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Back to school party in Trafalgar
Congratulations: Kaja with parents Darren and Michelle Tierney, Rotary chairperson Gloria Auchterlonie and Morwell Rotary president Colin Matthies
Proud: Kaja withparents Michelle and Darren Tierney with her Duke of Edinburgh AwardCertificate.
ST JOSEPH’S Primary School, Trafalgar community welcomed back students and teachers after the January school holidays last week.
Agroup of fun-loving students dressed in party hats and novelty glasses and danced to welcome everyone back.
Crossing supervisor, Rosie Sawyer, joined in by strutting her impressive dance moves too.
It’s great to be back at school!
Celebration time: ChloeMynard, crossing supervisor Rosie Sawyer, Kaylem Horton-Maynard, (front) Sophie Pedemont and Maya Garratt backatschool at St Joseph’s Primary,Trafalgar Photosupplied