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Outwitting thenits
Libra When it comes to creative expression you may feel as if you ’ re going backwards but putting in longer hours won’t fix the problem Do your best to work smarter rather than harder If you relax and let things flow, then the ideas will come Your domestic situation is going through a major metamorphosis, as you initiate a change that livens up your home life When it comes to close relationships aim to be less self-absorbed and more generous with loved ones
Your creativity and originality are firing, as you form a new partnership or pursue a joint project With three planets activating your communication zone you’ll feel like conversing, studying and/or travelling If you ’ ve been waiting to get something off your chest, Monday through until Wednesday is the time to express yourself Things could become intense on Friday or Saturday when the Mercury/Pluto conjunction gets your compulsive Scorpio side going
Sagittarius Spontaneous Sagittarius – yougcan find it difficult to be on your best behaviour and follow the rules Expect the unexpected this week, as the planets stir up your restless (and reckless) side You’ll balk at restrictions being placed on you (especially at home and work) but resist the urge to be a disruptive influence Put your personal wishes aside, and make sure you stay well-informed and fulfil your responsibilities to the wider community for the greater good
AT this time of the year, parents of school-age children are settling intothe new school year -and all the challenges that this brings.
While some of these challenges are easy to deal with, one of the biggest challenges facing parents is the ever-present threat of head lice, which seem to be part-and-parcel of the school experience for many children.
Your community pharmacystocksspecial combs as well as shampoos, conditioners, creams and other products to treat head lice infestation. There are chemical-based treatments available as well as anumberoftreatments whichare based on essential oils such as anise, rosemary, lavender, and tea tree oil. There also are arange of herbal products.
This week the focus is on business and financial matters Capricorns are usually incredibly patient and persistent but, when it comes to a frustrating situation, you could find yourself ready to throw in the towel The planets push you to keep on keeping on So your mantra for the moment is from birthday great, inventor and businessman Thomas Edison: “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time ”
Aquarius Wednesday favours stimulating frien qdships and falling in love very fast! With the Sun, Saturn and Mercury visiting your sign, you’ll feel restless curious and eager to explore radical new ideas You’re also keen to show others how innovative and interesting you can be, as you shake a loved one out of their cosy comfort zone Be inspired by fellow-Aquarian, actress and activist Vanessa Redgrave: “Ask the right questions if you re to find the right answers Pisces Venus is vamping through your sign, which encourages you to channel your inner hedonist as you eat, drink, socialise, entertain and live life to the max It’s also a wonderful week to host a lunch, dinner or party, where you can play the gracious host or hostess The late week Mercury/Pluto hook up activates your hopes-and-wishes zone so it’s a good time to revisit (or expand) your goals for 2023 Make your dreams as big and beautiful as possible!
CopyrightJoanne Madeline Moore 2023
Going back-to-school, or just starting school, means children are returning to the environment where head lice proliferate, and parents are often at theirwit’s end trying to find ways to get rid of them.
Catching head lice does not mean your child has done anything wrong or is not hygienic.
Statistics vary, but indicategenerallythat between 20-30 per cent of primary school students are likely to get head lice at some stage.
Asingleinfested head can successfully infest a whole classroom, and when the children return home, they often unwittingly pass the infestation on to the rest of the family.
Head lice are wingless creatures which cannot fly or even jump but move from host to host by crawling or climbing.
Close contact between children therefore gives them great opportunities to spread, but it is important to understandthathead liceare not confined to children. In fact, anyone can get head lice, but they are more common in children because of their close contact. Head lice do not carry disease, but we need to get rid of them.
If your child has head lice, you might notice your child itching and scratching, especially aroundthe back of the neck and behind their ears.
Abad case of head lice can lead to itchy dermatitis on the scalp, crusted sores and enlarged lymph nodes in the neck.
But this isn’t common, and your child can avoid it if you treat their head lice as soon as possible.
When you look closely at your child’s hair, you mightsee small,oval-shaped, white or brown-black nitsattached to the rootofthe hair, near the scalp. You might also see live head lice. Live head lice move fast so to spot them you might have to part your child’s hair very quickly Having found head lice, the next step is to try to get rid of them and fast.
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The wide variety of active ingredients available is duetothe fact that head lice are very adaptable and can develop resistance to some chemicals. For this reason, it is important to talk to your community pharmacist about what is the right product for you or your child.
Your pharmacist has the experience and training to make sure you get the best treatment. After selecting atreatment, it is important that following its use, you test to see if the lice are dead. This is because you need to be sure that what you are using is working on the lice.
While resistance is an issue,manytreatment failures are due to inadequate time in contact with hairand scalp,inappropriate application methods, or the use of ineffective products.
Ask your pharmacist to recommend an evidencebased product -that is: one that is proven to be effective -and also to show you how to applyit effectively. Whatever head lice treatment is chosen, afine toothcomb is essential to get the nits out.
If live lice are found in the combings after treatment, it’s possible that the head lice are resistant to the particular product,and retreatment should begin as soon as possible, with aproduct from a different active-ingredient group. If the lice are dead,treat againinseven days using the same product.
If the treatment has worked, the licewillbedead within 20 minutes. It is possible ahead liceproduct couldcause areaction andshould be usedwith care by women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, children less than 12 months old, and people with allergies, asthmaorwho haveopen wounds on the scalp.
Your pharmacist can advise you on how best to treat head lice and which productsmay work best foryou or your children.
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