Senior Health 101 Move More, Eat Less Lyall D. Ryden
ISBN: 978-148403-3687 Library of Congress For more contact Lyall Ryden at Unlocking the secret to longevity and good health along the way. A book for all ages. A book sixty years in the making. iv
DEDICATION This book is dedicated to my loving wife Patricia J. and my daughters Romie Marie, Ramona Mariette, and Ronna Monic for allowing me to just let them eat one candy a day after Halloween.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR I am a third generation Coloradan, and was born in Platteville, Colorado on August 10, 1931, the youngest of six children. I am not certain when I got started in staying fit and healthy. Maybe just after getting out of high school. I do remember being like most kids of my generation who loved to put peanuts in a bottle of Pepsi, shake it and make it fizzle and then drink it. The peanuts tasted so good. Later I would find out that the peanuts were good for us, less the salt. I do believe that at an early age, by the time I was out of high school, I didn’t like soda pop of any kind. Later I learned that any and all types of soda drinks were of no nutritional value and one item your body never needs and should never drink. So Lyall at 13-years old many health problems people develop can be directly related to carbonated products. In March 2012, Harvard Medical School released a 20-year study on soda. The study shows that men who drank a 12 oz. soft drink with a meal have a 20% more likelihood of developing heart disease than men who avoided soda. Now it is not to say that soda is a direct link because a man who is having a soda for lunch is not likely eating a very healthy lunch to start with by eating fries, burgers, etc. He just doesn’t know how to eat. Although I played sports in high school I was not introduced to real exercise, resistance type, until late in my senior year. This was the 1940’s and at that time people believed that using weights was taboo. The belief was that using weights would make one muscle bound and one couldn’t move. It didn’t take long to figure out that this was mythical thinking. Near the end of my senior year a school buddy said to me, “Lyall, you have a nice frame, ideal for weight lifting.” He had some weights and perhaps his compliment inspired me. So, we began weight lifting at his house and I became hooked. Hooked enough to graduate from high school in 1950, I joined the United States Navy and served four years. The Korean Was began in June 1950. After Boot Camp and Commissary School, I spent two years in San Francisco at Treasure Island and really got into weight training. I spent many hours at the local gyms in the Bay area. During this time there were three or four Mr. America’s in the area, and I got really inspired. I even vii
worked out at the gym owned by American Fitness Icon, Jack LaLanne. After two years at Treasure Island, I was transferred to the East Coast. Eventually I was stationed on a destroyer in the Mediterranean for five months. Cruising for my country, how great it was. On August 9, 1956, the day before my 25th birthday, I contracted polio. My weight dropped from 196 lbs to 169 lbs. within six days. I was unable to swallow for eight weeks. Polio is a disease virtually eradicated today in America. Polio reached epidemic proportions by the 1950’s and destroyed many lives and many died. Polio destroys muscle and this aggressive disease disabled many people. I recovered enough to be able to move back to Colorado under the GI bill. I opened my first health club, health food store, and started college at the same time at Colorado State College in Greeley, CO. It is now known at the University of Northern Colorado. I began to work out and continued to rebuild my body. I married Patricia, my lovely wife of 50 years. She has been along side of me in all our ventures or adventures. We have three wonderful daughters, three son-in-laws, six grandchildren, one great grandson, and a wonderful life.
TABLE OF CONTENTS Dedication ......................................................................................... iii About the Author ............................................................................. v I: Senior Health 101 Good and Easy, The Mediterranean Way .................... 11 Aging Gracefully .............................................................. 12 Antioxidants ...................................................................... 13 Moderation ........................................................................ 14 Exercise ............................................................................. 17 Free Radicals ..................................................................... 19 Take Multivitamins to Improve Your Health ............. 21 My Daily Supplements .................................................... 22 Three Super Foods .......................................................... 24 Breakfast ............................................................................ 25 These Are My Super Foods............................................ 27 The Rainbow Diet ........................................................... 29 Recipe for Happy and Healthy Living .......................... 32 II: A Proper Lifestyle: Articles and Information This Book is Not a Cure All........................................... 34 Smoking & Hidden Salt in Processed Foods .............. 35 Sugar More Addictive than Cocaine ............................. 35 Dangerous Imbalance ..................................................... 35 Bread the Silent Killer ..................................................... 36 Health Boost From Spices.............................................. 36 Little Fried Triangles of Death ...................................... 37 Anti-Aging Foods ............................................................ 37 The Perils of Red Meat ................................................... 38 Super Foods that are Good for You............................. 38 Health Benefits of Popcorn ........................................... 39 Need Three Meals a Day?............................................... 40 Olive oil for Arthritis....................................................... 41 Aspirin As Prevention ..................................................... 41 Coffee Enjoy Yours ......................................................... 44 Bad Drinks ........................................................................ 45 The Dark Side of Coupons ............................................ 45 Food Labels What They Mean ...................................... 45 Smart Foods ...................................................................... 46 Nutritional Health, How is Yours? .............................. 51 Quotes from the Famous and Not So Famous .......... 55 ix
In the 1960’s and 70’s, the author and his wife Patricia put on many body building shows and would have guest, Mr. America or Mr. Universe. Pictured here is Lyall and Patricia with Bill Pearl, “World’s Best Built Man,” in the 60’s and 70’s. Maybe the best built man of all time without using steroids. This picture was taken in 1965.
Lyall Ryden in the Mediterranean, in the Navy, in 1954.
FORWARD America is in terrible shape physically. We must do something about this. The one that can do something is you. Begin by moving more, eating less. America’s obesity is getting worse by the day. Fact: 70% of women between the ages of 25-40 are overweight. How do I know? Stand on a corner in your town. Count 100 women and I guarantee that at least 70 of them will be overweight. Men do better, as you will only count 50 out of 100. They now predict that by 2030, 60-75% of Americans will be obese. The only way I know to help this problem of obesity is to follow the plan I have set forward in this book. Don’t drink soda of any kind. Do not smoke. Eat very little or no processed foods.
GOOD AND EASY EATING THE MEDITERRANEAN WAY “The Rainbow Diet means having plenty of colorful fruits and veggies on your plate.” Lyall D. Ryden Most books will summarize what they wrote about at the end. I will start with a summary of what it takes to be healthy and stay healthy. First, I believe the research now shows us the best route to take is along the lines of the “Mediterranean Plan” or “Rainbow Diet.” Rainbow means having plenty of colorful fruits and veggies on your plate daily. Either term you use, “Mediterranean or Rainbow,” means very little processed foods of any kind. Use foods that come in its natural state that will help you live longer and be healthier along the way. Here are just a few things that can change your life. Immediately. If you smoke, QUIT. Eliminate any type of soda or diet pop, like Coke, Pepsi, Seven-up, etc, as they have no nutritional value. Why use them? So many natural drinks can take their place. How about just plain water? No processed foods. This is something made by man in a factory somewhere. Start exercising at least 30-45 minutes a day, 5-6 days a week. Cut back as far as possible on sugars, salts, and white flour, such as cakes, pies, cookies, and breads. With this in mind please read the rest of the book.
AGING GRACEFULLY ““The life you have led doesn’t need to be the only one you have.” Anna Quindlen Aging gracefully is the purpose of this book, showing everybody how to keep your body in maximum condition as you grow older. I feel I am a good example of this, having spent sixty years reading, studying, and practicing good health. I define myself as a pseudo-nutritionist and have narrowed down practicing good senior health to four important areas. 1. Antioxidants 2. Moderation 3. Exercise 4. Removing free radicals By doing the first three things, the fourth thing is essential for good health, removing free radicals from your body. A good guideline is to reduce the amount of processed foods you eat to as little as possible. Avoid such things as frozen dinners, as they are packed full of preservatives that are horrible for your body. You should avoid soda pops of any kind. Avoid white items such as breads or pasta since most of their nutritional values are stripped away and contain mostly carbohydrates and empty calories. Try to eliminate alcohol as much as possible. A few beers won’t harm you, as it is a natural food. If you are a wine drinker, drink red wine for the polyphenol resveratrol, an anti-aging product. This will be discussed later in the book. If you drink alcohol, keep it to a couple times per week. Scotch, whiskey, vodka are all natural foods. What you have to remember is that trouble comes when you add the sugary drinks, such as tonic water, and sodas. Check my martini recipe later in the book. As we go through the book, you will see how I keep my mind and body in shape with proper nutrition and enough exercise? 14
ANTIOXIDANTS “Antioxidants are substances that may protect your cells against the effects of free radicals. Free radicals can damage cells, and may play a role in heart disease, cancer and other diseases." Medline Plus This is the staff of life and comes in many forms. This is what I try to build my diet around. Antioxidants are abundant in the natural form of food. Whenever a food is processed for mass consumption, more often than not, most or all of a food antioxidant properties are lost when they are processed. A lot of companies will cover this up with labels that say “vitamins added’ or ‘minerals added,’ but food loses much more nutrition than what it puts back when processed. As I said, most natural foods have an abundance of antioxidants. Here are the top ones and should be a staple of your diet, in no particular order. Nuts. All types Beans. All types Blueberries. They are the best of all fruits Broccoli, probably the best, but all veggies. The darker color the better. Fish. Salmon and sardines are great. Avoid fish high in mercury such as tuna. Olive oil daily. Fat free yogurt. Greek yogurt is wonderful. Cooked tomatoes Dark Chocolate Flax seed and wheat germ daily.
MODERATION “Never think you’ve seen the last of anything.” Eudora Welty As I have gone through life, many people have passed by me and I have seen what has happened to them by not being moderate in their life style, eating habits, etc. By the time people reach their 30’s-40’s and 50’s, you can predict what health problems they will encounter later in life by the things that they deny themselves or take in excess. People that overeat, eat too quickly, use too much salt, and eat too much red meat instead of fish. Instead of fish or turkey or don’t eat enough fruits and vegetables. I have seen friends and relatives that have passed away or are still here with health problems that were preventable with moderation and a good nutritional program. You can moderate your eating habits with the “2½” Rule.” Plan a great breakfast. I will be going into detail about how to have a great breakfast. To me, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I will detail a number of great breakfasts I eat. As for the rest of your day, you can have a half meal at either lunch or dinner. Just be sure that one of your meals is half portion. It’s not that you should avoid a larger meal. Just remember to have all your meals rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. I read an article that someone wrote about how he never ate or allowed white bread, cookies, cakes, ice cream and other foods of this nature in his home. However, he did allow himself to eat it whenever he went out. This is a good idea too if you like sweets but don’t have the will power to eat them when they are in the house. I have found that people who develop health problems way before they should, often have struggles with weight gain. What I mean is, say when someone gets out of high school and has gained 50lbs. by the time they are 16
in their thirties. They are on a road to health problems. I talk a lot about overweight people, but there are also plenty of so-called skinny people with major health issues too. Lots of people who are trying to stay skinny do it the wrong way by starving themselves, instead the proper way through proper nutrition. When I have talked to people like this, they are usually drinking a lot of sugary products. Health problems are a natural part of aging. You tend to slow down as you enter your 70’s-80’s but taking proper care of yourself minimizes the damage to your body and your health.
EXERCISE “Leave all the afternoon for exercise and recreation, which are as necessary as reading. I will rather say more necessary because health is worth more than learning.” Thomas Jefferson I personally believe that resistance exercise weight training is at the top of the list. Why? Because as we age, we all lose muscle and weight training has been proven to be the best way to slow down the natural process of losing muscle mass as the years go by. When I started in weight training there were only barbells, dumbbells, and a couple of so called machines, like lat pulley, leg curl and extension, leg press and others. Today we have these wonderful machines that just about do the work for you. To begin a weight program and need help, find a good personal trainer. My observation when working out in a fitness club, I personally see a lot of bad ones. Seems like all they want you to do is roll on a ball, stand on one leg for fifteen seconds. What amazes me is how little they use the weight machines. Get to the weight machine and work each body part, which each machine is designed to do. Work the whole body. Resistance exercises will slow down the loss of muscle mass as we age. The main thing is to choose a good exercise program and stick with it. Exercise 4-5 days, 30-45 minutes per day and do an exercise you enjoy. Don’t be a “weekend warrior.” Research suggests that it’s less effective for adults with cardiovascular risk factors who do most of their physical activity on Saturday or Sunday. Instead, do shorter bouts of exercise throughout the week. Exercise by the numbers. Do your best to meet these minimum exercise requirements from the American College of Sports Medicine.
TYPES OF EXERCISE: Aerobic Training Goal: 5 days a week of moderate-intensity exercise, 30-60 minutes a day, at least 150 minutes a week, or 3 days a week of vigorous-intensity exercise, 20-60 minutes a day, at least 75 minutes a week. Resistance Training Goal: 2-3 days a week, 48 hours between sessions, 2-3 sets per exercise, 8-12 reps per set (10-15 for older adults just starting exercise), 2-3 minutes of rest between sets. Flexibility Training-Stretching Goal: 2-3 days a week, hold each stretch for 10-30 seconds, repeat each stretch 2-4 times. Functional Fitness- Pilates, Tai Chi, Yoga Goal: 2-3 days a week, 20-30 minutes a day. 1
Source, “Quantity and Quality of Exercise for Developing and Maintaining Cardiorespiratiory, Musculoskeletal, and Neuomotor Fitness in Apparently Healthy Adults. Guidance for Prescribing Exercise,� Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, June 20111 1
FREE RADICALS: WHAT ARE THEY? "“Today, more than 95% of all chronic disease is caused by food choice, toxic food ingredients, nutritional deficiencies and lack of physical exercise.” Mike Adams “They are tiny little molecules you can’t even see. They just want to destroy your body and will if you let them. How do you let them? By poor diet, no moderation and no exercise. However, they disappear when you put your lifestyle in order. Eat good natural food with plenty of antioxidants and exercise. Free radicals want to and will destroy your heart, liver, kidneys, cause arthritis, diabetes, and other diseases. Don’t let this happen to you. If you don’t have control of your life, do it now. Eat plenty of food with antioxidants, use moderation, and exercise. These three things will destroy those free radicals. Now, let me explain my daily eating habits for getting rid of the free radicals in my body. First, I try to provide my body with the required nutrients that so call experts say we need. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has set a minimum standard for optimum health. I really don’t take a so called multi-vitamin or mineral supplements. I did take a multi-vitamin or mineral supplement for many years, but I changed my diet, food intake. Diet is kind of a dirty word as related to trying to lose weight or gain weight. The fact is, in the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s I developed a nutritional program called “Lyall D. Ryden’s Feel Super Diet Plan" for gaining weight or losing weight. It was quite successful with very good results in our Patricia J. Spas Fitness Clubs, which my wife and I owned. During the period of the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s, the rage was Vitamin-C, a cure for nearly every thing, especially the common cold. Dr. Linus Pauling came up with the theory that Vitamin-C would take care of everything. 21
I am not quite sure when the words "antioxidant" and "free radicals" came about, but I believe I became aware of these terms in the late 80’s to early 90’s. You can get plenty of antioxidants with proper nutrition, without the use of lots of supplements by following the Mediterranean Diet, a new name for the Rainbow Diet. The supplements I take along with good eating habits are olive oil, reservtrol, and a herbal mixture. Below is a list of what I feel are the super foods or the best for anti-aging. Nuts-All types. Beans-All types. Blueberries-All fruit. Broccoli-All veggies. Fish-Salmon and sardines are great. Olive Oil Fat Free Yogurt-Greek is great. Cooked Tomatoes Dark Chocolate Flax Seed & Wheat Germ The list above is part of the great Rainbow Diet. Also add chicken, turkey, pork but keep your red meat in-take to a minimum. Hey. there is nothing wrong with a good old prime rib now and then. Remember, we can’t live forever. So I pack my body with plenty of antioxidants and a good compliment of exercise to get rid of the free radicals in my body and I feel great.
TAKE MULTIVITAMINS TO IMPROVE YOUR HEALTH ““Our bodies are our gardens, our wills are our gardeners.” William Shakespeare About 40% of American adults take multivitamins, even though there’s no proof that they prevent chronic diseases or premature death. Two large studies were published in 2011 that don’t raise additional hope. One was published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, which found no decrease or increase in cardiovascular disease, cancer, or death among multivitamin users. The other study, published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, suggested that multivitamins, other vitamins, and mineral supplements, particularly iron, might actually increase the risk of death among older women. Major health organizations who focus on cancer, diabetes, and heart disease advise people to avoid supplements in favor of a diet rich in fruit, vegetables, whole grains and legumes. Consult a doctor about vitamin or mineral use if you cut calories severely, are vegan, have a digestive disorder that causes poor absorption of nutrients.
MY DAILY SUPPLEMENTS THE ESSENTIALS FOR GOOD HEALTH “A healthy outside starts from the inside." Robert Urich Listed below is what I believe is needed daily for a healthier life style and for one to feel good every day. VIRGIN OLIVE OIL. Available nearly anywhere. The best bargain is at a World Market Store, a national chain. What are the healthy benefits of Olive Oil? Many people call it a "superfood" because it contains natural disease fighting polyphenols, antioxidants, vitamin-E, monounsaturated fat, and oleic acid. It is linked to good for heart protection and cancer protection. Dosage: (1) ounce/day. Drink it out of the bottle. RESVERATROL. Available at Health Food stores or on the internet: (this is the one I use) I have included a couple of complete articles on research on Resveratrol. Resveratrol was featured on 60 Minutes, a CBS television program, a few years back and has been presented on other national shows and in newspapers. The resveratrol I use has: 350mg organically grown Cabernet Sauvignon Grape (seed) 50mg organic antioxidant blend of fruit, veggies and herbs. 35mg natural pro-biotic & enzyme blends of herbs. Dosage: (1) capsule/day. BLACKSTRAP MOLASSES (unsulphured). Available every where. Blackstrap Molasses is created from the juice of sugarcane & beet sugar during the refining process. Blackstrap is the third boiling of the refining 24
process. First boiling is a light in color, second boiling is a darker and thicker, but the third boiling is the one which leaves the molasses the riches in sources of disease fighting antioxidants. It also is a good source of IronB-12. Dosage: (1) ounce/day. Drink it out of the bottle. HERBS-ZANG INSURE. Available in all health food stores. This herbal mixture contains 17 different herbs. Just recently on a doctors talk show they were discussing the flu. One of the herbal remedies to combat the flu was Echinacea & Ginger-both these are in the mixture. Maybe this is why I haven’t had the flu and have never taken a flu shot (cross my fingers). Dosage: 1"inch on a eye dropper. OMEGA-3 with Coq-10. I use a product from or 1.800.304.1708 (call they will send you a catalog). There are many good Omega-3 on the market. This is good for overall health. Great for lowering cholesterol, and will strengthen the heart. Dosage: (1) soft gel/day. Two soft gels contain: 1,250 mg Calamarine Oil Concentrate (from squid) 50mg Coenzyme Q 10 also V-E, B6, B12, Folic Acid 30mg Resveratrol (this has just been added). EYE SUPPORT. Talk to a person at your health food store and let them suggest a good product for your eyes. Lots of V-A and a herb called Bilberry. Dosage: (1) capsule daily. ASPRIN 81mg. Available supermarkets/drugstores. But not for everyonecheck with your doctor. Dosage: (1) 81mg/day.
THREE SUPER FOODS “"Superfoods are a special category of foods found in nature. By definition they are calorie sparse and nutrient dense meaning they pack a lot of punch for their weight. They are superior sources of anti-oxidants and essential nutrients, nutrients we need but cannot make ourselves." Food Matters I eat these three super foods 4-5 days a week. BLUEBERRIES (everyday). Fresh or frozen available everywhere. Blueberries are packed rich in phytonutrients, antioxidants, such as anthrocyanin, as well as anti-inflammatories. They are ranked #2 behind strawberries as the most consumed fruit in America. One cup of blueberries are only 80 calories with virtually no fat. I add blueberries to just about everything such as hot cereal, cold cereal, protein drinks, and yogurt. FLAXSEED. Organic Golden Flax is available in health food stores. I add a tablespoon to my hot cereals-oatmeal; Cream of wheat. WHEAT GERM. Available everywhere. I add a tablespoon to my hot cereals- Oatmeal or Cream of Wheat.