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Finalwithdrawal postponed
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THE National Australia Bank (NAB) has not committed to amoratorium on branch closures, the institution has confirmed that it will “work constructively with the Senate Committee Inquiry.”
“We will be continuing our branch reshaping process during the committee’s deliberations in 2023, which will include closures, consolidations and new investments to meet our customers’ needs,” NAB retail executive, Krissie Jones, said.
NAB publicly announced last week that it would be permanently closing its Maffra Agency on May 4. Its Sale branch, also located on Raymond St, will remain open.

The Senate inquiry will travel to Sale on March 2for apublichearing, which will allow customers and community groups achance to have their say about the impact of branch closures. Avenue for the public hearing is yet to be confirmed.
The Senate has until December 1toconduct its inquiry and submit areport.
TODAY is Shrove Tuesday and St. John’s Anglican Church, Thomson Street, Maffra will hold their annual Pancake tea beginning at 6pm. There will be anumberoftoppings including gluten free at asmall cost. All welcome.
MOSAICS with Jess will take place at Maffra Neighbourhood House tomorrowWednesday, February 22 -from1pm until 3pm at the cost of $45. Please call 0422 335 155 to book.
THE Maffra Football Netball Club will hold aStreet Stall in the Rotary caravan on Friday, February 24. Please support this Mardi Gras event.
THE annual World Day of Prayer service will be held on Friday, March 3, starting at 2pm in St. John’s Anglican Church, Thomson Street, Maffra. This year’s service was developed by the women of Taiwan, and the guest speaker will be Grace Hodges who has lived in Taiwan. Afternoon tea will follow the service.
THE North Gippsland CWA group is seeking expressions of interest for craft stalls to be part of their 2023 Craft Exhibition to be held on Saturday March 18, 2023. Stall cost is $20. To book please contact Jenny on 0422 941. 326.
MAFFRA Municipal Band will hold a Concert Band live performance in the Rotunda, Johnson Street, Maffra from 10.30am until 12.30pm. ABBQ and raffle will be available. There willbeaspecialappearance by theMaffra Training Band.

MAFFRA Neighbourhood House encourages anyone who has not applied for the current $250 power rebate payment should do so before the next round of rebates commences in March 2023. The new round will be available to all eligible Victorian households, including households that have already received a payment through previous rounds of the program. The eligibility will remain the same as previous rounds, so anyone who meets the following criteria can apply for the $250 bonus; the applicant must be aVictorian residential energy consumer (i.e. have aresidential electricity account) the applicant must be the account holder, only one payment is available per household. Contact Maffra Neighbourhood House to book atime slot on 0422 335 155 for this current round of rebates.
MAFFRA Neighbourhood House is taking expressions of interest for the Needle Felting session to be held on Tuesday March 7. All materials supplied for the three hour session for a$15 fee.
SCRABBLE at the Neighbourhood House is now on Wednesday afternoons from 1pm until 3pm. Call to book aspot, gold coin donation each week. Donations of food, toiletries, cleaning products, pet food etc can now be dropped off and gratefully accepted by Maffra Neighbourhood House to assist households in need.