2 minute read
Target Time No.0143 anther,ashed, ashen, ashier,danish, dash,dasher, dearth, death, dish, dither,earth, hade, hair,haired, hairnet,hand, handier,handiest,handset,hard, harden, hardest,hardiest,hare, hared, hart,hast, haste, hasted, hasten, hastier,hate, hated, hater, hatred, head, hear,heard,heart,heat, heir,heist, herd, hernia, hied, hide, hider,hind, hinder,hint hinted, hinter,hire, hired, hist,nashi,neath,radish, rash,rath, rhea, saith, saithe, sandhi, shad, shade, shadier,shard, share, shared, shear,shed, sherd, shied, shier,shin, shine, shined, shiner,shire, shirt shred, shrine, sinh, snath, sthenia, tahr,tanh, tarnish, TARNISHED, than, thane, thar,their,then, thenar, thin, thine, third, this, thread, trash, trashed.

Target: Average-50, Good -65, Excellent -85+
Applicationsfor the Master of InclusiveEducation and Graduate Certificate in Education (Learning Difficulties) programs are now open.
The Master of Inclusive Education Program has 75 places available across seven universities. Teachersworking directly with studentswith disabilitiesand additionallearningneeds can apply by visiting education.vic.gov.au/inclusive-education
The Graduate Certificate in Education (Learning Difficulties) program is offering 75 places for Semester 2, starting in July this year.
Learning specialists, leading teachers and classroomteachers working directly with students with learning difficulties can apply at education. vic.gov.au

MOE Art Society members enjoyed a talk from member Christina Wilke on portraiture at arecent meeting in Moe Library.
Those that attended enjoyed the knowledgeable lesson from Christina and gained alarge amount of informationtohelp them when drawing or painting aportrait.
Christina has printed notes, some 27 pagesofinformation, for thosewho are interestedtopurchase for the sum of $15, which covers the cost of printing. Christinaiswilling to helpany member who did not attendwith their efforts in portraiture.
The societyisveryhappy in their new home, and has welcomed many new members since the beginning of the year.
Regular Thursday meetings are from 9am until 3.30pm in the glass room at the east end of the library.
Some of our members are going to the Monet Exhibition at the Lumetoday (Wednesday).
Libby Witchell will be holdinga workshop on February23atthe library, 9am until 3.30pm.
Any artistinterested in attending can phone BerylGalloway on 0407 271 686 to see if we have aplace available. The cost is $60 for the day which will include aworkshop on multimedia, tea and coffee, etc. Those attending are requested to bring their own lunch. Alistofthings to bringalong to the workshop is available when you register.
For any informationonthe society, phone Peter McLaren on 0400 933 609 or Beryl Galloway.

Visitorsare welcome at any time during the day for achatand acuppa
ON Sunday, January 29 agroup of 14
TRAMPS membersmet at Toongabbie for an afternoon and evening ride.
This wasa great beginning to our rides for this year.
The route took the grouptoCowwarr Weir for afternoontea, then along Stoney Creek Road, quite an adventure itself, into Heyfield.
After awell-earned dinner at the local pub, the return ride was along the Gippsland Plains Rail Trail back to Toongabbie.
Riding into an enchantingsunsetwas adelightful surprise to the night ride.
The daylight lasted almost to Cowwarr so that bike lights wereonlyneededfor the last few kilometres.
Our next ride starts at the Sugarbeet Museum, McMahon Drive Maffra at 9am on Sunday, February 12.
TRAMPS welcomes new riders.
For more information, visit our website: www.tramps.org.au, our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/www.tramps. org.au or call Paul on 0459 823 422 or Vance on 0403 662 288.
50/50 Dance
LIONS Club of Trafalgar,inconjunction with the local band ‘Not Dun Yet’, will be holding a50/50 Dance at Trafalgar PublicHall on Sunday,February 12 from 1.30pm to 5pm.
The musicwill be half rock n' roll and half old time, played in 10 minute