Linda Xinrui Jiang Portfolio

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LINDA XINRUI JIANG design portfolio



phenomenal independent worker and team collaborator. Linda is creative, punctual, efficient, reliable, a great listener with great ideas. She’ll bring new thoughts to the table while respecting others to help foster a productive environment. She’s open to conceptual


t is a pleasure to recommend Linda Jiang based on her design work done as an intern at Little Tikes. She produced high quality design work, and always met the deadlines required with enthusiasm. She was flexible, very professional, and worked

well with the rest of the group. In presentations she was always prepared and articulates her message clearly. Linda has creative ideas, a good logical problem solving process, and a high level of craftsmanship. Based on my experience working

with Linda at Little Tikes, I recommend her work with enthusiasm! Ian Grout

thinking, and not afraid to explore new territory. Linda gets things done; she’ll see a project through multiple stages from conceptualization, to sketching, editing, final rendering and prototyping. She’s extremely capable as a designer and I would recommend her to any company

that values creativity and out-of-box ideas. Gauri Nanda









Selected as a

top design


*This design was produced through a Whirlpool-sponsored studio and is not an actual Whirlpool product.

PROJECT BRIEF An in-home water management system that will help promote and support a sensible use of water as well as reduce the average water bill. The ultimate goal is to change our wasteful habits and help society conserve water. This project was selected as one of the top designs in the Whirlpool studio by Whirlpool designers.


WATER CRISIS Most people do not realize that water shortage has a become a crisis that is more threatening than AIDS and global warming.

Scientists predict that within 3-5 years, at least 36 states will have to deal with water shortages; in 25 years, half of the world’s population may have trouble finding freshwater for drinking and sanitation purposes.

URBANIZATION Higher standard of living + growing popular= increased demand for clean water.


POLLUTION About 95 percent of the world’s cities still dump raw sewage into their waters.

97% salt water 2% glacial water

WASTEFUL HABITS Habits like taking long showers and leaving the water on while brushing your teeth can dramatically increase water consumption.

1% fresh water

72% WATER 28% LAND

FALSE ASSUMPTIONS Many people assume that we have an endless supply since 72% of the earth is covered in water; that’s hardly the case, however.

Although the earth is 72% water, 97% of that is unusable salt water, 2% is inaccessible glacial water and only 1% is available for human use.

How many gallons of water do you think you use a day?



Would you like to view, real-time how much water you use?







Research show that on average, each person uses 80-100 gallons of water a day.


Would you like to reduce the amount of water you use?


SURVEY OF 148 PEOPLE Over 50% of the survey-takers underestimated how much water they use a day; however, given the chance, 83% would like to keep track of how much water they use, and 86% would like to reduce their consumption.

TESTING Saving the water we used to brush our teeth, we discovered that 3 minutes of brushing can use more than .75 gallons of water (even without leaving the water running). That’s more than double of what we estimated.


HOME ENERGY MONITORS Many companies such as GE and Belkin, are developing energy monitors that can be installed within the home in order for users to keep track of their energy consumption. However, there lacks a similar product for monitoring water use.

IDEATIONS DESIGN GOALS 1] To increase Whirlpool’s market and expand past the kitchen. 2] To improve user habits and cut down on water usage by providing a fun and friendly way to track the amount of water used.

INITIAL CONCEPTS A bathroom product that would alert users on excessive water use by changing it’s behavior (color, finish, position, etc). However, through explorations and refinements, we realized this smallscale concept could not drastically expand Whirlpool’s market.

new technology

fun & entertaining

improve user habits

easy to use

Digital mirror

FINAL CONCEPT To create an entire water-conscious bathroom system for Whirlpool, bringing the brand into a whole new market. Using today’s advance utilities, smart faucets and digital mirrors can send and receive data via bluetooth. Users can now view their water usage, real-time, right in their bathrooms. smart faucet


FINAL DESIGN A contemporary bathroom design focused on waterconscious utilities. Smart faucets and handles keep track of total water flow and sends that data to the digital mirror via bluetooth/ wi-fi. Users can view the collected data real-time, during their regular routines.

USER INTERFACE Designed for domestic settings, the user interface must be easy to understand for all age-groups, techsavy or not. It must incorporate fun factors to keep kids engaged and useful, everyday applications for adults. UI video can be viewed at:

AVATARS Customizable avatars would change emotions according to the user’s water consumption. This would help create an emotional attachment and provoke the user to better his/her habits.

TOUCH FAUCET The smart faucets are operated by simple gestures; swiping up and down the top surface will turn the water on/off and change the water temperature. Equipped with fingerprint recognition, users can also create individual, custom profiles.

RUNNING METER While the water is running, a corresponding meter grows at the corner of the mirror. Displayed in the form of gallon jugs, the icon helps the user understand exactly how much water they are using in a more comprehensible way.

PROFILES Tap avatar to see a breakdown of how and where water is being used. Goals can also be set in order to help improve daily habits.

MONTHLY BILL Tap the bill button to display this month’s current water bill, last month’s bill, and the projected bill for this month according to consumption patterns.

GRAPHS Tap on the graph application to see the day’s total water usage with details broken down by time. Users can also compare each profile’s water consumption.

ADDITIONAL APPS Users can upload additional applications, such as a timer for the shower.

MARKETING Usage data can also be viewed online as well as through mobile applications. This can help generate traffic to the Whirlpool website and expand Whirlpool into the growing cellphone app market.


Selected as

1st place winner

*This design was produced through a Motorola-sponsored studio and is not an actual Motorola product.

PROJECT BRIEF A wireless device for expecting mothers in India that measures the amount of iron in the blood. By giving a clear indication of the user’s iron count, the blood iron meter can help prevent or reverse anemia during pregnancy through increased awareness. Conceptualized through a Motorola-sponsored studio, Saceta was chosen as the studio’s winning design by Motorola designers.

RESEARCH: INDIA 30% Hemorrhage 19% Anemia 16% Sepsis 10% Obstructed Labor 8% Abortion 8% Toxemia

THE CAUSE Anemia and hemorrhaging (which is mostly caused by anemia) are the root cause of almost 50% of all deaths during labor. Anemia is the result of iron deficiencies in the body, which causes inadequate productions of red blood cells.

8% Others =10,000

THE PROBLEM Every year, there are 530,00 maternal deaths all over the world. At 134,000, India alone contributes 25%. 84.9% of India’s pregnant women are anemic and unaware of their condition.

WOMEN ARE DYING DUE TO Lack of anemic awareness Disconnect between hospitals and surrounding villages

“A maternal

death is often not only a result of technical incompetence or negligence, but is also cause by limited knowledge. -UNICEF

UNUSED RESOURCES Government sponsored initiatives, such as the National Rural Health Mission, offer free iron tablets to pregnant women. However, the programs are rarely taken advantage of because most women are unaware of their

anemic conditions or what anemia is in general. Most do not know that iron is one of the body’s most important necessities during pregnancy or what symptoms indicate anemic iron deficiencies.

IDEATIONS DESIGN GOALS 1] To help generate anemic awareness amongst individuals as well as the general public.

1ST CONCEPT Bracelet meter: a noninvasive blood sensor on the inside; outside screen would display status in 3 easy-tounderstand colors.


2] To promote medicine and better doctor-patient relationships in India .

the Indian meaning of colors LIVING BIRTH HEALTH WEALTH

noninvasive testing

culturally appropriate


easy to use


FINAL CONCEPT Clip meter: resembles a piece of jewelry. Sensor located on the back of the clip where there is skin contact.


One, large test button

Inspired by Indian jewelry and henna graphics

User status displayed through LED’s that light up a henna pattern, thus suggesting jewelry over medical device.

FINAL DESIGN Hidden LED’s display green henna for high iron count of 13.0 and higher, yellow for medium count of 11-12.9, and red for low count of 10.9 and lower. E-ink screen displays easy-to-read pictograms.


Test button Non-invasive UV blood sensor

To eliminate the chances of infection or disease, Saceta features Venus technology, utilizing UV light to measure blood and tissue chemistry.

E-ink display

Electronic ink is high-contrast, light weight, shatterproof, and most importantly, ultra energy efficient.

Back-lit LED

Power button Cellulose Acetate housing

Derived from starch instead of oil, CA is warm to the skin, tough and self-polishing.

Alarm (test reminder) Clock Adjust buttons Battery insert


Venus sensors Buzzer Button-cell battery

USER GUIDES The users will receive a set of manuals that will help them better understand the device. The manuals display easy-to-understand pictograms and a iron count status guide.


PROJECT BRIEF The goal of this project was to design a tea set that infuses modern beauty with environmental sensibility. Designed for tea houses that are leading today’s rising trend of tea-couture, the set would find the balanced median between in-house relaxation and our society’s “get it to-go” habit.



The setting of these tea houses are very modern and fresh, moving away from the traditional and into the hip and trendy. There is often a large focus on the overall impact of the setting and environment. Most of these urban parlors are located in larger cities, thus they usually offer both sit-in and to-go options.


Today, scientific research in both Asia and the west is providing hard evidence for the health benefits long associated with drinking green tea. Besides being helpful in the fight against cancer, arthritis, cardiovascular disease, infections and impaired immune function, the process of enjoying a warm cup of tea also has therapeutic effects. In many cultures, the steps of serving tea are just as crucial, if not more so, than the act of drinking it.

Drink your tea slowly and reverently, as if it is the “ axis on which the world earth revolves - slowly, evenly, without rushing toward the future. ” - Thich Nat Hahn


Because of today’s fast-paced lifestyles, the wholistic, sit-down experience of tea is being over-looked. People are taking their tea “to-go” rather

than in a tradition tea cup. Americans use over 25 billion paper and styrofoam cups a year, accounting for 252 million pounds of garbage in landfills.


The following research was held at

The water was very hot and very dangerous to handle.

Wet and slippery surfaces made it hard to serve the hot tea.

The serving tray was box-shaped and awkward to carry. The user had to be very cautious when carrying the tray back to the table.

The tray included tea cups, teapot, glass strainer, and timer.

IDEATIONS DESIGN GOALS 1] To inspire and promote the use of starch-based, biodegradable plastics. 2] To enhance the overall experience of drinking tea, while providing the balanced relationship between to-go and sit-in enjoyment.


modern aesthetics

rounded base contours the palm of a hand

heat capture & resistancy

secure cup slots


slits for spills to drip into base

THE DESIGN Arched tray contains antislip slots for 4 teacups and a dropped base for the pot. Spills flow into the rounded base, contouring the natural shape of a hand. Removable inner cup is starch-based and reusable, allowing the user to take unfinished drinks to-go.


Doubled layer ceramic Traps in more heat

Starch-based to-go cups

Made from natural starch and fibres; are economic, biodegradable, and high quality. They are reusable and can match or exceed the performance of oil-based plastics.

Cellulose Acetate

Derived from starch instead of oil, CA is warm to the skin, tough and self-polishing.

Buit-in strainer

Glazed ceramic

Santoprene overmolds

A thermoplastic compound with properties similar to those found in natural rubber. It is completely recyclable and can be reprocessed into another product.


When the user cannot finish his or her drink, they can simply take the inner, reusable cup to-go. When they return to the tea house, the same cup can be used again for a price discount, thus promoting the store as well as recycle and reuse.

If people can see recycling happen in an “ innovative, creative way, they are much more likely to recycle in their everyday lives. � - EDWARD DOUGLAS MILLER


*This design was produced through a Motorola internship and is not an actual Motorola product.


PROJECT BRIEF A Motorola internship project, MOVE is a personal mobile device that is also a pocket-sized fitness trainer. With a detachable accelerometer, MOVE can accommodate both active lifestyle schedules as well as concentrated workout routines. MOVE is the next-generation personal coach for anyone looking for a healthier way of living.




“THE POWER OF CHANGE�:IMPROVE 2011 will see the world emerge from a traumatic period into one characterized by hope and new values. For this reason, a change in thinking is the starting point. People will try to improve above their normal mental and physical standards. Being healthy and looking fit is the new and improved lifestyle for the average Joe.

BECOME THE “IDEAL” YOU With TV shows such as The Biggest Loser and gaming systems like Wii and Xbox Kinect, the promotion of physical fitness is more present now than ever before. Games for Health, such as DDR and Wii Fit take in about $1 billion per year in revenue.

The media

TARGET MARKET Young, energetic, mid-20’s. Is bold, confident and a facebook addict. Owns 3 pairs of running shoes, all with bright colors. Would rather walk than take a cab. Has a favorite treadmill at the local gym. Maintains a healthconscious diet. Favorite quotes: “Live, laugh, love” & “Go big or go home”.

BENCH MARKING PUMA PHONE European sport phone with built-in accelerometer and solar panels. Phone must be on the user at all times during the workout.

FIT BIT Lifestyle trainer that measures daily activity and sleep patterns. Data transfer to the computer via bluetooth.

+ workout coach

NIKE PLUS Running partner that is placed inside the shoe. Transfers workout results to iPod, iPhone, or PLUS bracelet.


lifestyle coach

= real-time updates


IDEATIONS DESIGN GOALS 1] To promote a physically active lifestyle, while maintaining Motorola’s fresh aesthetics. 2] Accommodate both light and heavy activity with a removable accelerometer. However, the device must still look complete.

intuitive UI

user appropriate


easy to use

Inset camera housing to balance the sensor sensor is removed from the bottom edge of the phone to give a tiered look

FINAL DESIGN Android system; 4� display with molded glass. Removable accelerometer is attached through magnetics. The accelerometer data is tT to the phone via bluetooth.

MOVE keeps track of total steps taken, distance traveled, calorie intake and calories burnt. It analyzes daily, weekly, and monthly data. It displays all the gathered information, such as sedentary time and workout time, in a playful and interesting UI that will change according to your daily movements.

The MOVE detachable workout coach toggles through your distance, steps, speed, calories burnt, and time. It uses a crisp and bright OLED display. It also has builtin GPS, MP3, and audible coach.

After your workout, simply retach the workout coach and all your workout data will be wirelessly loaded into MOVE. All the information, such as jog route, can be analyzed straight on your phone. You can set goals, compare with past runs, and even share on Facebook.

Expressive Youthful

Understated Youthful

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Expressive Mature




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