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Applications open for WomenBuilding Australia mentor program
MASTER Builders Australia invites women with up to five years experienceinthe building and construction industry to apply for the 2023 Women Building Australia mentor program.
The program runs over nine-months, commencing on March 28, with applications closing on February 28.
“Mentees will be paired-up with established industry leaders in the industry to access support, encouragement and advice through amentorship relationship,” Master Builders Australia chief executive, Denita Wawn, said.
“With monthly engagements, program participants will also be required to attend the program launch,mid-program review and end of year wrap up.
“The buildingand construction industry is one of thelargest sectors in Australia. During November 2022, there were 1.29 million people employed in theindustry working in over445,000 construction businesses.
“However, women currently make up only 13.6 percent of theindustry’s total workforce. Threein 10 professionalsinthe industry are women but only 3.5 per cent are building trades and technicians.
“Theindustry is missing out on the skillsand talents of halfthe population by not attracting more women into trades.
“Improving the attractiveness of the industry to women presents amassive opportunity to increase the pool of potential workers, and this program is one of the many initiatives through Master Builder’s Women Building Australia to assist.”
Rebecca Bishop and owner of Elite Building is a mentor in the program.
“I loved watchingmymenteegrow so much during our time together,” she said.
“Being amentor helped me to grow and learn new skills too.
“We need more women in construction. Irecommend the programtoall womenwho wanttobuild their network, feel less alone, develop better communication skills, work on themselves, feel more confident and make some new connections and friends,” Program participant Laura Stevenson, acarpenter by trade, said she got alot out of the program.
“My mentorTara, whohas manyyearsexperience in the industry, was really great at giving me some insights on how to navigate it all and some ideas about the future,” she said.
“I was just starting off in my career and unsure at firstofwhatI wanted in the program. I’dhighly recommend this program to anyone starting out evenifthey felt unsurelike me as it was nicea feeling to work with someone who just gets it.
The gender pay gap is declining faster than average. Theproportion of women in all occupation groups, except administration, is increasing.
“There are more female trades and technicians in construction than ever before, and the number of females commencing atrade apprenticeship has more than doubled in the last five years,” Ms Wawn said.
Women Building Australiaissupported through afederal government grant and deliveredthrough Master Builders Australia aimed to attract and support women to succeed in the building and construction industry.
It includes arange of initiatives including career expos, afemale-led business register and adedicated harassment and discrimination support line.
For more information visit: www.womenbuildingaustralia.com.au