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New apiary officer joins the team
KARLAWilliamsisthe new AgVic apiary officer.
Based in Wodonga, Ms Williams' role includes supporting Victorian beekeeping and pollination industries and working closely with them to protectagainst diseases and pestssuch as Varroa mite.
Ms Williams was the Tasmanian bee biosecurity officer, assisting beekeepers with management of endemic pests and diseases.
She also coordinated Tasmania’s exotic bee and bee pest surveillance and trained local beekeepers to test hives at ports for exotic pests.
The depth of knowledgeand experience Ms Williams has gained from working at BiosecurityTasmaniaand the Murray Darling Freshwater Research Centre (MDFRC) at La Trobe University, will be avaluableasset in the AgVic team.
For information about beekeeping, either commercial or hobbyist, visit the honey bee pages on the Agriculture Victoria website.