore in the 1955 film Rebel Without A Cause.
n Oh andwhile the Kingwaslooking down
The jester stole his thorny crown Dylan became the revolutionary leader of the 1960s generation, knocking Elvis, the King of the 1950s, off his pedestal while he was in the army.
Pete Seger remained atraditional folk singer, while Dylan was constantly reinventing himself and therefore became unbelievably popular.
n Theday the musicdied Helter skelter in asummer swelter The birds flew offwithafallout shelter
Eightmiles high and falling fast
In the summer of 1968, one ofthe most dangerous serial killers ever, Charles Manson, massacred an entire family because of The Beatles song Helter Skelter, which appeared on the White Album.
The Byrd’s were apopular folk-rock group, Eight Miles High was the first ever psychedelic song, with The Byrd’s entering new ground with this genre.
n It landed foul on the grass The playerstried fora forward pass Here the football metaphor starts. The players are the protesters in the 1960s demonstrating against things such as involvement in the Vietnam War and women’s liberation. The forward pass was their attempt at a movement.
n With the jester on the sidelines in a cast Dylan, the jester, is in acast recovering from his before mentioned motorcycle crash.
n Now the half-time air was sweet perfume
While sergeants played amarching tune
Sweet perfume is aeuphemismfor the smoke from drugs of the hippie culture that was starting to take off.
Sergeants relates to The Beatles album Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band in 1967. Often cited as one of the most influential albums of all time.
n We all got up to dance Oh, but we nevergot the chance TheBeatles helped to start anew kind of music that was meant to be listened and not danced to.
n ‘Cause the playerstried to take the field
Jagger appeared on stage that nightdressed in aflowing red cape, singing lyrics inciting fire and rebellion.
n No angel born in Hell
Could break thatSatan’sspell
It was afree concert, with the Hell’s Angel’s handling the security.
n And as the flames climbed high into the night To light the sacrificial rite
Isaw Satan laughing withdelight The daythe music died
While TheStones weresinging Sympathy for the Devil, ablack man was beaten and stabbed to deathbythe Hell’s Angels.
The Stones were helicoptered out of Altamont as it became so crazy.
n Imet agirlwho sang the blues And Iasked her for some happy news But she just smiledand turned away Janis Joplin is most likely the girl who sang the blues. Joplin died in 1970, ayearbefore American Pie wasreleased.
n Iwent down to the sacred store WhereI’d heardthe music years before... theycaught the lasttrain for the coast/the day the music died
So bye, byeMissAmerican Pie Drove my Chevytothe levee butthe levee was dry
Contrary to popular belief, American Pie was not the name of the plane that Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens and The Big Bopper died in, 'American Pie' could be asynthesis of the beauty queen Miss America.
The American automobile was the Chevy, and the Levee was abar in Purchase, NYnear McLean’s hometown.
n Andthem good ole boys weredrinking whiskey andrye
Singin’ this’llbethe day that Idie This’llbe the day thatIdie
Thesongs most recurring lyric is partly taken from Buddy Holly’ssong That’ll be the Day.
news Page 8—The Latrobe ValleyExpress,Wednesday, 4January, 2023
Signature: Don McLean, theman synonymous with the song American Pie. photograph supplied
Eileen’sWishlives on
OVER the past 10 years, asmall group of Heyfield residents have distributed Christmas presentsand food hampers to children and families in need.
It all began at aRodaughan/Breed/Stubbe family gathering one ChristmasEve when the matriarch of the family, Eileen, said there were two young children who would not be getting anythingfor Christmas.
Their parents hadnomoney, alocal charity had nothing left to give them and Eileen wished something could be done to help.
Upset at the thought that the children wouldn’t receive gifts, her daughters quickly collected toys and chocolates and drove up and down the street looking for ablue house.
The parents wereoverwhelmed withthe gifts, and one can only imagine the look on the children’s faces in the morning.
More families were identified each year by St Vincent de Paul’s and local schools, andthe Rodaughan/Breed/Stubbefamilygave money to buy presents until the Rodaughan families could no longer provide for all of them.
Heyfield IGA was then approached and agreed
to have aGiving Tree, and arranged with Mars to donate chocolate stockings.
Josie Stubbe took ahat around at the Heyfield Bowling Club Crackerjack nights to raise funds, while other kind locals donated directly to the cause.
In 2017, the Rodaughan family -with the help of Maud Beha, Sue and Bert Middelhuis, Karen and Peter Leslie, and the generosity of the community -supported 38 families with toys and food throughthe Giving Tree.
Sadly, the number of children in need is increasing and charity groups are stretched to the limits.
TheRodaughans started the ball rolling and the HeyfieldCommunity banded together to look after theirown, theirefforts applauded, encouraged and most appreciated.
Today,the family’scharitable endeavour is known as the HeyfieldCommunity Children’s Charity Fund or by its colloquial name: Eileen’s Wish.
In 2022, thefund was able to support 16 local families through the “extremely generous” donations of local businesses and community groups. Up until the pandemic, fundraisingevents were held at the Heyfield Bowls Club to collect money forthe purchase of Christmas presents, as well as food hampers for families in-need.
Afteraprevious successful Bowlathon event, asix-hour fundraiser calledthe “Eileen’s Wish Bowlathon” is again planned.
The fundraiser promises to be afun day and will feature recorded and live music from Justin Rebecchi, spot prizes, raffles, food,drinks and novelty events.
Money raised will not only help with gifts and food hampers,but hopefully fundchildren’s participation in community programs.
TheBowlathon willbeheldatHeyfield Bowls Club on March5,2023.
Duetopublic demand we have extended our sale at Rosedale. This is your chancetoown afine imported carpet for an unbeatable price. No other collection even comes close to the rugs and carpets that havejust arrived in Rosedale. All handcrafted and guaranteed authentic with assured trade-in value.Manyare rare masterworks of excellentprovenance, heritage and heirloom quality. This is an investment that will improve with age and you can take one home to try beforeyou buy.
Hurrystocks won’t last!
TRAFALGAR Public Hall is starting community social ballroom dance lessonson February 22023.
Lessons will be for beginners through to advanced dancers.
Lessons are from 5pm for the first hour, before afulldance program.
Cost is $5. All proceeds go to the Trafalgar Hall.
The Trafalgar Hallislocated at 30-32 Contingent Street.
For more information, phone Jenniferon 0439 762 808.
news The Latrobe Valley Express, Wednesday, 4January, 2023 —Page 9
Great work: Volunteerspreparing hampersaspartofEileen’s Wish in thelead-up to Christmas 2022. photograph supplied
HOLWELL/WRIGHT,HarmonyJayde. Born October 18 2022 at Monash Hospital Clayton to Jaydeand James of Moe.A sister forGrace and Levi Melody, SummerDeclenand Jesse. ROSEDALE COMMUNITY HALL 39 Prince Street Corner of Hood Street (Also named as Rosedale MechanicsInstitute) FIVE DAYS ONLY! Main Showroom 941 High StreetArmadale 1800200 028 /0410 716543 SYDNEY • MELBOURNE • BRISBANE • PERTH • ADELAIDE Persian Gorawan 2.40 x1.40 was $3,900 now $1,600 Persian Tabriz Village PERSIAN VILLAGE HALL RUNNERS 2m up to 13mfrom$395 As no tworugs arethe same, design and sizes arerepresentative-only of our vast range.
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Call to actively manage‘sick’ forests
FOREST and forest fire management in Gippsland must be doneona landscape scale, with active management over long timeframes, using expert knowledgeofforests, amajorstateand federal government review has found.
Theexpertpanel that assessed the impact of the 2019-20 bushfiresonVictoria’s forests and Regional Forest Agreements (RFAs) made 37 recommendations that highlighted the need for amajor overhaul of current forest management strategies.
“Theseforests are sick because we are not managing them properly,” amember of the expert panel, Dr Tony Bartlett, AFSM (AustralianFire Services Medal) toldaForestry Australia conferencein Albury in areport on the RFA review, which took 13 months to complete.
The other members of thepanelwerethe Commissioner forEnvironmentalSustainability in Victoria, Dr Gillian Sparkes (AM) and Katherine Mullett, atraditional owner from East Gippsland. Dr Bartlett said if the community did not learn the lessons from the massive bushfires, “we are all culpable of not treating the disease”.
“The firesaffected all values reserves. Logging is not the enemy of these forests; uncontrolled wildfires is what is having the biggest impact on the multiple valuessoimportantunder theRFAs,” he said.
“Whether rainforest conservation reserves or state forests, they are sick. The issue is inadequate firemanagement,the threats are multiple -not just loss of timber resources or oldgrowth forest. All thevalues are important, even recreation values; all are being affected in amajor way. If fires are more frequent and worse, they (the values) will get worse.”
Dr Bartlett said forest management plansand national park management plans were both hugely out of date.
“Fire does not care whether it’s national park, state forest or private land;the fire will go over the top. If we don’t integrate them,wehaveno hope in making progress,” he said.
Among the recommendations were: -More active and adaptive management, including
the scaling up of ecological burning in the forests;
-Empoweringanactiverolebytraditional owner groups in the management of forests on public land or Country, including adequate resourcing of the groups and their greater participation in bushfire management;
-Thepanelnoted thatVictoria’sharvest level review’s finding that the 2019-20 bushfires would not affect Victoria’s ability to supply the levels of ash and mixed species sawlogs committed under
the Victorian Forestry Plan, and; -Validate the effectiveness of the current CAR reservesystem for listed species and communities in the next scheduled five-yearly review, including afull analysis of the current status of old growth forest post-fires.
Dr Bartlett said allpartiesneededtosupport the expansion of forest industries to drive jobs and economic benefits to the regions.
“This serves the added benefit of having knowledgeable and trained crews on the groundwhen fires do occur,” he said.
The Black Summer bushfires burnt 1.5 million hectares, including nearly 1.3m ha of native forest; 70pcofthe forests in the East Gippsland RFA were burnt as was more than 270,000ha in the North East.
About 760,000ha of the conservation reserve system was affected,with more than half burnt at high intensity. About 270,000 ha had been burnt multiple times, particularly in eastern Victoria.
Dr Bartlett, who had previously worked in East Gippsland and knew the region’s fire history, said he was “shocked” when he saw the state of some of the forest.
The premisesofthe RFAswas to protectthe most significant environmental values in the CAR reserves system.
“The CAR reserve system -the data is showing it’snot working.There are multiple threatstoforest values,” he said.
An additional 62,000 ha of old growth forest was lost,and lots of listed fauna species were affected. 10 per cent of Aboriginal sites were affected, but most Aboriginal sites had not been surveyed.
“Apiary sites suffered significant impact, with a long tail end for when the sites will produce honey. The biggest ever impact was on recreation areas, with abig impact on tourism, which have not all been fixed,” he said.
Dr Bartlett said he was visibly moved by some comments from traditional owners, who were severely affected by the fires and their impact on Country.
“The take home message is they are crying out for awhole of forest management.They need genuine engagement before, during and after the fires,” he
said, although this varied across the state.
“A couple of traditional groups told us, ‘You have stuffed these forests, you now want to give back to us to fix the problems. We want to be involved; it’s not up to us to fixyour problems’.”
Dr Bartlett praised Victoria’s major program to try and restore some Ash forests.
“If we do nothingmore,nothing will be left of Ash forests in our lifetime,” he said.
Between the RFAs in early 2002 and now, Victoria hadlost 60 per centofits oldgrowth forest -equivalent of four times the size of the Wilson’s Promintory National Park.
The damage was due to wildfires.
“Less than one per cent relates to timber harvesting, those with an agenda don’t talk about it,” he said.
Dr Bartlett said fire losses of plantations assets were continuing.
“It’sdifficult in big fires to do something about it, but if we keep going like this, no private investor will invest in large-scale plantations because the numbers will never stack, they will never get to rotations stage,” he said.These were mainly private assets, not government assets.
“They must be integrated into the whole process. The panels were told of plantations in East Gippsland where they could not even get approval to do abackburninthe middle of the night around their plantations becausedecisions were made a long way away and not locally,” he said.
Dr Bartlett said in the modernised RFAs, there were lots of good thingsthat the two levels of governmenthad committed to in 2020, “butaction has not matched words in the revised RFAs”.
When the RFAs were first developed, there were very comprehensive regional-based teams, flora and fauna and forestrypeopleteams, and divisional committee with relevant stakeholders, he said.
Each had an advisory committee of stakeholder groups, compromises were made at regional level.
“I don’t see any of that. We need to update forest management by next year. I’m not sure whether the process has started. Thereare big issues,” he said.
The RFA Bushfire Review can be viewed at documents/vic-rfa-mer-bushfires-report-2022.pdf
Applications still open for health and medical researchers
THE state government is encouragingthe state’s brightest health and medical researchers to apply for the 2022 Premier’sAwardsfor Health and Medical Research.
The Premier’s Awards were established in 1995 in partnership with the Australian Society for Medical Research.
Acting Minister for Medical Research, Gabrielle Williams, opened applicationsfor the prestigious awards recently, which recognise the outstanding achievements of early career researchers, and reflect the breadth of researchbeing undertaken across Victoria.
“We’re supporting our early career researchers so they can make discoveries that will save and improve lives here and around the world,” Ms Williams said.
“The Premier’s Awards give us the opportunity to celebrate the talented scientific leaders of the future, and demonstrate Victoria’s reputation as aglobal leader of excellence for health and medical research.”
Researchers can apply for one of five award categories:Basic Science,Clinical Research, Health Services, Public Health, with acategory for Aboriginal researchers in any health or medical field.
Each category winner will receive $5000, with
one selected to receive the coveted Premier’s Excellence Award and an additional $15,000.
Last year’s winner of the Premier’s Excellence Award and Basic Science Researcher Award, Dr Xiaodong Liu, wasrecognisedfor his researchinto stem cell therapies in early pregnancy.
Dr Liu helped createanew modelofhuman embryos from skin cells, termed an iBlastoid, thatcan be used to study diseases that affect early development and infertility.
Through his innovative work with the Monash Biomedicine Discovery Institute, Dr Liu has enabled researcherstobetter study earlyhuman development, and has increased the understanding of diseasesand complicationsexperienced during early pregnancy.
Earlierthis year, the state government released theHealth and Medical Research Strategy: 20222032, which provides aframework for Victorian activity and investment in health and medical research over the next 10 years, includinginvestments in talent to ensure the incoming research workforce is well supported.
To find out more and apply, visit au/medical-research-awards.
Applications closeWednesday,February 15, 2023.
news Page 10 —The Latrobe Valley Express, Wednesday, 4January, 2023
Knowhow: Australian Fire ServicesMedal, Dr Tony Bartlett.
G L PROUDLY BROUGHT TO YOUBYTHESEPARTICIPATING LOCALBUSINESSES Solutions Target Time No.0138 Bedel, belied, beside, bide, bifid, bled, bleed, defile, dele, diesel, DISBELIEF,edible, elide, feed, felid, field, filed, fled, idle, lied, seed, side, sidle, sled, slid, slide. Target: Average-12, Good -16, Excellent-21+ K E D A I S F I U G L I E R P O W E R S D V T E P I D R L O B E R O N D E A R A S E R E N A D E S I A M C G A S R O P E S G A M U T V I S T A M O L E S H E R U B E T A O P E R E T T A E I R A N R A S H E R V V C A R O L R I E Y E L E T I L L U M E L S A R C S M S Sudoku No.0138 Crossword No.8514 GP1652153 DIRECT TO THE PUBLIC TRADING HOURS:Mon-Fri 8am-5pm www surdexsteel com au 8 Surdex Drive Morwell (End of Jones Road) DELIVERYALL AREAS HOURS: Mon Fri 8am 5p l PH: 5135 3500 Steel Sales PURLINS MESH RHS PIPE ROOFING RETAININGWALLS ALUMINIUM STAINLESSSTEEL STRUCTURALSTEEL POLYCARBONATE
Excellence: Dr Xiaodong Liu (right) wasrecognisedfor his research intostemcell therapies in early pregnancyatthe 2021 Premier’sAwards. photograph contributed
Newpartnership opens door to home ownershipfor thousands
VICTORIANSlooking to buya home have been encouraged to consider agovernment-backed scheme that has helped thousands of people by drastically reducing the up-front purchase costs.
The state government’s $1.6 billionVictorian Homebuyer Fund contributes up to 25 per cent of ahome’s purchase price, reduces the required deposittojust five per cent, and eliminatesthe needfor buyerstopay costly premiums for lender’s mortgage insurance.
The fund contribution means that on average buyers backed by the scheme pay adeposit of $35,000 on a$630,000property, while the fund contributes more than $155,000.
The fund contribution on ahome valued at the maximum $950,000 would be up to $237,500.
“The Homebuyer Fund means families, couples and single people who may have been priced out of the marketcan get afoot in the door quicker, backed by the state,” treasurer Tim Pallas said.
“This initiativemakes areal difference, and combined withfirst-homebuyersupports, it means more Victorians are realising their dreams of owning their own home.”
Morethan 2500Victorian families and individuals have taken possession of the keys to their new home since the fund was launched in October 2021, including Carnegie resident Vicki Stegink.
Ms Stegink realised her goal of owning her own home when she settled on a$641,000apartment, payingafiveper cent depositand receiving a 25 per cent Victorian Homebuyer Fund equity contribution.
Because of the fund’s contribution, Ms Stegink did not pay lender’s mortgage insurance, saving about $20,000, and as afirst home buyer she also benefitted from a$24,000 stamp duty concession.
Separate to the Homebuyer Fund, the state government provides grants and stamp duty rebates and concessionsfor tens of thousands of first-home buyers each year.
In 2021, this support topped $1 billion.
More than half of the people who have purchased
Support: Statetreasurer TimPallassaysmore young people will be able to owntheir own
ahome through the fund are first-time home buyers.
The government recently boosted the homebuyer fundby$1.1billion,creatingthe capacitytosupport 10,000 people.
Some1200Victorians are looking for ahome with pre-approval from the fund,which means there are thousands of positions still available.
Participants in the scheme can buy back the government’s share in the property over time.
Applicants can earn up to $128,000individually or $204,000 as acouple,while the maximum purchase price is $950,000 in metropolitan Melbourne and Geelong, and $600,000 in other parts of regional Victoria.
To provide agreater level of support to the Indigenous community, Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Victorians only require a3.5 per cent deposit, and are eligible for a35per cent shared equity contribution.
For more information about the fund, visit sro.
Staying safe from the heat during summer
VICTORIANS are beingreminded to never leave kids in hot cars and to follow simplesteps to stay safe from the heat this summer.
New data reveals there was 113 callouts to locked cars in November.
Minister for Ambulance Services, Gabrielle Williams, recently launched the Survive the Heatand Never LeaveKids in Cars campaigns.
Last summer, Ambulance Victoria paramedics were called to 410 reports of people locked in carsacross the state,and children below the age of 13 made up 92.5 per cent of cases.
Achild’s body temperaturerisesthreetofive times faster than an adult, and the temperature inside aparkedcar can be 20 to 30 degrees hotter than it is outside. That’s why parents should alwaystake their kids and petswith them whenever they get out of their car -just as they do with their valuables.
Parents should also be aware that leaving the windows down has little effect on the inside temperature, withtests showing that when windows are left open 10 centimetres, the inside temperature will only reduce by five degrees.
Extremeheat killsmore Victoriansthan any other natural disaster, with heatwaves
particularly dangerous when coupled with high overnight temperatures as they can interfere with ourbody’s natural abilitytocool down and cause heat illness.
Heat illness can include heat cramps and heat exhaustion -which,ifleft untreated, can lead to heatstroke.
Heatstrokeisfatalinupto80per centof cases, but it is preventable.
There are simple steps we can all take to reduce the chance of heat illness like staying hydrated,spending time in cool, air-conditioned buildings, planning ahead and keeping up to date with weather forecasts and checking in on those most at risk in the heat like older people or young children.
Call triple zero (000) if you or someone you know is showing signs of heat exhaustion or heatstroke.
You can alsospeak to NURSE-ON-CALL (1300 606 024) or your doctor for general medical advice during extreme heat.
For more tipsonsurviving the heat,visit
news The Latrobe Valley Express, Wednesday, 4January, 2023 —Page 11
home through the government’sHomebuyer Fund. photograph supplied
The Range Retirement Village is aretirement living community in Moe, boasting alive-in Manager and high-quality residential villas set inside agated community. The Range offers elegant new and refurbished two and three-bedroom independent living villas, set in attractive and well-manicured surrounds. Each villa features an open-plan living area,wellappointed kitchen, private courtyardgarden and single or double garage. Plan your social life with your new community. Youwill have the flexibility and freedom to embrace life with asocialcalendar that includes, billiards, indoor bowls, craft, movie nights, trivia, bingo,cards and many moresocial activities and make use of our community bus to getaroundour local area Now is your time to down size and embrace life at The Range Features available for our residents to share at The Range Retirement Village include indoor pool, billiard room, cinema, dining area, craft room, librarywith internet access, outdoor barbeque and entertaining area. Resort-Style Clubhouse 12 Range Way, Moe Sales and Inspections Phone: 1800 531 956 VILLAS NOW AVAILABLE
Happy 21st forcommunitybuilding localhistory grants
THE state government is supporting com munity organisations to preserve and sha local history and distinctive local voices, with anew round of the Local History Grants Program.
Minister for Government Services, Dan Pearson, announced the opening of the program’s 21st round, with $350,000 ava able in grants of up to $15,000 to foster the preserving, recording and sharing of Victoria’s fascinating history.
“Local history is an important part of Victoria’s memory, and we’re proud to support projects that showcase and preserve the diverse voices that make up the state’s past,” he said.
“Whether it is for the digitisation of records, the publication of local history stories or an upgrade to amuseum, the Local History Grants Program ensures that the stories of our past are available for future generations.”
The program funds community-based organisations to tell the stories of their communities, preserve significant historical collections, and increase opportunities for public engagement with the past.
The most recent round of grants saw 40 projects across the state funded for arange of projects and publications, making local history more accessible.
Recipients included the Nagambie Historical Society for important upgrades to its museum, ILBIJERRI Theatre Company to archive its 30-year history, and the Australian Queer Archives to digitise its collection of press clippings.
Other projects previously funded include websites, oral histories and podcasts, interpretative signage, collection cataloguing and Auslan translations.
The Local History Grants Program is managed by Public Record Office Victoria and supported by the state and federal government.
Applications for grants close on Monday, January 30 2023.
For more information and to apply for funding go to
Important: TheLocal HistoryGrant Programcan help preserve historical imagessuchasthis one (right) from the Melbourne Olympics. photograph sp
Combatting mosquitoes this summer
GIPPSLAND health authorities have issued a warning against underestimatingthe potential impact of mosquito bites on peopleoverthe summer.
More than 275 species of mosquitoes are found in Australia. Fortunately, only afew species bite humans, and fewer still are vectors of human diseases, according to TracyVander Zalm, communications adviserfor Gippsland Regional Public Health Unit
“In Victoria, the most common viruses transmitted from mosquitoes to humansare Ross River and Barmah Forestvirus,” she said.
“Infections caused by Japanese encephalitis virus, Murray Valley encephalitis virus and Kunjin virus are rare, but do have the potential to cause severe disease.”
Ms VanderZalm said the most effectiveway to reduce risk of mosquito-borne diseases was by avoiding mosquito bites and removing mosquito breeding sites around homes.
“Cover up, use repellent, clean up still water around your home and campsite, and use fly spray when eating or gathering outdoors,” she said
The department has released aflyer that sets out ways to combat mosquitoes. These include:
Cover up by wearing loose-fitting clothing.
Clean up still water. Reduce stagnant or still water where mosquitoes can breed around the home or campsite.
Only open windows with fitted fly screens, and if camping, use amosquito net
Apply mosquito repellent to all exposed skin, especially at dawn or dusk.
On babies, you might need to spray or rub repellent on their clothes instead of their skin,
Babies and children naturally put their hands to their mouth, so avoid applying repellent on their hands toavoid irritation.
When outdoors, use ‘knock down’ fly spray, mosquito coils or plug-in repellent where you gather tosit and/or eat
Visit the Department of Health website for more information Mosquito-borne diseases (
Bull re-appointed, gets straightback to work
NATIONALS Member for Gippsland East, Tim Bull, saysheishonouredtobere-appointedto the new Opposition Shadow Cabinet.
Mr Bull will again have the crucial portfolios of Veterans’Affairsand Racing,aswellasDisability and Aged Care, which includes carers.
“As partofanexpanded Nationals teamthat coversVictoria frombordertoborder andthe only party solely representing regional Victoria, Ilook forward to my continued advocacy for East Gippsland,” Mr Bull said.
“It’sdisappointingthat the Liberals and Nationals are not in government and that we are not able to deliver on the policies that we took to the election both locally, and to get abetter deal for the regions more generally.
“Things like our policy initiative to create a$4 million social enterprise start-up fund for disability enterprises, whenthe unemployment rate for people living with disability is about three times higher than theaverage unemployment rate in Victoria.
“Or our plan for improvedsupports for veterans andareview of ourpublic sector owned aged care facilities with afollow up renewals and upgrades program.
“Andfor manyyears, residents of retirement villages have been asking for an independent resolution process for disputes, that’s why The Nationals and Liberals proposed to resource the Dispute Settlement Centre of Victoria with this responsibility.
“DanielAndrews said he would govern for all Victorians, and one way he can demonstrate his commitment to that is to take aserious look at the common-sense policy solutions we took to the election.”
Mr Bull said he would also continue to pursue the deteriorating state of the local road network, the lack of social and affordable housing, and the non-sensical decision to shut down the native timber industry.
Advocating: Returning Member forGippsland East, TimBull,sayshewill continue to push forbetterroads in our region
news Page 12 —The Latrobe Valley Express, Wednesday, 4January, 2023
ailp h 19
Investment strategyunbalanced
DATA just released by Tourism Research Australia (TRA) shows outdoor nature activities are far more popular, and generate higher economic returns, than outdoor sports.
In the year to September 2022, thenumber of domestic tourismvisits for nature-based activities in Australia grew13per cent, and attracted spending of $52 billion, almost double the $29.5 billion expenditure from domestictourism relating to outdoor sports. The number of nature-lovers who spent at leastone night away(where the money flows), grew by 16 per cent, spending $47 billion (compared to sport-loving over-nighters who spent $27 billion.)
Outdoor sport activities are defined as fishing, golf, scubadiving, snorkeling, water activities (sailing/kayaking/windsurfing), snow sports, cycling, swimming and 'other'.
Outdoornatureactivities are defined as goingto thebeach,visiting national/state parks, or public gardens,going whale or dolphin watching, visiting farms or the reef, bushwalking/rainforest walks and birdwatching.
Domestic tourists whobirdwatched totalled 795,000, (almost doublethe number who visited the Great Barrier Reef), who bestowed $522 million on our economy. Bushwalking/rainforest walks, and visitstonational/state parks, werealsopopular with domestic tourists who spent $22 billion, and $20 billion respectively.
But domestic tourism is only part of the equation. Pre-COVID, international tourism was also an economic boon, and predictions are it soon will be again. Pre-COVID, three times as many international tourists (6.6 million),relished an outdoor nature activity as opposed to outdoor sport. Almost one in 10 birdwatched and spent astaggering $2.6 billion, or eight per cent of our total international tourism revenue.The numberofinternational tourists who birdwatchedhere, was more than doublethosewho fished. Therewere3.8 million visits to our national/state parks, compared to just 449,000 for an organised sporting event.
By contrast, arecord year for the Australian Open(2020): broughtjust 812,000domestic and internationaltourists who generated just $388 million.
Similarly, the F1 Grand Prix: Around 420,000
attendees generating just $75 million -and this is without accounting for what the government spent to host the events (in the case of F1, apparently more than the resultant revenue generated).
None of this should be asurprise.
Studies published over adecade ago by Tourism Australia clearly show Australia’s landscapes and wildlife are our top attraction for tourists (Consumer Demand Project).
Which states are winning?
TRA data shows in 2021,NSW and QLD received the lions’ share of the lucrative domestic overnight nature market, with $7.3 billion and $8.8 billion respectively. Victoria received just $4.4 billion.
Withsomeexceptions like the GreatOceanRoad andPhillip Island Nature Parks, Victoria does not appear to have realised the value in our wildlife andenvironments. It seems we prefer to chop it and shoot it, than protect it and benefit from the tourism dollars it can bring.
Despite our love of construction, Victoria hasn’t erected asinglewildlife land-bridgeoverpass which are proven to keep wildlife (and drivers) safe along busy roads. These structures are known to reduce
wildlife-vehicle collisions by 80 per cent. Hundreds have been built overseas.
In Victoria, hunters(who represent lessthan one per centofour population) are allowed to shoot our wildlife for fun in over 50 per cent of our public environments. Hunting has beenrepeatedly shown to deter tourism. Recreational shooting of our native ducks (banned in NSW, QLD and WA) has been allowed to persist in Victoria -atsomanypublic waterways that authorities have been unable to estimate their number let alone patrol them. This is despite continued alarming long-term declines in duck populations, and collateral damage to threatened species unique to our country.
The state government has afforded hunters and shooters around $70 million of taxpayer money since 2014, hundreds of millionstosupport the horse and carracingindustry, and is about to inject $2.7 billion into the Commonwealth Games, for a predicted return of $3 billion (net 300k).
Nothing against sport -it’sgreat.But it appears our investment strategy is unbalanced, and we are missing aglaring opportunity.
Victoriaishometostunning natural habitats and
wildlife. By protecting them, not only would we be in sync with the federal government’s commitment to halt extinctions, but we couldbetter tap into the significant financial rewards on offer from nature, particularly for our regions.
The fight for tourists is increasingly competitive. Yet our unique differentiators -our native wildlife andenvironments -can place us at the forefront of the race, with little if any investment as the assets are already here. All we need do, is look after them.Perhaps agood start is to stop killing our native wildlife and start constructing land-bridge overpasses which incidentally would also provide regional construction jobs.
Kerrie’s family has lived in regional Victoria across generations. With alove of the bush and a penchant for the economic factors influencingit, she takes akeen interest in trends locally and abroad.
Kerrie is along-time member of and aspokesperson for not-for-profit group Regional Victorians Opposed to Duck Shooting Inc.
news The Latrobe Valley Express, Wednesday, 4January, 2023 —Page 13
We’rebuildingbig near youand therewillbetransport disruptions As part of Victoria’sBig Build, we’reupgrading theGippslandLineand building theMetro Tunnel to providemorefrequentand reliable trainservices forthe growingcommunities of Gippsland. Coaches replace trains in both directions GippslandLine 4to31January SouthernCross to Bairnsdale Check before youtravelat 21 88 Authorised by theVictorian Government,1TreasuryPlace,Melbourne
Look broadly: Victorian wildlifeoffersanuntapped scope
to bring in moretourism,
says Kerrie Allen. photograph supplied
Birthday benefit for Ukraine
BRETT Osler is used to doing things differently for his birthday, with manycelebrated across Gippsland since childhood. But it is other childhood memories, and the effects of Russia’s invasion on those displaced from Ukraine, that has been the catalyst for how he has chosen to celebrate it this year.
Having recently returned from Poland, Mr Oslerisconductinga Birthday Benefit via GoFundMe for two community organisations based in Krakow, Poland, where he had been located for ayear.
Centrum Wielokulturowe wKrakowie (Krakow Multicultural Centre) and Fundacja Wolno Nam (FreeUsFoundation), have been at the frontline of theresponse for those displaced from Ukraine since day one. Mr Oslerhimselfhas astrong affiliation with both, having assisted them until late June 2022 through activities such as filming, food andclothing distribution and making Aussie kids’ favourite foods.
He started making Aussie foods in Krakow for International Children’s Day,which is celebrated on June 1inplaces such as Poland and Ukraine. With little planned by organisations for the refugeechildren, Mr Osler -who is an uncle of six and whose then partner also has two teenagers -wantedtomarkthe day in away that helped the kidsfeel it was as normal as possible.
Mr Osler recounted that when embarking on his efforts, he had no ideawhatwas the best way to celebrate the day, especially when most children had their dads, uncles, grandfathers and neighbours on active duty or on the frontlines defending their country.
“I had not grown up celebrating International Children’s Day and did not have members of my family on active service during my lifetime,” Mr Osler said.
“Butwhat Idid know was the impacts of war on my family members,aswell as how we celebrated kids’ birthdays in Australia. So Iput an Aussie spin on it.
“I made things like honey joys, fairy bread, Vegemite and cheese scrolls and frogs in apond with atwist -using two layers of jelly in the colours of the Polish or Ukrainian flags and replacing the frog withchocolate kangaroos, koalas or maps of Australia.
“It was hugely appreciated by the young and old alike apart from the need to clean up the trails of spilt Corn Flakes from the honey joys.”
One of Mr Osler’s fellow volunteers, Oleg, appreciated it especially. Being agrandfather himself, and with his own son and grandchildren remaining in Ukraine, Oleg produced aspecial mementoonbehalf of the children of Ukraine -a 5kopiikas coin.
Osler carries the coin, which has been withdrawnfrom circulation, with him everywhere -along with aone hryvnia coin, given to him by
aUkrainian mother on her return home from visiting her mother and son in Western Europe.
“When Oleg gave me the coin,itwas avery emotional moment,” Osler said.
“I went home thatnight, found a50-cent Australian coin and returned the favour.Iwanted him to have something distinctly Australian and the emu and kangaroo are exactly that.”
Since returning to Gippsland in mid-2022, Mr Osler- who sits on Western Australia’s committee for Amnesty International -has felt ahelplessness knowing that support for many women, children, the disabled and elderly has declined or ceased in recent times.
Under programs such as the Polish Government’s 120-day accommodation support, about A$100 per person is providedweekly to Polish residents accommodating in their own homes those displaced from Ukraine.
Initially starting as a60-day program, it was extended to 120 days at the end of Aprilwhen it was clear that the hostilities would not cease.
impacts of inflation in Poland, which currently sits at 17.9 per cent, many Ukrainians are feeling that there is no option but to return home. Thisisall at atime when hostilitiesagainst citizens have increased and energy assets have been targeted, reducing heating at atimewhen weather conditions are much harsher than they were last winter.
“Seeing it all unfold first-hand with the masses of women, children and the elderlyarriving in Poland exhausted, hungry and withthe little clothing that they could fit into asinglesuitcase at the end of last winter,eventually gotthe better of me. It still does”, Mr Osler laments.
“It was asurreal irony to our history lessons or what we know from literature and films about Krakow in World War II.
“Masses of people arrived into Krakow via trains,buses and any other means possibleas well as truckloads of clothing,medicinesand volunteers arrivingfrom around Poland and Europe.”
displaced mayhavealready lostfamily and friends.
He learnt from ayoung age about the impacts of war through his own family.Anumberofthem served across the wars with some paying the ultimate sacrifice on the Western Front in World War Iand in the UK and Asia in World War II.
InstrumentalonMrOslerwas the death of his Ma’s(great grandma) brother,Private George Reynolds, whose painted portrait adorned her living roominWarragulbefore amove to Bairnsdale.
“Ma often spoke about the loss of her brother, George, whose bodystill has not been found over 100 years later,” Mr Osler said.
“I have visited the Tyne CotsiteinBelgium where he is understood to have been killed and Menin Gate, where he is commemorated. Both are stirring places.
“I think about those affected by the current conflictand the possibilitythat they too may never know the final resting place of their loved ones.
“Will they only have awar memorial in their town centres like another great granduncle, Lance Corporal Alexander Brown, who is commemorated in Warragul’s town centre and was buried in amassgraveatV.C. Corner in Fromelles, France?”
Being fortunate to have his grandparents and great-grandparents return home from service, Mr Osler also has other relatives buried across the Western Front, the Middle East, UK and Asia, as well as commemorated across Gippsland, Ypres (Menin Gate, Belgium) and Villers-Bretonneux (Australian War Memorial, France).
However, it has not been extended beyond that.
“Many thought that Russia would not invade, especially because of the Olympic truce still being in place for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics and Paralympics (in February and March). But that did not deter (Russian President Vladimir) Putin,” Mr Osler said.
“Then afterthe invasion commenced, many thought that it would only be short-lived and the support needed would only be amatter of weeks.”
Mr Osler,who has also studied and been engaged in international relations for more than 15 years -saw too many similarities with Putin’s rise to that of GermandictatorAdolf Hitler,includingthe use of sportingevents to fuel their legitimacy, as well as other regional conflicts such as the Yugoslav wars.
“For mine, there was never adoubt that this wouldbeanextended conflict.However, Idid not believe that we could ever again see an attack on civilians and community assets in the manner that we have”, Oslersaid.
Due to the Polish Government’s assistance program being discontinued, as well as the
Thebiggest issues for those displaced remains accommodation, food, medicines and now winter clothing and shoes,especiallythose who arrived in the warmer months in spring to autumn.
Being aChristmas baby -his birthday is December 21 -MrOsler saw an opportunity to use his birthday to advantageand fundraise fromMorwell to provide some ‘normality’towhat should be atimeofyear to share joy with family and friends, rather than being displaced in a foreign land.
“Just as with International Children’s Day, it pained me to thinkthatthese families wouldhave little to celebrate and may not even enjoy their traditional Christmas meals,” he said.
“I just want them to know that they have friends across the globe and to show thateventhose 15,000 kilometres away from the conflict really do care.
“They may even have relatives here from the migrants that arrived to work on our power stations alongside my grandfather,orthosearriving after the fall of communism in Eastern Europe.”
Mr Oslerisalsomindful that someofthose
If hisefforts supporting these Krakow-based organisations can somewhat lessen the impact on those displaced, Mr Osler believes it will all have been worth it.
Centrum Wielokulturowe wKrakowie continues to provide clothing, food, medicines and a rangeofprograms andservices (including legal) for those displacedfrom, as well as in Ukraine, on top of their usual multicultural offerings.
They are based near the Jewish Cemetery and Oskar Schindler’sEnamel Factory -made famous by Australian author Thomas Kenneally and popularised in Steven Spielberg’s 1993 film Schindler’s List.
Fundacja Wolno Nam hosts about 200 people at the old Jagiellonian University Psychology buildingonthe edge of Krakow’s historicOld Town. This provides hostel-style accommodation, akitchen and aplayroom for children as well as access to activities.
Details of the fundraisercan be foundathttps:// or by searching ‘Birthday Benefit’ on
news Page 14 —The Latrobe Valley Express, Wednesday, 4January, 2023
Duo: BrettOsler holding the 5kopiikas coin
giftedbyUkrainian grandfather andfellowvolunteer, Oleg at aCentrumWielokulturowewKrakowie distribution centreinKrakow, Poland photographs supplied
Assistance: BrettOsler hands ayoung boyaUkrainian flag-coloured ‘froginapond’ following International Children’s DayataCentrum WielokulturowewKrakowie distribution centrein Krakow,Poland.
Iwent home that night, found a50c Australian coin and returned the favour.I wanted him to have something distinctly Australian and the emu and kangaroo are exactly that.
Comedians SamTaunton and Michael Hing
will no doubt help deliver on
show’sline-up for2023. Thequick-witted comics will sit alongside Waleed Aly,Sarah Harris, Hamish Macdonald and Georgie Tunny to unpack the day’sissues.Aregular on the comedy festival circuit,Taunton is looking forward to making hismark on the show.“It’s afresh cast and we’reall looking forward to creating somethingnew and energetic thatI think people will really respond to,” he said. “I’malsoexcited to steal Waleed’sopinions and use them as
Wednesday, January 4
ABC TV (2)
SBS (3)
SEVEN (7,6)
ABC TV,Friday, 7.30pm
Filmed beforeCamilla (pictured) became the Queen Consort,this politeexposé of King Charles’wife hints at her playfulside. Filmed to mark Camilla’s 75th birthday,italso commemorates CountryLife’s 125th edition. We follow along as Camilla guest-edits the glossy, goes about her royal duties, reveals her charity work, visits her grandparents’stately mansionand, of course, chattersabout herlove of gardening(“the countrysideisnot all buttercups and daisies”).
ABCTV, Saturday, 7.30pm
Lovable characters andheartwarming poignant stories arethe bread and butter of thislong-running, femaleled British stalwart.The secret to the show’ssuccess may be that the storylines broaching social issues arewrapped up in acosynostalgia. Season 11 premieres this week with an Easter-time setting in the year 1967. Festivities areafoot forthe Easter bonnet parade, while Cyril(Zephryn Taitte) and Lucille(Leonie Elliott, pictured) settle into married life.
HOME AND AWAY Seven, Monday, 7pm
It wouldn’t be asoap operaworthy of our attention if apairofbeloved characters gothitchedwithouta hitch or twodelaying theirwalk downthe aisle. When we lastsaw bride-to-beFelicity (Jacqui Purvis) and her bridesmaid Eden (Stephanie Panozzo) they were speeding towards danger in aute with tampered brakes. When newsoftheir subsequent crash reaches the rest of the wedding party shocked groom Tane (Ethan Browne, pictured) leaps into action.
TEN (10, 5) NINE (9,8)
6.00 Escape From The City.(PG,R) 7.00 News Breakfast. 10.00 Monty Don’sAmerican Gardens. (R) 11.00 Rick Stein’s Road To Mexico.(R) 12.00 ABC News At Noon. 1.00 Stateless. (Mlv,R) 1.55 Agatha Raisin. (Mdv,R) 2.45 Back Roads (R)
3.15 Gardening Australia. (R)
4.15 Long Lost Family (PG,R)
5.00 Australian Story. (R)
5.30 Hard Quiz. (PG, R)
Spicks And Specks.
R) Hosted by Adam Hills.
Utopia. (PG, R) Nat is invited to join aprestigiousboard.
Miriam’sBig Fat Adventure. (PG,R)Part 2of2
Miniseries: Us. (Mdl, R)
Our Dementia Choir Sings Again. (Ml, R) 12.45 Silent Witness. (Mav,R) 2.40 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv) 4.35 Barrie Cassidy’sOne Plus One. (R) 5.05 Think Tank.(PG,R)
6.00 WorldWatch. 8.00 DD India Prime Time News. 9.00 Peer To Peer.(PGa) 10.00 Legacy List. (PGav,R) 11.05 Great Canal Journeys. (PGan,R) 12.00 BBC News At Ten. 12.30 ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 1.00 PBS NewsHour 2.00 The World’sGreatest Palaces. (PG,R) 2.55 Great Asian Railway Journeys. (PG, R) 4.05 Jeopardy! 4.30 Letters And Numbers. (R) 5.00 Motor Racing.Dakar Rally.Stage 3. Highlights.
6.00 Mastermind Australia. (R) 6.30 SBS WorldNews. 7.35 Britain’s Beautiful Rivers: Test (PGa,R)Part 2of 4. 8.30 Britain’s Secret Islands. (R) Part 2of4 9.25 TokyoVice. (MA15+) Jake is offered afavour by Ishida. 10.30 SBS WorldNews Late. 11.00 Dignity (Malv) 11.55 The NightManager.(MA15+s, R) 12.45 Shadow Lines. (MA15+d, R) 3.25 The Late Session. (PG, R) 4.20 Going PlacesWith Ernie Dingo.(PG, R) 4.50 Destination Flavour Down Under Bitesize. (R) 5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.30 ANC PhilippinesThe World Tonight.
6.00 Sunrise. 9.30 Test Cricket: Pre-Game Show 10.30 Cricket. Third Test. Australia vSouth Africa.Day 1. Morning session. From the SCG. 12.30 Test Cricket: TheLunch Break. 1.10 Cricket. Third Test. Australia vSouth Africa. Day 1. Afternoon session.
3.10 Test Cricket: TeaBreak. 3.30 Cricket. Third Test. Australia vSouth Africa. Day 1. Late afternoon session.
6.00 SevenNews. 7.00 Cricket. Big BashLeague. Game 28.Sydney Sixers vBrisbane Heat.From North Sydney Oval. 9.10 Cricket. Big Bash League. Game 29 Perth Scorchers vSydney Thunder From Optus Stadium, Perth. 12.30 TheGood Doctor (Ma,R) The staff treats afisherman’s injuries. [VIC]HomeShopping 1.30 Travel Oz. (PG, R) Alook at holiday destinations. 2.00 HomeShopping. (R) 4.00 NBC Today. News and current affairs 5.00 SevenEarly News. 5.30 Sunrise. News, sportand weather
6.00 Today. 9.00 TodayExtra Summer (PG) 11.30 Morning News 12.00 CountryHouseHunters Australia. (R) Hostedby Catriona Rowntree. 12.30 Tennis. United Cup. Day7.Cityfinals. 4.30 Afternoon News. 5.00 MillionaireHot Seat (R) Hosted by EddieMcGuire.
6.00 My MarketKitchen. (R) 6.30 Jamie’s Easy MealsFor Every Day.(R) 7.00 Ent. Tonight. (R) 7.30 Judge Judy.(PG, R) 8.00 Bold. (PG, R) 8.30 Studio 10.(PG) 11.00 Wildlife Rescue. (PGm, R) 12.00 Dr Phil. (PGa, R) 1.00 RhysDarby: Big In Japan.(PGa,R) 2.00 Ent.Tonight. 2.30 GCBC. (R) 3.00 Judge Judy.(PG, R) 3.30 My MarketKitchen. (R) 4.00 Farm To Fork. 4.30 The BoldAnd The Beautiful. (PGv) 5.00 10 NewsFirst. 6.00 OldPeople’s Home For4YearOlds. (R) 7.00 ABCNews. 7.30 Julia Zemiro’s Home Delivery: Gillian Triggs (PG, R)
6.00 Nine News 7.00 ACurrent Affair 7.30 Escape To TheChateau. 8.30 DreamListingsByron Bay. (PGl) Amanda Gould inspects afarm. 9.30 SecretsOfThe Superyachts. (PG) Takesalook at superyachts 10.30 Family Law. (Ma) 11.20 TheThing About Pam. (Mas, R) 12.10 Pointless. (PG,R) 1.00 Our State On A Plate. (PG, R) 1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 2.30 Global
Believer’sVoice Of
6.30 TheDog HouseAustralia (PGa, R) Narrated by Dr Chris Brown. 7.30 MOVIE: Indiana JonesAnd TheLastCrusade (1989, PGv,R) Indiana Jones triestofind his missing father,who wasonalifelongquest to obtain the legendary Holy Grail. Harrison Ford, SeanConnery. 10.10 MOVIE: Angel Has Fallen. (2019,MA15+v,R)A secret service agent is wrongfully accusedofan assassinationattempt on the US President. Gerard Butler,Morgan Freeman.
12.30 TheLate ShowWith Stephen Colbert. (PG)Hosted by Stephen Colbert 1.30 Home Shopping. 4.30 CBS Mornings
10 PEACH (11, 52)
6am Broken Hill. Continued. (2009,PG) 6.55 Storm Boy. (1976,PG) 8.30 Belle And Sebastian. (2013,PG, French) 10.25 Golden Voices. (2019,M,Hebrew) Noon The Keeper. (2018,M) 2.10 Little Men. (2016 PG) 3.45 Courted. (2015,PG, French) 5.35 Boychoir (2014,PG) 7.30 The Last Word. (2017, M) 9.30 Happy Ending.(2018, M, Danish) 11.25 The Sense Of An Ending. (2017,M) 1.25am Tuesday Club.(2022, Swedish) 3.20 Captain Fantastic.(2016,M) 5.30 Courted. (2015,PG, French)
10.30 Beach Cops. 11.00 Late Programs.
9GO! (93, 82)
MEL/VIC The Latrobe Valley Express, TV Guide Wednesday, 4January, 2023 —Page 15
QI. (PG, R) Hosted by Sandi Toksvig.
Shop.(R) 3.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping.
Victory.(PGa) 4.30 ACurrent
5.00 News Early Edition. 5.30 Today
CONSUMER ADVICE (P) Pre-school (C) Children (PG) Parental GuidanceRecommended (M) MatureAudiences (MA15+) MatureAudiencesOnly (AV15+) Extreme AdultViolence (R) Repeat (a) Adult themes (d) Drug references (h) Horror (s) Sexreferences (l) Language (m) Medical procedures (n) Nudity (v) Violence. 6am WorldWatch. 9.30 Shortland St 11.00 TheMovie Show. 12.05pm DaveGorman: Modern LifeIsGoodish 2.55 Unknown Amazon. 4.00 ABC WorldNews TonightWith David Muir 4.25 PBS News. 5.25 Takeshi’sCastle. 5.55 The JoyOfPaintingWithBob Ross. 6.25 Forged In Fire 7.15 Jeopardy! 7.40 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown. 8.30 MOVIE: The Untouchables. (1987, MA15+) 10.40 MOVIE: What We Do In The Shadows. (2014,M) 12.15am DaveGorman: Modern LifeIsGoodish. 1.10 Future Man. 2.15 Couples Therapy 2.50 NHK WorldEnglish News. 5.00 Al JazeeraNewshour 6am Home Shopping. 6.30 Escape To The Country. 7.30 Our Town. 8.00 Harry’s Practice 8.30 Million Dollar Minute 9.30 NBC Today Noon Emmerdale 12.30 Coronation Street. 1.00 Escape To The Country 2.00 Sydney Weekender 2.30 Million Dollar Minute 3.30 Medical Emergency 4.00 Surf Patrol 4.30 Better Homes And Gardens. 5.30 Escape To The Country 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Heartbeat. 8.45 Lewis. 10.45 Frankie DrakeMysteries. 11.45 Cities Of The Underworld 12.45am Medical Emergency 1.30 BetterHomes. 2.30 Bargain Hunt. 3.30 Surf Patrol. 4.00 Harry’sPractice. 4.30 Late Programs. 6am Home Shopping. 8.00 Healthy Homes Australia. 8.30 Buy To Build. 9.00 iFish 9.30 Reel Action. 10.00 The Love Boat 11.00 Star Trek: TheNextGeneration. Noon MacGyver 2.00 Diagnosis Murder 3.00 Bondi Rescue. 3.30 The Love Boat 4.30 Star Trek: The NextGeneration. 5.30 JAG. 6.30 Scorpion. 7.30 Bull. 8.30 NCIS. 9.25 Hawaii Five-0 11.15 In The Dark. 12.15am Home Shopping. 2.15 Hawaii Five-0 3.10 Star Trek: The Next Generation. 4.05 MacGyver 6am TV Shop: Home Shopping. 7.00 CrefloDollar Ministries. 7.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. 10.30 Pointless. 11.30 My Favorite Martian. Noon The YoungAnd The Restless. 12.55 Explore. 1.00 Full Bloom 2.00 Antiques Roadshow 2.30 MOVIE: Agatha Christie’s AndThen There Were None. (1974,PG) 4.30 Tennis. United Cup.Day 7. City finals 1.30am Take Two. 2.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. 4.30 JoyceMeyer 5.00 TV Shop: HomeShopping. 10 BOLD (12, 53) 9GEM (92, 81) 7TWO (72, 62) SBS VICELAND (31) 6am Children’s Programs. 4.25pm BeepAnd Mort. 4.40 Fireman Sam 4.50 PJ Masks 5.00 Peppa Pig. 5.10 Octonauts. 5.20 Hey Duggee. 5.30 Ginger And The Vegesaurs. 5.35 Do,Re& Mi. 5.45 Kiri And Lou. 5.55 Reef School 6.05 The Adventures Of Paddington. 6.20 Bluey. 6.30 Spicks And Specks. 7.30 Death In Paradise. 8.30 Wreck. 9.15 Crazy FunPark. 10.15 KillingEve 11.00 Veneno 12.05am MOVIE: Suffragette.(2015,M) 1.50 ABCNews Update 1.55 Close. 5.05 Tik Tak. 5.10 Clangers. 5.20 Buddi. 5.25 Miffy’sAdventures Big And Small. 5.35 Baby Jake 5.45 Late Programs. ABC TV PLUS (22) 6am Polly Pocket. 6.30 True AndThe Rainbow Kingdom. 7.00 Bakugan: Evolutions. 7.30 BeybladeBurst Surge 8.00 Smashhdown! 8.30 Rainbow Rangers. 9.00 Gigantosaurus. 9.30 Dino Ranch. 10.00 Ninjago 10.30 Pokémon Journeys 11.00 TomAnd Jerry 11.30 Tennis. Adelaide International. Tournament 1. Day 4. Daysession 6pm Tennis. Adelaide International. Tournament 1. Day 4. Night session 11.00 MOVIE: K-9. (1989, M) 1.05am Satisfaction. 2.00 Keeping Up With The Kardashians 3.00 Rivals. 4.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. 5.00 Pokémon Journeys 5.30 Yu-Gi-Oh! Sevens. 6am The FishingShow By AFN. 7.00 FishOfThe Day 7.30 Creek To Coast. 8.00 AFootball Life 9.00 America’s Game: The Super Bowl Champions. 10.00 Hustle &Tow 11.00 American
11.30 Pawn Stars. Noon American Pickers. 1.00 Pawn StarsSouth Africa. 1.30 Pawn
UK. 2.00 Down EastDickering.
Billy The
4.30 Hustle &Tow 5.30 AmericanRestoration. 6.00 Cricket. Big Bash League. Game 28.Sydney Sixers vBrisbane Heat. 7.00 Pawn Stars. 7.30 Highway Patrol. 8.30 HighwayCops. 9.30 Surveillance Oz.
64) SBS WORLD MOVIES (32) 6am Morning Programs. 10.00 Undiscovered Vistas 10.50 Road Open. 11.00 Moko. 11.30 Characters Of Broome. Noon TheLast Land: Gespe’gewa’gi. 12.30 Hunting Aotearoa. 1.00 Trading Cultures. 2.00 Shortland St 2.30 The Cook Up 3.00 Bushwhacked! 3.25 RedDirt Riders. 3.40 Wolf Joe 3.55 Tales Of The Moana. 4.00 Thalu 4.30 SpartakusAnd TheSun Beneath TheSea. 5.00 Our Stories. 5.30 LivingBlack 6.00 Bamay. 6.30 Treaty 6.40 Undiscovered Vistas. 7.35 Ice Cowboys. 8.30 I, Sniper 9.30
6am The Late Show WithStephen Colbert. 7.00 Friends. 8.00 Charmed. 9.00 The KingOfQueens 10.00 The Middle. 11.30 Frasier 12.30pm Friends. 1.00 Becker 2.00 NBL Slam. 2.30 The Big Bang Theory 3.00 The King Of Queens. 4.00 Becker 5.00 Frasier 6.00 Friends. 8.00 The Big Bang Theory. 9.20 TwoAnd AHalfMen. 10.10 The BigBang Theory 11.00 Frasier Midnight Home Shopping. 1.30 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. 2.30 The Late Late Show With James Corden 3.30 The King Of Queens. 4.30 Home Shopping. Koorioke. 9.40 MOVIE:
ICalled HimMorgan. (2016,M) 11.20 Late Programs. NITV (34)
THE SUNDAY PROJECT 10, Sunday, 6.30pm
TheProject’s promise of “newsdelivered differently” when they join the popular panel
my own at dinner parties.”
Fresh start: The hosts of TheProject from left: Sam Taunton, Sarah Harris, Michael Hing, Waleed Aly, Hamish Macdonald and Georgie Tunny
ABC (2)
6.00 EscapeFromThe City. (R) 7.00 News Breakfast. 10.00 Back Roads. (PG, R) 10.30 Mr Fix-it. (R) 11.00 Rick Stein’s Road To Mexico.(PG, R) 12.00 ABC News At Noon. 1.00 Stateless. (Malv,R) 1.50 Agatha Raisin. (Ma, R) 2.45 Back Roads. (PG, R) 3.15 Gardening Australia. (R) 4.10 Long Lost Family.(PG,R) 5.00 Australian Story.(R) 5.30 Hard Quiz. (PG, R)
For4 Year Olds. (R)
7.00 ABCNews.
7.30 Julia Zemiro’s Home Delivery: Ian Chappell. (PG, R)
8.00 YouCan’t AskThat: Obsessive CompulsiveDisorder (Mals, R) People with OCD share their personal insights.
8.30 Grand Designs: House OfThe Year: Surroundings. (R)Part 2of4
9.20 MOVIE: PalazzoDiCozzo (2021, PG, R) Aportrait of Franco Cozzo. Franco Cozzo.
10.20 Movin’ToThe Country. (R) 10.50 Love On TheSpectrum. (PG, R)
11.45 EXPOSED: The Case OfKeli Lane. (Mal, R) 12.50 TopOfThe Lake: China Girl. (Mals, R) 2.45 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv) 4.30 Barrie Cassidy’s OnePlusOne.(R) 5.00 Think Tank. (PG,R)
SBS (3)
6.00 WorldWatch. 9.00 Peer To Peer.(PGa) 10.00 Legacy List. (PG, R) 11.05 Great Canal Journeys. (PGa, R) 12.00 BBC News At Ten. 12.30 ABC World NewsTonight With David Muir 1.00 PBS NewsHour 2.00 The World’s Greatest Palaces. (PGa, R) 2.55 Great Asian Railway Journeys. (PGaw,R) 4.05 Jeopardy! 4.30 Letters And Numbers. (R) 5.00 Motor Racing. Dakar Rally.Stage 4. Highlights
6.00 Mastermind Australia.
(R) Presented by Marc Fennell.
6.30 SBS WorldNews
7.35 World’s MostScenic Railway Journeys. (PGa, R) Highlights of mountain rail routes.
8.30 Our Law. (Premiere)Follows
First Nations cadets and police officers as they set out to trytobuild alaw that is fair foreveryone.
9.40 WarOfThe Worlds. (MA15+av) Marthaunwittingly sparksa deadly shoot out,leading to aserious injury.
10.35 SBS World NewsLate.
11.05 L’Opera. (Ml)
11.55 An OrdinaryWoman. (Malv,R)
3.30 FilthyRich And Homeless. (Madl, R)
4.30 Going PlacesWithErnie Dingo.(R) 5.00
NHK WorldEnglishNews Morning 5.30 ANC
PhilippinesThe WorldTonight.
SEVEN (7,6) TEN (10, 5) NINE (9, 8)
6.00 Sunrise. 9.30 Test Cricket: Pre-Game Show 10.30 Cricket. Third Test. Australia v South Africa. Day 2. Morning session. 12.30 Test Cricket: TheLunch Break. 1.10 Cricket. Third Test.AustraliavSouthAfrica.Day 2. Afternoon session. From the SCG. 3.10 Test Cricket: TeaBreak. 3.30 Cricket. Third Test. Australia vSouth Africa. Day 2. Late afternoon session. From the SCG.
6.00 SevenNews.
7.00 Cricket. BigBashLeague. Game 30.Adelaide Strikers vHobart Hurricanes. From Adelaide Oval. 11.00 Ambulance: CodeRed. (Ma, R) Adesperate 999 call comes in from a woman who is injured after being thrownout of avehicle. 12.00 FantasyIsland. (Ma, R) Abusinesswoman’s fantasyofa perfect Christmas andmeeting Mr Right tests Roarke in unexpected ways.
1.00 IdrisElba Meets Paul McCartney. (PGa, R) Golden Globewinning actor Idris Elba sits down for a chat with music legend Paul McCartney [VIC]HomeShopping. 4.00 NBCToday News and current affairs. 5.00 SevenEarly News. 5.30 Sunrise. News, sportand weather.
6.00 Today. 9.00 TodayExtraSummer (PG) 11.30 Morning News. 12.00 MOVIE: TheDust Factory. (2004,PGa, R) 2.00 Pointless (PG, R) 3.00 Tipping Point. (PG, R) 4.00 Afternoon News. 5.00 MillionaireHot Seat (R)
6.00 Nine News.
7.00 ACurrent Affair
7.30 Great Getaways (PG) Take alookatthe Cook Islands.
8.30 Paramedics. (M,R)A paramedic is worried that his patient might givebirth to twinsinthe back of the ambulance.
9.30 Police After Dark. (Mlv) Thepolice forceofGloucesterhavetobattle to keep control of the intoxicated public.
10.30 Grounded. (Premiere,Ml)
11.10 Pure Genius. (Mm)
12.00 Tipping Point. (PG, R)
12.50 Talking Honey. (PGa)
1.00 Our State On APlate. (PG,R)
1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R)
2.30 Global Shop (R)
3.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 4.00 Believer’sVoice Of Victory. (PGa) 4.30 A Current Affair.(R) 5.00 News Early Edition.
5.30 Today
6am Morning Programs. 7.00 Ent. Tonight (R) 7.30 Judge Judy.(PG, R) 8.00 Bold. (PGv,R) 8.30 Studio 10.(PG) 11.00 Wildlife Rescue. (PGm, R) 12.00 Dr Phil. (PGa, R) 1.00 Rhys Darby:Big In Japan. (PGa, R) 2.00 Ent.Tonight 2.30 GCBC. (R) 3.00 JudgeJudy.(PG, R) 3.30 My MarketKitchen (PGa, R) 4.00 Farm To Fork. 4.30 Bold. (PG) 5.00 News.
6.30 TheDog House Australia. (PGa, R) Emily hopesbringing adog into their home will offer acalming influence to her son
7.30 MOVIE: Indiana JonesAnd The Kingdom Of TheCrystal Skull (2008,Mv, R) Indiana Jones is reunited with awoman from his past when he searches for amysterious crystal skull. Harrison Ford, Shia LaBeouf,Cate Blanchett.
10.05 MOVIE: TheBank Job (2008,MA15+ls) Apetty criminal’s ex-girlfriend inspires him to undertake what appears to be afoolproof bank heist. Jason Statham, Saffron Burrows, Stephen Campbell Moore.
12.30 TheLate ShowWith Stephen Colbert. (PG) Hosted by Stephen Colbert. 1.30 Home Shopping. (R) 4.30 CBS Mornings. Morning news and talk show
SBS VICELAND (31) 6am Children’s Programs. 6.30pm Spicks And Specks. 7.30 QI 8.30 Penn &Teller: Fool Us. 9.15 Gruen. 9.50 Shaun Micallef’s MAD AS HELL 10.25 Doctor Who. 11.10 Would ILie To You? 11.40 Louis Theroux: Altered States. 12.45am FridayNight Dinner 1.10 Everything’sGonna Be Okay 1.30 ABC News Update. 1.35 Close. 5.05 Tik Tak. 5.10 Clangers. 5.20 Buddi. 5.25 Late Programs.
6am WorldWatch. 9.30 Shortland St. 11.00 The Movie Show. Noon
DaveGorman: ModernLifeIsGoodish 12.55 After The Virus. 1.50 The Story Of AThousand Miles. 2.20 TheStory Of Who LetThe Dogs Out 2.50 Life After People 3.45 WorldWatch. 5.15 Takeshi’sCastle 5.45 JoyOfPainting 6.15 Forged In Fire. 7.05 Jeopardy! 7.35 8Out Of 10 Cats 8.30 The Curse Of Oak Island Specials 10.10 Late Programs.
SBS WORLD MOVIES (32) 6am Morning Programs. 2pm ShortlandSt. 2.30 The CookUp. 3.00 Jarjums 3.55 Tales Of The Moana. 4.00 Jarjums. 5.00 Our Stories. 5.30 The77Percent. 6.00 Bamay. 6.30 Treaty 6.40 UndiscoveredVistas. 7.30 Going PlacesWith ErnieDingo 8.00 Strait To The Plate. 8.30 Our Law.(Premiere) 9.40 No OrdinaryBlack. 9.50 MOVIE: Radiance. (1998,M) 11.20 Late Programs.
NITV (34)
Courted. Continued. (2015, PG, French) 7.20 The Movie Show 7.50 Young Girls Of Rochefort. (1967 French) 10.00 Family.(2018,M) 11.35 Captain Fantastic. (2016,M) 1.50pm Broken Hill. (2009, PG) 3.50 StormBoy.(1976,PG) 5.30 AUnited Kingdom. (2016,PG) 7.35 Hearts In Atlantis. (2001, M) 9.30 Arthur Newman. (2012, MA15+) 11.10 Postcards From The Edge. (1990,M) 1.05am Late Programs.
Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv)
6.00 Mastermind Australia. (R) 6.30 SBSWorld News 7.35 Engineering Reborn: University Of Chicago HK, Beloit College, Convent De Sant Francesc. (PG) Alook at the construction of auniversity 8.30 Inside Central Station: After Dark (PGa, R) Takesa look behind the scenesatSydney’srail network at night with afocus on Kings Cross railwaystation. 9.25 WhyBuildingsCollapse. (PGa, R) Part 2of2.Documents the 2021 collapse of Miami’sChamplain Tower South apartment. 10.20 SBSWorld News Late. 10.50 Gomorrah. (MA15+sv, R) 1.35 TheKimberley Cruise: The Full Journey (R) 3.40 Bamay.(R) 5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.
7TWO (72, 62)
6am Morning Programs. 8.30 Million Dollar Minute. 9.30 NBC Today. Noon Emmerdale 12.30 Coronation Street. 1.00 Escape To The Country 2.00 South Aussie With Cosi. 2.30 Million Dollar Minute. 3.30 Medical Emergency. 4.00 SurfPatrol. 4.30 BetterHomes. 5.30 Escape To The Country. 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Father Brown. 8.30 Kavanagh QC. 10.15 Murdoch Mysteries. 11.15 Late Programs.
7MATE (73,64)
6am Morning Programs. 11.30 Pawn Stars. Noon HighwayPatrol 1.00 Pawn Stars Sth Africa. 1.30 Pawn Stars UK. 2.00 Down East Dickering. 3.00 Billy The Exterminator 3.30 Scrap Kings. 4.30 Hustle &Tow 5.30 American Restoration. 6.00 American Pickers. 7.00 Pawn Stars. 8.30 MOVIE: Resident Evil:The Final Chapter.(2016,MA15+) 10.35 MOVIE: Point Of No Return.(1993, M) 12.50am Late Programs.
TheLunch Break. 1.10 Cricket.
Test.Australia vSouthAfrica.Day 3.
session. From the SCG.
TeaBreak. 3.30
vSouth Africa.Day
6.00 SevenNews. 7.00 Better Homes And Gardens Summer Adam Dovile buildsa stylishcoffee table. 8.30 MOVIE: TheLordOfThe Rings: TheTwo Towers (2002, Mv,R) The Fellowship,now scatteredacross Middle Earth, triestocompletetheir quest under threat of totalwar.Elijah Wood, Sean Astin, Billy Boyd 12.05 TheGood Doctor (Ma, R) 1.00[VIC]HomeShopping. 1.05 TheGood Doctor (Mas, R) 2.00 Home Shopping. (R) 4.00 Million Dollar Minute. (R) 5.00 NBCToday
7MATE (73, 64)
MOVIE: The Replacements. (2000,M) 11.00 Late Programs.
9GEM (92,81)
6am TV Shop: Home Shopping. 7.00 Creflo Dollar Ministries. 7.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. 10.30 Pointless. 11.30 Tennis. Adelaide International.Tournament 1. Day5.Day session. 5pm Murder,She Wrote 6.00 AntiquesRoadshow 7.00 Tennis. Adelaide International. Tournament 1. Day 5. Night session. 11.00 Snapped. Midnight House. 1.00 TV Shop: HomeShopping. 4.30 JoyceMeyer 5.00 TV Shop
6am Children’s Programs. 12.15pm MOVIE: TheBrady Bunch Movie. (1995, PG) 2.00 Full House. 3.00 TheNanny 3.30 3rd Rock. 4.00 That ’70s Show 4.30 Raymond 5.30 TheNanny 6.00 3rd Rock 6.30 That ’70s Show 7.00 YoungSheldon. 7.30 MOVIE: TheDarkTower (2017, M) 9.20 MOVIE: Ascendant.(2021, MA15+) 11.20 Young Sheldon 11.45 Raymond. 12.15am Dash Dolls. 1.10 Kardashians. 2.00 Late Programs.
10 PEACH (11, 52)
6am The LateShow With Stephen Colbert 7.00 Friends. 8.00 Becker 9.00 The KingOfQueens 10.00 Friends. 10.30 TheMiddle. Noon TheBig Bang Theory 1.00 Frasier 2.00 Becker 3.00 The King Of Queens. 4.00 Becker 5.00 Frasier 6.00 Friends. 8.00 TheBig BangTheory. 9.30 Seinfeld. 11.00 Frasier Midnight Shopping. 1.30 Stephen Colbert. 2.30 Late Programs.
9GO! (93, 82) 6am Home Shopping 8.00 Healthy HomesAustralia 8.30 Buy To Build. 9.00 iFish. 9.30 Reel Action. 10.00 TheLove Boat. 11.00 Star Trek: TheNext Generation. Noon MacGyver 2.00 Diagnosis Murder 3.00 Bondi Rescue. 3.30 The Love Boat 4.30 StarTrek: The Next Generation. 5.30 JAG 6.30 Scorpion 7.30 Bull 8.30 NCIS 9.30 NCIS: NewOrleans. 10.30 SEAL Team. 11.30 Late Programs.
6.00 Nine News. 7.00 Tennis. United Cup.Day 8. Semi-final. From KenRosewall Arena, Sydney 10.30 MOVIE: Lethal Weapon. (1987, Mdlv, R) Aveteran detectivepartners with ayoungofficer with adeath wish to uncovera drug-smuggling operation. Mel Gibson, Danny Glover, Gary Busey. 12.40 Murder ForHire: Guardian Angel. (Malv,R)A mother’s life is threatenedbyher ex-husband as their relationship turns deadly 1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 4.00 Take Two. (R) Homeshopping. 4.30 Global Shop (R) Homeshopping. 5.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 5.30 SkippyThe Bush Kangaroo (R) Awoodcutter comes to the park.
10 BOLD (12, 53)
9GO! (93, 82)
6.30 TheDog House Australia. (PGa, R) Narrated by Dr Chris Brown. 7.30 TheGraham Norton Show. (Mls, R) Graham Norton is joined by OliviaColman, Romesh Ranganathan, Hugh Laurie and Leah Williamson. 9.00 MOVIE: Mad Max: Fury Road. (2015,MA15+av,R)A group of women and adrifter named Max trytoescape the clutches of apost-apocalypticwarlord. Tom Hardy,CharlizeTheron, Nicholas Hoult.
11.25 MOVIE: TheGentlemen. (2019,MA15+lv,R)A criminal kingpin wants to leavehis empire. MatthewMcConaughey
1.45 TheLate ShowWith Stephen Colbert. (PG)
Friday, January6 ABC TV (2) SBS (3) SEVEN (7,6) TEN (10, 5) NINE (9,8) 6.00 EscapeFromThe City. (R) 7.00 News. 10.00 Searching ForSuperhuman. (R) 11.00 Rick Stein’s Road To Mexico.(PG, R) 12.00 News. 1.00 Belgravia. (Final, PG, R) 1.45 The Truth AboutGetting Fit At Home. (PG,R) 2.45 Back Roads. (PG, R) 3.15 GardeningAustralia (R) 4.10 Long Lost Family.(PG, R) 5.00 Australian Story.(R) 5.30 Hard Quiz. (PG, R) 5.55 Old People’s Home For4 Year Olds. (R) 6.00 WorldWatch. 9.00 Peer To Peer.(PGa) 10.00 Legacy List. (PG, R) 11.05 Great Canal Journeys. (PGa, R) 12.00 BBC News At Ten. 12.30 ABC World News TonightWith David Muir 1.00 PBS NewsHour 2.00 The World’s Greatest Palaces. (PGa, R) 2.55 Great Asian Railway Journeys. (PG, R) 4.05 Jeopardy! 4.30 Letters And Numbers. (R) 5.00 Motor Racing. DakarRally.Stage 5. Highlights.
6.00 Sunrise. 9.30 Test Cricket: Pre-Game Show 10.30 Cricket. Third Test. Australia v South
Day 3. Morning session. 12.30 Test Cricket:
3.10 Test Cricket:
Cricket. Third
3. Late afternoon session. From the SCG. 6.00 Today. 9.00 TodayExtra Summer. (PG) 11.30 MorningNews. 12.00 DreamListingsByron Bay. (PGl, R) Amanda Gould inspects afarm. 1.00 Tennis. United Cup.Day 8. Semi-final. 4.30 Afternoon News. 5.00 Millionaire HotSeat. (R) Hosted by Eddie McGuire. 6.00 The Talk.(PGa) 7.00 Ent. Tonight. (R) 7.30 Judge Judy.(PG, R) 8.00 Bold.(PG, R) 8.30 Studio 10.(PG) 11.00 Wildlife Rescue (PGm,R) 12.00 Dr Phil.(PGa, R) 1.00 Bondi Rescue. (PGadl, R) 2.00 Ent. Tonight 2.30 GCBC. (R) 3.00 Judge Judy.(PG, R) 3.30 My Market Kitchen.(R) 4.00 Farm To Fork. 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful. (PG) 5.00 10 NewsFirst 7.00 ABCNews. Takesa look at today’stop stories.
Camilla’s CountryLife. (Ml)Follows Camilla,the then Duchess of Cornwall, as she guesteditsCountryLifemagazine 8.30 MOVIE: TheChild In Time. (2017, Mals, R) After their only child goes missing,asuccessful children’s book writer and his wife struggle with their marriage and thegrief of losingtheir daughter. KellyMacdonald, Benedict Cumberbatch, Stephen CampbellMoore. 10.00 Miniseries: TheAccident. (Malsv,R)Part 1of4 10.50 Troppo (Final, Malv,R) Amanda confronts her demons.
Miniseries: Us (Mdl, R) Part 2of4
6am WorldWatch. 9.30 Shortland St. 11.00 The Movie Show. Noon MOVIE: Still Here.(2020,M) 1.45 LeeLin Chin’s Fashionista. 2.00 Figure Skating. ISU Figure Skating 2021.World C’ships Women’s Competition. 3.45 WorldWatch. 5.15 Takeshi’sCastle. 5.45 JoyOf Painting 6.15 Forged In Fire. 7.05 Jeopardy! 7.35 8 Out Of 10 Cats. 8.30 Hoarders. 9.20 The Language Of Love. 10.20 LatePrograms. SBS VICELAND (31) 6am Children’s Programs. 6.05pm The Adventures Of Paddington. 6.20 Bluey. 6.30 Spicks And Specks. 7.30 Hard Quiz. 8.30 MOVIE: EatPrayLove. (2010, M) 10.45 Doctor Who 11.35 Death In Paradise. 12.35am KillingEve 1.15 TheTrip To Greece. 1.45 ABC News Update. 1.50 Close 5.05 TikTak. 5.10 Clangers. 5.20 Buddi. 5.25 Miffy’s Adventures Big And Small 5.35 Late Programs. ABC TV PLUS (22) 6am A United Kingdom. Continued. (2016, PG) 6.55 A Matter Of Life And Death. (1946,PG) 8.50 Boychoir (2014,PG) 10.45 TheLast Word.(2017,M) 12.50pm Happy Ending. (2018, M, Danish) 2.45 2001: A Space Odyssey.(1968) 5.20 MaryShelley.(2017, PG) 7.35 An Education. (2009,M) 9.30 Hampstead. (2017,PG) 11.25 Carol. (2015,M) 1.35am Mad Bastards.(2010,MA15+) 3.20 Late Programs. SBS WORLD MOVIES (32) 6am Morning Programs. 1.30pm Characters Of Broome. 2.00 Shortland St. 2.30 The Cook Up 3.00 Jarjums. 3.55 Tales Of The Moana. 4.00 Jarjums. 5.00 Our Stories. 5.30 The Kimberley Man 6.00 Bamay 6.30 Treaty 6.40 Undiscovered Vistas. 7.30 Barrumbi Kids. 8.00 MOVIE: Yogi Bear.(2010,PG) 9.25 FirstNations Bedtime Stories. 9.35 Going PlacesWithErnie Dingo 10.35 Late Programs. NITV (34) 6am Home Shopping 8.00 Healthy HomesAustralia 8.30 Buy To Build. 9.00 iFish. 9.30 Reel Action. 10.00 TheLove Boat. 11.00 Star Trek: TheNext Generation. Noon MacGyver 2.00 Diagnosis Murder 3.00 Bondi Rescue. 3.30 The Love Boat 4.30 StarTrek: The Next Generation. 5.30 JAG 6.30 Scorpion 7.30 Bull 8.30 NCIS 9.25 NCIS: LosAngeles. 10.20 Evil 11.15 Late Programs. 10 BOLD (12, 53) 6am The LateShow With Stephen Colbert 7.00 NBL Slam. 7.30 Seinfeld. 9.00 Becker 10.00 TheMiddle. 11.30 The King Of Queens 12.30pm Frasier 1.30 Seinfeld. 3.00 The King Of Queens. 4.00 Becker 5.00 Frasier 6.00 Friends. 8.00 The Big BangTheory 9.30 TwoAnd AHalf Men. 10 30 NancyDrew. (Return) 11.30 Frasier Midnight Shopping. 1.30 Stephen Colbert. 2.30 Late Programs. 10 PEACH (11, 52) 6am Morning Programs. Noon Emmerdale 12.30 Coronation Street. 1.00 Escape To The Country 2.00 The Great Australian Doorstep 2.30 Million Dollar Minute. 3.30 Medical Emergency. 4.00 SurfPatrol. 4.30 Better Homes. 5.30 Escape To The Country 6.30 BargainHunt. 7.30 Border Security:International. 8.30 EscapeTo The Country 10.30 Australia’s BigBackyards 11.30 Late Programs. 6am TV Shop 7.00 Creflo 7.30 TV Shop 10.30 Pointless. 11.30 My Favorite Martian. Noon The YoungAnd The Restless. 1.00 Full Bloom. 2.00 MOVIE: She’ll HaveToGo. (1962, PG) 4.00 AntiquesRoadshow 4.30 World’s Greatest Man Made Wonders. 5.30 Murder,She Wrote 6.30 Antiques Roadshow 7.30 Queens Of Mystery 8.30 MOVIE: The Rainmaker. (1997, M) 11.10 Late Programs. 9GEM (92,81) 7TWO (72, 62) 6am Children’s Programs. 11.30 Tennis. Adelaide International. Tournament 1. Daysession. 5.30pm TheNanny 6.00 3rd Rock. 6.30 That’70s Show 7.00 Tennis. Adelaide International. Tournament 1. Night Session. 11.00 MOVIE: National Lampoon’s Animal House. (1978, M) 1.10am Paranormal Caught On Camera. 2.00 Rivals. 3.00 Bakugan:
TV Shop
6am Morning Programs. 9.00 WSL Presents. 10.00 Blokesworld. 10.30 American Pickers. 11.30 Pawn Stars. 1pm Pawn
Stars UK. 2.00 Down
Timbersports. 3.30
Evolutions 3.30 Ninjago 4.00
5.00 Late Programs.
Stars Sth Africa. 1.30 Pawn
East Dickering. 3.00
Scrap Kings. 4.30 Hustle& Tow. 5.30
Restoration. 6.00 American Pickers: Best Of 7.00 Pawn Stars. 7.30 Storage Wars 8.30
Thursday,January 5
Page 16 —The Latrobe Valley Express, TV Guide Wednesday, 4January, 2023 Mobility And More Moe 03 5127 2099 Open Saturdays from 9till midday 32 GEORGE ST MOE, VIC. 3825
ABC TV (2) SBS (3) SEVEN (7,6) TEN (10, 5) NINE (9, 8) 6.00 Rage. (PG) 7.00 WeekendBreakfast. 9.00 Rage.(PG) 12.00 ABC News At Noon. 12.30 Vera (Ma, R) 2.00 Midsomer Murders. (PG, R)
3.30 MOVIE: Strictly Ballroom. (1992, PG, R) 5.00 Hard Quiz. (PG,R)
5.30 Inside Dame Elisabeth’s Garden (R)
6.30 Nigella’s Cook, Eat,Repeat. (R) Nigella preparesa caramel custard.
7.00 ABCNews. Takesalook at today’stop stories.
7.30 CallThe Midwife. (Return,PGa) Celebrations are underwayfor theEaster bonnetparade outside Nonnatus House.
8.30 Midsomer Murders. (Mav, R) Rumours andmyth surrounding a photograph taken by alocal, entitled The WolfHunter,threaten to sow confusion as Barnaby andWinter investigatethe murderofaman in Little Worthy
10.00 Unforgotten. (Mal, R) After abody is discovered in ahuge scrap yard, DCI Cassie Stuartand DISunnyKahninvestigate.
10.50 ALifeInTen Pictures: Tupac Shakur (Mal, R) Takes alookatTupacShakur’s life.
11.40 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv) Music videos clips.
6.00 WorldWatch. 9.00 Cook Up Bitesize. (R) 9.10 Blue WaterSafari. 10.10 Love Your Garden.(PGa, R) 11.05 Paul O’Grady ForThe Love Of DogsXmas. 12.00 WorldWatch. 2.00 Figure Skating. ISUGrand Prix. NHKTrophy Highlights. 4.00 Europe’s Greatest Train Journeys. 4.55 Motor Racing. DakarRally Stage 6. Highlights 5.55 Great British Railway Journeys. (R)
SBS World News
7.35 Costa Concordia: WhyShe Sank. (Mal, R) Part 1of2.Takes a look at the2012sinking of the Italian cruise ship,the CostaConcordia
9.25 TheSean ConneryParadox. (Malv,R)Takes alook at the career of actor Sean Connery and how hisrole as James Bond made him alegend.
10.25 Great Escapes With Morgan Freeman: Alcatraz. (Ma, R)
Explores real-life prisonbreaks.
11.15 MOVIE: Swimming WithMen. (2018,Ml, R) Aman joinsa group of synchronised swimmers. RobBrydon.
12.55 TheIndian Pacific: TheFull Journey. (R) 4.00 Bamay. (R) 5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.15 France 24 Feature 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.
6am MorningPrograms. 12.30 Test Cricket: TheLunch Break 1.10 Cricket. Third Test. Australia vSouth Africa.Day 4. Afternoon session 3.10 Test Cricket: TeaBreak. 3.30 Cricket. Third Test.Australia vSouth Africa. Day 4. Late afternoon session.
6.00 SevenNews.
7.00 MOVIE: ADog’s Journey (2019,PGa) Abeloveddog discovers his new destiny.Dennis Quaid, JoshGad 9.15 MOVIE: TheSapphires. (2012, PGalsv, R) During the ’60s,four talented Aboriginal singers learn about love,friendship and war. Miranda Tapsell, Deborah Mailman, Jessica Mauboy. 11.20 World’sMostShocking Emergency Calls. (MA15+av,R) Documents shocking emergency calls. 12.20 TheGood Doctor (Ma, R) Shaun’s residency is put in jeopardy 12.30[VIC]HomeShopping. 1.20 Travel Oz. (PG, R) 2.00 Home Shopping. (R) 4.00 GetClever. (R) 5.00 My Greek Odyssey (PG, R)
6.00 DriveTV. (R) 6.30 Reel Destinations: LodgeLife. (R) 7.00 WeekendToday 10.00 Tennis. United Cup.Day 9. Semi-final.
3.00 Arctic Vets (PGm)
3.30 Dream ListingsByron Bay. (PGl, R) 4.30 Destination Australia.
5.00 News: FirstAtFive.
5.30 CountryHouse Hunters Australia.
6.00 Nine News Saturday. 7.00 Tennis. UnitedCup.Day 9. Semi-final From KenRosewall Arena, Sydney 10.00 MOVIE: Maid In Manhattan. (2002, PGsl, R) AUSsenatorial candidate falls for amysterious woman he meets while visiting NewYork.However, unknown to him at the time, she is a single mother who worksasamaid at the hotel wherehestays.Jennifer Lopez, Ralph Fiennes, Natasha Richardson.
12.10 MOVIE: Along Came Polly (2004,Ms, R) Atroubled man fallsfor an old classmate. BenStiller,Jennifer Aniston.
2.00 TheIncredible Journey Presents (PGa) Religious program.
2.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 4.30 Global Shop (R) Homeshopping. 5.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 5.30 Helping Hands. (PG) Acelebration of people and organisations.
6am Morning Programs. 7.00 Escape Fishing (R) 7.30 FreshlyPicked. (R) 8.00 Exploring Off The Grid. (PGl, R) 8.30 What’sUpDown Under.(R) 9.00 GCBC.(R) 9.30 TheSavoy (PGl, R) 11.30 Farm To Fork.(R) 12.00 My Market Kitchen. (R) 12.30 Jamie’s EasyMeals
ForEvery Day. (R) 1.00 MOVIE: My Spy (2020, PGalv, R) 2.55 MOVIE: Dear John. (2010,PGls, R) 5.00 News.
6.00 Bondi Rescue. (PGadl, R) Conan O’Brien trieshis hand at lifeguarding
6.30 Hungry. (Final)Presented by George Calombaris and Sarah Todd.
7.00 Bondi Rescue. (PGl, R) Thelifeguards feelthe pressure.
7.30 NCIS: LosAngeles. (Return, Mv) The NCIS teamsearches for asuspect.
8.30 FBI: International. (Mav,R)Special agentScott Forrester and the members of his Budapest-based FBI team fly to Croatia to help capture an Americanfugitivewho escapedtoZagreb with a14-year-old girl.
10.30 MOVIE: NeverToo Late. (2020,Ml) Seniors plan to breakout of their retirementhome. JamesCromwell.
12.30 Home Shopping. (R)
4.30 Authentic (PG)
5.00 Hour Of Power
6am Children’s Programs. 6.30pm Spicks And Specks. 7.30 Whose Line Is It Anyway? 8.15 Live At The Apollo 9.00 Melbourne Comedy Festival: TheGala. 10.00 The Set. 10.35 Doctor Who 11.25 Would ILie To You? 11.55 Staged. 12.20am Bliss. 12.45 Wreck. 1.30 Fleabag 1.55 QI. 2.30 ABC NewsUpdate 2.35 Close. 5.05 Tik Tak. 5.10 Clangers. 5.20 Buddi. 5.25 Late Programs.
NITV (34)
6am Morning Programs. 11.55 Undiscovered Vistas. 12.45pm Going Places. 1.45 Meeting Place 2.15 LagauDanalaig: An Island Life. 3.15 Barunga Concert Special 5.05 Anthem Sessions Interstitials. 5.15 Intune 08 6.15 Power To The People. 6.45 Kriol Kitchen. 7.15 Family Rules. 7.45 Bears:The Ultimate Survivors. 8.45 MOVIE: If BealeStreet Could Talk.(2018,MA15+) 10.50 Late Programs.
6am The Umbrellas Of Cherbourg. Continued. (1964,French) 6.40 Hampstead. (2017, PG) 8.35 MaryShelley (2017,PG) 10.50 PostcardsFrom TheEdge.(1990 M) 12.45pm Hearts In Atlantis. (2001, M) 2.40 A United Kingdom.(2016,PG) 4.45 Vai. (2019,PG) 6.25 The Bookshop.(2017,PG) 8.30 The Current War. (2017) 10.30 Malena. (2000, M, Italian) 12.10am Late Programs.
Sunday, January8
ABC TV (2) SBS (3)
6am Morning Programs. 10.00 Offsiders: SummerSeries. (Return) 10.30 The World In 2022.(R) 11.00 Compass. (PG, R) 11.30 Praise. (R) 12.00 News. 12.30 Landline: Summer Series. (R) 1.00 Movin’ToThe Country.(R) 1.30 MontyDon’s American Gardens. (R) 2.30 Call The Midwife. (PGa, R) 3.30 Victoria. (PG, R) 4.15 Grand Designs: House Of The Year.(R) 5.05 Camilla’s Country Life. (PG, R)
6.00 DW EnglishNews. 6.30 Al Jazeera News. 7.00 APAC Weekly 7.30 France 24 English News. 8.00 DD India Prime Time News. 9.00 Blue Water Safari.(PG) 10.00 Going Places With Ernie Dingo.(R) 10.30 Cycling. Road National Championships. Women’s race. 12.30 Road National Championships Studio Show 1.30 Cycling. Road National Championships. Men’s race.
Great British Railway Journeys: Paignton To Tiverton. (R) Presented by Michael Portillo 6.30 SBS World News.
7.30 Battle Of Britain:3Days To Save TheUK. (R)Part 1of3 Explores stories fromthe frontline during the Battle of Britain.
10.10 Princess Diana’s Wicked Stepmother (PG, R) DocumentsDiana’s relationship with her stepmother 11.05 Travel Man’s GreatestTrips: OutAnd About (PGl, R) Part 1of4 12.55 TheIndian Pacific: TheFull Journey. (R) 3.35 Bamay. (R) 5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.15 France 24 Feature. 5.30 AlJazeeraNews.
7TWO (72, 62)
6am Home Shopping 8.30 Travel Oz. 10.00 Winners. 11.00 Creek To Coast. 11.30 Weekender Noon Horse Racing. Rosehill GardensRaceDay,MRC MembersRaceDay andAquis $1.6MRaceday 6.00 Border Security: International. 6.30 The Yorkshire Vet. 8.30 Escape To The Country 9.30 EscapeToThe Perfect Town 10.30 Penelope Keith’sHidden Villages 11.30 Late Programs.
7MATE (73, 64)
6am Morning Programs. 12.30pm Timbersports. 1.00 Blokesworld. 1.30 Australia ReDiscovered. 2.00 Motor Racing. Night Thunder.WASprintcarTitle. 3.00 RidesDown Under: Workshop Wars 4.00 Storage Wars. 5.00 Leepu And Pitbull. 6.00 LastCar Garage. 6.30 Secrets Of TheSupercars. 7.30 Air Crash Investigation. 9.30 Mighty Trains. 10.30 Mighty Ships. 11.30 Late Programs.
SEVEN (7,6)
6am Morning Programs. 12.30 Test Cricket: TheLunch Break 1.10 Cricket. Third Test Australia vSouth Africa.Day 5. Afternoon session. 3.10 Test Cricket: TeaBreak. 3.30 Cricket. Third Test.Australia vSouth Africa. Day 5. Late afternoon session.
6.00 SevenNews 7.00 Cricket. Big Bash League. Game 34 Sydney Thunder vSydneySixers.From Sydney Showground Stadium. 11.00 7NEWSSpotlight (R) Forthe first time ever,Stuart MacGill reveals exactly what he told police about his harrowing abduction. 12.00 TheGood Doctor (Ma, R) Shaun helps an isolated patient. 1.00 Australia’s MostAmazing Homes:Extreme Homes. (PG,R) Experts trytofind Australia’sbest homes. [VIC]HomeShopping. 3.30 Million Dollar Minute. (R) HostedbySimonReeve 4.00 NBCToday News and current affairs. 5.00 SevenEarly News. 5.30 Sunrise
9GEM (92,81)
6am MorningPrograms. 7.30 TV Shop 8.00 Beyond Today. 8.30 TV Shop 10.00 My Favorite Martian. 10.30 Seaway 11.30 World’s Greatest Engineering Icons. 12.30pm MOVIE: We Joined The Navy.(1962) 2.30 MOVIE: Some Like It Hot. (1959, PG) 5.00 Tennis. United Cup.Day 9. Semi-final. 7.00 MOVIE: Escape From Alcatraz. (1979, PG) 9.15 MOVIE: The Deer Hunter (1978,MA15+) 1am Late Programs.
10 PEACH (11, 52)
6am The LateShow
With Stephen Colbert. 7.00 The KingOfQueens. 8.00 Frasier 9.00 Becker 10.00 Friends. Noon
The King Of Queens. 1.00 Broke 2.00 TwoAnd A Half Men. 3.00 Friends. 6.00 The Big Bang Theory 10.15 Friends. 12.15am HomeShopping. 1.45 The Late ShowWith Stephen Colbert. 2.40 Basketball. NBL.Round 13.Tasmania JackJumpersvSouth East Melbourne Phoenix.Replay 4.30 Home Shopping.
9GO! (93, 82)
6am Children’s Programs. 12.30pm Tennis. Adelaide International. Tournament 1. Daysession 6.00 3rd Rock 6.30 That ’70s Show 7.00 Tennis. Adelaide International. Tournament 1. Day 7. Night Session. 11.00 MOVIE: Caddyshack. (1980,M) 1am Manifest. 3.00 Rivals. 4.00 Yu-Gi-Oh! Sevens. 4.30 Ricky Zoom. 4.50
Ninjago: Crystalized. 5.10 LEGO Friends: Girls On A Mission. 5.30 Gigantosaurus.
10 BOLD (12, 53)
6am Morning Programs. 10.00 4x4 Adventures. 11.00 All 4Adventure Noon IFish. 12.30 Exploring Off The Grid. 1.00 ST:Next Gen. 2.00 Waltzing Jimeoin. 2.30 Stories Of Bikes. 3.00 The Love Boat 4.00 Scorpion. 5.00 Reel Action. 5.30 IFish. 6.00 JAG. 7.00 Soccer. A-League Men.Matchweek 11.Melbourne City vWestern United 10.15 MacGyver 11.10 Late Programs.
TEN (10, 5) NINE (9,8)
6.00 DriveTV. (PG, R) 6.30 Destination Australia. (R) 7.00 Weekend Today 10.00 Bondi Lifeguard World Adventures. (PG, R) 10.30 The Pet Rescuers. (PG, R) 11.00 Take Me Home. (PG, R) 12.00 Great Getaways. (PG, R) 1.00 Tennis.UnitedCup.Day 10.Final. From KenRosewall Arena, Sydney 4.30 Arctic Vets.(PG, R) 5.00 News:First At Five. 5.30 TerritoryCops. (PGdl, R)
6.00 Nine News Sunday. 7.00 Tennis. United Cup. Day 10.Final From KenRosewall Arena, Sydney 11.00 TheFirst 48:Bullets Have No Names. (Ma) After aman dies after anight out, the one solidlead detectives have hits adead end.
Murder ForHire: Doctor’s Orders (MA15+al, R) Awhirlwind romance ends in assault 1.00 DriveTV. (PG, R) The team takes aroad trip to Hyams Beach 1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 4.00 Believer’sVoice Of Victory. (PGa)Religious program 4.30 Take Two. (R) Homeshopping. 5.00 NewsEarly Edition. 5.30 Today.
6am Morning Programs. 8.00 Luca’s Key Ingredient. (R) 8.30 Freshly Picked. (R) 9.00 Destination Dessert. 9.30 Bold. (PG, R) 12.00 Waltzing Jimeoin. (PGn, R) 12.30 GCBC. (R) 1.00 My Market Kitchen. (PG,R) 1.30 Everyday Gourmet. (R) 2.00 LuxuryEscapes. (R) 2.30 Farm To Fork. (PG, R) 3.00 Taste Of Aust.(R) 3.30 Exploring OffThe Grid. (PGl) 4.00 All 4Adventure. (PGl) 5.00 News.
6.30 TheSunday Project. Alook at the day’snews.
TheGraham Norton Show. Graham Norton is joinedonthe red couch by actors Jamie Dornan and James Norton. 8.30 NCIS:Hawai’i. (Mav) When Commander Chase, the Deputy Medical Examiner,isabducted from her home by aUSArmy Ranger who has been accused of murder,the NCIS team must act quicklytofind her and thesuspect. 9.30 FBI. (MA15+av, R) After ayoung woman is killed on her wayhome from a lavish yachtparty,the teaminvestigates. 10.30 FBI: International. (Mav, R) An FBI team pursues afugitive in Croatia.
12.30 TheSundayProject. (R)
1.30 Home Shopping. (R) 4.30 CBS Mornings.
BigBang Theory 9.00 Friends. Midnight Home Shopping. 1.30 Charmed. 2.30 NancyDrew. 3.30 Mom. 4.00
5.00 Think
6.00 Antiques Roadshow. (R) HostedbyFiona Bruce. 7.00 ABCNews. Takesa look at today’stop stories. 7.30 Death In Paradise. (Mv, R) Ahair salonowner is murdered. 8.30 Vera (Mv, R) Vera investigates when afamily man is murdered the day before he wasdue to testifyincourt.
Wreck. (MA15+nv, R) Jamie
to Vivian why he is on board.
Operation Buffalo (Mal,R)
Parkinson In Australia. (PG, R)
China’sArtful Dissident. (Malv,R)
Victoria. (PG, R)
Rage (MA15+adhlnsv)
Classic Countdown. (PG, R)
Tank. (PG, R)
6am WorldWatch. 9.30 Shortland St. 11.00 The Movie Show Noon In My Own World. 1.50 Gymnastics. FIG Rhythmic World Challenge Cup.H’lights. 3.50 WorldWatch. 4.20 Insight 5.20 Motor Racing.Dakar Rally H’lights. 6.20 Bob Ross: Happy Painter 7.30 AbandonedEngineering. 8.25 RocKwizSalutes The Legends. 9.25 Radio Hate 11.15 WWE Legends. 12.45am Late Programs. 6am Children’s Programs. 6.30pm Spicks And Specks. 7.30 You Can’t Ask That. 8.30 Lucy Worsley:Agatha Christie Mystery Queen. 9.20 LouisTheroux: Altered States. 10.25 Dinosaurs Of The Frozen Continent. 11.15 Long Lost Family 12.05am George Clarke’sAmazing Spaces. 12.50 ABC NewsUpdate 12.55 Close 5.05 TikTak. 5.10 Clangers. 5.20 Buddi. 5.25 Miffy’s AdventuresBig AndSmall. 5.35 Late Programs. ABC TV PLUS (22) 6am The Bookshop.(2017,PG) 8.05 Asterix At The Olympic Games.
PG, French)
12.25pm An
8.30 Limbo.(2020,M) 10.25 Dom Hemingway.(2013,
12.05am InfernalAffairs.
2.05 Late Programs. 6amMorning Programs 2.45pmThe SouthSydneyStory. 3.15Anthem Sessions Interstitials. 3.35Soccer.First Nations Indigenous FootballCup.Men’s Semifinal1.NTWaa Waas vNTCentral Coast Spirit. Replay.5.05 NTFL Darwin Buffaloes vNightcliff.Replay 6.20Spirit Talker 6.50Natural Born Rebels. 8.00Ella Fitzgerald At The Paris Olympia. 8.30Kutcha’s Koorioke. 8.40MOVIE: 20 Feet From Stardom. (2013,M) 10.15LatePrograms NITV (34) 6am Morning Programs. 1pm The Yorkshire Vet. 2.00 DVine Living. 2.30 The GreatAustralian Doorstep 3.00 South Aussie With Cosi. 3.30 OneRoad: Great Australian Road Trips. 4.00 Penelope Keith’s Hidden Villages. 5.00 Escape To ThePerfect Town. 6.00 Air Crash Investigation: Special Report. 7.00 Border Security 8.30 Britain’s Busiest Airport: Heathrow 9.30 Air CrashInvestigation. 11.30 Late Programs. 6am MorningPrograms. 7.30 In Touch. 8.00 Beyond Today 8.30 The Incredible Journey 9.00 TV Shop 10.00 Helping Hands. 10.30 Seaway 11.30 World’sGreatest Islands. 12.30pm MOVIE: West Of Zanzibar.(1954) 2.30 MOVIE: TheVikings. (1958,PG) 5.00 Keeping Up Appearances. 5.30 Tennis. UnitedCup.Day 10 Final. 7.00 MOVIE: Spartacus. (1960,PG) 10.50 Late Programs. 9GEM (92,81) 7TWO (72, 62) 6am Children’s Programs. 1.30pm Filthy House SOS. 2.30 Tennis.Adelaide International. Tournament 1. Day session. Men’s and women’s finals. 6.00 Tennis. Adelaide International.Tournament 1. Night session. Men’s and women’s finals. 9.00 MOVIE: WarOf The Worlds.(2005,M) 11.15 MOVIE: Pride And PrejudiceAnd Zombies. (2016, MA15+) 1.30am Late Programs. 6am Morning Programs. 10.00 LeepuAnd Pitbull. 11.00 Full Custom Garage Noon My Fishing Place. 12.30 Fish’n Mates. 1.00 Hook,Line And Sinker 2.00 On TheFly 2.30 Merv HughesFishing 3.00 Fishing Addiction. 4.00
10.15 Carol. (2015,M)
Education. (2009, M)
MaryShelley.(2017,PG) 4.35 Hampstead. (2017,PG) 6.30 To Sir,WithLove. (1967,PG)
(2002, MA15+, Cantonese)
World’sDeadliest. 5.00 Shipping Wars. 6.00 American Pickers. 7.00 Pawn Stars. 7.30 American Pickers. 8.30 MOVIE: 13 Hours: SecretSoldiersOf Benghazi. (2016,MA15+) 11.30 Late Programs. 9GO! (93, 82) 7MATE (73, 64) 6am Shopping. 7.30 KeyOfDavid. 8.00 All4 Adventure. 9.00 4x4 Adventures. 10.00 Reel Action. 11.00 Healthy HomesAust. 11.30 Buy To Build. Noon RoadsLess Travelled 12.30 Offroad Adv 1.30 Pooches At Play. 2.00 Destination Dessert. 2.30 Soccer.A-League Men. Matchweek 11. Macarthur FC vNewcastle Jets. 5.30 JAG 7.30 NCIS 10.20 48 Hours. 11.15 Late Programs. 6am Friends. 7.00
Big Bang Theory. 8.30 The Middle. 10.30 Charmed. 12.30pm Friends. 2.00 Basketball. NBL Round 14.Adelaide 36ers vNew Zealand Breakers. 4.00 Basketball. NBL.Round 14.Cairns Taipans v South East MelbournePhoenix. 6.00 The
TheBig Bang Theory 4.30 Home Shopping. SBS VICELAND (31) SBS WORLD MOVIES (32) 10 BOLD (12, 53) 10 PEACH (11, 52) Saturday,
WorldWatch. 9.30 Shortland St. 11.00 The Movie Show. Noon DaveGorman: Terms AndConditions Apply 1.00 Wellington Paranormal. 1.30 American Song Contest. 3.05 WorldWatch. 4.40 Dynamo: Live. 6.05 Australia’s Forgotten Islands 7.00 TheFast History Of Toys. 7.30 ImpossibleEngineering. 8.30 Big FatQuizOfThe Year 2022. 10.00 RAWComedy 2022. 11.40 Late Programs.
The Latrobe Valley Express, TV Guide Wednesday, 4January, 2023 —Page 17 Share your MILESTONES and SAVE your SPECIAL M 5135 4455 classifieds@lvexpress com au Advertise your announcements in the Latrobe Valley Express Classifieds a s Birth Birthday Engagement Wedding G P 1 6 5 2 1 8 Anniversary
TheLarrikin And The Leader.(PG, R) 11.00 AntiquesRoadshow.(R) 12.00 ABC News At Noon. 1.00 Vera.(Mv,R) 2.40 Back Roads. (PG,R) 3.10 Gardening Australia. (R) 4.10 Long Lost Family.(PG, R) 5.00 Australian Story.(R) 5.30 Hard Quiz. (PG, R)
5.55 OldPeople’sHome For4 Year Olds. (PG, R)
7.00 ABCNews.
7.30 7.30 (Return) Presented by Sarah Ferguson.
8.00 Back Roads: Brunette Downs, NT (PG) Heather Ewart visits Brunette Downs.
8.30 Our DementiaChoir Sings
Again Part 2of2.Vicky McClure and thechoir sing in front of 20,000 people at Splendour Festival.
9.30 ALife In TenPictures: Freddie Mercury. (Mln, R) AlookatFreddieMercury’slife.
10.25 Our Brain: Smarter (PG, R)
11.20 ABC Late News.
11.40 Midsomer Murders. (Mav, R)
1.05 TheDetectives. (Mal, R) 2.05 Operation Buffalo.(Final, Malv,R) 3.05 Rage (MA15+adhlnsv) 4.30 ThinkTank. (R) 5.30
6.00 WorldWatch. 9.00 Cook Up Bitesize. (PG, R) 9.10 Peer To Peer.(PG) 10.10 Legacy List. (PG, R) 11.10 Great Canal Journeys. (PGa, R) 12.05 WorldWatch. 1.00 Al JazeeraNews Hour 2.00 The World’sGreatest Palaces. (PGa, R) 2.55 Great Asian Railway Journeys. (PGa, R) 4.05 Jeopardy! 4.30 Letters And Numbers. (R) 5.00 Motor Racing. Dakar Rally Stage 8. Highlights.
6.00 Mastermind Australia. (R) Presented by Marc Fennell.
6.30 SBS WorldNews.
7.35 Michael Mosley’sHealth Intervention. (PGa, R) Part 2of3
8.30 Heritage Rescue: Lincoln Cathedral. (PG) Part 2of5.Nick Knowles follows the restoration of Lincoln Cathedral’smedieval stone West Front.
9.30 Secrets Of Playboy: ThePrice Of Loyalty (MA15+) Exploresthe ’70s DEA investigationintoHefner,Playboyand drugs through the lens of two women.
10.20 SBS WorldNewsLate
10.50 Reunions. (Mas, R)
11.50 We Are Who We Are. (MA15+n, R)
3.55 Going Places With Ernie Dingo.(PG, R) 4.55 DestinationFlavourDownUnder Bitesize. (R) 5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.30 ANC PhilippinesThe World Tonight.
6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 TheMorning Show Summer Series. (PG) 11.30 SevenMorning News. 12.00 Home AndAway. (PGav,R) 12.30 Home And Away (PGav,R) 2.00 Surveillance Oz (PGav,R) 2.30 Beach Cops. (PG, R) 3.00 TheChase. (R) 4.00 SevenNews At 4. 5.00 TheChase Australia. (R)
6.00 SevenNews.
7.00 Home AndAway. (Return, PGav) Felicity andTane’s weddingday ends in disaster.Justin has blood on his hands.
7.30 Cricket. BigBashLeague. Game 35 HobartHurricanesv Melbourne Stars. From Blundstone Arena,Hobart 11.00 TheSpin. Takesa look into theworld of cricket.
11.30 Unbelievable Moments Caught On Camera (PGa, R) Aclimber’s fall is captured on bodycam 12.30 Australia’s Most Amazing Homes: Vintage Twist. (PG, R) Experts trytofind Australia’s best homes. [VIC]HomeShopping. 1.30 Harry’s Practice (R) 2.00 Home Shopping. (R) 4.00 NBCToday 5.00 SevenEarly News. 5.30 Sunrise
6.00 Today. 9.00 Today ExtraSummer.(PG) 11.30 MorningNews. 12.00 MOVIE: TheClue To Love. (2021, PGa, R) Rachel Bles, Travis Milne 1.50 Talking Honey 2.00 Pointless (PG, R) 3.00 Tipping Point. (PG, R) 4.00
AfternoonNews 4.30[VIC]MillionaireHotSeat.(R) 5.00 Millionaire HotSeat. (R) 5.30[VIC]WINNews.
6.00 Nine News.
7.00 ACurrent Affair
7.30 RBT. (PGdl) Follows the activities of police units.
8.30 Queen: DaysOfOur Lives. (Mln, R) Part 1of2.Explores the story of legendaryBritish rock group Queen.
11.00 TheEqualizer (MA15+v,R) BothsidesofMcCall’slifeconverge. 11.50 AlmostFamily (Mas)
12.40 Tipping Point. (PG, R) 1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 2.30 Global Shop. (R) 3.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 4.00 Believer’sVoice Of Victory. (PGa) 4.30 ACurrent Affair (R) 5.00 News Early Edition. 5.30 Today
6.00 The Talk.(PGa) 7.00 Farm To Fork. (PG, R) 7.30 GCBC. (R) 8.00 EverydayGourmet (R) 8.30 Ent. Tonight. (R) 9.00 Judge Judy. (PG, R) 9.30 Bold. (PG, R) 10.00 Studio 10 (PG) 12.00 10 News First: Midday.(Premiere) 1.00 Dr Phil. (PGadl, R) 2.00 BondiRescue. (PGadl, R) 3.00 Ent.Tonight 3.30 Judge Judy.(PG, R) 4.00 Farm To Fork. 4.30 Bold. (PG) 5.00 News.
6.30 TheProject. Alook at the day’snews and events
7.30 TheBachelors Australia. (Return, PGls) Three bachelors, including Felix VonHofe,ThomasMalucelli and Jed McIntosh, search for love
9.20 LastKing Of TheCross Sneak Peek (MA15+v) Asneak peek at the series LastKingOfTheCross followingthe rise of JohnIbrahim.
9.25 MOVIE: SecondAct (2018,Mls,R) After being turned down fora promotion by heremployers, awoman reinvents herself.JenniferLopez Vanessa Hudgens, Leah Remini.
11.30 TheProject. (R) Alook at the day’snews and events
12 30 TheLate ShowWith Stephen Colbert. (PG) Late-night talk show
1.30 Home Shopping. (R) 4.30 CBS Mornings.
6am Children’s Programs. 6.30pm Spicks And Specks. 7.30 Attenborough And The Empire Of The Ants. 8.25 Long Lost Family. 9.10 GeorgeClarke’sAmazing Spaces. 10.00 Australia Remastered. 10.55 Lucy Worsley:Agatha ChristieMystery Queen. 11.40 Whose Line Is It Anyway? 12.05am Veneno 1.10 ABCNews Update. 1.15 Close 5.05 Tik Tak. 5.10 Clangers. 5.20 Buddi. 5.25 Late Programs.
NITV (34)
6am Morning Programs. 1.30pm Spirit Talker 2.00 Shortland St 2.30 The Cook Up 3.00 Jarjums 3.25 RedDirt Riders. 3.40 Wolf Joe. 3.55 Tales Of The Moana. 4.00 Thalu 4.30 Spartakus And The Sun Beneath The Sea. 5.00 Our Stories. 5.30 APTN National News. 6.00 Bamay. 6.40 News. 6.50 Undiscovered Vistas. 7.40 Hip Hop Evolution. 8.30 Karla Grant Presents. 9.10 TheLakeOfScars. 10.55 Late Programs.
6am WorldWatch. 6.50 The77Percent. 7.20 WorldWatch. 9.30 Shortland St 11.00 The Movie Show. Noon MOVIE: The RoyalBride. (2020,M) 2.05 The Story Of 2.35 China’s LGBTQAI+ Surrogacy Families. 3.05 Bizarre Foods. 3.55 WorldWatch. 5.15 Takeshi’s Castle. 5.45 JoyOfPainting. 6.15 Forged In Fire. 7.05 Jeopardy! 7.35 8Out Of 10 Cats 8.30 Taskmaster. 9.25 Hypothetical. 10.20 Late Programs.
6am The Movie Show. 6.30 To Sir,WithLove. (1967,PG) 8.30 Vai. (2019,PG) 10.10 Malena. (2000, M, Italian) 11.50 TheCurrent War. (2017) 1.50pm Dancing At Lughnasa. (1998,PG) 3.35 The Bookshop.(2017 PG) 5.40 Toast. (2010,PG) 7.30 Sing Street. (2016 M) 9.30 AHard Day’sNight.(1964) 11.10 Reel Britannia. 12.20am Infernal Affairs 2. (2003, MA15+, Cantonese) 2.30 Late Programs.
7TWO (72, 62)
6am MorningPrograms. 8.30 Million DollarMinute. 9.30 NBC Today 10.30 Better Homes And Gardens Summer Noon Emmerdale. 12.30 Coronation Street 1.00 Air Crash Investigation 2.00 Weekender. 2.30 Million DollarMinute 3.30 Medical Emergency. 4.00 Surf Patrol. 4.30 BetterHomes. 5.30 EscapeToThe Country. 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Doc Martin. 8.30 Inspector Morse. 10.50 Late Programs.
7MATE (73, 64)
6am Morning Programs. 1.30pm Wheelburn. 2.00 MotorRacing. 2022 Velocity Invitational. H’lights. 3.00 Motor Racing. Night Thunder.WASprintcarTitle.Replay. 4.00 Billy The Exterminator 4.30 Hustle &Tow 5.30 American Restoration. 6.00 American Pickers. 7.00 Cricket. BBL.Hurricanes vStars 7.30 American Pickers. 8.30 MOVIE: Lethal Weapon 4. (1998 MA15+) 11.05 Late Programs.
9GEM (92, 81)
6am TV Shop: Home Shopping 7.00 Creflo Dollar Ministries. 7.30 TV Shop: HomeShopping. 9.30 Newstyle Direct. 10.00 DanozDirect. 10.30 Pointless. 11.30 Tennis. Adelaide International. Tournament2.Day 1. Day session. 6pm Tennis.Adelaide International. Tournament 2. Day 1. Night session. 10.30 New Amsterdam. 11.30 House. 12.30am My Favorite Martian. 1.00 TV Shop 4.30 Late Programs.
9GO! (93, 82)
6am Children’s Programs.
Noon Filthy House SOS. 1.00 America’s TopDog. 2.00 Full House. 3.00 TheNanny 3.30 Raymond. 5.30 TheNanny 6.00 3rd Rock 6.30 That ’70s Show 7.00 YoungSheldon. 7.30 The Weakest Link USA 8.30 MOVIE: The Man From U.N.C.L.E. (2015 M) 10.45 Paranormal Caught On Camera. 11.45 Young Sheldon. 12.10am Satisfaction. 1.00 TheSex Clinic. 2.00 Full House. 3.00 Late Programs.
10 PEACH (11, 52)
6am Friends. 9.00 The Middle. 10.30 Friends. Noon TheBig Bang Theory. 12.30 Mom. 1.00 Charmed. 3.00 The King Of Queens. 4.00 Becker 5.00 Frasier 6.00 Friends. 8.00 TheBig Bang Theory 9.30 Seinfeld. 11.00 Frasier Midnight Home Shopping 1.30 Becker 2.30 The Late LateShow With James Corden. 3.30 The King Of Queens. 4.30 HomeShopping.
10 BOLD (12, 53)
6am Home Shopping 8.00 Healthy HomesAustralia 8.30 Buy To Build. 9.00 iFish. 9.30 Reel Action. 10.00 All 4 Adventure. 11.00 The OffroadAdventureShow. Noon MacGyver. 1.00 DiagnosisMurder 3.00 BondiRescue. 3.30 The Love Boat 4.30 Star Trek: The Next Generation. 5.30 JAG 6.30 Scorpion. 7.30 Bull. 8.30 NCIS. 10.20 In TheDark 11.15 48 Hours. 12.15am Shopping. 2.15 Late Programs.
Tuesday, January10
ABC TV (2) SBS (3)
3.40 Wolf
Moana. 4.00 Thalu. 4.30 Spartakus AndThe SunBeneath
(R) Presented
7.35 Who
8.30 Pelosi’sPower.
Explores thelife and
10.00 TheArtist’sView:Sting. (Ml,
6.00 SevenNews. 7.00 Home AndAway. (PGav) Remi’s world cavesin. Cash faces apainfulrealisation.Justin blameshimself forthe crash. 7.30 Cricket. Big Bash League. Game36. Adelaide Strikers vMelbourne Renegades. From Adelaide Oval. 11.30 Death Row: CountdownTo Execution (MA15+a, R) Part 2of4 12.30 TheGoodDoctor (PGas, R) Lim and Melendez struggle in their relationship [VIC]HomeShopping. 1.30 Travel Oz. (PG, R) Hosted by Greg Grainger 2.00 Home Shopping. (R) 4.00 NBCToday News and current affairs. 5.00 SevenEarly News. 5.30 Sunrise
1.30 TV
Shop: Home Shopping. (R)
5.00 News
6.30 TheProject. Thehosts and guest panellists takealook at the day’snews, events and hot topics. 7.30 TheBachelors Australia. (PGls) Threebachelors,FelixVon Hofe,Thomas Malucelli and Jed McIntosh, search for love 9.00 NCIS (Mv,R)NCIS investigates the unexpected death of aNavy reservist who wasaninvestigative journalist. Knight and Jimmy’sbudding romance is put on hold when avital organtransfer goes fatally wrong. 11.00 TheProject. (R) Thehosts andguest panellists take alook at the day’snews, events and hot topics. 12.00 TheLate ShowWithStephen Colbert (PG) Late-night talk show 1.00 Home Shopping. (R) 4.30 CBSMornings.
HomesAustralia 8.30
Mastermind Boat. 11.00 Star Trek: TheNext Generation. Noon MacGyver 2.00 Diagnosis Murder 3.00 Bondi Rescue. 3.30 The Love Boat 4.30 StarTrek: The Next Generation. 5.30 JAG 6.30 Scorpion 7.30 Bull 8.30 My LifeIsMurder 9.25 Bull. 10.20 48 Hours. 12.15am Shopping. 2.15 Late Programs. 6am The LateShow With Stephen Colbert 7.00 Seinfeld. 8.30 Basketball. NBL.Round 14.Adelaide 36ers v New Zealand Breakers.Replay
Page 18 —The Latrobe Valley Express, TV Guide Wednesday, 4January, 2023 GP164 SIGNUP NOW! FREE -DIGITAL EDITION SUBSCRIPTION
SEVEN (7,6) TEN (10, 5) NINE (9,8) 6.00 News Breakfast. 9.00 ABC News Mornings. 10.00 Kurt Fearnley’sOne Plus One. (R) 10.30 DreamGardens. (R) 11.00 Rick Stein’s Road To Mexico.(R) 12.00 ABC News At Noon. 1.00 Stateless.(Ml, R) 1.50 Agatha Raisin. (Mdv,R) 2.40 Back Roads. (R) 3.10 Gardening Australia.(R) 4.10 Long Lost Family.(PG, R) 4.55 Australian Story.(R) 5.30 Hard Quiz.(PG,R) 6.00 DW EnglishNews. 6.30 Al Jazeera News. 7.00 BBC News At Six. 7.30 France 24 English News. 8.00 DD India Prime Time News. 9.00 Peer To Peer (PG) 10.00 Legacy List. (PGaln, R) 11.00 Tennis. Kooyong Classic. Day 1. 5.00 Motor Racing. Dakar Rally Stages 1to8.Highlights.
6.00 The Talk.(PGa)
(PG) 12.00 10 News First: Midday 1.00 Dr Phil. (PGa, R) 2.00 The Bachelors Aust. (PGls, R) 3.50 Entertainment Tonight. 4.00 Farm To Fork. 4.30 The Bold And TheBeautiful. (PG) 5.00 10 News First. 6.00 Old People’s Home For4 Year Olds (PG, R) 7.00 ABCNews. 7.30 7.30 8.00 Anh’s Brush With Fame: Father Bob. (PG,R)Anh Do paints FatherBob Maguire. 8.30 Love On TheSpectrum. (PG,R)Part 4of5 9.25 Julia Zemiro’s Home Delivery: RayMartin. (PG, R) Part 1of4 10.15 TheTruth About: Boosting Your Immune System (PG, R) 11.10 ABC Late News. 11.30 Miniseries: The Accident. (Malsv, R) 12.15 Silent Witness. (Ma, R) 2.15 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv) 4.00 One Plus One. (R) 4.30 Think Tank. (PG, R) 5.30 7.30.(R) 6.00
6am WorldWatch. 9.30 Shortland St. 11.00 The Movie Show. Noon MOVIE: Family.(2018,M) 1.35 ChasingFamous. 2.30 Life After People 3.20 WorldWatch. 5.15 Takeshi’sCastle. 5.45 JoyOfPainting. 6.15 Forged In Fire 7.05 Jeopardy! 7.35 8Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown 8.30 Billy Connolly:Great American Trail. 9.30 Forbidden History 10.25 Why Does Everyone Hate TheEnglish? 11.20 Late Programs. 6am MorningPrograms. 8.30 Million DollarMinute. 9.30 NBC Today Noon Emmerdale 12.30 CoronationStreet 1.00 Escape To The Country 2.00 Creek To Coast. 2.30 Million DollarMinute. 3.30 Medical Emergency. 4.00 Surf Patrol. 4.30 BetterHomes. 5.30 EscapeToThe Country. 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Call TheMidwife. 8.45 Miniseries: Manhunt 9.45 Miniseries: The Pembrokeshire Murders. 10.45 Late Programs. 6am TV Shop: Home Shopping. 7.00 Creflo Dollar Ministries 7.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. 9.30 Newstyle Direct. 10.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. 10.30 Pointless. 11.30 Tennis. Adelaide International. Tournament 2. Day 2. Daysession 6pm Tennis.Adelaide International. Tournament 2. Day 2. Nightsession. 10.30 The Closer. 11.30 Rizzoli &Isles. 12.30am My Favorite Martian. 1.00 Late Programs. 9GEM (92, 81) 7TWO (72, 62) 6am Children’s Programs. 6.30pm Spicks And Specks. 7.30 Would ILie To You? 8.30 The Trip To Greece 9.00 Staged. (Final) 9.25 Bliss. 9.50 Fleabag. 10.15 QI. 10.45 Friday NightDinner 11.10 Everything’sGonna Be Okay 11.35 Black Comedy. Midnight Superwog. 12.25 Penn& Teller: Fool Us 1.05 Whose Line Is It Anyway? 1.25 ABC NewsUpdate 1.30 Close. 5.05 TikTak. 5.10 Clangers. 5.20 Late Programs. ABC TV PLUS (22) 6am Children’s Programs. Noon Filthy HouseSOS 1.00 America’s TopDog. 2.00 Full House. 3.00 TheNanny 3.30 3rd Rock. 4.00 That ’70s Show 4.30 Raymond. 5.30 The Nanny. 6.00 3rdRock 6.30 That ’70s Show 7.00 Young Sheldon. 7.30 MOVIE: Serenity.(2005,M) 9.50 MOVIE: Pitch Black.
6am Morning Programs. 2pm Shortland St 2.30 The Cook Up 3.00 Jarjums.
6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 TheMorning Show Summer Series. (PG) 11.30 SevenMorning News. 12.00 MOVIE: NancyDrew.(2007, PGav,R)Emma Roberts, Max Theriot, Tate Donovan. 2.00 Australia’s Deadliest. (PGv, R) 2.30 Beach Cops (PG, R) 3.00 TheChase. (R) 4.00 SevenNews At 4. 5.00 TheChase Australia. (R) Tales Of The
6.00 Today. 9.00 Today ExtraSummer.(PG) 11.30 Morning News. 12.00 MOVIE: Mr Mom. (1983,PGa, R) Michael Keaton, Frederick Koehler,Teri Garr 1.50 Explore. (R) 2.00 Pointless. (PG, R) 3.00 TippingPoint. (PG, R) 4.00 Afternoon News 4.30[VIC]MillionaireHotSeat.(R) The Sea. 5.00 OurStories. 5.30 IndianCountry Today News 6.00 Bamay 6.30 News. 6.40 Undiscovered Vistas. 7.30 Moko. 8.00 TheBeach 8.30 The Last Land: Gespe’gewa’gi. 9.00 Hunting Aotearoa. 9.30 Atlanta. 10.45 Late Programs.
5.00 Millionaire HotSeat. (R) 5.30[VIC]WINNews. NITV (34) 6am Home Shopping 8.00 Healthy
7.00 Farm To Fork. (PG, R) 7.30 GCBC. (R) 8.00 EverydayGourmet (R) 8.30 Ent. Tonight. (R) 9.00 Judge Judy. (PG, R) 9.30 Bold. (PG, R) 10.00 Studio 10 Buy To
by Marc Fennell.
6.30 SBS
Do YouThink YouAre?
(R) Kelsey Grammer explores his roots.
(Ma, R)
legacy of the
woman Speaker of the US House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi.
R) Takesalook at Sting. 10.30 SBS World NewsLate. 11.00 Cheyenne &Lola. (MA15+lv) 12.05 Unit One. (Mals, R) 4.15 Going PlacesWith Ernie Dingo.(R) 4.45 Bamay. (R) 5.00 NHKWorld English News Morning. 5.30 ANC PhilippinesThe World Tonight.
6.00 Nine News. 7.00 ACurrent Affair 7.30 Travel Guides. (PGlsv, R) TakesalookatMexico City. 8.30 MOVIE: JurassicWorld: Fallen Kingdom. (2018,Mv, R) Twoformer staff of the Jurassic World theme park tryto rescue dinosaurs fromavolcanic eruption. Chris Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard, Rafe Spall. 11.00 La Brea. (Mv,R)Eve and Ty venture into the forest. 11.50 Law&Order: Organized Crime (Mav,R)
Tipping Point. (PG, R)
Believer’sVoice Of Victory. (PGa)
ACurrentAffair (R)
Early Edition. 5.30 Today
(2000, M) Midnight Satisfaction. 1.00 TheSex Clinic. 2.00 Full House. 3.00 Bakugan: Evolutions. 3.30 Late Programs. 6am Morning Programs. 10.00 BillyThe Exterminator 10.30 American Pickers. 11.30 American Restoration. Noon American Pickers. 1.00 Wild Transport. 2.00 Down East Dickering. 3.00 Billy The Exterminator 3.30 Scrap Kings. 4.30 Hustle &Tow 5.30 American Restoration. 6.00 American Pickers. 7.00 Pawn Stars. 7.30 Outback Truckers. 9.30 Aussie Salvage Squad. 10.30 Train Truckers. 11.30 Late Programs. 9GO! (93, 82) 6am Asterix At The Olympic Games. (2008,PG, French) 8.10 Toast. (2010,PG) 10.00 AHardDay’sNight. (1964) 11.40 Limbo.(2020,M) 1.35pm The Movie Show 2.05 To Sir,WithLove. (1967,PG) 4.05 Sissi. (1955,German) 6.05 Fellinopolis. (2020, PG, Italian) 7.35 LetYourself Go! (2017,M,Italian) 9.30 Monty Python’s Life Of Brian. (1979,M) 11.10 Late Programs. 5.50am Fellinopolis. (2020,PG, Italian) 7MATE (73, 64)
Build. 9.00 iFish. 9.30 Reel Action. 10.00 TheLove
10.30 Becker 11.30 Frasier 12.30pm The King Of Queens. 1.30 Seinfeld. 3.00 The King Of Queens. 4.00 Becker 5.00 Frasier 6.00 Friends. 8.00 TheBig Bang Theory 9.30 Mom. 10 20 Becker. 11.10 Late Programs. SBS VICELAND (31) SBS WORLD MOVIES (32) 10 BOLD (12, 53) 10 PEACH (11, 52)
Monday, January 9
ABC TV (2)
SBS (3)
SEVEN (7,6) TEN (10, 5) NINE (9, 8)
6.00 News. 9.00 News. 10.00 Hawke:
How to make this year a safe Christmas for pets
WHILEChristmas Day has come and gone,the holiday season is still underway. As families with pets across Victoria enjoythe festive season, RSPCA Victoria is encouraging everyone to keep dangerous items and foods out of reach from pets while they too enjoy their celebrations.
Thousands of pets across Victoria safely enjoy the festive season every year, thanks to the care provided by their owners. While this time of year can be atimefor people to indulge, it is vital to remember that some foods and Christmas items are potentially hazardous for pets.
RSPCA Victoria encourages everyone to consider pet health in relation to food, gifts, home, and people at Christmas.
Food: Some petowners are unaware that certain foods are dangerous to animals, including chocolate, grapes, and cooked bones. It is important to rememberthat some foods are unsuitable for pets, causing severe illness or injuries when consumed by animals and requiring immediate veterinary care. Feeding pets before food is served can help reduce food-seeking behaviour, while an item or activity to occupy their attention can distract overly inquisitive behaviour. Treat balls, araw bone, or another long-lasting treat are popular items that can have the desired effect.
Gifts: Avoid leaving unattended gifts within reach of inquisitive animals to avoidconsumption of dangerous or toxic items that can cause harm
requiring medical attention. Certain plants can also be an unexpected source of danger for some animals. Lilies and other commonly gifted plants are highlytoxic to cats,both directly and indirectly, and can be fatal without urgent treatment.
Home: Curious animals may mistakedecorations for food or toys, whichcan lead to serious injury if they are ingested or used for play. Festive decorations are frequently made fromharmful materials such as glass or plastic, which require urgent medical attention if chewed or swallowed.
People: Christmas,for many, involves entertaining friends and family, and while some animals enjoy interacting with groups of new or unfamiliar people,others may feel unsettled. It is essential to make sure pets have an accessible, safe space to retreat to when overwhelmed or tired.
Apet’s behaviourcan indicatewhenthey feel anxious, suchasexcessivepanting andlicking their lips (for dogs) or flattened ears and hissing (for cats).
Make sure pets are familiar with asafespace they can retreat to at their own will.
Asafespace forpets will ideally have decreased sound and lighttohelp reduce the animal’s anxiety.
Alarge box covered with ablanket canbesuitable if the space is tight.
Alternatively, ownerscan burnoff their pets’ excessenergy by exercising them before guests arrive.
‘Twasthe night before Christmas in YallournNorth
‘TWAS thenight beforeChristmas,when in our quiet little town Not athing wasperfect, yetlittle caused afrown; The elections were done by thepollies with great flare, Folks hope that the promises,great fruit they will bear
Some residents nestled close while othersgone afar Along dreamt vacation, or just atriptothe bar; With asigh of relief,and abit of anap, We settle down and think of the decade and recap
When with the pause we consider what’s happened, Thoughts sprang in our heads to recall all that gladdened, Yetawaywith the old to makeway forthe new, Manythingsclosed, butinpreparation foryou. So soon on the cusp of anew generation, Giving alustreofhopefrombrigade to freemason, See,what to ourpondering minds should appear, But atime of rebirthand clean slateinthe air, With so manywins,fromevents to newbuilds, It’sclear in amoment so manygoals were fulfilled.
Moreachievements than misses the boxeswere ticked, And when listed, and counted, our neighbours were pipped;
Anew school! Hall changes! The Bowlo! And courts!
To Foodworks! And ‘Binda! Ski club,but of course!
Newsigns or rebranding! To afresh coat of paint! We led the way! Pavedthe way! With little restraint!
But the seasons theychange to welcome what’s next,
What appearsasanobstacle,isjust partofthe steps
So as we take stockand consider what’sdone, With adecade of change,it’sonlyjust begun. Yousee,with some thinking,it’sall partofthe way, Fornothing is constant, it’sthe rule of the game Some things out of our hands,but we can turn it around, From out of nowhere, newleaders be found. It’s beginning already,things underway and afoot, Old clothes theyare out, thetarnished, kaput; More bundlesofjoy awaits us with time, And look with no doubt that all things will be fine Oureyes-astheywander,atstuffweachieved! Our cheeks take abreath, asighofrelief! Apath, or agarden, from some tankstoafence, To lights and decorations,toperformances, events
From stumps once removed, to manynew AED’s, To shining bright stars, and home-made Christmas wreaths;
Abroad scope of projects from little to the huge, The shockfromthe funding,fromgenerous to scrooge
Sometimes moresubtlethan pumped, achieved by theelves, Theawe of achange room,toasmile fora shelf;
And think of the sky, as we plan with our head, Soon realise forsurethat thereisnothing to dread;
Speak little aword, some rest then to work, Deliver moregoals; with aconfident smirk, And laying aside things,aline in the sand; Anod of realisation, it’sall in our hands; So rest foraday,amonth, year -toconsider, Remind yourself: arock-chuckerisnoquitter.
There’s pleasureand pain, there’ssmall and the grand.
MerryChristmas to all. It’sall in our hands
by Joanne Madeline Moore
January 2- January 8, 2023
Aries This week Mercury and your ruler, Mars, are both in retrograde mode So a communication problem, a work matter, a health issue or a local community project could cause some sleepless nights Fear not, Rams! The planets are pushing you to dig deep, accept extra responsibilities and take on challenges with plenty of Aries aplomb A domestic situation also needs to be handled in a sensitive and sensible way as you do your best to sort things out
Taurus Stubborn Bulls prefer things to stay the same but there’s no escaping change at the moment! Courtesy of the Sun and Uranus, a golden goal or an ambitious aspiration may seem to be lost in the distance (like a forgotten dream from far away) but it is still within reach You have to plough on with passion and purpose, desire and determination So your motto is from music icon (and birthday great) David Bowie: “Tomorrow belongs to those who can hear it coming Gemini With your ruler Mercury r Getrograde, and Mars reversing through your sign avoid aggravating a sensitive situation with sharp words, hasty comments or regrettable actions With four planets in your intrigue zone, mystery abounds, and you may not fully understand the complex undercurrents that are at play So keep the conversation light and lively and steer clear of controversial topics Friday night’s Full Moon throws a sharp focus on finances and self-esteem
Cancer Expect an intense and emotional week, as the Full Moon activates your sign Your capacity to adapt will be put to the test, especially in personal relationships An outdated partnership could end making way for a new sweetheart or best friend If you are overly defensive in your opinions and bossy in your behaviour, then loved ones and colleagues will stop listening to what you say So do your best to get the balance right between being firm and being flexible!
Leo Uranus urges you to restructure your current diet and exercise program, plus reinvent your daily work routine If you tick these boxes, then you will improve (and transform) your health and career over the coming year You’ll feel like retreating into your Lion’s den on Friday and Saturday when the Full Moon stimulates your solitude zone Meditation, contemplation and re-evaluation are favoured as you ponder your future and dream big dreams for 2023
Virgo Are you being unusually slapdash? With g Mercury retrograde, plus Saturn and retrograde Mars in your work zone, success is coming – but it won t be rushed And it certainly won’t arrive without a lot of hard work and dogged persistence on your part So avoid approaching people, projects and situations in a hasty and half-baked fashion Slow down and take your time! As writer (and birthday great) J R R Tolkien observed: “Little by little one travels far”
The focus is firmly on family matters, as you take on more domestic responsibilities or search for a solution to a pressing problem Jupiter and your power planet, Venus, also activate your partnership zone So – whether romantic or platonic – work on improving (and treasuring) the close relationships in your life Your motto for the moment is from birthday great, poet and philosopher Kahlil Gibran: Life without love is like a tree without blossoms or fruit
The stars are good for creative brainstorming with bohemian friends But Mercury and Mars are retrograde so choose your words wisely (especially where relationships and joint finances are involved) Plus, double-check all appointments and holiday plans well in advance You’re feeling optimistic about the future but don’t be impatient Do your homework and be thoroughly prepared so – when lucky opportunities do appear – you ’ re ready to rock and roll!
Retro Mercury and retro Marsgcontinue to sap energy frustrate plans and slow progress Friday night’s Full Moon shines a spotlight on lust and loot so an intimate relationship could soar spectacularly or crash and burn And you need to keep up to date with money matters If you are flexible and well-informed then it will pay off further down the track But if you are rash with cash and careless with credit then you’ll end up worrying about your financial future
The Sun, Venus, Pluto and retrograde Mercury are visiting your sign, which amplifies your drive and ambition But they can also rev up your ruthless side, which may alienate you from others Fortunately, Friday night s Full Moon gives you a welcome boost as you romance your sweetheart, charm close friends or influence important people But with Mars reversing through your daily routine zone, you need to work extra hard to be organised and stay motivated
With the Full Moon highlighting yourq health zone, it’s a wonderful week to shine a bright light on your physical fitness, mental wellbeing and emotional resilience And four planets are stimulating your self-reflection zone, so don’t let burgeoning self-doubts do your head in! Negative self-talk is out, whereas positive activities like meditation, contemplation, creative visualisation and journaling are favoured, as you tap into the Wise Woman (or Man) within
It’s all about friendships group dynamics and networking this week as you catch up with local mates enjoy corresponding with international contacts or share a special activity with a like-minded friend Make it a priority to surround yourself with positive people who support your dreams But don’t be too hasty in your evaluation of a person, situation or future aspiration There is much more going on than meets the eye, so take the time to look closer and dig deeper
news The Latrobe Valley Express, Wednesday, 4January, 2023 —Page 19
Enjoyresponsibly: RSPCAisencouraging pet owners to keep dangerous Christmas-related food and itemsawayfrompetsthisfestiveseason photograph supplied
Thisadvertisingspace couldbe s This week my stars are telling me that I’m going to purchase a fantastic bargain YOUBEAUTY! To advertise your bargains, products or services in this column or forinformation, simply phoneLesleyHogan on 5135 4414 today. GP1652 6 010
CopyrightJoanne Madeline Moore 2023
Some great stories from
Community news Page 20 The Latrobe Valley Express, Wednesday, 4 January, 2023
A l 2022 NOV
November: AFL legend David Parkin (centre) was a guest speaker for Moe Rotary Parkin is pictured with Moe Rotary past president Di Harrison president Robin Noakes Rotarian pharmacist Kishor Manani and past president Diane Wilkinson
2022 JAN
January: Traralgon Girl Guides Bridie Byrne and Kate Hibbins were recognised for their services Bridie received the Girl Guide Of The Year Award for the Gippsland region, and Kate her BP Award file photographs
2022 APR
April: Trafalgar High School students took part in World’s Greatest Shave
2022 FEB
February: Inferno Nightclub, Traralgon, aka Saloon, underwent a severe facelift
2022 MAY
May: Youth not-for-profit Ladder Step Up Latrobe celebrated its fourth birthday
2022 JAN
January: Yinnar received a new defib Pictured is Kylie Stanistreet with her kids Daisy, Macie and River
2022 MAR
March: Traralgon butcher Joel Young was chosen to represent Australia at the World Butchers’ Challenge
January: The Ranch, operated by Gippsland Support Services Network, was officially opened in Hazelwood South 2022 OCT
G August: Moe had a very vague connection to the late Olivia Newton-John, as her brother Hugh (pictured back left) was a doctor in the town during the 1990s 2022 AUG SUPPORTYOURCOMMUNITY BUY LOCAL SUPP LO L
October: Moe Art Society held another successful Spring Art Show Pictured is artist Halina Taig (centre) with daughter Trisha and her husband Lee German ...and contribute to abrighter future forthe whole community. When youbuy localyou receivelocal serviceand supportand youalso help ensurethe prosperityofthe region. Anddon’t forget about the convenienceofshopping local. GP1652150 The Latrobe Valley Express, Wednesday, 4 January, 2023 Page 21
L d l t h J D k 2022 DEC
December: Legendary local teacher John Duck retired after 50 years in education
2022 JUN
June: Morwell Sunday Market came to a close in June Stallholders Joanna Todd and Val Aguis sort through their wares ahead of the final market day
b F d h ll 2022 DEC
December: Federation University, Churchill, celebrated 50 years Pictured is Federation University chancellor Terry Moran, returning alumni Mary Aldred and Federation University president and vice chancellor Professor Duncan Bentley
G 2022 JUL
July: Good Land Brewery, Traralgon, won three medals at the Australian and International Beer Awards Pictured is Good Land head brewer, Jimmy Krekelberg
2022 FEB
February: Triplets Danica, Xavier and Ryder (starting second from left) Minnelli started school at St Vincent De Paul Primary
b M F i d S 2022 DEC
December: Maryvale Friendly Society celebrated its 80 year anniversary Pictured is company secretary Stuart Passalaqua, life member Tony Bailey (holding an original minute book) and chairman Paul Grieve
J h
k b hi 2022 FEB the community in 2022 February:
b l i 2022 FEB
February: Joseph Kaczkowski celebrated his 100th birthday with wife Celina
A new mural was unveiled at Yallourn/Newborough RSL
l ld d t 2022 JUL To join the Express Birthday Club please post full details (including postal address and phone contact) to 21 George St Morwell 3840 or email reception@lvexpress com au *Eligible for children 11 years and under receives an Inflatable World experience valued at $19 SPONSORED BY e eceivves s Infl t bl Stadium34, 34BellStreet,Moe Ph:51278300 MONDAY2 JANUARY Amali Kovacevic turns 12 Bryton Leech turns 2 TUESDAY3 JANUARY Rereloluwa Ijiyera turns 9 Zain Meers turns 9 WEDNESDAY4 JANUARY Chiara Schiafone turns 5 Ishanvi Prasad turns 4 FRIDAY6 JANUARY Ava Michaelides turns 8 Isabella Sanderson turns 8 SATURDAY7JANUARY Kailee Reynolds turns 8
July: Trafalgar Holden Museum president Neil Joiner and committee member Mick Bourke OAM welcomed Minister for Regional Development Mary-Anne Thomas to announce a major expansion
SMARTChoice Electrical has more than 40 yearsexperience operating in the Latrobe Valleyand surrounding areas
The team have awealth of knowledge in the electrical industry, which ensures peace of mind when clients call SmartChoice Electrical forany job
SmartChoice Electrical business owner PeterGriffiths said the companywas proud of the high qualityworktheydo.
“Weare proud of our achievements in electrical safetyand quality, consistentlyproviding a high levelofworkmanship,” Mr Griffiths said.
Peterand CarolGriffiths at Smart Choice Electrical guarantee their work and products arethe best possible Theyprovide
Page 22 —The Latrobe Valley Express, Wednesday, 4January, 2023
customerswith the securityofknowing
the approach-
owners ing in the local area, the ths have seen that many residents in the Latrobe Valleyare still onlyprotected electricallyby fuses; an issue that can be quickly fixedbythe installation of safety switches that should be considered by all households SmartChoice Electrical specialise in working with 240 volt and 415volt experiences including mains,metering,power,light and air conditioning If youare planning arenovation, SmartChoice Electrical can provide advice and customise their work to ensureyour needs aremet. To find out howSmartChoice Electrical can solve your domestic, ruraland commercial needs, phone Peteron0438 177153 or Carolon51262110toarrange ano obligation, free quote. Pensioner discounts arealso available SMART CHOICE ELECTRICAL MART C BUSINESS OF THE WEEK Business Guide LOCAL TRADES AND SERVICES ContactDianne on 5135 4416 to arrange thepromotion of your business G P 1 6 5 2 1 5 EXHAUSTS US S WHILE YOU WAIT FITTING SERVICE Exhaustrepairs from $35 Exxhhaau u us s st t r reeppa a aiirrs s f fr r room $ $335 5 2year warrantyonstandard warranty on standard replacement mufflers cement Custom tube bending Custom SportSystems ystems Largestock on hand Large stock 53 Lloyd Street Moe PH: 51274747 GP1 652245 29 years of quality service and advice AIR CONDITIONING Compliance Certificate issued with each installation PermitNo. L004172 RUSSELL THOMAS PH: 0407 505 567 • All areas • Prompt service SplitSystem Air Conditioning Installations GP1652249 ASPHALTING GP1652250 GP1 65225 1 ROOFING Bristile Roofing products to new and old homes. We also offer roof restorations andrepairwork. and Repairs •Servicing all of Gippsland andthe LatrobeValley All workmanship and repairsfully guaranteed CALL NOWFOR A FREE QUOTE Mitchell: 0413 537569 @Stormcoat Roofing Specialising in Insurance Work and RepairsinLatrobe Valley phone: e: 03 5174 3006 GP1 652252 Finduson Facebook 11 Stirloch Circuit, Traralgon ContactPeteron 0438 177153 or 5126 2110 GP1 652253 -Domestic -Commercial -Rural -Tele /data Smart Choice Electrical REC 4188 ABN73882 721322 ELECTRICIAN ▪ Domestic ▪ Rural ▪ Commercial ▪ Industrial “The solution for all forall your electrical needs” MORWELL tkd electrics@gmail com 0434121324 GP1 652254 REC # 22363 pty ltd ELECTRICIAN GARDENING Mowing, Gardening, Rubbish Removal, Clean-ups, Gutters. Insurance Cover Free Quotes 131546 (Local Call) 131JIM Franchise Welc G P 1 6 5 2 2 5 6 e Enquires come BOSSE PLUMBING & ROOFING PROP/L Office: (03)51766657 PLUMBING General Plumbing New Colorbond Roofs Heating Units Hot Water Services Guttering Spouting &Downpipes Gas, Water &Sewer Connections Sewer Blockages Truck,Digger &Sewer Machine Hire BOSSE PLUMBING GP1 652260 Qualified, courteous plumbers who can attend to all your Plumbing, Roofing and Gas Fitting needs. BE SEEN!! Advertise yourPlumbing Business with us and see moreresults Letover 50,000 plus readers of the Latrobe Valley Express know about your business in both print and digital Contact Dianne 5135 4416 email: GP1 65226 1
theyare directlywith
The Latrobe Valley Express, Wednesday, 4January, 2023 —Page 23 STORAGE UNITS • Home andBusiness Storage • Deliveredtoyour choiceoflocation • Pack at your leisure • Deliverythroughout Gippsland • 20ft Containers MAXIMA TRANSPORTABLESTORAGECONTAINERS GARY 0427 482533 SHORT &LONGTERM RENTAL GP1649481 TREES& EXCAVATIONS Business Guide LOCAL TRADES AND SERVICES Contact Dianne on 5135 4416 to arrange thepromotion of your business G P 1 6 1 9 6 3 9 SECURITY Servicing TheLatrobe Valley,Gippsland andSurrounds PrivateSecurityBusiness LicenceNumber:571-756-70S PrivateSecurityBusiness Registration Number:571-756-91S 5174 1671 19 Leesons Road,Traralgon SECURITYSERVICESPROVIDED: CrowdControl Mobile Patrols -Night &Day Inspections GuardServices Armed SecurityCash inTransit Service 24HRS Alarm Response &Monitoring INSTALLATIONS: Security Alarm Systems Digital Camera Surveillance Major Commercial Systems Access Control ACMA Licensed Cablers LocallyOwned&Operated,employingLocalPeople FORMERLYL.V.SECURITYNETWORK MANAGINGDIRECTOR:RodZagami GP1 652246 STEEL GP1 65224 7 DIRECTTOPUBLIC STEEL Gippsland Steel Centre PH: 5135 6600 527 Princes Drive Morwell RHS, Beams, Angles Pipes, Rounds, Flats ect Aluminium and stainless Roofing Purlins, TopHats Retaining wall sections. Delivery No need to buy full lengths HugerangeofAccessories G P 1 6 5 2 4 8 ndit ons pply WHENREADYYOU ARE 24/7 HIGHLY EXPERIENCED H GH EX ERIE ED FULLY LICENSED / FULLY INSURED Professional workmanship guaranteed! NO JOB TOO BIG OR TOO SMALL Pacey y c Tree Servi es WE WILL BEAT ANYCOMPETITIVE WI YCOMPETITIVE QUOTEGUARANTEED! ED! ● FREE Stump Grinding FRREEE E S Stummp p G Grriinnddiinng g ● FREE Advice ● FREE Mulch ● Pensioners Discounts Apply *Con ap PHONE DANNY 0437 371 112 371112 SPECIALISED TREE SERVICES GP1 652257 SPECIALISED TREE SERVICES SPECIALISED TREE SERVICES VALLE YWIDE TREE R SERVICES FREE QUOTES Free Call1800 468733 Spring time specialup to 30% discount for all services 1800 GOTREES SPECIALISED TREESERVICES Pruning & removal of trees &shrubs Stump removal Hedges Mulching& mulch sales Full insurance cover 0409 14 15 19 Rick or Daniel Kruyt Pr re & S Prepare your property for the fire season 25%OFF FREE QUOTE QUO HIGH TREE TREE SERVICE ABN 20 410687 524 Finduson Facebook YOUR BUSINESS G G HIGHLIGHT IN THE E BEST WAY POSSIBLE Call Di on 5135 4416 or email MAKE THEBEST, AFFORDABLE, ADVERTISING CHOICE FORYOURBUSINESS Consistent exposure: in both paper and digital Frequent copy changes available Free editorial From as little as $80 per week G P 1 6 5 2 6 2
BULLS for Hire/Sale
Angus, Limousin, Jersey, Hereford and Friesian, very quiet. 0447 331 762.
FRENCH Bulldog pups, 1x M, 4x F, DOB 5/12/22, all fawn, will come vacc., m/c, worm fortnightly from 2wks of age. Parents clear of all hereditary diseases, 956000010506032, MB208 092. Phone 0408 554 554.
TRARALGON, 8Wotan Crt, Sat., 10.30 -2.30pm. Taking Shape dresses, tops and slacks, electric reclining chair, plus lots of bric-a-brac and more.
Hot young lady, 100% new in town, petite, cute, size 6, passionate hot service. 0421 306 675.
Voicemail introductions advertisements and voice messages may only be submitted by persons 18 years and older.
When making contact with people for the first time, it is advisable to meet in apublic place and let amember of your family or atrusted friend know where you will be.
Door Installer
Specialising in all domestic work. REC.4188. Phone Peter 0438 177 153 or Carol 5126 2110.
Tropical Goldfish
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Situations Vacant
● Weekday availability
● Must have valid driver's licence, with manual driving experience
Senior Management Opportunity
About us
LoyYangB is an electricity generator located in the picturesque Latrobe Valley currently supplying around 20% of Victoria’s power.Weare owned by Chow TaiFook Enterprises (CTFE) and belong to the Alinta Energyfamily,agrowing and innovativeenergy market disrupter
We arefocused on maintaining world class levels of plant performance, efficiency and flexibilityand areinsearchofa personwith expertise and experience to contribute to innovative new projects as we look to re-invent our business.
We arecommitted to increasing workforce diversity and creating an environment wherepeople with new ideas feel empowered to speak up and explorewhat is possible.
We constantly strive to understand and meet broad community expectations regarding environmental management,health, safety and good corporate citizenship.
About the opportunity
We arelooking to appoint adynamic and highly motivated senior manager on apermanent basis. Theideal candidate will have experience at amanagement level in theday-to-day operations, and engineering and maintenance of a thermal power plant or heavy industry.The successful candidate will initially take on therole ofManager Production, with potential opportunityinthe futureto move into other management roles.
As amember ofthe LoyYangB Management Team,you will play apivotal role in influencing and shaping our futureaswell as providing effective leadership and contributing to the development and implementation of our overall business strategy.This role is akey part of our senior management succession strategy and ensuresour abilitytomeetlonger-term business objectives.
What you’ll do
Reporting directly to the General Manager,Loy Yang B, theManager Production plans, organises, staffs, directs and controls all operational activities, ensuring that the business meets availability,reliability,efficiency,generation and cost targets, both safely and within environmental limits. Additionally,this role is responsiblefor chemistry, environmental and compliance programs and activities associated with the operation of the LoyYang Power Station.
What you’ll need
Skills to empower,motivate, lead, mentor, coach and develop employees.
Demonstrated excellent communication, presentation and interpersonal skills, including technicalwriting.
The ability to achieve successful business outcomes through functional and informal networks.
Abachelor’s degree inengineering (Electrical, or Mechanical).
Significant experience working in athermal generation plant inboth operations andengineering andmaintenance
If this sounds likeyou, don’t ignorethis opportunity, makesureyou: Apply via our careers page
Close date 18 January2023.
LoyYang B–powering your career!
LoyYang Bwelcomeapplications from peoplewith diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds and people with disability.Wewill provide reasonableadjustments for individuals with disability throughout the recruitment process. If youidentify as a person with disability and requireadjustments to the application, recruitment,selection and/orassessment process, please advisevia theabove email andindicateyour preferred method of communication (email or phone)sowecan keepintouch and meet yourneeds
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TREE REMOVALS GIPPSLAND ARBORICULTURE SPECIALISTS Pruning, stump grinding, hedging, nest boxand habitat hollowscreation, insured and qualified. Brent 0403 080 315 SERVICING ALL AREAS GUITAR LESSONS Gippsland Guitar School, all ages, 8-80, beginners to advanced, banjo and
BUDGET BLINDS Lenny 0418 514 132 Moe Self Storage various sizes from $85 p.c.m. Contact Strzelecki Realty on 5127 1333. Plastering and Rendering Local area Free quotes No job too small CallHayden 0421888 186 GP1 6499 18 APRICOTS Fresh from Goulburn Valley. Due in LV early Jan., 10kg $35, 20kg $60. Ring now to place an order 0439 768 671. Public Notices • For Sale • Is it time to change the pace and get out of thecityrat race? Great career opportunityinachanging industryand high growth business Team-oriented and inclusive workplace culturewhich promotes health & wellbeing and work life balance
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ukulele lessons also available. 0439 111 610.
Goldfish, all sizes, Axolotis, Guppys, Bristlenose and Catfish. Ph 0411 604 704.
Old Port Poultry Farm Delivering 18 week old Isa Brown laying hens to your area, Sat. 7th Jan. $28 ea. 0438 832 535.
pruning, planting, weeding, small jobs through to large jobs, shed clean ups, rubbish removal, etc. Reasonable rates, pens. disc. Under NDIS the cost of services may be covered by your Care Provider. Reliable and efficient. Police check. Fully insured. 18 yrs exp. Chauncy The Gardener. ABN 17268203656. Call Richard 0401 345 345.
Does your home need
doors? Ican supply and install doors/locks, inc. security doors. Over 32 yrs exp. Free quote, Lennie 0438 850 287.
for a lifestyle
looking for aFranchisee in the Latrobe
For ano-obligation free Info Kit We are looking for amotivated individual to join the Traralgon Simic's Betta Home Living store.
to be
own boss? Jim's Mowing is
131 546
Causal/part-time role able to be negotiated
per week
20-30 hours
How to place your classified in our WEDNESDAY PUBLICATION 5135 4455 E X P R E S S C L A S S I F I E D S Phone: All classifications before 3pm Monday In person: Latrobe Valley Express 21George St,Morwell NextraLotto Moe 1-3 MooreSt, Moe Seymour St Newsagency 83 Seymour St, Traralgon PLEASE NOTE:| thatadpaymentis required prior to publication unless afullaccount is held with the Latrobe Valley Express. Email: classifieds@ PLEASE NOTE: Confirm your email if youhave not received a confirmation email from us, emails ARE NOTALWAYS RELIABLE and we don’t alway receive them Mail: Latrobe Valley Express, “Attention Classifieds’’ 21 George Street, Morwell 3840 Newsagents: Most Newsagents act as our agents and will accept your advertisements up until the same deadlines as above Credit Card: When placing your advertisement over the phone or via email you charge it to your Mastercard or Visa Home Maintenance • Adult Services • Business Opportunities • Livestock • Garage Sales • Situations Vacant • classif MONDAY TO FRIDAY 9AM-5PM
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EarlyChildhood Educator (Casual)
Salary packagingand competitive sector remuneration
Casual positions availableacross Wellington &EastGippsland
As an Educator youwillbea member of ateamwho provides high-qualityearly childhood educationand care to children.
To be successful in thisroleyou willhave aCertificate IIIorDiploma in Childrens services (or equivalent).
Family Day Care Coordinator
We are seeking aFamily DayCare Coordinatorbased at Sale. Theposition is part-timeworking 3daysper week
Learnmore Formoreinformation visit:
Interested? If this soundslikeyou,apply todayat sting
For moreinformation please contact Kristin Kenwell, Area Manager Early Learning on (03)51529600.
Positionsclose: Monday16January 2023
Employment is subject to satisfactorycriminal history andVictorianWorking with Children Checks prior to commencementof employment. Unitingisproudtobean inclusiveemployerand is committed to keepingchildren andyoung people safe
Cars •
Impreza. White hatchback 123,000km. Manual. Excel cond. One female owner. Serviced regularly. $13000 ONO. Ph: 0458 592 394
Old or new, buying all makes and models. LMCT 11618. Ph 0455 776 443.
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O&M Pty Ltd are currently seeking to employ a Receptionist and Accounts Payable Officer to work at our head office in Morwell. Abackground working in construction, mining or heavy plant maintenance industries is preferred, but not essential. There is room to 'grow' in this role and it would be seen as an advantage if you possess skills and experience in other areas such as payroll.
To be successful you must:
● Pass an extensive pre-employment medical, including amusco-skeletal fitness test, drug and alcohol screens.
● Hold acurrent Victorian driver's licence.
● Have reception or administration experience.
● Have aminimum of two-years accounts payable experience.
● Be capable of using Microsoft excel and have experience using financial and accounting software packages such as Reckon.
● Be ateam player, who is reliable, has aflexible approach with apositive attitude and high attention to detail.
What the job entails:
● Greeting all visitors.
● Handling queries via phone, email and in person.
● Handling event coordination and catering for staff meetings.
● Transferring calls as necessary.
● Managing and ordering staff amenities, stationery and PPE
● Performing ad-hoc administration duties such as collecting the mail.
● Maintaining office services such as waste disposal.
● Ensuring messages and email correspondence into the Admin mailbox are passed to the appropriate staff member on atimelybasis.
● Booking pre-employmentmedicals and managing the process for on-boarding of new employees.
● Being able to prioritise your work and provide assistance to the staff and supervisors as required.
● Creating job numbers and purchase orders in Reckon.
● Accurately entering supplier invoices and employee expense claims into Reckon. ● Reconciling supplier invoices to
Phone Classifieds direct 5135 4455 DID YOU KNOW? The person most likely to buy your vehicle caravan or boat etc is a LOCAL person! So it makes sense to advertise in your local paper!! We have a great package at a great price for you! Ask about our Motoring Package WANT TO SELL YOUR CAR? We've got a great package at a great price foryou!! PHONE THE CLASSIFIEDS 5135 4455 WANTED NOW Caravans and pop-tops, 1970s -mid 2000 models. Tired of waiting for buyers? Phone now, cash paid. Affordable Caravans 0418 336 238, 5623 4782. STORAGE Caravan /car or boat, mid-long term, undercover and secure. Call Karla 0437 554 619. ROYAL Flair Comet 2003 caravan, 17'6'', v.g. cond. inside and out, rollout awning, reverse camera, rev./cycle air cond., TV, 6 mths reg., lift up dble bed $17,500. 0417 545 145. Caravans • URGENT Deliverers Wanted TRARALGON, MORWELL and NEWBOROUGH Would you liketodeliver the Latrobe Valley Express newspaper to individual homes on Tuesday and/orWednesdayafternoons in Traralgon, Morwell and Newborough. Please apply to: The CirculationManager0456 000 541 Please note: Children must be 11 years or over as we will need to apply for agovernment Child Employment Permit. Children younger than 11 cannot or will not be accepted. Adult deliverers also welcome GP1 632593
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please and attach arecent resume along with five years employment history with contactable referees. Closing date: Sunday 15 January 2023 CareersatLatrobe • ExecutiveManager CommonwealthGames-Temporary Full Time • LibraryServices Officer –Multiple Positions - sitions -Casual • SeniorSocial Planner-Permanent Full Time • Creative LatrobeProject OfficerOfficer-Temporary Full Time • Administration OfficerEmergency tion Management-Temporary Full Time • LatrobeCatchment Landcare Network Facilitator& Projects Officer- r& Projects Of cer-Temporary Part Time • Manager Sustainability &EnvironmentTemporaryFullTime • CoordinatorUrban Growth-Permanent Full Time • CoordinatorInformation &TechnologyPermanentFullTime • EarlyChildhood Teacher–Te r–Temporary and PermanentPartTime LatrobeCityCouncilhasexcitingopportunitiesforenthusiasticand forward-thinkingindividualswithapassionforprovidingexcellent servicestoourcommunity Forfurtherinformationincludinghow toapply,positiondescriptionsand applicationclosingdates,pleasevisitour Pleasenotesuccessfulapplicantswillbe requiredtoapplyforandsatisfactorilyobtain aNationalPoliceCheckandWorkingwith ChildrenCheck. BUY LOCAL and support locaL Support your community and contribute to a brighter future for the whole commuity
supplier statements and preparing supplier payments.
Morwell We currently have opportunities for experienced HR/ MR Drivers based at our Morwell depot delivering to anumber of areas across regional Victoria. Successful Applicants must: ● Hold acurrent HR/MR licence, ideally you will have aminimum of 12 months experience ● Have aproven safe driving record ● Provide your current VicRoads licence history ● Have ahigh level of communication and customer service skills ● Pass apre-employment medical (which includes a drug and alcohol test) and company induction ● Hold BFM accreditation or willing to obtain ● Have avalid forklift licence or willing to obtain If you enjoy operating modern equipment, are well presented, energetic, customer focussed and willing to develop with agrowing professional and safety focussed company please apply through Seek
Advertise your EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITYAD with us to MAKE THE MOST of your media coverage A billboard of job vacancies is delivered right to the door every Monday to potential candidates Keepingyou in touch withthe employmentmarket Classifieds 5135 4455 GP1 652 16 5 Motor Mart EXPRESS Situations Vacant • Situations Vacant • Situations Vacant • Situations Vacant • The Latrobe Valley Express, Wednesday, 4January, 2023 —Page 25
LANDY (Wilson), Pamela Joy (Pam).
Passed away peacefully at Dalkeith Hostel, Traralgon on 25 December 2022.
Aged 81 years Loved and loving wife of William (Bill) for over 60 years. Much loved mother and mother-in-law of Craig, Susanne and Neville, Judith and Peter and Warwick and Paula. Adored Nana to her six grandchildren and one great grandchild.
LANGSTAFF (nee Pickering), Edna Fay "Fay".
Passed away peacefully, surrounded by her loving family at home, on Friday, 30 December 2022.
Aged 96 years Loved and loving wife of Jack (dec.).
Loved mother of Gail, John, Glenn, Cynthia, Neil, Leon, Kerrie and Leesa and their partners.
Nanny, Grandma and Old Nanny to her adored grandchildren and great grandchildren.
WATSON, Donald (Don).
1942 -2022.
Don't remember me with sadness, Don't remember me with tears, Remember all the laughter, We've shared throughout the years.
Now Iamcontented, That my life it was worthwhile, Knowing that Ipassed along the way, Imadesomebody smile.
WHITELAW, Geoffrey.
Passed away peacefully at home on Tuesday, 27 December 2023.
BIGGINS, Judith Faye (Judy). Passed away suddenly on 23 December 2022.
Beloved and loving wife of Bill (dec.). Loving and caring mother of Deborah and Wayne. Beloved daughter of Nancy (dec.) and Ray (dec.), sister of Rob (dec.) and Ken, and sister-in-law of Chris.
Dearly lovedand sadly missed
To my Mum, Thank you for the love and joy you gave me and for always being there for me. Iwill be forever grateful for everything you taught me andthe wonderful adventures and fun times we shared together. Iwas in awe and greatly admired you for your strength and independent spirit. Imiss you beautiful smile, wit and laughter. Love always, Deb.
So sad to hear of the passing of your mum, Deb. Sleep peacefully dear friend Faye Evans and family.
CLOTHIER, Kevin George.
Born 22/8/1941 Died 23/12/2022
Aged 81 years
Dearly beloved husband of Penny.
Dearly beloved father of Mark, Sandi, Cheryl, and Jason (Jarvid).
Loving Poppy to Erin (dec.), Courtney, Gemma, Jakob and Dannii. Great Grandpa of Rosalina and Noah.
Loved father-in-law of Paul and Anthony.
Rest In Peace
FISHER, Dorothy June.
On Thursday 22 December, at the age of 93, June passed away peacefully at Latrobe Valley Village.
Much loved mother and mother-in-law of Bruce and Beverley Fisher. Mum you will be sadly missed.
We would sincerely like to thank all the staff and especially her carers at Latrobe Valley Village. They all loved mum's humour and treated her with great care, very much appreciated.
Rest in peace Mum
GRIGOLETTO (Grando), Divina. 17/4/1918 to 31/12/2022. In her 105th year Passed away at Andrews House with her family by her side.
Wife of Giacomo (Jim, dec.). Mother of Delfina and Yvonne. Mother-inlaw of Felice (dec.) and Elio. Grandmotherof Nadia, Ray, Sonia, Dino, Anthony and Tania. Great Grandmother of 16. Great Great Grandmother of 1. Now In God's Care
HAMMET, Michelle.
Michelle was amuch loved and valued member of LRPS for 34 years, she has taught hundreds of students over her teaching career. Michelle had awealth of experience and awarm compassion for the students that she taught and the staff she worked with. She will be greatly missed Liddiard Road Primary School.
MISKLE, Lee Michele. 25/12/1955 -28/12/2022. It is with profound sadness that we advise the passing of Lee Michele Miskle.
Devoted wife to Greg and mother to their children Karl, Craig, Erik, and Grant.
Loving grandmother to Hugo, George, and Audrey. Beloved by her extended family, many friends, and colleagues.
For Funeral details please visit:
She was ours, and we are hers
Mum potters no more in the garden, And strolls no more down the path.
Always so loving, thoughtful and kind, what beautiful memories you leave behind.
Abeautiful Mum and Nan loved forever Your daughter Gail and Dusty, Nan to Mandie and Sid, Old Nan to Tye, Brad and Dayna. Nan to Brett and family.
"In Dad's loving arms"
Much loved mum of John and Julie. Nan to Michael and Franki, Steven, Thomas and Lizi. Old Nan to Rhys, Axel and Paddy. Thanks Mum for your devotion, caring and compassion. Showing us how to work hard and be willing to help others. You were an absolutely terrific Mum.
When you are walking down the street, And you've got me on your mind.
I'm walking in your footsteps, Only half astep behind. So please don't be unhappy, Just because I'm out of sight, Remember that I'm with you, Each morning noon and night.
My heart is broken. Your loving wife of 59 years.
My Dad, wise, selfless, loving and humble. So many laughs and good times. Thank you for giving me agolden childhood and being there for me as an adult. Thank you for loving my own family. We love you. We miss you. You live in our hearts.
Donny, Simone, Donal and Lily.
Much loved husband of Margaret. Loved father and father-in-lawof Jeanette (dec.), Neil and Jo, Russell and Trudi, Sandra and Mark. "Gully" to Joel, Stacey, Matthew and Tayla, Jake and Britt, Chloe and Jayden, Liam and Charleigh, Gabrielle and Lachlan, and great grandchildren Callum, Lola, Lucy, Ella, Skyla and Hugo. Loved byall
WHITELAW, Geoffrey. Of Hazelwood/Yinnar. Eldest child of Charles and Jean Whitelaw (both dec.).
Geoff was abrother to Helen and Jack Heesom (both dec.), Barbara and Ron (dec.) Hoghton, Margaret and Murray De Lahay.
Forever in our thoughts
HAVAS, Yianni John. The Funeral Service for Mr Yianni John Havas will be held at the Dormition of Our Lady Greek Orthodox Church, 42 Elgin Street, Morwell on MONDAY (9 January 2023) at 11am.
Following the Service the cortege will proceed to Trafalgar Cemetery, Cemetery Road, Trafalgar East for Interment.
The Funeral Service to celebrate the life of Raymond Charles Wearne will take place at Warwick Funerals Chapel, 48 Willi Street, Warwick (QLD) on (12 January 2023) commencing at 11am.
Alternatively, the service will be available via live stream, please go to: tribute-centre
BALCOMBE, Marg. 2/1/2016.
Those we love don't go away, they walk beside us every day.
Unseen, unheard but always near, still loved, still missed and very dear. Love always Patto XX.
Passed away suddenly at the RoyalMelbourne Hospital Carlton on 22 December 2022 surrounded by his loving family. Aged 30 years
Dearly loved son of Fiona and Dale. Stepson of Tracy.
Loved by his family, Kate and their children Bailey and Amelia. Brother of Jessie and Lilly. Grandson of Leo (dec.) and Violette, Gil and Elsje (dec.). Loved nephew and cousin to their families For funeral details please see: latrobevalley
Died 28/12/2022.
Aged 74 years
Precious partner to Gayle. Much loved dad to Natalie and Mikala.
Great friend to Ryan and Ashley, Kallan and Laura, Russ and Grace.
Adored PopPop to Lily, Archer, Xander, Darcy, Myles and Maxi.
Greg had agift to provide music, fun and laughter wherever he went. He lived by his belief that "the most wasted day is one on which we have not laughed".
Such an inspirational, talented and passionate man who so much wanted everyone to laugh and enjoy life. We will miss your big beautiful smile and vibrant personality.
At Greg's request there will be aPrivate Cremation. There will be aLife Celebration on 21 January 2023. Details to follow.
Sadly missed by all Our memories of you will never die
To our awesome Mum, Nan and Great Nan. We miss your sharp wit and huge heart. Forever in our minds and hearts.
Glenn and Jan, Jay, Stef, Briah and Chelsea, Haley, Ziva and Diesel.
My Beautiful Mum, NanOld Nan, So many lovely memories of our special times together, The love, laughter and quiet chats that we shared Iwill hold in my heart forever.
We love and miss you so much.
At peace with her soul-mate, Dad 'God Bless' Cindy and Jim, Ben and Helina, Cassie and John, Wes, Will, Jye and Ollie.
Loved mother of Neil and Jude, grandmother to Joel and Alana, Rohan and Shelley, Jo and Chris, Meg and Emma, Daniel and Bianca. Old Nan to 11 great grandchildren. As quietly as you slipped from this world you have left athunderous hole in our hearts.
Always loved, Always remembered God looked around His garden and found an empty space, He looked upon the Earth and found atired face, He put his arms around you and lifted you to rest. The garden must be beautiful, because He only takes the best.
Always in our hearts
Your son Leon and Selena, Nan to Melissa and Jasmine, Old Nan to Zain and Mia (dec.).
Our beautiful Mum, Nan, Grandma and Old Nan.
Reunited with Dad. It was an honour and privilege to be able to say you were ours and we were yours.
Love and cherished forever and always, Kerrie, Chris, Jack, Alexandra, Alby, Scout, Archie, Matt, Tayla, Rowe and Emily.
"Here's muck in your eye''
The moment that you left my heart was split in two; One side was filled with memories, the other side died with you.
Ilay awake at night when the world is fast asleep; Taking awalk down memory lane tears upon my cheek.
Remembering you is easy, Ido it every day; but missing you is heartache that never goes away.
Ihold you tightly in my heart and there you will remain;
Life has gone on without you but will never be the same.
With our enduring love, our beloved Pop-Pop, Shell and Sam.
Poppy, the boys and I were the luckiest people in this world, to have you to call our pop/Great Pop. Always so wise, courteous and caring, the best pop, dad and husband.
You're the exact man I hope my boys turn out to be. Your contagious laugh and jokes never failed to put asmile on my face.
Ihope to keep making you proud Pop!
Ilove and miss you, rest easy XX.
Danica, Tony, Brax and Tayte.
Much loved brother-in-law of Helen and Charlie (dec.). Dearly loved uncle of Denise, Heather, Cheryl and families. We have wonderful memories of a very kind and caring brother-in-law and uncle.
WATSON, Donald (Donnie). Your actions were always kind, Agenerous hand and an active mind.
Anxious to please and loath to offend, Aloving brother-in-law, And afaithful friend. We'll all miss you so very much.
Your loving sister-in-law Ena, brother-in-law Paul and Joanne, David (dec.), Andrew and Judy.
WHITELAW Gully. The Yinnar Football and Netball Club express their deepest sympathy to the Whitelaw family on the passing of Gully. Gully was apast player and along with his family has been along time supporter and volunteer of the YFNC. Gully will be sadly missed.
The Funeral Service and Committal for Cremation for Mrs Judith (Judy) Faye Biggins will be held at the Gippsland Memorial Park, Rose Chapel, Cemetery Dve, Traralgon THURSDAY (5 January 2023) commencing at 1pm.
Judy's Service will also be livestreamed. To view the livestream, please visit our website and go to the live streaming tab.
MOE-MORWELL-TRARALGON TRARALGON 5174 2258 Place your tribute on
The Funeral Service and Committal for Cremation for Mr Kevin Clothier will be held at St Luke's Anglican Church, 47A South Street, Moe on TUESDAY (10 January 2023) commencing at 2pm.
Place your tribute on
Requiem Mass for the repose of the soul of Mrs Divina Grigoletto will be celebrated at St John's Catholic Church, Waterloo Rd, Trafalgar THURSDAY (5 January 2023) at 2pm. At the conclusion of Mass, aPrivate Family Burial will follow.
LANDY. AMemorial Service for Mrs Pamela Joy Landy will be held at Latrobe Valley Funeral Services Chapel, 260 Princes H'wy, Traralgon WEDNESDAY (4 January 2023) commencing at 2.30pm.
Preceding the Memorial Service, aGraveside and Burial Service will be held at Traralgon Cemetery, Gippsland Memorial Park, Traralgon on Wednesday (4 January 2023) commencing at 1pm. Please wear floral in tribute to Pam.
Pamela's Memorial Service will be livestreamed from 2.15pm. To view the livestream please visit our website. latrobevalley
MOE-MORWELL-TRARALGON TRARALGON 5174 2258 Place your tribute on
The Funeral Service and Committal for Cremation of Mr Adrian O'Brien will be held at Latrobe Valley Funeral Services Chapel, 260 Princes Highway, Traralgon on MONDAY (9 January 2023) commencing at 2pm.
MOE-MORWELL-TRARALGON TRARALGON 5174 2258 Place your tribute on
The Funeral Service of Mr Geoffrey Whitelaw will be held at Yinnar and District Memorial Hall, 14 Main Street, Yinnar on THURSDAY (5 January 2023) commencing at 1.30pm. Following the Service, the Funeral will leave for the Hazelwood Cemetery.
To view the livestream, visit: latrobevalley and follow the prompts.
Place your tribute on
The Funeral Service and Committal for Cremation of Mr Donald Watson will be at Latrobe Valley Funeral Services Chapel, 260 Princes Highway, Traralgon on TUESDAY (10 January 2023) commencing at 11am.
In lieu of flowers, donations to Peter Mac would be appreciated. Envelopes available at the service. To view the livestream, visit: latrobevalley and follow the prompts.
TRARALGON 5174 2258 Place your tribute on
Funeral Directors
CALDWELL, James. Passed away 27/12/2021. We think about you always, We talk about you still, You have never been forgotten and never will. We hold you close within our hearts, And there you will remain, To walk and guide us through our lives, Until we meet again. In loving memory From Maureen, Janet, Alison, Daniel and Karen.
SIMMONS, Greg. Our great friend and fellow musician is no longer with us, but his cheeky smile and happy disposition will live on forever. His silver shoes are off and he's surfing those big waves at the Prom. Thanks for the good times and the wonderful memories.
Bill and Pam Lawler.
Remembering your beautiful blue eyes, your hilarious wit, our hugs and your special kisses.
Home is now so quiet, we miss you, we love you, so proud and privileged that you were my Mum and our Nan.
Miss you always Leesa,Greg, Grace, Hannah and Stan.
The Funeral Service of Mrs Edna Fay Langstaff will be held at St James Anglican Church, 100 Grey Street, Traralgon on THURSAY (5 January 2023) commencing at 1.30 pm.
At the conclusion of the Service the Funeral will leave for the Traralgon Cemetery, Gippsland Memorial Park.
Fay's Service will be livestreamed. To view the livestream visit our website.
MOE-MORWELL-TRARALGON TRARALGON 5174 2258 Place your tribute on
Family owned and locally based Funeral Directors We bring35yearsexperience to families in Traralgon, Morwell, Churchill, Moe, Trafalgar, Korumburraand surroundingareas.
Practical, sensible and affordable. We offer bothat-needand pre-paidfunerals. All female funerals areavailable. Dignityand respect,always CREMATIONPACKAGES FROM CREMATIONPACKAGESFROM $2750 For24/7support 0405 669 532
• MOE 5126 1111 MORWELL 5134 4937 TRARALGON 5174 2258 www latrobevalleyfunerals com au Contact our caring highly experienced and qualified team or visit our website for more details More than local Funeral Directors Latrobe Valley Funeral Services has been helping the local community for more than 70 years Our Chapels are fittedwith the latest visual technology including the option to livestream a Funeral fromany location. Alargefunction room is available adjacent to each chapel to provide catering and refreshment facilities. G P 1 3 9 1 1 5 MARK RIDDLE Funeral Consultant DAVID HASTIE General Manager ALLAN WORTHY Funeral Consultant MYRA KRAFFT Funeral Consultant STEVE EVANS Funeral Consultant
Deaths •
EXPRESS Personals In Memoriam • Funerals • Funerals • Deaths • Deaths • Deaths • Deaths • Page 26 —The Latrobe Valley Express, Wednesday, 4January, 2023
Round 1, April 1
Traralgon vLeongatha Moe vMorwell Wonthaggi vSale Bairnsdale vMaffra(T) Drouin vWarragul (Sunday,April 2)
Round 2, April 15
Leongatha vWonthaggi Maffrav Traralgon Warragul vMoe Morwell vDrouin Sale vBairnsdale (Sunday,April 16)
Round 3, April 22
Wonthaggi vMoe Warragul vLeongatha Bairnsdale vDrouin Sale vMaffra Traralgon vMorwell (N)
Round 4, April 29
Drouin vTraralgon Morwell vWarragul Maffrav Wonthaggi Moe vBairnsdale Leongatha vSale
Round 5, May 6
Traralgon vWarragul Wonthaggi vDrouin MaffravMorwell Leongatha vBairnsdale Sale vMoe
Round 6, May 13
Morwell vLeongatha Warragul vMaffra Moe vTraralgon Drouin vSale Bairnsdale vWonthaggi
Round 7, May 27
Bairnsdale vTraralgon Sale vMorwell Wonthaggi vWarragul Leongatha vMoe MaffravDrouin
Round 8, June 3
Warragul vSale Morwell vBairnsdale Traralgon vWonthaggi MaffravLeongatha Drouin vMoe
Round 9, June 10
Bairnsdale vWarragul Wonthaggi vMorwell Sale vTraralgon Leongatha vDrouin Moe vMaffra
Round 10, June 17
Traralgon vDrouin Warragul vMorwell Wonthaggi vMaffra Bairnsdale vMoe Sale vLeongatha
Round 11, June 24
Morwell vTraralgon Drouin vBairnsdale Moe vWonthaggi Leongatha vWarragul
Round 12, July 8
Wonthaggi vLeongatha Traralgon vMaffra Morwell vMoe Warragul vDrouin (Sunday,July 9) Bairnsdale vSale (Sunday,July 9)
Round 13, July 15
Leongatha vTraralgon Sale vWonthaggi Moe vWarragul Drouin vMorwell MaffravBairnsdale
Round 14, July 22
Warragul vTraralgon Drouin vWonthaggi Morwell vMaffra Bairnsdale vLeongatha Moe vSale
Round 15, July 29
Leongatha vMorwell Maffrav Warragul Traralgon vMoe Sale vDrouin Wonthaggi vBairnsdale
Round 16, August 5 &12
Warragul vWonthaggi (Saturday,August 5)
Morwell vSale (Saturday,August 5) Moe vLeongatha (Saturday,August 12) Drouin vMaffra (Saturday,August 12) Traralgon vBairnsdale (Saturday,August 12)
Round 17, August 19
Sale vWarragul Bairnsdale vMorwell Wonthaggi vTraralgon Drouin vLeongatha MaffravMoe
Round 18, August 26
Warragul vBairnsdale Morwell vWonthaggi
Traralgon vSale Leongatha vMaffra Moe vDrouin FINALS
Round 1, April 1
Rosedale vGlengarry YYN vWoodside Churchill vYarram Sale Cityv TTU Cowwarr vGormandale BYE-Heyfield
Round 2, April 7+ April 15
Yarram vYYN (7/4) Churchill vRosedale (15/4)
TTU vWoodside (15/4) Gormandale vSale City (15/4)
GlengarryvHeyfield (15/4)
Round 3, April 22
Heyfield vChurchill Rosedale vYYN Yarram vTTU Woodside vGormandale Sale CityvCowwarr BYE-Glengarry
Round 4, April 29
YYN vHeyfield TTU vRosedale Gormandale vYarram Cowwarr vWoodside Churchill vGlengarry BYE-Sale City
Round 5, May 6
Heyfield vTTU Yarram vCowwarr Woodside vSale City Glengarryv YYN BYE-Churchill, Rosedale,Gormandale
Round 6, May 13
Gormandale vHeyfield Cowwarr vRosedale Sale Cityv Yarram TTU vGlengarry YYN vChurchill BYE- Woodside
Round 7, May 20
Heyfield vCowwarr Rosedale vSale City Yarram vWoodside GlengarryvGormandale Churchill vTTU BYE- YYN
Round 8, May 27
Sale CityvHeyfield Woodside vRosedale Cowwarr vGlengarry Gormandale vChurchill TTU vYYN
BYE- Yarram
Round 9, June 3
Heyfield vWoodside Rosedale vYarram GlengarryvSale City Churchill vCowwarr YYN vGormandale BYE-TTU
Round 10, June 17
Yarram vHeyfield Woodside vGlengarry Sale CityvChurchill Cowwarr vYYN Gormandale vTTU BYE-Rosedale
Round 11, June 24
Heyfield vRosedale
Glengarryv Yarram Churchill vWoodside YYN vSale City TTU vCowwarr BYE-Gormandale
Round 12, July 1
GlengarryvRosedale Yarram vChurchill Woodside vYYN TTU vSale City Gormandale vCowwarr BYE-Heyfield
Round 13, July 8
Heyfield vGlengarry Rosedale vChurchill YYN vYarram Woodside vTTU Sale CityvGormandale BYE-Cowwarr
Round 14, July 15
Churchill vHeyfield YYN vRosedale Gormandale vWoodside Cowwarr vSale City BYE -Glengarry,TTU, Yarram
Round 15, July 22
Heyfield vYYN Rosedale vTTU Yarram vGormandale Woodside vCowwarr GlengarryvChurchill BYE-Sale City
Round 16, July 29
TTU vHeyfield Rosedale vGormandale Cowwarr vYarram Sale Cityv Woodside YYN vGlengarry BYE-Churchill
Round 17, August 5
Heyfield vGormandale Rosedale vCowwarr Yarram vSale City Glengarryv TTU Churchill vYYN BYE– Woodside
Round 18, August 12
Cowwarr vHeyfield Sale CityvRosedale Woodside vYarram Gormandale vGlengarry TTU vChurchill BYE- YNN
Round 1, April 22
Morwell East vHill End Tarwin vMDU
TooravMirboo North Boolarrav Thorpdale StonyCreek vFish Creek Yinnar vNewborough BYE-Foster
Round 2, April 29 Foster vTarwin Hill End vToora MDU vBoolarra Mirboo North vStony Creek Thorpdale vYinnar Fish Creek vNewborough BYE-Morwell East
Round 3, May 6
TooravMorwell East BoolarravFoster
StonyCreek vHill End Yinnar vMDU Newborough vMirboo North Fish Creek vThorpdale BYE-Tarwin
Round 4, May 13 Tarwin vBoolarra Morwell East vStony Creek Foster vYinnar Hill End vNewborough MDU vFish Creek Mirboo North vThorpdale BYE-Toora
Round 5, May 20
StonyCreek vToora Yinnar vTarwin Newborough vMorwell East Fish Creek vFoster Thorpdale vHill End Mirboo North vMDU BYE-Boolarra
Round 6, May 27 Boolarrav Yinnar TooravNewborough Tarwin vFishCreek Morwell East vThorpdale Foster vMirboo North Hill End vMDU BYE-Stony Creek Round 7, June 3
Newborough vStony Creek Fish Creek vBoolarra Thorpdale vToora Mirboo North vTarwin MDU vMorwell East Hill End vFoster BYE- Yinnar
Yinnar vFish Creek StonyCreek vThorpdale Boolarrav Mirboo North Toorav MDU TarwinvHill End Morwell East vFoster BYE– Newborough
Round 9, June 17
Thorpdale vNewborough Mirboo North vYinnar MDU vStony Creek Hill End vBoolarra Foster vToora Morwell East vTarwin BYE- Fish Creek
Round 10, June 24
Fish Creek vMirboo North Newborough vMDU Yinnar vHill End StonyCreek vFoster Boolarrav Morwell East Toorav Tarwin
Round 11, July 1
MDU vThorpdale
Hill End vFish Creek Foster vNewborough Morwell East vYinnar Tarwin vStony Creek TooravBoolarra
BYE-Mirboo North
Round 12, July 8
Mirboo North vHill End Thorpdale vFoster Fish Creek vMorwell East Newborough vTarwin Yinnar vToora StonyCreek vBoolarra BYE-MDU
Round 13, July 15
Foster vMDU Morwell East vMirboo North Tarwin vThorpdale TooravFish Creek
BoolarravNewborough StonyCreek vYinnar
BYE-Hill End
Round 14, July 22
Hill End vMorwell East MDU vTarwin Mirboo North vToora Thorpdale vBoolarra Newborough vYinnar
BYE-Fish Creek,Foster, StonyCreek
Round 15, July 29
Tarwin vFoster TooravHill End BoolarravMDU Fish Creek vStony Creek Yinnar vThorpdale BYE-Mirboo North, Morwell East, Newborough
Round 16, August 5
Morwell East vToora Foster vFishCreek MDU vMirboo North Newborough vBoolarra Thorpdale vStony Creek BYE- Hill End,Tarwin, Yinnar
Round17, August 12
StonyCreek vMorwell East Boolarrav Tarwin Yinnar vFoster Newborough vHill End Mirboo North vFish Creek BYE- MDU,Thorpdale, Toora
Round 18, August 19
TarwinvNewborough Fish Creek vYinnar Foster vStony Creek MDU vToora Thorpdale vMorwell East Hill End vMirboo North BYE- Boolarra FINALS
Week 1 (August 26-27) Week 2 (September 2-3) PreliminaryFinal (September 9) Grand Final (September 16)
Express, Wednesday, 4January, 2023 —Page 27
Latrobe Valley
Semi Final
Semi Final (Sunday,September 10)
(Saturday,September 16)
(Saturday,September 2) Elimination
(Sunday,September 3) 2nd
(Saturday,September 9) 1st
FINALS SERIES Qualifying Final (Saturday,August 19) Elimination Final (Sunday,August 20) 2nd Semi Final (Saturday,August 26) 1st Semi Final (Sunday,August 27) PreliminaryFinal (Saturday,September 2) Grand Final (Saturday,September 9)
Clubs to benefit from the ‘Wow Factor’
AS the dust settles on the euphoric scenes from The Meadows followingthe runningofthe $1.65m ThePhoenix, all 13 Victorian greyhound clubs are set to be major beneficiaries of Wow She’s Fast’s record-breaking victory.
Sportsbet, WowShe’s Fast’s slot-ownerand GRV’swagering sponsorship partner,has announced that $350,000 of the $1 million first prize purse willbeallocated to an ‘Innovation Fund’ for clubs.
The fundwill be made available for clubs to drawontoenable them to create anddeliver new
THERE is aGod -Mid Gippy andNorth Gippy Grand Finals are on separate days this year.
Fixturesfromthe Gippsland League,Mid GippslandFootball-Netball League,and North Gippsland Football-Netball League have been released.
While the sequence of events usetogo: Mid Gippy Grand Final/North Gippy/Gippy, this year, North Gippsland will be the first decider staged.
The North Gippsland Grand Final is scheduled for Saturday, September 9.
Mid Gippslandlooks to be following the same finals structure as 2022, in which the top six qualify.
The top-six system means only the top two teams are given adouble chance.
The catch-22 though is you might only play one game in three weeks.
While theoretically this should giveteams a chance to freshen up, in the case of Newborough last season, afinal round bye and subsequent semi-final win meant they went into the Grand Final having only playedone gamefor the best partofa month.
Hardly theidealpreparation
For the home-and-away stakes in Mid Gippsland,
Trafalgar proam is back on
AFTER a10-year hiatus, Trafalgar Golf Club is once again hosting aPro-Am Tournament on Tuesday, January 17, 2023.Professional golfers and amateurs alike will come together to play on one of Gippsland’s premier courses, with the pros vying to takehome the cash prize at the end of the day. Many amateur prizes will be on offer for the morning and afternoon players.
Trafalgar Golf Club has been struggling against very wet conditions lately, as have all the local courses, but the grounds staff and volunteers have the course looking in mint condition, ready for the big event.
Trafalgar GolfClubwishes to thank Community Bank Trafalgar &District for jumping on board as major sponsor of the event. We alsothank the many other local businesses who are the supporting sponsors for the day.Events likethis cannotgoahead without local support, so the golf club are tremendously thankful to thosewho are sponsoring this year.
The event features two sessions, morning and afternoon, and all thoseplaying willenjoy atwo-course meal.
Thebar will be open, therewill be abarbecue running all day, and spectators are welcome to come along, free of charge, and view agreat day of golfing action.
Trafalgar Golf Club is keen to show off their stunning golf course to the players and visitors on the day, and look forward to the event again becoming aregularfeatureon the golfing calendar.
There are still amateur places available,so we encourage anyone interested in playing in thepro-am, to head to the Trafalgar Golf Club website,, to obtain an entry form. Entry fee is only $50 which includes your meal.
Trafalgar Golf Club captain, Peter Moss, is available on 0432 572 521 for any inquiries regarding the pro-am.
and innovative initiatives to engage more deeply with club members, patrons and participants and to foster stronger community partnerships while alsodriving higher attendancesand enhancing the on-course eventexperience.
Sportsbet’schief financial officer, Nathan Arundell, says this contribution is all about supporting the growth of greyhound racing.
“The opportunity for Sportsbet to give something backtothe greyhound racing community in Victoria and do what we can to contribute to the sustainability of the sport was an easy decision to make,” Arundell said.
“Sportsbet is committed to further growing
greyhound racing in theregions, and we are looking forward to working with GRV and the clubs to support that.
“The experience of being trackside to witness the win of Wow She’sFast was absolutely exhilarating and it is something that everybody attending a greyhound meeting in Victoria should be able to enjoy and Sportsbet are thrilled to be able to play arole in supporting that.
GRV chief executive, Stuart Laing, says Sportsbet’s contribution will be awelcome boon for clubs in Victoria.
“Sportsbet are already proving to be agreat partner for GRV, our clubs and Victorian greyhound
racing, and investing apercentage of the winnings from their second consecutive The Phoenix victory in supporting our clubs is aperfect example of the strength of that partnership.
“Getting people back to the track, particularly in regional Victoria to experience the magic of greyhound racing is vital for the sport, and its growth and prosperity and this innovation fund is akey step to achieving that while also enhancing our community engagement,” Laing said.
“We look forwardtoworking with Sportsbet and ourclubs on how we will best utilise these funds to effectivelymarketand promote their venues and feature meetingstocreateeven more excitement andgrowthfor the sport.”
it is justastraight 18 week season with no leaguewide or public holiday breaks. Theonly breaks come from byes, an unavoidable situation in a13-team competition.
Mirboo North AGrade netball, always astrong side,may have drawn their bye at agoodtimethree weeks out from finals.
The Tigers lost apulsating Grand Final last seasonafter the siren, and couldsee the first week back from the bye as the ideal time to begin their charge to redemption.
Staying with netball, Woodside had asimilarly thrilling victory to take the North Gippycrown last season, getting home in extra time.
The Wildcats have an interesting start to the season, travelling to play Yallourn Yallourn North and Traralgon Tyers United.
Those two teams played off in the seniorfootball Grand Final last year -and only play each other once next season.
Perhaps I’mbeing too observant, but that seems abit odd.
The Gippy League netballGrand Final wasn’t quite as close as the other two mentioned. Morwell won easily, and for sheer quality on display, the Tigersmay well havehad the best local netball team ever assembled.
Having completed an undefeated season, and won every game by an average of 20 goals, Iposed the question: How would Morwell AGrade go in VNL?
The generalconsensus is they would be about top two in Division 1.
For context, the next level up is Championship, which by allreports is ahugejump, so naturally, a local footy/netball teamwouldcompete accordingly.
The GippslandLeague fixture looks to be very well planned for season 2023, with ample breaks ensuring the risk of player burnout is lowered.
Taking in Easter,there is two whole-round byes, and asplit round two rounds before finals.
So, players and officialsessentially have four weeks off spread over 18 rounds/21 weeks.
When you break it down like that, there really shouldn’t be any reason for players not to be fully committed -you are going to get abreak pretty much every five weeks.
GippslandLeaguecoachestooshouldn’tbeexempt, as with so many breaks, therecan be no excusefor poor player management, or for not keeping people
Thursday29th December,Stableford.
AGrade: ACollins (13) 41pts
BGrade: JKus,(18)38pts
DTL: PSmart40, BKearns,S Beitz, MPayne,S Mc
Kenzie 36pts C/B
NTP: 6th, TimTraill, 16th ALiebe
Birdies: 4th DBeyer, RScurlock, 6th, JMcFarlane, TimTraill, 16th ALiebe
Saturday31st December,Stableford.
AGrade: SMcInnes,(3) 37pts
BGrade: NWhichello(18) 40pts
CGrade: CLePage (27) 36pts C/B
DTL: DJerram 39, NRutledge 37,RHoskin, W Reynolds,A Soplakow,SBeitz 36 C/B NTP: 4th TBradshaw, 6th TBradshaw, 13th DJerram, 16th TBradshaw
Birdies: SMcInnes,P Woodall, 6th SMcInnes
Friday,December 30th 2022, Open Men’s&Ladies
AGrade Winner: GarryJansen 39 pts C/B BGrade Winner: Roger Barnes 39 pts
DTL’s: Glen Roberts 39, MatthewSilk38, Annelie De Villiers38, Leigh Winter 38, PeterGriffin 37,Hoppy Ing 37,Russ Grant 37,MatthewNorthe 36, Darryl
Foresight: Players will have plentyoftimetoget away in theGippsland League in 2023.The numberscorrelatetothe amount of games playedbeforeabreak.
engaged -you will only have players for five week blocks at amaximum anyway.
Coaches in the MGFNL and NGFNL may have already looked at the major league fixture, and identified afew dates to assist them.
If you are ahalf-clued on MidGippyorNorth Gippy coach, you will know that the Gippsland
League has abye on May 20, and clearances are open until the end of June.
And as timing is everything, the Gippsland League isn’tplaying on July1 -the day after clearances close.
Better book the bus to Bairnsdale and Wonthaggi now.
Nearest to Pin: 4th SteveCunningham, 8th Wally Wilkinson, 14th Murray Donaldson Saturday, 31 December 2022 Mens Stableford
Grade AWinners: A-1 Wilson, Graeme (10) 39
Grade BWinners: B-1Colvin, Anthony(14)39
Grade CWinners: C-1 Powell, Vincent (21) 41
Place Getters: 3Shaw, Geoff 39 C/B,5Stephens, Simon 38 C/B,6Donnison, Terry38C/B,7 Wilkinson, Wally38C/B,8Panozzo, Gavan38C/B,9Pickard, Andrew 38, 10 Gaul,Joshua 37 C/B,11Skicko,Nick37, 12 Howard,Bernard36C/B,13Stephens,Peter 36 C/B
Great Score: Murray Donaldson (Eagle) @3,Neale Houston (Birdie) @4,Peter Stephens (Birdie) @14, NickSkicko (Birdie) @14, Simon Stephens (Birdie) @ 14,Graham Geisler (Birdie) @14
Nearest to Pin: 4th Neale Houston, 8th Brian Forte, 14th PeterStephens
–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––Page 28 —The Latrobe Valley Express, Wednesday, 4January, 2023
Blackshaw36C/B Birdies: 5th: Wayne Robbins, AlfJessup[, Jamie Ricardo,DaveWatt, StuartBrooks 11th:Russ Grant 13th:MatthewSilk, Eric Beveridge,Phil Town, Peter Kane 15th:Peter Griffin, Liam Weir Eagle: 6th: WhitneyHiriaki Saturday, December 31st 2022, Stableford AGrade Winner: Chad McKie 42 pts BGrade Winner: Nathan Dart 43 pts DTL’s: Harold McNair 40, Graeme Grant 40, Symon Lee 40, Jeff Gray 40, Bruce Aplin 39, Tony Shearer 39, MarkAndo 39, Ian Charge 39 NTP’s: 2nd: PeterBurghardt 5th: Keith Owen -Di Moody 11th:Tim Mackenlay13th: Ross Anderson 15th: George Petkovic Eagle: 6th: WarwickGriggs,Nathan Dart MOE Wednesday, 28 December 2022 Winner: R. Allan 18pts Thursday, 29 December 2022 OPEN Medley Stableford Grade AWinners: A- 1Weir,Liam (7) 41 Grade BWinners: B- 1Cunningham, Steve(18)40 C/B Grade CWinners: C-1 Azzopardi, Nato(24) 43 Place Getters: 4Robinson, Aaron 40, 5Lang,Marj 39 C/B,6 Clarke,Loretta 39 C/B 7Backman, Chrissie 39, 8Griggs,Ryan38C/B,9 Thomson, Bruce 38, 10 Geisler,Graham 38 C/B,11 Atkins,Matthew38 C/B,12 Coffin, Phillip 38 C/B, 13 Wilkinson, Wally38, 14 Edebohls,Jack37C/B, 15 Shaw,Geoff37 C/B,16 Cook, David 37 C/B,17 Leworthy,Rodney37C/B,18 Griggs,Daryl 37 C/B, 19 Colvin, Anthony37C/B,20 Johnson, Tony 37 C/B, 21 Bassman, Aaron 37 C/B,22 Stanlake, Helen 37,23 Gauci, Anthony36C/B GreatScore: Aaron Heafield (Eagle) @2,Lee Wilson (Eagle) @3,Liam Weir (Birdie) @8,Steve Cunningham (Birdie) @4,WallyWilkinson (Birdie) @ 8, MatthewSilk (Birdie) @4,Kevin Brien (Birdie) @ 8, Murray Donaldson (Birdie) @14, Paul Andrijczak (Birdie) @14, KayeMiddlemiss (Birdie) @4,Kevin Clark(Birdie) @4
down local footy/netballfixtures
Melbourneset for homecoming
Homecoming: Traralgon’s Jade Melbourne is set to come backwhere it all began, whenher Universityof CanberraCapitals take on theDeakin Melbourne Boomers.
photograph contributed
TDCA aroundthe corner
Gippslanders will be set to watchthe Deakin Melbourne Boomers take on the University of Canberra Capitals
Round 10 action, on Saturday, January 14.
At the time of writing, the Boomers sit atop of the league, whileonly sustaining the singular defeat, while on the other end of the ladder sit the Capitals, 0-11 from its first 11 games.
Traralgon will welcome the return of Jade Melbourne, though she plays for the Capitals
Melbourne was drafted to WNBA side SeattleStorm with the 33rd pick of the 2022 WNBA draftheld in New YorkCity on April 11.
While in the WNBAoff-season,Melbourne will compete for the Capitals in the meantime to remain match fit.
This WNBL season, Melbourne is averaging11.5pointsper game, 4.6 rebounds per game and 4.3 assists per game for the Capitals.
The GRISShosted an NBL match late last year between the South East Melbourne Phoenix and Sydney Kings, whichprovided an entertaining overtime thriller for the 3000 people in attendance.
Traralgon will be looking to reach the heights of that encounter, packing out the GRISS once again for its welcome of the WNBL.
Tickets are available at https://wnbl. basketball/tickets/
Ousted after Traralgon tirade
SYDNEY Kings’ coach Chase Buford was ineligible to participateinFriday’s match against the Tasmania JackJumpersafter breaching aone game suspended sentence from last season.
Buford was deemed to have acted outside the National Basketball League’s Codeof Conduct following the Kings’ Round 11 match against the South East Melbourne Phoenix in Traralgon on December 18.
An investigation by an NBL integrity officerwas undertaken, and the Kings were invited to make asubmission.
The NBL wassatisfied abreach had occurred which subsequentlytriggered Buford’s suspended sentence.
Last season, Buford received asingle match suspension that wassuspendeduntil the completion of the 2022/23 NBL season for abreachofthe NBLCode of Conduct.
THE Traralgon DistrictCricket Associationwill resume on Saturday, January 14.
Players across the TDCA have been granted an extraweek break over new years, as atrade-off for starting the season on October 1(aweek earlier than most other associations across Gippsland).
The TDCA has nine more home-and-away games to get through, with all matches being played as one-dayers.
Acatch-up round is scheduled for Sunday, January22, trying to create more opportunities to play amid the number of rain-affected matches during October.
Unfortunately, record rainfall toward the end of last year played havoc with cricket, but to the credit of TDCA ground staff and officials,there was matches that went ahead in rounds it looked impossible to even get astart
Ex Students will enjoy an extraweekoff due to the bye on January 14, whileladder-leader Glengarry are the lucky ones who do not have to play the Sunday game.
The Magpiesand Sharksare the outright leaders on the TDCA ladder; the former 12 points clear of third placed Yarram District.
Fourth-placed Toongabbie has asizeable nine point lead over Imperials, and couldsew up afinals position before the end of the monthwithafew more wins.
That being said, one-day cricket presentsa lottery element, and it could again come down to the last couple of rounds to determine just who makes the finals.
Time is still on the side of teams outside the top four.
Rovers were tipped preseason to be one of the competitions big improvers, and could still prove thatprediction correct,whileGormandale, win-less so far, could be following asimilar script to last season that saw them come home with awet sail.
Gormandale does present an interesting case study, as they still have seven of the 11 that played in the semi-final only two seasons ago.
Given it would be rare for asidetodrop away so dramatically with only four less players, the Tigers are probablyabetterteamthantheircurrent record suggests.
Yarram District is looming as the sentimental favouritesofthe TDCA,and could possibly even be adarkhorse.
The Pelicans are set to create history by playing their first game on turf at Yarram Recreation Reserve on January 14.
ELSEWHERE,the TDCA will play in the Gippsland Cricket League Final on Sunday, February 5.
There is still one regular season game to be played (on January 15), but the TDCA is already mathematically assured of playingSale-Maffra in the decider.
By sheercoincidence, that January15game will be agrand final preview.
Local legends raisebat for50-year milestone
ANUMBER of local cricket legends were formally recognised for their services to the game recently.
The acknowledgement cameatthe MCG on Day 3ofthe Boxing Day Test.
Recipients fromacross the statewere invited to a special luncheon from Cricket Victoria, to formally toast 50 years service to cricket.
The Gippsland group was joined by family and
friends, as well as Latrobe City MayorKellie O’Callaghan, to enjoy the on field action between Australia and South Africa, and sharetheirstories from alifetime in the game.
Those in attendance were GregRoss,Allan Giddens, Paul Coffey,SteveKay, DavidLittleSnr, Roger Ries and Neil Meredith. Absentees were Chris Giddens and Barry Mathieson.
All have given tremendous service to cricket in Gippsland, not only through their own clubs, but
through avenues such as league administration, junior development and umpiring.
To give an idea of just how much they have given to cricket, all have served the game longer than most currentplayers on the local scene have been alive.
Kids from Morwell Cricket Club also made sure the Valley was well-represented, taking to the hallowed turf to play during the lunchtime break.
Who knows, perhaps the next Peter Siddle was even among the ranks.
The Latrobe Valley Express, Wednesday, 4January, 2023 —Page 29
Hats off: CricketVictoria 50 Year Service awardwinners, Greg Ross,Allan Giddens,Latrobe CityMayor Kellie O’Callaghan, Paul Coffey,Steve Kay,
David Little Snr,RogerRies and Neil Meredith. Absent: Chris Giddens and Barry Mathieson.
photograph supplied
THE Gippsland Regional Indoor Sports Stadium (GRISS) will be packed once again when the WNBL comes to town.
Striving: Gormandale will be out to get their firstwin on the boardwhen TDCAresumesonJanuary14. Paul Robertspictured file photograph
Nearly time to dustoff those whites
TWO-DAYERS are back baby.
The pyjamas and coloured pads will be put away in the Latrobe Valley District Cricket League(unlessofcoursethe first day of play is abandoned), as the second half of theseason gets underway this Saturday.
White balls will be replaced by red, players will settle in for the long haul, and scorers will be able to present amore ‘complete’ looking scorebook.
Saturday is set to be the first time the LVDCL has had two-daycricket since March2021. The league played solely one-dayers last seasonamidCOVID uncertainty.
Now that two-dayers are here however, there should be glowing approval from teams and players themselves -for the true test of acricketer is how well they can play the longer format; and of course, finals are played as two-dayers.
Captains will be charged with more to ponder, as the longer format presents challenges such as time, changing conditionsfrom week to week, whethertobat on into asecond week, or if one should indeed go for an outright.
As cricketisrepletewith truisms, twodayers should provide an indication to see whether or not this one still rings true: ‘Double your score at tea’.
In the second half of the LVDCL season, the league’s two divisions (Premier Aand AGrade)will split,with teams now onlyplaying matchesagainstsides within their grade.
PREMIER A actioncould seeavery big score posted at Ted Summerton Reserve.
Moe is hosting the match against Latrobe, in what is abattle between second and third on the ladder.
Given 250 is generally seen as par at Ted Summerton in one-dayers, one can only imagine what could be on the cards if one team bats the best part of 90 overs.
Truthfully, it would not be too outrageous to suggest we will witness ascore close to 500 at Ted Summerton this season.
That being said, it would be dangerous forany batting team to assume runs will come at ease for all of six hours of play, and those at the crease will still need to firstly getthrough the new ball and then open up from there.
For batsmanoneitherside,itwill be a
matter of discipline and concentration.
As most batsman in local cricket go out once they get to 30 simply because they are either not physically fit enough or lose concentration after acertain period, players from both sides might be looking to make ‘grind out the session’ their catch-cry.
Moe opener RileyBaldi certainly has the fitness, and Andrew Philip the concentration to bat all day and post a decent score, as do Latrobe counterparts Benn Zomer and Steven Freshwater.
Freshwatershowedhewas ahard man to dislodge in the last two one-day games before Christmas,scoring 30 off 98 balls and 29 off 128.
While such astrikerate is hardly entertaining, the Sharks could be looking to reference the application as an importantattribute to bring to the table.
If Freshwater can batfor twice as long in atwo-dayer and stroke-makers like Anthony Bloomfield, AnuMeenakshi and Zomer can bat around him, runs might start to flow with minimal risk.
Just what do you do if you’re abowler at Ted Summerton in atwo-dayer?
It will be likebowling on day one in Rawalpindi.
LADDER-LEADERS Morwell takeon Raiders.
Although the ladder saysthis is amatch betweentop and bottom, there is only two wins separating the combatants.
The Tigers willjourney to Yinnar,and looktorepeat their performancefrom earlier in the season.
On that particular occasion, Morwell crushed Raiders by 160 runs.
If they win by asimilar margin in a two-dayer, it could be an early finish next week.
Raiders has shown promising signs so far this season, admittedly playing within atransition phaseasthe team consists mainly of veterans and kids.
Skipper Liam Maynard has done most of the scoring,but with young quick Harry McColl already with 15 wickets to his name, he could be one to lead the attack for the next generation.
Given the circumstances, Morwell could see Raiders as a‘three out all out’ team, and seamers Brendan Brincat and TravisPickeringwill be wantingtomake early inroads on asurface that traditionally makes the ball wobble around.
The Tigers should havelittle to no trouble scurrying through overs, as they
havethreeslowbowlers who couldall play as frontline spinners: Mark Cukier, Ross Whelpdale and Greg Harvey. Not that it is aproblem, but possibly the only question for Morwell in atwodayer is who will be night watchman if they happentolose awicket close to the endofplay on day one?
Looking at the list, you wouldn’t necessarily say there is anyone who usually comes in down the order who is overly defensively minded.
The two grand finalists from last seasonhaveboth endured similar journeys in the firsthalfofthe season, fielding sides vastly different to the onesthat played off in the deciding match.
Missingfrom the Cobras are key players Ryan Harvey and Brendan Mason, and CATS are without their own star players BenJulin andTinashe Panyangara.
While cricket is ateam game, their departures, and in Harvey’s case, unavailability through injury, means both teams have had to find overs and runs from sources they didn’t haveto consider before.
Thishas meant areshuffling of the batting order in both camps to try and find the right mix, which has meant, naturally, results have beenupand down.
Cases in point being Churchill defeating premiership fancies Morwell, and then losing to Mirboo North thefollowing week.
Similarly, CATS defeated Latrobe, but were bowled out for 71 against Trafalgar seven days later.
Taking thisinto consideration, both sides will be looking to get the percentages in their favour to give themselves the best look heading into day two.
The toss might not mean agreat deal in terms of forward thinkingorgiving bowlers an extra week to put their feet up, as most players in the Churchill and CATS line-up are required to be leading lights in both departments.
Cobras captain John Keighran will no doubt need to bowl alot of overs, and will be looking to make alot of runs, as will Cal Stewart for CATS.
THE AGrade competitionhas the makings of avery competitive second half. Onlyone win currentlyseparates first from fourth.
For this Saturday however,only one
matchwill feature teams inside the top four.
CENTRALS is at its proper home, and taking on Mirboo North.
The Lions are first on the ladder, set to play the Tigers who are third.
Thehome side will be out to extend its winning streak to six, butthe visitors will take some confidence into the clash.
The reason? Mirboo North was the last team to hand Centrals aloss.
ThatlosscameinRound 5aftera thrilling climax sawthe Tigers scrap home by two wickets.
Mirboo North will also be buoyedby its win over Churchill in the last game before Christmas.
Centrals has enjoyed asharing of the love with the ball of late, with players such as Corey Pollard, Reghard Hefer and captain Tye Hourigan all chipping in.
The Lions also seem to have addressed issues withthe bat, especially in the last three games before the break.
Before that, although they were winning, they were still losing wickets in clumps, but now it seems the Lions are approachingbatting notasaproblem, butasanopportunity.
Their confidence with the bat was no doubt helped by their incredible win against Trafalgar, where they pulled in 47 runs in the last five overs.
After that, the message in the Centrals camp could well have been ‘we can win from any position’.
For Hourigan,who was undonebya blinding one-handed catch from Mirboo North wicket-keeper Dom Davis the last time thesetwo teamsmet, the contest could be about seeing justice prevail as much as anything.
JEERALANG-BOOLARRA and Trafalgar will meet for the title of Concrete Kings.
The Ships will take a1-0 lead as they travel up the hill, having already defeated the Panthers this season on an astro surface.
Amazingly, this will be the first time Jeeralang-Boolarra and Trafalgar have met in atwo-dayer since the 2019/20 semi-final.
Equally amazing,ifalsoembarrassing, thatgamewas also the last timethe Shipswon atwo-dayer.
Admittedly there has only been four two-daygames since, but Trafalgar’s record in the longer format since has
been: Draw,draw, lost, and lost outright (also admittedly, trying to force a reverse-outright to make finals).
Although that wastwo seasonsago, it does present an unknown quantity surrounding just how either side is going to perform when the whites are put on.
While Jeeralang-Boolarra will be disappointedtoonlyhave onewin to its namesofar this season, the Panthers haveconsistentlymadescores around the 130-150 mark.
If they can improve on that by 50 or so runs and the likes of Ben Heath and Nila Thillekarathnacan getascore, it should put them in areasonable position.
Trafalgar’s local XI presentaninteresting case study for two cricket, as you wouldsay most of their batsman are accumulators rather than stroke-makers.
Skipper AydanConnolly mightbe bumped up to open, providing the man with the same name but different spelling, Aiden George, to come in at four and get some rest if he does have to keep.
WILLOWGROVE will getits first taste of two-day cricket.
The Wolvesare scheduled to play Traralgon West at Yallourn North.
The new kids on the block have battled admirably in their first stint in the top flight, providing honest competition most weeks.
Although they are yet to win amatch, Willow Grove has batted most of their overs in one-day games so far this season.
If they can do likewiseinthe longer format, it will only bode well for their future.
The worst thing that can happen is for them to get outrighted every week and see players drop off one by one.
Pete Grima will be out to provide the guidance necessary to show the youngsters what is required to get through two weeksofcricket, as they continue to learn the ropes.
Traralgon West lost form heading into Christmas, dropping their last two games, and will be keen to start 2023 on awinning note.
Rami Zafar and Rob Wilkie sit inside thetop 10 on the LVDCL batting aggregate,and couldbeeying off apersonal best.
The Eagles appeared to adopt an ‘all or nothing’ approach with the bat in one-dayers, so it will be interesting to see if they are able to reign themselves in for the long haul.
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It’s back: Two-daycricketreturnsfor the firsttimesince March2021inthe Latrobe ValleyDistrict CricketLeague this weekend. Pictured is Moe batsman Andrew Philip and Mirboo North wicket-keeper Shane Peters in aprevious battle file photograph
A stone’s throw away
STONY Creek Racing Club was host to an eightrace card for its Public Holiday Racesmeet on Tuesday, December 27.
The track’sgrade began at aGood 4until halfway through the meet, where it was upgraded to a Good 3.
Local success was spread throughout the meet, however unfortunately, none wereeventual winners.
In the first race of the day, the Race 1Ladbrokes Mates Mode Maiden Plate over 2100 metres, Botched won for Lloyd Kennewell.
The four-yearold mare steamed home after sitting at the back of the pack for the majority of the race.
Redskin Jimmy for Sale’sTroy and John Kilgower snuck into third by anose to Irish Knight at the line.
Despite never winning arace, Redskin Jimmy hasalways been close as of late; four of her last seven races have resulted in aplace-finish. But,the favourite wastoo good for the rest, Botched won by alength to second-placed Rayza Warrior in astormingvictory
We wouldn’t see any local success until race six, but in the meantime,the Race2Meeniyan IGA Plus Liquor Maiden Plate (1700m) was taken out by Abrupt for Leon and Troy Corstens.
The three-year-old gelding burst from last to first in amatterofseconds, catchingthe leaders napping before stretching out to athree-length lead. He held on climbing down the straight to win by alengthtothe favourite -Shark Island.
The Race 3Fish Creek HotelMaiden Plate (1000m) was won comfortablybySongaa for Mornington’s Rory Hunter.
Just the fifth race for the four-year-old gelding, Songaa had never placed in his career.
Songaaled the pack from the jump,before stretchingout to atwo-length lead on the run into the line.
The Brill Building for PhillipStokestook out the Race 4Meeniyan Hotel3YO Maiden Plate (1100m), in atightly contested three-way battle.
Khalida (second) and Extravagant Choice (third) finished within alengthofthe maiden three-yearold winner.
In just his second race, The Brill Building looks to continue his good form, with athird-place finish
in his first race, now backed-up by awin in his second outing.
The Race 5Ray WhiteLeongatha BM58 Handicap (1100m) was the final race of the meet thathad no local success, as the comfortable favourite Miss Middle Park won for Ciaron Maher and David Eustace.
MissMiddle Park sat off-pace for majority of the sprint, before opening out onto the outside and taking alengths lead.
The three-year-old mare held off awall of incominghorses, but managed to hang on for her second career win, and her first since January 2022.
Tametomo incredibly led from start to finish, holding off alate chargefromBucks, to win the Race 6O’Connell Motors BM58 Handicap (2100m).
It wasn’t all smooth sailing, as Bucks, for Sale’s Damien Walkley, closed in after spending the majority of the race at the back of the pack.
Only half ahead separated the two at the line, as Bucks continues his great run of form -seven consecutive races within the top four.
Tametomoclaims his firstvictory since April 2021, which only included one placing in between wins, coming in November 2022, at Geelong.
The Race 7Ladbrokes Easy FormClass1 Handicap (1600m) was won by the odds-on favourite Zoutellus.
Margaret’s Banter for Moe’s Peter Gelagotis led for the entire race until the home straight, where the four-year-old mare seemingly gassed out.
The local hung on to aplace-finish, coming home in third behind Albanian Eagle, the two still over five lengths behind the eventual winner.
Zoutellusclaimedthe second win of his career and his first since February 2021, despite having
Similarending surnamesfeatured
GIPPSTAR recently announced its award winners for September and October,with four different sports being representedthroughout the recipients
The September Open-Age Gippstar award was presented to Alex Vuillermin from Morwell, for her achievements in the sport of rowing.
Vuillermin was selected to competefor Australia at the World Rowing Championships -held in the Czech Republic in late-September.
Vuillermin and her rowing partner,Alexandra Viney, claimed aSilver medal in the Para-rowing Women’s Pair Final, around13seconds behind Great Britain.
This is not the first time that Vuillermin has been recognised by the Gippstar Awards, she is a two-time recipient of the Open Annual Gippstar Award in 2020 and 2021.
The October Open-Age Gippstar Award was presented to Shannon Freeman from Morwell, for her achievements in netball.
Freeman and Morwell won the 2022 Gippsland League AGrade Grand Final, where Freeman excelled personally.
Freeman took outthe Gippsland League AGrade Best and Fairest,amassing 33 votes, besting nearest rival Amy Harrison, from Traralgon, on 26 votes.
On top of everything she achieved in 2022, Freeman also received the Gippsland League 2022 Netball MVP Award.
The Junior GippstarAward winner for September was Alicia McGrath from Stony Creek.
The clay target shooter was the overall winner of the South East Zone of the Victorian School Championships, heldatthe FrankstonClay Target Club.
Across October, Maddie Buhagiar received the October Junior Gippstar Award for her efforts in cross country.
Buhagiar competed in the Cross Country National event for team VIC, which took place in Adelaide, where she placed equal 20th. That wasn’t all Buhagiar achieved, as she also
Nominations are currently open for the November and December Gippstar Awards.
Entries close on Monday, January 9, 2023.
Nominations are also open for other categories: Team of the Year, Club of the Year, Special Achiever Award and the Gippsland Sporting Champion.
To nominateindividuals or clubs and teams,head to the Gippstartab at https://www.sportgippsland.
decent form throughout, includingsix placing in between victories.
The final race of the meet was won by Poleaxed for Ken and Kasey Keys, who was followed by two locals.
Race 8’s Brandt Leongatha BM58 Handicap (1700m) had two localsinthe top three;Little Brother for Moe’s Darryl Blackshawand Delightful Hustler for Moe’s Christine Sexton.
Any of the top four could have taken winning honours in atightly-contested finish, only 0.8 lengths between the top four.
Agreat finish wasprovided in the final race of the meet,asPoleaxed won by anose to afast-finishing Little Brother,while asteady-paced Delightful Hustler claimed the final placing position.
The Latrobe Valley Express, Wednesday, 4January, 2023 —Page 31
competed for team VIC at the Nationals in Perth for the code of soccer.
League of her own: Morwell’s Shannon Freeman collected manynetballawardsduring an outstanding 2022 campaign. file photographs
International stage: RowerAlexVuillermin had abusy2022, competing at the World Championships in theCzech Republic
Action aplenty: Tametomo,ridden by Craig Newitt, winsthe Race 6atStony Creek Racecourse on December 27 photographs ross holburt/racing photos Printedand published by B.C. Ellen forElliott Gippsland Newspapers Pty.Ltd ACN004 634 333 and K.S.H. Investments Pty. Ltd. ACN 007 251845 at 21 George Street, Morwell 3840. The editor LiamDurkin accepts responsibility for electoral comment *Registered by Australian Post -PP349085/0002
Nothing in it: Moe runner Little Brother (red and blue) on the way to a second-place finish for Darryl Blackshaw in the Race 8 at Stony Creek Advertising 5135 4444 Classifieds 5135 4455 Email: Editorial 5135 4444 Quick linktoour website
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CONTACTS ADVERTISING Bookings: Thursday 12noon CLASSIFIEDSGeneral: GeneralMonday 3pm Deaths/Funerals: Monday3pm
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