Midland Express Tuesday March 26 2024

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Express Tuesday, March 26, 2024 www midlandexpress com au MIDLAND Footy&Netball COUNTRY SEASON 202 4L IFTOUT INSIDE TOD AY PROUDLY SPONSOREDBY Rats, mould and mice Kyneton FNC netball director Loryn Savoia stands out the front of the ‘sheep shed’. Angela Crawford Kyneton Football Netball Club netballers are facing another season using a mouldy shed as their changerooms Club president Hayden Evans has slammed a delay to the promised redevelopment of the netball facilities at the Kyneton Showgrounds The state government awarded the project $1 5 million and Macedon Ranges Shire Council issued a planning permit last September for the works to redevelop the netball courts and build new changerooms However, objectors have since lodged an appeal at the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal over the planned removal 10 non-native trees Mr Evans said he was exhausted trying to fight for better facilities for the netballers "We have 70 girls using one court and getting changed in a mouldy shed with rats and mice," he said "We have probably the worst netball facilities in the state Continued page 4 KN276669 Service your pumps today. Call now! 9walker st castlemaine @the mill ph: 5470 6270 Open 7Days 8amto 4pm The Heart of Vienna KN276671 KN276838/K • Property and Conveyancing • Criminal Law • Family Law • Wills and Estates • Commercial Law • Employment Law • Appearing in all Courts Please contact us on 5422 6500 8Jennings St,Kyneton email: psr@psr.net.au PALMER, STEVENS & RENNICK Barristers & Solicitors
2-Tuesday, March26, 2024 MIDLAND EXPRESS K N 2 7 6 4 7 9 / K

Musicians are making the most of autumn'sstunning backdrop across the Macedon Ranges in the month of April.

New to the Macedon Ranges Autumn Festival, Live and Local introduces aseries of musical acts to local halls and venues.

Twenty-three bands or singer/songwriters will perform across Friday,Saturday and Sunday nights during April, with local wineries and food trucks showcasing regional produce.

Country/blues artist Jarrod Shaw and three-piece pop/rock band The Whiskey Rogues will kick offthe series with afamily friendly evening at the Lancefield Mechanics Institute on April 5.

Growing up in the Romsey area, Jarrod said he was looking forward to seeing both new and familiar faces in the crowd.

"It'snice to be playing at alocal music event at to see music return to the Macedon Ranges following the last few years coming out of the pandemic," he said.

Jarrod'sfirst ever music festival was the Kyneton Boots and Roots Festival.

Many local residents would be familiar with his music from his performances at Farmers Markets in Lancefield, Woodend, Riddells Creek and Kyneton.

Jarrod will be performing in aduo with percussionist Robert B.

Dillon on the night, with some of his own originals as well as some old favourites.

"It'sspecial to be playing in an area that Igrew up in," he said. "Hopefully it'sanevent that has something for everyone to enjoy."

The Whiskey Rogues specialise in music from the 70s, 80s and 90s, and are guaranteed to get people up and dancing. Jarrod Shaw and the Whiskey Rogues will kick offLive and Local at Lancefield Mechanics Institute on Friday,April 5, from 6pm to 10.30pm. Food and drinks available on site. Tickets: $15, via Macedon Ranges Shire Council'swebsite or: trybooking.com.au Live and Local will take place across several venues across the shire.

The Vintage Blues Machine will be playing at the Kyneton Museum, The Martini Set at Lauriston Hall, The Lydians and The Maine Groovers will be jamming at Tylden Hall, and many more. TimRogers and The Mods have already sold out their show at Malmsbury.Somake sure you book your ticket to avoid disappointment! For acomprehensive list of the dates and locations, visit the online events guide at: mrsc.vic.gov.au

Callfor VCAT reform

Mitchell Shire councillors are advocating for reform in the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal decision-making process.

Councillors are calling on the Minister for Planning and president of VCATfor change including the use of athree-member panel for review when acouncil decision occurs by unanimous vote.

"This panel approach ensures amore comprehensive and balanced assessment of the case," Cr Nathan Clark'smotion stated.

"The use of apanel would allow for diverse perspectives, expertise, and thorough consideration of all relevant factors. The

use of apanel eliminates the problem of introducing asingle point of failure."

Cr Clark'smotion also sought inclusion of dissenting opinions if there was aminority dissenting opinion within the aforementioned panel.

"If there is aminority dissenting opinion within the panel, it should be explicitly documented and presented as part of the final VCATdecision," it stated.

The notice of motion was passed unanimously at MSC'sMarch 18 ordinary meeting with plenty of discussion.

“We’ve had anumber of really critical issues (before VCAT),” Cr Bill Chisholm said.

He referred to aTootle Street, Kilmore,

housing development about three kilometres from the centre of the town.

Cr Chisholm said the outcome for residents in the long term would be really poor, with “a whole heap of units” being allowed.

“VCATisthe bane of our life,” Cr Rob Eldridge said, claiming the council often makes sound planning decisions yet has them overturned.

Cr Annie Goble said councillors had local knowledge, and it was frustrating when a single member overturned aunanimous decision and paves the way for developers to go ahead.

She supported the idea of advocating for change with other councils.

MIDLAND EXPRESS Tuesday, March26, 2024-3 News
Mechanics Institute on April 5. Photo: Visit Macedon Ranges Live and Localis coming MEMBER FORMCEWEN ROB MITCHELL MP HE’S HERE FORUS Authorised Rob Mitchell MP,Australian Labor Party,57-59 High Street,Wallan. 57-59 HighStreet WallanVIC 3756 PO Box380,Wallan VIC3756 5716 3000 Rob.Mitchell.MP@aph.gov.au robmitchell.com.au K N 2 7 7 1 3 6 If youare planningtovisit Forest Glade Gardens on anyweekend or public holidayduring April2024, YOUMUST BOOK IN ADVANCE This Autumn, guest numbers and parking will be strictly limited SCAN QR CODE TO BOOK YOUR TICKETS ONLINE www.trybooking.com/events/landing/1192143 IMPORTANT NOTICE KN277205 Cascade Art Gallery,The Church, 1A Fountain Street, Maldon Vic3463 Open Thursday –Sunday 10am -5pm Kareen Anchen -Gallery Director 0408 844 152 |e:info@cascadeart.com.au cascadeart.com.au Maldon’s Fine ArtTreasure–an atmospheric artgalleryset in an 1863 Gothic Revival church. Specialising in painting, limitededition fine artprints,bronzeand ceramic sculptures KN277255 MONDAY–THURSDAY8:30-5:30PM GOOD FRIDAYCLOSED SATURDAY8:30-3PM SUNDAY9-3PM PHONE 5422 3851 180 MOLLISON ST,KYNETON orders@hok.com.au March 25 to April 7 THREE PAIRS!! Porterhouse and Scotch Whole $21.99kg &$31.99kg Steak $24.99kg &$33.99kg LAMB Racks and Cutlets $26.99kg &29.00kg PORK Loins (1/2's) and Bites $11.99kg each SUPER EASTER SPECIALS KN276837/K CARTON SPECIALS 10% OFF MIXED PRODUCTS (Excludes specials and discounts)
Country/blues artist Jarrod Shaw will perform at the Lancefield

Rats, mould and mice

From page 1.

"We're sick offwaiting, we're sick of nonaction, it just can't continue.

"We'll lose young girls from playing because they can't actually train and they're all using the one court."

Mr Evans said he had asked the council to provide portable changerooms until the matter was resolved.

support its redevelopment," Mr Walden said.

"We’ve been taking all the necessary planning and design steps to get aproposed redevelopment started as soon as practical.

"We’re working to finalise detailed designs and we issued aplanning permit that included the necessary removal of 10 boundary trees of varied health in consideration of an independent arborist report.

proved by council, allowing an exemption to aplanning permit if vegetation removal was not within 30 metres of awaterway or was being facilitated by council.

"Webelieve the permit is no longer necessary as aresult," he said.

"Wewill have abetter idea of construction timelines and next steps once this is resolved with VCAT."

Council'sdirector of assets and operations, Shane Walden, said the council agreed that the existing netball facilities at Kyneton Showgrounds were not what players expected or deserved.

"Council has been pushing for some time, in collaboration with the KFNC and the Victorian Government, for external funding to

"A member of the public objected to the decision and the objection was due to be heard at VCATthis year,however we are awaiting advice from VCATastowhether the original permit is still required."

Mr Walden said there had been an approved amendment to the broader Planning Scheme since the permit was initially ap-

"Player safety is apriority and council officers proactively identified amould issue at the pavilion as part of seasonal changeover inspections earlier this month, with this issue addressed by contractors last Tuesday."

Mr Walden said the council would continue discussions with the club on how it could support them in this interim period.

Outside areas want sayin pokies survey


Romsey will have its say on pokies in Macedon Ranges Shire Council'splebiscite but some residents feel the survey area doesn't extend far enough.

The council began letterbox drops last week togauge community sentiment on electronic gaming in responsetoanactive application for the former Romsey Hotel.

Romsey Football Netball Club Inc applied for 50 gaming machines and a$10 million pub renovation last year and decision now rests with the Victorian Gambling andCasino Control Commission. Survey feedback to MRSC will inform the council'ssubmission to the VGCCC on the application.

MRSC defined its survey area as, "Romsey residents and those living within five kilometres of the Romsey Hotel", but neighbouring areas such as Lancefield and Monegeetta equally want their say Lancefield resident Patricia Danko said those living in immediate surrounding towns would be just as affected by the application outcome.

"Lancefield is not that far away and most people in Lancefield use services and shop in Romsey," she said.

"Lancefield should be includedinthe survey area so theyhavemoredataonhow peoplefeelabout this. Theapplication at Romsey will affect all of usone way or the other "

Ms Danko has submitted her own submission to the VGCCC onthe application and has encouraged others to do the same.


Similarly,local lobby group Keep Romsey Pokies Free has letterbox dropped MRSC's survey area.

The KRPF group'sflier encourages residents to be involved in the council'ssurvey and to make their own submission VGCCC. It includes tips for making submissions as well as asample email with links to information about the impacts of pokies.

KRPF member Eddie Woodford also felt the survey area should have extended

further with many residents outside Romsey accessing the township for daily needs.

"I feel thesurvey should have agreater radius– even just to extend it as far as to capture Lancefield would make ahuge difference," he said.

"If you were to suddenlyput pokies in Romsey you'd be extending access to a muchgreaternumber of people."


AMRSC representative said for the purpose of the survey,"the council received specialist advice that the VGCCC seeks direct feedback from those within the town/5km radius of the venue".

The council sent out just over 4000 surveys via apubliclyavailable database from the Victorian Electoral Commission but acknowledged there may be some residents not captured in that database.

Council encourages anyone who hasn’t received aletter directly and who believes they are within the survey area, to contact the council and ‘opt in’ to take part (proof of residency required).

For details on the council survey,visit the website: mrsc.vic.gov.au

Residents outside the council'ssurvey area can still have their say on theRomsey Hotel application by making adirect submission to the VGCCC via: vgccc.vic.gov.au

4-Tuesday, March26, 2024 MIDLAND EXPRESS News
CASTLEMAINE SMILES Forgentle dental care 21 Lyttleton St,Castlemaine |Ph54721377 Open: Monday-Friday. Payment Plans Available E: enquiries@castlemainesmilesdentist.com.au www.castlemainesmilesdentist.com.au KN277003 Drawing on morethan 20 yearsof experienceand apassion forrecreating smiles, Dr.Mithun Shettyisready to offer his expertiseatCastlemaine Smiles! Providing services forall-on-4 dentures, single-tooth, and multiple-teeth implant replacements. Schedule your FREE implant consultation now! 9-11Market Street,Kyneton –5422 1397 reception@kynetonmedical.com.au www.kynetonmedical.com.au KN276822/K FRIENDLYFAMILY MEDICAL CARE Kyneton Medical Centre offers patientcentred carefor your family Kyneton Medical Centre, experienced medical care forthe whole family We areopenMondaytoFriday8am-6pm and Saturday mornings9am-12pm Appointmentscan be made anytime via our website kynetonmedical.com.au RANDOM A ACT OF Kindness♥ KN276603 WinnerofWeek5 MillyHand Closed for Easter Council offices will be closed from 5.00pm, Thursday 28 Marchto8.30am, Tuesday2 April. Therewill be no kerbside bin collectiononGoodFriday 29 March.Instead, binswillbecollected on Saturday30March K N 2 7 6 6 9 9


"Often the achievements and contributions of women are under-acknowledged."

These are the words of Macedon Ranges disability advocate Shanleigh Meldrum who wants to be part of turning that around.

Shanleigh was inducted into the Victorian Honour Roll of Women last year and is now encouraging people to nominate other local women for the honour roll who also have made outstanding contributions.

"It is important to celebrate the achievements of women in our community to increase the visibility of positive role models and leaders to inspire future generations and promote gender equality," she said.

"I am very grateful and humbled to be included amongst some of the most inspiring and accomplished women across Victoria.

"It was an honour to have my work recognised and has further increased the visibility of the needs of deaf, hard of hearing and deafblind people in our community."

Shanleigh is an SES volunteer for both Woodend and Gisborne and that'swhere some of her important work began, in educating fellow members on deaf, hard of hearing and deafblind people.

Her advocacy has contributed to longterm community benefits for deaf, hard of hearing and deafblind youth in regional Victoria, and improved awareness of their needs in both mental and physical health and emergency management contexts.

She also established aMacedon Ranges Deaf and Hard of Hearing Community Group, among many other community achievements.

Since Shanleigh'sinduction to the honour roll, her work and commitment to supporting deaf, hard of hearing and deafblind people has only grown.

She has been vocal in the set-up of a second youth space for those aged 12-25 years in the Macedon Ranges.

They are now located in Kyneton and Gisborne.

Shanleigh has taken on another volunteer role with the Macedon Ranges Shire Council Aged Care Volunteers Visiting Scheme supporting Deaf Auslan users in aged care.

Shanleigh has also organised further deaf awareness and Auslan training for Gisborne and Woodend SES volunteers to take place in May.She continues to organise social catch-ups for the Macedon

Ranges Deaf and Hard of Hearing Community Group.

For April, Shanleigh has organised a free community event with Auslan in the West called 'Sign and Wine', where people can learn about awareness and basic Auslan.

Nominations to the Victorian Honours Roll of Women reopened last week, for women either born in Victoria, who have

spent aconsiderable part of their life here, or who have made asignificant contribution to the state. Since it began in 2001, almost 750 women from across the state have been inducted into the roll for their contributions to various fields including science, art, environment, law and social justice. Submissions close on May 5. Full criteria is available online at: vic.gov.au/ honour-roll-women

MIDLAND EXPRESS Tuesday, March26, 2024-5 News
KN275792 RENDERING PAINTING MUDBRICK RESTORATION WE DO IT ALL! CALL US TODAYTODISCUSS. 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE Servicing VictCentral oria M: 0417 479 491 E: info@rendersolutions.com.au www.rendersolutions.com.au KN276700 K N 2 7 6 7 1 6 the kitchen shop A fantastic range of quality kitchenware and when you need something special Shop 4/130 High Street WOODEND 3442 5427 4500 e: hello@pestle com au www.pestle.com.au Photos courtesy KGMG Consultants K N 2 7 7 2 0 3 K
Shanleigh Meldrum is an SES volunteer for both Woodend and Gisborne.

April school holiday fun!

Council is hosting arange e of activities and events for children and young people in the shire throughout the April school holidays

Kids Creative Building Jam

Kyneton Town Hall, 8-10 April

Ahands-on, super fun creative school holiday collaboration for children aged 6-13 years. Someone is in trouble and 100 creative-minded kids are needed to help design and build asafeplacce for them Using a huge range of rec aimed materials, we will collaboratively dream m up and build a never-before-seen structure in the town hall. The program will run over five separate two-hour workshops, culminating with apublic grand opening g to celebrate the build

To register, visit mrsc.viic gov au/arts-events or call the box office on 1300 888 802.

Dance holiday program

8-10 April, 9am-12pm, Buuffalo Sports Stadium in Woodend

BP break-in

For children aged 6-12 years. Over three sessions, childrenwill learn hip hop, acrobatic and acting skills in afun andengaging environmentwith aqualified professional

To enrol, email studio2tinytackers@mrsc.vic.gov.au or call 5422 0333.

IntensiveLearn to Swim Program

KynetonToyota Sports &Aquatic Centre(KTSAC) will run intensive swimming programs during theholidays.

To enrol in lessons, call 5421 1477.

The pool inflatable

Featuring obstacles, climbing hillsand slides –will also run on variousdaysat KTSAC throughout the holidays.

Use of the inflatable is included in pool entry fees. Follow the KTSAC Facebook page for updates.

*A reminder that GisborneAquatic Centre is closed for maintenance during the school holidays (2-14 April).

Youth ACMI Exhibition Excursion

8April. Fully supervised event for ages 12-17 years.

Join the Youth Services team on atrip to ACMI at FederationSquare in Melbourne to see the ‘Marshmallow Laser Feast: WorksofNature Exhibition’,animmersive exhibitionfeaturing large-scale digitalworks and interactive experiences. Register via the Council website, email idandrea@mrsc.vic.gov.au or call 5422 0333.

Hanging Rockexhibition andart competition

View the‘Impacts of single-use plastics’ exhibition at the Hanging Rock Discovery Centre and see the winning entriesfrom the Hanging Rock Single-use Plastics Art Competition.

For information and to register for any of the above activities, visit mrsc vic gov au/school-holidays

Easter/April school holidays –service changes

There will be changes to some of Council’s public-facing services over the Easter long weekend (due to public holidays) and throughout the upcoming school holidays.

More information will be provided via Council’s website and social media this week –visit mrsc.vic.gov.au/news for the latest updates.

Your Say

•Barkly Square Multipurpose Facility Options (closing 31 March)

•Draft Gambling Harm Prevention Policy (closing 31 March)

•Draft Riddells Creek Movement Network Study (closing 31 March)

•C154macr1 Wills Street, Malmsbury (closing 1April)

•Stanley Park Infrastructure Master plan (closing 19 April)

•Early Childhood Education and Care –Workforce Survey (closing 30 April)

Visit yoursay.mrsc.vic.gov.au to provide feedback and sign up to receive alerts about consultations as they are listed.


•Coordinator Environment, full time (closing 5April)

•Coordinator Geographic Information System, full time (closing 5April)

•Early Years Regional Team Leader, part time (closing 5April)

For more information or to apply, visit mrsc.vic.gov.au/jobs or call 5422 0333.

Watch meetings live and see past recordingsat mrsc.vic.gov.au/livestream

Kyneton'sBPservice station was broken into about 4am last Tuesday

CCTV footage captured vision of the offenders breaking into the service station on High Street and stealing stock from the store.

Detectives from the Macedon Ranges Crime Investigation Unit are investigating.

Anyone with information is asked to call Kyneton Police Station on 5421 2900 or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

Cars collide at Gisborne

Emergency services attended the scene of atwo-car collision at Gisborne last Friday They were called to the scene on the corner of Fisher and Aitken Streets just before 1pm.

It is beleived one car failed to give way at the intersection and collided with the other vehicle. No one was injured in the crash.

Microgrids for three towns

Central Victoria could be home to several community-scale microgrids, as part of apackage of new resilience measures being tested and explored by electricity distributor Powercor.

Lancefield, Trentham and Ballan have been identified as potential locations for amicrogrid –a standalone power network backed by alarge-scale battery –capable of keeping the lights on and ‘islanding’ the community in the event of a major power outage.

Other resilience measures to be proposed by Powercor include fire-proofwrapping and replacing more wooden poles in high fire danger areas, increasing the heights of dozens of powerlines in areas at risk of flooding and expanding the fleet of mobile large-scale generators to temporarily power communities.

Last Monday, Powercor representatives met with community members in Ballarat to hear their views on the initiatives and road test arange of scenarios as part of its next five-year business plan, with adraft to be submitted to the Australian Energy Regulator this August.

The measures have been developed following three years of extensive community engagement in central and western Victoria.

Powercor’s general manager of regulation, Renate Vogt, said Monday’s consultation session was another opportunity to hear directly from community members about the challenges they face when extreme weather impacts the power network, and what they want Powercor to invest in.

“As we are experiencing more intense weather events, we need to prioritise investments that build and maintain stronger networks and communities,” Ms Vogt said.

“Just as more extreme weather is increasing the risk of prolonged outages, our customers are becoming more dependent on electricity than ever before.

“We are listening to our customers to help us find solutions to build more resilient networks in the face of climate change, while keeping costs as low as possible.”

Over coming months, Powercor will continue seeking feedback on proposed investment ideas and activities on arange of different topic, including renewable energy and affordability, that have been identified through earlier engagement.

Proposed solutions, associated costs and benefits will be tested with customers before the draft plans are published in August 2024. The final plans will be submitted to the Australian Energy Regulator for approval in January 2025.

To find out more or to have your say, visit engage.powercor.com.au


Kyneton 129Mollison Street (8:30am-5pm Mon-Fri)

Gisborne 40 Robertson Street (8:30am-5pm Mon-Fri)

Romsey 96-100 Main Street (8:30am-5pm Mon-Fri)

Woodend CnrHighand Forest streets (12-5pm Tues and Thurs)

6-Tuesday, March26, 2024 MIDLAND EXPRESS News
Open Evening Monday 22 April, 4:00pm -8:00pm Book Online: shckyneton.catholic.edu.au Hands on activities, information sessions and displays -lots to see and do. SacredHeartCollege Kyneton www.shckyneton.catholic.edu.au T: 5421 1238 E: dlawrence@shckyneton.catholic.edu.au KN277196/K
E: mrsc@mrsc.vic.gov.au T: 5422 0333 News MV1606
Scheduled Council Meeting Wednesday 27 March, 7pm public gallery open CouncilMeetings Agendas are available online from 5pm the Friday before the meeting. Service and Administration

Kyneton rallies forthe forest

About 500 Kyneton locals joined Victorian Greens Senator,Janet Rice, and comedian Arj Barker in an organised protest march last Sunday against salvage logging in the Wombat State Forest.

Organised by the Bob Brown Foundation, the ‘March in March’ protest coincided with seven others held across Australia on March 24.

Ms Rice brought the focus of the Mollison Street march to the salvaging of Wombat State Forest wind-fallen timber She said native timber harvesting was still happening, despite the state government’sJanuary 1ban.

“More than 70 per cent of Australians want to see an end to native forest logging,” Ms Rice said.

“Yet it continues and, as we have heard, it’scontinuing here, it is continuing under the guise of salvage logging here in the Wombat Forest.”

Wombat Forestcare founding member, Gayle Osborne, said Forest Fire Management “desperately” needed independent oversight.

“These fallen logs are ecologically incredibly important,” she said. “They shelter the soil from drying out and as they rot they provide homes for fungi, small reptiles, mammals and insects.”

Ms Osborne urged the crowd to petition the state government on the creation of a new National Park.

“Nearly three years ago, they promised in Parliament to create this new WombatLerderderg National Park and we’re still waiting," she said.

After11years of servicetoKyneton and the surrounding districts, Debraand David Tyquin arehanding the garden supplies businessovertoVaughan and Michelle Hendry from April.

Debraand David have worked long and hardonthe businessand have always prided themselves with excellent customer service and care, quality products and knowledge.David and Deb will continue providing the services of Tyquin Earthmoving.

“Wewould like to thankJames Love forthe pastnine years, who has been aloyal and valued employeeatKyneton Garden Supplies.”You willstill receivethe same greatserviceasthe current employees arestaying on with the newowners.

So please continue to support this communitybusinessasyou have done to date

All your customhas been greatly appreciatedbythe Tyquin Family who wish to thankyou all foryoursupport overthe years and we look forwardtoseeing KynetonGarden Supplies grow

MIDLAND EXPRESS Tuesday, March26, 2024-7 News
Joanna Beard
by the Bob Brown Foundation, the ‘March in March’ protest coincided with seven others held across Australia on March 24. IT'STIMETO smile ~ Newdentists. ~ Moreavailability. ~ Moredentalservices forthewholefamily. Weareheretohelpyoutake controlofyourdentalhealth. 0354272433 woodenddental.com.au ✆ KN276727 Monday-Friday(Afterhoursbyappointment) KN277289/K 9JohnsonCrt. Kyneton |Ph54223188 Open 7Days|Deliveryavailable
Garden Supplies has
to the end of
an era.
8-Tuesday, March26, 2024 MIDLAND EXPRESS Arriving 29 March Book now at zoo.org.au/dinos K N 2 7 7 0 9 4 L

Two friends from the track have reunited 60 years on from the relay race that saw them make world history

Kyneton local Tony Davis and Bill Earle were two of the four Australian National Team members to mark a world record breaking win back in 1964

The International Amateur Athletic Federation presented them a plaque for the 4x 110 yards relay (39 9s)

The pair were finally able to reconnect earlier this month on the anniversary of their win with help from the Kyneton Little Athletics Club

Tony continued his interest in athletics as a co-founder of KLAC in 1970 and has volunteered at ever since

His 53 years of commitment and tireless work with the club was recently honoured when he was awarded the Victorian Volunteer Commitment Award and Macedon Ranges Citizen of the Year

Kyneton Little Athletics president Scott Stubbs said it was Tony's recent accolades that led to he and Bill reconnecting after many years

"Bill saw Tony on the news receiving his community volunteer award and contacted me to see if I could pass his phone number on to Tony," Scott said

"We decided to invite him down for our final day of competition to add a even more significance to the day "

The special moment was part of the club's end of season event and last day of competition before its move to Kyneton Showground's bottom oval

Record-holders and former track-mates

Tony Davis and Bill Earle reunited after 60 years

Track-mates reunite

Free skin checks

Free skin cancer checks will be available in Woodend next month.

Aproject of the Lions Club, the Skin Check Vanwill be operated by fully trained, certified and professionally supervised volunteers who'll provide the skin checking service.

Following the checks, people will be issued with areferral to their GP if anything suspect is found.

No diagnosis or treatment requirements will be discussed.

The van will be by the Woodend Visitor Information Centre on April 13-14 and April 20-21 from 8.30am-4pm.

The air-conditioned van has three fully equipped hecking rooms and an entry foyer, as well as adisabled lift and entry at the rear

To book afree skin cancer check, local and surrounding residents should contact Barry McDonald on 0409 414 435 or email barrymightor@gmail.com

Aplaque was presented to the team to acknowledge the victory in 1964.

•Takea lookatshort videosof traceabilityinaction on farms across Victoria

•Hearfromindustry experts in the Traceability Podcast series on systems, standards,and technology



MIDLAND EXPRESS Tuesday, March26, 2024-9 News
Is traceability important to your business? Find outhow traceability canbenefityourbusiness by visiting AgricultureVictoria’swebsite today.
TraceabilityCommunityto connect with industry stakeholders
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KN276403/L –Will preparation and complex estate planning –Deceased EstateAdministration/Probate –Preparation of Enduring Powers of Attorney It’s an easy thing to put off, but if recent events have taught us anything, it’s that no one can be sureofwhatthe futureholds. Robertson Hyetts can help youprotect the things that matter most, and make sure your wishes areclearly communicated. CallVesnaPocuca on 03 5472 1588 robertsonhyetts.com.au Do youhave acurrentWill? KN276720 DO YOU NEED MORE WATER? Murray's Water Boring •Central Victoria's leading drilling contractors. •Over 100 yearscombined experience spanning three generations. •Free on-site inspection. •Four licenced drillers(inc. class 3) NO WATER,NOCHARGE Who better to call than Murrays Ph 0428 518 159 KN276721 EXPERIENCE TH E Youand your child (Grades5 and6)can spendanevening immersedinthe Girton Experiencewith fun, educational activities in Science, Drama, Mathsand PE youcan enjoy together Tofindoutmore,seeourwebsite orcallourRegistraron54413114 tobook. www.girton.vic.edu.au DiscovertheopportunitiesaGirtoneducation canprovideforyourchildatafun,immersiveevent 5.30PM•MONDAYAPRIL22ND KN 27 6712
Traceability Quick Start Guide
agriculture.vic.gov.au/traceability formoreinformation.

Festival committeeseeksvolunteers

The Kyneton Daffodil and Arts Festival committee is in search of asecretary and assistant.

Festival vice-president Sharryn Smith said the festival threw an awesome party every year to celebrate the town'sbeauty and creativity

"We’re looking for that special someone who loves getting involved in fun events and helping out behind the scenes," Sharryn said.

"If you’re an admin whizz who can get stuffdone, well we've got just the thing for you! The positions are secretary and public officer and secretary assistant/ minutes secretary

"As secretary and public officer,you'll be the gobetween for our festival team and other folks. Keeping track of meetings and follow ups.

"There will be support from the outgoing secretary as well.

As secretary assistant/minutes secretary,you'll help out the main secretary and take notes during meetings. Plus, you'll help with other office stuffwhen needed.

"If you've done something like this before, that's cool, but it'snot amust, just as long as you are good at keeping things organised and pay attention to details.

"You'll get to hang out with awesome people, learn how to run cool events,work with aflexible schedule and help make our festival the best one yet!"

To apply,sendusanemail

kynetondaffodilandartsfestival@gmail.com with a quick note about why you'd be great for the job.

Games cost to state: $589M

The total cost of the Commonwealth Games to Victorians is more than $589 million according the Victorian Auditor General's Office report on the the state'swithdrawal.

In April 2022, the Victorian Government signed the contract to host the Games in regional Victoria based on an expected gross cost of about $2.6 billion.

In July 2023, the government decided that the Games no longer represented value for money and withdrew.Itsaid the cost of hosting had increased to more than $6 billion.

"The total cost of the Games to Victorians is over $589 million," the VAGO report stated.

"This waste would have been avoided if agencies had worked together better to give frank and full advice to the government before it decided to hostthe Games."

VAGO'sreport stated the government relied on the Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions’ business case when it decided to host the Games and determined the budget. The businesscase raised the risks associated with hosting the Games but it underestimated the costs and overstated the benefits.

VAGO found the DJSIR, Department of Premier and Cabinet and Department of

Treasury andFinance knew this butdid not advise the government to delay adecision on hostinguntil afit-for-purpose business case could be provided.

DPC and DTF consistently raised cost and other risksduring 2022 and early 2023 but they did not advise the government that hosting the Games might be unfeasible until June 2023. The cost estimate for the Games that the government publicly released in August 2023 of $6.9 billion was overstated and not transparent.

It added significant amounts for industrial relations and cost escalation risks but it did not disclose that the budget already included $1 billion in contingency allowances to cover these and othercostrisks.

After the governmentdecided to withdraw from hosting, DPC quickly settled the state's liabilities.

VAGO found the gross Games budget estimate rose from $2.7 billion in March 2022, to about $4.9 billion in mid-2023.

The estimated cost to the government for the athletes' village doubled to more than $500 million, the report also stated.

Further,the estimated costs of major competition venues doubled to about $442 million.

10-Tuesday, March26, 2024 MIDLAND EXPRESS News
CENTRE STAT ED RILLING »IndustryLeader »Great reviews results &reputation KEEP YOUR GARDEN GREEN &LUSH ALL YEAR LONG Contact Dan McMahon |0421 870 308 NO WATER -NOCHARGE! Find us on facebook www.centrestatedrilling.com.au KN276691 Check out our WATER BORE DRILLING TUTORIAL on #water bore drilling tutorial We'rehere foryou Public Holiday Hours Dr Smith Dr Turnbull Dr Stephen Dr Yue Dr Gallagher Dr Harper Dr Dhaliwal Dr Darshani Dr Jayawardene PaNew Wetients lcome Daylesford -10Hospital Street tel: (03) 5348 2227 Kyneton -89PiperStreet tel: (03) 5422 1298 Trentham -22Victoria Street tel: (03) 5424 1602 If youhave an urgent non-lifethreatening health concern after hours call theAfterhours GP helpline 1800 022 222. SpringsMedical at Kyneton, Daylesford and Trentham will be CLOSED on GOOD FRIDAY 29th March &EASTERMONDAY 1st April &ANZAC DAY25thApril SpringsMedical Daylesford and Kyneton will be OPEN Easter Saturday30thMarch 9am-1pm. In an emergencyalways call 000 -www.springsmedical.com.au Book online with AMS Talk to us registeringaboutfor MYMEDICARE KN276725
The Kyneton Daffodil and Arts Festival committee is seeking volunteers.
K N 2 7 6 6 4 7 L

The broken gate canwait, until it can’t.

Livestock is the second highestkiller on farms –weall knowcattle can be unpredictable.

So whileitmay seem likeajob that’ll takelongertoget the tools out than do,one small repair could save alife.

Understand your responsibilities with safety around cattle at worksafe.vic.gov.au/livestock It’s neveryou, until it is.

Scan forfarm safety support.

12-Tuesday, March26, 2024 MIDLAND EXPRESS
KN 27 3352/L


Weaving through life

Jade Jungwirth

The Northern Arts Hotel's Maggie Fooke is along-time admirer and collector of tapestries.

While scrolling through Facebook Marketplace, she came across afabulous five-foot-wide tapestry of an elephant with a jungle background and got straight in touch with the seller –Foxy.

On purchasing the tapestry, Maggie got talking to Foxy, the artist's daughter, who told her about her mother Robyn's life and her passion for creating tapestries.

Robyn spent more than 45 years of her life weaving 66 beautiful and unique tapestries, in all shapes, sizes and colours.

"Mum was diagnosed with diabetes in her 20s and suffered astroke at 32," Foxy told the Express

"My brother and Ihad to live at our auntie's for seven or eight months when Iwas a baby, while mum recovered and learnt how to walk and talk again.

"She also suffered massively from depression, and the tapestries gave her something to do and something to look forward to every day," she said.

"Tapestry truly kept her alive for much longer than the doctors thought. It was her lifeline, and her works are what Iamreally proud of."

Robyn passed away in June 2011 and later that year, Foxy finished her last work, which now hangs proudly in her main room, just one of ahuge collection adorning the walls in her home.

"They took her up to eight months for a medium-size tapestry and up to ayear for a large piece," Foxy said.

"She would finish one, then start the next, but there was one time when she flatly refused to do another one, about five years before she died, so Iwent down to the craft shop, and Ibought the biggest one Icould find, amassive beach scene with seagulls

flying in, in beautiful colours, all blues and teals.

"I bought all the wools and went home with this massive tapestry and said, 'mum, you're doing another one'. And to this day it hangs above my bed."

After hearing the moving story, Maggie decided it would be lovely to host an exhibition of some of Robyn's works at the Northern Arts Hotel, 359, Barker Street Castlemaine, which will be on display in the small theatre until May.

"Having an exhibition in her memory is away for people who admire art, or even people who just admire hard work, dedication and the true Aussie spirit, to enjoy her work as much as Ido," Foxy said.

"If some of her works can be loved and admired by others, then her memory is still alive."

Album launch forHolgate

Woodend-based composer/songwriter Stephen Holgate has launched his new album, Crossover,onmajor streaming platforms.

Crossover showcases six original songs with an adult contemporary vibe and subtle 60s retro, RnB and jazz influences.

Holgate's colourful arrangements mix a standard rock lineup with piano, organ, backing vocals, horns, incidental percussion and orchestral elements.

His lyrics playfully engage with eclectic themes including love, Melbourne’s iconic summer cityscape, birdwatching, the rugged Macedon Ranges and even venture alittle into the ‘dark side’ of betrayal.

The title signals Holgate ‘crossing over’ from classical orchestral and sacred writing and emerging as an indie songwriter with adistinctive ‘take’ on his other love –the rhythmic sound-world and earthy themes of modern song genres.

Crossover's other featured musicians and singers include local vocalist Juliarna Clark and husband bassist James Clark (also recording engineer). The tracks were recorded and mixed in Riddells Creek.

Access Crossover on audio streaming services via: stephenholgate.ffm.to/crossover

MIDLAND EXPRESS Tuesday, March26, 2024-13 News
Get it fixed The next Castlemaine and surrounds Repair Cafe is on Easter Sunday, so if you're not going away, take along broken household items, sewing repairs and maybe Apple Mac queries. Get help deleting ID on mobile phones before recycling or advice on settings etc. Learn basic bicycle maintenance or darning and hand mending in the Mending Circle.
with your sewing machine? Take it along for advice and learn maintenance skills. Use the spare sewing machine or learn to machine sew. Doors open at 10am and the Cafe finishes at 1pm. If it's busy, the last item in is at 12.30. Go to the rear door of the Castlemaine Community House, 30 Templeton Street. Agold coin
appreciated. Enquiries to Chris on
5508 with aclear name and number if leaving amessage.
donation is
beautiful and
tapestries on display now at the Northern Arts Hotel.
of Robyn Fox’s
Christian education in the heart of Campbells Creek FOUNDATION TO YEAR 10 |SMALL CLASS SIZES| CARING CHRISTIAN NATURE College ownedbuses run dailyfrom Kangaroo Flat viaLockwood &Harcourt, Carisbrook, Maryborough,via Newstead&Maldon. Callintosee us -SchoolToursbyAppointment We don'tapologise for beinga smallschool, it's abonus! KN276703 89 Main Road, Campbells Creek (near Castlemaine) P: 5472 3817 | E: admin@olivet.vic.edu.au Principal: Mr StevenNicholas www.olivet.vic.edu.au Prep –Primary–Secondary (Est 1979) Somethingforeveryone... Hours: Monday-Saturday10am-4pm Sunday11am-3pm 54A Piper St, Kyneton|4404 8740 kyneton@missmaisie.com.au 62 Mostyn St, Castlemaine |4406 6750 castlemaine@missmaisie.com.au KN276827/K NewSeason 52-56 MOLLISON ST, KYNETON OPEN 7DAYS 9AM -5PM M-F, 10AM -4PM S-S www.theoldauctionhouse.com.au gifts &art supplies gallery craft workshops THE OLDAUCTION HOUSE ARTS PRECINCT celebratewith handmade.... KN276832/K Have you been injured in acar accident? 1/40 Forest Street Castlemaine (03) 5407 0161 info@graingerlegal.com.au graingerlegal.com.au Youcould be entitled to claim lump sum compensation from the TAC. Contact our friendly team for afree no obligation claim check. KN 27 6689
An early photo of Robyn from the 60s.

POSTCARDS fromFrance

IMalmsbury vignerons Harriet and Henry Churchill have moved to France for several years to be closer to their Europe-based family and to learn the ropes of their sister vineyard in the Languedoc region.

Midland Express readers are now very lucky to join in that experience in a small way as Harriet shares periodical updates about the family’s overseas adventure with us as they stay connected to the happenings of their Zig Zag Rd vineyard and their friends back home

t’s finally raining Not just a refreshing mist like the jets inside the new Woolies fitout in Kyneton spraying the lettuces, but actual rain, and for more than five minutes

It’s been very dry here in the Languedoc-Roussillon region and alarmingly spring-like But now the rain might just dampen the soil and the creeks that tumble down from the Black Mountains and altitude vineyards above us This is brilliant news for our lovely old-vine vineyards as while they are unbelievably hardy, a little sip of water will make the autumn’s harvest a little sweeter

And unlike the rest of the country, which has experienced flooding in some places like Bordeaux’s vineyards, every vigneron and farmer here is over the moon for a tiny sip of rain I’m surprised I can’t see people streaking across their vineyards; perhaps I should I even don’t mind the leak that has appeared in our kitchen that has drawn my attention to a large area of mould Gazing out at a delicious grey cloud, I can momentarily forget the administrative mountain that lies ahead of trying to resolve an issue like that

Two months in and as of this week we, sort of, finally have bank accounts, don’t have French SIM cards (which has led to many frustrating and amusing adventures of being lost, missing appointments and unable to pester Henry to come down from the vines) but we are finally collecting a (second-hand) car today At some point this week I will have to be brave and try to sign us up to a dentist and doctor, but each little step is challenging and another incredibly good lesson to surrender, and to remember that things take time And that, little by little, things do get done

True, I still sleep on a borrowed old double mattress on the floor, but I wake sandwiched between two little bodies, and the light falling on us from outside (because, in truth, we have no curtains and broken shutters) Henry wakes in a child’s single bed after a night of ‘musical beds’

But we are making small steps, and everyone around us has been so generous in getting us settled in, lending us (indefinitely) old hardy cast iron Le Creusets, or beautiful French-made clay serving bowls that they’re no longer using All the sort of tiny, homely details we left in Australia, and can’t justify buying again new

Because we’re attempting to keep Zig Zag Rd (and so have put our beautiful house on Flop House to BnB it in our absence), we left everything behind and are starting from scratch No shipping container is arriving full of our loved belongings as they’re all back home in Zig Zag Rd for guests to enjoy

And starting from scratch without much cash and a loathing of the feeling of having to buy everything new has led me to be open to receiving all manner of pre-loved bits and bobs, learning the word for second-hand (d’occasion) and discovering the culture of Les Vide Greniers, attic sales Basically when someone s elderly granny passes and they need to clear her attic of its many mysteries

Not so useful for the vineyard equipment we need to purchase, but the winery is fabulous and it’s a delight to make wine and tinker away in there

Sadly, in the time it’s taken to write this (with interruptions from my two-year-old, Wilbur), the rain has stopped and the sun has come out but more is promised tomorrow, so here’s hoping I’ll leave it there, and next time promise to share a little more on our vines and wines

14-Tuesday, March26, 2024 MIDLAND EXPRESS
Harriet Churchill in the vineyard. Henry Churchill pulling out blackberries from the post-rain soil. Harriet’s cycle ride back home fromworkingupthe mountain. It’s finally raining.

Thebrave and the brilliant

Live TEDx talks are returning to Maldon this May,welcoming awide range of speakers including seven local women from avarietyofbackgrounds who will explore the theme 'The Brave and the Brilliant'.

Comedy powerhouse, storyteller and occasional actress Nicky Barry will speak about 'The Funny Thing About Difficult Women', using her razor sharp wit and brazen delivery to add an air of hilarity to her TEDx talk.

"The world is atragedy to those who feel, but acomedy to those who think," Nicky said.

"As women grow older and bolder,we need to stand up and speak out about all that thwarts us and all the other invisible folk who make up the silent majority.Comedy is our next frontier –let’sgofind it!"

Indigenous leader and Richmond Victorian Football League player,Nartarsha Bamblett, adescendant of Yorta Yorta, Gunai Kurnai, Wuradieri and Warpiri tribes, will bring aunique approach to talking about the hard topics of cultural differences and the gaps within Australian society for First Nations people.

Her engaging talk will focus on aheartwarming and hopeful approach that feels empowering for the listener to take action towards change and will allow the audience to be apartofthe journey bringing aconnection to all who watch and listen through song, language and movement as an interactive talk.

Castlemaine Steiner School principal Nerrida Johnson'stalk, 'Courage to Decide', will explore how making big decisions can help lead to avibrant, impactful (and slightly audacious) life.

"There are the little decisions that we make every day,and then there are the big

decisions that can change lives and impact on the broader community," Nerrida said.

Nerrida, who believes there are many different kinds of courage that we can all access to make the decisions that can change lives and make apositive impact on the world, shares stories of the five key decisions in her life and the specific kind of courage needed for each.

Rosalie Hastwell will explore what it's like moving to the regional town of Maldon and often being asked the question 'are you local?'

"For those of us who have been born in one place, perhaps grew up in other places and moved around as adults, the question of 'are you local?' seems less relevant than 'what can you contribute?'," Rosalie said.

"In order to be great places to live, our towns need to champion the best of both the past and present. They also need to

be open to fresh thinking and innovation, to reimagining and creating the 'new local'.

Isis Jordan, avolunteer with the Get Connected program at Castlemaine Community House, will give atalk that is an embodied permission slip to be our whole, imperfect, selves.

"Not being the best, is actually better! This is what I’ve come to learn and love, because it means we can do so much more, especially as women," Isis said.

"Having the courage to share our experiences from exactly where we are on our journey,instead of anideal version of our future selves (that’soften wiser and better) is incredibly courageous and terrifying! We don’t need to be perfect before we can start."

AO APM Christine Nixon, the 19th Chief Commissioner of Victoria Police, will explore the important topic of family violence, with 93,237 incidents reported to Victoria

Police in 2023.

"Communities have taken along time to recognise that domestic abuse –financial, physical, emotional and sexual –occurs across our all sections of society," Christine said.

Founder and creative director ofa luxury womenswear brand, Tamika Sewell will draw on herpersonal experiences as she unravels the process of requiring the mind to view change, not as athreat, but as acatalyst for growth.

Discover how Tamika has cultivated the habit of finding positives and valuable lessons in every challenging situation, turning setbacks into opportunities.

The event will be held Saturday May 4 from 1-6pm (overtwo separate sessions with 8-10 speakers per session) at the Maldon Vintage Machinery and Museum.

For more information and to purchase tickets visit www.tedxmaldon.com.

MIDLAND EXPRESS Tuesday, March26, 2024-15 News
Comedy powerhouse Nicky Barry will give a live TEDx talk in Maldon this May. Indigenous leader and Richmond Victorian Football League player, Nartarsha Bamble’s talk ‘Beyond the Gap’ will take audiences on ajourney of connection.
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Castlemaine Steiner School principal Nerrida Johnson, who has lived avibrant and slightly unexpected life, will talk about having the courage to decide.

Life saving donation forRoyal

Bron Grieve has been working hard to get more defibrillators placed in accessible locations around Mount Alexander Shire for a number of years and was excited to finally be able to donate one to the Theatre Royal.

The Dhelkaya Health community health nurse chose the Theatre Royal because it is often open late at night when many other places in Castlemaine that may have defibrillators are closed.

Bron said applying an automatic external defibrillator to someone who had had acardiac arrest meant anyone could step in with the tools to save alife before paramedics arrived.

"Every minute counts. Research shows us that if an AED is used within the first five minutes of someone collapsing, it gives that person amuch higher chance of survival," she said.

"With ambulance delays, the defibrillator could be the one thing that could save someone’slife in the event of sudden cardiac arrest.”

Theatre Royal Castlemaine proprietor Tim Heath thanked Bron for the donation.

"Wehave areally diverse mix of patrons of all ages who visit our venue, from little ones to seniors, so it'sgreat to know that we have access to this life-saving device should it be needed," Timsaid.

Defibrillators are now located at all the schools across the shire, the BP Service Station in Barker Street Castlemaine the Maxi IGA complex, Castlemaine Railway Station and the Phee Broadway Theatre/Castlemaine Library as well as arange of other local businesses and clubs.

If you need to locate adefibrillator near you, head to Ambulance Victoria’swebsite or phone 1800 AED REG (233 734).

If you’re part of an organisation that has a defibrillator on site, make sure it’sregistered and visible on the Ambulance Victoria website by visitingregistermyaed.ambulance.vic.gov.au

People in Kyneton now have access to another defibrillator in the event of an emergency

The AED unit was purchased by the Kyneton CFAAuxiliary and is located outside the front door of the fire station in Ebden Street.

The CFAAuxiliary Members raised the funds to purchase the unit, which can be accessed by the public around the clock.

Auxiliary President Enid Fielding said the new unit is an important investment for the town.

“Hundreds of people are saved every

year by members of the public who grab a nearby defib and provide CPR and first aid,” she said.

Kyneton CFACaptain Greg McIntyre praised the work of the Auxiliary Members who also support the local volunteer firefighters during fireemergencies.

“The support ofthe Brigadebythe Auxiliary’shard-working ‘quiet achievers’ is something that benefits the entire town,” he said.

The new defib is ready to goand can be accessed by anyone responding toor helping with an emergency by just opening the cabinet.

16-Tuesday, March26, 2024 MIDLAND EXPRESS News
Theatre Royal Castlemaine operator Tim Heath was pleased to accept the defibrillator from Dhelkaya community health nurse Bron Grieve.
Another lifesaving defib forKyneton Kyneton CFA Auxiliary members Bev Lynch, Pam Reidy, Enid fielding andLarina Strauch installing the publicly accessible defib at the Kyneton Fire Station. KN276135 RANDOM ACT OF Kindness♥ F February 13 -MMarch26, 2024 WIN A$75 VOUCHER TO SPEND AT ONE OF OUR LOCAL PARTICIPATING BUSINESSES In thesechallenging timeswecould alldowitha randomact of kindness In weekly randomactsofkindness theMidland Express will be giving away 7 vouchers (1 voucherper week)toour loyalreaderstospend at localbusinesses Each voucherisvaluedat$75.Toenter fill outthe form belowand drop theform into our office. Youcan also enteronline - www.midlandexpress.com.au Thank youtoour local participatingbusinesses involved: TheCornerGiftStore,Betta Electrical,The KynetonHotel, KynetonShoesand Accessories, Miss Maisie, TheOld Auction Houseand HardwicksofKyneton Name: Phone: Please post your entrybyMonday at 4pmtoPOBox 153, Kyneton or drop into theMidland Express officeat3 Market Street,Kyneton or enteronlineatwww.midlandexpress.com.au Termsand conditions Promotion will take placefromTuesdayJanuary30, 2024 andfinishes TuesdayApril 2, 2024.Mustbeoriginalentry form (nophotocopies). Enterasoften as youlikeeach week.Weeklyentries mustbeinby4.00pm eachweek. Entries to PO Box153 or 3MarketStreet Kyneton, 3444 or online at www.midlandexpress.com.au. Not redeemable forcash. Winnersnotified by phoneand published in thenewspaper.Nostaff or familyofstaff of ElliottMidland Newspapersare abletoenterthe competition and all rights will be at thediscretion of themanagementofElliott Midland Newspapers. Conditionsapply

peaceofmind Whoknows your story?

What did youenjoyabout school?

Who was your favourite teacher and why?

What was your veryfirst job and what did youlearn from that experience?

What characteristics do youhavethat have come from your parents?

Who have been the most influential people in your life?

What is your favourite song/ book/ movie and why?

What is your favourite waytospend a day?

Sometimes the answer to these questions are only known by you, yet they are often at the core of who you are. To leave some of your life recorded for your loved ones is such aunique gift and one that can be shared through the generations.

Let’sappreciate our time together and share some of our own unique stories, because wouldn’t we all love the opportunity to ask these questions of those whom we have loved and lost?

While most of us may not consider ourselves writers, we all have astory to tell and jotting down some favourite memories for your family is such an important thing to do –and such aprivilege to share. Don’t know where to start?

TJ Scott &Son offer their Your Story booklets to get you started, which includes little prompts –soall you have to do is answer the questions.

ReWhat is your earliest memory?’ What are the significant things that have happened in your life so far? What has scared you? What brings you joy? Where is your favourite place to spend aday?

For your complimentary copy of the Your Story booklet and the Your Goodbye compendium booklet please contact Kelly Scott on 5422 6455 or email kelly@ tjscottandson.com.au

(Photos: Kim Selby)

MIDLAND EXPRESS Tuesday, March26, 2024-17
. For a printed version of the booklets call our K e www.tjscottandson.com.au KN277029 K

What’sOn ! for Easter

Revelinautumn glory

Easter often brings with it the most perfect autumn weather in the Macedon Ranges. And there will be no better place to enjoy it that over the Easter weekend when the garden of Viewfield on Mount Macedon is open to the public

Open during the Macedon Ranges Autumn Festival, Viewfield is also open to the public right across Easter until April 28 from 11am4pm.

Take along apicnic and your well-behaved dog on alead and enjoy this magnificent private garden at 651 Mount Macedon Road, Mount Macedon.

Botanically diverse, this 10 acre garden really shows offits colourful grandeur during autumn with magnificent european trees, eucalypts, achildren’sfairy garden, afruit forest,ever-changing perennial gardens and more and there is even astream running through shady fern glades.

Open times

Easter weekend, Friday March 29 -Monday

April 1

Saturday April 6and Sunday April 7

Saturday April 13 and Sunday April 14

Saturday April 20 and Sunday April 21

Anzac Day Thursday April 25

Saturday April 27 and Sunday April 28

Entry fee: Adults: $10. Children under 16 free

All gate proceeds will go to Shared Table a registered charity that supports families in the Macedon Ranges.

Maldon EasterFair

ThursdayMarch 28 7pm: The Great Aussie Scone Bake Competition; Turning on the Tower Lights, Easter Bunny,music and much more. Maldon Hotel Garden, Main Street, Maldon

FridayMarch 29

10 30am: Open Air Combined Church Service at the Beehive Chimney site- Main Street, Maldon

12pm-4pm: Vintage Engine Rally

Maldon Vintage Machinery Museum, 4 Vincents Road (Adults $5, Children Free)

SaturdayMarch 30

9am to 2pm: Easter Market Day

Beehive Chimney,Main Street, Maldon

10pm-4pm: Vintage Engine Rally and Chalkboard Live Music at Maldon Vintage M Machinery and Museum

12pm-4pm: Maldon Golf Club Hole in One Competition

7pm: Torchlight Parade

7.30pm: Dancing in the Street

SundayMarch 31

10am-4pm: Vintage Engine Rally and Chalkboard Live Music

1pm: Maldon Billycarts- Vincents Road

10.30am-4.30pm: Maldon Golf Club Hole in One Competition

6pm: Movie at the Musuem

Monday, April 1

9.30am: Street Entertainment

10am: Judging of procession entrants

10.30am: 147th Maldon Easter Fair Grand


Bendigo Book Fair

The Bendigo Book Fair is back again for another Easter raising funds for Bendigo Foodshare to help feed central Victorians doing it tough. The fair will be held at the YMCA TomTweed StadiuminMundy Street, Bendigo during the Bendigo Easter Festival.

The four-day book fair is aiming to raise more than $30,000 for Bendigo Foodshare.

Open Good Friday 9am-5pm, Easter Saturday 9am-5pm, Easter Sunday 9am5pm and Easter Monday 9am-3pm.

Blackwood Carnival

prepared to replace them), craft, books (something to read over the holiday) and a raffle.

It will all be on in the Bolton Hall, 22 Epping Street, Kyneton. And good news is that EFTPOS will beavailable.

The Blackwood Woodchop and Easter Carnival is the perfect day out for the whole family

The carnival begins with astreet parade followed by the woodchop and music, plus loads of fun stuff- gumboot throwing, apet show,treasure hunt, novelty games and races, face-painting, tug-o-war,market stalls, delicious eats and licensed bars. It’satthe Blackwood Recreation Reserve on Saturday March 30 from 10am-6pm. Ticketprice ($20 or early bird $15) includes all activities, including woodchop and live music. See www.blackwood3458.com.au and FB page (Blackwood Woodchop and Easter Carnival) for details.

Wayofthe Cross EasterFair delights

The walk will begin at St Mary’sChurch at 11am on Friday March 29 and continue on to the Civic Centre, Market Building, Victory Park and across to the Anglican, Uniting, Presbyterian Churches before going to the Railway Station, Baptist Church, Senior Citizens Hall and the Church of Christ. St Mary’sCatholic Church is at 1/78 Hargraves St, Castlemaine.

Hop along to the Easer Fair being held on Saturday March 30 from 9am-2pm by the RM Begg Kyneton Aged Care Auxiliary

It will certainly put bounce in your Easter weekend with avarietyofstalls to browse and buy from including cakes (great if you are tired of hot cross buns and still want something sweet), plants (EasterBunny might chew some of yours down so be


Tuberous begonias are spectacular.Their show of colour makes growing them most rewarding. If you have ever seen these plants en masse and wondered how you could create such aspectacle, even on a small scale, agood way to begin is with asingle pot or two and armed with expert advice, you could soon have something very special.

The ideal place to enjoy these plants, and indeed find out all about them, is at the fourth Annual Tuberous Begonia, Fuchsia and Plant Show held by aficionados of these plants, Jesse and Peter ofThe Tuberous Begonia Garden in Ashbourne, just out of Woodend. It’sopen every weekend in March and April including Easter,March 30 and 31 from 10am-4pm.

Jesse says shade-loving tuberous begonias are best suited to climates that are cool at night

Go to www.whitehousenursery.com.au and click Tuberous Begonia, Fuchsia and Plant Show,inthe banner and you’ll find a YouTube tutorial with Jesse explaining the care of atuberous begonia.

18-Tuesday, March26, 2024 MIDLAND EXPRESS
BOOOOMERANNG G H HOLLIIDAY Y RANNCCH H Trail ridingthrough picturesquebushland. All ridessupervised by qualified staff.  SchoolCamps  Single and family  Group bookings For further informationph. 53482525 TipperarySprings Road,Daylesford 3460 www.boomerangranch.com.au K N 2 7 6 9 6 0 K N 2 7 6 9 6 3 KN 27 69 70 tCross Buns 1dozen $20.00 Half dozen $10.00 •Fruit Cakes available OPEN: 9am-5 pm Mon.-Fri., Sat. 8am-2 pm. Closed public holidays Phone Orders Welcome 5472 2171 197 Barker St., Castlemaine MCSHANAG’S PIE SHOP GRIST KN277129 Pre-order your EasterTreats! HotCross Buns,Bread,Croissantssecure yoursnow.We'reclosed Good Friday to Easter Monday DON'T MISS OUT! 97 Duke St.WesleyHillP:5472 1740 Mon-Fri 7am-5pm. Closed Sat&Sun &all public holidays

What’sOn ! for Easter

Wow! Wow! Wow!

Ayoung boy was entering Bendigo’sGolden Dragon Museum recently with his family at the front desk paying their admission when his mother turned to him and said: “Now,don’t you get too excited!”

They purchased their tickets, turned and began to walk towards the Sun Loong Gallery.Itwas when he caught sight of the amazing display in front of him, of dragons and lions, ceramics, costumes all manner of interesting and wonderous things, that the young boy called out, three times and loudly: “Wow! Wow! Wow!”

The Golden Dragon Museum’sCollection holds more than 30,000 objects making it the most significant holding of Chinese heritage and cultural material in Australia. Based on the collection of the Bendigo Chinese Association which dates from the 1880s, the museum’scollection includes costumes, metal ware, ceramics, woodwork, photographs and jade. However,itisprobably best known for its three Imperial Processional Dragons. Loong (Dragon) first paraded from 1901 –1970 and is the oldest complete Imperial Processional Dragon in the world.

Listed on the Victoria Heritage Register,his cultural significance is of international standing. His successor,Sun Loong (New Dragon) paraded from 1970 –2019. Sun Loong is the second longest Imperial Processional Dragon in the world and much loved by generations of visitors to Bendigo’sfamous Easter Festival where he paraded for more than four decades.

In 2019 the mighty Dai Gum Loong (Big Golden Dragon) became the latest dragon to parade at Easter and continues the Bendigo tradition of raising money for the local hospital, just as the dragons have done for more than 130 years.

Dai Gum Loong is an extraordinary 120 meters long making him the longest Imperial Processional Dragon in the world. Made to timeless traditions and complete with his full regalia, parading him takes ateam of 140 people, men and women who volunteer each year to be apart of Bendigo’sliving dragon heritage.

Having expressed his excitement and wonderment, the young boy walked towards Sun Loong and Dai Gum Loong and stopped mid-way in front of them. Standing there silently for amoment, overawed by the huge beasts and literally lost for words, he started to clap just as hard and as enthusiastically as his small hands allowed. Because, we all know that when there is nothing left to be said, all you can do is stand and applaud. -Hugo

MIDLAND EXPRESS March26, 2024-19
Loong, the world s oldest intact Imperial Processional Dragon Sun Loong paraded for four decades
K N 2 7 7 0 7 4 www.goldendragonmuseum.org | Phone: 5441 5044 ‘Vicctoria’s Goldfields: Chineese Curiosities from Heritage Victoria’ This fascinatingtemporary exhibition presents small vignettes of the Chinese presence across Victoria from the mid-1800s into the 20th century and showcases the collection of artefacts held by Heritage Victoria that relate to and show evidence of the Chinese diaspora across the state. Current until 10 November 2024 Figurine, Stone, Mid-19
Heritage Victoria Archaeological Collection
Dai Gum Loong, the longest Imperial Processional Dragon in the world.

‘Weavingyour Story’ writingretreat

Castlemaine writer Cate Kennedy and Ingrid Gaiotto of In Giro Tours are hosting acreative writing retreat next month at the beautiful Eastern Beach Art House on the foreshores of the Geelong esplanade.

The ‘Weaving Your Story’ writing retreat will run from Friday April 12 through to late Sunday afternoon, April 14. It is packaged with accommodation and most meals at the boutique Eastern Beach Art House, the love child of Vaughan Springs residents, renowned mosaicist Dr Helen Bodycomb and former Castlemaine State Festival director,MartinPaten. Participants will be greeted after their Friday evening arrival with atraditional Italian Aperitivo, followed by afully catered dinner featuring local food and wine.

The host and Castlemaine resident, Ingrid Gaiotto, is an experienced tour operator known for taking bespoke cultural tours to her home country,Italy Cate Kennedy will be leading asmallgroup of writers in creative techniques and tips: “All writers benefit from some uninterrupted time to focus on their work and have the chance to generate new stories in aconvivial, supportive environment,” says Cate, who has facilitated many successful writing workshops in Australia and overseas, and worked with many hundreds of students studying her short stories on the VCE English syllabus.

“This weekend retreat is designed to allow people to take afresh look at the way they write, locate their most heartfelt material and learn some techniques to strengthen and deepen it.”

The workshop environment will be nurturing, supportive and stimulating, and Cate will be providing each participant with notes, prompts and writing tools to use in their writing practice long after this special weekend is over Numbers are limited so everyone benefits from individual mentoring. Those interested in attending the Weaving Your Story writing retreat weekend can find further information at ingiro.com.au/writingretreats or can secure their spot by contacting Ingrid Gaiotto on 0418 418 288 or email info@ingiro.com.au

Romsey Co-Op art fundraiser

Local art and other specially marked pieces now at Romsey Community Co-Op will help with fundraising efforts for Ukraine. Romsey artist Debbie Daks created the pieces especially for the cause which builds on her fundraising efforts through art last year

Funds will go directly to the Association of Ukrainians in Victoria Humanitarian Aid Committee to assist with displaced and orphaned children in Ukraine and first aid kits for people on the frontline.

Ms Daks has also assisted Association of Ukrainians in Victoria provide art workshops for children and adults who have arrived in Australia from war-torn Ukraine. She has aspecial connection to Ukraine with friends currently taking shelter in Kiev from the war upset and regularly sending her updates.

Romsey Co-Op has now provided a space for her latest fundraising efforts in a bid to reach more people.

Visit Romsey Community Co-Op at 126 Main Street, Romsey,tobrowse the pieces and take home atreasure with funds going to agood cause.

Pottery extravaganza

Now in its sixth year,the Australian Pottery and Australiana Fair is on again at the Campbells Creek Community Centre this Easter Saturday

With traders and exhibitors from across Victoria and interstate, the hall will be filled with Australian Pottery from makers all over the country as well as local creators.

Event organiser and avid Bendigo Pottery collector,Jodie White, is excited that new to this year’sevent is astallholders exhibition of Australian Pottery ‘From colonial to contemporary’.

Having collected Bendigo Pottery for more than 20 years, Jodie is proud to be displaying aselection of 1930s pieces from her private collection.

“I really admire the workmanship, the art deco shapes and influences, richness of the glazes and the level of detail that was applied to everyday use pieces,” she said.

There will also be avariety of other potters and potteries represented in the display

“Wereally hope that having this display will help to inspire and

educate the current and next generation of collectors,” Jodie said. Local potters, Mark Mason of Castlemaine and David Lyons of Harcourt, will both bein attendance.

Mark createslarge organic forms on the wheel and specialises in Raku firing, while David is well known for his creation of Australiana-themed works featuring bright, bold flora and fauna. Stallholders have kindly donated lucky door prizes –quality collectable pieces of HarveySchool, Remued and Robert Langley pottery

“You will need to be here on Saturday tobe in the running for one of these fabulous treasures,” Jodie said.

This year the fair is once again proudly partnering with the Campbells Creek Football Netball Club.

“They will have the barbecue firing, coffees brewing and CCFNC team merchandise to buy.The gold coin entry from the event is going straight to supporting the club,” Jodie said.

The fair runs from 10am-3pm, Saturday,March 30.

20-Tuesday, March26, 2024 MIDLAND EXPRESS
Event organiser Jodie White is pictured with some of the pieces from her collection.
WEAVING YOUR STORY Awriting retreatwith CateKennedy KN277124 Only 3spots remainingreserveyourstoday! 0418 418 288 |info@ingiro.com.au ingiro.com.au/writingretreats/ 12 -14April 2024 Eastern Beach Art House, Geelong
Ingrid Gaiotto and Cate Kennedy are both Castlemaine locals.



Gisborne Bulldogs


2022 premiership coach Rob Waters returns for 2024 and will be supported by an experienced coaching group: assistant coach Dallas Normington (back from ayear off); last year’sdefensive coach Shaun Cassidy (offensive), and former club senior coach Brad Spear (defensive).

New to the club is reserves coach Jeremy Penefather.A past GFNC player,Jeremy has coached for anumber of years including astint coaching the Woodend reserves for six years.

Jordy Ryan will coach the U18s and is stepping up from assistance coach in 2023.

TimMcCormack will be strength and conditioning coach. New arrivals to Gardiner Reserve include Jackson Cardillo, Lachlan Nesbitt from Rupertswood, Dylan Johnstone, William McKay,Charlie Ozanne, William McKay,Charlie Ozanne, and Jacob Floreani from Macedon. Jacob Murphy returns from Woodend.

Jack Scanlon (2022 premiership player) returns from arestyear and Pat McKenna, who played two games last year due to injury,also returns. Brad Bernacki returns full time from Essendon VFL duties.


coach Tarryn Rymer will coach AGrade. is the 2023 A-grade premiership coach/ assistant coach of the 23/Under team club Bendigo Strikers and is coaching BFNL Open team at association netball championship in 2024.

will be supported by A-reserve coach Maddy Stewart (BFNL A-grade premiership and Betty Thompson medallist), B-grade Polly Salter,B-reserve coach Brianah Thompson and U17s coach Rylee Connell. Anticipation is high on the netball scene as the gear up for the 2024 season. They are build upon the previous season, and put in asolid preseason across the board. ayouthful roster,with majority of last spremiership 17s moving up into the teams, further adding depth to Gisborne’s squads. The addition of promising under-17 talents like Bella Connors and Dasha Taylor injects an extra layer of excitement and potential into the Asquad.

The coaching team receives aboost with the return of Polly Salter who will be taking on the B-grade coaching role and the debut of Bri Thompson, bringing fresh perspectives to guide the players in B-reserve.

Notably,Maddy Stewart makes areturn, not only as akey player

in the A-grade side but also taking on the coaching role for A-reserve. Rylee Connell will head up the u17s again, with anewlook talented group. AGrade

22-Tuesday, March26, 2024 MIDLAND EXPRESS
players to watch in 2024: the return of Maddy Stewart,
Strikers 23/U team debut on the
Kirby Elliot are among the ones to watch. KN277171/K DOWNLOADTHECROWNCABSAPP FORYOURNEXTRIDE www.crowncabs.com.au Bookings:1300121314 KN277125/K 1MarketStreet, Trentham OPEN 7DAYS AVAEFTPOSILABLE • Petrol, Diesel and Oils • Sunglasses • Pies, Pasties, Snacks •LiveFishing Bait • Chainsaw Oils • Mower Blades • Milk, Drinks and Ice •Swap‘n’ Go Gas Bottles PROUD SPONSORS OF LOCAL FOOTY &WNBL 2024 BENDIGO 5443 4988 EAGLEHAWK 5441 1255 SUNBURY 9744 2644 GISBORNE 5428 1366 EPSOM VILLAGE 5448 3799 KANGAROO FLAT 5447 8426 SUNBURYGAP RD 9744 2585 KN276729
Claudia Mawson, Torie Skrijel (made Bendigo
weekend), Charlee Kemp and



Riddell Bombers


Lots ofnew faces at Bomberland in 2024, as Riddell says thank you to Juzzy Bellville for his time at the helm and welcomes Arron ‘Skip’ Bray.Skiphas alarge coaching resume and brings RDFNL experience from coaching Broadford in 2013-2016 and again in 2018. He most recently coached Rupertswood in 2021-2023 in Division 1ofthe EDFL. He has coached both Broadford and Ruperstwood to preliminary finals and comes to the Creekers with hopes to win aflag. Nic May is taking the reins for the reserves this year.Nic won the B&F for the 2023 season in the reserves. Anthony ‘Ants’ Power is assistant coach.

The under 19s football also see anew face to the senior ranks with Scott Butler coming up from coaching the Riddell Jnrs.

The senior 2024 list will again be led byJosh Grabham, and the club has re-signed 2023 McIntyre medallist Callum Williamson, along with Bryce Williamson, TomAlkemade, Dylan Taczon, grand final goal sneak Nathan Croft, and the ever-reliable Ben Sonogan, while securing anumber ofnew faces including Dylan Podolczak, Luke Cannon, Brent Swallow and Dean Galea. The development of Riddell’syounger players was vital to the club’ssuccess andcontinues to be amajor focus in 2024. The re-signing of now premiership players Jesse Horton, Jordan Reardon, Brodie Miller and Oscar Besanko is exciting for the club. Riddell’sfirst game of the season is on April 6against Macedon at Macedon.


The success of the Riddell netball program in 2023 has only been heightened for the 2024 season, with the bar set the girls all have one common goal.

A-grade welcomes Emily Ktona as their new coach. Em has a wealth of netball knowledge; Emily has played previously in the RDFNL competition and RFDNL interleague, been apart of Parkville rep teams, Central West Zone Academy and played VNL for Ballarat, she is acurrently still playing for Strathmore NC. Having coached since she was 12 year old, she is coaching anumber of teamsdown town and has previously coached within the Parkville representative program, we know Em is the right person to help us take our netball program to the next level

B-grade is being coached by2023 Ryan Medallist Ellen Close, C-grade welcomes back Amy Schwegler and with the introduction of f D-grade anew coach Keely Holter.Under 19s will be co coached by y Jo Poyser and Lauren Nolan.

Netball in 2024 for the Riddell Bombers is avery exciting prospect. Riddell netball this year sees many new faces and some old ones returning, but the focus for coaches has been to work on development of the local girls. The club can’t wait to see what all the girls can do under the guidance of the coaching group.

MIDLAND EXPRESS Tuesday, March26, 2024-25
We'rehere for you Continuity of care for our wholecommunity Dr Smith Dr Turnbull Dr Stephen Dr Yue Dr Gallagher Dr Harper Dr Dhaliwal Dr Darshani Dr Jayawardene PaNew Wetients lcome Daylesford -10Hospital Street tel: (03) 5348 2227 Kyneton -89PiperStreet tel: (03) 5422 1298 Trentham -22Victoria Street tel: (03) 5424 1602 If youhave an urgent non-life threatening health concern afterhours call theAfterhours GP helpline1800 022 222. In an emergencyalways call 000 -www.springsmedical.com.au Book online with AMS Talk to us registeringaboutfor MYMEDICARE KN277087 PROUD SPONSORS OF LOCAL FOOTY &WNBL 2024 BENDIGO 5443 4988 EAGLEHAWK 5441 1255 SUNBURY 9744 2644 GISBORNE 5428 1366 EPSOM VILLAGE 5448 3799 KANGAROO FLAT 5447 8426 SUNBURYGAP RD 9744 2585 KN276732

Footy&Netball y




This coming season will see TimBannan eturn in his second ear as head coach shelooks to build on egreat improvement eclub saw in 2023. nnan will again be sted by Andrew sty and Ryan awhile TomWaters as aplaying will take charge of sthis year and Jason Tully has returned to the club and will coach the under 19s. Abusy recruiting period over summer has seen Lancefield welcome plenty of new faces to the club including Adam Miles from Broadford, Ben Radford from Parkside and Corey Reid from Greensborough to name afew of the Tigers’ current stars are returning including Riley O’Meara, Matt Bowden and the Giles brothers Lachlan and Darcy.Young up-and-coming stars to keep eye on this year are Cam Osmond, Harry Behan and Scott Jowett.

The biggest news for Lancefield this season is the addition of the women’sprogram. Chris Clifton will coach the side in its inaugural season and will be well supported by Cash Ferguson in the assistant role.

Molly Heales has been appointed the Tigers’ very first captain and brings an impressive resume having crossed over from Coburg Districts.

Lancefield Tigers RomseyRedbacks


Romsey senior coach Justin Sherman returns for season 2024, assisted again by Andrew Bubb and Chris Wilson.

Sherman said 99 per cent of last year’slineup had re-signed this year and six new recruits had also strengthened the side.

Ethan Beer is returning to his home club after playing in the VAFA and talented centre half forward Brandon Dimech also returns to Romsey

Justin Waldron transfers from the Sunb Lions playing in the Ballarat league and Bills transfers from Gisborne.

Sherman said Oscar Schnoor,who won the Under 19s best and fairest for Gisborne Giants last year,was averytalented younger player and Aaron Flavel, transferring from Parkside, was ahard-working and super-fit midfielder

“Ash Milane transfers from Sunbury where hewas captain last year and brings very good leadership too,” Sherman said.


Romsey’swomen return for their second season with a90per cent retention rate plus afew new players.

Coach Aaron Patterson said the team had identified what they were good at last year,excelling in the contest and training this year had focused on contest work and creating scoring opportunities.

“We’re still looking to add people tothe group andkeep building


the list, andexperience isn’t crucial. All of the girls have come back with excitement and are really wanting to improve,” Patterson said. Patterson said one to watch would be ruck player ElisePutyra whose elite speed and agility would take the competition by storm. Team captain Nicole Steward, who played for Coburg, will also be dominant around the midfield.

Romsey’sA-grade side has retained most players from lastyear including VNL player Maggie Lind.

The sidealso welcomes Shimona Jok (former Collingwood player in the Super Netball League) who will play in goals. Head coach Lena Waysaid Stacey Deimos had transferred from Lancefield to coach B-grade and Leigh Miles moved up from the nior club to coach the Under 19s.

26-Tuesday, March26, 2024 MIDLAND EXPRESS
ju T w re y as th the Ban assis McTrus Meara eturn a ant Cal Randall the reserves T ll ha ret Photos: J8 Photography CommunityBank Gisborne &District, Lancefieldand Romsey Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Limited ABN 11 068 049 178, AFSL/Australian Credit Licence 237879 A1389134, OUT 36035639, 18/03/2024 We'relowering thecosttoplay By sponsoringlocal footballand netball. And when youbelongtoone of Australia’s biggest banks, good things happen with your bankingtoo Feel good about whoyou bank with Find out more. Call your localbranch or search Bendigo Bank Gisborne& District or Lancefield andRomsey KN277131/K PROUD SPONSORS OF LOCAL FOOTY &WNBL 2024 BENDIGO 5443 4988 EAGLEHAWK 5441 1255 SUNBURY 9744 2644 GISBORNE 5428 1366 EPSOM VILLAGE 5448 3799 KANGAROO FLAT 5447 8426 SUNBURYGAP RD 9744 2585 KN276733
bury d Connor L

Footy&Netball y COUNTRY




Macedo hard dev as S

on’s football department has been working to deliver asound strategy around the velopment of the Cats’ juniors and local talent swell as attracting new people to the club. Senior coach Al Meldrum said the club felt it had delivered on this across coaches, players and volunteers.

“Opportunities will be given to players to grow their game and be part of asystem that we believe is contemporary and sustainable,” Meldrum said.

b “It num eam expand “Our plan is

Senior women’scoach Damian Slater is assisted this year by Tamara Collins and Jeremy Miles. Slater said that as the team geared up for their second season, anticipation and excitement was bubbling within the community and the squad.


“Following aspectacular inaugural season that culminated in agrand final appearance, the team, remarkably composed of 16 players new

Macedon Cats Woodend-HeskettHawks

“The key ingredients to be able to deliver results will be execution and our ability to believe in the process we have adopted. t’sanexciting time for the league with junior mbers increasing in footy and netball, anew joining the men’scomp, women’sfootball ing and interleague returning. ps to play our part and be good to watch when we represent the community.”

to footy,has shown immense potential,” Slater said. “This upcoming season is not just about the games ahead but about building on the solid foundation laid last year.“It’sabout harnessing the raw talent, the unparalleled team spirit, and the lessons learned to go one step further “Here’stoanother season of growth, camaraderie, and, above all, making memories on the field.”

Macedon’snetballers have hit the ground running this year with strong numbers in attendance across all teams.

The club has bolstered its B-grade lineup with the additions of Bianca McKay,Deanna Cooper, Alex Cameron and Christie Brinkhuis adding depth and experience to an already strong side.

While the A-grade team will remain largely unchanged, the club welcomes back Caitlyn Alifraco to strengthen their centre court, Chloe Williams and Hetty Donogue will round out the goal circle, and Alex August Leifi is set for another strong year in defence.

New coach Katie Clarke said Bella Leifi had joined the coaching panel this year and brought a wealth of experience and knowledge to the Cats, having played for the Silver Ferns in the 90s. After an impressive first year as U19s coach, Allira Egan is back coaching again, keen to improve on their first round appearance in finals last year.C-grade will also have quite the depth, with the return of some experienced players.


Woodend has had great numbers attending across all teams and is looking forward to the year ahead.

On the back of winning the premiership in A-grade, there is still alot of excitement and positivity among the group.

Coach Ty Coppinger said the club had a large number of players returning as well as a number of new faces come and join the squad.

“Weare looking forward to adding in aD-grade side to ou squad and continuing to give players opportunities over the the season,” Coppinger said.



Off the back of making the grand final last year,the Hawks are determined to m make sure last year wasn’t one offand look to push t towards the point end again in 2024.

T The makeup of the senior team will look slightly different with Under 19 boys stepping up, bringing in external talent from EDFL and country leagues and the return of some home-grown players

u more e course of

Kellie Duffiscoaching the 19s, Brenda is coaching D-grade, Lia is coacho C-grade and Ty Coppingerwill coach B& Agrade. The girls are eager to get back out on court for round 1on Good Friday where we will play Kyneton for the first time as they moveacross into the league.

MIDLAND EXPRESS Tuesday, March26, 2024-27
KN277134 Good Luck to our local clubs forthe 2024 Football & Netball Season. Level1, 45 Hamilton Street, Gisborne Vic3437 P: 03 5428 8711 www.mrfl.com.au PROUD SPONSORS OF LOCAL FOOTY &WNBL 2024 BENDIGO 5443 4988 EAGLEHAWK 5441 1255 SUNBURY 9744 2644 GISBORNE 5428 1366 EPSOM VILLAGE 5448 3799 KANGAROO FLAT 5447 8426 SUNBURYGAP RD 9744 2585 KN276734 Contact us todayfor aquote- Ph:0354273016 e: info@badgerremovals.com.au •LOCALREMOVALISTS •INTERSTATEREMOVALS •STORAGE REGIONAL REMOVALISTS, SERVICING COUNTRY-MELBOURNE -INTERSTATE KN277328/K

Footy&Netball y COUNTRY


Trentham Saints


The Saints have been working hard in th preseason at all levels.

Their first game ofthe home and away season kicks offathome on April 20 against the new team Maryborough Giants. CliveRaak is senior coach for his second year and Christopher Whelan has been appointed the new reserves coach.

The playing group has had some changeswitha number of new recruits from Old Melbournians club, being SamKelly,Hugo Hall, Liam Ratliff, TomFuller and James Regan, plus after having afew seasons off Spencer Ratliff.

Jarod Lee, Rowan Sutherland and Ryde Henchie are welcome inclusions to the s playing group.

he e

Joint captainsofthe seniors are Harry Knig Mark Strickland.

Maldon Bombers


Maldon is gearing up for another successful season in 2024.

The club had several finals contenders in 2023 with the 17.5s footballers bringing home the ultimate prize.

Senior coach Damian Lock said they had welcomed anumber of new recruits including former League Medallist and club legend Hayden Kelly who had a year offin2023 to concentrate on his health and family,and Damian Wust, fresh from two seasons at Maiden Gully

“Damian played most of his football with Kangaroo Flat and Eaglehawk.

He has played over 200 games in the Bendigo league and will provide alot of leadership and experience to our young juniors stepping into senior football in 2024 Lock said.

Raak is excited about the talent the newboys bring and they have fitted in well with the existing senior players.

This year the Saints have an Under 17.5s football team for the first time since 2021 and they are coached byDan Lendrec. The side is still in need of afew numbers so anyone interested is asked tocontact Lendrec or club president TimWhite. Brent Holmes has been appointed the coachof U14.5s team. The U11.5s coaches this year are Simon Beattie and Xavier Keighran.

Knight and N

“Wehavealso welcomed Brayden Oates fr Heathcote league. “Thomas Colston has come across from Natte Bealiba last season to join his brother Mitch. will add alot strength and hardness to our senior squad,” he said.


The Saints are thrilled to announce last year’s club and MCDFNL best and fairest winner Jessica Walker has accepted the position of coach of A, Band 17 and Under netball grades. Holly Wheeldon has returned as C-grade coach and all-round superstar.Juniorlevels, 15 and Under,13and Under and 11 andUnder are being coached again by Emma Whelan and D Daniel Thek. The juniors will again be assisted through the junior coaching program with Kendra Crocker and Stevie Courtney Club president TimWhite is supported by vicepresidents Corina Sabo and Jack Griffiths and they are excited to see what all the football and netball teams can do this year.Theywelcome all the new recruits and new participants who are playing for the first time in football and netball. Peter Love returns as secretary and treasurer

“And Brandon Carter has come across to us from Carisbrook, where he won the Under 17.5s league medal in the 2023 season. Brandon looks forward to playing alongside his boss, local club legend Hayden Kelly.”

The Reserves will be led by Trent McIntosh and the club’s defending 17.5s will be coached byclub stalwart and MCDFNL Reserves Best and Fairest Sean Burchell.


On the netball court, head coach Katie Tong will lead A-grade, Elizabeth Woodward heads up B-grade, Theresa Buchanan C-grade, the 17 and 15 sides are being led by Kim Williams, 13s by Bec Buchanan and 11sbyBilly Miller

Katie said they were excited to welcome some new recruits to their A-grade lineup for 2024.

“Ash Alford has joined us and is assisting me with the coaching role. We’ve also welcomed back Layla Zepnick who will strengthen our defence and former player Carly Murdoch will also bean asset,” she said.

“Wealso have Katey Cutlack stepping up into the ASquad. Shewon the league goal scoring for B-grade in 2023,” Katie said.

28-Tuesday, March26, 2024 MIDLAND EXPRESS
ul 4,” rom the s
KN277123/K PROUD SPONSORS OF LOCAL FOOTY &WNBL 2024 BENDIGO 5443 4988 EAGLEHAWK 5441 1255 SUNBURY 9744 2644 GISBORNE 5428 1366 EPSOM VILLAGE 5448 3799 KANGAROO FLAT 5447 8426 SUNBURYGAP RD 9744 2585 KN276735



Another exciting year on the Newstead netball courts. Aand B-grade teams being coached again by Brianna Jury alongside Dawn McNabb, both local Newstead women.

“With agreatturnout to tryouts this year it’sbeen wonderful tohave some new faces,” Jury said.

“Wewelcome Chelsey Williams and TaylaGale who will bring strength toan already solid A-grade side.

“Weare also delighted on the return of Ruby McNabb and Shari Bright after some time offthe court.”

Newstead’sC-grade side is coached by sister duo Beppina and Cedella Marshall. Having played at Newstead for quite sometime now,these sisters are well respected netballers throughout the club. After making finals the last few years, C-grade will again be a force to be reckoned with.

The squad is apositive and powerful groupof women that the coaches are looking forward to leading this year


Senior coach Joel Smith is excited about what season 2024 has in store for the Kangaroos.

“2024 sees the return of some ex-Newstead players in Michael Dalrymple and Adam Hunter along with several new recruits, which will hopefully give us the opportunity to improve onour win-loss ratio and achance at playing a part in the 2024 finals series,” Smith said.

“Preseason training has been encouraging with good numbers in attendance.”

The reserves team will be coached again in 2024 by Jonty Entwistle for his third consecutive season. The reserves will be looking to improve on 2023 and, with afew new recruits to the club this season adding depth acrossthe entire senior teams, are hopeful of playing finals again in 2024.

MIDLAND EXPRESS Tuesday, March26, 2024-29
OCAL FOOTY LO PROUD SUPPORTERSOF 35 High Street, Maryborough |0354611480 | www.highlandsociety.com.au MARYBOROUGH HIGHLAND SOCIETY Your total entertainment venue! SPORTS BAR /BEERGARDEN ∙5livesport screens ∙Tab form ∙10beertaps Luxurious seating indoors and out 35 High St, Maryborough |Phone 5461 1480 www.highlandsociety.com.au KN276947 PROUD SPONSORS OF LOCAL FOOTY &WNBL 2024 BENDIGO 5443 4988 EAGLEHAWK 5441 1255 SUNBURY 9744 2644 GISBORNE 5428 1366 EPSOM VILLAGE 5448 3799 KANGAROO FLAT 5447 8426 SUNBURYGAP RD 9744 2585 KN276736

Footy&Netball y COUNTRY


Harcourt Lions Campbells Creek Magpies


Harcourt had afairytale end its undefeated 2023 season with the senior footballers claiming back-to-back premiership honours in the Maryborough Castlemaine District Football Netball League.

Senior coach Carl

Thiesz said that after two premiership the boys have had abig preseason and are ready for atilt at a third and with some handy inclusions in the offseason to strengthen the depth, are keen to start the season.


The Lions also experienced a great deal of success on the netball court with its 17 and Under,15and Under and 13 and Under netballers also completing aclean sweep in their games to all claim their respective premiership cups. Following the success of the junior squad premierships wins, Jess Chaplin will lead the Lions as head coach. She said new faces in 2024 brought amix of experience and speed to Harcourt’sdeveloping squad.


The Creekers welcome senior football coach, Matt Manning, and A-grade netball coach, Lillie Wrigley,tothe helm, bothof whom have awealthofknowledge, experiience and skills in their fields.

Manning said after atough 2023, Campbeells Creek was looking to be more competitive e in 2024.

“Wewelcome back Dylan Stevens, an explosive midfielder who will bring alot to the table this season. Also coming on board is Ryan Dzioba, who brings alot of knowledge and leadership credentials,” Manning said.

“These guys will add to the awesome depth we already have in the team. We look forward to the challenges ahead, and seeing what we can do in 2024.”

Strong potential for finals in all g is forming, with players producin preseason as they look to round one under lights. Anew-look A-grade side is looking to improve on last year’sdisappointing finish, just missing out on the final series. With such adiverse and fantastic group of players, it is exciting to see what will develop in the den!

Daniel Petter is awelcome return as the Reserves coach for the second year in a row.The club is also entering an U14.5 foootball team this year,the first time it has had d this grade since 2018.


The club has also had afantastic turnout at the recent youts and practise matches.

Coach Lillie Wrigley,B-grade coach CourtHolden and C-grade Coach Lisa Pollard re excited to see all these players in action. Wrigley said they were going into the 2024 season with anew-look A-grade side.

“Wehaveonly three returning A-grade players, three promising 2023 B-graders have been promoted into the side, along with acouple of new faces joining the squad,” she said.

“Overall it’savery new side will be taking the court, with alot ofhardwork and dediation putin over the offseason.

We are hoping to turn around adisappoint2023 season and get afew wins on the din 2024.” will field all grades of netball, right through sto A-grade.

30-Tuesday, March26, 2024 MIDLAND EXPRESS
strong d lights L to
grades ng a
all try ead C ney H wer W s “ t c “W ing board eek w from U11s Website/App ordering www.subway.com.au KN276966 KYNETON Ph 5422 6622 CASTLEMAINE Ph 5470 6966 WOODEND Ph 5427 3287 KN277036 TINGAY’S SMASH REPAIRS YourQualityRepairCentre •24hour towing •Free pick up and delivery •Insurance work aspeciality •Seetal spray baking oven •Baked enamel spray painting •Major jobs repaired with jigs •Windscreen centre •State-of-the-art measuring system •Computer colour matching •Comfortable customer lounge NowanagentforAVIScar,truckandbusrentals.PhoneAVIS: 54070231 PH: 5472 2124 24 Hours, 7Days www.tingaysmashrepairs.com.au 20 Elizabeth Street, Castlemaine E: info@tingaysmashrepairs.com.au ACCREDITED BODY REPAIRER PROUD SPONSORS OF LOCAL FOOTY &WNBL 2024 BENDIGO 5443 4988 EAGLEHAWK 5441 1255 SUNBURY 9744 2644 GISBORNE 5428 1366 EPSOM VILLAGE 5448 3799 KANGAROO FLAT 5447 8426 SUNBURYGAP RD 9744 2585 KN276737




Season opener March29

Castlemaine vMaryborough

ROUND1April 13

Kangaroo Flat vSandhurst

Strathfieldsaye vSouth Bendigo

Eaglehawk vGolden Square Gisborne BYE

ROUND2April 20

Sandhurst vGisborne

Maryborough vKangaroo Flat

South Bendigo vCastlemaine

Golden SquarevSrathfieldsaye Eaglehawk BYE

ROUND3April 27

Gisborne vMaryborough

Kangaroo Flat vSouth Bendigo Castlemaine vGolden Square

Strathfieldsaye vEaglehawk Sandhurst BYE


South Bendigo vGisborne

Golden SquarevKangaroo Flat

Eaglehawk vCastlemaine

Maryborough vSandhurst Strathfieldsaye BYE

ROUND5May 11

Gisborne vGoldenSquare

Kangaroo Flat vEaglehawk

Castlemaine vStrathfieldsaye

Sandhurst vSouth Bendigo

Maryborough BYE

SPLIT ROUND 6(week 1) May18

Eaglehawk vGisborne

Strathfieldsaye vKangaroo Flat

South Bendigo vMaryborough Castlemaine BYE

SPLIT ROUND 6(week 2) May25

Golden SquarevSandhurst


Gisborne vStrathfieldsaye

Kangaroo Flat vCastlemaine Sandhurst vEaglehawk

Maryborough vGolden Square South Bendigo BYE

Round 8June 8

Castlemaine vGisborne

Strathfieldsaye vSandhurst

Eaglehawk vMaryborough

Golden SquarevSouth Bendigo

Kangaroo Flat BYE

Round 9June 15

Gisborne vKangaroo Flat

Sandhurst vCastlemaine

Maryborough vStrathfieldsaye

South Bendigo vEaglehawk

Golden SquareBYE

Round 10 June 22

Sandhurst vKangaroo Flat

Maryborough vCastlemaine

South Bendigo vStrathfieldsaye

Golden SquarevEaglehawk

Gisborne BYE

Round 11 June 29

Gisborne vSandhurst

Kangaroo Flat vMaryborough

Castlemaine vSouth Bendigo

Strathfieldsaye vGolden Square

Eaglehawk BYE

Interleague July 6

VAFA vBendigo FNL

Round 12 July 13

Maryborough vGisborne

South Bendigo vKangaroo Flat

Golden SquarevCastlemaine

Eaglehawk vStrathfieldsaye


Round 13 July 20

Gisborne vSouth Bendigo

Kangaroo vGolden Square

Castlemaine vEaglehawk


Strathfieldsaye BYE

Round 14 July 27

Golden SquarevGisborne

Eaglehawk vKangaroo Flat

Strathfieldsaye vCastlemaine

South Bendigo vSandhurst

Maryborough BYE

Round 15 August 3

Gisborne vEaglehawk

Kangaroo Flat vStrathfieldsaye

SandhurstvGolden Square

Maryborough vSouth Bendigo

Castlemaine BYE

Round 16 August 10

Strathfieldsaye vGisborne

Castlemaine vKangaroo Flat

Eaglehawk vSandhurst

Golden SquarevMaryborough

South Bendigo BYE

Round 17 August 17

Gisborne vCastlemaine


Maryborough vEaglehawk

South Bendigo vGolden Square

Kangaroo Flat BYE

Round 18 August 24

Kangaroo Flat vGisborne

Castlemaine vSandhurst

Strathfieldsaye vMaryborough

Eaglehawk vSouth Bendigo

Golden SquareBYE

Qualifying finals August 31 -September 1

Semi finalsSeptember 7& 8

Preliminary finalsSeptember 14

Grand finalsSeptember 21

ROUND 1March 29

Kyneton vWoodend-Hesket

ROUND 1April6

Lancefield vDiggers Rest

Macedon vRiddell

Wallan vRomsey

Melton CentralsBYE

ROUND 2April 13

Diggers Rest vWallan

Riddell vKyneton

Romseyv Melton Centrals

Woodend-Hesket vMacedon

Lancefield BYE

ROUND 3April 20

Kyneton vRomsey

Melton CentralsvDiggers Rest

Wallan vRiddell

Woodend-Hesket vLancefield

Macedon BYE

ROUND 4April27

Macedon vDiggers Rest

Lancefield vKyneton

Melton CentralsvWallan

Riddell vWoodend-Hesket


ROUND 5May 4

Diggers Rest vWoodend-Hesket

Lancefield vMelton Centrals

Romseyv Riddell

Wallan vMacedon

Kyneton BYE


ROUND 6May 18

Kyneton vMacedon

Riddell vMelton Centrals

Romseyv Lancefield

Woodend-Hesket vWallan

Diggers Rest BYE

ROUND 7May 25

Diggers Rest vRiddell

Macedon vLancefield

Melton CentralsvKyneton

Woodend-Hesket vRomsey

Wallan BYE

ROUND 8June1

Kyneton vDiggers Rest

Lancefield vWallan

MeltonCentralsv Woodend-Hesket

Romseyv Macedon

Riddell BYE


ROUND 9June 15

Diggers Rest vRomsey

Macedon vMelton Centrals

Riddell vLancefield

Wallan vKyneton

Woodend-Hesket BYE

ROUND 10 June 22

Melton CentralsvLancefield

Riddell vWallan

Romseyv Kyneton

Woodend-Hesket vDiggers Rest Macedon BYE

ROUND 11 June 29

Diggers Rest vMacedon

Kyneton vRiddell

Lancefield vWoodend-Hesket

Romseyv Wallan

Melton CentralsBYE

ROUND 12 July 6

Macedon vKyneton

Melton CentralsvRomsey

Wallan vDiggers Rest

Woodend-Hesket vRiddell

Lancefield BYE

ROUND 13 July 13

Diggers Rest vLancefield

Kyneton vMelton Centrals

Riddell vMacedon

Wallan vWoodend-Hesket RomseyBYE

ROUND 14 July 20

Lancefield vRomsey

Macedon vWallan

Riddell vDiggers Rest

Woodend-Hesket vMelton Centrals Kyneton BYE

ROUND 15 July 27

Diggers Rest vKyneton

Lancefield vMacedon

Melton Centralsv Riddell

Romseyv Woodend-Hesket

Wallan BYE

ROUND 16 August 3

Kyneton vLancefield

Macedon vWoodend-Hesket

Riddell vRomsey

Wallan vMelton Centrals

Diggers Rest BYE

ROUND 17 August 10

Melton CentralsvMacedon

Romseyv Diggers Rest

Wallan vLancefield

Woodend-Hesket vKyneton

Riddell BYE

ROUND 18 August 17

Diggers Rest vMeltonCentrals

Kyneton vWallan

Lancefield vRiddell

Macedon vRomsey

Woodend-Hesket BYE







RD 1-April 6

Maryborough Giants vTalbot

RD 1-April 13

Avoca vNatte Bealiba


Harcourt vCarisbrook

Newstead vDunolly

Lexton vMaldon


RD 2-April 20

Trentham vMaryborough Giants

Talbot vAvoca

Newstead vHarcourt

Dunolly vNavarre

Natte Bealiba vLexton

Maldon vCarisbrook

CampbellsCreek BYE

RD 3-April 27

Avoca vNewstead

Carisbrook vCampbellsCreek

Harcourt vDunolly

Lexton vTalbot

Maldon vMaryborough Giants

Navarrev Trentham

Natte Bealiba BYE

RD 4-May 4

Dunolly vAvoca

CampbellsCreek vMaldon

Carisbrook vNewstead

Maryborough Giants vLexton

Trentham vHarcourt

Natte Bealiba vNavarre

Talbot BYE

RD 5-May 11

Newstead vMaldon

Talbot vNatte Bealiba

Avoca vTrentham

Lexton vCarisbrook

Harcourt vMaryborough Giants

CampbellsCreek vDunolly


RD 6-May 18 -Indigenous Round

Carisbrook vAvoca

Natte Bealiba vCampbellsCreek

Maryborough Giants vDunolly

Maldon vHarcourt

Navarrev Lexton

Trentham vTalbot

Newstead BYE

RD 7-May 25 -Indigenous Round

Trentham vCampbellsCreek

Talbot vHarcourt

Lexton vNewstead

Avoca vNavarre

Dunolly vNatte Bealiba

Maryborough Giants vCarisbrook

Maldon BYE

RD 8-June 1

CampbellsCreek vAvoca

Carisbrook vTalbot

Maldon vDunolly

Newstead vMaryborough Giants

Natte Bealiba vTrentham

Harcourt vNavarre

Lexton BYE

June 8-Kings BirthdayBYE

RD 9-June 15

Avoca vMaldon

CampbellsCreek vLexton


Talbot vDunolly

MaryboroughGiants vNatte Bealiba

Trentham vNewstead

Harcourt BYE

RD 10 -June 22

Dunolly vTrentham

Talbot vMaldon

Newstead vNavarre

Carisbrook vNatte Bealiba

Lexton vAvoca

Harcourt vCampbellsCreek

Maryborough Giants BYE

RD 11 -June29-Pink Round

Avoca vTalbot

CampbellsCreek vNewstead

Carisbrook vTrentham

Navarrev Maryborough Giants

Natte Bealiba vHarcourt

Maldon vLexton

Dunolly BYE

RD 12 -July6

CampbellsCreek vTalbot

Maldon vNewstead

Navarrev NatteBealiba

Lexton vDunolly

Maryborough Giants vHarcourt

Avoca BYE

Carisbrook BYE

Trentham BYE

RD 13 -July13

Maryborough Giants vAvoca

Dunolly vCarisbrook

Harcourt vMaldon

Trentham vLexton

Talbot vNavarre

CampbellsCreek BYE

Natte Bealiba BYE

Newstead BYE

RD 14 -July20- TACRoad Safety Round

Avoca vHarcourt

CampbellsCreek vMaryborough Giants

Carisbrook vLexton

Natte Bealiba vDunolly

Newstead vTrentham


Maldon BYE

Talbot BYE

RD 15 -July 27

Trentham vAvoca

Dunolly vCampbellsCreek

Natte Bealiba vCarisbrook


Talbot vNewstead

Maryborough Giants BYE

Harcourt BYE

Lexton BYE

RD 16 -August 3

Avoca vCampbellsCreek

Carisbrook vNavarre

Lexton vMaryborough Giants

Maldon vTalbot

Newstead vNatte Bealiba

Harcourt vTrentham

Dunolly BYE

RD 17 -August10

Trentham vCarisbrook

Dunolly vTalbot

Maryborough Giants vNewstead

CampbellsCreek vNavarre

Natte Bealiba vMaldon

Lexton vHarcourt

Avoca BYE

RD 18 -August 17

Navarrev Avoca

Newstead vCampbellsCreek

Dunolly vLexton

Maldon vTrentham

Talbot vMaryborough Giants

Harcourt Seniors Seniors vNatte Bealiba

Carisbrook BYE

Qualifying &Eliminations Finals August 24 &25

Semi Finals August 31 &September 1

Preliminary Finals September 7&8

Grand Final September 14

MIDLAND EXPRESS Tuesday, March26, 2024-31
24-Aug /25-Aug
14 or 15/9

for thekids the kid

The team at Maxi IGA Castlemaine is once again holding a'mega raffle' to raise funds for the Royal Children'sHospital Good Friday Appeal.

Maxi IGA team member and raffle coordinator Min Daw said this was the sixth year they had held the raffle and once again they had been blown away by the generosity of local businesses and their wonderful suppliers.

"This year we have 135 amazing prizes up

for grabs!" Min said.

"Wehave received gift vouchers from Moxie Cafe, Run Rabbit Run, Bakers Delight Castlemaine, Hot nCrusty Bakery,merchandise from Don Smallgoods, Sparkling Apple Juice from the Little Red Apple and baskets from The Salvation Army Castlemaine.

"Wehave also received some incredible goods and prizes from more than 30 of our incredible suppliers.

ANZ grants nowopen

ANZ is now accepting applications for its Community Foundation program, inviting charities and philanthropic organisations around Australia to apply for grants up to $30,000.

The Community Foundation grants are designed to offer direct and tangible benefit to projects aimed at advancing financial wellbeing, housing, environmental sustainability and additional initiatives that help Australian communities to thrive. Applications are open from now until 5pm on April 5

To find out more or to make an application please visit Equity Trustees.

Sign and wine

Learn basic Auslan and mingle at afree community event 'Sign and Wine' in Kyneton next month.

Macedon Ranges based deaf, hard of hearing and deafblind community advocate ShanleighMeldrum has organised the event with Auslan in the West

"Last year we raised afabulous total of $6033 thanks to the support of the local community and this year we hope to smash that target to support this wonderful cause," she said.

Raffle tickets for the mega raffle can be purchased at any of the registers at Maxi IGA for $2 or 3for $5.

The raffle runs until this Thursday March 28 at 2pm so be quick to snap up your ticket. Winners will be notified from Thursday afternoon.

The event will include an introduction to deaf awareness and basic Auslan as well as finger food, wine at bar prices. Sign and Wine will be held at the Kyneton RSL on Saturday,April 27, from 3pm to 5pm.

To register,visit: events. humanitix.com/sign-and-winekyneton

MIDLAND EXPRESS Tuesday, March26, 2024-33 News
KN277023 Don’tmissoutonyourchancetopromoteyourbusinessinthiswonderfulpublication celebratingallthattheCentralVictorianregionhastooffer. HURRY-BOOKYOURSPACENOW! Bookingsclose:WednesdayMarch27,2024 Forfurther information please contact: Lynda Brew/Nicole Chatz/Liam Runnalls - 5472 1788, Kerrie Gleeson 5422 1488 or email: lbrew@midnews.com.au /sales@midnews.com.au /lrunnalls@midnews.com.au or kgleeson@midnews.com.au tourist rinews newt s THE HEART OF VICTORIA Explore Alsoincludingour specialfeature KYNETON PiperStreet
Maxi IGA team members Min Daw and Elizabeth Retallick are pictured with some of the wonderful prizes to be won including agiant Lindt Bunny and one of two mega Toblerones!
Rafflefor R Raafffl fl


Local knowledge (1 point)

1. On which street is The Old Castlemaine Gaol located?

2. Where will Kyneton Little Athletics call home from its next season onward?

3. Who is the new senior sergeant at Kyneton Police Station?

4. Over which month will this year’s Macedon Ranges Autumn Festival mostly take place?

(3 points)

5. Which Macedon Ranges town is currently having aplebiscite on pokies?

General knowledge (1 point)

6. Which Australian network airs the current season of The Traitors Australia?

7. In aBLT,what does ‘L’ usually refer to?

8. Best Actor 2024 Academy Award winner Cillian Murphy won for his role in which film?

9. The following are all types of what: bucatini, fusilli, orecchiette and farfalle? (3 points)

10. What colour is the central stripe on Botswana’s National Flag?

Rail trail–a boon for our region

Jennie Stewart,Chewton

Arail trail linking Castlemaine to Maryborough via Guildford, Newstead and Carisbrook will be a'win–win' forour region. Everyone will be able to use it –walkers, bike riders, people with prams and strollers, those with mobility aids. It will provide asafe route away from traffic and be an easy commute to schools and work between Castlemaine, Campbells Creek and Guildford. It will also provide safe exercise options for the community

Of course the rail trail, like many in Victoria, will attract alot of visitors. It is estimated that more than 66,000 per annum will make the journey to use it. If only half of these visitors buy acoffee, that’sabout $165,000 into our region.

Iurge the Mount Alexander Shire Council to support the building of this exciting investment.

Have your sayonpolicy

Sue Kirkegard, Romsey

Did you know… Macedon Ranges Shire Council has released adraft Gambling Harm Prevention Policy? They want your comments by March 31.

Go to: mrsc.vic.gov.au/your say and find ‘draft gambling harm prevention policy’.

The Gambling Harm Prevention report began by reading 13 reference reports of gambling by many different interests and ages. Such reports described, in detail, the harm due to gambling in each group, e.g. gambling and young people, risk factors and implications for Australian veterans, young people and partner violence and gambling, young women and gambling, people with intellectual disability,and, harm to children from parents who gamble.

Ways to reduce or prevent gambling harm have been found –MRSC has listed some that it could use to prevent or reduce gambling harm in Macedon Ranges communities.

Gambling harm is now seen as apublic health issue. The draft policy is out for your comment. It recommends MRSC can reduce harm from gambling by: promoting non-gambling events and programs, and by not sponsoring, funding, using or promoting activities that also receive funds from gambling activities.

Under the policy,MRSC will not use venues also used for gambling, and opposes any increase in EGM licences.

Read the draft report and please send your views to: mrsc.vic.gov.au /‘Your Say’ by March 31.

So much safer

Stephen Breheny, Castlemaine

With regard to your article 'New speed limit in place’ (Express,March 12), Iwould like to thank the group involved with having this putinto place.

Having lived on Duke Street for the past 25 years it has been getting more difficult to get onto Duke Street from side roads for some time now as the traffic build up over the past few years has grown. After the reduction in speed limit, the road is now so much safer.When Irode my bike when the speed limit was 60, Inever felt safe. It feels abit safer now.Driving my car from the side roads is alot less stressful and safer

Iwould advocate for all speed limits entering town be reduced from the 80 zones then reduced to 50, then all of the CBD roads to be 40. It was so confusing on Barker Street and Hargraves Street when it was anyone'sguess as to what the speed limit was –60 to 50 to 40 to 50 to 60.Ifyou were watching traffic, one could very easily miss asign change.

Let'sget it consistent. Avery cheap option is to change the speed signs and clearly asmooth transition would be speed reduction entering the town so that 50km/h entering the township perimeter then 40km/h throughout the CBD.

More pedestrian crossings in the CBD,

especially at all major intersections in Mostyn Street, Barker Street, Hargraves Street and Forest Street would make it so much safer for pedestrians crossing the streets in the inner CBD. Traffic lights are very expensiveto install but Ithink the city has to seriously think about putting on its big boy/girl pants and install more due to traffic buildup over the past 10 years.We need to beslowed down abit and traffic lights will do that for about 30 seconds. And who wouldn’t like more bike lanes on roads into and around town?

Council creates Crown road outofthin air

Alison Joseph, Bullengarook

Ihave just received the results of an FOI request on Macedon Ranges Shire Council that sheds light on aportion of Crown road that materialised on my property,without notice, in 2023

Acouncil officer –without any valid evidence, or any consultation with anyone –unilaterally decided that the existing Crown records were wrong. So he edited them. He cut out 400m2 from my property and re-designated this as aCrownroad. My neighbour was then given the happy news that his previously land-locked property now had aroad frontage. Acouncil officer then metwith my neighbour on my property to discuss where to put his new gate and crossing, and council were in the process of issuing me anotice to fence –without anyone having contacted me, or informing me they had justmanufactured the portion of road they would require me to fence. The council then also changed the address of the adjoining property to reflect the frontage to the newly invented road –changing the address specified on the title (i.e. in the Land TitleRegistry).

It was only because Ilooked at the Land registries that Idiscovered the records had been altered.

Despite none of the above actions by council being in any way lawful, Macedon Ranges Council senior management have totally refused to investigate the matter or reverse the unlawful changes that have been made to the registries.

This incident also raises serious concerns about the security of Victoria’sland registries. It suggests atotal failure of government oversight for what are some of the most important databases in the state. The ability to edit these databases without valid supporting evidence, or any proper process, puts at risk all public land and the ongoing validity of our land titling system.

Slow,tortuous highway

RMDalley, Metcalfe

Driving from the Kyneton side of Castlemaine Ialways usedtofind it achallenge driving at 50km/h through Chewton.

Now this has been extended to over half the distance between the Calder Freeway and the roundabout in Castlemaine. This is the Pyrenees Highway,amajor thoroughfare that has had its speed limit reduced to the speed of aminor side road.I will now travel to Castlemaine only as adire necessity and of course Castlemaine has lost my business and there will no doubt be many more like me who make the same decision. Acost to local Castlemaine businesses.

Iwonder on what basis the decision to change the speed limit was made? Ibelieve avocal minority of 25 people signed apetition and as aresult some boffin made the decision to enact this onerous imposition on the general travelling public. The next logical step is to have vehicles travel in convoy with aperson walking in front with ared flag on apoletowarn unsuspecting all and sundry that there are vehicles on the highway

It might be said that the alternative is to use the Midland Highway access from the Calder Freeway but in rounded terms from Kyneton that is 10 km further,takes 10 minutes longer and uses one extra litre of fuel.

No doubt the Victorian Government will be delighted in the increase of funds to the coffers as drivers are fined for exceeding

the limit in asituation that most would find difficult to maintain aspeedbelow 50 kph on amajor highway,much of which is open country and there are no obvious safety concerns. Ihave great sympathy for the regular travellers on the route, those who live in Castlemaine wanting to travel south and more particularly for those who live in Maryborough and places beyond, and the transport companies who have no choice but to travel the Pyrenees Highway

What adebacle. What afarce. Only in Mount Alexander Shire. Only in Victoria.


JanetWhite, Yapeen

Iagree 100 per cent with Veronica Hunt in her excellent letter ('Such ashame, Opinions, March 19).

She makes extremely valid points about road safety and consideration for those members of the community who regularly use that route to and from Castlemaine. The final irony is that the mostdangerous stretch of road along the Pyrenees Highway between Chewton and the freeway is still 80km/h!

The decision to reduce the speed limit over a6.4 km stretch of road appears to have been taken without muchwider community consultation, for which the government should be held responsible, especially if they were relying on arandom comment that it would only cut the journey time by less than aminute! Othersafety measures could have been instituted.

My family are (now were) regular users of this route, including school trips. It'sgoing to have anegative impact on anyone running abusiness on this part of the road, as well as Castlemaine itself, as we are all going to take alternative routes or go elsewhere.

Stronger actionrequired

Regina Shepherd,Riddells Creek NeighbourhoodHouse member

Following letters by Christine Clark ('Men still have no shed', Opinions,March 12) and John Mitchell ('It is now high time', Opinions, March 19), Iwould also like to add more information to the issue.

Thoughtlessly and with unseemly haste, the Riddells Creek Neighbourhood House cancelled an auspice agreement in 2021 thereby leaving the men of Riddells Creek without ashedinwhich to gather

In mid-2023, the RCNH took it upon themselves to change the locks on the Men’sShed to akey of their own. The shed was previously keyed under the Macedon Ranges Shire Asset Key System. This meant that written permission was needed from the MRSC and only their officers could approve this through aGisborne accredited locksmith. This was not done and the RCNH engaged aSunbury locksmith to change the locks to the shed.

On September 11,2023, NFP Lawyers acting for the RCNH, instructed the RCMS to remove their equipment from the shed by Friday September 22, 2023.

This matter has been brought to the attention of the Macedon Ranges Shire councillors andthe CEO. In areply from the MRSC they confirmed that no written authorisation was given to RCNH to change any locks and that they are following up with the RCNH to ensure the locks are compliant with council security practices.

They also stated that council feels it has exhausted available options to support resolution of this matter unlessthe RCMS and the RCNH are able to reach amore agreeable outcome. This seems unlikely as the RCNH board seem to be unmoved by the demise of this group in their community

All the men want is ashed space to meet and work in. It has become obvious through their actions that the board of the RCNHare not supportive of aMen’sShed. Our local member,who is also the State Minister for Health, has indicated that she does not want to get involved in this needless impasse. So stronger action is required from the MRSC to support their residents. Surely asite can be found, perhaps on the Recreational Reserve, on which anew shed can be built.

34-Tuesday, March26, 2024 MIDLAND EXPRESS YourOPINIONS @ SEND YOUR LETTERS TO: Angela Crawford (Editor) Ph:54221488 | Email:acrawford@midnews.com.au 1 12 16 20 23 31 36 2 17 32 34 3 9 14 24 29 4 25 38 21 5 13 18 26 33 37 19 6 10 15 30 35 39 11 27 7 22 28 8 ACROSS 1Additional payment 5Make lace 9Part of achurch 10 Harsh 12 Merry frolic 13 Artless 14 Empty space 15 Infatuate 16 Numeral 18 Water pitcher 20 Paradise 21 Reputation earned 23 Draws back 27 Acting part 29 Affirm with confidence 30 Not hollow 31 Burial place 33 Single entity 34 Micro-organisms 35 Street urchin 36 Intertwine 37 Tinge 38 Bashful 39 Strong fabric DOWN 2Followed orders 3Not level 4Drawing room 5Offer 6Clans 7Colours 8Broken 11 Not concealed 16 Set apart 17 Outlet 19 Fly traps 21 Purplish brown 22 Worshipped image 24 Utters wildly 25 Wards off 26 Reliable 27 Turn 28 Part of acoat 30 Symbols 32 Allowance for currency difference TODAY’S CROSSWORD NO. 8755 Solution No. 8754 R S P A Y S D T A P P E A R M E T E O R D R I V E R F U A R E N A S L A M A C R E S I D E N T A C R E V P N S P R E E L I S P S R I D E R S T E E P R O T V D E A R A N I M A T E S R U S E S P O L S H I N A S S E T B E V A C A T E S E R E N E E H S E T S R N
Super Quiz answers:
Bowden Street.
bottom oval.
Kyneton Showgrounds’
Frank Docherty. 4. April. 5. Romsey.
6. Ten. 7. Lettuce. 8. Oppenheimer.9 Pasta. 10. Black.
MIDLAND EXPRESS Tuesday, March26, 2024-35 Express MIDLAND
PR OPER TY &L IV IN G Modernelegance Raine &Horne Kyneton
PAGE 40 Location, land andheritagehome-p36 Mid-century showcase -p38 Downsizeorinvest? -p41

Location, land andheritagehome

This home now sits ready and waiting for its next incarnation. Its real estate credentials are outstanding; located in Castlemaine’shistoric precinct among cherished heritage properties and just moments from the vibrant centre of town and train station. The Victorian weatherboard, although now alittle tired, has all the hallmarks of agentrified residence. It’sthe stately palm in the front yard, the wide verandah with decorative fretwork, the oversized bay window and the intricate lead lighting that speak of affluence.

Inside, the front of the home is in almost original condition. Its charms are faded but still evident despite the passing of time and ready to be appreciated with

fresh eyes.

The impressive dimensions (almost 5m x5m) of the four original front rooms, two with their own fireplaces, provide excellent scope for modern additions and great floorplan flexibility.Incorporate WIR or BIRs, an ensuite and perhaps use one as aformal dining or lounge room.

The home opens at the back to the large and very functional eat-in style kitchen, an adjoining living/dining space. The internal bathroom has ashower there is a separate toilet and laundry

Outside, the land (1100m2s approx.) is level and there is wide side access to the rear yard, offering exciting scope for an extension or subdivision (STCA).

36-Tuesday, March26, 2024 MIDLAND EXPRESS
Midland PROPER TY &L IVING Property: Golden erahome ready formakeover Address: 12 Hunter Street,Castlemaine Price: $950,000 -$1,045,000 Agent: Jellis Craig Contact: Carole Lenander 0401472 346 Andrew Turley0428 129 469 3 a 2 b 5 c j 1,078 sqmapprox ForSale: $895,000 -$950,000 Inspect: As advertised or by appointment 36AHornsbyStreet,Maldon Abeautiful home forabeautiful lifestyle Leah Panos 0466 878214 Andrew Turley 0428 129469 3 a 2 b 2 c j 615 sqmapprox ForSale: $745,000 Inspect: As advertised or by appointment
easy-carehome with loadstooffer Andrew Turley 0428 129 469 Carole Lenander 0401 472 346 K N 2 7 7 2 2 6
3WickhamPlace,Castlemaine Smart,

10 LatrobeStreet, Kyneton

MIDLAND EXPRESS Tuesday, March26, 2024-37 ExpressionsofInterestclosing Thursday 11 Aprilat5pm $2,400,000 -$2,600,000 Inspect: Saturday 30 March1-1.30pm 4 a 2 b 4 c j 1.975 ha approx 6-8 Ross Street,Kyneton
acres/1.975 ha of residential land in theheart of Kyneton JennyStewart 0408 389 071 TomMay 0413 996 185 Auction: Saturday 13 April11.00am $1,550,000 -$1,650,000 Inspect: Thursday 28 March4-4.30pm &Saturday30March 12-12.30pm 5 a 2 b 3 c j 3,764 sqmapprox
RetreattoRosemont, yourdream countryproperty TomMay 0413 996 185 LeannePearman 0400 947 799 K N 2 7 7 2 2 7

Mid-century showcase

Cabbage Tree gardens and residence offer adelightful mid-century home immersed in well-planned grounds with alarge workshop-studio.

Occupying alarge level site of 2525m2 (0.62 acre) with abeautiful northern exposure, this divine garden was designed to showcase awide range of Alister Clark roses that are supported by many beautiful iron arbours, obelisks and pillars created by prominent local arts-fabricator,Neil Tait of Castlemaine. Bringing avariety of colours and textures to the garden, and bordered by portuguese laurels, internal pathways, fruit trees and a signature ‘moon gate’ sculpture, the garden is areal delight and haven for birdlife.

This spacious, amazing, and versatile property offers the best of town and country and comprises abeautifully preserved and enhanced 1950’stimber home featuring three light-filled bedrooms, polished timber floors and ducted heating throughout. The main bedroom comes with reverse cycle air which is also in the lovely formal lounge with tapestry brick fireplace.

The modern central kitchen has french doors opening to amorning breakfast balcony and there is asecond living-sitting area overlooking the garden.

Twobathrooms are also afeature of this house as are the many retained original features plus there is floor insulation installed.

Outside is acreative space in the form of a12m x7.4m barn-style workshop-studio with two roller door access, high clearance, concrete floor and power

The property has awide street frontage with picket fence border,town and tank water (45,000L) and back to grid solar connected.

Property: Three bedroom. twobathroom home with workshop/studio

Address: 28 Franklin Street,Maldon.

Price: $965,000

Agent: Belle Property Castlemaine

Contact: RobWaller 0418 571130 /Narelle Waller 0408 571131

Seewhatthe othersdon’t

Our superior map-based search gives you the complete view of the property market. With heritage,zoning and property overlays, you get the complete view of millions of properties across Australia, even if they’re not for sale yet.

When it comes to property,with view.com.au you see all.

38-Tuesday, March26, 2024 MIDLAND EXPRESS

Belle Property

Castlemaineand Maldon.

202 Ranters Gully Road, Campbells Creek

5a 2b 4v 15w

•Superbruralsanctuary on 15 acres

•3 generous living zones,polished concrete floors and wood fireplace

•12m x4minfinity pool with outlook over large dam.

Rob Waller |0418571 130

Blasi Mulholland |0417311 733

For sale $1,495,000


Sat 30thMarch 12:15pm -12:45pm

14A Baird Street, Castlemaine

3a 2b 2v 727r

•Passive ecodesign, elevated andlevel with outlook and lovely neighbourhood.

•Spacious andinviting interior

•Expansive deckedalfresco area and landscaped gardens.

Rob Waller |0418571 130

Blasi Mulholland |0417311 733

Belle PropertyCastlemaine |5470 5811

167 Barker Street, Castlemaine

Belle PropertyMaldon |5475 1055

30A MainStreet,Maldon


For sale $785,000

View Sat 30thMarch 10:00am -10:30am

87 Church Street, Maldon

5a 3b 5v 3090r

•Country retreatperfect foraccommodation income or an extended family.

•Main homecountry timber cottage.

•2 Cottages with lounge-kitchen.

•Private pool with entertaining deck.

Rob Waller |0418571 130

Blasi Mulholland |0417311 733

For sale $945,000


By appointment

11 Lyons Street, Newstead

2v 574r

•Solid freehold investment- regional IGA supermarketwithbakery.

•2 securelong-term tenancies.

•Rear yard access andstreetparking.

•Secure 7.8% returnincome investment.

Narelle Waller |0408 571 131

Rob Waller |0418571 130

For sale $990,000


By appointment

MIDLAND EXPRESS Tuesday, March26, 2024-39
to viewour currentlistings
KN 27 68 09



This is an exciting opportunity to own this stunning family home perfectly located in the heart of the vibrant Riverside Estate, Kyneton. This modern country four bedroom, two bathroom home offers you everything you could desire for your family’scomfort and enjoyment.

The modern architecture of this home is sure to impress, with quality finishes and stylish design elements throughout. Notably,stone benchtops adorn the kitchen and bathroom vanities, adding atouch of sophistication and durability to your new home. The open plan living and dining area is perfect for entertaining, while the well-appointed kitchen features modern appliances and ample storage space.

This spacious property has aland area of 560m2, offering plenty of room for outdoor activities and relaxation.

This property is within walking distance to the train station, botanicgardens, two children’s parks, cafes and the beautiful Campaspe Riverwalk.

Property: Four bedroom, twobathroom family home

Address: 15 Amber Rise,Kyneton, Vic3444

Price: $840,000 -$870,000

Agent: Raine &Horne Kyneton

Contact: Jennifer Pearce 0427422508

Let’s talk REAL ESTATE

With JenniferPearce


Seasonal Transitioninthe Property


Traditionally, Autumn marksa strong period in therealestate calendar, notonly forKynetonand the wider MacedonRanges, but forour city neighbourstoo.With summer behind us,buyersbegin to re-enterthe market withrenewedinterestafter theholiday seasoncomes to an end, whilstsellers leverage their spectacular gardensand surrounds to sell their properties before the winterblanket drops.

Theseasonal shiftmarks aperiod of increasedactivity andcompetition, andweanticipate awelcomed sense of movementand urgency.

Tips forBuyers

•Get pre-approval, Do your research, Be flexible &Workwith an Agent–theyare your greatest assetfor off markets&negotiations

Tips forSellers

•Price it right, Ensure curb&inside appeal,Strategiseyour campaign &Be Flexible –accommodate buyer schedules &negotiate well. As autumn drawstourists, colour, andsignatureeventstothe Macedon Ranges, therealestateworld comes to life. As the leaves begintochange, the ideal backdropfor buyingand selling is almost upon us –are youready?


40-Tuesday, March26, 2024 MIDLAND EXPRESS


Owner-occupied and very well cared for,this compact but well-designed townhouse offers low maintenance living on alevel allotment in asought-after location. Raised ceilings in the open plan living and dining room give abright, airy feel to the unit and the oversize windows ensure there is plenty of natural light. Privacy is ensured with recently added plantation shutters.

The kitchen has been updated with new appliances and benchtops, space-saving dishwasher and soft close drawers. There are two large bedrooms, both with built-in robes and ceiling fans, the main with direct access to the bathroom. There is aseparate laundry Floor coverings have been updated throughout and new hot water service and reverse cycle heating and cooling units have been installed.

One of six units, it holds prime position at the front of the complex offering alargerblock size and gardens to three sides. Anorth facing rear is enhanced by afull length, covered

pergola with paved floor and there is asprinkler system for easy upkeep. The courtyard rear is secure with quality fencing. Asingle remote lock-up garage with rear roller door and second driveway/parking space accommodate vehicles, and there is a3mx 3m garden shed for outdoor storage.

Property: Twobedroom townhouse close to gardens

Address: 1/8HalfordStreet, Castlemaine

Price: $535,000

Agent: Property Plus Real Estate

Contact: Di Selwood 54474088

Inspect: Saturday


MIDLAND EXPRESS Tuesday, March26, 2024-41
30/3 at 10:45-11:15am
Di Selwood 0488 148 358 ELEVATED CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW WITH TOWN VIEWS •Short walk to shops, train, schools, eateries and Botanic Gardens •Retains many period features, including decorative cornices and ceiling roses, sash windows and tapestry brick fireplace •Updates include restumping, rewiring, new roof and guttering CASTLEMAINE 77 Bowden Street $765,000 A 3 B 1 C 2 Scan for details
Inspect: Saturday
30/3 at 12:45-1:15pm
Di Selwood 0488 148 358 PERFECT MIX OF TOWN &COUNTRY •5 acres, mains water,substantial brick residence,double garage,good fencing •Five bedrooms plus study,three living rooms, open plan kitchen and dining •Ducted evaporative cooling, ducted heating and wood heater •75,000 litres RWS, established gardens MUCKLEFORD 92 Castlemaine-Maldon Road $1,150,000 A 5 B 2 C 2 Scan for details KN277192

The number of loans issued for the purchase and construction of new homes fell by 4.2 per cent in the month of January 2024 and remains at its lowest level since 2008,” says Housing Industry Association Chief Economist TimReardon. The ABS released the Lending to Households and Businesses data for January 2024 recently,which provides statistics on housing finance commitments.

“Lending for new homes was at record lows in 2023, and this downward trend continued into the new year,” Mr Reardon says.

“This leaves the number of loans for new dwellings down by 8.7 per cent in the three months to January 2024 compared to the previous year

“This is consistent with other leading indicators of home building activity,suchasnew home sales and building approvals which continue to show aslowdown in 2024.

“The RBA’srate hiking cycle caused consumer confidence to decline and home buying activity to consequently fall.

“The decline in lending is not consistent across jurisdictions, with the slowdown most evident in New South Wales and Victoria, due to the higher cost of delivering anew home in these markets.

“It now takes 2.5 average incomes to service atypical mortgage in Sydney.” Mr Reardon says.

Western Australia, on the other hand, is continuing to show signs that it is out of sync with the rest of the economy.This sees new home lending in Western Australia up by 23.2 per cent compared to the previous year.Strong income growth, employment growth and relatively more affordable homes are offsetting the adverse impact of the rise in the cash rate, Mr Reardon says.

In original terms, the total number of loans issued for the construction or purchase of new homes increased in South Australia (+1.9 per cent) and in Western Australia (+23.2 per cent) compared to the previous year.The other jurisdictions saw declines in new home lending, led by Tasmania (-40.3 per cent), followed by the Australian Capital Territory (-36.6 per cent), the Northern Territory (-26.9 per cent), New South Wales (-23.7 per cent), Victoria (-10.6 per cent) and Queensland (-3.3 per cent).

42-Tuesday, March26, 2024 MIDLAND EXPRESS It's AUTUMN AU If youare thinking of selling your property,the time is NOW! Contact your local real estate agents featured in our Real Estate guide Express MidlandPROPERTY & LIVING Modern elegance Raine & Horne Kyneton SEE PAGE 40 L ca o d and h age h - p36 Mid-ce t y sh ase - p 38 D wnsiz r nv t? - p41
on thedown Midland PROPER TY &L IVING
Loansfor newhomes

Soil guide for farmer toolkit

Anew resource will assist farmers and gardeners keen to understand and improve their soil health.

North Central Catchment Management Authority and Agriculture Victoria have teamed up to create the region’snew Soil Health Guide.

North Central CMA Sustainable Agriculture program manager,Mandy Coulson, said the guide included a physical and digital book, astep-by step website, and instructional videos on how to understand, test, and improve soil.

“Soil is central to alot of the challenges farmers face, so understanding the makeup of soil and how to improve it can go along way to helping them make the right decisions,” she said.

“These resources are perfect for our catchment, but the knowledge can be easily used anywhere around Victoria or Australia.”

Agriculture Victoria regional manager Rebecca Mitchell said the resources offered practical information and solutions.

“The Soil Health Guide is atoolkit and identifies arange of simple tests anyone can do to determine management actions to improve soil health,” she said.

“The Soil Health Guide looks at ground cover,biological activity,soilcolour,pH, texture, topsoil, structure, compaction, and stability

“The guide also discusses the valuable


role played by existing soil carbon stores and how they offer great benefit to both agricultural productivity and the wider environment.”

To find out more, and to access the free resources, visit: nccma.vic.gov.au/ projects/agriculture/soil-health-guide

CWAcreative arts return

Mark your calendars for acelebration of creativity and community at the Lancefield Mechanics Institute.

CWACentral Highlands Group is proud to present its annual two-day Creative Arts Exhibition on April 20 and 21.

CWAmembers from all over the region are working hard on their entries and are excited to show them offtoyou.Amanda Millar,CWA state vice-president, said this would be afantastic event, showcasing the best art, craft and cooking skills from all 11 Central Highlands CWAGroup branches.

"I look forward to attending this every year,and of course Imake sure Ihave ascone and acuppa with afriend while I'm there," Ms Millar said.

Marvel at members’ skill: The hall will be filled with ashowcaseofart, crafts and preserves and cooking, competing in more categories than ever before.

Indulge in delights: Treat yourself to adelicious lunch while enjoying the vibrant atmosphere and connecting with fellow craft enthusiasts.

Stock up: Need to replenish your craft stash? They’ll have lots of bits and bobs to take home at bargain prices on their de-stash table.

Don’t forget the preserves: Add some homemade goodies to your pantry,made with love by CWAmembers.

The exhibition is on from 10am -4pm on Satuday April 20, and 10am -3pm on Sunday April 21.

Covering the Macedon Ranges and Mount Alexander Shires

Circulated throughout:

Kyneton, Castlemaine,Gisborne,Malmsbury,Trentham, Woodend, Redesdale,Lancefield, Romsey,Macedon, Mt. Macedon, Metcalfe, Chewton, Harcourt, Newstead,Maldon,Taradale, Elphinstone, Campbells Creek, Guildford, Barkers Creek, Sutton Grange Baringhup,Muckleford, Yapeen.



3Market St., PO Box153,Kyneton, 3444

Telephone: (03) 5422 1488

Facsimile: General (03) 5422 3173


13 Hargraves St.,POBox 227,Castlemaine,3450

Telephone: (03) 5472 1788

Facsimile: (03) 5472 4504


MondaytoFriday8.30 am-5.00 pm


MondaytoFriday8.30 am-5.00 pm

Email: Kyneton: ahume@midnews.com.au

Castlemaine: ldennis@midnews.com.au


TuesdayIssue: Booking and Copy— Noon Thursdayprior

FridayIssue Cas. Mail: Booking and Copy— 4.30 pm

Tuesdayprior Email: lbrew@midnews.com.au


TuesdayIssue: (Midland Express) 5pmFriday

Births and Deaths: 9.00 am Mondayprior

FridayIssue: (Castlemaine Mail) 5pmWed. Births and Deaths: 9.00 am Thursdayprior Email: classifieds@midnews.com.au

MIDLAND EXPRESS Tuesday, March26, 2024-43 News SUDOKU No.1228 Fill the grid so that every row and every 3x3 square contains the digits 1to9 How to solve Sudoku! Solution No.1227 EASY 48 3 91 5 95 2 5 5 61 9 8 67 1 9 68 4 59 34 8 6 35 2 9 78 16 4 1 9 42 36 5 87 67 8 54 13 2 9 23 74 6 5 89 1 8 69 3 1 2 4 75 41 58 97 23 6 72 3 6 5 4 9 1 8 9 46 18 37 52 58 1 7 29 6 43
CWA members from all over the region are working hard on their entries and are excited to show them off to you. Pictured are steward Jan McMillan (left) and judge Christine Mackaness. North Central CMA Sustainable Agriculture facilitator Darren Bain with the Soil Health
PRIME CONTACTS General Manager: Tim Ellen Editor: Angela Crawford Sales ManagerLynda Brew Published by Elliott Midland Newspapers Pty.Ltd. ACN004 608 226 of 3Market Street, Kyneton (Tel. (03) 5422 1488) and 29 Templeton Street, Castlemaine (Tel. (03) 5472 1788). Printed by Express Print, 5Jones Road, Morwell. Responsibility for Electoral comment is accepted by the publisher.Registered by Australia Post. Print Post Publication No. 336268/00003. ABN 91 004 608 226 AMemberof KN 272 35 3 Want the latest news on the go? Catch up with The Express on Facebook. Do youhave anews tip? Let us know on twitter.com/MidlandExpress1 or email us on acrawford@midnews.com.au ONLINE: www.midlandexpress.com.au Number 2045 $1.10 INC GST Audited Circulation 22,030 KN272354 NAME (PRINT) ADDRESS............. DATE OF BIRTH PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE Club Birthday AGE LIMIT 13 YEARS OLD (Register once only)  Happy HappyBirthday Birthday Birthday Club WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27 Lexi Gwynne .turns 11 SATURDAY, MARCH30 Harvey Thomas turns 10 SUNDAY, MARCH31 Tyson McGrath turns 4
44-Tuesday, March26, 2024 MIDLAND EXPRESS MACEDON RANGES GLASS Est. 1970 FAST GLASS Replacements •Showerscreens •Splashbacks •Double glazing •Mirrors 5422 1724 |5428 2899 89E Piper Street, Kyneton 6Ladd Road, New Gisborne www.macedonrangesglass.com.au KN251452 Trades&Services TRADES&SERVICES FIREWOOD Murray River Redgum BONE DRYFIREWOOD 6cub mSplit —$215 per cub m 12 cub mSplit —$210 per cub m 20 cub mSplit —$205 per cub m 20 cub mUnsplit —$195 per cub m FREE DELIVERY Ph Peter 5423 7103 KN277241 FIREWOOD CUSTOM BATHROOMS CABINETRY/JOINERY MAINTENANCE KN265745/K M.J.&T.J. MaintenanceServices •Landscaping •Home Maintenance •Painting Interiors and Exteriors •Decks •Fences •Renovations •PropertyMaintenance •Gardening and much much more. We arethe one stop handyman shop Giveusacall,wecan do it all We are locals and we care. Free Quotes No job too big or small Contact Michael on 0457 818 188 •Mudbrick Restorations •Painting Services •Cement/Acrylic Rendering •Solid Plastering •Heritage Resoration •Styrene Cladding Systems •Renovations -Domestic -Commercial •Latest styles, colours and textures •Freequotes onsite and off plans •Top Quality,Best price and on-time service Cement &Acrylic Rendering Professionals OVER 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE 0417 479 491 www.rendersolutions.com.au Creating your vision KN243752 RENDERING admin.cbs@bigpond.com 5429 1735 /0428 322486 WE RESTUMP AND UNDERPIN Houses, Schools,Halls and Sheds as well as construct or reinstall verandahs and decks Fully Insured HIA Member www.countrywidebuildingservices.com.au KN251445 Over 20 yearsexperience REGISTERED BUILDINGPRACTITIONER OBLIGATION FREE QUOTE Areyou buying ahouse? Then getyour foundations checked by us before youpurchase thehouse. REBLOCKING KN257235 K FREE QUOTES PH 0427 601 534 PROPERTY CLEAN UP MOWING KN271599/K Creating your dream bathroom? Call James forafree quote Based in the Macedon Ranges Phone 0437 682 442 CUSTOM BATHROOM PROJECTS 0437 682 442 GLASS KN270704 Platinum Cabinetsand Joinerycan createand manufacture everything yourhome needs. PhoneAshon0400122176 www.facebook.com/platinumcabinetsandjoinery CONCRETING KN276948 FreeQuotes PC Concreting &Paving 15 Years Experience PETER 0417 014 903 (KYNETON) pcconcreting@gmail.com Specialising in sheds,driveways, paths and house extensions KN267961/K • Tree Removals +Pruning • Land Clearing • BushfirePreparations • Weed Eradication • Forestry Mowing • Arboricultural, Bushfireand Ecological Reports Arboricultural and environmental Services Phone 0411 246086 LAND MANAGEMENT KN273059 Handyman/Maintenance •Carpetrepairs •Gardening •General repairs and maintenance BETTER CALL PETE PETER 0407 300 038 MACEDON RANGES KN 273076 WALL INSULATION retrofitted to WEATHERBOARD homes Call Steve: 0418 880 432 comfortnow.com.au INSULATION ELECTRICIAN Adam Smith REC 14803 CASTLEMAINE ELECTRICAL Phone 0438 043 345 –Residential –Commercial Servicing Central Victoria with over 30 years experience KN275339/K Contact Paul 0418 105 658 SERVICES •Weed eradication •Gorse &Blackberry control •Fire breaks •eco blade •Mulching •Property clean ups KN274400 www.mvcontracting.com.au LAND CAPABILITY ASSESSMENT SEPTIC SYSTEM INSPECTION &MAINTENANCE services www.sanae-svcs.com.au PO Box 1040, Daylesford, VIC 3460 koos.hulst@sanae-svcs.com.au (03) 5348 6620 or 0437 747 619 KN252376/K SEPTIC MAINTENANCE Adam Mob.0438226 572 Peter Mob.0407 506 644 5422 2952 7days aweek, all areas. Also available high pressure drain cleaning and septic tank lines. • Best prices • Family owned and operated EPAPermit KN243816 SIMS SEPTICTANK& GREASETRAP CLEANING KN265464 Septic Tank andGrease Trap De-Sludging 7DAYSAWEEK Phone Malcolm Tyquin 0418 507 172 Midland Express Advertising GETS RESULTS! Call us today! 5422 1488 Your local Jim’steamcan help KN276373 Call today for afree quote on 131 546 For the best looking garden in the street... BRICK AND BLOCK LAYING KN276377 0408 690 883 macedonragnesmasonry@gmail.com Your local leader in Masonry KN275527 SHOWROOM OPEN MondaytoFriday: 8.30am- 4.30pm 222 -226 Barker Street, Castlemaine Phone: 5472 2533 www.fasom.com.au • General Plumbing&Maintenance •Roofing,Gas Fitting,Sewer &Storm Water •Hot WaterUnits, Wood Heating &Cooling Systems •Supply,Installation &Repairs •Wood Heaters &Cookers •Kitchen, Bathroom &LaundryProducts PLUMBING


Youwere one in amillion.

Your family was everthing to you as wasyour footyand famous bbq’s. Youwereanawesome next door neighbour to Ted, Nancy and Karina. We lovedthe parties, your pool and you alwayshad thebest Christmas tree

Thinking of you

Lyn, Cassandra, Brionhyand Leyton.

Karina, Malcolm, Ashley, Eugene Sinéad and families



Brian Patrick Awonderful Uncle to us all. We will cherish our time spent withyou. ~Kerryn, Debra, Carina, Felicity and families



Brian Patrick

Lovedbrother-in-law of Judith and Ernie (dec), Coman Fond memories of holidays together Will be sadly missed



Brian Patrick‘Flemmo’ 18-7-1938 –20-3-2024

Much lovedhusband of Lyn(Mummy). Lovedfather of Cassandra and lovedgrandfatherofBrionhyand Bob Awonderful personwhose passion forlifewill be with us forever.

On theroad of lifewewalked, Together daybyday, Friends andsweethearts Man and wife, Good companions allthe way. But everymarriage has its sunset, One is taken, one goes on, To makethe mostofwhat is left, Although the best is gone, And yetIshall not be alone, Some part of youwill still remain, To help me through the darkest hours, Until at lastwemeet again.

Aman thatyou could alwaysrely on.

Aman thatyou could alwayslaugh with orat.

Aman that waslooked up to by many.

Aman that Iwas lucky enough to call my Dad. Foreverinour hearts

Cass &Mick

Aman of many words, some notso smart. Kind and gentle soul that wasloved andknown by all. The sun will rise and Iwill watch over the ocean, thinking of you. Alwaysinour heartsand thoughts

Your ‘Flemerisms’ will neverbeforgotten. My Puck-Puck,mybest friend, my buddy Brionhy&Andrew

Someone who Ilookeduptoo, on what not to do

Someone who alwayshad advice, whether it wasusable or not.

Someone thatmade each moment count.

Someone that Icould alwaysrely on and alwayswill. Love always,

Prayers forthe repose of thesoul forthe late Mr Brian PatrickFleming will be offered at Our Lady of theRosary Catholic Church, 53 Ebden St, Kyneton on WEDNESDAY (March 27,2024)at11:00am.

Aburial at theKyneton Lawn Cemetery will follow.



Kurt James

6.2.1987 -13.3.2024

We are full of sadness to saygoodbye to Kurt He wasagood father and worker ~GranEunice and Uncle Neil


PLACE AnthonyPeter (Tony)

30.1.37 –20.3.24

Proud Yorkshireman and very dearly loved husband of Judy Loving father of Debbie and Mandy, Katrina and Simon. Adored and special grandfather of elevengrandchildren and great grandfather of twelve.


HOURIGAN – Kurt James ‘Mad Dog’

Passed awaytragically as aresult of amining accidend on March 13th,2024 Aged 37 years.

Loving and devoted dad to Evieand loving father figure to Harry, Noah and Lucas Cherishedson of Baz andLisa. Much lovedbrother of Reece. One of nature’struegentlemen. ‘Continue your searchfor gold’

Love youalways



peacefully at Ellery House, aged 92 years.

Adoredand devoted wife of Pat, married 69 years.

Lovingmum to Julie (dec), Paul, Sue,Michelle and Mark, mother in lawtoLeigh,Julianneand Ken. Margar to Tom, Bridget, Pat, Charlotte, Celeste,Matthew,Chantal, Amelia, Josh, Justin,Aaron, Alexand their partners. Great Grandmother to Charlie (dec), Carter,Ethan,Remy, Sigrid, Elara and Esther Funeral details to follow.


The Funeral Service forAnthonyPeter (Tony) Place will be held at the Thomas J. Scott Memorial Chapel on WEDNESDAY (27th March 2024) at 10.30 a.m.

Aburial atthe Malmsbury Cemetery will follow.


GREEN Richard ‘Dick’

2.12.1945 -23.3.2023

One year has passed.

Miss youevery day. Loving partner for almost 31 years.



Remember them with love...



The funeral service to celebrate the lifeof Kurt James Hourigan will be held at the Trentham Football Club, 25 Falls Road Trentham, on THURSDAY March 28th, 2024 at 10.30am. Aburial at the Trentham cemeterywill follow. In lieu of flowers,donations to aGoFundMe page in supportofhis daughter would be appreciated.



46-Tuesday, March26, 2024 MIDLAND EXPRESS Always Loved and remembered When it’s difficult to put into words Contact our friendly stafffor advice Kyneton 5422 1488 | Castlemaine 5472 1788 Email: classifieds@midnews.com.au KN277386/L MCCORMACK -James (Jim) Barry 14 Feb1938-21Mar 2024 Passed awaypeacefully March 21, 2024.Aged 86 Belovedson of Francis andHeleneMcCormack(bothdec). LovedbrotherofJean and Ian(both dec). Much loveduncle of Shane, Melissa, Loretta and Susan Thankyou fora wonderfullife of family and community devotion. Youhavebeen an integral part of thecommunity thatyou lived in and delighted in contributing in so manyways. Everyone thatknewyou willremember your gentle nature, easy charmand selfless contribution. No doubtyou are walking afairway in heavenwith manyfamily and friends welcomingyou withopen arms Pleasesee Herald Sun/Agenewspapers forfuneraldetails MIDLAND EXPRESS Published Wednesday, April 3 Booking deadlines Classifieds -Thursday, March 28 (by4pm) General- Wednesday, March 27 (by10am) Kyneton: 5422 1488 |Castlemaine 5472 1788 EASTER UB PUBLICACATIONS TIONS CASTLEMAINE MAIL Published Thursday, March 28 Booking deadlines Classifieds -Tuesday,March 26 (by4pm) General -Monday, March 25 (by10am) K N 2 7 7 2 2 9 L HUNTLYBARTONMob: 0408 596 847 KYNETON 5422 1190 TRADITIONAL MONUMENTS DESIGNED MONUMENTS GENERAL STONE MASONRY Wm. THOS JONES & SON ON STONEMASON K N 2 7 6 7 8 3 L Phone for an appointment WWW.WTJONES.COM.AU Funeral Services
5470 5951 KN277360/L
(Marg) Lyons
Catherine Margaret
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(Commencing during Term 2for the remainder of the year with astrong possibility of ongoing employment)

The parttime position is an FTE of 0.6.

The Position Description and Application Form is availableonour website: www.shckyneton.catholic.edu.au

Please ensure youinclude acover letter addressed to the Principal, Dr Darren Egberts

Applications are to be uploaded to our employment website no later than 4.00pm Friday12April 2024

If youhaveany questions,please do not hesitate to contact the Principal, Dr Darren Egberts by phoning 5421 1200

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AMinistryofMercy Education Limited ABN 69 154 53 1870

Maintenance Assistant

KynetonLocation –Permanent Full Time/Part-time

PGL Adventure Camps is aleading provider of outdooradventure activities and educational trips forchildrenand young adults

Reporting to theMaintenance Manager, youwill beinvolved in some of the essential supportservices at the centre, including aesthetic appearance,basic repairs,general upkeep of grounds and buildings,and cleanliness

Full training in maintenance equipment and vehicles,including relevant health and safety aspects will be provided.

Foracopyofthe jobdescription and to apply (please include coverletter and CV) please email: recruitment@pgladventurecamps.com.au

Notice of public sale: Impounded livestock Council Officers impounded Miniature Goats,mixture of 10

Does and 1Buck from Summerhill Road, Redesdale Victoria 3444, on 7March, 2024.

If the Goats are not claimed and expenses paid, theywill be sold at the Bendigo LivestockExchange on adate to be determined.

Formore information call the Local Laws team on 5471 1700.

Zeus is a B/W,6½ yo, desexed, Staffordshire

Bull Terrier

Lovely,happy natured and full of energy.Hecan be boisterous, lacks manners as he was used for breeding. Very little training and socialisation. He needs committed ongoing obedience training. He is dog friendly Requires secure fencing. No cats, farm animals, pocket pets, or toddlers.

Microchip No: 9000320029545546

Adoption fee $420 KN277237/L

Source No.BR100938 KN277249/L

24 Langlsow Street Castlemaine.

P: 5472 5277 |maaw.org.au

Mon -Sat 10-2 -Sun Closed

PASTURE hay, large rolls, new season in shed, $80. Cartage available. At Trentham. Ph 0417 816 638.

RECLAIMED baltic pine flooring, vic ash all sizes, 90 -150 yo. Ph Karl 0422 564 878.


Small A1 lucerne bales $16.50 inc.

Oaten Rolls $88 suitable for sheep and cattle Maldon area, pickuponly

Contact Paul 0428 752 414



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working conditions including above award wages
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Aspirited competition unfolded as 24 teams competed in the second round of the 4BBB Hero Series on Saturday

Laurie Harding –Ross Bottomley were the winners with 45 points, on acountback from Ben Christmas –Leigh Campbell. Peter Sharrock was the lone NTP winner

In Saturday’snine-hole event Barb Livingstone (21) had 18 points to edge out Ruth Neath (49) on 17.

Club president Michel Bottomley 79-11-68 took out the monthly medal and -grade on Thursday,with Peter Verlaan 83-13-70 and Tony Olsson (18) the respective Band C-grade winners.


The Royal Children’sHospital held its charity day at Gisborne Golf Club on Friday,raising funds for the 16 beds in the mental health Banksia Unit.

Weather perfect, course full, and everyone has a great time with plenty of money being raised.

It looks like this will become an annual event. Well done to all involved.

Best score in Saturday’sstableford was 43 points from C-grader John Samuel.

Shane McPhee stood tall to top A-grade with 38, and Robert Clarke did not turn to rubber,winning B-grade with 42.

Early last week 32 present and past lady members headed to Rich River to compete for the prestigious GGC women’sgreen jacket.

What happens on the Rich River golf trip stays on the golf trip, but lots of laughter and fun was had by all.

Former member Ginny Dalton won the green jacket.

The Lambert Lass, Dot Slattery,won Wednesday’s event with 34 stableford points.


Saturday’sstableford saw Michael Archer and Matt Wallace both excel with 42 points.

A: Jason McClure (5) 35 points, from David Moore (9) 33; B: Archer (17) 42 from Adam Pyett (16) 38; C: Wallace (32) from Brody Payne (26) 40.

Ladies –Denise Murphy (16) 32, fro Robyn MacRae (25) 31.

NTPs went to Wallace (also super pin), Rob Waters, Peter Cameron, Damian Summers, and TimBuhaguar

Wednesday stableford: David Austin (18) 40 points from Peter Kewniuk (22) 37.

Ladies –Robyn MacRae (25) 38, with Austin, Peter Walsh, Glen Haarris and Michelle Werner NTPs.

The ladies held a4BBB stableford on Tuesday, with the winning pair being JudyAldred (27) and Valme Smoors (41) with 52 points, from Julie McKellar (31) and Vicki Nettleton (20) on 46.


Saturday’sstableford produced atight finish, with Sheena Flentjar (34) taking the honours with 42 points. Chris Enright (36) was runner-up on 41, with third place going to Stewart Stevens (22) on 39.

Wednesday: The ladies played afour-member Ambrose over 13 holes, with Florence Meyer,Anne Robinson, Marlane Pattinson and Glenda Bentley the winners with 37.75 points, ahead of Sheena Flentjar,Janine Notman, Bev Beaumont and Jenni Vennell 44.875.

NTPs went to Vennell (2) and Beaumont.

More close scoring in Tuesday’sstableford, with Peter McGill (9) the winner with 35 points ahead of Graham Mau (15), Malcolm Ive (21) and Mark Cruise (20).


Saturday’sWoodend Hardware March monthly medal saw athird of the field achieve handicap or better Brian Freestone 78-16-62 and Brian Robinson 82-

20-62 were the respective Band C-grade winners and will play-offfor the medal next month.

Nick Ciesieski topped A-grade with 77-11-66, and Tony Carter eagled the 14th.

Freestone, Phil Thomas, Dave Watt and Dave Hudson were the NTPs.

One putts were at apremium in the midweek stableford.

Mili Peniamina (40) had 47 points and dropped another five points on her handicap.

Runner-up was Jezza Clare (21) with 37 on acountback from Trevor Atkins(10) Brian Freestone (16).

The current Sunday pennant competitions are under way and all members and green fee players are advised to check club websites.


Players who went down the middle often enough were rewarded in the qualifying round of the Algie Mitchell Shield on Saturday

Changeable weather conditions saw Andrew Laing (19) emerge as the day’swinner with 35stableford points, from Davey Kenney (13) also 35, and Mal Mottram (7) 34

Kenney,Mottram, Mick Nicholls Snr and Bob McLennan were NTPs.

Kath Jekabsons (38) carded 43 points to be Wednesday’swinner,and also wrap up the third round of the silver spoon.

Fairway consistency and reliable putting were her strengths, with ElaineScanlon (33) in second place on 34 points, oneclear of Ron Cole (34).

Romsey’sSteve Williams, Zac and Shaun Scales and ScottWilliams were the off-the-beater runners-up with 67 in the Dalhousie andDistrict Country Teams event at Euroa on March 17.

The winners, Seymour’sGregPell, Dave Pearce, Matt O’Sullivan and Luke Rogan, had an astonishing 55, with 17 birdies!


Aday more like winter than early autumn greeted participants in the Arthur Moloney Memorial stableford on Saturday.There were some greatscores –trophy and B-grade winner Graeme Smith (17) carded 43 points, one clear of Trevor McKean.

Alan Hopkins (9) topped A-grade with 39, and Alan Nugent (25) was best in C-grade with 37.

The GraceMoloney trophyevent spread over two days has gone to Lisa Caines with anett 71, edging our Lorna Beaumont on acountback.

Cate Thomas was the A-grade winner with 73 on Saturday,with Beaumont the B-grade winner

There promises to be great rivalry today in the annual Trentham/Kyneton Challenge event, hosted by Kyneton.


In theAmbrose two-person event on Saturday Anne Roberts and Danny Bellchambers proved to be aformidable combination, coming in with asuperb 53.5 nett. Runners-up were David and Tyson Payne with 57.75, and Grant Davies –Fergus Nevil filled third place with 59.

Woodend hosted the Ruby Mackenzie Salver (Dalhousie event) in perfect conditions last Thursday

The Kilmore team of Jill Banon, Helen Clancy and Cheryle Anderson were the winners with 92 points, two ahead of teams from Seymour and Lancefield.

Belated congratulations to JadeNolan who is the overall winner of the Autumn Sunday TinCup stableford.

Sunday golf will resume at Woodend once the pennant season concludes.


Vale Jim McCormack

With greatsadness Trentham Golf Club has advised members and friends of the passing of esteemed life member Jim McCormack, who died in hospital last Thursday,March 21.

Jim was an absolute institution at Trentham after joining the club more than 60 years ago. He was the longest serving Trentham member andhad many years as acommittee member,serving on a number of occasions as president and captain.

He was the club handicapper in the days before GolfLink, diligently changing numbers on the handicap board after every event, and was the membership officer at the same time.

He will always be remembered for his gentlemanly nature, friendliness and his tireless work for the club. Very generous, he supported many club projects and sponsored events and trophies, specially for women.

Jim was still playing golf every Thursday and Saturday until this year,and even up to three weeks ago occupied what seemed to be apermanent chair in the clubhouse, helping on the finishing and starting desks for our competitions.

The club will miss his Copperplate script on the trophy vouchers.

In 2022, Jim achieved his second hole-in-one, over 45 years after his first.

Jim was alife member of the Spring Hill Fire Brigade, for whom he served in atireless capacity for many years.

He sold his large property at Spring Hill, around the shores of the Coliban Reservoir,a fewyears ago, and while he moved to live in Kyneton he still travelled to Trentham for golf.

Parker to regionals

Woodend resident and Kyneton Croquet Club member,Margaret Parker,was selected to represent the Northern Districts Croquet Association at aselection playoffoverthe weekend.

Margaret, who only started playing croquet in the summer of 2022/23, won the Division Three playoffs, and will now take part in the Victorian Croquet Association Championships against the other 12 regions in Victoria on April 19-21 at Cairnlea, Melbourne.

Fresh from attending acoaching course, she lost only one game (to her winning Kyneton partner in the Autumn Pennant competition, Judy Aldred). However,she had enough strong wins to narrowly take the Div.3title –but it was mighty close!

Fifteen-year-old schoolboy and rising star,Michael McLean, also won the same number of games, and also matched Parker exactly for net hoopsscored (i.e. total hoops scored minus total hoops conceded). Under the VCArules for this tournament, the win thenwent to whoever won the match between the two players, where Margaret beat Michael by 7-2 hoops.

Margaret was chuffed with her win, particularly as she had played against Michael in adoubles tournament in Kyneton recently,and so had very high regard for his capabilities.

Margaret has really taken to the sport of croquet, with significant early success. She won the Div 3. Autumn Pennant with Judy Aldred as noted, came runner-up in the Kyneton Club Champs Div.2,and won an interclub doubles competition with Patrick Fahy recently held at Kyneton.

Fahy also represented Kyneton in the Div.2 NDCA Regional playoffs, but was unsuccessful, losing two key games by 6-7 on the final hoop. The winner was John Murdoch from Quarry Hill, who was undefeated, and he will now compete at Cairnlea in April. The Div 1playoffs have been scheduled for later in the month, but Kyneton’sDamien Hardwick is adefinite chance.

MIDLAND EXPRESS Tuesday, March26, 2024-49
GOLFresults Town &District
Jim McCormack celebrates his second hole-in-one, 45 years after his first. Algie Mitchell Shield runners-up from Romsey –Steve Wilkins, Zac Scales, Shaun Scales and Scott Williams.

Season kicks off

Castlemaine Goldfields Football Club is excited to announce that enrolments are open for this year’sSmall-Sided program.

Adiscover-and-play based program open to all, Small-Sided introduces football (soccer) to kids aged five through to nine (kinder five through to grade three).

The Friday afternoon one-hour sessions are fun-focused and designed to progressively introduce kids of any ability and experience to football (soccer) and build up their skills towards taking part in teams when they reach 10 years of age. The popular program runs during school terms two and three.

Sign up via the CGFC website castlemainegoldfieldsfc.net.au/register-now

For more information email cgfcsecretary@gmail.com

Girls’ footy

MacedonJunior Football Netball Club is excited to be fielding an Under 13s girls football club this season.

The Riddell League is seeking to create ayounger,more modified age group for girls’ only football, potentially playing in ahub environment on aweeknight.

Ashort tryout session for some interested U13s was held at Clifford Reserve last Wednesday evening.

“This is agreat opportunity for young girls to learn more about footy and don the boots in asafe and inclusive environment,” enthusiast Tamara Collins said.

Young girls interested in being involved with the U13s can contact Tamara on 0411 017185.

Macedon JFC has U11, U13, U15 and U17 football teams, as well as junior netball teams.

Looking to the future

Bill West

Local trainer Danielle Chapman made it twowinnersinthe space of eightdayswhen Snappy Pierroscored an overduevictory at Kynetonraces last week.

The previousweek at Ballarat fiveyear-oldSnappy Secret was impressive, winning at hissecond start since being offthe racingscenefor just over ayear

Chapman’sperseveranceand lengthyexperienceinthe racing industry is such she oftendevotesplenty of time workingonthe family’sNorth Woodend propertywith gallopers whoare well bred, but haveoftenhad their share of problems

“I’ve only gotfiveinwork, and they are all familyowned …Idon’tcater for outsideclients.”

Chapman’sgallopers are readily identifiable as they generally carry the ‘Snappy’moniker.

Snappy Pierro, afour-year-old mare, has been thereand thereaboutsatrecent outings, and ledthroughouttowin the1454mBet365Bet Protector Maiden by just overtwo lengths, starting as a $4.40equalfavourite.

Jason Maskiell had the winning ride and earned warm praisefrom the trainer

At Ballarat theprevious week, five-year-old Snappy Secretfinished strongly from back in thefield to win a1200m BM64 by just overa length, startingasa$3chance

This followed afastfinishing sixth at the same course at hisfirstrun since a lengthy recovery from atendoninjury

Chapmansaid theBallarat win was impressive, andSnappySecret shapes as though he will handlea longer distance.

Marshall brings homegold

Woodend Hanging Rock Petanque Club’sShirley Marshall has brought home agold medal from the Trans Tasman Championship against New Zealand.

Shirley represented Australia in the over 60s team of 12 at the Perth event earlier this month and claimed the trophy Also bringing home gold was Australia'sopen team.

This year marked Australia'sfourth double win against NZ in the 20 years that the competition has run.

"It was pretty exciting," Shirley said.

"Wehad agreat team dynamic and everyone was supportive of each other."

Players faced temperatures of more than 30 degrees Celsius for both Friday'straining session and day one of competition on Saturday.Sunday'scooler temperatures eased play

They also had to tackle an unfamiliar and challenging pist with red dirt and shale.

The Australians had agood lead on NZ after day one of play on Saturday and held strong into Sunday to bring home awin.

The next Trans Tasman Championship is expected to be held in Christchurch, New Zealand in March 2025.

Shirley will be competing in Adelaide in the Australian National Championships over Easter

There, she will play in the ladies doubles, ladies triples and mixed doubles.

Ranges veterans runners-up

Sunbury Macedon Ranges Veterans Cricket Club competed in the annual Over 60s Cricket Carnival held last week over four days of matches in Echuca. This was the carnival's11th year and it’sgetting bigger and better each year

Twenty-eight teams entered the carnival with in excess of 400 players playing matches on turf wickets across the Campaspe Region, thanks to the ongoing support of the Shire of Campaspe, local community and particularly the incredible local cricket clubs and the facilities they provided for the event. The carnival provides financial support to all Goulburn Murray Cricket Club’sover the past 10 years and provides valuable support to Goulburn Murray Cricket Junior programs.

The carnival matches are played over four days Sunday,Monday and Wednesday.Tuesday is the rest day and afinal on Thursday

Sunbury Macedon Ranges CC defeated ACT, Essendon and VicCountry to reach the Division 1 final on Thursday against ateam representing the Australian Cricket Society.The Sunbury Macedon Ranges team was defeated by abetter team on the day,however,itwas agreat achievement by the club to be the runners-up in avery competitive carnival.


The summer season of the Macedon Ranges Tennis Association’sSaturday Mixed Open competition wrapped up over the weekend.

At the start of the season all eyes were on competition newcomers Macedon; however,itwas Gisborne Blue captained by Angela O’Brien that quickly captured everyone’sattention. And they were the team to beat all season. The inclusion of three talented A-grade junior players combined with the experience of Angela and Justin O’Brien and Steve van Emmerik proved astrong combination all season, and saw the team position themselves comfortably on top of the ladder,securing the minor premiership.

Competition winners Lancefield struggled to find the form that won them the flag last season. Team captain Rohan Barr welcomed the return of Stuart and Rhonda Franks following the loss of Chloe Turner to Kyneton; however,the team spent most of the season in atussle with Gisborne Black for aplace in the final four.Ina nail-biting season finale, Gisborne booked their place in the finals, edging Lancefield out of the fourth spot by one point.

It was abattle between the two Kyneton

teams for second and third on the ladder

Last season’sgrand finalists Kyneton Yellow,under the captaincy ofSusie Baldwin, continued their high standard of tennis into this season. The addition of Karl Metcalf and Samantha Turner provided experience while newcomers Jamyn Davies, Liam Hedge and talented B-grade junior player Eamon Bowe were handy additions to the team. Ultimately,itwas Kyneton Blue who had the edge when the home and away season closed.

Semi-finals were played in perfect conditions in Kyneton and Gisborne on Saturday March 16.Gisborne Black, playing their first final in several seasons, proved to be no match for Gisborne Blue who won 42-24 games (6-0 sets). Up the Calder it was Kyneton Bluewho secured awin over Kyneton Yellow 41-28 games (5-1 sets). The stage was set for an epic grandfinal showdown between minor premiers Gisborne Blueand an in-form Kyneton Blue team.

The ‘battle of the Blues’ took place on Saturday March23 at the Gisborne Tennis Club. The morning drizzle made way for a lovely sunny afternoonofcompetitive tennis between the season’stwo top teams.

Kyneton Blue started the match strongly, with Chloe Turner and Kerrie Sheawick winning their doubles 7-2, and Lachlan Hooppell and Ting-YaoKao taking out their doubles 7-3. Gisborne Blue’sSteve van Emmerick and Keira Simpson played superb tennis to secure amixed set win in a tie break over Lachlan Hooppell and Kerrie Sheawick, but it was all Kyneton Blue from there, taking out the remained three mixed sets 7-5, 7-5 and 7-3, and winning the grand final 41-25 games (5-1 sets).

Teams that win aSaturday Mixed Open premiership are eligible to enter the Tennis Victoria League Championship to be played in April 2024.

The Macedon Ranges Tennis Association is calling on all MRTA clubstoregister teams for the Saturday Mixed Open winter season!

The competition kicks offonSaturday April 20. If you’re keen to play and want to join ateam, or if you have ateam that you want to register,then contact your participating club or email the Saturday Open coordinator DanielThompson at mrta.committee+open_coordinator@ gmail.com Registrations close on Saturday April 13.

50-Tuesday, March26, 2024 MIDLAND EXPRESS
Hanging Rock Petanque Club’s Shirley Marshall has brought home agold medal from the Trans Tasman Championship. Sunbury Macedon Ranges Veterans cricketers came runners-up in the annual Over 60s Cricket Carnival last week.


Bill West

Consistently precise bowling well backed up in the field, followed by amatchwinning opening partnership of 139 runs between Riley Vernon and Matty Barake, paved the way for Gisborne to become decisive McIntyre Cup premiers at the weekend.

The Dragons restricted reigning premier Romsey to 212 runs from 80 overs on Saturday,and finished up making 4/213 from 60 overs in the run chase on Sunday.Both sides went into the grand final unbeaten.

The victory partially made amends for Gisborne being bundled out cheaply in the semi-final last season by aRomsey side which went on to win its first top grade premiership for 40 years.

The grand final was played on neutral territory in very good conditions on Tony Clarke Oval at Macedon, with Gisborne District Cricket Association president Simon Ovenden signalling this would most likely continue to be the case in future, taking away home ground advantage.

Alarge crowd on Sunday,many Gisborne supporters, saw Dragons’ captain

Jarryd Vernon receive the premiership cup amid jubilant scenes on the oval.

“Weknow we had to be at our best our work on and offthe field over the last two weeks has been outstanding,” Vernon stated.

Romsey captain Ben Waycongratulated the premiers, indicating the Gisborne opening partnership had been decisive in the final outcome.

Waypraised his players for battling the game out, predicting the Redbacks would continue to be contenders in the future.

When Jarryd Vernon won the toss and sent Romsey in, it paved the way for Gisborne’sattack to stifle scoring opportunities

Vastly experienced paceman Leigh Brennan was man of the match, claiming 5-69 from his 26 largely on target overs. He also took five in the semi-final. Jay King and Spencer Jones were also miserly in long spells.

The first wicket in the grand final came when prolific scoring Romsey opener Matt Milne was run out backing up when adrive deflected onto the stumps.

Jed Richardson did well to score 28,

and the fourth wicket stand between Way and Chris Burkett produced 88 runs with the field not being pierced as often as Romsey had hoped.

Waywas eventually caught at deep midwicket for 63, and Burkett departed for 47 at acrucialtime.

While the Redbacks scored 7/325 in the semi-final, they never looked like repeating this typeofmomentum, with Gisborne batters having the task of pressing home the advantage on Sunday

The Redbacks needed early wickets, but they never came as Riley Vernon and Barake initially dug in,then slowly increased the scoring tempo.

Walking offa teawith 0/130 was more than the Dragons could have hoped for

The first wicket camewhen Jamie Taylortrapped Barake leg before wicket for avital 47; Vernon hit aflurry of boundaries and seemed set for his fifth century of the season before being caught byAaron Paterson for 92 (seven fours, one six).

Jarryd Vernon was the last batter dismissed, for 22, and Luxmore and Shore carried the Dragons to victory

Gisborne has set ahigh benchmark,

and it will be interesting to see what occurs in the 2024-2025 season.

The finale to the 2023-24 season comes tomorrow (Wednesday) night at the end-ofseason presentations, highlighted bythe Sullivan Medal count.


ROMSEY:M Milne run out 6, J. Richardson cMackay bJones 28, C. Day cR Vernon bBrennan 5, B. WaycThomas bBrennan 63, C.Burkett cR.Vernonb Brennan 47, T. Dale cJones by King 22, A. Frost cBarokeb Brennan 6, T. Stevenson run out 8, A. Paterson not out 12, L. Moor c McKibbin bBrennan 4, J. Taylor run out 1. Extras 12. TOTAL212 (80 overs)

Bowling: L. Brennan 5-69, J. King 1-57, S. Jones 1-18, J. Catania 0-16, J. Vernon 0-22, D. Thomas 0-19.

GISBORNE: M. Barake lbwTaylor 47, R. Vernon cPaterson bTaylor 92, W. Mackay cBurkett bPaterson 9, J. Vernon cRichardson bPaterson 22, H. Luxmore not out 9, A. Shore not out 12. Extras 22

TOTAL4/213 (60 overs)

Bowling: A. Paterson 2-55, L. Moor 0-42, J. Taylor 2-47, B. Way0-7, C. Marienfeld 0-13, T. Stevenson 0-28, C. Day 0-10.

Blockbuster at Showgrounds

Just four days to go to the blockbuster Kyneton versus Woodend-Hesket football and netball matches to launch the Riddell League’s2024 season.

The Good Friday matches at the Kyneton Showgrounds are aone-offfor the RDFNL, and mark the start of anew era with Kyneton’scomplete departure from the Bendigo League.

Respective club presidents Hayden Evans (Kyneton) and Paul Podbury (Woodend-Hesket) anticipate strong support for the football and netball matches on Friday

Kyneton has arranged plenty of entertainment for Good Friday,including face painting, and along kicking contest at half time in the main match.

Ethan Foreman is Kyneton’snew senior football coach, and he has along affiliation with the Tigers, as well as having played in the Riddell League.

Foreman is particularly keen to encourage young local football talent, and is optimistic about the club’sdecision to

join the RDFNL.

Kyneton’ssenior football side is expected to be somewhat different to season 2023.

Woodend-Hesket was runner-up to Diggers Rest in the 2023 grand final, but it will be anew-look Hawks’ side on Good Friday

Podbury said there would be plenty of positive inclusions in the Hawks’ lineup under new playing coach Alistair Rae, who has spent the past five seasons in leadership roles with the Hawks.

While the Hawks have lost big ruckman TimMartin, Podbury expects the club to again have agood season. “Weexpecttobefaster overall,” he added.

Grant Burns has just taken over as Woodend-Hesket Reserves coach, and Podbury confirmed the Hawks will not be fielding an Under 19.5 side this season with lack of player availability

However,there will be an Under 19.5 match at the


on Good Friday

On the netball scene, Kyneton A-graders face up to a Woodend-Hesket side that won the 2023 premiership.

Overall, there should be alot to learn from what unfolds at the Showgrounds on Good Friday

Kyneton is really keen to build its supporter base as it embarks on what should be an impact journey in the Riddell League.

The RDFNL is expected to lookfor anew operations manager,following the departure ofAaroMcLean, who is joining Motorcycling Victoria.


Kyneton FNC has made some changes to the entrances at the Kyneton Showgrounds for the day

Mollison street entry –openfrom 10am –will be pedestrian access only Beauchamp Streetentry –open from 8am –will be car and pedestrian access.

MIDLAND EXPRESS Tuesday, March26, 2024-51 PORTS WRAP SP
Undefeated premiers: Gisborne’s McIntyre 1sts premiership team members were jubilant after beating Romsey on Sunday in the grand final, and going through the season undefeated.

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ForSale $840,000 -$870,000 Web rh.com.au/kyneton

Jennifer Pearce 0427 422508 jennifer.pearce@kyneton.rh.com.au

Just Listed

15 Amber Rise, Kyneton

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ForLease Web rh.com.au/kyneton

Lisa Walker 0448685 252 lisa.walker@gisborne.rh.com.au

Kyneton 5422 2678 rh.com.au/kyneton

3 B 2 C 3 F

View BAppointment

ForSale $999,000 -$1,098,900 Web rh.com.au/kyneton

Jennifer Pearce 0427 422508 jennifer.pearce@kyneton.rh.com.au

For Lease

3/16-18Brantome Street, Gisborne



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Gisborne 5428 4007 rh.com.au/gisborne

Sunbury97446334 rh.com.au/sunbury

View By Appointment

ForSale $750,000 -$795,000 Web rh.com.au/kyneton

DiggersRest87409666 rh.com.au/diggersrest


16 Lauriston Street, Kyneton

When Location Counts

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Cherie Graf 0407 823686 cherie.graf@gisborne.rh.com.au

Just Listed

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52-Tuesday, March26, 2024 MIDLAND EXPRESS
A 4 B 2 C 2 F 560m2 F 114m2 A 873m2 A 4 B 2 C 2 F 373m2

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