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Lifesaving programinitiated
NEW adultwater safety classes are changinglives. As part of Wellington Shire council’s efforts to educate adults to be safe in and around the water, AquaEnergyLeisure CentreinSalehas introduced adult water safety and learn-to-swim lessons. It comes as the nation faces an on-going spike in drowning deaths, especially in older adults.
According to the Royal Life Saving National Drowning Report for 2022, 175 adults aged 25-64 yearsdrowned in Australiain2021/22,which is an 18 per cent rise on the 10-year average. Atotal of 94 people aged 65 years and over drowned in Australia in 2021/22, which is a57per cent increase on the 10-year average. The drowning reportalsoshowed that adultsneed to think carefully about their own health and fitness before getting into the water.
Aqua Energy trialledwater safety andlearn-toswim classes over the 2022/23 summer holidays, which have fast become alife-changing experience for many community members. Aqua Energy saw a largenumberofadults take up the classes, learning

THE Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC) has new leadership. Mr Peter Duncan AM is the new ARTCchair and Dr Collette Burke anon-executive director of the board. Both appointments for threeyear terms were announced by the federal government. ARTC plays avital role in managing the nation’s interstate freight rail network. ARTCisalsodelivering InlandRail enhancements, suchasthe PortBotany Duplicationand several other significant Government-funded infrastructure projects that aim to build the resilience and capability of Australian rail transport.
Mr Duncan replaces the Hon Warren Truss AC, who stepped down as chair of the ARTCboard on November30, 2022. Mr Duncan has more than40yearsexperience in government and infrastructure, working at local,state and national levels.
He is the current chair of WaterNSW, deputy chair and commissionerofthe NSW Independent Planning Commission and aboard member of the Office of Projects Victoria.MrDuncanisaformerchief executive of NSW Roads and Maritime Services, director-general of the NSW Department of Services Technologyand Administration, and managing director of ForestsNSW. He is aformer chair of InfraSol Group, the Australian Road ResearchBoard and Austroads.
Dr Burke is ahighly qualified and experienced engineer with more than25 years of experience in the infrastructure construction sector. She was the inaugural Victorian Chief Engineer and has astrong understanding of the rail industry. She also previously held various senior roles with Leighton Contractors and management positions with Thiess John Holland.

Dr Burkeisanon-executive director of Marinus Link Pty Ltd and VicTrack.
The appointments follow the recent independent review of the InlandRail project conducted by Dr Kerry Schott AO. Dr Schott’s report has been provided to the government. It reveals significant concerns aboutthe governance and delivery of Inland Rail. The Government intends to release Dr Schott’s reportand the Government’s response to its recommendations as soon as it has been fully considered.
how to swim, tread water in case of emergency and brush up on their water safety skills.
“Initially, what we found was that parents from a variety of backgrounds would come into the facility and drop off their children for swimming lessons, but many adultsdidn’t knowhow to swim, practice water safety,orhow to properlysupervise and educate their children around water,” Wellington ShireCouncil’s manager leisure services, Ross McWhirter said.
“We decided to introduce these classes after seeing ademand for it. There’s many people in our community who have slipped through the cracks when it comes to understanding the dangers of water, knowing their limitations, and learning to swim to save themselves and others.”
Wellington Shire Council Mayor Ian Bye said this season’s drowning toll was again too high.

“We are lucky to have an abundance of swimming spots available on our doorstep, whetherthat be Ninety Mile Beach, local rivers and lakes, and evenbackyard pools.There’sa lottoloveabout spending time in the water, but there is also high risks involved. Providing water safety classes to those who need it is alifechangingpreventative measure,and I’d encourage those who are cautious aboutwatertosignupfor next term,” Cr Bye said.
Aqua Energy will be offeringadult water safety and learn to swim lessonsinthe 2023 Term 1 school holidays, with the aim to grow the offering throughout the year.
Classes are 30 minutes and cost $15 per person.
While there is no limit to the number of classes you can participate in throughout the holiday period, classes will operate at the discretion of teacher availability.

Aqua Energy is acommunity service where all ages can learn to swim and be safer around water. Aqua Energyteach vital water safety skills and havewelcoming andinclusive stafftosupport learning, particularly if you are learning at alater stage in life.
Adults thinking about learningtoswimare encouraged to contact Aqua Energy on 5142 3700.

Poolusers are also encouraged to visitwww wellington.vic.gov.au/pools or follow the Aqua Energy Facebook page for more information.
THIS year, the Rotary Club of MaffraMardi Gras is offeringthe very first Arthur Watts Trophy for the best business float.

The Mardi Gras is afamily fun day, with entertainment, streetstalls as well as the parade. It attracts peoplefrom all over the shire and beyond, and could be an ideal way to promoteyour business.
The theme for this year is ‘The Circus’, and the trophywill be awarded to the best float embodying the spirit of the circus.The event is open to every business in Wellington Shire and entry is free.
In addition to the trophy, your business would be in the running for the Community BankMaffra and District cash prizes -$3000 forthe best float, $2000 secondprize and $1000third prize. Well worth getting your creative thinking caps on and starting to plan your float!
Forms are