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Films at the Bundy returning tomorrow
FILMS at the Bundy (formerly the Court FilmSociety)will be launching the first half of its 2023 season tomorrow evening (February 22) with ascreening of Franklin
Directed by Kasimir Burgessand narrated by Hugo Weaving, Franklin is afeaturelength documentary that follows Oliver Cassidy as he journeys along Tasmania’s Franklin River -following in the footsteps of his father, the late environmental activist Mike Cassidy.

Oliver’sjourney is intercut with rare archival footage of, and interviews with, the figureswho successfullyimpeded construction of the controversial Franklin Dam. The screening will take placeatthe Bundalaguah-Myrtlebank Hall on SaleMaffra Rd from 7.30pm, with doors opening at 7pm.
Memberships for the new season can be obtained via trybooking.com/CFAHJ
Season passes and come-and-try passes will also be available at the dooronthe night. Films at the Bundy is run by agroup of movie buffs who seek to showcase indie, arthouseand new-release films in the heart of Gippsland.
Screenings are held on the fourth Wednesday of every month.

Members are grantedaccess to all screeningsand free rentals from the group’s entire back catalogue of DVDs.
For more information, head to the group’s official Facebook page at www.facebook.com/ filmsatthebundy