18 minute read


Guest speaker forfield naturalist

ON Friday, March 24 from 7 30pm, the speaker at the Latrobe Valley Field Naturalists' Club meeting in the Moe Library, George St, Moe (in person or via Zoom) is Matt Campbell

Matt is one of our members and has had a love for reptiles since a young age

For many years he has been searching for and photographing lizards

In his presentation 'Victorian lizards I have met and photographed', he will share his extensive knowledge and excellent photographs

Visitors are most welcome

The presentation will be followed by our LVFNC's annual and monthly meetings

For more information, phone our secretary on 0410 237 292

Please visit our website to register if you wish to use Zoom


MOE Art Society's monthly challenge ended recently with good results

The paintings are in the library for everyone to see

The staff on duty came up to have a look and there was lots of laughs and talking, in fact, it was quite rowdy

Great to see Sharon Wootton pop in for a chat and John Reeve also came for the natter

Next month’s challenge is portraits, so get painting members

We are looking forward to the results

Ken Downs bought along the paintings he did last Thursday from the top of Coach Road, joined by Eileen Powell and Lorraine Steel

Any enquiries, phone secretary Peter McLaren on 0400 933 609 or president Beryl Galloway on 0407 271 686

The public are welcome to pop in for a chat and prospective members are welcome

Traralgon District Historical Society

WE wish to advise that the annual meeting of the Traralgon District Historical Society will be held at the Kath Teychenne Centre, 11 Breed Street, Traralgon on Tuesday March 14 at 7 30pm

The format for the meeting will be the presentation of the presidents report for 2022, followed by the formal part of the meeting

Our guest speaker for the evening is Dr Peter Burke, a medical historian

Dr Burke will speak on the 'state of medicine in the state of 19th century Victoria' Supper will then be served on completion of the meeting

Please note that you must be a paid-up member to be able to vote at the meeting

Our digitising project is up-and-running with interest shown from another local community group The team is looking forward to using the new equipment and refining their processes


ON Sunday, February 27, a group of 14 Traralgon and Morwell Pedallers (TRAMPS) members met at Boolarra for a ride up the Grand Ridge Rail Trail to Mirboo North, then enjoyed an exciting cruise down to the recreation reserve at Mirboo for lunch

The ride along Shelcotts Road to the Grand Ridge Rd was interrupted by frequent stops, with many photographs taken of the beautiful scenery

In this locality there are many 'hidden' valleys with interesting creeks along the bottom

The day was completed with an exhilarating coast down to Boolarra for coffee in the Railway Park

TRAMPS is an entry-level club to encourage people to exercise using the largest muscles in the body, in a non-traumatic way, to make the heart work and improve the circulatory system

The scenery changes all the time and we are fortunate to live in a part of the world where it is so easy and safe to be out in the bush to exercise in such wonderful country

We always have a support vehicle behind or, even in the case of trails, not far away

The club maintains first aid training so that there are always three or four members on every ride with level two first aid

We carry comprehensive first aid equipment including a defibrillator, and we always have radio contact across the group The people who 'manage' the club are really quite amazing for their dedication and professionalism For example, the ride coordinator, with the support of one or two others, actually rides the routes a week or so before they become a club event

Our Facebook page is evolving into a work of art so that everyone can easily see the exciting times we have, and due to the skill of our treasurer, our daily ride fee is less than the cost of a cup of coffee

TRAMPS is an asset that the community can be proud of Our next ride starts at Kernot Hall Morwell at 9am on Sunday, March 12

TRAMPS welcomes new riders

For more information visit our website: www tramps org au or our Facebook page: www facebook com/www tramps org au Club contacts are Paul on 0459 823 422 or Vance on 0403 662 288

Dog showinYarram

THE Labour Day weekend marks the return of Gippsland's largest dog spectacular to Yarram Now in its fourth year, the Yarram District Canine Club's Annual Championship Dog Show has become one of the largest dog shows in regional Victoria President of the Yarram District Canine Club, Trever Powell, said that three dog shows will be hosted on the Saturday and Sunday of the Labour Day public holiday weekend at the Yarram Recreational Reserve

"The shows are open to all purebred dogs registered with the Australian National Kennel Council, the nation's peak canine accreditation body, and will represent over 110 recognised breeds," Mr Powell said

The highlight of the weekend will be the Elaine Powell Memorial Championship Show, which will be held on Saturday Tragically lost to the club three years ago, Elaine Powell was a highly regarded member of the Victorian Dog Community and foundation secretary "Bringing dog shows to regional areas provides a double benefit," Mr Powell said

"Firstly, they allow the public to come and talk to exhibitors and get to meet and familiarise themselves with different breeds, and we look forward to seeing as many local people as possible

"Secondly, exhibitors bring tourist dollars into the local community, where they stay in local motels, shop in local stores and eat either at local hotels, cafes and takeaways "

The event will be a fully catered, and there will be local vendors selling dog treats and other dog-related items

Further information can be found on the club's Facebook page

Traralgon BridgeClub

CONGRATULATIONS to Jan Williams and Peter Lonie who won the Tuesday pairs

Results for February 20 to February 23:

Monday: 1st Kay Baxter and Monika Cornell 59 per cent, 2nd Moira Hecker and Helen Mcadam (56)

Tuesday: 1st Peter Lonie and Jan Williams (61 43), 2nd Monika Cornell and Roxy Lamond

Thursday teams: 1st Moira Hecker, Glenis Lohr, Helen Mcadam and Don Tylee 2nd Phillip Goode, Barbara Barr, Bruce Arnup and Roshni Chand

Peer advocacy

NEW Wave Morwell is a peer advocacy group for people with intellectual disabilities and acquired brain injuries, to learn about their rights and how to stand up for themselves

They have meetings every second Wednesday, while their office on 27 Church Street is open Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, free to the public

For more information, phone New Wave support worker, Eric Silva on 0412 944 850

Mums and babies yoga classes

YOGA sessions for mums and babies run at the High Street Community Hub (4 High Street, Moe) on Thursday, March 9 and Thursday, March 23

Sessions are from 10am to 10 45am

Very gentle yoga and no prior yoga experience required Breathe, stretch and socialise with other mums $15 per session - no obligation to attend both sessions

For more information or to book your spot on the yoga mat, call/SMS Maria on 0499 996 364

Gippsland Orchid Club

GREAT first meeting for 2023 was held in February at our new venue

Our meeting was well attended at the Traralgon Anglican Hall, 100 Grey Street, Traralgon

We welcomed six new members to our group, and hopefully they all enjoyed themselves Our next meeting will be held tomorrow (Thursday, March 9)

Doors open at 1 30pm for a 2pm start

Last month we held a mini auction of Cymbidium Orchids President Robin and vice president Geoff demonstrated techniques for assisting plants to look their best; for your own satisfaction and for showing plants

The club has a mini show at each monthly meeting, and if you have a plant you are proud of, you are encouraged to bring it along to show This month, all members in attendance will be part of splitting up Cymbidium Compots (Groups of three or four plants in one pot)

Potting mix and pots will be supplied, and you can purchase plants for $10-$15 each

A great price for some quality plants

There will also be a mini auction of two larger plants

Please bring along a small afternoon tea plate to share Tea and coffee will be available

For further information ring secretary Pat on 0407 741 621

Gathering of members

MORWELL Historical Society will hold its annual meeting on Wednesday, March 15 at 2pm in their rooms at 12 Hazelwood Road, Morwell

Following the annual meeting, members and the general public are invited to stay for our gathering of members and afternoon tea

The rooms will be open before the AGM from 11am to 2pm

If you are free come and visit us, talk to our volunteers; if your school no longer exists we may have your school photos

Have a look at our displays

Did you or a family member live in White City?

We would love to hear from you

Go back in time and see our wedding displays

For a short time we still have the Maryvale Football Club and Latrobe Valley Yacht Club displays

Morwell North Primary School reunion

DID you or your descendants attend Morwell North Primary School?

The Morwell Historical Society is excited to announce that they will be holding a Morwell North Primary School Reunion on Sunday, March 26 from 1pm to 3pm in their rooms at 12 Hazelwood Road, Morwell

As well as past students meeting up with their classmates, a highlight of the reunion will be the school rolls that we have from 1907 to 1958 plus other photos

Come and see if your parents or grandparents attended the school

Scone champions

CWA Morwell Evening Branch are the 2021 and 2022 Scone Champions and they are hoping to make it a hat-trick this year!

A pop-up scone stall will be held on Saturday, March 25 from 10am to 2pm Scones can be purchased on the day and preorders picked up from the Morwell Historical Society, 12 Hazelwood Road, Morwell

So you don't miss out, we are encouraging preorders which can be made via trybooking com

Please look at their Facebook page cwamorwellevening for links for pre-orders and more information on corporate and virtual scone orders

Additional baked goods and recipe books will also be available from our pop-up shop on the day

We hope the local community supports the ladies in their attempt at three in a row

Moe District Cancer Council

OUR next meeting will be our annual meeting, to be held on Monday, March 27 from 1 30pm at the Moe RSL All welcome

For more Information:

Volunteer group contact: Beryl on 5127 4028 or Linda on 0427 671 780

Cancer council supporters hotline: 1300 65 65 85

Cancer Council help line: 13 11 20

Quit Line: 13 78 48

Visit: wwwcancervic org au

Our Kinda Country

AN event for Our Kinda Country will be held at the Royal Exchange Hotel, (Flanagans) Traralgon

(64 Princes Highway) on Sunday, April 2

Various artists will play from 12pm to 5pm

More than 20 Easter raffles and an auction will take place

All money raised goes toward the Cork Club

Good Friday Appeal

Chess results

EVERYTHING worked well for Ian Hamilton, winning all contests

Steve Ahern continued the improvement to win three games although he allowed Cliff Thornton to draw and a sacrifice was unsatisfactory

Trevor Poulton made a late start to forfeit two games, then forced a win against Peter Bakker who slipped up in most battles

Except for one win, Bob Cooper found himself in the lost position

Matt Bolding claimed the win twice but lost the fight in other battles

Phone Ian Hamilton on 5134 1971 or Cliff Thornton on 0413 330 458 for all things related to local chess

Traralgon softtennis

A GROUP of lovely ladies are looking for more people to join their fun group soft tennis group

Soft tennis is played on a badminton court

It is scored as in table tennis

Players use a moulded fibreglass bat and the ball is a foam ball which is similar in size to a tennis ball

The net is lower than for badminton, and they do not play for sheep stations - just great fun and fellowship!

There is a keen group of players meeting each Tuesday morning at the Gippsland Regional Indoor Sports Stadium in Traralgon to play soft tennis and they welcome new players It is great fun and good exercise as well!

Anyone interested in having a look at the game or in having a go at it, is invited to come to the Gippsland Regional Indoor Sports Stadium any Tuesday morning between 9am and 11 30am

Cost is only $5 per-person and refreshments are provided

If you are interested, please ring Judy on 0448 380 067 or Cheryl on 0422 332 934

Dealing with grief and loss

TRARALGON Neighbourhood Learning House, in partnership with Jesuit Social Services, is hosting a free event ‘Dealing with Grief and Loss’

According to manager Julie Callahan, “we have organised this event in response to the cumulative trauma we’ve recognised in our local community "

"It’s a difficult topic but a very important one, given the challenges of not only the past few years but also recent traumatic events

"We have a close-knit community and we have all been touched by feelings of grief and loss in recent times It’s been tough for many of us ” Grief is experienced in various ways and there are many types of loss, such as death of a loved one, separations, animals passing, losing friendships, natural disasters, etc

Local professionals will provide practical strategies for supporting yourself and others following a loss

For further information and to register your attendance, phone 5174 6199 or email enquiries@ tnlh org au

Garden club

ST Patrick's Day is the traditional planting time for sweet peas

The next meeting of the Traralgon Garden Club will be at 2pm on Tuesday, March 14 at the Traralgon Greyhound Club, Glenview Park, McNairn Rd, Traralgon

Enter via the float entrance

There will be a presentation on the development and successful propagation of modern sweet peas New members and visitors welcome For further information, phone Bryan Corkran on 0408 598 016

Bushwalking club

SAFETY was the number one focus when club members met on Saturday, February 25 at the Moe Library for a leadership training course

Topics covered in detail were advanced navigation, walk planning including route and elevation and reconnaissance of the walk route

This training was generously provided by a group of highly experienced bushwalkers that we have in the club, with the aim of mentoring and encouraging the next generation of walk leaders

During February, the Strzelecki Bushwalking Club has had groups walking around the Baw Baw Village exploring some of trails in and around the summit

Mt Baw Baw offers a completely different feel in the summer months and there are lots of local flora and fauna opportunities for walkers along the numerous paths

Our next club night is on March 8, and will be held in the Trafalgar Scout Hall beginning at 7 30 pm

The focus of this evening shall be a presentation about kayaking around Hinchinbrook Island by Julie Parker

Visitors are most welcome to attend our club nights

Further information is available on the website at sbwc org au, on our Facebook page, or by emailing publicity@sbwc org au

Anote on photos

THE Express welcomes photos to be included in community corner, however, photographs need to be of certain quality to ensure they do not become pixelated when blown up to newspaper size

Photos must be no less 3MB (megabytes), and must be submitted in JPEG format

Photos taken on devices such as an iPhone are fine, but please just make sure they are in focus

With thanks, Liam Durkin

LV Express Editor

Youcan be apartof Community Corner

IF you are a community group and have any news items you need publicised, feel free to email us at news@lvexpress com au You can address the correspondence to Editor, Liam Durkin

Please write ‘Community Corner’ in the subject line and nothing else monthly challenge recently

This free event will take place on Thursday, March 30 from 6 30pm to 8pm


Tatum Auteri turns 9 Carmen Fenech turns 6


Jasmine Town turns 8

Ryder Azzopardi turns 10 Jedd Taylor turns 5


Olivia Seymour turns 6

Bellatrix Forte turns 3


Emily Bastin turns 12

Kini Tawalo turns 9


Deadline is Friday 9am to appear in the following Wednesday issue To

Sian Radic turns 12

IT doesn’t matterwhat time of the year it is,the best wayto save moneyistomakesurethat your heating and cooling system is regularly serviced and well maintained.

When the days and nights become chillier,having to fire up our heaterstobewarmagain meansthat thereispotential for higher electricity/gas bills.Having your heater regularly serviced will keep it in running to its best potential and help keep energy bills down.

When the warm weatherhits with avengeance our best friend becomes the air conditioner If youmakesureyou clean air conditionersevery six months,or earlier if recommended, youwon't have theproblem of clogged, dirty filtersblocking normal airflowand stopping youfromobtaining its full potential.

Russell Thomas is able to serve all your air conditioning and heating ements,installations and Phone foranobligation free nd find out the benefits and savings with an inverter split system.

Russell Thomas is fullyqualified, has CertificateIIinEngineeringProduction (Air Conditioning) and occupational health and service training

It adheres to the refrigerant handling code of practice and is a member of ARK. Compliance certificates arealso issued with each installation.

Russell Thomas ensures you enjoyyearsofcomfortable living To arrange afreequoteorfor further information, phone Russell Thomas on 0407 505 567



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JACKETS Fletcher Jones Aust., 1 male, sz OS, worn once. 1 female, sz 20, never worn. Best offers. 0418 512 015.




to place your classified in ourKING Charles Cavalier pups, 2M,1 F, 8wks old, p/bred, vacc., m/c 95600 0015952142/824/376, MB 113110 $3000. Phone Sally 0408 416 803.

TRARALGON, Richo's last garage sale, 13 Breed St (Traralgon Historical Society rooms), Sunday, 10am3pm. Over 800 individual items, all Gippsland local history books. All prices very affordable.

Landscaping Mulch

Beautify your garden. Bulk quantity available, $25m3. Phone 0412 613 443 or 1800 468 733.

LABRADOR pups with papers, black, 3male, parents hip/elbow scored, beautiful pups ready for their forever homes, m/c 956000015937252/771/669, RB211489 $1500. Phone 0409 259 516.

MALTESE Cross XPoodle Cross pups, 5M, white m/c 956000014974323, cream 0937, sablee 2616, black 0351, sable 860396 RB211780 $1200. Phone Kath 0438 453 063 or 5634 6486

MALTESE XShih-Tzu pups, 1M, 18 weeks, vet checked, vacc., wormed, m/c 956000014641489, MB153988 $1500.00. Phone 0420 389 773.



For Sale •

FREE 2seater lounge and 1 recliner, colour blue. Brenda 0403 974 601.

Budget Blinds

0418 514 132

TINNY, car topper, oars, tank, trailer, engine $2300 another available $5800 lights canopy and all gear. 0401 446 404 $300 firewood 4-5m3

TREADMILL, Horizon Adventure 3Plus model, owner's manual, tools and base mat included, all in excellent condition, $500 o.n.o. Ph 0409 919 954.

Garage Sales •

MOE, 15 Libra Crescent, Fri. 4-7, Sat. 8-12. Camping gear, Christmas items, Diecast, home decor, household goods and brica-brac and much more.


5Theotera Place, Saturday, 8am-2pm. Furniture, household items, collectables and more.


Wyndham Crt, Saturday, 8.30am. Small women's and kid's clothing, toys, homewares, tools etc.



Voicemail introductions advertisements and voice messages may only be submitted by persons 18 years and older. When making contact with people for the first time, it is advisable to meet in apublic place and let amember of your family or atrusted friend know where you will be.

We would advise readers and advertisers to exercise caution and giving out personal details. This will be respected by genuine respondents.


Day Trips

● Dandenong Market, 14th March

● Lakes Entrance lunch cruise, 23rd March

● Lyn Brooke Hotel lunch, 30th March, Smorgas Board

● Melb. Flower Show, 2nd April

● Fountain Gate, 19th April Jaybee Tours / Hazelwood Coaches 0428 223 361

MOBILE MASSEUR for ladies and couples, stress/pain relief, days and evenings. Peter 0417 336 553.

Moe Self Storage

Limousin, Jersey, Hereford and Friesian, very quiet. 0447 331 762. GP1654526

various sizes from $85 p.c.m. Contact Strzelecki Realty on 5127 1333.

MORWELL, 25 Porter St, Saturday, 9-12. Household goods, bric-a-brac, car parts, collectables, tools, building materials. Everything must go!!

MORWELL, 31 Holmes Rd. Open 7days. Mini Trash and Treasure Market, inside stalls $20 per week, outside -weekends $10 per day. Call Jo -0437 981 388.

MORWELL, 37 Bridle Rd, Saturday, 8am-1pm. Coca Cola collectables, tools fishing rods, vintage books, baseball cards and lots more.

With an audience of over 76,000 you’re guaranteed to reachMORE locals than Facebook ADVERTISEYOUR GARAGE SALE IN THE EXPRESS TO REACH MORE LOCALS

5135 4455 heat/cook, clean and tidy, vacant now. 6or 12 mth contract. Rent after disc. $440pw +bond +3wk rent in adv. 'Fair-go' policy with income statements. Call Johann 0435 751 588.

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THANKS to Guy's Glass for fixing my shower when the one that installed it did not fix it. Iknow who I would recommend to do a job.


Help support local business while we service, build and repair in our local communities

Hello Baby In The Express

The Latrobe Valley Express welcomes photos of your newest arrival

Parents are welcome to email a copy of your newborn photos for publication to our editorial staff - news@lvexpress com au with the subject line ‘baby photo Please include the following details: Baby s first and middle name/s Baby’s surname D O B Mum s maiden name Mum and Dad’s names Location of Hospital Hometown


Optus plans to upgrade the telecommunications facilities at the below mentioned address with the addition of new 5G equipment:

65-67 Eastern Road, TRARALGON VIC 3844 (RFNSA: 3844025)

The proposed upgrade consists of -

● The installation of new headframe

● The removal of three (3) existing panel antennas

● The installation of six (6) new panel antennas (each is no more than 2.8m long)

● The installation of six (6) new Remote Radio units (RRUs)

● The installation, relocation and removal of ancillary equipment including RRUs, antenna mounts, feeders, cabling, combiners, and

● Other associated equipment and the works within the existing equipment Outdoor Unit (ODU).

Optus regards the proposed installations as Low-impact Facilities under the Telecommunications Low-impact Facilities) Determination 2018 ("The Determination") based on the descriptions above.

In accordance with Section 7ofC564:2020 Mobile Phone Base Station Deployment Code, we invite you to provide feedback about the proposals. Further information and/or comments should be directed to: Wannan Bao on 0428 684 927, or via the Service Stream Wireless Consultation inbox at Optus.submissions@servicestream.com.au or Zenith Centre, Level 3, Tower B, 821 Pacific Highway, Chatswood NSW 2167, by 5pm, Monday 27 March 2023.

If you would like to know more about this sites, further information can be obtained from www.rfnsa.com.au

Public Notices • Adult Services • Livestock • Garage Sales • For Sale • Public Notices • classif ieds@lvexpress.com.au MONDAY TO FRIDAY 9AM-5PM Classifieds 51354455 The Latrobe Valley Express, Wednesday, 8March, 2023 —Page 35

Expressions Of Interest

Walhalla Goldfields Railway seeks motivated people who would like to put back into the community by volunteering for our iconic railway. The WGR has now been in continuous operation for nearly thirty years and is agrowing, successful tourist attraction.


Qualified Mechanical Engineer Marketing Officer

If yo feel you would like to become part of our dedicated and enthusiastic volunteer team, please contact our Office on 5165 6280. Secretary, Graeme Skinner

John'z Home Maint.

Electric oven/stove repairs incl. oven doors. Reliable, experienced and friendly.Most parts arecarried on-board. Free phone estimates. 12 month guarantee on repairs. Phil 0412 165542 ovenlec.com.au REC. 9764

Door Installer

Handyman. General maint. &repairs. Fencing &brick work repairs, driveway pressure wash/colour, tile repair/replacement, door/ door handles, tapware replacement. 0418 581 631.



Be Your Own Boss Lawn Mowing Business


Much hardship and difficulty is caused to job seekers by misleading advertising placed in the employment columns. Our Situations Vacant columns are reserved for advertisements which carry aspecific and genuine offer of employment. Ads for `Business Opportunities' and `Training Courses' and `Employment Services' should be submitted under those headings.

Placing misleading ads is an offence against the Trades Practices Act and state/territory fair trading acts and all advertisements are subject to the publisher's approval. Forfurther advice, contact the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission on 1300 302 502 or your state consumer affairs agency.


Pruning, stump grinding, hedging, nest boxand habitat hollowscreation, insured and qualified.

Brent 0403080 315



Cosmetic Technician or Dermal Therapist

Anew start up Beautify Skin Clinic inside aGP practice in Latrobe Valley with latest equipment is seeking a Cosmetic Technician or Dermal Therapist or equivalent, nursing background is aplus. At least one year hands-on experienced beautifying, handling equipment (training provided), cosmetic supplies, customer focused, computer booking. If you want to pick up more hours starting one day aweek and wanting to grow with the business and its potential for you. Send your application to: manager@beautify skinclinic.com.au

Advertise your EMPLOYMENT


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