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Planning outrage
RESIDENTS in Traralgon are worried about a proposed development, and the way they were advised about it.

Counciluploaded the followingplanstotheir website: development of land with 52 dwellings on alot, including the 52-lot subdivision of land, and the creation and removal of an easement.
Anotice, supposedly delivered to few of the potentially affected residents, advised them that they essentially had until March 10 to object to the plans.
The notice was supposedly first found in letterboxes on Monday, February 27, which residents believe isn’t enough time to get the opinions of the entire neighbourhood.
The planning stage is currently in the ‘notification’ phase, which according to the Latrobe City Council’s website, “lasts for aperiod of 14 days”, yet residents believe this isn’t enough time.
Dunbar Roadresidents,Vicki andTed Wiseman, were infuriated by the lack of notice from council, believing more time should be considered.
“We live in the first lot of five houses on Dunbar Road …and we did not get notice (of the proposed development),” Ms Wiseman said.
“No one got notified, other than the people backing onto this (proposed) housing,” aHickox Street resident added.
As they live close to the proposed development, residents believe thatmorepeopleshould have been notified.
Only acouple of other houses on Hickox Street and Dunbar Road were notified, in addition to those backing onto the proposed development.
“Thatisahugelet-down… the whole street should be told,” the Hickox Street resident said.
Residents have several issues with the proposed development, including more traffic, the appearance of the neighbourhood, house prices and safety.
“It’s busy enough as it is now with all of the new houses that have developed …people have spent alot of money developing these beautiful homes,” the Hickox Street resident said.
“That’s potentially 50 more cars aday (on the road),” Mr Wiseman said.

“You’re going to have (parked) cars out on the street,” Ms Wisemanbelieves.
“There is going to be abig problem soon.”
The residents believe the traffic that congests at theBank-Shakespeare Roundabout will only worsen and become more dangerous if the development happens.
Their suggestion to improvethis, would be to widen the road at the rail underpass, to allow for better traffic flow at peak times.
Trucks and school buses use these roads, and residents believe that the new development could cause more mayhem for them too.
The residents are worried that their neighbourhoodcouldend up looking likethe high-density GwaliaStreet development, which they believe isn’t agood look.
This leads to their second cause for concern, the safety of the neighbourhood.
In aleaflet that the outraged residentsare handing out to spread the news,itstates, “The department of housing had abad track record of keeping homes tidy and safe, and thus promotes dangerous conditions and behaviour”.
Comparing the potential development to similar housing, residents believe that it could hinder their neighbourhood safety, appearance and house valuation over the foreseeable future.
“The thingis… adecisionisgoing to be made on the 10th of March, they’ve given us 10 days to reach out if we want,” the Hickox Street residentbelieves.

The same resident is trying to gainasmuch attention from their neighbours as possible, as she is unsure who has been notified, and is worried that the development will go ahead.
Their family also live close to the proposed area and share the sameviewsabout thedevelopment
Residents are worried about the consultation process too, as only few residentswhere given notice and it is believed that there is not enough time to object properly.
The ownerofCampbell Quality Meats, Terry Campbell, runs his business on Janette Street, off Dunbar Road.
His main cause for concern is simply security.
"No one knows what they're goingtoput in there exactly," Mr Campbell said. Fencing and improved security would be at the top of Mr Campbell's list if the proposed development went ahead.
The Hickox Street resident, along with Mr and Ms
Traffic: TheBank-ShakespeareRoundabout congested at peakhours.