T H E F I N S T E R FA M I LY ISSUU Visual Report Elva Zhou N480 Sprague Spring 2022
Charles Crandall Norber t “Chuckie” Finster, Jr. (12)
Chuckie is the adorable best friend of Tommy an d acts as the series' de Chas Finster and the de uteragonist. He is the so ceased Melinda Finste n of r. He is the stepson of Ki ra Finster and the stepb of Kimi Finster. (Chuck rother ie was the only characte r who did not come from a two-parent household before the remarriage.) He is a student and a Ja va Lava employee. He is pessimistic and a worry worries about a hundre d ways things can go wr wart; on g bu t is wi lling to take a risk now and often brave, facing and then. He is loyal his fears briefly to com e through for his friends ; whenever there is a pr he is there to help his fri oblem, ends get through it em otionally. He is very clo se to his father Chas. Like father, Chuckie seems his to suffer from many typ es of allergies, and has asthma.
Finster, Sr. (44) Charles Norbert “Chas”
s Melinda to Kimi. His first wife wa er ath pf ste d an a, Kir to kie, husband wner Chas is the father to Chuc bureaucrat, and the co -o a is He a. Kir ing rry ma away a year prior to Chas suffer Finster, but she passed son, Chas also seems to his e Lik ll. we as g nin ow use, with Kira cootective of him of the Java Lava Coffee Ho very much. He is very pr n so his es lov He . ma th gies and has as from many types of aller Melinda too. after the death of his wife
Melinda Finster (32; Dece
Melinda is the first wife to
Chas, and biological mothe r to Chuckie. She was an was known about her perso expert gardener. Little nality, but it is explained by Ch as that she was a calm, lov and patient woman and tha ing, supportive, t she loved both Chas and Chuckie dearly. The love Chuckie had for her was to the point that she gave him courage when he needed it. Melinda died of a sudden, terminal illness shortly after her so n was born.
(Rugrats Wiki, 2021)
Kira Finster (4
0) Kira is Kimi's biological mo ther. She bec second wife, ame Chas' and most imp ortantly, Chuc kie's stepmother. S he is a very m otherly and b eautiful Japanese wo man. She app ears to keep h erself busy by raising her children, spe n d in g time with her husband and their adult frie nds, and part icipating in community e vents. She is the co-owner of the Java Lava Coffee H ouse, with Ch as co-owning as well. She is a healthy in dividual.
2) Kimi Finster (1 Chas, epdaughter of st , a ir K f o r te gh Kimi is the dau in a ie. She was born ck u h C f o r e st va and stepsi t and a Java La n e d u st a is e h .S Japanese family ee to a very cool, fr in n w o gr s a h employee. She es bizarre preteen. She lik t n e d n e p e d in tial thinking and n finds a poten ve e d n a , ky n g fu music, dressin mate. Still, en haired class e gr r e h f o rm crush in the fo ering her r to Chuckie, off e st si p e st d te ce on she is a devo heart and advi e th f o rs e tt a in m sibling support ver, fidence. Howe n co is h se a e how he can incr is sister protective of h rve o it b a e b Chuckie can tes but t Kimi apprecia a th ct fa a s, e al. sometim ealthy individu h a is e h S g. n s annoyi sometimes find
S CHUCKIE’ A M H T S A : N CONDITIO Asthma is o n
e of the mos t frequently illnesses aff occurring c ecting 10 m hildhood ch il ronic li on children al., 2020). A in th e United Sta child with a tes (Prather sthma affec et asthma sym ts the entire ptoms are n family unit. ot effectively When experience managed, c numerous a hildren can sthma exac erbations a which result nd nocturna s in school a l coughing bsences, re emergency striction fro room visits, m s c hool activitie and hospita s, lizations. Co may need to n sequently, p stay at hom e with their arents child thereb al., 2019) T hus, parents y missing w ork. (Isik et must not on child's asth ly worry abo ma, but also ut controllin the financia g their illness adds l burden an to the famil d s tr e s s the chron y situation. ic Like his fath er, Chuckie developed a sthma. This dynamics a nd function changed th s of the Fins e family visits to the ter family. C doctor’s off h u c k ie had mult ice and hos iple pital, and C to take care h as needed to of Chuckie. The family b miss work to the point ecame very of overwhelm protective o f Chuckie, ing. Family a Initially only nxiety was th getting to kn ro ugh the roo ow each oth f. brought the e r b e tt e r, Chuckie’s d blended fam iagnosis ily, particula stepmother, rly Chuckie respectively and Kira, ste , closer toge p s o n a nd ther.
(Rugrats Wiki, 2021)
me after rder across ti o r la u ic rt a p n. In ages in a ool-age childre ove through st h m sc s e h it ili w m s fa e , ili of fam ent Theory s with is in the stage ily Developm ily m m a fa F r s e ll’ st cialization role va in so u F d D e n h a to T . g ty e ri in g o a rd Acco out auth r each st nd roles. d are working aster tasks fo m ve ie lly h c fu a family rules a ss e e d b c n c a to s su d n e o rs e ti e n c b t a a m me tasks th ciplinary development etermining dis d ily d m n fa a e s, d th e , e e g n this sta sts and outside intere in ild h c g in rt no t y. Chuckie is school, suppo it n u m m o c e to fit into th al., 2015) to great and Kimi tries ie k (Kaakinen et c ls and will go u ir h g C s i. e im lik K w d o n n a then. He Chuckie huckie is risk now and ly focused on a st e o k m ta is to to Angelica. C g ily e in m ic ill fa n w r g e n in st ve e e in b F r The s ud e nt o was and is loyee. Kimi ha n exchange st p ig rld as he once m o re e w fo e va a a th e L f o lik va d as scare t and a Ja ressing up nd s a also a studen n, including d o is ti e n H e . tt e a c y, and even fi ir k vi e n d a th fu r t g e fo g in im ss to h s re length g music, d en turns to ring her siblin e likes bizarre e mmy, and oft h ff S o To . , h n ie it e k w te c s u re d h p n p e nd e nt sister to C still best frie rdevoted step king and inde a in is th e e e sh fr an be a bit ove ll, l, c ti o S o ie . c k c te ry u a h ve m C a ss r, aired cla . Howeve grown into t a nd a of her green h is confidence h rm se fo a e re c th also a studen in is in n e a sh h c S ru e . c g h l n a w yi ti o poten ce on h d s a nno sometimes fin heart and advi t e u b th f s o te rs ia e c tt re a way. Kimi app support in m ent along the es, a fact that m m e ti g e ra m u o so c r n e e his sist ance and protective of s provide guid a h C d n a a ir ployee. K Java Lava em
(Rugrats Wiki, 2021)
Origina lly non-cu , the Finster f ami ltur inquisi al and non-re ly only consis tive Ch t uckie a ligious but am ed the nd Cha i s Finst ably er.
he n into t a p a J d m Kira fro g Chuckie an d n a i n ki Kim pan added ter family, ma ure family. Ja s t a r g t ns Ru en mix cul f the Fi story o mily the first dition of wom ronsson, a fa K i m i ’ s a s a s t r o n g t r e r m a r r i a g e ( A re of the a h i v e s a f t inately took c d i n g t i m e w e s u o b e i n g h K ira predom h e l o v e d s p e n k i e , a n d S so c 2021) , d h o u s e h o l d . s t e p s o n , C h u u e d t o b e i, n tin family a daughter, Kim ast, Chas con t amiably u r r with he Chas. In cont on-religious b n d, s. h u s b a n n- c u l t u r a l a n d person he wa ive the no inquisit
(Rugrats Wiki, 2021)
Intimate, supportiv e, strong, caring, cohesive, and inte rdependent • Strong family involvement in ca re • Financially sta ble
pessimists; at re a s a h C d n a ie k c u • Ch g to Kimi and Kira n yi o n n a e m o c e b s e tim
Strong social supp
decreasing , ie k c u h C f o ve ti c te • Very pro his quality of life
ort from family an d
(Rugrats Wiki, 2021)
the atmosphere te ea cr at wh is n io at ic un m Open and honest com rences as well as ffe di r ei th s es pr ex to ily m that allows the Finster fa kes real maturity for ta It r. he ot an e on r fo n tio love and admira but Kira and Chas r, ro er an r fo ild ch a to ize rd Kira or Chas or wa to a parent to apolog rm wa y gl in ris rp su el fe mi often makes Chuckie or Ki y og ol ap st ne ho An . at th do just Chuckie or Kimi. Nonverbal
s. They use a gentle tone of ise cr of es tim in en ev or m ile and laugh and find hu sm to e ag an m ra Ki d an as Ch communicate love. to n te of i m Ki d an e ki uc ting to fray. They cuddle Ch ar st e ar rs pe m te if en ev e, voic (Rugrats Wiki, 2021)
Family Systems Theory allows nurses to understand the organizational complexity of families, as well as the interactive patterns that guide family interactions. In order to understand a family system, nurses must look at the family as a whole and observe how they interact with each other to maintain homeostasis. (Kaakinen et al., 2015) The theory have four major concepts: Concept 1: All Parts of the System Are Interconnected •
The Finster family is a whole, complex, single system; Chuckie’s newly diagnosed asthma affects Chas, Kira, and Kimi differently, but they are still affected in general because they are interconnected.
Concept 2: The Whole Is More Than the Sum of Its Parts
The Finster family is a family system that is experiencing the stress of a chronically ill son, stepson, and stepbrother; each of them is individually affected, but so is the family as a
whole affected by this unexpected family health event. Chas, Kira, and Kimi may, at times, wonder what will happen to them as a family (whole) if Chuckie dies from asthma.
Concept 3: All Systems Have Some Form of Boundaries or Borders Between the System and Its Environment •
The Finster family welcomes visits from Chuckie's friends but turns down visits from other visitors following Chuckie’s diagnosis.
Concept 4: Systems Can Be Further Organized Into Subsystems •
The Finster family has the following subsystems: parent, stepparent, stepsibling, and parent-child subsystems.
(Rugrats Wiki, 2021)
Problem: Chuckie and Chas are pessimists; worry about a hundred ways things can go wrong with Chuckie’s asthma. Intervention: Assess for influence of client/family anxiety on medical regimen (Hashmi et al., 2022). Rationale: Anxiety can affect a patient’s ability to complete their medical regimen as prescribed, including taking medications; and patient compliance with medications remains a big problem (Hashmi et al., 2022).
Outcome: The Finster family will verbalize the importance of medication compliance by the end of the family education session (meeting).
Problem: The Finster family is very protective of Chuckie due to their intense anxiety about their child's safety secondary to asthma. Intervention: Teach the client/family techniques to self-manage anxiety (Foronda et al., 2021). Rationale: Caregiver mental health correlates directly with child outcomes (Foronda et al., 2021). Outcome: The Finster family will identify, verbalize, and demonstrate techniques to control anxiety by the end of the family education session (meeting).
Problem: Like his father, Chuckie seems to suffer from many types of allergies, which can trigger asthma symptoms. Intervention: Teach disease processes and therapeutic regimens to client/family for management of disease processes (Hashmi et al., 2022). Rationale: Patient and family education about the disease and modifying behavior is vital. The patient and family should also be encouraged to change lifestyle and control the environmental trigger factors (Hashmi et al., 2022). Outcome: The Finster family will describe integration of therapeutic regimen into daily living by the end of the family education session (meeting).
(Rugrats Wiki, 2021)
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140–145. https://doi.org/10.1353/jjs.2021.0014 Foronda, C., Gonzalez, J. M., Snowden, K., Prather, S., Majilton, C., Weisman, A., Parmeter, S., Herrera, A.,
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