Annual Report
Rebuilding the Lockyer Better
About this report Purpose of this report The Lockyer Valley Regional Council 2013/14 Annual Report is an integral part of our commitment to open and accountable governance. The report provides an overview of our activities for the financial year and looks at our ability to operate sustainably into the future by analysing how strategy, governance, policy and past performance, coupled with future key projects, will assist guiding us towards our future goals. The 2013/14 Annual Report keeps our community and stakeholders, including residents, ratepayers, businesses, visitors, staff, government agencies, community groups and future developers, aware of the mechanisms being put in place by Council to ensure the Lockyer Valley becomes a better place by being the region of choice for vibrant rural living. The report is aligned with our Corporate Plan 2012-2017 and shows both the challenges and victories faced between 1 July 2013 and 30 June 2014.
The introduction of this report contains Our vision, Our values, About us, Mission Statement and Performance Overview. This section also contains a key message from the Mayor and Chief Executive Officer as well as a profile of our elected representatives and Executive Leadership Team. There is a case studies section, information about who we are as a community including our history, location, agricultural and business profile and a snap shot of our financial performance. The report also includes statutory reporting and legislative information.
Theme of this report The design and layout, including photography, of the Lockyer Valley Regional Council 2013/14 Annual Report has been selected to highlight who we are as a rural community. Following two devastating floods in as many years, Council fought hard to overcome enormous adversities, both physical and financial, in order to rebuild the Lockyer better, a theme carried throughout this report.
Lockyer Valley Regional Council | Annual Report 2013/14
Structure of this report In line with our Corporate Plan 2012-2017 and our Operational Plan 2013-2014, this report presents information against our eight themes: Lockyer Community – working together for an inclusive, safe and healthy community Lockyer Leadership – working together to unify our community Lockyer Farming – working together to secure our farming future Lockyer Livelihood – working together to strengthen education, training and career pathways Lockyer Business – working together to enhance, attract and diversify business and tourism opportunities Lockyer Nature – working together to enhance and protect our environment and landscape Lockyer Planned – working together for a well-planned and connected community Lockyer Council – working together to create a high performing organisation with a customer focus
Contents Accessibility Lockyer Valley Regional Council is committed to providing accessible services to residents from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. If you have difficulty understanding this report, please contact us on 1300 005 872 and we will arrange an interpreter to communicate this report to you.
Obtaining additional copies If you require a hard copy of this report or additional copies, they can be obtained by: • Telephoning Council on 1300 005 872 • Visiting Council’s Administration Centres in either Gatton or Laidley • Sending an email to • Writing to Corporate Communications C/- Lockyer Valley Regional Council, PO Box 82, Gatton, QLD 4343
Mission Statement............................................................................................... 3 Our Vision............................................................................................................... 3 Our Values.............................................................................................................. 3 Sydney Royal Easter Show ................................................................................. 4 About us................................................................................................................. 8 Operational framework........................................................................................ 9 Our role ................................................................................................................ 10 Who we are.......................................................................................................... 12 Lockyer Valley Snapshots.................................................................................. 16 2013/14 Key Events............................................................................................. 18 Awards and recognition..................................................................................... 20 Mayor’s Message................................................................................................ 22 Councillor Portfolios........................................................................................... 24 CEO’s Message.................................................................................................... 26 Executive Leadership Team .............................................................................. 28 Community Financial Report............................................................................ 30 Is a simplified version of Council’s Financial Statements. Governance.......................................................................................................... 38 Information Council is required to report on. Lockyer Community........................................................................................... 54 Working together for an inclusive, safe and healthy community. Lockyer Leadership............................................................................................. 72 Working together to unify our community. Lockyer Farming.................................................................................................. 82 Working together to secure our farming future. Lockyer Livelihood.............................................................................................. 90 Working together to trengthen education, training and career pathways. Lockyer Business................................................................................................ 94 Working together to enhance, attract and diversify business and tourism opportunities. Lockyer Nature.................................................................................................. 100 Working together to enhance and protect our environment and landscape. Lockyer Planned................................................................................................ 106 Working together for well planned and connected communities. Lockyer Council..................................................................................................116 Working together to create a high performing organisation with a customer focus. Financial Statements........................................................................................ 130 Management Certificate.................................................................................. 199 Independent Auditor’s Report........................................................................ 200 Index.................................................................................................................... 210
Forest Hill
Lockyer Valley Regional Council | Annual Report 2013/14
Mission statement To be the region of choice for vibrant rural living.
Our vision
Our values We have a strong set of values that remind us of what is important as an organisation. Values: • Taking pride in the work we do for the community – we developed and operate under our Community Plan which provides multiple strategies to inform, consult and involve the community on key Council decisions, initiatives and developments. • Our interesting jobs, the people we work with and the teams we work in – we continue to provide opportunities for staff to engage in training, education and career/professional development opportunities. • Our staff being engaged and treated with respect – we operate a reward and recognition framework for teams and individual staff members that celebrates and encourages innovation and excellence. • Being creative and innovative in our approach – we continue to develop local community partnerships to help facilitate information flow and engagement of the community. • A work-life balance – we continually strive for competitive workplace conditions and practices with a strong emphasis on a good work-life balance making us an employer of choice.
Sydney Royal Easter Show As a local government, it’s vital to understand the key economic drivers for the region and for us in the Lockyer Valley, it’s agriculture. The Lockyer Valley has some of the most rich and fertile soils on earth making it the ideal location for vegetable production, in fact, we produce approximately 95 per cent of Australia’s winter vegetables. The local agricultural industry is worth more than $160 million a year, representing 10 per cent of Australian and 40 per cent of Queensland farmers, providing approximately 12 to 14 per cent of the Queensland agricultural economy. Over the past few years, Council has had a presence at the Royal Brisbane Exhibition (the Ekka) which proved to be the ideal destination to promote both the tourism and food production benefits of the Lockyer Valley.
Following on from our successful attendance at the Ekka, a decision was made to go even further, but how do you build on the massive success we had achieved at the Ekka? The answer was to take the region to the largest annual event in Australia with an audience of close to one million people, the Sydney Royal Easter Show. While the decision to attend was easy, the logistics behind seeing the ambitious project come to fruition were enormous. As an organisation, we needed to get 40 staff members, elected representatives and industry personnel to a two week event close to a thousand kilometres away. We realised that to be successful, we not only needed to do a good job, but needed to do it on a shoe string budget.
As a means to keep costs as low as possible, executive members and senior staff volunteered their time and services over the Easter public holiday with Council ensuring staff attending the event were local residents, a move which would pay dividends when it came time to judging exhibitor’s stands. Council brokered a deal with local transport company Nolans Transport who kindly transported fresh produce from the Lockyer Valley to Sydney and stored it at their Homebush depot free of charge. This allowed Council to change produce every two days ensuring the display was always fresh and vibrant. Radio personality Alan Jones from 2GB was extremely supportive of Council and what we were trying to achieve, interviewing Lockyer Valley Mayor Steve Jones on a number of occasions, leading massive influxes of people to Council’s stand. As a way to bring part of the country to the city, Council organised for the Sydney Antique Machinery Club to drop off a fully restored Massy Ferguson T20 tractor which would be used throughout the Show as a centrepiece to Council’s display. Following 10 harrowing years of drought and two devastating flood events, Council went to Sydney with a simple message, the message being the Lockyer Valley is back and open for business. Mayor Steve Jones, said Council went to Sydney with the expectation of promoting tourism and economic opportunities in the region, and came back having achieved so much more, winning a coveted Gold Award for best stand in the Home, Garden and Lifestyle pavilion.
Lockyer Valley Regional Council | Annual Report 2013/14
“Did Council make the right decision taking on such as massive undertaking – absolutely.” Cr Jones “For me, winning a gold medal for our stand in our first year at the Show tells me we were spot on with what we were doing,” he said. “One of the judges stated that part of why we won the prestigious Gold Award was because Show patrons kept raving about our stand as they were leaving. He said that of all stands people could remember, ours was top of the list. “As far as I’m concerned, feedback like that is gold. We went to the Show with the intention of luring Sydney siders to the Lockyer Valley and to have made such a strong impact at our first Show, well I think we have achieved that goal.” As part of our trip to Sydney, and determined to take advantage of every opportunity Sydney would provide, we organised a tour of highend food outlets to provide local food producers attending the Show with direct access to the lucrative Sydney market. “The reality is that opportunities won’t just fall in your lap. You have to go after them and make them happen and that’s what Council has done by organising this tour,” he said. “The Lockyer Valley relies heavily on the agricultural industry to provide sustained employment and economic growth and as a Council, we need to be providing every opportunity we can to expand and grow.
“Feedback from the producers has been overwhelmingly positive and the food outlets have been extremely supportive in providing key contacts to their own food purchasers.
“The Lockyer Valley is uniquely located just an hour from Brisbane and a little over an hour from the Gold Coast making it the perfect destination for people looking for a quick break.
“We then met leading chef Mike McEnearney who spoke about what he believes is key to breaking into the Sydney market.”
“There was nothing easy about this trip. We had an enormous logistical task ahead of us and a budget of just $75,000.”
Having worked alongside chefs including Neil Perry, Mike is wellknown for providing simple and ethically sourced food and to have him now fully aware of what produce is available in the Lockyer Valley is a massive boost forward for the region.
Council was able to not only launch the winter/spring vegetables to some of the most influential business and media personalities in Australia at one of Sydney’s best venues, but host a tour of Sydney food outlets, fly and accommodate 40 staff over a three week period as well as construct a first class stand at the Show, all within budget.
Following the producers’ tour, Council enlisted some of Sydney’s top chefs at Pier One to cook a special dinner for local media identities and food industry heavyweights featuring fresh produce as part of our winter/spring vegetable seasonal launch. “The launch really showcased the very best of the Lockyer Valley to people that can take the message that we are back and open for business to the entire country,” Cr Jones said. “To the best of my knowledge what we are doing here in Sydney hasn’t been done by any Council in Queensland before. By attending the Sydney Easter Show, we can take our message directly to close to the one million people that visited the Show.
“Did Council make the right decision taking on such a massive undertaking, absolutely. Winning a gold award in our first year at the Show is a remarkable feat in itself given the high standard expected at the event but making it even more worthwhile was our return on investment for media attention,” Cr Jones said. Council’s attendance in Sydney generated an astonishing $949,300 in media endorsement, a real credit to the hard work of everyone involved in the project. So successful was the trip, Council will be attending again next year.
Performance overview Themes
Targets 2013/14 Develop policy, strategy, local laws and guidelines in relation to waste and health.
Achieved 2013/14
Aims for 2014/15
Maintain public health and food safety standards.
Develop a regional plan for bikeways and pathways to promote and encourage their use.
Provide services, facilities and opportunities that enable people to gather together and connect with each other.
Develop a Community Engagement strategy that identifies multiple strategies to inform, consult and involve the community in key Council decisions, initiatives and developments.
Collaborate with regional industry, institutions and governments to promote, improve and develop resources.
Identify strategic regional locations and land suitable for development of related farming and agricultural businesses and industries.
Work with stakeholders to support the establishment of the National Food Centre of Excellence within the Lockyer Valley.
Continue to foster strong ties with local schools to develop further traineeships.
Develop a partnership approach between Universities, TAFE and other training providers to develop a range of regional education and training opportunities.
Advocate with strategic partners for the establishment of a range of educational and training opportunities, including TAFE.
Conduct safety audits for regional townships to identify and address safety concerns.
Facilitate a regional approach to improve the coordination of services for residents.
Collaborate with regional industry, institutions and government to promote, improve and develop services.
Promote the Lockyer region, Council and Local Government.
6 Advocate to protect prime agricultural land and aquifers from incompatible uses such as coal seam gas extraction.
Develop policy, strategy and guidelines to protect and enhance our farming and agricultural industry.
Lockyer Valley Regional Council | Annual Report 2013/14
Targets 2013/14 Streamline Councils policies and regulations to enable and attract business opportunities and investment. Advocate to government and industry tourist peak bodies to leverage support, public relations and tourist infrastructure to the region. Continue with the implementation of projects under the Lake Apex Master Plan.
Develop a coordinated plan for nature-based recreation.
Advocate to secure funding for priority infrastructure needs. Adopt a planned approach to the ongoing development of regional townships and villages, capitalising on the diversity, identity, opportunities and cultural heritage of each area.
Develop practices and policies to support responsible management in relation to clearly defined service standards.
Develop a workforce plan to focus on recruitment, succession planning and employment conditions.
Achieved 2013/14
Aims for 2014/15
Develop a regional development strategy that promotes the business, economic and locational advantages of the region.
Provide local businesses with practical support and incentives to incubate and develop businesses.
Protect our natural environment by restoring degraded landscapes, contaminated land and managing fire, pest and other hazards.
Partner with other regional Councils and State agencies to develop an Escarpment to Bay (SEQ) management plan.
Develop regulations and policies consistent with State legislation and Planning Scheme.
Advocate the regions planning and growth needs to Government, industry and other representative organisations (e.g. Council of Mayors).
Strive to ensure Council is financially sustainable through provision of core business while seeking alternative funding sources and commercial opportunities.
Maintain the high standard Governance Framework that supports Council in compliance with legislation.
About us As the region’s largest employer, we strive to achieve the best possible work/ life balance as we create a flexible, dynamic and harmonious workplace. As part of our vision to create a high performing organisation with a strong focus on strategy and service delivery, we went through a period of renewal and development and introduced a new corporate structure. By introducing the new structure, we were able to streamline Council operations and commence the journey to improve our financial position following two devastating flood events in as many years. With the structure now in place, we are starting to drive future development for the region as we rebuild Lockyer better. As part of this journey, we are committed to keeping pace with changing technology having invested in ICT systems and processes to further streamline operations. The role of Local Government has changed considerably over the years. No longer are we merely considered the level of government for roads, rates and rubbish, but we are the level of government that has the closest connection to residents. For us, it’s about the people and creating an area they are proud to call home. We fully understand that every decision we make as a Local Government, has a direct impact on the lifestyle people want and expect by choosing to live here, and as a Council, we embrace the pivotal role we play in the region as a whole. In meeting ever increasing community demand, Council believes it has a number of roles that will help guide the delivery of services to meet growing community expectation.
Lockyer Valley Regional Council | Annual Report 2013/14
In aligning these roles and to assist with our strategic focus, we developed the following six responsibilities which form an integral part of our strategic and corporate plans: Provider Funder Regulator Partner Facilitator Advocate
Operational framework The Lockyer Valley Regional Council Corporate Plan 2012-2017 sets the five year strategic direction for Council, including the performance indicators for measuring progress. The Corporate Plan has been developed based on the vision, themes and values determined in the Community Plan and articulates Council’s roles and responsibilities in reaching that vision. It is intended that the Corporate Plan aligns with the one year Operational Plan, Business Unit Plans and Staff Performance Plans. The links between the plans are represented below. Community Plan – 10 years plus Corporate Plan – 5 years plus Operational Plan, Business Unit Plans, Budget – 12 months Staff Performance Plans – 6/12 month reviews Community Plan – Our long term plan, Lockyer: Our Valley Our Vision 2012-2022, defines our aspirations for the region for the next ten years. Developed following extensive community consultation, the Plan guides Council towards good decision making in line with community expectation while having a direct influence over other planning processes. Corporate Plan – Our medium term plan, the Corporate Plan is our strategic document outlining what we need to do as an organisation to ensure we are working towards meeting the goals and aspirations outlined in the Community Plan. Operational Plan – Our short term plan outlining how as an organisation we will achieve the goals within the Corporate Plan. Business Unit Plans – Our short term plan outlining how each business unit within Council is developing and streamlining mechanisms to ensure they are meeting the goals and objectives of the Operational Plan. Budget – Forms part of our Financial Sustainability Plan to assist Council deliver its long term strategic focus. Staff Performance Plans – Our six to 12 monthly evaluation of staff performance set against duties outlined in each job description.
Schultz Lookout, Laidley
Our role There are 77 Councils operating in Queensland, representing close to five million people in an area covering more than 1.7 million square kilometres. Lockyer Valley Regional Council is responsible for the planning and delivery of services for 16,107 rateable properties over 2272 square kilometres. Services provided by Council include: • Animal control oo Registrations oo Responsible pet ownership
education • Art gallery oo Gallery exhibitions
• Building and Plumbing Services oo Plan searches
• Events and promotion oo Community spirit oo Family fun
• Footpaths and bikeways oo Exercise oo Community connectivity
• Health and welfare services oo Immunisation program oo Food and personal appearance
services registrations and compliance oo Food safety inspections
• Libraries oo Membership loans oo Children’s storytime sessions oo School holiday activities oo Internet and information services
• Parks and gardens
oo Building and planning permits
oo Park bookings
oo Bushfire assessments
oo Playgrounds
oo Pool safety inspections
oo Street and tree management
oo Certification services
• Business and industry assistance oo Business kits oo Industry forums oo Strategic partnerships oo Support for local business
• Child care centres oo Child minding oo Education
• Cultural centres oo Cafes oo Venue hire oo Community gatherings
• Customer services oo Call centre oo Information services
• Disaster management, recovery and resilience oo Community resilience oo Recovery oo Situational awareness oo Disaster/emergency response
• Regional development and investment attraction oo Job creation oo Increased services
• Roads and drainage oo Street lighting and signage oo Pavement and nature strips oo Drains oo Street cleaning oo Repair and maintenance
• Swimming centres oo Family fun oo Exercise
• Town planning oo Manage growth in line with
community expectation oo Protect prime agricultural land oo Create local communities
• Volunteering opportunities oo Community spirit
• Waste collection and recycling services oo Garbage collection oo Recycling services oo Waste education
Lockyer Valley Regional Council | Annual Report 2013/14
Narda Lagoon, Laidley
Who we are Our area Nestled at the foot of the Great Dividing Range and situated a little over an hour’s drive from Brisbane and the Gold Coast and half an hour from Ipswich and Australia’s largest inland city, Toowoomba, the Lockyer Valley is perfectly poised to capture the growing day tripper market.
Murphys Creek
Population – Lockyer Valley 50,000
45,000 40,000 35,000
There were approximately 37,652 people residing in the Lockyer Valley in 2013/14, representing an increase of 3.4 per cent on last year’s figures.
Plainland Forest Hill Laidley
The Lockyer Valley has a mean temperature range of between 6.2°C (minimum) and 20.7°C (maximum) in July and between 19.3°C (minimum) and 31.6°C ( maximum) in January and receives an average yearly rainfall of approximately 813mm.
o Highway eg W arr
Renowned for tranquil rural settings, the Lockyer Valley is the ideal destination for people looking to escape the hustle and bustle of Brisbane for the weekend at one of our many boutique farmstays and B&B’s.
The Lockyer Valley is made up of a number of scattered localities serviced by the three major centres of Laidley, Gatton and Plainland.
Projections forecast the region to grow at an average annual rate of 2.7 per cent over five years and 2.6 per cent over ten years. This compares to the forecast average annual growth rate for Queensland of 2.0 per cent over five years and 2.2 per cent over a 10 year period.
Lockyer Valley Regional Council | Annual Report 2013/14
36,404 2012
Projected Projected five year growth ten year growth
Tourism profile Lockyer Valley Regional Council continues to build and develop its domestic wholesale inbound market by working in close partnership with Brisbane Marketing and Tourism Queensland. The region’s primary tourism market is derived from visiting friends, relatives and day trippers.
of Queensland farmers
Lake Dyer, Lake Apex and Seven Mile Lagoon provide the perfect habitat for tens of thousands of waterbirds including the Little Curlew, Oriental Pratincole and Painted Snip.
Agricultural profile
Council is also working hard to attract the growing ‘Grey Nomad’ market as they pass through from southern areas including New South Wales and Victoria on their way through to various parts of South East and North Queensland.
Boasting some of the most fertile soils on earth, the Lockyer Valley is one of Australia’s leading agricultural production areas and supplies the majority of the nation’s winter vegetables.
Situated just an hour from the heart of the Brisbane CBD, the Lockyer Valley provides the ideal short stay market.
The Lockyer Valley represents 10 per cent of Australian and 40 per cent of Queensland farmers providing approximately 12-14 per cent of the Queensland agricultural economy.
Environmental profile Covering an area of more than 2200 square kilometres, the Lockyer Valley represents approximately a quarter of the entire Brisbane River catchment. Surrounded by steep mountain ranges to the south, west and north, the Lockyer Valley boasts some of the most rich and fertile alluvial soils anywhere on earth with more than half the region retaining native vegetation, including 35,000 hectares at Helidon Hills. The Lockyer National Park is home to an extraordinary range of plant and animal species, some of which can only be found locally. The area is also home to a number of threatened and vulnerable species including the Glossy Black Cockatoo, Brush Tailed Rock Wallaby, Blackbreasted Button Quail, both the Powerful and Sooty Owl, Koala Fern, Mountain Guinea Flower and Helidon Ironbark.
Forest Hill
The Lockyer National Park is also a popular area for passive recreation including bird watching and remote bushwalking.
Approximately 10 per cent is being farmed for fresh vegetables, that’s an area equivalent to about 134,000 suburban house blocks.
Gross Regional Product Gross Regional Product is the market value of all goods and services produced in a local economy. This differs from total turnover figures which includes goods still in production and the sale of goods between companies. The estimated Gross Regional Product (GRP) of the Lockyer Valley was $1.2 billion in 2013/14.
Transport Hub
With direct and easy access to the Warrego Highway and easy connections to all major interstate highways, coupled with rail access, close proximity to both the Gold Coast and Brisbane International Airports, the Port of Brisbane and the abundance of affordable land, the Lockyer Valley is the ideal transport logistics area.
The Lockyer Valley is home to 26 public and private schools, 16 early childhood education and care centres and the University of Queensland Gatton Campus with the region recording 2,869 students enrolled in Vocational Education and Training (VET).
Housing There are close to 12,000 occupied private dwellings in the Lockyer Valley Local Government Area with 94.1 per cent being separated houses, 3.0 per cent flats/units and 1.3 per cent semi-detached. Of those, 32.4 per cent are owned outright, 37.9 per cent are owned with a mortgage and 25.4 per cent are rented.
The average mortgage repayment is $1517 per month compared to $1850 for Queensland and $1800 for Australia.
Thirty one per cent of people in the Lockyer Valley were attending an educational institution. Of those, 30.9 per cent were in primary school, 20.7 per cent were in secondary school and 16.7 per cent in a tertiary or technical institution.
Aboriginal heritage The Jagara, Kitabul and Birren people are the traditional custodians of the land on which the Lockyer Valley is situated. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people represent 2.9 per cent of the Lockyer Valley population.
The median weekly rent for the Lockyer Valley is $275 a week compared to $368 a week for Queensland. Of all occupied private dwellings, 75.6 per cent are family households, 20.2 per cent are single people and 4.2 per cent are group households.
Lockyer Valley Regional Council | Annual Report 2013/14
Type of Private Dwellings 3.0% 1.3%
Ownership of Private Dwellings
Occupies of Private Dwellings 4.2%
37.9% Separate houses
Owned outright
Family households
Owned with mortgage
Single people
Semi detached
Group households
Monthly Repayments
Educational Institutions
500 20.7%
Forest Hill
Lockyer Valley
Primary school
Average mortgage repayment
Secondary school
Median rent
Tertiary or technical institution
Lockyer Valley Snapshots Building/plumbing applications
1174 Estimated population
37,652 Unemployment rate 16
6.6% Median age in years
37.4 Estimated growth rate
2.6% Lockyer Valley Regional Council | Annual Report 2013/14
Median house price
Average people per household
2.7 Median rent a week
$275 Cunningham’s lookout
2013/14 Key Events A showcase of events held throughout the year in the Lockyer Valley region.
National Seniors Week – a week of activities for seniors
OCT 18
Motorcycle Swap Meet – one of Australia’s largest, Laidley Showgrounds
Australia Day Celebrations
Anzac Day Services, various locations
Laidley Show, Laidley Showgrounds
Laidley Spring Festival – gardens, flowers, craft and parade, Laidley
Celtic Festival, Helidon
Lights on the Hill 10th Memorial Convoy Gatton Showgrounds
Lockyer Valley Relay for Life, Gatton Show Grounds
Lockyer Valley Regional Council | Annual Report 2013/14
Gatton Show, Gatton Showgrounds
Big Band at Spring Bluff – outdoor entertainment, Spring Bluff
Christmas in the Country Art & Craft Show, Gatton
Gatton Street Sprints, Gatton
Clydesdale & Heavy Horse Field Days, Gatton Showgrounds
Ma Ma Creek Exhibition & Bush Dance, Ma Ma Creek
Historical Commercial Vehicle Association Queensland Historic Truck, Tractor & Machinery Show, Gatton Showgrounds
The Handmade Expo Market, Forest Hill
Lockyer Multicultural Festival, Gatton
South QLD Reining Horse Assoc Pacific Coast Competition, Gatton Showgrounds
World Cup Show Jumping Gatton Equestrian Centre
Lockyer 300 Off Road Rally, Mulgowie
Gatton Christmas Carnival, North Street, Gatton
Big Day In – drug and alcohol free youth event, Gatton
Lockyer Powerfest – high speed power boat racing and hot rods, Laidley
Helidon Heritage Fair, Helidon
Lockyer Valley Business, Training & Apprenticeship Awards, Gatton
Forest Hill Christmas Festivities, Forest Hill
Heritage Weekend, Laidley
The calendar of events is not a complete list of events in the Lockyer Valley region. This is purely a showcase of some of the key events held in the area.
Awards and recognition Recognising members of our community A community is only as strong as the people in it, and in the true Aussie spirit of mateship, we have supported each other as we rebuild our lives and our communities following two devastating flood events in as many years. The people of the Lockyer Valley support each other both in good times and in bad and it’s important as the local Council, we recognise those in the community who give tirelessly of themselves for others.
Australia Day Awards There were eight categories awarded recognition as part of the 2014 Australia Day presentations. Awards included:
• Young Citizen of the Year – Kirsten Sippel Kirsten has been an active member of the community for a number of years showing outstanding leadership and dedication to those around her. She has successfully organised two Relay for Life events raising over $130,000. Her hope for the future is that cancer prevention is found to be just as important as a cure, so that people will know how to prevent cancer.
• Volunteer of the Year – Gordon Niebing Gordon has always displayed a willingness to help and support others, particularly the needy. Over the years Gordon has been actively involved in a number of community organisations including local schools, sporting clubs and the Laidley Show Society. In 1984, Gordon began his long association with the Tabeel Nursing Home and caring for the elderly. In 1990, he became the bus driver for the Lockyer Valley Aged Handicapped Association, a role he continued for some 22 years before retiring in 2011. • Mayoral Award – June Kealy Having lived in the small township of Forest Hill her entire life, June is somewhat of a local institution. June continually supports her local community and works towards the betterment of the town. June was an integral part of the Lockyer Valley Regional Council Reference Committee, established following the 2011 flood event, and today remains an active advocate for Forest Hill. • Citizen of the Year – Margaret Cole In recognition of outstanding service to the Lockyer Valley community, the 2014 Australia Day Citizen of the Year Award was presented to Margaret Cole. Margaret has provided a selfless attitude and lifetime of volunteer work within the local multicultural community.
She has played an active role as a tutor in the Lockyer Valley Homework Club, a program available to assist families who are permanent residents residing in the Lockyer Valley and who arrived as humanitarian entrants over the last five years. She supports backpackers with conversational English each week and assists with personal challenges such as filling out important documentation.
Council recognised for outstanding Annual Report This year, Council was recognised for its commitment to accountable and transparent reporting being awarded a Silver Award for its entry into the Australasian Reporting Awards. This is the second year Council has entered the awards after receiving a Bronze Award in its first year.
Recognising staff who go above and beyond Lockyer Valley Regional Council is passionate about its employees and operates a merit based reward and recognition program. Staff are nominated by their peers and are assessed against eight key themes identified during our last Climate Survey. Employee of the quarter – Stephen Jenkins (Systems Administrator) Stephen believes passionately about the need for open information and has played a major role in the implementation of a number of new Council systems. Employee of the quarter – Melissa McNamara (Waste Administration Officer) and Garath Wilson (Senior Strategic Planner) Melissa is passionate about her role and leaves no stone unturned to ensure a high level of customer satisfaction. Garath is a staunch advocate for the Lockyer Valley and has been instrumental in developing the Draft
Lockyer Valley Regional Council | Annual Report 2013/14
LVRC Planning Scheme, a document shaping the future of the region for the next 25 years. Employee of the quarter – Tim Kajewski (Accounting Services Coordinator) Tim was instrumental in improving the relationship between Finance and other work sections in Council through taking the time to meet with staff and find out how Finance could better serve their needs. Employee of the Year – Steven Moore (Labourer) Steven’s communication and interpersonal skills with managers, staff and ratepayers is a credit to Council and the wider community. Steven provides excellent services as a parks and gardens labourer and treats all internal and external customers with respect and patience. Steven is aware that to be successful, teams need to work towards the same goal. He makes sure his team is aware of the goal they are trying to achieve and ensures they have the right tools to complete the job. Team of the Year – Construction Crew (GL) Lockyer Valley Regional Council has done some incredible work following the two life changing flood events of 2011 and 2013, so just to be nominated for Team of the Year is an enormous feat. As locals, the crew takes pride in the area they call home and not only complete tasks to the highest standards within timeframes and budget, but are passionate about breaking the negative stereotypical image of Council road workers. Construction Crew GL. • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Garth Lester Barry Squires Kevin Weise Des Ilka Greg Axelsen Neal Davenport Steven Dingle Doug Dowden Scott Podham Adam Faranda Dennis Neumann Peter Hill Murray Johnston Warren Fritz
It’s an honour The 2011 flood event saw ordinary people doing extraordinary things and as a result, the National Emergency Medal was established. The National Emergency Medal is awarded to individuals who assisted for specified durations during the Queensland flood events and other Australian disasters. A number of staff and elected representatives were awarded the medal in December 2013. National Emergency Medal For service to others in a National Emergency • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Aussie Phillipsen Dave Mazzaferri Adam Roberts Andrew Veber Anthony Althaus Barry Squires Brett Qualischefski Christian Gutt Clayton McKay Cr Janice Holstein Cr Steve Jones Cr Tanya Milligan Darryl Simpson Doug Althaus Garry Shum Garth Lester Glen Neuendorf George Mitchell Graham Moon Hayley Dixon Ian Flint Janis Hall Jason Cubit Jason Harm Jim Barton
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Karen Pegler Kevin Van Rompaey Kevin Wiese Luke Sutcliffe Michael Brennan Michael Fagan Mitch Teske Mitchell Anderson Mitchell & Nicole Bichel Nikki-John Harch Paul Steffens Rebecca Marschke Royce Johnston Sean Payne Shane Browne Susan Boland Trevor Sippel Warren Goltz Wayne Pitkin Wendy Scott
Mayor’s Message Moving forward
Future development
Rebuilding the Lockyer Better remains a priority for Council following significant flood events in 2011 and 2013. Each year I am continually amazed by the resilience and spirit within this community.
As a sign of Council’s commitment to the Lockyer Valley, construction of the region’s largest infrastructure project is well under way and on track to be completed towards the middle of the 2014/15 financial year. The Lockyer Valley Sports and Aquatic Centre features a 10 lane FINA rated Olympic size pool, clubhouse, new kiosk and 25 metre learn-to-swim pool.
As we wind down our restoration projects, our focus again turns to doing what we do best, that’s building a better Lockyer Valley for all of us to enjoy. We are about to get back to basics and reinvest in our core responsibilities, including the construction of community infrastructure and facilitating investment into the Lockyer Valley.
Both pools feature disability access, allowing easy access for people in wheelchairs as well as for physiotherapy purposes. In addition, Council is well advanced with plans to build a multi-million dollar Multipurpose Sport and Recreation Centre at the Laidley Recreation Reserve. Council is finalising the draft Planning Scheme with the State Government. Once given the go ahead Council will present the draft scheme to the Lockyer Valley community for their comment. The Scheme seeks to maximise the region’s core strengths in agriculture and logistics as well as encourage further development and investment into our towns and hamlets. The growth we are seeking through red tape reductions and simplifying our approval processes is not intended to come at the expense of our quality of life.
Lockyer Valley Regional Council | Annual Report 2013/14
Rather the new planning scheme respects our cultural heritage and protects the unique and distinct qualities of the region and with growth expected to increase by three per cent each year, the use of smart growth principles within the region will ensure we are better able to protect and preserve the aesthetic and natural beauty of the Lockyer Valley for generations to come.
Investing in the future Having been through two significant events in as many years has taught us we need to be more people focused and as an organisation, cut through some of our red tape and form a stronger working relationship with developers to help us rebuild the Lockyer better. Council has already instituted a “single point of entry” for potential investors which taking a client approach assists in facilitating the investment and assists in the navigating local, state and commonwealth approval processes. During the year we continued our strong tourism push, promoting the region at a number of events including Regional Flavours, the Brisbane Ekka and the Sydney Royal Easter Show. Our stands were extremely popular at each venue with Council even taking out a coveted Gold Award in the Home, Garden and Lifestyle category at the Sydney Royal Easter Show in 2014.
With our core business being agriculture, Council is extremely focused on providing opportunities to our local producers and businesses. Not only do these shows offer an opportunity to showcase our quality products to bigger markets they are also an opportunity for our producers to introduce themselves to a much broader set of buyers. This has also underpinned recent overseas trips to markets such as Singapore with our producers that have resulted in contracts to supply Lockyer Valley grown products. These delegations have helped lay the foundation for strong and prosperous relationships which are so important in Asian markets and I’m confident we will continue to see the flow-on effects from this for a long time to come. Already we have seen a number of Lockyer Valley producers break into the lucrative high end Sydney and Singapore markets following Council led delegations. We are committed to working with local businesses and in tough economic times we will do everything within our power to provide business with further opportunities.
Economically stable It is pleasing to see how far we have come in such a short amount of time. We have been working in partnership with local business chambers to develop ways to stimulate the local economy by targeting economic drivers. We have led key investment drivers in the region including the development of the Gatton West Industrial Zone which will provide
enormous investment in the region. We have also assisted in attracting investors for the construction of a dedicated backpacker facility in Gatton and will continue to work with developers and attract investment for a 4 to 4.5 star motel along side our Cultural Centre. Unfortunately, during the 2013/14 Financial Year it was necessary to implement a minor rate rise to help recover costs associated with the recovery effort. I would like to thank the residents of the region for sticking with us during this period and as an organisation, we will be looking to deliver a zero per cent increase next financial year.
Acknowledgements I would like to thank and publicly acknowledge the work of my fellow Councillors for the roles they have undertaken over the past year. Your attendance at meetings, locally, within Queensland, interstate and overseas, is appreciated. Together we have been able to drive the economy and attract investment into the region while maintaining the region as a place where people want to live. I would also like to thank our Chief Executive Officer for his ongoing support and strong leadership throughout the organisation. A Council can only be successful if all parties are working towards the same goal and I commend you and your team for the role you have played in achieving these goals.
Steve Jones Mayor
Cr Steve Jones Lockyer Valley Regional Council Mayor Passionate about the Lockyer, Steve leaves no stone unturned in making it a better and safer place to live. He is a staunch supporter of the transport industry and is a strong advocate for road safety. Steve ran for Council after being persuaded by a very close friend and former Mayor, Mr Ted McCormack. Steve, was elected to the Gatton Shire Council in 1997 and went on to become Mayor before standing in the 2008 election where he was elected Mayor for the newly formed Lockyer Valley Regional Council (following the amalgamation of the former Gatton and Laidley Shire Councils). Having worked in the stock and veterinary science field, Steve’s passion and knowledge about the local agricultural industry is unrivalled. Areas of Responsibility Council communication and advocacy, Intergovernmental and media relations, Regional collaboration, Regional Development, Business and Industry development, Tourism and events and Council land development.
Councillor portfolios The Lockyer Valley Regional Council area is represented by six elected Councillors and an elected Mayor. There are no wards or divisions within the Lockyer Valley. Council elections are held every four years, the next to be held in 2016. For a full list of Councillor entitlements, remuneration packages and meeting attendance, please refer to the Statutory Information section.
Cr Peter Friend
Cr Janice Holstein
Cr Jim McDonald
Lifestyle portfolio
Infrastructure portfolio
Environment portfolio
With a genuine passion for the region, Peter ran for Council as a way to make the community a better place to live. He is conscious of eliminating unnecessary expenditure while at the same time delivering vital services.
Growing up on the land, Janice was inspired to run as a Councillor as a way to further promote the Lockyer Valley as an ideal tourist destination. She is passionate about driving business success and is striving to expand road infrastructure and providing better footpath access.
As the Officer in Charge at the Laidley Police Station, Jim ran for Council with a drive for improving community safety while focusing on the rural lifestyle the region provides. He continues to strive for improvements to local footpaths, bikeways and the road networks.
Areas of responsibility
Areas of responsibility
Roads and Drainage, Public Infrastructure, Transport, Flood Mitigation, Communication Services, Asset Management and Council Facilities.
Environmental Management, Weed/Pest Management, Waterways, Nature Conservation Strategy, Biosecurity and Natural Resource Management.
Areas of responsibility Sport and Recreation, Community Facilities, Health and Waste Management, Disaster Management and Total Water Quality Management.
Lockyer Valley Regional Council | Annual Report 2013/14
Cr Kathy McLean
Cr Tanya Milligan
Cr Derek Pingel
25 Planning portfolio Passionate about Council supporting local business, Kathy ran for Council in 2012. She has been an active member in the development of Council’s new planning scheme and is passionate about increasing local transport. Areas of responsibility Planning Frameworks, Planning Scheme and Policies, Townships and Villages (cultural and heritage streetscape) and Regional Planning.
Deputy Mayor Community and Council Development portfolio Spurred on to run for Council as a way to provide better access for the elderly and people with a disability, Tanya remains steadfast in her drive to support the needs of the elderly, youth, multicultural and disability sectors. She has a strong belief in social justice and is driven to see the region become better connected and united. Areas of responsibility Arts and Culture, Governance, Cultural Development, Youth and Disability/ Multicultural Services, Community Engagement and Public Safety.
Finance and Corporate portfolio Driven to provide efficient services for the region, Derek was elected to Council in 2012. He is a wellrespected member of the local business community, operating a number of businesses and is passionate about providing optimal services to the region. Areas of responsibility Customer Service, Council Business and Systems, Corporate Plans and Performance, Finance, Information, Communication and Technology.
CEO’s message Building a stronger region It was always going to take between three and five years to get back on track following the 2011 and 2013 flood events and I am delighted to be able to say we are now in a position where we are starting to shift the focus back to core Council business after making the hard decisions over the past few years. We wrapped up the 2011 flood restoration works and are on track to complete the 2013 program by the end of the next financial year. For a Council our size to repair and rebuild the region the way we have is truly a remarkable achievement.
As we continue our journey to Rebuild Lockyer Better, it’s important to remember we cannot move forward alone. To be successful, we need the support of the community which is why we have been increasingly engaging with residents as we look at ways we can better communicate with our residents.
Better efficiencies Since 2008 we have been working hard to remove aging computer systems, a legacy of the amalgamation of the former Gatton and Laidley Shire Councils. As an organisation, we are focused on providing the best services we can to the community and we have developed a number of new systems to help us better interact with our residents including a single point of entry or “one-stop-shop” to assist in navigating approvals, shape up development ideas and help facilitate applications through local, state and federal approvals. Our new planning scheme, expected to be in place by early 2015 is intended to set out a vision for future growth in Lockyer Valley. Processes are simplified and red tape reduced with a clear intent to assist in facilitating good business and personal investment in real property. We have introduced Live Chat, a multi-media platform allowing residents to carry out live conversations with our customer service staff from mobile devices
Lockyer Valley Regional Council | Annual Report 2013/14
such as laptops and mobile phones. This function is available for residents to make use of for a wide range of Council services from rates, roads to rubbish. We have further developed the Digital Hub and trained our elderly residents on how to safely surf the internet, search google and pay accounts on line, as well as how to keep in touch with family through programs such as Skype. Through introducing these systems, we have been able to modernise our ability to engage with customers, business and the local community.
Significant milestones As we wind down on the 2011 and 2013 reconstruction works, our focus again shifts toward growing the local economy. Council formulated a comprehensive Economic Development Plan that sets out a vision for economic growth for the Lockyer Valley that builds on: • Strengthening the regions position as a leading agricultural production area • Strengthening the key town centres; • Offering more skilled and higher paying employment; • Proactively facilitating investment into tourism accommodation facilities; and • Raising the profile and positioning our products and producers.
Working with businesses we have initiated a number of opportunities for local producers including helping many secure deals in the Sydney and Asian markets. This includes our work in the regional development where we have put the Lockyer Valley on show at the Brisbane Ekka and the Sydney Royal Easter Show promoting the region as a food-tourist destination. Joining senior council staff, Councillors and their family members who had volunteered their time on the Lockyer Valley stand in Sydney were a number of tourism operators, small businesses and agricultural producers. We have also rolled out the biggest ever change to waste management with the introduction of a dual bin system doing away with separate systems operated under the former Gatton and Laidley Shire Councils. As a result of the new dual bin system, we have been successful in reducing recyclable material going to landfill by 38 percent. We have installed a series of CCTV cameras throughout the main street of Laidley which has already shown a reduction in crime and worked hard on developing our new Planning Scheme allowing the region to grow and develop in line with community expectation and values. We are in the process of developing the Laidley Futures project, an initiative to give Laidley a fresh look and attract people back to
the beautiful historic town through a series of initiatives targeted at helping the local community generate prosperity and positivity in Laidley.
Ian Flint
A series of new rain gauges and flood warning systems have been installed in key areas giving us the situational awareness needed during a crisis.
Portfolio Councillor, The Mayor, Cr Jones
As an organisation we have changed and we will continue to grow and develop in line with our strategic vision for the Lockyer Valley in making it the region of choice for vibrant rural living.
Acknowledgements There is no doubt it’s been a tough year. We have asked our staff to do more with less and they have dug in and achieved goals that surpassed all expectations. I would also like to thank our elected members who continue to make the necessary decisions and commitments that help us move forward into greater prosperity. This year we have focused on rebuilding infrastructure and working to help push along investment into our local economy which is expected to start paying dividends very soon as confidences picks up in the SEQ region more broadly.
Ian Flint CEO
Chief Executive Officer
In a local government career spanning close to 40 years, Ian has held a number of senior positions including holding the office of Chief Executive Officer at Boonah Shire Council for 17 years. Ian has a proud history of achievements and is passionate about rebuilding the Lockyer better. His extensive experience has provided a broad range of strategic opportunities as he develops the Lockyer Valley as the region of choice for vibrant rural living. Ian has led reform within Council that has truly led the productivity and efficiency gains throughout the organisation. Areas of responsibility Inter-Governmental Relations, Regional Collaboration, Organisational Management, Council Leadership, Major Projects and Priorities and Recovery and Resilience.
Executive Leadership Team The Executive Leadership Team provides advice and support to the Chief Executive Officer and Councillors in implementing decisions and upholding policies and strategies in the administration of Council business.
Jason Bradshaw
David Lewis
Dan McPherson
Executive Manager
Executive Manager
Executive Manager
Governance and Performance
Corporate and Community Services
Organisational Development and Engagement
Portfolio Councillor, Tanya Milligan
Portfolio Councillor, Derek Pingel
Portfolio Councillor, Peter Friend
Holding a number of senior management positions, including Chief Executive Officer, Jason has led a productive local government career spanning more than 20 years.
David has a strong background in regional and town planning, business and finance and is just as driven today as he was when he first started in local government close to 30 years ago.
Dan has extensive experience in human resources, performance management, productivity improvement and strategic organisational development.
He brings valuable in-depth experience in the fields of finance, corporate governance and management and has played a pivotal role in driving organisational reform. Areas of responsibility Corporate Governance, Corporate Communications, Legal Services, Elected Member Support, Executive Support, Disaster Management, Policy Research, Quality Assurance and Internal Audit and Risk Management.
He is passionate about making the organisation more financially sustainable.
He has held a number of senior management positions both in Australia and overseas throughout his 30 year career.
Areas of responsibility
Areas of responsibility
Financial Services, Information, Communication and Technology, GIS, Customer Service, Pest Management, Animal Control, Childcare Services and Waste Management
Organisational Reform, Change Management, Workforce Planning, Continuous Improvement Program, Organisational Performance and Enterprise Bargaining.
Lockyer Valley Regional Council | Annual Report 2013/14
Mark Piorkowski
Myles Fairbairn
29 Executive Manager
Executive Manager
Planning and Development Services
Infrastructure Works and Services
Portfolio Councillor, Jim McDonald and Kathy McLean
Portfolio Councillor, Janice Holstein
Mark has held senior management positions both within Australia and overseas in the private and public sectors. He has extensive experience in regional development, corporate and strategic planning and local government administration.
Myles has widespread experience in both the public and private sector having worked in senior management positions both in Australia and in the United Kingdom Myles is outcomes focused. He brings a wealth of experience in engineering and in particular, road construction management.
Areas of responsibility
Areas of responsibility
Strategic Planning, Regional Development and Tourism, Inter-Governmental Relations, Property Management, Environmental Planning and Policy, Economic Development and Business Support.
Strategic Asset Management, Roads, Transport and Traffic, Parks and Open Spaces, Stormwater and Flood Mitigation, Emergency Response and Restoration Works.
Is a simplified version of Council’s Financial Statements.
Contents 32 What is a Community Financial Report? 32 Statement of Comprehensive Income 33 Statement of Financial Position 35 Statement of Changes in Equity 35 Statement of Cash Flows 36 Financial Sustainability Ratios
What is a Community Financial Report? The Community Financial Report is a simplified version of Council’s official Financial Statements (page 130). The Financial Statements are often difficult for people, other than accountants, to understand. The Community Financial report simplifies the Statements so that everyone can get a better understanding of Council’s financial position. Each report in Council’s Financial Statements provides information on a specific aspect of our performance and collectively, provides a detailed profile on the financial performance and health of Council. This Community Financial Report consists of the following five key statements: • Statement of Comprehensive Income • Statement of Financial position
The Statement of Comprehensive Income measures how Council performed in relation to income and expenses during the financial year. This statement illustrates how money received from Council operations is spent.
Comparative Trend Analysis Revenue and Expenditure – Recent Results $’000s Financial Year
Net Result
¹ The net loss in 2011/12 is due to funding issues associated with flood recovery works ² The net loss in 2012/13 is also due to funding issues associated with flood recovery works
Revenue Sources – Where does the money come from?
• Statement of Cash Flows
Throughout the 2013/14 Financial Year, Council received $82.3 million in operating revenue, $14.2 million in capital revenue with a further $1.1 million from a share of profit from Queensland Urban Utilities.
• Financial Sustainability Ratios
The more significant contributors to the revenue stream include:
Executive Summary of key highlights
• Operational grants, subsidy contributions and donations $41.1 million
During the 2013/14 Financial Year, Lockyer Valley Regional Council maintained its financial position and delivered a significant program of services to the community.
• Capital grants, subsidy contributions and donations $14.2 million
• Statement of Changes in Equity
Statement of Comprehensive Income
• Rates, levies and utility charges $31.4 million
• Fees and charges $3.4 million. During the 2013/14 Financial Year, total revenue decreased by $3.5 million due to a reduction in grant income for flood recovery works.
These results can be highlighted through the following: • Maintenance of Council’s operating position through the improved management of the financial process relating to Council’s reconstruction activities and reduced operating costs.
Revenue 2013/14 3% 15% 32%
• Completion of $14.6 million of capital works as well as over $35 million in reconstruction projects to meet the 30 June deadline for 2011 related works. • Further reductions in long outstanding rates arrears and improved collection processes.
Lockyer Valley Regional Council | Annual Report 2013/14
3% 3% 2%
Rates, levies and charges Fees and charges Interest and investment revenue Contracts and recoverable works Grants and contributions – operating Grants and contributions – capital Other revenue
Expenditure – Where does the money go? Council incurs both operating and capital expenditure in the provision of goods and services to our local community.
Expenses 2013/14 4% 12% 32%
Employee benefits Materials and services
The more significant expenditure items during the 2013/14 Financial Year were:
Finance costs Depreciation and amortisation
• Employee benefits of $31.5 million • Materials and services costs of $48.1 million
Other capital adjustments
• Depreciation of $11.8 million. During the 2013/14 Financial Year, total expenditure decreased by $9.2 million or 8.6 per cent on last year.
Assets 2013/14 0.65% 3.64% 2.02% 4.15% 0.11% 4.63% 0.00% 0.65%
Statement of Financial Position The Statement of Financial Position measures what we own (our assets) and what we owe (our debts) and our net worth at the end of the Financial Year, 30 June 2014. The major components of our assets include: • Property, plant and equipment $458.6 million • Cash and investments $30.8 million • Investment in QUU $25.2 million • Trade and other receivables $16.2 million. During the year, our assets increased in value by $48.9 million or 9.9 per cent.
Cash assets and cash equivalents Cash investments Trade and other receivables Inventories Non-current assets classified as held for sale Enquity investments Investment properties Property, plant and equipment Intangible assets
Liabilities – What we owe The major components of our liabilities include: • Loans $36.0 million
Liabilities 2012/13 14.80% 0.00%
• Amounts payable to our suppliers $9.2 million • Provisions for items such as employee long service and future land fill restoration costs $18.1 million During the 2013/14 Financial Year, our liabilities increased by $6.6 million or 12.0 per cent due to additional loan borrowings for major projects.
Our debt
Council’s debt policy is based on sound financial management practices with borrowings restricted as follows:
Borrowings Other Trade and other payables
Our net worth $,000s Financial Year
Liabilities Community Equity (balance)
Comparative Debt Levels
• Council will not utilise loan funds to finance operational activities • Council will endeavour to fund all capital renewal works from operating cash flows and borrow only for new or upgrade projects. The table (right) represents our debt levels over the last three financial years.
2012 Financial Year
Like most other Local Governments throughout Australia, Lockyer Valley Regional Council utilises loan borrowings to fund the construction of new infrastructure to service the needs of our growing community.
Lockyer Valley Regional Council | Annual Report 2013/14
15 $ (Millions)
In the 2013/14 Financial Year, our net worth increased by $42.3 million or 9.5 per cent with increases of $41.9 million in our asset revaluation surplus, $6.3 million in retained earnings which were partially offset by a decrease in our reserves of $5,960 million. A comparative of recent trends in our equity is given in graph (right).
Statement of Cash Flows This statement outlines how we received and spent cash throughout the year. The closing balance reflects how much cash Council had at year end. The key points to note from the statement are as follows: • At 30 June 2014, Council’s cash balance was $30.8 million with approximately two thirds of these funds reserved for specific purposes such as future capital works • Talking in to account Council’s cash investments, there was a net decrease in cash of $1.3 million during the 2013/14 Financial Year.
2012 Financial Year
The Statement of Changes in Equity measures the changes in our net wealth and shows the movements in our retained earnings, reserves and asset revaluation surplus.
Comparative Equity Trends
2014 0
$ (Millions)
Comparative Cash Balances
2012 Financial Year
Statement of Changes in Equity
35 0
$ (Millions) Cash assets and cash equivalents
Cash investments
Financial Sustainability Ratios The Local Government Regulation 2012, requires Council to calculate and disclose financial sustainability indicators. Council’s performance as at 30 June 2014 against these measures is shown in the table below. Ratio
Operating surplus ratio
Measures the extent to which revenues raised cover operational expenses only or are available for capital funding purposes or other purposes.
Operating Surplus (Net result excluding all capital items) divided by total operating revenue (excluding capital items).
Asset sustainability ratio
This ratio reflects the extent to which infrastructure assets managed by Council are being replaced as they reach the end of their useful lives.
Capital expenditure on the replacement of assets (renewals) divided by depreciation expense.
Net financial liabilities ratio
Measures the extent to which net financial liabilities of Council can be repaid from operating revenue.
Total liabilities less current assets divided by total operating revenue.
Lockyer Valley Regional Council | Annual Report 2013/14
Between 0% -11.69% and 10%
< 60%
Target Met
This ratio is below target mainly due to the reconstruction and recovery works. The method of accounting for the receipts of the funding and the payment of the expenses means that they were accounted for in different years.
This ratio is currently well above target as a portion of the expenditure on flood recovery and reconstruction works has been classified as capital works.
This ratio is well within the target parameter and shows that Council has the capacity to increase its borrowings should circumstances demand it.
Summary During the financial year ending 30 June 2014, Council has maintained its overall financial position while continuing the reconstruction and recovery work associated with the January 2011 and 2013 Australia Day long weekend natural disasters. The extension of the recovery efforts has the potential to place some strain on Councilâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s finances. The financial aspects of the recovery works are being closely monitored to ensure that any impact on Councilâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s cash flows are minimised. As in previous years, Council is using its Long Term Financial Plan to guide our ongoing financial sustainability. The Plan is regularly reviewed to take into account changing circumstances such as the impact of natural disasters. With this Plan in place, action can be taken early to avoid sudden financial shocks which may affect Councilâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s long term financial position.
Information Council is required to report on.
Contents Governance 40 Audit & Risk Committee 41 Business Continuity Management 41 Ethical standards 41 Information privacy 41 Identifying risk 42 Organisational structure 43 Public interest disclosure 43 Recordkeeping 43 Right to information 44 Statutory Information 44 Councillor remuneration and allowances 44 Councillor expenses 45 Ordinary/Extraordinary Meetings 46 Conduct and performance of Councillors 47 Equal Employment Opportunity 47 Code of Conduct 47 Registers open for inspection 47 National competition policy 47 Administrative Action Complaints 48 Mayoral Discretionary Fund 50 Summary of concessions for rates and charges 50 Special and separate rates and charges 51 Overseas travel 52 Financial management strategy 52 Water distributor retailer payments
Governance Audit & Risk Committee
Role of the Audit and Risk Management Committee
Councilâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Audit & Risk Management Committee (ARMC) was established in 2012 with Council engaging BDO Pty Ltd (Brisbane) to undertake the internal audit function.
The Committee acts as an advisory body and is directly responsible to Council. The role of the Committee is to provide independent assurance and assistance on the following accountability and audit and risk management related matters:
The Internal Audit Plan, has been continually revisited over the past few years to establish ongoing priorities with nine internal reviews conducted since the implementation of the ARMC with findings reviewed and discussed at committee meetings.
2. Councilâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s external accountability responsibilities as prescribed in the Local Government Act and its Regulation.
Reporting to Council, the ARMC receives and endorses Councilâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s unaudited Financial Statements and the final audit report to consider key findings and to identify any concerns which require further consideration.
4. The committee will provide prompt and constructive reports on its findings directly to the Council, particularly when issues are identified that could present a material risk or threat to the Council.
The Committee has also reviewed the Risk Management Framework, Risk Register and Business Continuity Plan. The Audit Register Report which summarises the status of all action plans as a result of the internal audits, is reviewed and updated by the ARMC to reflect the current status of outstanding recommendations.
1. Risk, control and compliance frameworks.
3. The committee does not replace or replicate established management responsibilities and delegations, the responsibilities of other executive management groups within the Council, or the reporting lines and responsibilities of either internal audit or external audit functions.
The committee normally meets quarterly and will hold additional meetings at the discretion of the Chair.
Committee Members The members and secretariat of the committee are as follows: Name
Mayor Cr Steve Jones
Ex-officio member
Cr Tanya Milligan
Council Member
Cr Derek Pingel
Council Member
Jason Bradshaw
Internal Advisor
David Lewis
Internal Advisor
Tony Brett
Internal Advisor
Marita Corbett
Internal Auditor
Queensland Audit Office Representative
External Auditor
Michael McGovern
External Member
Dr Robert Fraser
External Member
CEO Ian Flint
Sally Crawford
Lockyer Valley Regional Council | Annual Report 2013/14
Business Continuity Management Helping Council identify potential threats to the organisation, our Business Continuity Management also provides a framework for building resilience and the capability for an effective response safeguarding the interests of key stakeholders, reputation, services and responsibilities.
Information privacy Lockyer Valley Regional Council adheres to the Information Privacy Act 2009 in relation to the protection of and access to personal information. In the delivery of core services, Council uses personal information of residents and is committed to the appropriate management of such information.
Our Business Continuity Management processes allow Council to maintain critical operations or assist with recovery following an unforseen interruption.
Under the Act, Council must do everything in its power to safeguard the information and only disclose it when the individual it relates to requests its release or when required to do so by law.
Ethical standards
Council is committed to:
Based on the Public Sector Ethics Act 1994, Councilâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Code of Conduct provides a framework for ethical conduct where staff carry out their duties with integrity, impartiality, accountability, transparency and with respect to others. Council provides mandatory training to all new staff on their rights and responsibilities under the Code of Conduct with the management team offering periodic refresher training.
1. only collecting personal information directly related to the functions and services provided by Council. Council will advise what the information will be used for either before or at the point of collection 2. making every effort to ensure personal information collected, used and stored, is relevant, accurate, complete and up to date for the purpose for which it is to be used 3. maintaining secure systems for storing personal information in accordance with existing procedures and associated guidelines using appropriate technologies, security methods and procedures to protect information from unauthorised access, improper use, alteration, unlawful or accidental destruction and accidental loss
4. only using personal information for the primary purpose. Information will not be disclosed to a third party or used for another purpose, unless the individual has consented or is authorised by law 5. processing applications to access or amend personal information held by Council in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2009 6. investigating complaints regarding the handling of personal information in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2009. In 2013/14, Council received five applications to access documents containing their personal information.
Identifying risk Lockyer Valley Regional Council maintains a comprehensive risk register to monitor identified risks. In accordance with the AS/NZ Standard 4360:2004 Risk Management Standard, all Council staff are required to identify potential risks.
Organisational structure
CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER • Intergovernmental Relations • Regional Collaboration • Council Leadership • Organisational Management • Major Projects & Priorities • Recovery & Resilience
Executive Manager Governance & Performance
• Corporate Governance
Executive Manager Infrastructure Works & Services
Executive Manager Planning & Development Services
Executive Manager Corporate & Community Services
• Corporate Planning
• Strategic Asset Management
• Corporate Policy Development
• Roads, Transport & Traffic
• Council Meetings Support
• Stormwater & Flood Mitigation
• Internal Audit
• Parks & Open Spaces
• Inter-Governmental Relations
• Procurement & Contract Management
• Risk Management
• Fleet, Plant & Depots
• Events Coordination
• Corporate Communications
• Works Planning & Programming
• Information, Communication & Technology
• Legal Services
• Emergency Response
• Economic Development Business Support
• Elected Members Support
• Technical Design & Survey
• Master Regional Planning
• Executive Support
• Capital Works
• Property Management
• Disaster Management
• Recoverable Works
• Organisational Performance
• Restoration Works
• Development Engineering & Assessment
• Business Unit Reviews • Records Management
• Strategic Planning
• Financial Services
• Corporate Strategy Regional Collaboration
• Financial Planning
• Regional Development & Tourism
• Customer Service / QGAP
• Building Certification • Plumbing Certification & Design • Regulatory Plumbing & Building
• GIS • Corporate Software • Facilities Management / Maintenance • Environmental Health • Local Laws Regulation • Pest Management • Animal Control • Libraries, Art & Culture • Childcare Services • Waste Management
• Land Use Compliance
• Waste Collection
• Environmental Planning & Policy
• Waste Facilities
Lockyer Valley Regional Council | Annual Report 2013/14
• Financial Sustainability
• Capital Works
Organisational structure Council’s organisational structure is aligned with our Corporate Plan and has been designed to maximise the operational capability of both management and staff.
Public Interest Disclosure The Public Interest Disclosure Act 2010 (PID Act) provides clear direction on the reporting of suspected wrongdoing within the public sector. All Council staff have an ethical responsibility to report actual or suspected instances of official misconduct. Council received no disclosures during the 2013/14 Financial Year.
Recordkeeping Executive Manager Organisational Development & Engagement • Organisational Reform • Change Management • Workforce Planning • Organisational Development • Workforce Culture • Human Resources Services • Learning & Development • WH&S / Rehabilitation • Employee Relations • Business Unit – Staging Post Café • Recovery & Resilience • Community Engagement & Development • Youth & Multicultural
Lockyer Valley Regional Council has a number of policies and procedures in place to ensure the accurate collection of information. Business units within Council are accountable for their own recordkeeping with a Recordkeeping Unit responsible for Council’s records management program. A new records management system has been introduced across the organisation as a way to better capture vital information from both within the organisation and external from it in line with legislative requirements.
Right to Information The Right to Information Act 2009 (RTI Act) gives members of the public the ability to gain access to certain information controlled by all levels of government. Council fully supports the RTI principles by operating in an open, transparent and accountable manner while protecting the privacy of clients and staff. During the 2013/14 Financial Year, Council received six applications under the RTI Act.
Statutory Information Councillor remuneration and allowances Under the Local Government Regulation 2012, the Lockyer Valley Regional Council 2013/14 Annual Report must contain: • The total remuneration paid to each Councillor during the year; and • The total superannuation contributions paid for each Councillor.
Councillor expenses The Expenses Reimbursement Policy authorises the payment of reasonable out of pocket expenses incurred while Councillors perform their civic duty with the following five underpinning principles:
• Reasonable expenses reimbursement to Councillors – Council gives consideration to what is deemed as reasonable and fair given the size and population of the Council area also taking into consideration the responsibilities of Councillors. • Public accountability and transparency – covers specific expenses Councillors are entitled to and is easily understood by the community. • Public perceptions and community expectations – Councillor entitled expenses have been clearly identified and are fully transparent and acceptable to the community.
• No private benefit to be derived – Councillors incurring and claiming expenses are not to gain financially as a result of their role serving the community. • Equity and participation – the policy is non-discriminatory and provides an opportunity for all serving Councillors to claim. All Councillors are entitled to be reimbursed for all travel costs (including local, regional, interstate and overseas travel) when representing Lockyer Valley Regional Council. Where a Councillor is required to travel by air, Economy Class is to be used except on flights longer than three hours where Business Class may be booked with approval. Bookings are to be made as early as possible in order to take advantage of discounted tickets and where a Councillor cancels travel or accommodation, they are liable to reimburse Council any associated costs that are not recoverable through travel insurance. Councillors are entitled to stay in a hotel/motel when representing Council at conferences or workshops and where accommodation is provided outside the region, Council may pay an additional incidental allowance of $20 a day to cover items including phone calls, dry cleaning/ laundry expense and newspapers. A meal allowance of up to $100 a day is payable on submission of appropriate documentation. Councillors are also entitled for the reimbursement of hospitality expenses (meals and gifts but not alcohol) of up to $500 per annum for Councillors and $4000 per annum for the Mayor.
Lockyer Valley Regional Council | Annual Report 2013/14
The Mayor is provided with full time individual secretarial support with Councillors provided a full time personal assistant covering the group. All Councillors are entitled to: • A mobile phone or blackberry • A lap top or desktop computer with internet access • Home office facilities such as photocopier/scanner • Stationery • Access to publications including legislation required to undertake their duties; and • Office space and access to meeting rooms. In addition: • The Mayor and Deputy mayor will be provided with a fully maintained vehicle for business and private use • Councillors not provided with a vehicle will be paid $300 a month to cover the cost of fuel for the use of their private vehicle; and • Council will make available a Council vehicle for official use. The Mayor is also provided with a fully funded mobile phone. Council contributes $150 a month to Councillors (excluding Mayor) as a contribution towards costs associated with the use of private mobiles, landlines and internet expenses. A corporate credit card is also provided to the Mayor for use in charging costs and expenses while in official capacity.
Salary ($)
Allowances ($)
Super ($)
Total ($)
Cr Tanya Milligan (Deputy Mayor)
Cr Peter Friend
Cr Jim McDonald
Cr Janice Holstein
Cr Kathy McLean
Cr Derek Pingel
Phone/ICT costs
Accommodation/ travel/conferences
Cr Tanya Milligan (Deputy Mayor)
Cr Derek Pingel
Cr Peter Friend
Cr Janice Holstein
Cr Jim McDonald
Cr Kathy McLean
Cr Steve Jones (Mayor)
Cr Steve Jones (Mayor)
Ordinary/Extraordinary Meetings Between 1 July 2013 and 30 June 2014, a total of 12 ordinary and three extraordinary meetings were held. Councillor
Attendance (Ordinary)
Attendance (Extraordinary)
Cr Steve Jones (Mayor)
Cr Tanya Milligan (Deputy Mayor)
Cr Peter Friend
Cr Jim McDonald
Cr Janice Holstein
Cr Kathy McLean
Cr Derek Pingel
Other meetings The table below has been compiled based on the corporate calendars held by Council and reflects the information contained within these systems only. Often meetings attended by Councillors will not be reflected in these systems and have not been included in this data. Councillors attendance and participation in local and regional meetings is an important aspect of the role they undertake. The following table outlines the number of internal and external meetings, conferences and events attended by each Councillor. Please note, not all councillors are representatives on all committees or groups and therefore are not required to attend all meetings or events held. Councillor Jones
Councillor Milligan
Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Friend Holstein McDonald McLean Pingel
Council of Mayors (SEQ)
Community meetings
Community events
Council events
Council meetings
Resident meetings/site visits
Portfolio meetings
Conduct and performance of Councillors 46
Lockyer Valley Regional Council outlines to all Councillors the standard of behaviour expected of them while carrying out their duties and endorsing a strict code of conduct. The Code of Conduct is in addition to the responsibilities and obligations of elected members under the Local Government Act 2009. Section 181A of the Local Government Act 2009 provides that the Chief Executive Officer must keep a record of all complaints received about Councillor conduct and or performance and the outcome of each complaint, including any disciplinary or other action taken in relation to the matter. Total number of orders and recommendations made under Section 180(2) or (4) and 181 of the Act
The name of each councillor for whom an order or recommendation was made under Section 180 or 181 of the Act, a description of the conduct engaged in by each councillor and a summary of the order or recommendation made for each councillor.
Refer table below
The number of complaints about the conduct or performance of councillors that were assessed as frivolous, vexatious or lacking substance under Section 176C(2) of the Act.
The number of complaints about the Mayor or Deputy Mayor referred to the Department of Local Government in accordance with Section 176C(3)(a)(i) of the Act.
The number of complaints about the conduct of another councillor referred to the Mayor in accordance with Section 176C(3)(a)(ii) or (b)(i) of the Act.
The number of complaints about the conduct of a councillor assessed as misconduct and referred to the Department of Local Government in accordance with Section 176C(4)(a) of the Act.
The number of complaints about the conduct of a councillor assessed as corrupt conduct.
The number of complaints about the conduct of a councillor heard by a Regional Conduct Review Panel.
The number of complaints about the conduct of a councillor heard by the Tribunal.
The number of complaints about another matter dealt with by the CEO under Section 176C(6) of the Act.
Lockyer Valley Regional Council | Annual Report 2013/14
The following is a record of complaint outcomes received during the 2013/14 Financial Year. Councillor
Details of Complaint
Referral Agency
Notice Given Outcome
Councillor Jim McDonald
Breach of Section 171 (3) of the Local Government Act. a) Release of confidential information (23/01/2013). b) Release of confidential information (22/05/2013).
Local Government Remuneration and Discipline Tribunal
Councillor Kathy McLean
Levelling abuse at a resident.
Inappropriate Conduct
06/01/2014 Department of Local Government, Community Recovery and Resilience
Sustained, Written reprimand issued
Councillor Kathy McLean
Misrepresentation of Council regarding the development application approval time.
Inappropriate Conduct
Department of Local Government, Community Recovery and Resilience
Not sustained
Councillor Kathy McLean
Breach of s172 of the Local Misconduct Government Act by failing to declare a material personal interest when participating in discussions at Council meetings on 27/02/2013 and 27/03/2013.
Local Government Remuneration and Discipline Tribunal
Not sustained
Remuneration packages to senior contract employees Council has five contracted Executive Managers reporting to the Chief Executive Officer. CEO & Senior Contract employees ($)
Total remuneration package ($)
$200k to $250k
$250k to $300k
Equal Employment Opportunity Lockyer Valley Regional Council is committed to providing a working environment where all current and future staff are treated fairly and with the respect they deserve and who are free from discrimination, harassment, vilification and bullying.
Code of Conduct All Council employees are bound by a code of conduct outlining the way they must behave when representing the organisation during and outside standard working hours. Council’s Code of Conduct is available on our intranet site with staff undergoing compulsory training as a condition of employment.
Not sustained
Outcome of administrative action complaints
Number of complaints made under the administrative actions complaints process
Number of administrative action complaints resolved under complaints management process
Number of unresolved complaints under the administrative actions complaints process during 2013/14
Number of unresolved complaints under the administrative actions complaints process from 2012/13 (previous financial year)
Registers open for inspection Lockyer Valley Regional Council makes the following registers available for public inspection:
• Register of Electoral Gifts
• Burials in Council Cemeteries
• Register of Council Policies
• Impounded animals
• Roads Register
• Cats and Dogs Register
• Pest Control and Entry Notices
• Delegated Authorities • Land Records
• Show Cause and Enforcement Notices
• Fees and Charges
• Environmentally-relevant activities
• Local Laws and Subordinate Local Laws
• Development applications received
• Register of Interests
• Register of Gifts and Personal Benefits
• Decision Notices and Negotiated Decision Notices.
National competition policy During the 2013/14 Financial Year, Council conducted the following business activities: • Other roads • Child Care • Building Certification. Between 1 July 2013 and 30 June 2014: • No new significant business activities were established • No Council business activities were accredited by the Queensland Competition Authority; and • No investigation notices were received by the Queensland Competition Authority.
Administrative Action Complaints Lockyer Valley Regional Council aims to ensure excellent standards of service and has a policy in place to efficiently and effectively investigate, and where appropriate take corrective actions and/or revise a decision, when a customer is dissatisfied. Council is committed to dealing fairly with administrative action complaints and to demonstrate this, we have implemented a system where administrative action complaints are dealt with by the relevant manager and internally reviewed by the Executive Manager Governance & Performance. If the complaint still remains unresolved, the complainant is advised of their appeal option to the Queensland Ombudsman. Council is required under section 187 of the Local Government Regulation 2012 to disclose the number of complaints made and resolved through our administrative action complaints process.
Grants to community organisations Lockyer Valley Regional Council provided a total of $72,574.71 to community groups by way of grants.
Mayoral Discretionary Fund For the 2013/14 Financial Year, $22,142 was expended from the Mayoral Discretionary Fund by way of cash payments and in-kind assistance. As required under the Local Government Regulation 2012, a summary of expenditure including the name of each community organisation, the amount and the purpose is provided in the following table. Grant recipient Alex Geddes Public Hall
Amount ($) $1000
Purpose of grant Donation towards Insurance
Bayside Vehicle Restores Club
Morning Tea at LV Cultural Centre
Brisbane Special Childrens Christmas Party
Donation towards Christmas party
Carinity Aged Care
Event night
Darren Rayner
Donation to help with cost of Autism dog from Smart pups
Downs Arabian club
Donation towards Youth and Amatuer show
Farmers golf day
1st prize for Gatton farmers golf day
Forest Hill Christmas Festivities
Payment of face painter
Foundation Care
Donation for Foster and Kindship week
Gatton Bowls Club
Donation towards Bowls club birthday
Gatton Kindergarten
Donation towards annual bike-a-thon
Gatton Lions Club
Donation to Prostate Cancer Information Night
Gatton Rugby League Football Club Inc
Fielding Assistance cost
Gatton Rugby Union Club
Lockyer Valley Regional Council | Annual Report 2013/14
Skip bin and rubbish removal
Grant recipient
Amount ($)
Purpose of grant
Gatton Swimming Club
Donation for prize money for Australia Day swimming carnival
Gaye De Ruyter
Donation towards annual Fossil Downs Bush Rodeo
Hatton Vale State High School
Donation to assist school leadership camp
Hatton Vale State High School
Donation towards morning tea
Helidon Progress Association
Donation towards Traffic management cost for Helidon Heritage Festival
Laidley Bowls Club
Sponsorship of Men’s Four Tournament
Laidley Bowls Club
Ladies sections two day carnival
Laidley Jr Rugby League
Donation to help with the cost of Ipswich Jets Rugby League game
Laidley Little A’s
Donation for Twilight Carnival
Leukaemia Foundation
Donation to research and lunch
Lights on the Hill
Donation to help with the cost of security fencing
Lockyer-Brisbane Valley Leukaemia Branch
Donation towards morning tea
Lockyer Darts Association
Donation for Pot Luck Mixed Doubles
Lockyer Valley Arts Corp
Donation towards morning tea for the land of art project
Lockyer Valley Riding for the Disabled
Donation to Association
Mr Fifoot
Donation towards retirement of long serving teacher
MS Society of Queensland
Morning tea for World MS Day
Piper Joe
Payment for morning melodies X 3
QLD Omnibus & Coach Society
Donation towards restoration of original condition of fleet
Rotary Club
Children’s Movie Night
St Mary Catholic Primary School
Donation towards Rural Connect Convoy
Tenthill Turnout The University of QLD (Gatton) Tracey McDonald
$1000 $500 $1000
Help with cost of event Donation to preserve historical records Help with cost of event
Veterans Support Centre Lockyer/ Brisbane Valley
Donation towards cost of running Vietnam Veterans Day
Withcott State School P&C
Donation towards prize to encourage parents to pay School Improvement Levy 2012 & 2013
Withcott State School P&C
Donation to help with fundraising for advancement in school facilities
Piper Joe
Morning Melodies – Tabeel Aged Care Home
Piper Joe
Morning Melodies – Regis Valley Views Nursing Home
Piper Joe
Morning Melodies – Amaroo Nursing Home
Picnic Point
Summary of concessions for rates and charges Council ensures it provides fair and equitable rates to all Lockyer Valley ratepayers by: • ensuring there is transparency in the making of rates and charges • having a rating regime in place that is simple and inexpensive to administer
• providing equity in the distribution of the rates liability throughout the community • incorporating flexibility to take into account changes in the local economy • providing full cost pricing and user pays where appropriate. In levying rates, Council will apply the principles of: • clearly communicating Council’s and ratepayer’s obligations in relation to rates and charges • timing the levy of rates in a predictable way to allow rate payers to plan for their rating obligations • equity through flexible payment arrangements for ratepayers with a lower capacity to pay.
Pensioner concessions A pensioner rebate scheme is available to all eligible ratepayers who qualify for the State Government Pensioner Rate Subsidy Scheme. During the 2013/14 Financial Year, Council provided pensioner rebates totalling $112,601.17.
Sporting/charitable/ non profit organisations concessions In line with Council’s Community Grants Policy, upon written application, consideration will be given to discounting part or all of the rates and charges levied on property owned or leased by non profit community, cultural and sporting organisations.
Special and separate rates and charges Where appropriate, Lockyer Valley Regional Council will fund certain services, facilities or activities by way of separate or special rates or charges including: • Rural Fire Service Levy – to assist with the operational expenses of the Rural Fire Service. This Special Charge is levied on properties not subject to the State Government Urban Fire Levy with the exception of properties in a Differential Rating Category 6 and mining leases valued separately to the land over which the lease applies. • State Emergency Service Levy – to assist with the operational and capital expenses of the State Emergency Service operating within the Lockyer Valley. This Separate Charge is levied on all rateable properties with the exception of properties in a Differential Rating Category 6 and mining leases valued separately to the land over which the lease applies.
Lockyer Valley Regional Council | Annual Report 2013/14
• Waste management facilities – to assist with recurrent and capital expenditure and administration costs associated with the operation, maintenance and upgrading of Council’s waste management facilities. This Separate Charge is levied on all rateable properties with the exception of properties in a Differential Rating Category 6, mining leases valued separately to the land over which the lease applies and non rateable land where there is no waste collection service. • Environment Levy – to assist with implementation of physical/ biological, cultural, social and economic environmental initiatives. This Special Charge is levied on properties not subject to the State Government Urban Fire Levy with the exception of properties in a Differential Rating Category 6 and mining leases valued separately to the land over which the lease applies. • Disaster Management Levy – to assist with disaster management initiatives that improve the Lockyer Valley’s preparedness for and response to future natural disaster events as well as the implementation of recommendations made by the Queensland Floods Commission Inquiry. This Special Charge is levied on properties not subject to the State Government Urban Fire Levy with the exception of properties in a Differential Rating Category 6 and mining leases valued separately to the land over which the lease applies.
Overseas travel The Local Government Regulation 2012 requires disclosure of information relating to the overseas travel of both elected representatives and Council staff. The following table reflects overseas travel during the 2013/14 Financial Year. Attendee
Cost ($)
Asia Pacific Summit
Hong Kong/Japan/ Singapore
Trade delegation and Sister City trip
Trade delegation
Cr Tanya Milligan
Hong Kong/Japan/ Singapore
Trade delegation and Sister City trip
Cr Kathy McLean
Canada/United States
*LGAQ Best Practice (Town Planning) Tour
Mark Piorkowski Executive Manager Planning and Development Services
Canada/United States
*LGAQ Best Practice (Town Planning) Tour
Hong Kong/Japan/ Singapore
Trade delegation and Sister City trip
Jason Cubit Executive Liaison Officer Mayor/CEO
Asia Pacific Summit
Jamie Simmonds Executive Policy Advisor Mayor/CEO
Hong Kong/Japan/ Singapore
Trade delegation and Sister City trip
Trade delegation
Hong Kong/Japan/ Singapore
Trade delegation and Sister City trip
Trade delegation
Hong Kong/Japan/ Singapore
Trade delegation and Sister City trip
Councillor Steve Jones
Ian Flint Chief Executive Officer
Paul Cranch Project Officer
Youth Council representative Total *Local Government Association of Queensland
Overseas travel expenses are also included in the overall accommodation/travel and conference costs listed on page 45.
Financial management strategy To achieve Council’s vision of ‘Lockyer Valley – A Growing Lifestyle’, the organisation must be sustainable in its own right. The Lockyer Valley Regional Council Long Term Financial Plan, our financial management strategy, is an essential tool Council used to achieve and maintain sustainable operations, asset management and service delivery to our community now and into the future. The Long Term Financial Plan defines our high level financial policies, agreements, positions and parameters that guide the development of the Council budgets.
As part of this plan, Council engaged the Queensland Treasury Corporation (QTC) to undertake regular credit reviews of Council so that the implementation of the agreements contained in this plan can be assessed against future reviews to gauge the overall improvement in Council’s financial position and sustainability. During the financial year, Council’s Queensland Treasury Corporation (QTC) Credit Rating improved slightly to Moderate with a Neutral Outlook. This rating is related to the significant increase in operating costs and capital expenditure as a result of the flooding events experienced in recent years. As Council completes restoration works and returns to pre-disaster levels of operation, the budget forecasts will mirror this with Council targeting a series of operating surpluses to provide funding for capital works or to reduce debt. The operating surpluses will be generated through a combination of moderate rate increases and identification of internal efficiencies. Council uses the key financial ratios to ensure the long term financial goals remain achievable despite changing financial circumstances.
Water distributor retailer payments The QUU data for the year Income Tax Equivalents
Interest on Loans
Share of Profit on Investment
Total equity investment
Total loan to QUU
Local purchasing During the 2013/14 Financial Year, Lockyer Valley Regional Council purchased approximately 15 per cent of its goods and services from suppliers based within the Lockyer Valley. The following table lists the significant local suppliers Council did business with throughout the year. Please note this list includes suppliers for all Council activities including, but not limited to, flood restoration works, Lockyer Valley Cultural Centre, Staging Post Café and community events. $10,000 to $100,000 Lockyer Mowers & Motorcycles
Shoe Collections
Newsxpress Gatton
Bemphy Medical Services Pty
Gatton Bearing Company
David Evans Group
Zischke Fuel Supplies
Lockyer Farm Machinery Pty Ltd
W R & D Maguire
John O’Brien Toyota
Gatton Glass
Sharmal Landscaping
Goodwin & Storr Pty Ltd
Ray Bachmann Real Estate
M C Bax
Colonial Catering
Cooks Transport
Sitecabins Australia
Stark Engineering & Hardware Pty Ltd
Lockyer Better Business
Gatton Spare Parts Autopro
Casual Electrics
Churchill Maintenance Contracting
Lockyer Printing Pty Ltd
Sunstate Recyclers
Repco Auto Parts
A & C Contracting
Supa IGA Gatton
Gatton Indoor Sports Pty Ltd
Dale & Fallu Solicitors Pty Ltd
Gatton Joinery & Hardware Pl
Spanos Supa IGA Gatton
ALC Engineering
Frank Ellicott Painters
Plainlands Hardware & Rural Centre
T N T Earthworks
Withcott Quarries
Lockyer Valley Regional Council | Annual Report 2013/14
Dreamland Trailers
Bernie Okeeffe
Apn Newspapers Pty Ltd
P & S Signs Pty Ltd
G S Burchmann
Gatton Auto Electrical Pty Ltd
Helmar Tiptrans
K & W Dirtworx Pty Ltd
Ironic Art
Southern Sun Holdings Pty Ltd
Carter Interstate Haulage
Schultes Meat Tavern
Scotbar Civil Pty Ltd
Gatton Auto Pty Ltd
Plaza Hardware Mitre 10
Lockyer Communications Pty Ltd
K & R Plumbing Supplies
Lockyer Valley Traffic Management Pty Ltd
Valley Waste Water Installations
Porters Plainland Hotel
Lockyer Valley Waste Management
Vanderfield Pty Ltd $232,868.28
Bokos Fruit Mart Pty Ltd
Elders Rural Services Australia Ltd
Amalgamated Pest Control
Lockyer Valley Fencing
Rob Troy Transport $255,796.57 Pty Ltd
H E Bobcats
Lockyer Valley Security Services Ltd
Beaurepaires For Tyres
HMS Earthworks Pty Ltd
Static Electrical Services
Galaxy Concreting Services
ITS Sand & Gravel
Valley Steel and Fencing
Lockyer Locks
Terry Groves Tipper Hire
Brake & Clutch Supplies
Big Foot Diggin
SMK Gatton Pty Ltd
Agricultural Requirements Flanagans Electrical
Gatton Building Centre
Huston Contracting
Gatton Swim Centre
McEwans Refrigeration
Master Hire Pty Ltd $291,383.38 BNL Earthmoving
Helidon Sandstone $359,019.26 Industries A & M Civil $375,149.50 Contracting Pty Ltd
$100,000 to $500,000
Brooks Earthmoving & Quarries
N B & V M Hughes $496,078.85 Pty Ltd
Paddisons Earthmoving & Transport
Right Away Hire
$500,000 +
Kennedy Tree Services
Mt Marrow Blue Metal Quarry
Anywhere Surveys
Anuha Services
Brooks Quarries Pty Ltd
Mount Sylvia Diatomite Pty Ltd
Mozzies Mobile Welding
Lockyer Valley Quarry
BDE Services Pty Ltd
Flat Out Tipper Hire $150,496.50 & Rock Supplies
McLean Images Pty Ltd
Mount Marrow Blue Metal Quarry
Working together for an inclusive, safe and healthy community.
Contents 56 Corporate and Community Services 61 Infrastructure Works and Services 62 Governance and Performance 64 Organisational Development and Engagement 68 Planning and Development Services
Key initiatives • Regional Aquatic Centre • Laidley multipurpose sports facility • Local Disaster Management Plan
Performance Indicators • Community safety • Community attendance at events • Usage of recreational activities • Library participation • Youth participation
Looking Forward • Monitor pedestrian usage and develop a plan for public comment that caters for pedestrian, cycle and the disabled. • Implement priority initiatives of Council’s Arts and Cultural Plan. • The construction of the Lockyer Valley Regional Aquatic Centre.
Corporate and Community Services Cultural, Health & Regulatory Services Animal Management Lockyer Valley Regional Council is responsible for the administration of the Animal Management (Cats and Dogs) Act 2008 as well as other animal related local laws within the boundaries of the Lockyer Valley (see map page 12). One of the primary functions of the Cultural, Health & Regulatory Services Unit is the thorough investigation of complaints made about animal attacks. The unit also investigates straying animals, nuisance animals, issues permits for excess animals and undertakes the daily operations of the animal pound.
The unit is dedicated to the positive promotion of responsible pet ownership ensuring animals are micro-chipped, de-sexed and secured on properties. As a Council, we take the responsibility to educate the community on the values of responsible pet ownership very seriously and have been an active partner with the Australian Veterinary Associationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Pets and People Education Program since 2009, with the unit conducting regular school visits.
registered dogs are listed as de-sexed
School presentations are held in partnership with local veterinarians, the RSPCA, dog obedience groups and other animal related groups.
vouchers of up to $30 to assist offset the cost of de-sexing animals were issued
Lockyer Valley Regional Council | Annual Report 2013/14
Arts and Culture
more than
5690 8.1% decrease of impounded animals
customer service requests relating to animal issues were dealt with
more than
There were eight exhibitions held at the Lockyer Valley Art Gallery during the 2013/14 Financial Year with an average showing of six weeks. Council openly encourages local artists to submit their works for showing with the centre currently booked through until November 2016. As part of our commitment to the arts, Council has developed an Arts and Cultural Plan. The Plan was developed through extensive consultation with the community and elected representatives with the aim of providing a strategy to grow and develop the arts and culture throughout the Lockyer Valley. The Arts and Cultural Plan was developed in response to the Community and Corporate Plans core values of ‘being creative and innovative in our approach’ and identifies four key objectives: • value our diverse arts and culture • encourage creative opportunities • create vibrant public spaces, and
Council officers responded to afterhours requests for animal control
children were taught about responsible pet ownership through 12 school visits
• promote Council’s advocacy and leadership roles. The core vision of the Plan is to develop, enhance and promote the arts, culture and diversity of the Lockyer Valley to benefits the region’s residents as well as to broaden the creative community and business sector for the enjoyment of residents and visitors. The Plan is due for release early in the 2014/15 Financial Year.
Health & Compliance Council is responsible for the public health and safety of people residing in the Lockyer Valley and monitors aspects of both the natural and built environments which may have adverse health implications.
• investigated 90 illegal dumping complaints. • conducted 56 planning, plumbing and building investigations • undertook roadside sign audits on the – Warrego Highway, Plainland Road, Patrick Street and Vaux Streets Laidley.
In achieving this, Council: • investigated 920 complaints including unsightly allotments, abandoned vehicles and nuisance complaints
• continued the popular school based vaccination program run in partnership with Queensland Health. More than 2400 vaccinations were carried out including:
• licensed 144 food businesses and conducted 281 inspections for compliance with the Food Act 2006, an increase of 40 per cent. This increase was due to an influx of new food business applications and an increase in follow up inspections.
oo 261 Hepatitis B oo 243 Chicken Pox oo 665 Diptheria-Tetanus-Pertussis
• all personal appearance service businesses including tattoo and body piercing outlets, were licensed and inspected for compliance with the Public Health (infection Control for Personal Appearance Services) Act 2003.
oo 1322 Human Papiloma Virus
• the Cultural, Health & Regulatory Services Unit administered 90 flu vaccines injections for staff.
Number of students vaccinated
School Based Vaccination Program 1,400
1,000 800 600 400 200 0
Human Papiloma Virus
Hepatitis B
Chicken Pox
Food Business 300 250 Number
200 150 100 50 0
Lockyer Valley Regional Council | Annual Report 2013/14
79% childcare occupancy level
Child Care
Childcare Occupancy Levels
Lockyer Valley Regional Council operates two not-for-profit child care centres, the Gatton Child Care Centre and the Kensington Grove Community Kindy.
The Gatton Child Care Centre operates Monday to Friday between 6am and 6pm, 50 weeks a year for up to 60 children ranging in ages from six weeks to school age.
60 40
Kensington Grove Community Kindy
Gatton Child Care Centre
Per cent
The Kensington Grove Community Kindy operates Monday to Friday between 7am and 6pm for up to 21 children ranging in age from six weeks to five years. Occupancy levels for the 2013/14 Financial Year averaged 85 per cent for the Gatton centre and 72 per cent for the Kensington Grove centre with an overall average for the year of 79 per cent. Through the two centres we are able to increase awareness of programs that impact the local community at a local, national and global level. Some of these include: • Sustainability Action Research Project (Child Care Community Garden) – commencing in May 2014, the project raised awareness of and increased efficiencies in recycling.
• Crazy Hair Day – children were encouraged to attend day care with crazy hair as a way to raise awareness and funds for cancer research in line with Shave for a Cure Day. • Red Nose Day – both children and staff were encouraged to wear a red nose and make a gold coin donation as a way to raise funds and awareness for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). • White Balloon Day – a Bravehearts signature event held during Child Protection Week raising awareness of child sexual assaults and empowering victims to break their silence. • Dress Differently Day and World Autism Day – a program aimed at supporting people with Autism; and • National Sorry Day and Reconciliation Week – a continuing effort to recognise and educate children about the ‘stolen generation’. Through the operations of the two day care centres, Council is able to both support and connect with the local community through the provision of high quality education and care programs for children in what are considered the most important learning years of their lives. A recent assessment under the National Quality Framework undertaken by the Office of Early Childhood and Education and Care highlighted that in staffing arrangements and collaborative partnerships with families and the community, Council has by far exceeded national standards.
Libraries One of Council’s primary objectives is to provide accessible and welcoming libraries for residents to enjoy and utilise. Located in Gatton and Laidley, Council operates two libraries as well as a mobile library used to service outlying and remote areas of the region. During the 2013/14 Financial Year, library membership rose by 12 per cent or 1800 new members to 14,826, almost half of all residents. Council is proactively encouraging new membership by ensuring library services are continually being upgraded. Recent additions include online access to the full catalogue for smart devices as well as ongoing inclusions to downloadable books. Council was this year also able to install free wifi and develop a new library app.
Lockyer Valley Regional Council prides itself on being able to provide more than just a service where people can borrow a book or magazine. Our local libraries are also a centre where people can meet and where children and parents can have fun in a safe learning environment enjoying the company of others. There have been a number of activities held in our local libraries during the 2013/14 Financial Year including: • Rhyme Time and Story Time – held every Tuesday morning as a way to allow parents with young children to come together and socialise • School Holiday Program – offering a variety of interactive and fun games and craft during school holidays for children aged five to 12 years of age with the addition of the Summer Readup Club over the Christmas break • Talk or Tech Sessions – for the first three Thursdays of each month, members can bring their smart devices to the library to learn more
about how to use them to access library services. A talk session is also held on the last Thursday of each month where a guest speaker is invited to present a talk. • Author visits – a number of authors visited throughout the 2013/14 Financial Year to talk about their latest works and why they enjoy writing. It’s an opportunity for residents to not only meet authors, but to find out a bit about who they are as people and ask questions. Authors included Pat Noad and Irena Kobald; and • Living Books – local people who have incredible life stories made themselves available at local libraries to share their experiences with others.
Community facilities Lockyer Valley Regional Council owns or operates 255 individual building structures spread out over 118 locations throughout the Lockyer Valley as well as maintaining an additional 30 buildings held in trust. Council owned or operated buildings and facilities are worth $83.25 million, an increase of 36.24 per cent or $30.17 million on last financial year. During the 2013/14 Financial Year, Council continued to develop the Lockyer Valley Sports and Aquatic Centre (a $12 million project, see page 109) and the Laidley Sports Complex (a $2.2 million project, see page 109). Both facilities are due for completion in December 2014.
Waste services During the 2013/14 Financial Year, Lockyer Valley Regional Council implemented one of the most significant changes to waste collection services the region has ever been through. Following the amalgamation of the former Laidley and Gatton Shire Council’s in 2008, the newly formed Lockyer Valley Regional Council
Lockyer Valley Regional Council | Annual Report 2013/14
was left with two different waste collection services. Residents of the former Laidley Council had access to a single split bin for waste and recycling while Gatton residents had a single bin for waste and a bag for recycling. On 1 July 2013, the split bin and bag system were replaced with a dualbin service with a bin specifically for general waste (red lid) and one for recycling (yellow lid). The changes in waste collection have largely been influenced by the Federal and State Government’s policies that promote increased recycling and a reduction in the amount of waste going in to landfills. To meet legal requirements, Council developed a Waste Reduction and Recycling Plan, and after taking public consultation into account, officially adopted the document in July 2012. As part of the community consultation, there was strong support from the residents for the two-bin service and any concerns surrounding the service were taken into consideration before the implementation. In addition to the changes, Council is striving to achieve the philosophy of ‘user pays’ by introducing fees for the disposal of domestic waste at the transfer stations. As part of Council’s commitment to improving waste collection throughout the region, all landfill sites became manned on 1 July to supervise the material coming through the gates and the appropriate manner of its disposal. While fees and charges are in place at the landfills, residents can still dispose of up to 240 litres of general waste for free. All recycling waste such as paper, cardboard and glass is also free to dispose of. Operated by Anuha Services, a tip shop facility has been established providing residents with the opportunity to purchase used goods and recycled materials.
Infrastructure Works and Services Parks and Gardens Council is committed to seeing the Lockyer Valley becoming the region of choice for vibrant rural living and one way we aim to achieve that is through ensuring parks and open spaces are safe and well maintained for the enjoyment of families, residents and visitors to enjoy. The Parks and Gardens branch is responsible for: • programming scheduled maintenance activities for grass control and landscapes within local parks and open spaces • maintenance activities to streetscapes and other Council
Bugler Park – Community park at Grantham
owned assets • maintenance of cemetery grounds and assistance in the preparation of funeral services • regular safety and condition audits for park assets • servicing litter bins in parks and streets; and • setting up services for region wide events. During the 2013/14 Financial Year, Council maintained: • 1394 kilometres of road network • 31 bridges • 2592 concrete culverts
• 6 kilometres of floodway • 240 kilometres of concrete kerb and channelling • Almost 53 kilometres of stormwater pipe • 13 recreation grounds • 45 public parks. Council mowed or slashed 133 hectares of grass, an area equivalent to 1,329,997 square metres or approximately 2216 average suburban house blocks.
Council’s re-supply and rescue vehicle
Governance and Performance Disaster Management Flood warning system After being devastated by the 2011 flood event, the Lockyer Valley was again hit by a life changing flood on Australia Day 2013 resulting in the death of two people on a section of Woodlands Road in Glen Cairn.
art flood warning sign allowing us to monitor rising water levels and rainfall in real time.
pre-determined height triggering the road closed sign alerting motorists of the impending danger.
Located on Woodlands Road near the junction of Sandy Creek, data from the system is fed directly into our Disaster Coordination Centre where, coupled with real time vision from the on-board camera system, gives Council the situational awareness we need in time of crisis.
All warning systems can be remotely activated from Council’s Disaster Coordination Centre or from any mobile device operated by select Council staff and the Queensland Police Service.
Identified as a high risk area during a flood event, Council sought and was successful in obtaining a $90,000 grant for the establishment of a flood warning system through the Local Government Grants and Subsidies Program.
The installation of the system allows us to visually check the area where we believe data being received may be incorrect or where we need to get a visual understanding of what’s happening to reinforce the data coming through.
Council committed to contributing the remaining $23,520 for the establishment of a new state-of-the-
The system utilises water sensors to trigger flashing lights at a predetermined height with a second
Lockyer Valley Regional Council | Annual Report 2013/14
Due to the outstanding success of the new system, further warning signs are being considered for other areas within the Lockyer Valley.
Grantham Emergency Flood Alert System One of the recommendations of the Queensland Government’s Floods Commission of Inquiry, was the establishment of a dedicated warning system for Grantham residents.
Council installed an Emergency Flood Alert System providing Grantham residents with sufficient warning should another flood event hit the area. The system is tested twice a year following extensive community consultation and once activated, includes a siren followed by a verbal message informing residents of the need to urgently move to higher ground.
Local Disaster Community Coordination Committees As part of Council’s aim to build community resilience in the wake of the two flood events experienced in as many years, the Disaster Management Unit continues to foster strong community links through the Local Disaster Community Coordination Committees (LDCCC).
residents with life-saving medical supplies, generators and water. Lockyer Valley Mayor Steve Jones found an ex Victorian Country Fire Authority 1976 TK Bedford and brought it back to the Council depot where it would undergo a major transformation. The vehicle was modified with breathers in the diff allowing it to penetrate water up to four feet deep, with a forward compartment built in to ferry drums of fuel with the rear tray capable of carrying large supply loads or assist in the evacuation of people where needed. The trucks were widely used throughout the British Army as both troop carriers and recovery vehicles with some 11,700 being produced by 1977, in fact it’s widely believed that many are still in military operation today.
Comprising between six and 10 community members, the LDCCC’s use the local knowledge and expertise of its members during an emergency to assist and feed vital information through to our Disaster Coordination Centre.
A generous donation of $15,000 from the Historic Commercial Vehicle Association of Queensland helped with the restoration of the vehicle which has become a valuable asset to the community.
Council has established LDCCC’s in the following areas:
State Emergency Service
• Forest Hill
The State Emergency Service (SES) is made up of ordinary people doing extraordinary things, something the Lockyer Valley community has seen only too often after being hit by two devastating flood events in as many years.
• Grantham • Junction View • Mulgowie • Murphys Creek. The LDCCC teams undergo extensive training at regular times throughout the year and assist with the dissemination of information to the community during time of need and also assist with the rapid establishment of disaster evacuation centres.
Rescue and re-supply vehicle A four wheel drive rescue and re-supply truck sits on stand-by and can be activated within minutes should an incident take place. Due to the locality of the Lockyer Valley, there are a number of areas that are cut off during flood and bushfire events. During the 2013 Australia Day flood event, Council was forced to hire a fleet of helicopters to provide stranded
For close to 40 years the SES has been there to help us in time of need and in January 2014, the tables were turned and they called on us for help.
as well as the use of a DVD ad that was specially prepared and tailored for the Lockyer Valley by Council’s Corporate Communications Unit. The DVD focused on the raft of opportunities that exist within the SES including: • flood boat operations • incident management • chainsaw operations • search and rescue • first aid. Council also developed a partnership with Centrelink allowing members of the community undertaking mandatory community service to join the SES. This partnership allowed participants to not only fulfil their Centrelink requirements, but also to gain and develop new skills that increase their employment opportunities. To say the campaign was a resounding success would be an understatement. Coupled with Facebook promotion, Council was able to recruit 20 new SES members, representing an increase in SES membership of a staggering 50 per cent. Following on from the successful inaugural recruitment drive, Council will develop another recruitment campaign next financial year. During the 2013/14 Financial Year, the Lockyer Valley SES attended 65 requests for assistance from the community. Requests included: • storm damage • medivac assistance • search and rescue operations
Funded by and working in partnership with Council, the Lockyer Valley SES was looking to boost its numbers in order to be able to better protect the local community.
• lighting
To assist, Council instigated a recruitment drive focusing on the benefits of volunteering including learning new skills and gaining industry recognised qualifications.
Local groups also supported 23 community events as well as undertaking a number of training operations.
The recruitment drive included advertisements on the local radio and in the local paper
• traffic management • flood boat operations • chainsaw operations.
Organisational Development and Engagement Community Engagement Community engagement is a fundamental aspect of Council’s role and an essential element in the planning and delivery of community focused services and operations. We believe community engagement is vital for building strong communities, delivering good governance and embedding community recovery and community resilience. Lockyer Valley Regional Council recognises and values the importance of enhancing community involvement in the planning of Council operated services. Local Government has the biggest impact on delivering the type of lifestyle and amenities residents come to expect in the place they choose to call home.
As such, we believe passionately about strong community engagement which allows Council to develop policies that are closer aligned to the priorities that residents of the Lockyer Valley are seeking. Benefits of good community engagement include: • increased community awareness about Council services, planning and program delivery • increased awareness across Council on community views and issues that should be taken into consideration as part of the decision making process • increased awareness of the needs, priorities and diversity of the local community, ensuring our service provision and planning functions are aligned • increased level of community ownership and acceptance of decisions impacting the local area; and
Grantham Women’s Group Following the 2013 flood event, a community-based women’s group was established to provide social interaction, support and leadership to those hardest hit. Council took over the day-to-day operations of the group including providing group support, event coordination and providing a direct link to Council until the group was able to stand on its own.
Wellbeing sessions The Lockyer Valley was severely impacted by two life changing flood events in as many years with research indicating a community can take between seven and 10 years before it is considered to be fully recovered. Lockyer Valley Regional Council engaged the services of Australia’s leading disaster recovery psychologist, Dr Rob Gordon to facilitate a number of workshops with flood affected residents and support workers. Five sessions were carried out as a way to increase awareness of the long term risks in not dealing with the stress of the floods effectively and outlined ways to manage and reduce the stress.
Grants Lockyer Valley Regional Council’s Community Grant Program is for non-recurrent grants of between $500 and $4000, made available to local community organisations allowing them to undertake projects which benefit the wide community. There are two funding rounds each year: • Round One – 1 September to 30 September • Round Two – 2 February to 27 February
• providing an avenue for the community and Council to work together to address local issues.
Lockyer Valley Regional Council | Annual Report 2013/14
In addition to the grants, Council also provides donations, fee waivers and in-kind assistance programs. In evaluating the grant applications, there is a strong focus on community development, arts and cultural development, social services, recreational, environmental or educational activities that: • support the development of projects designed to enhance the well-being of the community and which address a demonstrated need in the community • encourage community activities, initiatives and economic development outcomes • enhance the region’s capacity for long term sustainability and overall liveability; and • strengthen social cohesion, collaboration and inclusion. Council receives numerous requests from individuals and organisations to provide either cash and/or in-kind support for projects, functions, events and initiatives: • in a fair and equitable manner • with an appropriate level of consistency across the organisation; and • in accordance with legislation, standards, policies, procedures and resource provisions. Council will consider providing assistance to community-based and not-for-profit organisations, teams or individuals where: • the community or not-for-profit organisation has significant local membership • the individual resides in the Lockyer Valley or has a strong connection to the region • the project or event will deliver tangible benefits of an economic, social or environmental nature to residents of the Lockyer Valley
Community Grants 2013/14 Category
1. Community Grants Program
2. Mayoral Fund
3. Ambassador Support and School Dux Bursary 4. Regional Significant Events
$7,409.09 $70,000
5. Event Assistance
6. Waivers/Reduction of Fees
7. Rates Rebates and Remissions
8. School Chapliancies
9. Public Hall Assistance
10. Anzac Day Remembrance 11. Community Environment Grants 12. Community Sporting Complex SUB TOTALS TOTAL
• the project or event will be administered and conducted in a non-discriminatory basis • the project or service does not duplicate an existing service or facility in the region or if so, the need for duplication is sufficiently demonstrated • the organisation does not have sufficient funds of its own • the organisation has a management structure and skills appropriate to its size and functions • the event or project is one which Council can legally support pursuant to the Local Government Act 2009 or other statute • consideration is given to the amount of financial assistance Council has provided to the organisation in the preceding 12 month period • the event or project is determined to be self-funding or self-sustainable once the funds or assistance granted by Council is exhausted • the organisation is contributing real or in-kind value to the project or event
$6,800 $20,000 $67,977.01 $241,894.79 $463,944.78 $705,839.57
• evidence of self-help, proven past performance and affiliations with accredited State and Federal bodies is demonstrated; and • funds are available within the allocations provided for in the budget for that year.
Multicultural Services A happy and fully functioning community is one that embraces the diversity of its people and supports residents from all different walks of life regardless of where they are from or how much money they have in the bank. Lockyer Valley Regional Council recognises communities are made up of people from a diverse range of backgrounds and has implemented a number of programs and initiatives to assist new migrants settle in the area. In uniting the broader community and helping new migrants settle into the local lifestyle, Council held a number of multicultural events including:
• Lockyer Multicultural Festival – an opportunity for local residents and visitors to celebrate and promote positive intercultural relations in a fun and relaxing atmosphere. Now in its third year, the festival attracted more than 1500 people. • Living Books – designed to bring people together and explore the issues and experiences faced by community members from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. The Living Books sessions gave everyone the chance to get up close with people who are willing to share a personal insight into the struggles, challenges and opportunities they faced before they settled into the Lockyer Valley. The program supports creating a socially, economically and culturally inclusive community where everyone can take part in an environment free of racism, discrimination and social exclusion. During the 2013/14 Financial Year, nine living books spoke at three restaurant locations, 12 spoke at local libraries with a further six talking at Lockyer Valley schools. Our Living Books speakers included former refugees, backpackers, boat arrivals and Indigenous Australians. As part of Council’s induction program, training is given to all new staff members on multicultural relations. The course outlines the cultural diversity within the Lockyer Valley and gives staff the understanding and ability to respond to different cultural beliefs and needs, including building awareness of the translation and interpreter services available within Council.
Homework Club
• creating a more equitable education environment
• advise Council on local issues affecting youth
Funded by the Department of Immigration under the Settlements Grants Program, Council established the Homework Club, a program aimed at providing school aged children with a supportive environment where they can work and receive tuition in core subject areas.
• improving learning outcomes
• promote the community spirit and sense of belonging among local youth in a bid to eradicate alienation
It can be an incredibly daunting experience for a child leaving their homeland, often due to turmoil, and then being asked to integrate into a school system where they may not have the strongest English language skills. Council understands children need time to adjust to a new lifestyle and the Homework Club plays an integral role in their development. The overarching aim of the Homework Club is to ensure students who have had an interrupted formal education experience, are afforded every opportunity to grow and develop and ensure they receive the best level of education we can offer. The program operates 25 weeks a year with 33 students currently taking part. Benefits to the students include: • developing students’ confidence and self-esteem • providing a new network of friends and people they can trust • providing quality, appropriate and practical support outside the classroom
• improving work habits, study and organisational skills • reinforcing the purpose of homework and the value of it • developing cooperative learning skills • developing independence in approaching homework • supporting the settlement needs of refugee background families • broadening the students’ experience by introducing them to people other than fellow school students and their families • providing positive role models; and • building relationships and trust.
Youth development and engagement The Lockyer Valley Youth Council was established in July 2008 as a way for local youth to have a real voice within Council. The group is open to youth aged between 12 and 21 who are interested in having direct input into the development of the Lockyer Valley and in particular, youth services. Lockyer Valley Regional Youth Council was established to: • act as a bridge between Council and local youth
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• encourage local youth to take an active interest in the region they live in • provide a forum enabling the views and opinions of youth to be heard; and • provide an understanding of the functions of local government and the vital role Council plays in the local community. The Youth Council conducts 10 formal meetings a year as well as hosting a series of workshops and events designed to build networks, develop confidence and leadership skills and encourage ideas and solutions including: • Big Day In – held in conjunction with National Youth Week, the Big Day In is the region’s premier youth event attracting about 1000young people. The event is completely organised and run by the Youth Council and features rides, performances, stage shows and a disco. • Skate and Groove – a skateboarding workshop facilitated by Youth Council featuring demonstrations and displays from professional riders. The event includes free street art workshops as well as a DJ and hip-hop performances.
Youth Mash Up With the Lockyer Valley experiencing increasing levels of migrants settling in the area, Council sees the engagement of migrant youth as an important part of overall social inclusion. Based on a Youth CafĂŠ approach, Youth Mash Up helps with not only the building of relationships, but also assists to empower young people to freely explore each others backgrounds and cultures.
Through general conversation, the youth are asked to discuss the meaning of being welcome and what it means to make someone feel welcome. They are given the opportunity to discuss problems and challenges that youth across the Lockyer Valley face on a daily basis in a safe and reassuring environment that is free of discrimination.
Held in partnership with the Peace and Conflict Studies Institute, the program built participants self-confidence, provided emerging leadership skills, connected them with other young people and promoted respect for people from a wide variety of backgrounds and experiences.
There were 68 students taking part in the Youth Mash Up program from countries including those shown in the map above.
Planning and Development Services Plumbing and Building Services Throughout the 2013/14 Financial Year, Council’s Plumbing and Building Services Unit provided advice on technical and buildings matters including assisting flood affected residents rebuilding, repairing or relocating their flood damaged homes. The Unit continues to deliver one of the fastest turnaround times for plumbing development applications in Queensland at just three and a half days. This is down from four and a half days last year and well under the 10 day requirement under the Plumbing and Drainage Act. The Unit continues to: • perform inspection services for plumbing and building works
There were 390 plumbing applications lodged and approved this financial year representing an increase of 29.1 per cent on last financial year. This year there were 255 Final Certificates issued for plumbing applications compared to 400 last financial year.
At a glance – building Council conducted 601 building inspections during 2013/14, down 37.6 per cent from 827 last year. During the 2013/14 Financial Year, Council carried out 37 pool safety inspections, down 10.8 per cent from the 41 carried out last financial year. Council staff issued 23 pool safety certificates with no pools investigated for non-compliance or immersion incidents.
• provide general advice for future building and plumbing approvals
Regional Development
• assist the community in the interpretation of legislation
Digital Hub Program
• perform regulatory compliance inspections in response to customer service requests • process preliminary building applications and siting variations; and • issue building approvals and plumbing permits.
Applications Last financial year there were 784 building applications lodged with Council representing a decrease of 6.0 per cent although the financial value rose by 5.9 per cent to $82,812,214.
At a glance – plumbing There were 1485 plumbing inspections carried out during the 2013/14 Financial Year representing a decrease of 6.3 per cent from the previous year.
Opening in April 2013 with the assistance of funding from the Commonwealth Government, the Lockyer Valley Digital Hub has gone from strength to strength providing basic computer and internet skills to local residents and in particular the elderly. The Digital Hub was established to provide the skills needed to operate electronic devices at a basic level and provide the skills and confidence needed to undertake more advanced training. To date, we have conducted 717 individual lessons and 169 group lessons to more than 1400 residents with a further 6000 people testing the high speed NBN network located within the library foyer.
Lockyer Valley Regional Council | Annual Report 2013/14
building inspections
Digital Hub topics include: • An introduction to computers – find out how a computer works, learn how to turn it on and off, use a mouse and keyboard • An introduction to the internet – learn how to get on to the net, how to look for information and how to navigate around a website • An introduction to iPads – learn how to turn it on, get an overview of iTunes, learn how to download apps, take photos and video and access the internet • Email for the first time user – learn how to create an email account and send and receive messages
• Photo editing for beginners – learn how to import a photo, then crop and resize it • Internet safety and security – learn how to maintain secure passwords, gain an understanding of internet crime and what to be aware of and how to safely manage your online privacy; and • The NBN explained – learn all about the National Broadband Network, how it works and what it means for you. An analysis of clientele has shown approximately 80 per cent of attendees are over the age of 55 with almost 70 per cent female.
In a bid to capture residents unable to attend sessions during the week, we introduced Saturday morning lessons and expanded the program into Laidley, the regions second largest township. To date, the program has by far exceeded any expectations either Council or the Commonwealth Government placed on the program. In fact individual lessons were 112 per cent above targets set by the Commonwealth Department of Communications with group sessions hitting 131 per cent. The Digital Hub Program will continue to operate under its current funding agreement until April 2015.
• Facebook for the first time user – learn how to create a Facebook account, how to post and share documents and photos and learn about privacy settings
Events Lockyer Valley Regional Council is committed to delivering professional and highly successful events while at the same time helping local communities gain the capacity to run their own events. Events run by Council during 2013/14 include:
• Seniors Week – a nationally recognised event that celebrates seniors in the Lockyer Valley community. It is about social opportunity, trying new activities, meeting new people and lifelong learning. The program is broad and diverse and includes morning tea get-togethers, a session at the Digital Hub, Tai Chi by the lake and vintage car rides. Attendance was strong with the official luncheon tickets being snapped up in hours. • Council Race Day – an annual event providing the opportunity for Council and businesses to meet in a social setting, build on relationships and enhance business networks. • Garden competition – an annual event showcasing prize winning gardens of residents, businesses, schools and child care centres in the region. The open garden period attracts many residents and visitors as it falls in the lead up to and during the Laidley Spring Festival. • Laidley Spring Festival – a major community event marketed to the wider Brisbane area. The event attracted increased attendance this year with bus loads of tourists enjoying the creative floral displays and art exhibition at the Laidley Cultural
Centre. The festival program included stage entertainment, with the ABC’s Dirt Girl being the main feature, as well as activities, rides, market stalls, roving entertainment and more. The annual street parade had a record number of entries and large crowds welcomed each float along Patrick Street. • Lockyer Valley Fun Run – held during Mental Health Week, the event is a great opportunity for the community to participate at either a social or competitive level. Entries included both teams and individuals and the atmosphere on the day was electric with all ages lined up at the start. With more than 100 competitors, the day was a great success with prizes distributed and entertainment following all competitors crossing the finishing line. • Health and Wellbeing Expo – the 2013 Health and Wellbeing Expo brought together 42 exhibitors relating to health and wellbeing, including but not limited to sport, fitness and recreation, lifestyle, nutrition, holistic therapies and positive mental health. Patrons watched demonstrations ranging from healthy cooking, martial arts and line dancing and were able to participate in Tai Chi, exercise and yoga sessions, with storytelling for the children. • Gatton Christmas Carnival – the annual carnival is delivered in partnership with Lockyer Better Business and is an opportunity for the business community to say thank you to customers for their loyal support during the year. This year the carnival had increased attendance with people
Lockyer Valley Regional Council | Annual Report 2013/14
enjoying Lockyer Better Business Christmas Promotion prize draws (vouchers and cash), stage entertainment including local dance groups and musicians, face painting and Christmas card making, visits to Santa and more. • Australia Day Awards and Community Celebration – the Australia Day Awards Ceremony and celebrations brings the community together to recognise individuals and groups in the region that contribute to the lifestyle of the Lockyer Valley. This year the Australia Day Awards attracted 37 nominations across nine categories. • Laidley Heritage Weekend – Laidley Pioneer Village & Museum and Das Neumann Haus delivered exceptional programs this year, taking visitors to a past era, celebrating the heritage of the Lockyer Valley. People enjoyed sheep shearing and Lockyer Light Horse demonstrations, music and entertainment plus a range of entertainment and activities for children. • ANZAC Day – Council worked in partnership with both Gatton RSL Sub Branch and Laidley RSL Sub Branch to deliver Anzac Day parades and services. Attendance at both services was up on 2013 numbers with strong support from local schools. • Lockyer Powerfest Street Party – a regionally significant event and the street party attracting up to 2000 people with power boat and hot rod displays, stage entertainment, market stalls, children activities and the signature dance floor for the rock ‘n’ roll dancers.
Events supported by Council • Laidley Show • Gatton Show • Ma Ma Creek Exhibition and Bush Dance • Helidon Heritage Fair • Big Band at Spring Bluff • HCVAQ Truck and Machinery Show • Lights on the Hill Memorial Service • Lockyer Valley Off Road 300 • Celtic Festival, Helidon • Christmas in the Country Art & Craft Show • Gatton Christmas Carnival • Laidley Christmas Events • Forest Hill Christmas Festivities • Withcott Community Carols • Lights on the Hill Convoy • Clean Up Australia Day • Gatton Street Sprints • Gemboree (National Gem Festival) – This year’s Gem Festival was Australia’s 50th National Gemboree and brought a large number of visitors to the Gatton area, including interstate and overseas • Mayoral Speech Contest • Clydesdale & Heavy Horse Field Days and Heritage Festival • Lockyer Powerfest; and • A number of school fetes and community events.
Events Council participated in • Laidley Show • Gatton Show • Regional Flavours • Brisbane EKKA • Good Food and Wine Show; and • Sydney Royal Easter Show.
The verdict is in An audit of the new two bin system introduced by Lockyer Valley Regional Council has shown positive results. Lockyer Valley Mayor Steve Jones, said recycling rates had risen substantially as a result of the new system. “Before we introduced the two bins, we were losing as much as 75 per cent of recycling material to landfill,” he said. “What this meant was we were putting recyclable material in our waste bins, often because the old systems offered minimal space for recycling. “With residents now having a dedicated 240 litre recycling bin, our loss to landfill has dropped to 38 per cent, that’s a decrease of 49 per cent and proof we are certainly heading in the right direction. “I would really like to take this opportunity to thank residents for embracing the new system because it is thanks to each and every single person using the system properly that we have such good results. “While the results are certainly positive, we still have a long way to go and we will continue to investigate ways we can make the system even better.”
Working together to unify our community.
Contents 74 Corporate and Community Services 77 Governance and Performance 80 Planning and Development Services 81 Case Study
Key initiatives • Customer Service Charter • Branding/corporate identity established • Online customer request management
Performance Indicators • Community engagement in Council decisions • Understanding of Council’s role • Customer satisfaction with Council’s leadership
Looking forward • Continue to develop Council’s website and its content for effective communication. • Develop and implement an Annual Engagement Plan for strategic community engagement.
Corporate and Community Services Customer Service Lockyer Valley Regional Council has a strong customer service focus with a desire to improve accessibility to Council services. We continually strive to exceed customer expectations while offering the best value for service. Council has developed a strong customer focus throughout the organisation and continually strives to support excellence in service delivery and customer communication. Lockyer Valley Regional Council is a flexible organisation that is able to adjust and meet our customersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; changing requirements.
Customer Service Centre Councilâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Customer Service Centre continues to provide a centralised and integrated service model for customers with staff raising 43,391 new service requests. The service request system allows Council to track customer requests and report on service problems or issues. The system increases our accountability for service delivery and improves the quality of customer interaction. Of all service requests lodged, 67% per cent were made via telephone.
Lockyer Valley Regional Council | Annual Report 2013/14
Call Backs
Customer Service Requests 2013/14
The Callback functionality was added to Councilâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Call Centre software on the 26 February 2014. This added functionality provides customers with the opportunity to leave their number after 90 seconds of waiting in the call centre queue. The Callback will then appear in the queue for one of our friendly Call Centre officers to contact the customer back. Total number of Callbacks
eRequests is a register of incoming correspondence received at Council that require an action. An eRequest is generated into a Customer Request and sent to the relevant Business Unit for actioning. Total number of eRequests
4% 3%
Inf P
Waste Planning Building Services
212 7%
11 425
9% 9%
Total Number of Customer Requests Lodged
Total Number of Quick Requests â&#x20AC;&#x201C; First Point of Contact Resolution
67% of all enquiries are made by telephone. Telephones 45,795
Average call being answered in
1:33 minutes
Average Call length was
7:57 minutes
85% of all transactions are transport related.
Customer Service
Laidley Cultural Centre
Number of transactions processed in Laidley
Calls to the exchange
Inf D
Animal Control
Gatton Shire Hall
Customer Service Requests
16% 9%
Env H 9%
Facilities Bookings
Grantham Butter Factory
Kensington Grove Hall
4% 3%
Env Health 16%
Inf Delivery Building Maintenance Inf Planning
Contact Centre Located within the Gatton Customer Service Centre is our Contact Centre. Staffed by trained personnel, the Contact Centre answered 45,795 telephone enquiries during the 2013/14 Financial Year. Customer Service staff processed 12,053 QGAP transactions at the Laidley Office. QGAP is the Queensland Government Agent Program providing information, help and advice on State Government services.
Service standards As a way to provide the best level of customer service we can, Council introduced a Customer Charter. By doing so, we are able to bring consistency and reliability to our product by enhancing our service delivery and ensuring there is accountability with each request. It also ensures there is consistency in our responses and sets out very clear and formal expectations for staff including: In all our dealings we will: • be honest and act with integrity • show respect and acceptance, with an open minded approach • provide clear and open communication • be accountable and own up to mistakes
• build strong relationships based on trust and respect • show empathy • apply a common sense approach. Customers can expect: • courteous and professional service • accurate and consistent information • 24 hour access to council emergency services • confidentiality • accessible, plain English information • polite, respectful, informative and helpful staff who provide a sensitive service.
Our Counter Service team: • will deal with all enquiries accurately and efficiently • aim to resolve 80 per cent of enquiries through our Customer Service Team and where possible, will resolve your enquiry on-the-spot. When you call us: • where possible, your call will be answered, by the fifth ring • if you are making a request that we will need to action, we will give you a reference number to quote should you need to re-contact us • we will minimise call waiting times. When you write to us: • we will respond within 10 working days of Council receiving the correspondence • we will contact you if there is a delay in meeting the 10 day commitment • you will receive an automated reply (if contacted via email) which will clearly outline our response timeframe.
Documenting and streamlining processes Council is committed to providing the highest level of customer service to our residents which is why we are documenting how services are provided. Information is analysed and used to help the organisation streamline business processes allowing us to provide improved and a more transparent service to our customers. By documenting our processes, we are building a customer centric organisation focused on service delivery from the customer’s perspective.
Lockyer Valley Regional Council | Annual Report 2013/14
increase in people liking the Facebook page*
Governance and Performance Corporate Communications One of the primary functions of the Corporate Communication Team is to provide marketing and communication support to all sections of Council and protect the corporate and brand image of the organisation. To facilitate this, each section has an allocated communication representative available to assist with writing media releases, drafting high level documents and marketing collateral and developing interactive projects. The Communication Team also plays a pivotal role in ensuring the community is well-informed of Council decisions, initiatives and events. In February 2013, Corporate Communications introduced an electronic media tracking service allowing the unit to generate accurate reports. In the three months since capturing data, the unit has delivered 47 media releases resulting in 247 positive stories being run in media outlets including those in Gatton, Laidley, Toowoomba, Brisbane and Sydney.
The stories have generated an estimated media value of $4.6 million with a targeted audience of approximately 5.8 million people. The unit uses a raft of communication channels to service the community including: • Facebook – the popularity of Council’s Facebook page rose considerably during the 2013 Australia Day flood event with Council able to communicate effectively to the thousands of people who like the page. There has been a 21.4 per cent increase in the number of people liking the page in 13/14 rising from 5631 to 7166, equating to approximately 19.4 per cent of the Lockyer Valley population. • YouTube – another cost neutral communication channel for Council has been the distribution of material through YouTube. Council’s Communications Team films local events, launches and delegation visits, edits the content and posts the final product on YouTube. The link is then uploaded
and distributed via Council’s Facebook page. The footage provides local residents and key stakeholders with the unique opportunity to get close to an event they may have otherwise not been able to attend. Events captured on film included: oo Launch of re-supply truck
(see page 63) oo Official opening of Council’s
new helipad with the landing of the Westpac Rescue Helicopter (see page 112) oo Presentation and naming of
award winners at the 2013 Lockyer Valley Business, Training and Apprenticeship Awards hosted by radio personality Alan Jones (see page 96) oo Announcement of resilience
funding for the region oo Promotion of celebrity chef
Curtis Stones visit to the Lockyer Valley and his cooking demonstration held at a local farm using fresh Lockyer Valley produce.
Electronic Media Tracking Service 2013/14 5,800,000
6,000,000 5,000,000 4,600,000 4,000,000 3,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 0
Official opening of the Lake Clarendon Helipad
$ Media Audience Value Reach
• Your Valley News – Originally delivered to more than 36,000 residents each quarter, the Council designed newsletter is now issued monthly. Keeping residents informed of Council projects, programs, services and events, Your Valley News remains a well-liked and important communication channel for Council. The publication also allows Council to target key projects including the Budget. • Your Valley Voice – As another means of communicating with the wider community, Council has a full page informative ad each week in the local paper, the Gatton Star. The page allows Council to promote upcoming events and communicate key messages to the community in one centralised location without the need for other areas of the organisation to have to spend money on additional advertising.
• Radio messaging – Following on from the success of print related communication channels, attention turned to look at alternate ways to use radio, which led to the development of a weekly mayoral chat. The concept provides the platform for the Mayor to promote nonpolitical Council issues to the wider community by having a light hearted and informal chat with the breakfast team on local radio station River 949. The spin off benefits to Council is the positive promotion of the organisation to neighbouring local government areas within the River 949 broadcast area covering the region from Brisbane in the east through to Toowoomba in the west.
• Community Service Announcements – As part of Corporate Communication’s objective of communicating to the community in an efficient and cost effective way, the Corporate Communication Team actively promotes community focused events free of charge on the local radio station, River 949, through targeted Community Service Announcements. • Video production – equipped with a high definition camera and editing software, Corporate Communications develops a number of videos throughout the year targeting key stakeholder groups. Each video is scripted, filmed, edited and voiced by the Corporate Communication Team with each production costing an average of $20,000 if produced externally. During 2013/14, videos compiled by Council included: oo Are You Ready campaign –
an informative production aimed at providing residents with the information and tools necessary to be better prepared for the summer storm season including the need to have and test a family evacuation plan. oo Rebuilding the Lockyer
Better – a production targeting media, residents and the broader Queensland community outlining how the Lockyer Valley is rebuilding itself following the catastrophic flood events of 2011 and 2013. It highlighted the strength of people who call the Lockyer Valley home and the challenges they and Council faced in
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rebuilding the region. It also outlined the things Council has done and continues to do to not only make the region more resilient, but making it bigger and better than ever before. oo Lockyer Valley SES – used
as a recruitment tool for Lockyer Valley residents highlighting the benefits to both themselves and the wider community by volunteering as a member of the State Emergency Service. Through the production, Council was able to effectively double the Lockyer Valley SES membership (see page 63). oo Journey of a lettuce – a
production that covers the life cycle of a Lockyer Valley lettuce from planting, through to cultivation, packing and distribution. The video was played at Council’s stand at the 2014 Sydney Royal Easter Show and highlighted the fact that produce, including lettuce, are picked in the Lockyer Valley in the morning, chilled, packed and distributed across the country literally overnight (see page 4, 85). oo Producers’ Dinner – this
production was put together specifically aimed at targeting the high end food industry heavyweights and national media outlets as part of the 2014 winter vegetable seasonal launch. It highlighted the diversity of produce available within the Lockyer Valley and the amount of fresh produce being grown each year (see page 84).
Annual Report Award Over the years, annual reports have evolved from a medium solely promoting an organisation’s financial position to a platform that analyses all areas of an organisation’s performance. An annual report looks at an organisation’s ability to operate sustainably into the future by analysing how strategy, governance, policy and past performance coupled with key projects assist guiding it towards its future goals. The role of local government has changed considerably over the years with Councils playing a bigger role in the local community than ever before. The Lockyer Valley Regional Council 2012/13 Annual Report contained an accurate record of Council’s achievements and activities for the financial year set against strategic objectives and after an exhaustive review process, was presented with a Silver Award in the Australasian Reporting Awards. To be recognised in this field is a major achievement for a council of this size competing against multi-national companies such as the Commonwealth Bank, Macquarie Group, Blue Scope Steel, Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton, all past recipients of a Silver Award.
Planning and Development Services Regional Development Council’s Regional Development Team is the first contact point for businesses wanting to establish themselves in the region and to assist those already in operation. The Unit streamlines Council operations and provides a single point of entry and ‘one stop shop’ for businesses doing business with us.
Online Business Directory As a way to assist people find local services and for businesses to promote themselves, Council developed an online business directory. There has been a 16% increase in business listings last financial year with 335 local businesses and 107 community groups listed.
Partnerships Lockyer Valley BEST (Bringing Employers and Schools Together) is a collaborative partnership between local high schools, TAFE and other training providers to achieve positive outcomes for young adults in the Lockyer Valley. During 2013/14, the group provided a number of opportunities for students to be actively encouraged to explore career possibilities and the smooth transition from school to work including: • an Ag Inspirations project based on the highly successful work inspirations model that assists students discover a wide variety of careers in the agriculture sector through workplace placement
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• the Gener8 Program, an innovative training program for the transport and logistics sector where students start a school based traineeship in either transport or warehousing • a career expo night.
Industry forums Council hosted 11 industry forums throughout the financial year presenting a variety of topics including businesses support programs and initiatives. The business forums also provide a platform for networking opportunities and for businesses to build partnerships with other local service providers.
16% increase in business listings
A picture tells a 1000 words Lockyer Valley Regional Council comes up trumps when it comes to promoting the region free of charge. Following on from the commissioning of a video production for the first year anniversary of the 2011 flood event, Council developed its own in-house video production with some remarkable results. Lockyer Valley Mayor Steve Jones, said the use of video has enormous benefits in promoting both the region and the work Council undertakes. “Often Council undertakes work in areas outside the Lockyer Valley where ratepayers are unable to attend. By videoing these events and posting them on our Youtube and Facebook channels, we are giving ratepayers the opportunity to share our journey,” he said. “We are able to better sell our region and do it in a way that is both effective and cost beneficial to Council.” “When we host an event and a local television network is unable to attend due to conflicting commitments, our communications team, made up of predominantly journalists, are able to conduct interviews, film the event and email footage through for inclusion on the nightly news,” Cr Jones said. “We are lucky in that we have staff skilled in video production and voice over techniques allowing us to fully capitalise on this promotional channel.” “By having the expertise to do these videos in-house, Council is able to save approximately $20,000 for each production.” Videos produced during the 2013/14 Financial Year include the official launch of Council’s helipad, the promotion of celebrity chef Curtis Stone conducting a cooking demonstration in the region and an overview of Council’s positive journey forward following the 2013 Australia Day flood event for the 2013 Business, Training and Apprenticeship Awards.
Working together to secure our farming future.
Contents 84 Regional Development 89 Case Study
Key initiatives • Regional Food Strategy • Facilitate the development of a regional fruit and vegetable canning and processing plant
Performance Indicators • Farming business engagement • Good quality agricultural land used for farming
Looking forward • Deliver the Community Education and Resilience Program. • Implementation of Tourism Destination Plan.
Bauerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Organic Farm
Regional Development Lockyer Farmers Group Lockyer Valley Regional Council was approached by a number of primary producers to help assist with the establishment of a local farmers group. Council facilitated meetings and brought together more than 50 key stakeholders with the group formerly recognised in November 2013. Through the group, farmers are provided a support network with peers who face the same challenges. It also gives them a network of colleagues that can assist with day to day farming issues. The value of the program acknowledged by the State Government which has provided additional resourcing.
Agricultural Shows
Boasting some of the most fertile soils on earth and with the agriculture industry the lifeblood of the region, it’s imperative Council promote the region and all it has to offer at agricultural and food shows. During the 2013/14 Financial Year, Council attended: • Ekka – The Royal Brisbane Exhibition (Ekka) is the ideal platform to highlight the abundant variety of fresh produce available within the Lockyer Valley and showcase the region to the close to half a million people that attend the 10 day event. Building on our success at last year’s Ekka, Council moved to the Agricultural Pavilion and was one of the only Councils in Queensland represented at the Show. Securing a large stall at the Show, we were able to successfully feature local produce at one end and tourism destinations within the Lockyer Valley at the other. Our staff handed out more than 6000 copies of Council’s 2013 Destination Guide and sold sample bags packed with hand made products including jams, honey, chocolate and small goods, all sourced locally.
A number of food producers and tourism operators volunteered their time at the event to assist promoting the region as the ideal short-break destination. • Regional Flavours – Attending the 2013 Regional Flavours Exhibition on the banks of the Brisbane River at Southbank gave Council the ability to promote the Lockyer Valley and the wide array of fresh produce to the tens of thousands of people who attended the two day event. Council invited a number of local primary producers and food suppliers to be part of the Council stall to assist with the positive promotion of the region. Council was able to not only promote the Lockyer Valley as a food producing region, but also as the ideal quick-break tourist destination being situated a little more than an hour form the Brisbane CBD and Gold Coast. • Sydney Producers’ Dinner – Three years on from the first of two harrowing flood events, the Lockyer Valley declared itself back and open for business by hosting a tour of high end Sydney outlets for local primary producers and business operators. The tour visited prominent food outlets such as Victor Churchill Meats, Thomas Dux, Fourth Village Providore and Wholefoods House as a way to assist local farmers in the Lockyer Valley make the contacts they need to break into the lucrative Sydney market. The Lockyer Valley relies heavily on the agricultural industry to provide sustained employment and economic growth and as a Council, we need to be providing every opportunity we can to see the region expand and grow. As part of the tour, Council organised a lunch by and private meeting with leading chef Mike McEnearney who spoke about what he believes is key to breaking into the Sydney market.
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Figs from Blackboy Ridge
Having worked alongside chef’s including Neil Perry, Mike is well-known for providing simple and ethically sourced food and to have him meet and talk with local growers and be aware of what is available from the Lockyer Valley was a great boost forward for the region. Following the producers tour, Council enlisted some of Sydney’s top chefs at Pier One at Sydney Harbour to cook a special dinner for local and national media identities and food industry heavyweights featuring fresh Lockyer Valley produce as part of our winter/spring vegetable seasonal launch. Guests viewed video messages from media personality Alan Jones and Prime Minister Tony Abbott, both avid supporters of the region and what we as a Council are trying to achieve.
As a result of the tour and dinner, the Lockyer Valley received close to one million dollars in free media endorsement value with more than 50 per cent of the local producers who attended the tour securing deals within the Sydney market. • Sydney Royal Easter Show – As Australia’s largest annual event attracting close to one million people, Sydney’s Royal Easter Show is renowned as Australia’s premier agricultural show and was the ideal venue to expand on our continuing success at the Ekka. Leveraging off the learnings of attending and having been successful at other trade shows, Council’s sights were firmly set on taking our brand and product to the masses. Our aim at the Show was two-fold.
Firstly, to put visitors of the Show in touch with where their high quality winter vegetables are grown with the Lockyer Valley producing 98 per cent of Australia’s winter vegetable crops. Secondly, to promote the Lockyer Valley as the ideal rest stop and base area for the growing ‘Grey Nomad’ market heading to North Queensland from Victoria and New South Wales. Situated a little more than an hour’s drive from Brisbane and the Gold Coast, the Lockyer Valley is the ideal resting place for people holidaying in caravans and motorhomes. As a way to better engage with the crowd at the Show and put them in touch with a piece of classic infrastructure that helped build a nation, Council brought in a restored T20 Massey Ferguson tractor.
A speaker system was placed underneath the tractor with a recording of it idling allowing it to look and feel like it was running throughout the Show. The tractor proved to be a major hit with hundreds of people taking the opportunity to sit on it and have their photo taken. The icing on the cake for Council was taking out a Gold Award for our stand in the first year attending the Show. Council’s stand was one of the most memorable at the Show according to feedback from patrons as they exited the Showgrounds.
Community Education and Resilience Program Funded through the Commonwealth Government, Council teamed up with the Business Enterprise Centre Ipswich Region and was able to provide a free business advisory service to local farmers affected by the January 2013 flood event. The service provided a specialist Agribusiness and retail specialist based in Gatton and Laidley to provide free business health checks, mentoring and training, businesses resilience and to help plan for the future.
As a way to further assist local primary producers, Council facilitated a two day farmers market workshop, hosted the Acquire to Achieve workshop, targeting farm management ideas and industry best practice, held small business information nights at Glenore Grove and Mulgowie and hosted a film night for farmers sharing the experiences of a farm tour to South America looking at the challenges faced and solutions implemented.
Costco visit Boasting almost 600 stores spread throughout the world and with an annual turnover of close to $80 billion, Costco’s move into the Brisbane area provided a unique opportunity for Council to further assist the local agricultural industry. Council took a delegation of local farmers to meet with key executives of Costco’s newest Brisbane store to scope network opportunities to supply fresh vegetables to not only Queensland based Costco outlets, but as a way to potentially supply other Australian and even international stores.
Feasibility study for National Food and Training Innovation Centre The Lockyer Valley has a strong and proud agricultural history boasting some of the most fertile soils on earth.
Producing 98 per cent of Australia’s winter vegetable requirements, the Lockyer Valley is the ideal destination for the establishment of a National Food and Training Innovation Centre. The Centre would be: • a national food showcase • an education and training facility; and • an integral part of Council’s overall tourism strategy. Situated at the foot of the Great Dividing Range and a little more than an hour’s drive from Brisbane and the Gold Coast and located between Ipswich and Australia’s largest inland city, Toowoomba, the Lockyer Valley is perfectly poised to capture the growing drive market. Council commissioned The Stafford Group to carry out a feasibility study on the establishment of a National Food and Training Innovation Centre. The study found the Centre has: • the potential to be a significant hub for profiling research and technology in the agricultural sector • educational and training benefits could be an important resource for primary, secondary and tertiary students as well as a venue catering to cooking schools and demonstrations • the potential to be able to assist with the positive profile of the region as a state and nationally significant location • the ability to act as a significant stimulant for the local agricultural sector • the potential to be able to forge close links with the University of Queensland Gatton Campus which has a major focus on food technology including bio security and research; and • a vital role to play in promoting the Lockyer Valley as Australia’s primary food bowl.
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The Feasibility Study has been completed and adopted by Council with work underway on the development of a business case which will be put to Council next financial year.
Regional food brand As community concern continues to grow about where the food they eat comes from, it was becoming increasingly timely for the Lockyer Valley to establish a regional food brand. Initial meetings with local farmers and stakeholders discussing the concept of a local brand to help identify food grown in the Lockyer Valley were extremely positive. We enlisted the help of Brisbane Marketing to assist with the development of an interim brand which has proven to be successful when used at food and agriculture shows.
Regional Food Sector Strategy During the 2013/14 Financial Year, Lockyer Valley Regional Council developed a Regional Food Sector Strategy to determine initiatives for Council that would assist drive and enhance the sustainability of the local agricultural and food sector. Strategies outlined in the Regional Food Sector Strategy include: • the development of a Lockyer Valley Regional Brand – an interim food brand was established with assistance from Brisbane Marketing as a way to help people identify the fact their fresh vegetables were grown and shipped from the Lockyer Valley. • the establishment of a ‘Mega Market Day’ – there are a number of smaller markets scattered throughout the Lockyer Valley with planning underway to look into the feasibility of establishing a mega market and the flow on benefits that would provide the region.
• holding a significant event in Sydney or Melbourne – this was achieved through our attendance at the 2014 Sydney Royal Easter Show. After receiving a Gold Award for our first attendance, we are looking to build on that success at the 2015 Show. • establishing Lockyer Valley Produce Ambassadors – acknowledging the importance and influence of third party endorsements, Council contracted the services of renowned celebrity chef and TV presenter Alastair McLeod. Alastair will be used to promote Council and the region at food shows such as regional Flavours and the Ekka next financial year. • the establishment of a dedicated Backpacker Hostel – as a food producing and packaging region, there is a large transient workforce, vital to the success of local primary production. Council has encouraged the establishment of a dedicated backpacker facility and has been able to secure a development application to refurbish a local hotel into a state of the art hostel. At this stage, the development application looks likely to be lodged early next financial year. • the development of Farm Gate Experiences – steps have been undertaken to establish a food trail outlining the location of the region’s farm gate experiences including dining and roadside stalls. Council has published the GPS coordinates of roadside stalls located within the Lockyer Valley through a number of channels including Council’s Tourism Guide and webpage.
Alastair McLeod at Bauer’s Organic Farm
Forest Hill
Singapore trade delegation As Australia’s primary agricultural region, it was important for Council to facilitate networks for local primary producers in the growing overseas market. In the past, a number of local farmers had tried unsuccessfully to break into the lucrative Asian market through the assistance of third party agents including wholesalers, industry bodies or agencies. The problem with this method was there were additional cost factors when using a so called ‘middle man’ plus the Asian market has a different set of values to western areas. The position of Mayor is highly regarded throughout Asian countries and carries enormous respect. Council was able to leverage off the high status of Mayor and made the decision to assist local producers make the jump into the export market by issuing an Expression of Interest to farmers interested in meeting with key stakeholders in Singapore.
With numbers sourced, Council facilitated meetings between local growers and key Singapore stakeholders including major supermarket chains, importers and logistics companies as well as contacts within key support agencies such as Austrade Singapore. The meetings gave local producers the unique opportunity to not only meet with the people who were directly responsible for the purchase of imported fresh produce, but with Council not having a direct commercial interest, our Singapore counterparts were able to talk openly and honestly about their products, their competitors and the Asian market. These open meetings gave Council representatives and primary producers a rare personal insight into vital market knowledge about the vegetable trade and consumer habits within the Singapore and wider Asian market. As a market, Singapore has the highest Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in the world at A$61,567 per person in 2013 according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
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With a large affluent and sophisticated consumer base, Singapore is a well-established market for Australian products. Unlike Australia, there is very little land available for food production in Singapore with just one per cent available for agricultural purposes. As such, Singapore imports approximately 90 per cent of its food requirements. In 2012, Singapore imported over A$10 billion worth of food and live animals with Australia representing 10 per cent of Singapore’s total food and agribusiness imports. The connection between Singapore and the Lockyer Valley was a perfect match. They had a requirement to import large amounts of high quality fresh produce which is exactly what the Lockyer Valley was providing the domestic market. While the Singapore food market is intensely competitive, Australian produce has a number of advantages over products from other trade partners including the United States, Malaysia, Indonesia and China.
Two devastating flood events and the Lockyer Valley says ‘we are back’ Three years on from the first of two harrowing flood events, and the Lockyer Valley declared itself back and open for business. As part of the journey of recovery, Lockyer Valley Regional Council organised a tour of high-end Sydney food outlets including Victor Churchill Meats, Thomas Dux, Fourth Village Providore and Wholefoods House to provide local food producers with direct access to the lucrative Sydney market. Lockyer Valley Mayor Steve Jones, said the Lockyer Valley is renowned globally for its high quality produce and if local producers can break into the Sydney food market, the potential to generate local employment and boost the Lockyer Valley economy is enormous. “The reality is that opportunities won’t just fall in your lap. You have to go after them and make them happen and that’s what Council has done by organising this tour,” he said. “The Lockyer Valley relies heavily on the agricultural industry to provide sustained employment and economic growth and as a Council, we need to be providing every opportunity we can to expand and grow. “Feedback from the producers has been overwhelmingly positive and the food outlets have been extremely supportive in providing key contacts to their own food purchasers.
Australia has strong brand recognition and a reputation for producing high quality food through stringent food quality standards, shares a similar time zone with Singapore, has high connectivity with vital air and sea links between countries and is able to supply their seasonal food requirements, unlike countries based in the Northern Hemisphere. These trade advantages allow Australian producers to demand a good price for their high quality produce. As a result of Council facilitating the Singapore tour, relationships have been built between Lockyer Valley producers and the Singapore market resulting in all local growers who attended the trip now exporting into Singapore.
“We then met leading chef Mike McEnearney who spoke about what he believes is key to breaking into the Sydney market. Having worked alongside chef’s including Neil Perry, Mike is well-known for providing simple and ethically sourced food and to have him fully aware of what produce is available in the Lockyer Valley is a massive boost forward for the region.” Following the producers’ tour, Council enlisted some of Sydney’s top chefs at Pier One to cook a special dinner for local media identities and food industry heavyweights featuring fresh produce as part of our winter/spring vegetable seasonal launch. “To the best of my knowledge what we did in Sydney hasn’t been done by any Council in Queensland before.
Working together to strengthen education, training and career pathways.
Contents 92 Organisational Development and Engagement 93 Planning and Development Services
Key initiatives • Develop partnerships with regional universities • Annual summit of education and training providers
Performance Indicators • School-based traineeships and apprentices • Partnerships established • Education and training providers within the region
Looking forward • Identify opportunities for partnerships with education and training providers.
Organisational Development and Engagement 92
Adult and school based traineeships, apprenticeships and cadetships Lockyer Valley Regional Council believes passionately in the strengths and abilities of local youth and believes in employing local people. As a way to facilitate career long opportunities, Council offers adult and school based traineeships and apprenticeships across a number of sections of the organisation. As one of the largest employers in the region, we have a strong sense of community pride and relish the opportunity to employ and train people with a strong passion and determination to make the Lockyer Valley the region of choice for vibrant rural living.
At the beginning of each year, Council approaches local high schools and asks them to nominate students who they feel would be well suited to undertake a traineeship or apprenticeship.
Council currently has two apprentices, one undertaking training as a chef at the Council owned and operated Staging Post CafĂŠ with the other doing mechanics at the Gatton Depot.
Council short lists applicants and along with their parents, outlines what Council is able to offer and in turn, what Council expects of them during their tenure with the organisation.
Council also takes on apprenticeships in plumbing, electrical, building and child care when a position is required.
Students commence their traineeship at the beginning of Year 11 and have until the end of Year 12 to have it completed. During 2013/14, Council employed six full time and three school based trainee in the field of Business Administration with students attending Council one day a week. Traineeships are also offered in horticulture and child care.
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Our ongoing commitment to providing education and training pathways for local youth has paid dividends with Council currently employing close to 40 staff who started their career at this level. For Council staff endeavouring to further their skills and who have shown a natural talent in a chosen field, cadetships may be offered providing staff with a full degree in the field of accounting, planning and or other related area of the organisation.
The right balance Boasting a great work life balance and an abundance of employment opportunities, it is no wonder Lockyer Valley Regional Council is a local employer of choice. We pride ourselves on our ability to provide a workplace that employees are happy to come back to. Our capacity to retain employees for long periods of time is a credit to the employment prospects that arise and our commitment to our staff. Starting in lower ranking positions and working your way up is not an unusual occurrence in our Council as Lockyer Valley Mayor Steve Jones explains about one of our long-serving employees. “Starting her employment with us in 1983 as a Junior Administration Assistant, through perseverance, persistency, hard work and qualifications obtained while on full time employment this valued staff member, has obtained the position of Executive Assistant to the CEO,” he said. “In her 30 years of being permanently employed, she has passed on valuable knowledge to new workers and is a real credit to the organisation, epitomising everything we are striving to achieve. “Transitioning in a new employee is often a costly process which is why we have such a strong focus on succession management, passing skills from one employee to another at minimal cost to the organisation.”
Planning and Development Services Regional Development Educational partnerships Council plays an active and important role in the Lockyer Valley BEST Group (Bringing Employers and Schools Together), also see page 80. The group is a collaborative partnership between our local high schools, Council and local business and industry with the purpose of building cooperative and productive relationships between all groups as a way to promote and create employment pathways for the region’s youth. We also participated in industry validation for Vocational Education Courses and conducted mock interviews for students entering the workforce.
By the end of the 2013/14 Financial Year, approximately 10 per cent of Council’s workforce started in the organisation as either a trainee, apprentice or cadet.
Working together to enhance, attract and diversify business and tourism opportunities.
Contents 96 Regional Development 98 Strategy and Planning
Key initiatives • Gatton West Industrial Zone • Development of a motel in the Lockyer Valley • Facilitate backpacker accommodation • Business development strategy
Performance Indicators • Number of regional businesses • Tourist and visitor numbers • Number of businesses assisted • Regulatory time for business set up
Looking forward • Implementation the Laidley Futures Project. • Develop strategy and concept plans for Gatton and Grantham Showgrounds. • Support the development of a regional brand for Lockyer products.
Forest Hill produce stall
Regional Development Lockyer Valley Regional Council believes interaction between local business and Council is vital in ensuring the region continues to grow and prosper, which is why such a strong focus has been developed in creating a ‘one stop’ approach for business dealings with Council. By adopting the single point of entry, we are able to guarantee businesses a dedicated client manager who is able to provide efficiencies in Council processes.
We are also better able to negotiate realistic timeframes for approval and decision making processes by seeing all necessary paperwork has been submitted to make the processes as fast as possible. The system builds vital working relationships between Council and local business, a pivotal component to the growth of any community.
Business Awards
rewarding local business who continue to provide a high quality service and who value their staff.
• Environmental and Sustainable Award
The Lockyer Valley Business, Training and Apprenticeship Awards is a unique 12 week program recognising excellence in local business.
The Awards are spread across 13 categories including:
• People’s Choice.
The Awards, culminating with a Gala Awards Night, is an opportunity to showcase the region’s highest performing businesses, their innovative approach and a way to recognise and pay tribute to high performing staff, trainees and apprentices.
• Tourism
The Awards are supported by an array of corporate and government sponsors with the sole goal of
• Transport, Logistics, Manufacturing and Agricultural Services • Food and Dining • Professional Services • Retail • Trade Services • Health Services and Fitness • Agriculture and Horticulture Production and Processing • Home Based Business
Lockyer Valley Regional Council | Annual Report 2013/14
• Trainee and Apprentice Award • Employee of the Year Award; and
The Gala Awards Night also provides the perfect platform for local business operators to increase their networks and share innovative concepts and ideas. The 2013 Awards were extremely successful with Council securing high profile radio personality Alan Jones to MC the night. Growing up on the outskirts of the Lockyer Valley in Toowoomba, Alan Jones is a staunch advocate for the area believing passionately about
Business directory
Industry forums
The Lockyer Valley Business Directory is a free online service available to local business.
Lockyer Valley Regional Council continued to host industry forums throughout 2013/14 as a way to better engage with business and industry representatives.
Established by Council, the directory is a searchable database and useful reference of local businesses that encourage both consumer and business to business connections. The Directory also acts as a useful reference guide for Council staff looking for local supplies. There are currently more than 300 businesses across 86 different categories listed on the Directory.
Business kits As a means of better informing prospective businesses about the benefits of establishing themselves within the Lockyer Valley, Council has developed a ‘business kit’. Each kit provides the registered business owner with a check list to ensure their experience with Council is as fast and efficient as possible as well as providing practical information on business information, the regional profile and ways Council can assist with the establishment of their business.
the land and the people that call the Lockyer Valley home. Alan’s knowledge of the area and phenomenal story telling ability, made the award night an outstanding success with millions of people hearing of the night and the Lockyer Valley on his syndicated radio program the following Monday morning.
Business bulletin As a way to further assist local business and industry, Council produces a quarterly e-newsletter providing information on business events and support initiatives.
The kits provides economic and valuable statistical information sourced from the Australian Business Register, a tourism and economic development DVD and a direct link to Council’s Regional Development Team.
Business partnerships See Lockyer Valley BEST programme page 80.
Forums hosted by Council included: • Council update – hosting Lockyer Better Business Networking Breakfast where the findings of a study into the opportunities and threats to retail in the region was presented and discussed • Queensland Week celebrations – colouring the Lockyer Valley maroon, Queensland Week is a fun way to get the retail and business sectors united in a common theme • Building Better Business Workshop – a workshop aimed at people engagement and providing techniques required to build a better business in an increasingly competitive market • Doing Business with Council – a forum for local suppliers outlining what is required to do business with a local government authority. This session was followed with a prequalified supplier tender process and the development of guidelines for contractors and suppliers to Council; and • Flood Risk Framework for Individual Properties – provided valuable feedback on some of the issues and challenges emerging from the 2011 and 2013 flood events.
Lake Apex
Strategy and Planning Council’s Strategy and Planning Unit provides advice and coordination on long term and whole-of-organisation strategy and planning matters. During 2013/14, Council continued to focus on planning uses for Council and privately owned land including: • Budget accommodation – as Australia’s leading vegetable growing region, the Lockyer Valley has a strong transient workforce made up predominantly of backpackers. Council acknowledges the pivotal role of backpackers in keeping the agricultural industry moving forward and the real need for budget accommodation located close to prime agricultural land and town amenities. Having identified budget accommodation within our economic strategy, Council continues to seek investment in this area. Council is currently in
negotiations for the redevelopment of real estate in Gatton to be turned into state-of-the-art backpacker accommodation. At this stage we anticipate a development application will be lodged early in the new financial year. • Lake View Accommodation Precinct – a 7607 square metre parcel of Council owned land has been earmarked for the site of a 4 to 4.5 Star motel in Gatton. Council’s decision to offer the land for the development of a motel followed extensive community and stakeholder consultation, all of which identified the need for quality short to medium term accommodation. There is presently only one 20 room motel within the region providing a 3.5 Star facility. During 2013/14, Council released two separate
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Expressions of Interest, both of which were unsuccessful in attracting investment. Early indications show there may be increased interest early next financial year. Council is keen to work with developers to see the project come to fruition. • GWIZ – the Gatton West Industrial Zone (GWIZ) is a 247 acre parcel of land forming a major component of the Lockyer Valley Economic Development Precinct. The area has direct highway and rail access making it the ideal location to house transport logistics. Potential future uses for the site include: oo a heavy vehicle rest area oo service station oo industrial centre; and oo future residential development.
Alan Jones hosted business awards Lockyer Valley Regional Council was extremely privileged to have Sydney radio personality Alan Jones host the 2013 Lockyer Valley Business, Training and Apprenticeship Awards. Held on 23 November 2013, Lockyer Valley Mayor Steve Jones, said he was pleased such a high-profile media personality could host the event. “It was a real coup to be able to bring someone like Alan Jones to the Lockyer Valley,” he said. “Having grown up in the Toowoomba area, Alan’s knowledge and passion for the local area is second to none,” Cr Jones said. “He is a staunch supporter of the region and made the perfect host for the night.” “His ability to connect with the audience and understand the high’s and low’s of running a business or farming enterprise was superb,” he said. “The business awards is the Lockyer’s Valley’s premier event providing local business operators with the opportunity to showcase not only their talents but also the exceptional work carried out by their staff.” “It’s also an evening where attendees can network with other business operators and swap ideas.” “As a result of having Alan Jones host the evening, the Lockyer Valley received unprecedented coverage on 2GB the following morning,” Cr Jones said.
The majority of the site is flood free with the development a prime example of how Council is taking a leading proactive role in attracting substantial investment to the area, in turn leading to increased employment opportunities Stage One of the GWIZ development was put out to Expression of Interest in the first quarter of 2014 with the private sector keen to establish themselves on the site. Discussions are ongoing to identify the appropriate development to complement the vision Council has for the GWIZ site and surrounding area as a community node.
Working together to enhance and protect our environment and landscape.
Contents 102 Planning and Development Services
Key initiatives • Pest Management Plan • Lake Apex Master Plan • Nature conservation strategy
Performance Indicators • Waterway health rating • Outdoor recreation satisfaction • Weed and pest numbers • Land covered by conservation agreements
Looking forward • Develop a Natural Resources Management Strategy. • Develop an Environmental Management Strategy.
Planning and Development Services Cultural, Health and Regulatory Services Pest Management As Australia’s leading vegetable production region, it is imperative Council adheres to its Pest Management Plan 2013-17 adopted in 2013. The Plan identifies animal and plant pests within the Lockyer Valley and prioritises their control to minimise adverse social, economic and environmental impacts. World renowned for our abundance of rich fertile soils, we take the issue of pest management seriously and undertake a number of programs throughout the year including:
• Fire Ants – following the discovery of a number of Fire Ant nests during 2013/14, Council initiated Fire Ant awareness training for Council staff. The training assists us in being able to monitor and better detect and identify new colonies of the declared pest. Council worked in partnership with Biosecurity Queensland to monitor known colonies of Fire Ants as well as treating both the Gatton and Laidley Landfill sites from the air to further assist the prevention of Fire Ant infestation. • Herbicide Subsidy Program – to assist with the control of Parthenium Weed and Giant Rats Tail Grasses (GRT), Council initiated a scheme providing discounted chemicals used in the treatment of both declared pest species. During 2013/14, approximately 60 landholders took part in the scheme and obtained the chemicals required to treat the weeds. A subsequent follow up inspection by Council was conducted confirming treatment had been carried out. The program was a resounding success in the treatment of Parthenium and GRT and will be continued in 2014/15.
• Parthenium – native to North and South America, Parthenium grows to between 1 and 1.5 metres in height and invading prime pastural land reducing beef production. It is also known to contain allergens causing reactions such as dermatitis and hay fever. Parthenium costs the agricultural industry millions of dollars in lost revenue annually. • Giant Rats Tail Grass (GRT) – native to Africa, GRT grows up to 1.7 metres in height and is capable of producing 85,000 seeds per square metre each year, with seeds remaining active for up to a decade. Giant Rats Tail Grass spreads very quickly taking over prime agricultural land. • Wild Dog Control – in partnership with Biosecurity Queensland and Agforce, Council undertook a number of community meetings promoting wild dog awareness. Approximatly125 people attended the meetings and were given training and shown proper and safe trapping techniques. Council’s Wild Dog Baiting Program continued in September 2013 and April 2014 with 2209 baits distributed to 50 affected landholders.
Environmental Planning and Policy Lockyer Valley Regional Council provides environmental planning services to deliver sustainable environmental outcomes for the maintenance and enhancement of the Lockyer Valley’s precious natural environment. The environmental planning program protects and promotes the environment for its natural value, for community enjoyment and for the protection of local flora and fauna for future generations to enjoy.
Lockyer Valley Regional Council | Annual Report 2013/14
Gatton Showgrounds
To achieve these outcomes, Council works in close partnership with: • National Parks Queensland – specifically in the management of the Helidon Hills natural reserve system. Helidon Hills is home to a number of rare and endangered species including. Koala Phascolarctus cinereus Status Vulnerable Brush tailed rock-wallaby Petrogale penicillata Status Vulnerable Glossy black cockatoo Calyptorhyncus lathami Status Vulnerable Koala fern Caustis blakei subsp. macarantha Status Vulnerable Helidon Hill phebalium Leionema obtusifolium Status Vulnerable Grass Paspalidium grandispiculatum Status Vulnerable
• Local property owners – in the management and restoration of local creek networks through tree planting, weed removal and bank stabilisation. These measures also help protect and sustain the Lockyer Valley’s platypus population. • Healthy Waterways – to ensure our local waterways are of a high environmental standard. • Biosecurity Queensland – in the identification, management and eradication of declared pests including Fire Ants. Lockyer Valley Regional Council is also an active member of the Council of Mayors and the South East Queensland Environmental and Sustainability Committee to ensure environmental and sustainability issues that cross local government boundaries are addressed with a strong South East Queensland focus.
Alice Creek Nature Refuge – Council’s 310 hectare property purchased with assistance from the Australian Government’s Caring for Our Country grant scheme. The area required intensive work from Council to mitigate the adverse impacts of previous land use activities and was gazetted as a natural refuge in May 2014. Alice Creek is Council’s first significant conservation asset. Ecological Resource Mapping – a tool developed by Council allowing Environmental Planning staff to identify, prioritise, categorise and manage the Lockyer Valley’s natural resources. Flying Fox Roost Management – Following significant changes to State Government legislation, Council was given an ‘as of right’ authority to manage flying fox roosts in designated urban areas.
As a result of the legislation change, we developed our Statement of Management Intent (SoMI) for the mitigation of two known flying fox roosts. The SoMI outlines mitigation measures Council intends to take early in the new financial year to reduce the impact of disease, smell and noise of the two roosting areas neighbouring sensitive sites including a childcare centre and aged care facility. The SoMI also ensures all measures conducted by Council are lawful, financially responsible, equitable and fair and within the capability of Council.
Murphys Creek
104 Lake Apex dry creek bed design – in line with the Lake Apex Masterplan, Council engaged an engineer and ecologist to develop a water sensitive urban design for the revegetation and rehabilitation of a dry creek bed located within Lake Apex Park. Through the design, we have been able to address stormwater damage, erosion control and provide treatment and mitigation measures within the development to prevent negative impacts on the lake system. Lake Apex is a recreation area adored by local families and provides an ecosystem for research by both local schools studying the natural environment as well as the Gatton Campus of the University of Queensland. Land for Wildlife – as the Lockyer Valley’s economy is heavily dependent on soil fertility and weed minimisation, it is essential to maintain the values of the natural environment which
contributes directly to a sustainable agricultural industry. Land for Wildlife started in 1981 in Victoria as a means to bring wildlife back to farms. Since then, the program has expanded across Australia to support landholders manage their properties for conservation. Lockyer Valley Regional Council introduced the program in 2000 and currently has the support of more than 180 members covering some 11,400 hectares, in fact, the Lockyer Valley enjoys one of the highest ratios of members to land anywhere in South East Queensland. Through community participation in the Land for Wildlife program, Council aims to restore soil, water and ecosystem health. By taking part in the program, participants get to take part in a number of field days and attend environment related workshops.
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During the 2013/14 Financial Year, a total of five workshops and field days were held with 140 people taking part. Lockyer Valley Land for Wildlife members continue to receive assistance for a variety of issues including: • weed identification • weed management techniques • native plant identification • participation in the free native tree program • revegetation techniques and processes • pest animal issues • waterway management; and • salinity and general natural resource management issues.
Land for Wildlife Program hits the mark With the bulk of the Lockyer Valley’s economy dependent on soil fertility and weed minimisation, it is essential to maintain the values of the natural environment which contribute to sustainable agriculture. Lockyer Valley Regional Council Mayor Steve Jones, said one way Council has contributed to sustainable agriculture is through the introduction of the Land for Wildlife Program. “We started the program in 2000 following its success in Victoria where it was operating effectively since 1981,” he said. “We have approximately 185 members taking part in the program covering an area of 11,400 hectares (approximately 225,700 average Sydney suburban house blocks), making it one of the biggest areas in South East Queensland. “Given our strong ties with the land, we take a cooperative community approach in restoring soil, water and ecosystem health,” Cr Jones said. “I make no bones in saying the quality of our soil is the lifeblood of this region. We have the seventh most fertile soils on earth and are one of Australia’s leading agricultural areas which is why it is imperative we protect this valuable resource.” A recent survey of South East Queensland Land for Wildlife members showed 88% reported their knowledge on weed management and land management skills had improved by takin part in the program with 80% having their property condition improve. As part of the Lockyer Valley Regional Council program, field days and workshops are held for participating members. During the 2013/2014 Financial Year, five field days and workshops were held with over 140 people in attendance. The focus of the field days and workshops was native birds and wetlands of the Lockyer Valley. Nature Based Recreation Framework – Council’s long term vision is to create an environment rich region that encourages outdoor recreation. A framework has been developed to help achieve this goal with Council continuing to work with both the Queensland and Australian Governments. Planning Scheme – The draft Lockyer Valley Regional Council Planning Scheme aligns our land use and environmental management policy with the Queensland Government’s State Planning Policy. The new scheme, due for implementation next financial year, will ensure appropriate environmental assessments are included in all new development applications.
The program has been so successful, Council has expanded the program to support landholders with catchment management activities. The aim of the new venture is to keep soil in paddocks, improve water quality, manage weeds and foster the enhancement and maintenance of ecological communities and systems, with significant flow on benefits for the broader community.
Working together for well planned and connected communities.
Contents 108 Governance and Performance 108 Infrastructure Works and Services 111 Infrastructure Planning and Design 112 Planning and Development Services 114 Regional Development
Key initiatives • Disaster resilience works • Master Plan and Planning Scheme • Finalise land swap arrangements to Grantham Estate
Performance Indicators • Approvals for housing and buildings • Number of planning appeals • Processing time for applications
Looking forward • Deliver NDRRA 2013 Restoration Program. • Implement Planning Scheme provisions to facilitate regional and business growth and development.
University of Queensland, Gatton Campus
Governance and Performance Disaster Management Regional Awareness Tours Following the 2011 flood event, disaster management training become compulsory for all Council employees with a select number of staff designated to operate out of the Disaster Coordination Centre in time of need.
As a vital part of the training and exercise regime for staff identified to work in the Centre, a number of regional tours were conducted as a way for staff to gain situational awareness of the hazards and threats to the community.
The tour highlighted areas of the Lockyer Valley that are more likely to be impacted by an event such as low lying and bush fire prone areas giving staff first-hand knowledge of known hot spots. By attending the tour, staff also developed a strong understanding of the coordinated approach needed during a disaster event using the Disaster Management System, the Queensland Disaster Management Structure and the role of partner organisations including the Queensland Police Service,
Queensland Fire and Rescue Service and Queensland Ambulance Service. During the tours, attendees heard how certain hazards impact different areas from emergency services personnel. During the 2013/14 Financial Year, Council hosted three tours including: • Eastern Lockyer Valley • Western Lockyer Valley; and • State Coordination and State Operations Centres.
Infrastructure Works and Services Assets Lockyer Valley Regional Council’s Infrastructure Works and Services department maintains a number of assets on behalf of the community including: • Roads oo Sealed – 922 km oo Gravelled – 472 km
• Bridges oo Timber – 5 oo Concrete – 23
Asset management • Footpaths oo Concrete – 39.8km oo Asphalt – 1.4km oo Pavers – 2.6km oo Concrete culverts – 2592 oo Floodways – 6.07km oo Concrete kerb and channel –
240km oo Stormwater pipe system –
oo Pedestrian – 3
Lockyer Valley Regional Council | Annual Report 2013/14
A dedicated module in the Council’s business management system, One Council, has been developed as a way to better manage Council owned assets. Plant and equipment assets are thoroughly checked with defects entered into the new system which helps map out future maintenance schedules. As a result, significant gains have been made in defining asset maintenance processes and systems resulting in maintenance being undertaken in a planned and systematic way allowing us to achieve efficiencies in allocating staff time and resources.
Bitumen re-seal program
The project was jointly funded by Council and the Queensland Government at a cost of $295,000.
The project was jointly funded by Council and the Queensland Government at a cost of $185,000.
With a road network of close to 1400km, it is vital adequate maintenance is carried out as part of our integral long term asset management strategy. During 2013/14, 11 roads were resealed at a cost of close to one million dollars.
Laidley Multipurpose Sports and Recreation Centre – Lockyer Valley Regional Council made a commitment to Laidley’s future with the announcement of a purpose built multi-million dollar Multipurpose Sport and Recreation Centre to be built at the Laidley Recreation Reserve.
Lockyer Valley Sports and Aquatic Centre – construction of the region’s largest infrastructure project is well under way and on track to be completed towards the middle of the 2014/15 Financial Year. The Lockyer Valley Sports and Aquatic Centre features a FINA rated 10 lane Olympic size pool, clubhouse, new kiosk and 25 metre learn-to-swim pool.
By ensuring road condition inspections are carried out routinely, we are able to make considerable cost savings avoiding the need to have to undertake more expensive repairs.
Capital Works Program Laidley CCTV cameras – as a way to reduce crime in the Laidley CBD, Council installed a series of Closed Circuit Television Cameras in prime locations. The cameras stream live footage 24 hours a day to a network recorder where footage can be accessed by dedicated staff and the Queensland Police Service. Within weeks of the cameras being installed, a request for footage came through from the Queensland Police Service. Laidley District State School car park – a new community car park was constructed adjacent to the Laidley District State School allowing for additional parking during school hour drop-off and pick up. The new car park provides just under 60 car spaces and has greatly improved safety for the school children.
Following a tender process, Council awarded construction of the project to Northbuild Construction Pty Ltd. Works began in June 2014 on demolishing the old Grandstand with sections of wood from the structure being delivered to the Laidley Pioneer Village where it will eventually be reconstructed into a smaller version. Stage One works include the construction of a 600 square metre club house, new 225 seat grandstand and new car parking. The $3 million project is the largest single investment into the Laidley area in almost 40 years. Lake Apex Service Road and Car Park – a new loop road was constructed by Council at the Lake Apex Fauna Sanctuary at Gatton providing vehicular access and access to additional parking and toilet facilities. The loop road also provides vehicular access to the Lights on the Hill memorial, a dedication to the hard working members of the Australian transport industry who had lost their lives in a work related incident.
Both pools feature disability access allowing the pools to be accessed easily for people in wheelchairs as well as for physiotherapy purposes.
110 Fleet
Flood Restoration
Lockyer Valley Regional Council continued to deliver the Fleet Replacement Program throughout 2013/14.
The Lockyer Valley was decimated by two significant flood events, the first on 10 January 2011, the second on Australia Day 2013, both causing widespread damage to the region.
The Program allows Council to replace fleet items at a predetermined level and replace it with equipment that best suits the role. In 2013/14, Council replaced two ageing UD trucks with new state-of-the-art Kenworth trucks. The Kenworths offer us higher resale value as well as the best return on investment over the predetermined life of the vehicle. Council also bought a new stateof-the-art Road Maintenance Unit allowing us to undertake multiple tasks with the one fleet item and in turn deliver better and more efficient road maintenance outcomes.
The cost of rebuilding the Lockyer Valley was in part offset through the Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements (NDRRA), a joint funding initiative between the Commonwealth and Queensland Governments. With funding coming to an end for 2011 flood restoration works as of 30 June 2013, Council undertook a total of 524 projects at a cost of $145 million. Projects aimed to rebuild the region included the reconstruction of five bridges, 92 floodways with a further 100 repaired and the maintenance of more than 1000km of road infrastructure. Council also received funding for an additional 18 items under the
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Queensland and Commonwealth Government’s Betterment Scheme. Prior to the scheme, restoration works had to be made like–for-like meaning if a piece of infrastructure was prone to flooding, it had to be rebuilt to the exact same standards otherwise NDRRA funding wouldn’t be approved. Under the Betterment Scheme, Council was able to put a case forward where the likelihood of replacing a piece of infrastructure to the same standard would likely result in it again needing to be replaced and or repaired. If approved, additional funding would be provided under the Betterment Program. Through the Program we were able to increase roadway infrastructure resilience for flood events which reduce the duration of resident’s isolation during future events. Reconstruction works are also continuing on 2013 restoration with NDRRA funding concluding at the end of the 2014/15 Financial Year.
Infrastructure Planning and Design In addition to providing technical support, civil design and forward planning for core infrastructure projects, the Planning and Design Branch continued with NDRRA projects including:
Laidley Flood Mitigation Strategy An overall flood mitigation strategy was developed for the township of Laidley following the 2013 flood event including: • Storr Street drain – the existing drain profile was increased to 20 metres wide with construction commencing in May 2014 and due for completion in August 2014. • Narda Lagoon Levee – construction of a new embankment commenced in May 2014 and is due to be completed in August 2014.
Footpaths Lockyer Valley Regional Council maintains 43.8 kilometres of footpath network. During 2013/14, Council rectified a safety issue for pedestrians by constructing a footpath linking the Gatton CBD with the eastern part of town, eliminating the need for people to walk on uneven ground.
Road Maintenance One of the core responsibilities of any local government body is the continued maintenance of the road network. There is 1394 kilometres of road network within the Lockyer Valley, all of which requires periodic maintenance and grading including pothole repair and guide post and drainage works. Council also carried out contractual work for the maintenance services of Queensland Government owned roads within the Lockyer Valley.
• CBD Levee – design work has commenced for a proposed levee located on the northern side of the existing channel which will dramatically reduce flood damage to the township of Laidley.
Flood modelling • Laidley Regional Plan and Laidley Master Plan • Forest Hill flood mitigation • Continued improvement in flood hazard mapping • Regency Downs Local flood and Flood Risk management Study; and • Challenge Avenue flood mitigation.
Australian Army Blackhawk Helicopter on Councilâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Lake Clarendon Helipad
Planning and Development Services Helipad
proponents of the Lockyer Valley Regional Airport at Lake Clarendon.
Following the 2011 flood event, it became apparent there was a real need for a dedicated helipad in the Lockyer Valley which could accommodate large military and civilian helicopters utilised in time of need.
Designed to carry helicopters to the size of a Blackhawk, Bell 412 and Augusta Westland AW139, the helipad was officially launched on 20 November, 2013 with the Surf Lifesaver Rescue Helicopter the first to land at the facility.
Council sought and was successful in attracting funding for the construction of a helipad located on a parcel of land donated by the
Senior Pilot John Rowell, commented the helipad was visible from five miles out providing an easily recognisable landing site in time of disaster.
Lockyer Valley Regional Council | Annual Report 2013/14
The official opening generated a large amount of media interest with the story airing on both regional and Brisbane television networks. A month after the opening, Lockyer Valley Regional Council was in the fortunate position to be able to test the site with the landing of an Australian Army Blackhawk. In future, the site will also be able to act as a refuelling station for helicopters.
Strategic Land Use Planning The Lockyer valley is a special place and for approximately 37,000 people, its home. It’s the place where the community sees a future for their families which is why it is so important that as a Council, we protect and preserve the region for generations to come. To achieve this, we have to delicately balance and plan for sustained growth while at the same time ensure we don’t lose the look and feel of the relaxed country lifestyle that made people fall in love with the Lockyer Valley in the first place. Lockyer Valley Regional Council has prepared the Lockyer Valley Planning Scheme to manage growth and guide new development across the region over the next decade. We sought input from the community and from the feedback received, have put together the Draft Lockyer Valley planning Scheme. The Scheme has been divided into six distinct categories including: • Natural Places – while predominately consisting of national parks, state forests and reserves, Natural Places also include privately owned land that share similar characteristics. New residential development in these areas has been limited to existing lots only. • Rural Places – used mostly for primary production including cattle grazing, cropping and animal husbandry, Rural Places form the basis of our regional economy and provide the location where the most intensive and productive rural activities occur.
• Suburban Neighbourhoods – offer opportunities for home based business at varying scales. Suburban Neighbourhoods are places where the majority of people live and provide the most variance in residential lot sizes and the type of dwellings. • Urban Neighbourhoods – provide the largest mix and range of dwelling types and are typically found near major centres such as Gatton, Laidley and Plainland. • Town Centres – offer a vibrant place where business, retail, professional, administrative, community, entertainment, cultural and residential activities are clustered. Town Centres provide a place to meet, work, do business, go for social outings and provide entertainment areas. • Specific Use Places – the Lockyer Valley is home to a number of specialised places including the University of Queensland, the Helidon Explosives Magazine Precinct, the South East Queensland Correctional Precinct, the Lockyer Valley Airport as well as essential services such as hospitals, schools and government precincts. The Draft Planning Scheme places the Lockyer Valley at the cutting edge of development regulation in Queensland with public consultation expected to occur towards the middle of the 2014/15 financial Year.
Development Assessment and Facilitation Councilâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Development and Assessment Team provides individuals and businesses important information and assistance on development issues. During the 2013/14 Financial Year, the team attended 138 meetings on development proposals and attended to more than 2500 telephone enquiries on issues ranging from providing information to purchasers of residential properties through to resolving complex technical design issues for development proponents.
Development Applications received 120
100 80 60 40 20 0
Laidley Futures In response to the 2011 and 2013 flood events, the Laidley Futures project was initiated by Council as a way to identify opportunities and support future growth of the existing Patrick Street business area. Council engaged urban design professionals to help identify a range of actions we could undertake to improve the Laidley business area and its surrounds to remain a vibrant focus for Laidley residents.
Planning and Environment Court appeals
Throughout the 2013/14 Financial Year, Council was able to strengthen its mediation processes and settle a number of outstanding planning appeals avoiding costly Land and Environment Court hearing.
Development Approvals issued 120
80 60 40 20 0
Regional Development Digital Local Government Project Introduced at the end of 2013, the Digital Local Government Project was seen as a way to implement new, modern and efficient technology into Council. As part of the Digital Economy Strategy, we were successful in receiving funding to modernise our ability to engage with customers, businesses and the community. The introduction of the Lockyer Live Chat on our website was the first stage of the Digital Local Government Project followed by the installation of a video conferencing system across all Council sites and promotion of the
new technology to everyone in the Lockyer Valley and beyond. Combined, these systems will provide us with modern and sustainable technology to ensure we can deliver the best and fastest community services across the region.
Lockyer Live Chat This piece of software provides residents with an additional way in which they can communicate with Council. Using the modern piece of technology, customers are given the opportunity to start a live chat conversation with one of our Customer Service Officers directly from our website with almost no waiting time.
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Video conferencing system The Video Conferencing System enables all departments within Council to undertake meetings online, eliminating travel time and providing saving costs to Council. Early next financial year, Council will introduce this system to the public, giving customers and businesses the option to book a video conferencing room either in the Laidley or Gatton office. Businesses will also be able to use these facilities to contact their business partners, suppliers and even offer their products to new markets, literally everywhere.
Regional Awareness tours Disaster management is no stranger in the Lockyer Valley, and our region knows only too well the ability to effectively coordinate a team in the case of a disaster requires extensive and in depth preparation rituals. Following on from the impacts of the 2011 flood event, Lockyer Valley Regional Council made it compulsory for staff to undertake disaster management training. Lockyer Valley Mayor Steve Jones, said it was important for staff who operate out of the Disaster Coordination Centre undergo additional training, training that is often not received. “What we needed to provide was the in-depth local knowledge for known hot spot areas and the best way to achieve that was to undertake regional awareness tours,” he said. “The tours were conducted so staff could appropriately visualise the hazards and threats that are posed to the community,” Cr Jones said. “It gave them the knowledge they need to effectively facilitate actions in the event of a disaster and allowed them to become familiar with known trouble areas in the region. As a result of the tours, staff were also able to see and interact with key stakeholders including the Queensland Police Services, Queensland Fire and Rescue Services and the Queensland Ambulance Service. . “Staff was able to gain firsthand experience of the different threats and hazards that are posed in different areas in the region. The diversity of land, infrastructure and housing configurations allowed them to understand why it is so important to have different reaction plans in place for different areas,” Cr Jones said. Preston Peak
Working together to create a high performing organisation with a customer focus.
Contents 118 Corporate and Community Services 120 Organisational Development and Engagement 128 Governance and Performance
Key initiatives • Develop a Workforce Plan • Enhance IT infrastructure systems • Risk Management Framework
Performance Indicators • Staff turnover and retention • Workplace health and safety indicators • Financial sustainability • Performance management Reporting
Looking forward • Undertake continuous improvement activity to further develop Council’s Business Continuity Plan. • Seek Work Health and Safety Safe plan achievements in line with industry better practice.
Corporate and Community Services Geographical Information System Planning Scheme mapping
Desktop mapping
Council’s Geographical Information System (GIS) Unit played a pivotal role in the preparation of a suite of mapping products that are being used to deliver highly detailed spatial data of the Lockyer Valley Planning Scheme (see page 113) to key stakeholder authorities.
A major component of GIS during the 2013/14 financial Year has been the development, configuration and testing of new mapping software that enables a centralised, sustainable and intuitive desktop mapping solution that will:
The unit also developed innovative and specialist mapping tools allowing Council to streamline and integrate data with its corporate applications and systems.
• streamline the usability of GIS mapping for staff • increase efficiencies for application/software training and the provision of spatial data to staff • allow the integration of GIS mapping into Council’s new corporate systems; and • improve the understanding and useability of spatial data. It is anticipated the new software will be rolled out to staff during the next financial year.
Dial Before You Dig Lockyer Valley Regional Council no longer processes Dial Before You Dig requests for water and sewerage infrastructure with that function now undertaken by Queensland Urban Utilities (QUU). Council now only processes applications on Council owned infrastructure. As a result, there has been a 36.5 per cent decline in the number of requests from last financial year for Dial Before You Dig applications. There has also been a 58.5 per cent reduction in the number of staff requests.
Dial Before You Dig Requests 2012/13
Staff requests
Dial Before You Dig 0
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Information and Communication Technology A large number of projects set to reduce identified risks and improve staff productivity and reporting functionality commenced during the 2013/14 Financial Year including: • Corporate software upgrade – in order to streamline Council operations and move the organisation towards a more environmentally friendly and efficient paperless environment, the following program was introduced. oo One Council – a fully
integrated financial and payroll system which allows Council to streamline business processes and improve performance and efficiency. Phase One of the system was implemented in November 2013 with Phases Two and Three set to be rolled out next financial year subject to budget availability. The introduction of the additional phases will bring increased functionality for Council including online planning, budgeting, mobilisation of asset management, online customer requests and online customer access to property and animal information. • High Speed Network connectivity – an ongoing issue as Council continues to grow and develop and introduce more technology based systems, was the need for increased bandwidth between the Gatton and Laidley offices. Council’s ageing microwave system was replaced with a new fibre optic system providing a one gigabit connection.
• Desktop operating system upgrade – Council upgraded all desktop and notebook operating systems from Windows XP to Windows 7. The upgrade provides improved security, increased functionality and allows for continued support. • Office Productivity Software upgrade – in line with the upgrade of Council’s operating systems, an upgrade of Microsoft Office was also undertaken. The upgrade from Office 2003 to 2010 provides staff with increased functionality, allows for more professional presentations and brings the organisation in line with other Councils and key stakeholders. • End Point Security software upgrade – in order to prevent unauthorised access to Council systems, data loss, malware infections and the spread of computer based viruses, an upgrade and replacement of End Point security software took place. • Replacement of printers – planning has commenced for the full replacement of all Council print devices. The replacement will allow Council to reduce printing costs by approximately $300,000 over five years. • Wireless network – planning has commenced for the introduction of a wireless network solution throughout Council’s administration building. • Firewall and Reverse Proxy upgrade – planning has commenced for the upgrade of critical firewall and reverse proxy systems to assist with the detection and prevention of unauthorised access to Council’s information assets.
Organisational Development and Engagement Organisational Development Working in collaboration with the Executive Leadership Team, the role of the Organisational Development Unit is to infuse the organisation with a performance orientated culture and develop an organisation committed to continuous learning and improvement.
Change management Based on our desired culture and values of creating a high performing organisation continually striving for excellence, a Change Management Program was introduced. To ensure transparency and to evaluate organisational benefit prior to changes being implemented, a climate survey was undertaken by staff to establish a base line going forward.
In addition, a custom designed Organisational Development Plan, formulated to address the lifecycle of employees from induction to separation, was developed and is in the process of being introduced.
Organisational reform As part of Council’s vision of creating a high performing organisation and acknowledging local government is more than just roads, rates and rubbish, Council started the process of organisational reform.
• project based work • flexible deployment • learning and development • performance focus • commitment; and • human spirit and work. As a way to gain a snapshot of the current culture, which has a major impact on how we do business, a follow up Climate Survey was conducted in late 2013 marking the two year anniversary since the eight themes were first identified. The 2013 project team, made up of staff from all levels of Council met over a two-day workshop facilitated by Dr Tim Baker, international consultant, author and keynote speaker to examine the results of the latest survey and compare the findings to the 2011 data. Changes between the 2011 and 2013 survey included: • Council staff seeking greater recognition from middle and senior management for performing tasks outside of their regular job description • a 33 per cent increase in senior management’s belief that staff generally want to learn tasks beyond the scope of their current role • a five per cent increase in staff believing their interests are well matched to their current role
Understanding that changing a workplace culture does not happen overnight and that it’s a continual process requiring commitment from both employers and employees, we undertook a staff survey.
• a 33 per cent increase in learning and applying new skills
The survey asked staff to list what they thought was needed for Council to achieve its goal of becoming a high performing organisation. The top eight responses included:
• staff believe an improvement has been made from the 2011 survey with staff willing to contribute to the organisation and support management through training to develop cultural growth.
• open information
• senior management believing current training being undertaken is benefiting the workforce’s problem solving skills; and
• customer focus
Lockyer Valley Regional Council | Annual Report 2013/14
Continuous Improvement Program Council recognises the key to a high performing organisation is great staff and as one of the largest local employers in the region, we value our employees. Our Continuous Improvement Program was implemented to identify and address staff training needs and as a way to provide significant career progression. Through the continual development of the program, we are able to achieve efficient outcomes in service delivery while at the same time fostering an attitude of continuous improvement throughout the organisation.
Organisational Development Formulated to instil Council with a culture of high performance by building workplace relationships and capacity, the Organisational Development Plan focuses on four key areas of organisational development including: • attract – recruit and select the right staff at the right time to do the right job • engage – with our staff to ensure accountability and responsibility in the roles they perform • commitment – to the role resulting in excellent community outcomes; and • develop – and invest in our staff to ensure service excellence and a sense of urgency.
Organisational performance reporting In order for Council to adequately track its performance against set targets, a suite of Corporate Performance Indicators was established. Through regular reporting of human resource metrics to Council’s Executive Leadership Team, vital staff information including demographics, attrition and Workplace, Health and Safety incidents are able to be monitored. Regular reporting is also in place covering all Council initiatives and projects.
Performance management In a first of its kind since the amalgamation of the former Gatton and Laidley Councils in 2008, Lockyer Valley Regional Council developed and implemented a Performance Management System. The System links skills assessment and development training with current and future organisational needs. All staff position descriptions and classifications have been reviewed to ensure alignment with organisational requirements. Since being introduced there have been benefits to Council through the increase in uptake and identification of training courses by staff and management. The implementation of ECM and One Council systems have also streamlined the processes for distribution, access and storage of this information.
Workforce planning With base demographics having now been established, a detailed Workforce Plan covering the next five years will be rolled out next financial year in conjunction with the Local Government Association of Queensland and other Queensland Councils.
Reward and Recognition Framework As a way to provide Council with more ability to reward employees who bring specialist skills to their role, a formal reward and recognition framework was established. The framework also provides scope to formally recognise high performing individuals through the Employee of the Quarter Award as well as the Team of the Year and Employee of the Year Awards which are presented at the end of year Christmas function. The recognition framework has been well received by staff with large numbers of nominations received. The criteria for the awards are based on the eight themes identified through the climate survey, being: • open information • customer focus • project based work
Organisational Development Service model changes As a way for Council to become a better business partner with internal staff, a new service model was adopted for organisational development matters. The model allocated individual members of the Organisational Development Team with each of the five groups within Council (see page 42) as a first point of contact and who are responsible for actioning requests and/or co-ordinating solutions. Anticipated outcomes include: • improved service offering a personalised touch and a one stop shop model • greater accountability and people focus • the ability to form better relationships, build trust and eliminate silos among the Groups and the Organisational Development Team • improved integration through a better understanding of group dynamics, challenges and opportunities within each business unit
• flexible deployment
• efficient and effective problem solving
• learning and development
• consistent responses; and
• performance focus
• supported and knowledgeable managers equipped and confident to deal with OD related matters within their business units.
• commitment; and • human spirit and work.
Organisation and People Development Recruitment Council recorded only a slight decrease in staffing numbers this financial year due to the impact of the 2013 Australia Day flood event. Additional staff were hired for the restoration of the region as well as to back fill full time staff working on the major software upgrade to Councilâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s business and records systems.
Training Organisational & People Development filled 645 internal training places during the 2013/14 Financial Year. Courses included: 1. Diploma Project Management 2. Diploma HRM 3. Certificate IV Customer Contact 4. Certificate IV Safety and Environment Auditor 5. Cert III Business Administration 6. Certificate III Mechanical
Employment status Changes in establishment numbers can be attributed to the diminishing number of staff required for flood work and processes put in place to review other positions as they become vacant. Please see Diagrams 1-4 on pages 126 and 127.
7. Certificate III Civil Construction 8. Certificate III Horticulture 9. Traffic Controller Refresher 10. Introduction to Project Management 11. Senior First Aid 12. CPR 13. Bullying & Harassment in the Workplace 14. Microsoft Office Suite 2010 15. AEMI Training
16. Time 2 Lead â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Council Emerging Leaders Program 17. Fire Evacuation 18. Fire Warden Course 19. Managing People for Performance 20. Business Letter & Report Writing 21. Performance Management & Discipline 22. Good Decisions Training 23. EEO Contact Officer Course 24. Presenting Complex Content Easily 25. Planning for Effective Public Participation Council was also successful in securing $66,000 in State Government funding to support a traineeship program implemented by the Queensland Government to assist flood and other disaster affected local governments. The program gave people an opportunity to work within local government on a full time basis for a period of 12 months while undertaking an accredited TAFE course. Through the program, we were able to provide six business administration traineeships with some expected to go on to full time employment with Council when the traineeships come to an end next financial year.
Lockyer Valley Regional Council | Annual Report 2013/14
Collaboration with other Councils With local governments across Queensland receiving less money from the State Government and continually being asked to do more with less, it is essential that bordering Councils band together and share resources where possible. During the 2013/14 Financial Year, Lockyer Valley Regional Council shared its plumbing inspectors with Somerset Regional Council and Toowoomba Regional Council on improving safety across the regions and shared customer service staff with Ipswich City Council. It is anticipated that further opportunities will arise with neighbouring Councils as we continue to invest in our region’s future. Sharing resources provides an opportunity to strengthen our relationships with neighbouring Councils and provides a strong basis to develop opportunities for the betterment of our communities.
bullying or inequity in the workplace. Contact Officers have access to a raft of complaint resolution options available from within Council as well as from external sources and help staff make informed decisions about how best to address their grievance. Contact Officers duties may involve: • listening and acting as a support person • explaining and providing information about what constitutes discrimination, harassment and bullying. • providing information about the options available to deal with the concerns and the likely results • outlining staff rights under Queensland and Federal equal opportunity law • discussing possible strategies to deal directly with the other person • referring a person to counselling or other support services where necessary
Contact Officer Program
• referring staff who decide to make a formal complaint to the appropriate person for investigation
As a leading employer in the region, we are fully committed to creating a work environment that has a zero tolerance for harassment in the workplace and an environment where all employees are treated equitably.
• providing general information and copies of organisational equal opportunity policies and complaint procedures to any member of staff; and
A Contact Officer Network has been established as a first point of contact to support people who believe they may be experiencing harassment,
• promoting the role of the Contact Officer throughout the organisation.
Developing emerging leaders Council openly identifies and encourages emerging leaders throughout the organisation with support given through a number of available courses including:
Time 2 Lead Program Time 2 Lead is a program designed to provide participants with the skills and knowledge to lead in the modern local government environment. The program establishes and promotes strong relationships between colleagues and assists our emerging leaders transform their thinking while increasing their leadership capabilities. Time 2 Lead is conducted over a period of eight weeks as outlined below:
Week 1 Pre-program manager and supervisor workshop – This workshop confirms the supervisor’s expectations of the participant in this program. Week 1 Leadership workshop – This is a two-day workshop focusing on leadership development through an action and experiential learning environment. Each participant completes the workshop with an individual development and action plan. Weeks 3 and 6 Coaching sessions – Each participant receives one to one support from an external facilitator assisting to apply and embed newly learnt skills and behaviour change in the workplace (these sessions are an hour each). Week 7 Transition and handover – This is an opportunity to share progress and ongoing development with the supervisor or manager. This process facilitates transference of learning into the workplace.
3 Months Post-program review – This session assists participants reflect on the skills acquired in the program and develop an action plan for incorporating these skills into ongoing practice.
Leading the Leader Program
They include: • effective team skills • planning and project management skills • negotiation and influencing skills • listening and interpersonal communication skills
As an organisation, we acknowledge leadership development is an ongoing process which is why we continue to make a significant investment in developing our emerging leaders and continue to strive to ensure the return on investment is maximised.
• emotional intelligence
The quality and regularity of the support given to our emerging leaders is a critical factor in embedding an exceptional leadership culture throughout the organisation.
• professional ethics and values; and
The Executive Leadership Team, who manages these emerging leaders, is in most cases, the major support for the ongoing leadership development of this group. Our focus on the continued development of all leaders across the organisation promotes a collegial ‘community of practice’, transforms participants’ thinking and increases their leadership capabilities.
The LGMA Australasian Management Challenge The major objective of the Challenge is to provide local government employees with a highly relevant learning experience in management and teamwork that readily translates back into their day-to-day workplace. The Challenge is based on a series of professional management capabilities which have been shown to be critical for people in leadership positions in local government.
Lockyer Valley Regional Council | Annual Report 2013/14
• written and verbal presentation skills • skills in different ways of thinking and problem-solving • political awareness
• time management skills.
The LGMA Ignite Program The Ignite Program is a leadership learning path for new supervisors, team leaders and coordinators offered The focus of the program is to enable staff with limited experience in managing and leading people develop the competencies required to be successful in a supervisory role. The role of a new supervisor, team leader or coordinator, is as much about leading people as it is about managing the delivery of a service. The importance of developing the skills for leading and managing people is critical and cannot be underestimated. The Ignite Program comprises a series of practical sessions and components including: • a residential immersion experience • a series of workshops designed to teach, support and motivate participants • two one-hour individual coaching sessions to reinforce positive habits on the job; and • active involvement of participant managers throughout the program.
The Local Government Propeller Program The LGMA Queensland Propeller Program is a dynamic professional development program that gives participants a broad understanding of Local Government in Queensland – its nuances, challenges and opportunities. Using a blend of expert input and experiential learning, the program is able to maximise outcomes and provide extensive interaction between participants.
Through the scheme, staff can be recognised as employee of the quarter, employee or team of the year or be rewarded with financial gain where there may have ordinarily been limitations due to factors including the staff member being on their top pay band. The scheme sets out strict criteria based on our core values (see page 3).
Improving work, family and lifestyle balance
Key elements of the program include: • exposing participants to a broad range of local government experiences and insights at a shire, city, regional and Aboriginal Council perspective; • self-managing each session, encouraging participants to use good communication skills, high level negotiation and influencing skills, project management and interpersonal skills; and • exploring and evaluating local government case studies and other learning materials that can be readily applied to daily leadership and management practices in a work environment. Council also supports office and field staff with professional development activities such as certificate level courses, higher education study programs and other professional development programs.
Fostering reward and recognition Within any organisation there are employees who continually go above and beyond what’s required in their position descriptions and as an employer, we needed a way to reward staff that do so on a continual basis. The introduction of the Reward and Recognition Scheme provided us with the opportunity to reward these staff and formally recognise their contribution to Council.
One of our major goals as an organisation has always been to be recognised as an employer of choice. This can only take place if employees sell our brand and what we stand for to the community and in doing so, build a desire for people to want to work for Council, but that can only truly occur if staff believe in Council, our values and what we are trying to achieve. As a way to create this brand, we worked closely with staff and a number of industry unions and lead negotiations on an Enterprise Bargaining Agreement (EBA) which provided flexible work arrangements and additional benefits such as paid Paternal Leave for spouses and additional paid Maternity Leave. In fact, the majority of additional lifestyle inclusions included in the EBA were introduced at the instigation of Council showing we are not only serious about becoming an employer of choice, but that we also firmly believe in rewarding staff for the good work they continue to deliver. Council also developed a Joint Consultative Committee which meets on a regular basis with key staff and union representatives to discuss employer/employee matters to improve the overall workplace.
At this stage, negotiations for the next Enterprise Bargaining Agreement is schedule to commence midway through the 2014/15 Financial Year.
Employee Assistance Program Particularly after the devastating flood events of 2011 and 2013, staff have found the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) of immense value to not only themselves, but their immediate families as well. The current program provides 24 hour assistance to all employees and their families for a variety of instances including: • trauma • work issues • stress • financial matters • substance abuse • parent assistance • child/teen assistance; and • managerial assistance.
Maintaining a healthy workplace As a way to provide staff with a fun way of maintaining a level of health and fitness while bonding them together, Council introduced a staff well-being program. As the program develops, there will be regular sporting events, walk to work groups, health checks, diet information, free fruit for staff and special events for staff and their families.
Supporting a positive culture Before we can support a positive culture as an organisation, we had to first determine the culture we had as opposed to the culture the organisation requires. By introducing measures such as the well-being program, improving work/lifestyle balance, reward and recognition, professional development opportunities and leadership pathways, we were able to assist employees better engage in the workplace while still maintaining a healthy lifestyle balance between family and work. With indicators already showing a positive culture shift, we are confident that over time, the culture will continue to rise.
Diagram 1 – Employees by Employment Status 26 24
271 266
Permanent 33 23 14 14 44 51
Fixed Term Part Time Casual
4 4 Apprentice 4 2 Trainee 5 8 Cadet
As at 30 June 2014, Lockyer Valley Regional Council retained 392 employees (360 FTE) compared to 401 staff at 30 June 2013). The following charts give visual representations of the workplace demographics with a summary of the changes between July 2013 and June 2014. Although there has not been a significant change to the total number of employees Council retains, there has been a slight decrease in the number of staff which can be directly attributed to community recovery activities since the flood event of January 2013. While it would have been Council’s intention to reduce the number of temporary fixed term staff, experiencing another major flood made that task impossible in the short term.
Diagram 2 – Employees by Age 14-20
30 76 73
21-30 61 63
June 2014
July 2013
125 118
41-50 90 87
51-60 16
3 3
July 2013
71-75 0 0 0
Diagram 2 serves to emphasise the fact Council has an aging workforce with 109 staff, or 27%, falling within the 51-75 age group range. When considering the potential impact this has on the organisation, strategies have been developed to manage the loss of tacit knowledge and experience from the workforce. Strategies include the introduction of a phased retirement program, mentoring program and a complete review of all position descriptions across the organisation.
Lockyer Valley Regional Council | Annual Report 2013/14
June 2014 100
While the outdoor workforce remains predominantly male, gender equity is always considered when recruiting for these positions. Council is still proud to be an equal opportunity employer within the community.
Diagram 3 – Employees by Gender 41%
Diagram 4 – Staff by Gender 42%
23% 3%
33% July 2012 Male
Diagram 5 – Staff numbers 231
Male Office
Male Depot
Female Office
Female Depot
Diagram 6 – WH&S Activities 2013/14 496
150 100
200 100
72 34
Work Health and Safety Lockyer Valley Regional Council takes the health and safety of its staff very seriously and has adopted a zero harm policy to minimise the risk of injury. Council was awarded a Gold Award for safety in 2010 with the next scheduled audit review taking place in 2015.
While we continue to strive for a zero harm workplace, there were 41 incidents reported in 2013/14 representing an 80 per cent decrease on the previous year with 17 workers compensation claims accepted. As part of Council’s ongoing commitment to safety, supervisors undertake regular toolbox sessions as a refresher on safety tips and rules.
Audiometric Testing
Near Misses
2013/14 Female
Hazard Inspections
LTI Days
Compensation Claims
0 Injuries
Toolbox Talks
June 2013
We are continually looking for new ways to reduce the risk of staff injury with Diagram 6 showing work undertaken by Council to reduce the risk of injury in the workplace.
Governance and Performance Corporate Communications The success of any organisation is heavily reliant on its staff and as a way to make sure they a kept informed of operational and social issues, good communication plays a pivotal role in our organisation. Our Corporate Communications department have a number of channels used to communicate with staff including: • CEO Announcements – during 2013/14 there were 85 CEO announcements issued on a variety of topics.
• Ask the CEO – introduced last financial year, staff are able to ask questions about the direction of Council or raise issues of concern anonymously. Questions along with answers are placed on the intranet for all staff to view. During 2013/14 there were 32 questions to the CEO. • The Watercooler – issued weekly by email, the Watercooler provides information on operational aspects of Council as well as social issues. Stories are short and more information based. Throughout the year, more than 500 stories were written.
Lockyer Valley Regional Council | Annual Report 2013/14
• In the Loop – issued monthly by email, In the Loop is more of a story based communication tool with more of a staff and social focus. During the year, approximately 250 stories were delivered through this channel. • Intranet – Council’s intranet page acts as key communication tool and provides staff with information on upcoming events, provides access to internal forms, social pages and has a buy and sell function. While Council continues to deliver two staff newsletters as a way to reach as many staff as possible, a review of internal communications is about to get underway.
The welfare of staff is paramount At Lockyer Valley Regional Council we pride ourselves on the diversity of staff employed and our ability to effectively ensure they are all treated with the same amount of respect and dignity. We are an extremely multicultural workplace and do not tolerate any form of discrimination or inequality. The forefront of our concern in all aspects of our workspace is that no one is bullied, harassed or vilified for any reason. Lockyer Valley Mayor Steve Jones said the implementation of the Contact Officer Program at the commencement of this financial year has proven to be a success in guaranteeing our workplace is one that employees are happy to come back to. “The program provides a team of qualified personnel who have taken on the responsibility of being a first point of contact to support people who believe they may experiencing harassment, bullying or inequity while at work,” he said. “Contact Officers are equipped with the appropriate knowledge and resources to help make informed decisions to best resolve any grievances,” Cr Jones said. “By giving these duties to co-workers, we believe staff will feel more comfortable to address and discuss any issues they are experiencing.” “Through the program, we hope we can continue to enforce the safe, harassment free environment that we promote.
Councilâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Financial Statements.
Contents 133 Statement of Comprehensive Income 134 Statement of Financial Position 135 Statement of Changes in Equity 136 Statement of Cash Flows 137 Notes to the Financial Statements 199 Management Certificate 206 Auditorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Report
For more information phone 1300 005 872, email or visit Lockyer Valley Regional Council, PO Box 82, Gatton Qld 4343 Gatton office: 26 Railway Street, Gatton Laidley office: 9 Spicer Street, Laidley
Editor: Rick Machin | Design: Brio Group Print: Big and Little Media | Stock: Monza Satin Š Lockyer Valley Regional Council | 6215BRIO