Connecting the Lycée Français de San Francisco Community
FILINFO | 2017-2018 01
FILINFO | 2017-2018
Contributors. We would like to thank all the many contributors to this edition of the FIL Info, big and small!
Stéphane Houari
Clara ROUX Imogen JAMES Clinton MURRAY Layla Marie TOURNACHE Kathleen ISAZA Sami KAMEL
Graphic design.
Edition + translation.
performing arts.
FILINFO | 2017-2018 03
Question . 22
Create. #LFSFcreate
Le mot du proviseur | A note from the Head of School
First Lego League
Math en Jeans
Start’UP Lycée
Celebrating Performing Arts TLF Renovation Inauguration
La Petite École
Bilingual Fair
International Exchanges • Japon + Brest Tu as voulu voir Vesoul • JIJ
Service Learning Trip • Peru
Global Learning • Morocco
Global Learning • Iceland
2018 Universities
Outdoor Initiatives
Alumni Corner
FILINFO | 2017-2018
Cette année scolaire 2017-2018, ma toute première au Lycée Français de San Francisco, fut par bien des mesures, exceptionnelle car jalonnée d’événements marquants, de projets ambitieux, et de belles réussites. Nos équipes se sont distinguées par leur grande implication et leur professionnalisme permettant à nos élèves de pleinement réaliser leur potentiel. Les différentes compétitions sont d’excellentes occasions de se mesurer au monde extérieur et cet heureux mariage s’est traduit notamment par la victoire des équipes du LFSF au Start’up Lycée (innovation, Chicago), au First Lego League (robotique, LFSF), ou à Première Scène (théâtre, New York). Ces moments forts sont les expressions d’un projet d’établissement visionnaire qui laisse la part belle au plurilinguisme, à l’innovation et à la citoyenneté, nous invitant à développer trois axes: les sciences et la technologie depuis 2016, les arts de la scène et du spectacle depuis 2017 et, à la rentrée 2018, le sport et les activités physiques.
Au fil des pages de ce magazine annuel, quelques uns des nombreux points forts de cette année se succèdent telles les touches de couleurs d’un tableau impressionniste dressant le portrait mouvant d’une année scolaire riche et dynamique qui ne fait qu’augurer le meilleur pour l’avenir de notre établissement, de notre communauté et surtout de nos élèves. Pour finir, je tiens à vous remercier tout personnellement de votre soutien dans cette fantastique aventure qu’est l’éducation des quelques 1,000 élèves de notre très belle école. J’espère que vous pourrez vous joindre à nous pour la poursuivre l’année prochaine, et vous souhaite à tous un très bel été.
Emmanuel TEXIER Proviseur
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FILINFO | 2017-2018
This 2017-2018 school year, my very first at the Lycée Français de San Francisco, was exceptional as it was marked by milestones, ambitious and successful projects, and notable accomplishments.
Through the collaborative, driven efforts of our distinguished teams, our students have been equipped with the essential resources, support and guidance to rise and attain their optimal potential. LFSF participates in an array of national academic competitions where students have the opportunity to compete with the world outside the classroom walls and prove their skills, competence and leadership. As a result, LFSF has marched in the front lines of these races, including the Start’up Lycée (Innovation, Chicago), the First Lego League (Robotics, LFSF), and the Première Scène (Theatre, New York). These highlights have echoed the school’s visionary mission to foster multilingualism, innovation and citizenship, furthermore, have instilled three units of focus at LSFS: Science and Technology (since 2016), Performing Arts (since 2017), and Sports and Physical Activities (starting in 2018).
Celebrating Performing Arts Fund for the Future est un fonds qui permet d’articuler un projet spécifique et enrichit les programmes. En 2016, l’accent a été mis sur les arts de la scène : théâtre, danse, musique, cirque, chorale, et rénovation du Théâtre du Lycée Français de San Francisco !
As you turn the pages of this annual magazine, the year’s highlights harmoniously embolden and carry each other, like the strokes of color in an Impressionist painting depicting an animated representation of this rich and dynamic school year. This scintillating and lively canvas embodies not only what we have gained, but the bright future of our school, community, and most importantly, our students.
Emmanuel TEXIER Head of School
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J’ai aimé quand j’ai participé au
Fund for the Future focuses on thematic projects that enrich our student programs. In 2016, the
spectacle BAM ... j’étais caché sous le tambour! – FELIX, CE1B
focus was on performing arts: theatre, dance, music, circus, choir, and the Lycée Français de San Francisco Theatre Renovation!
MUSIC ROOMS On our three campuses, music rooms were equipped with additional instruments, ipads and headphones, music stands, stack chairs
with tablets and sound/playback equipment.
Ces initiatives ont permis à nos élèves d’aller plus loin et de compléter leurs
connaissances et compétences dans la
FFF allowing students to further develop their skills and appreciation for performing arts.
Les parents ont aussi pu mieux profiter des
SAU Campus Director
GRADE 12 Shows and classes were funded thanks to the
maîtrise des arts du cirque et de la scène.
représentations de leurs enfants.
THEATER RENOVATION This iconic space went through a significant remodel and upgrade for the benefit of the students and the community at large.
FILINFO | 2017-2018 #LFSFcreate
Our students thrive. I am always amazed by the energy, the passion, the efforts and the love that they show.
Une formidable opportunité qui fait partager des émotions.
Head of School
ASH Campus Director
Why celebrate Performing Arts at school? A 10 year National Study conducted by Stanford University found that children involved in highly effective performing arts programs are :
more likely to win academic awards with honors; more likely to score higher than peers on the SAT’s; more likely to participate in a science or math fair.
more likely to receive a community service award.
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Les arts de la scène permettent aux enfants de s’exprimer à l’oral et de prendre confiance
en eux, en français comme en anglais! - ÉLODIE RAMBERT Chief Operating Officer
La rénovation du théâtre a permis de mettre à disposition de nos élèves un magnifique outil pédagogique, non seulement pour le théâtre mais aussi pour le cinéma, les conférences, les spectacles des élèves, telles que le Talent Show, la Chorale de la Baie, les pièces de théâtre, et les comédies musicales. Ces productions bénéficient dorénavant d’une technique son et lumière d’une qualité professionnelle. Les arts de la scène au LFSF acquièrent ainsi une visibilité sans pareil dans la Baie de San Francisco et au delà. - FRÉDÉRIC PATTO TLF Artistic Director
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10 010
Rénovation TLF
Une partie des fonds levés aura permis de faire
quelques travaux afin de conserver la beauté
Bank of the west
et le style moderne du théâtre d’origine mais la plupart des efforts ont été investis dans l’amélioration majeure des systèmes lumière et audio ainsi que dans l’addition d’un écran de cinéma de qualité professionnelle.
Ces investissements permettent au TLF de devenir à la fois une scène et une salle cinéma de choix au coeur de la ville. While some of the focus went to stylishly preserving the mid-century modern beauty of the original theater design, most of the effort was invested on upgrading the sound and lighting system along with the integration of a professional cinema screen.
These upgrades transform the TLF into a professional stage and a movie theater.
Ann and Gordon Getty Foundation Individual Donors
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TLF Inauguration Olivia SINGIER TEXIER
Comme de nombreux parents du LFSF, l’existence d’un théâtre au sein du lycée me réjouit. Ce lieu est un merveilleux medium d’ouverture à la culture française et américaine, l’identité même de notre lycée. Grâce à la générosité de la communauté scolaire, le TLF s’est refait une beauté. Sa réouverture était très attendue !
Le 29 mars dernier, tous les ingrédients étaient réunis pour que la soirée d’inauguration du nouveau TLF soit une réussite : la communauté française et francophone venue nombreuse, une dose d’humour, une pincée de discours officiels, un florilège de spectacles mettant en scène les élèves, une introduction festive et rythmée par un clip façon Black-Eyed Peas de Stéphane HOUARI, avec les élèves de l’option théâtre et les deux maîtres de cérémonie, nous promettant à tous une excellente soirée.
nos deux pays et rappelé cette chance d’avoir un établissement bilingue dans le Sunset . Le Consul Général de France à San Francisco, M. Emmanuel LEBRUN-DAMIENS, nous a emmenés avec humour et finesse de Shakespeare à MOLIÈRE en passant par Nicolas BOILEAU. Christophe BOUCHARD, Directeur de l’AEFE, Roland LESCURE, Député
de champagne au succès du TLF lors d’une belle réception organisée par Nathalie HAUTAVOINE et l’équipe du Développement ! Réalisons la chance de pouvoir profiter d’une si belle salle de spectacle grâce au dévouement et à la passion de son coordonnateur artistique Frédéric Patto. Longue vie au TLF !
Et elle le fut, avec un spectacle chaleureux et varié : la chorale des élèves de CE1, les élèves de l’option théâtre et leur saynète originale “Dieu ne joue pas aux Dés”, premier prix du concours Première Scène à New York, un magnifique trio interprétant une version de ‘He’s a Tramp’ au chant et au piano et les élèves de l’option cinéma et leurs vidéos intitulées Standing Ovation et Couloirs. Les différents discours de la soirée ont été des moments forts. Le Proviseur du LFSF, Emmanuel TEXIER a rappelé que le TLF est un formidable outil pour l’éducation de nos enfants, leur permettant de s’épanouir au travers les arts de la scène et du spectacle, un lieu qui rassemble, une ouverture sur le monde. Erick MOREAU, Président du Conseil de Gestion, a retracé l’histoire commune du TLF et du lycée. Katy TANG, membre du Conseil Municipal de la ville de San Francisco, a souligné, en français, les liens culturels entre
des Français d’Amérique du Nord et Jean-Michel BLANQUER, Ministre de l’Éducation Nationale, ont tous trois, par vidéo, réitéré l’importance du TLF pour le lycée, pour la communauté française et francophone de la Baie, élément-clé du rayonnement de la culture française à San Francisco. Après le traditionnel couper de ruban, nous avons levé notre coupe
Emmanuel LEBRUN-DAMIENS and Katy TANG cut the ribbon under the supervision of Head of School Emmanuel TEXIER and the Director of Advancement Nathalie HAUTAVOINE.
FILINFO | 2017-2018 #LFSFcreate
As an LFSF parent, I am extremely pleased to have a
Culture is the foundation for learning, and we seek to endow our students with an appreciation for the Arts.
theater within the school. This place is a wonderful tool that gives a flavor of both French and American cultures, the very essence of our school. Thanks to the generosity of the school community, the TLF underwent a beautiful makeover. Its reopening was much awaited!
- ERICK MOREAU President of the Board of Trustees
The renovation of the Théâtre du Lycée Français (TLF) was made possible thanks to a €100.000 gift from the Agency for French Education Abroad (Agence pour l’Enseignement Français à l’Etranger - AEFE). The project also received the generous support of BNP Paribas (Bank of West), the Ann and Gordon Getty Foundation, and the institution’s entire community.
From left to right: Julien et Anne COUDRETTE (trustee + fundraising committee chair) JJ HOLLINGSWORTH (alumni conservatory of music).
Theater Inauguration
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TLF le RDV culturel
Olivia SINGIER TEXIER On March 29th, the inauguration party of the new TLF had all the ingredients of a successful night: a large French and Francophone community; a dose of humor; a pinch of official speeches; a tremendous selection of performances showcasing the students; a catchy and festive videoed introduction à la Black-Eyed Peas by Stéphane HOUARI staging the students of the Drama class and our two MCs, who gotta feeling the audience would have a good good night. And indeed it was! We were treated to a varied and vibrant entertainment: the 2nd grade students choir, the Drama class students and their original play “God doesn’t play Dice”, a first prize in New York at the Première Scène competition, a magnificent trio playing a version of ‘He’s a Tramp’ on vocals and piano, and students of the Cinema class and their videos entitled Standing Ovation and Couloirs. The various speeches of the evening were certainly strong moments. The Head of School, Emmanuel TEXIER expressed that the TLF is a great education tool for our children, allowing them to thrive through the performing arts. It provides a space where students come together, work together, and open their minds to the world. Erick MOREAU, President of the Board of Trustees, traced the common history of the TLF and our school. Katy TANG, member of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, highlighted the cultural connections between France and the US, accentuating the exceptional opportunity of having access to a bilingual school in the Sunset District. The Consul General of France in San Francisco, Mr. Emmanuel LEBRUNDAMIENS, took us on a simultaneously sophisticated and whimsical journey, visiting references of Shakespeare, MOLIÈRE and Nicolas BOILEAU.
Director of the AEFE, Christophe BOUCHARD, Parliamentary Representative of French Residents of North America, Roland LESCURE, and French National Education Minister, Jean Michel BLANQUER, each recorded a video emphasizing the important role of the TLF within the school community as well as the French and Francophone communities. They all recognize the TLF for its significant contribution in energizing the French culture and community in the San Francisco Bay Area. After the traditional ribbon cutting, we raised our glasses to an ever successful TLF at the inauguration party organized by Nathalie HAUTAVOINE and the Advancement team!
How lucky we are to have such a beautiful theater thanks to the dedication and passion of its artistic coordinator Frédéric PATTO. Long live the TLF!
Notre saison 2018 est un véritable succès avec 7 spectacles, 4 représentations scolaires et presque 3,000 spectateurs, Le 9 juin la compagnie résidente du TLF a fêté ses 10 ans en proposant une soirée exceptionnelle qui repris des scènes de ses 10 productions. Le 2 novembre prochain, une pièce nominée aux Molières 2018, “La main de Leila”, clôturera notre saison. Mais n’oublions pas le travail extraordinaire de l’association des parents du Lycée, les Amis, qui propose dorénavant pour chaque spectacle des sélections gustatives pour le plus grand plaisir de nos spectateurs de plus en plus nombreux à venir passer une soirée “parisienne” au LFSF.
La saison 2019 qui se veut éclectique, est encore en gestation. Mais nous pouvons cependant vous confier qu’elle vous réservera de belles surprises!
From left to right: Frédéric PATTO | LFSF Artistic Director , Eric-Emmanuel SCHMITT, Andréa BESCOND, Jérémy FERRARI and Charlotte DE TURCKHEIM
This theater will showcase French-speaking plays; it is a rallying place for the French community and a connecting spot where French and Americans share their common love for Art and French culture.
Consul of France in San Francisco
FILINFO | 2017-2018 #LFSFcreate
La Petite École
La Petite Ecole a été lancée en Septembre 2017 et vous concluez maintenant la première année de ce nouveau programme qui s’adresse aux tout-petits (dans l’année de leurs 2 ans). Comment s’est passée cette première année? Cette première année s’est très bien déroulée. Je pense avoir atteint mon objectif premier à savoir faire aimer l’école à mes 14 petits élèves dans le respect des personnes et du matériel qui les entoure. Nous avons pris beaucoup de plaisir à découvrir quotidiennement de nouvelles choses concernant le monde dans lequel nous vivons, nous avons exploré la nature, la matière, tout en développant le langage et plus particulièrement la langue orale française. Si les enfants de Toute Petite Section ont une capacité d’attention limitée, ils ont cependant la faculté d’être intéressés par tout ! Leur ouverture d’esprit, leur spontanéité, et leurs questionnements constants ont été des tremplins pour les mettre en situations d’apprentissage. L’ensemble de mes petits élèves est maintenant prêt pour entrer le plus sereinement possible en Petite Section!
Comment s’intègre le programme de la Petite Ecole dans celui de la maternelle? La Petite Ecole s’inscrit dans le programme de la maternelle et les objectifs visés par les activités sont des apprentissages et des compétences scolaires. L’élève de Petite Ecole a découvert progressivement les différents domaines d’apprentissage de la maternelle à savoir le langage, la découverte du monde, les apprentissages moteurs, le vivre ensemble en passant par l’observation, la manipulation, l’imitation, la création.
En revanche, la Toute Petite Section ne doit pas être confondue avec la Petite Section car les enfants de 2 ans n’ont pas les mêmes besoins que ceux de 3. A mi-chemin entre la crèche et l’école, la Petite Ecole est une classe à part qui a le but de préparer l’enfant à sa vie d’élève. Les élèves de la Petite Ecole ont eu la chance de pouvoir profiter de cette passerelle vers la Petite Section.
Cette première année en petite école, c’était aussi votre première au LFSF et avec des enfants si jeunes. Comment s’est passée pour vous cette transition? C’est effectivement la première fois que j’enseigne à de si jeunes enfants et je ne cacherai pas ma stupéfaction à voir l’écart qu’il y a entre la Petite Ecole et la Petite Section. Il a fallu m’adapter à leur sensibilité, à leur besoin de jeu, à leur fatigabilité et surtout à leurs différentes façons d’aborder leur nouvel environnement social. Pour cela, j’ai davantage diversifié mes approches et ma pédagogie afin de m’adapter au mieux. En Petite Ecole, les enfants sont des petits êtres en devenir, qui possèdent une sensibilité particulière parfois difficile à cerner. En effet, n’étant pas encore tout à fait capable d’exprimer leurs émotions verbalement, il m’a fallu quotidiennement faire preuve de bienveillance afin de répondre du mieux possible à leurs besoins fondamentaux et leur donner des outils pour exprimer leurs ressentis. Pour cette année, j’ai dû redoubler de patience, d’imagination, de créativité, d’empathie et de bienveillance dans le but de donner à chacun les réponses les plus adaptées.
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Cette première année à La Petite Ecole est incontestablement une riche expérience dans ma carrière de professeure des écoles et je suis fière et impressionnée de voir tous les progrès langagiers, sociaux, moteurs et cognitifs de chacun d’entre eux!
C’est aussi une année que j’ai eu la chance de partager avec Odile qui m’a assistée et soutenue en m’apportant son expérience. - CLAIRE FRANCE La Petite Ecole Teacher
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16 16
FILINFO | 2017-2018 #LFSFcreate 017 17 The Petite Ecole was launched in Sept 2017 and you are now finishing the first year of this new program dedicated to the very young (2 years of age). How was your first year? This first year went really well! I believe our 14 students learned to love school while respecting the people and equipment around them. We enjoyed discovering new thintgs daily as we explored nature, matter, practiced language - and more specifically the French oral language. If the children of Toute Petite Section still have a limited capacity of attention, they have, however, the faculty to be interested by everything! Their open-mindedness, their spontaneity, and their constant questioning were springboards to put them in learning situations. And these little students are now fully ready to enter Petite Section (preschool) as serenely as possible! How does La Petite Ecole program fit into the Maternelle program? La Petite Ecole is part of the Maternelle program with its own specific learning objectives. Petite Ecole students gradually discover language, the world they live in, while developing motor and social skills through observation, manipulation, imitation and creation.
La Petite Ecole in not a substitute for but a preparation to the preschool class. Halfway between daycare and preschool, La Petite Ecole class is a bridge that prepares children to become students. This first year in small school was also your first at LFSF and with such young children. How did this transition go for you? This was my first time teaching such young children and I will not deny my amazement at the gap between La Petite Ecole and preschool! I had to adapt myself to my young students’ needs - their need for play, for rest – and especially their different ways of approaching their new social environment. The children of Toute Petite Section are small beings in the making, who are not yet fully capable of expressing their emotions with words. So I had to kindly meet their basic needs and gently give them the right tools to express their feelings. I had to dig deep and rely on patience, imagination, creativity, empathy and kindness in order to give each one of my students the best care and attention. This first year at La Petite Ecole was undoubtedly a rich experience in my career as a school teacher and I am proud and impressed to see the progress all children in the class have made! Sharing the year with Odile who assisted and supported me by adding her experience to mine also made the year very special to me.
FILINFO | 2017-2018 #LFSFcreate
Bilingual Fair
Pour répondre aux parents de plus en plus nombreux à
s’intéresser aux avantages d’une éducation bilingue, French Morning, un leader de la presse bilingue française en ligne, organisait le 3 février dernier le premier salon du bilinguisme à San Francisco. Plus de 600 visiteurs participèrent à cet événement qui réunissait les acteurs principaux de l’éducation bilingue. En tant que lead sponsor du salon, LFSF y occupait une place
importante et proposait deux conférences.
Le Salon est un événement indispensable pour aller à la rencontre des principaux acteurs de l’éducation bilingue de la Bay Area.
French Morning
Ashley CHUNG(on the right), M.A, PhD candidate, Psychology represented the Lifespan Cognition and Development Laboratory at York University led by Professor Ellen BIALYSTOK. It is a cognitive neuroscience laboratory in the Department of Psychology at York University of Toronto. Its research examines the effect of bilingualism on cognitive and linguistic processing across the lifespan. She presented a conference on “Growing up with two languages: The effect of bilingualism on cognitive development”. Later in the day, Covadonga LAMAR PRIETO, Co-Director of the Bilingualism Matters chapter at UC Riverside explained why bilingualism matters in California.
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It was wonderful to attend the bilingual fair and see the vibrant and international community in the Bay Area. There are so many opportunities for a bilingual education or an after school experience. The Lycee had a large presence with an enticing booth staffed by admissions, students and alumni. - ILENE LEDERMAN LFSF parent and trustee
(…) The ability to communicate in multiple languages will hopefully help you adapt in this changing world, broaden your outlook, and increase your tolerance for other cultures. - ASHLEY CHUNG-FAT-YIM
LFSF Conference Speaker
INTERVIEW Ashley, could you briefly present the work of the lab and your role within it? AC: At the Lifespan Cognition and Development Laboratory, we examine the effect of bilingualism on cognitive development across the lifespan, using both behavioral and neuroimaging techniques. Our laboratory has also previously explored the role of bilingualism in the acquisition of literacy skills, such as metalinguistic awareness and vocabulary size. I am currently a PhD student in the lab working on multiple projects that compare individuals that are fluent in a single language to those that are fluent in multiple languages on tasks that typically require selective attention. I am currently integrating multiple methodologies to address these research questions, including eye-tracking, mouse-tracking, and event-related potentials. The combined data will hopefully provide a rich set of qualitative and quantitative information regarding attentional resource allocation and processing strategies elicited by monolingual and bilingual participants.
What do you see to be the main incentive for parents to choose a bilingual education?
What was your experience of the Fair and your interest in establishing a relationship with our school.
AC: There are many benefits associated with a bilingual education. We know from previous research that bilingualism is a unique experience that rewires the brain. But in my opinion, if I had to pick one, the main incentive for parents is that their child will be able to speak two languages! There is tremendous value in learning a second language, especially at an early age. As a consequence of enrolling in a bilingual education program, the child becomes biliterate affording them multiple opportunities for employment, travel, and community involvement. Furthermore, our world is becoming increasingly bilingual and communication in this modern era is key. Therefore, the ability to communicate in multiple languages will hopefully help you adapt in this changing world, broaden your outlook, and increase your tolerance for other cultures.
AC: I had such a positive experience attending the Bilingual Education Fair in San Francisco. It was an honor to be a part of this growing initiative to promote and bring awareness to bilingual educational programs in the United States. By attending the talks, I gained a better understanding of the educational system and dual language programs that will help inform future research questions. I was also able to network and engage in wonderful discussions with various speakers, exhibitors, as well as parents. There was a strong sense of community across exhibitors in attendance. I would be happy to collaborate on future research projects with the school or aid in disseminating research findings from the literature if ever needed.
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As more parents become aware of the
As in the 4 previous NY editions, the
benefits of a bilingual education, they
fair reunited the main players of
want to find the right opportunities
bilingual education under one roof.
for their child. On February 3, 2018, over 600 visitors attended the first SF Bilingual Fair organized by the web news platform French Morning.
LFSF was a lead sponsor of this event and had a prominent presence in the exhibit, hosting two conferences.
Emmanuel TEXIER, LFSF winner of the essay on bilingualism Hirad Marami and Isabelle ESSEL (French Morning)
THE ESSAY CONTEST The event included an Essay Contest open to students from grade 7 to 11. The contest invited students to share their personal experience on bilingualism. Two prizes were granted and Hirad won one of the two prizes for LFSF. Congratualitons Hirad!
HOW DOES BEING BILINGUAL MAKE YOU DIFFERENT, SHAPE YOU OR DEFINE WHO YOU ARE? The ability to express oneself clearly and precisely is crucial to being understood and to understanding others, so speaking two languages doubles one’s ability to connect. Being bilingual has shaped and defined me. I consider myself fortunate to be bilingual. I have the power to see a wide range of attitudes and personalities. As I grow older, I hope to use this gift to live a fuller life and to make a difference to others.
By being bilingual, one experiences the philosophies, the schools of thought of two different cultures which influences one’s way of thinking, shaping them. (...) By adding to your artistic culture and by influencing your way of thinking, bilingualism deeply shapes you.
Bilingualism has given me much more than the ability to speak two languages. I owe my rising awareness of the broader world to my bilingual and bicultural education. I hope to use this gift to better understand and respect the diversity of other cultures and people in our world, to wherever they may be. My aspiration is to shape my identity as multi-cultural – as someone who can view and make sense of the world with different points of view and most importantly as a “global citizen of the world.
Bilingualism is an opening towards biculturalism; in fact, it is hard to disassociate them, for they are inextricably linked. I have learned much about France and its people, though I have always 2 lived in the United States, because I grew up reading French novels, thereby accessing the personal experience of the French-speaking world. (...) I therefore contend that bilingualism is not just a state of mind, but also indicates a force of mind. It is bound with critical thought and broad horizons, but also with the possibility to break down the walls which separate humanity into isolated communities, and isolated individuals.
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A proven track record of academic excellence
Congratulations seniors!
Among a class of 2018 of 47 seniors...
51 % will attend colleges in the U.S.A.
• They applied to 112 different colleges (for an average of 8 college applications per senior) • 100% were accepted to their top 3 college choices • They will be attending 4-year colleges in the top 90 in the nation(4,000) – top 2% of universities • They were awarded over $1,062,000 in meritscholarships
15 % will attend colleges in CANADA 34 % will attend institutions in EUROPE (26% in France).
100 % graduate with
a French Baccalaureat + a US High School Diploma*
+80 % passed their Bac with honors
30% with the highest
honors (mention Très Bien) The quality of these results further demonstrates the advantages of our rigorous multilingual education as well as the importance of committing to this education over the long term.
* eligible students with required credits
51% of seniors are LFSF lifers
FILINFO | 2017-2018 #LFSFquestion
“C’était une grande expérience: nous nous sentions vraiment dans un réél environnement de start up! - LAURENCE
Above: Hannah LEDERMAN Thomas THORBROGGER François AKIKI Ethan COLLINS ont remporté la 1ère place pour leur projet LUX.
59 students participated to the Start-up Lycée in San Francisco. UN BEAU PARTENARIAT
Start’UP Lycée C’est le rendez-vous annuel des futurs créateurs d’entreprise pour nos élèves de 2nde, 1ère et Terminale invités à découvrir en l’espace de 48hrs, les étapes clefs du lancement d’une startup! Il se déroule en 2 temps : localement en janvier, au LFSF, puis en mars au niveau national. Cette année, la finale s’est tenue à Chicago. Les étudiants du LFSF ont remporté les 1ere et 3eme places! Un beau succès pour les élèves et les équipes d’enseignants et de coach qui les ont accompagnés dans cette aventure.
avec Hult Business School It’s the annual meeting for our budding entrepreneurs from Gr 10 through 12 who within 48 hours, will go through the key stages required to launch a start-up! It happens in 2 stages: first locally in January, at the LFSF, then in March at the national level. This year’s final was held in Chicago.
Cette année, la phase locale de la compétition a eu lieu à la Hult Business School de San Francisco. 59 étudiants répartis en 15 équipes ont partagé cette superbe aventure. Chaque équipe était encadrée par des entrepreneurs et des enseignants pour les aider à développer leur argumentaire. Les équipes ont créé une application, en ont développé le contenu, ont étudié la faisabilité, le financement de leur projet et enfin l’ont présenté en 4 minutes à un jury composé d’entrepreneurs.
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“It was great to
“J’ai trouvé cette experience
experience team work
unique et incroyable car
and learn how to talk
en une courte période de
in front of a large group
temps on a pu découvrir
of people.
un nouveau domaine de travail. - INES
3 teams went to the final in Chicago. They won 1st + 3rd place! TESTIMONY
Hannah LEDERMAN, LFSF student
Living in San Francisco in the heart of today’s tech companies, I’ve been exposed to a side of tech that most highschoolers don’t get the chance to. Startup Lycée gave me – and hundreds of other international students– the opportunity to solve problems, ideate, and create my own product. With the help of my three teammates, Francois Akiki, Ethan Collins and Thomas Thorbrogger, I came up with a date rape drug detector.
LUX is a pendant attached to your necklace that when dipped into your drink will turn green if safe or red if contaminated by a date rape drug. With the help of our coaches Emma Hitzke and Sophie Nayler, we were able to take this idea and turn it into a concrete project. After winning the SF round and qualifying to go to Chicago for the Startup finale, my group met weekly with Olivier Combeau to discuss
how our research was improving. Once arrived in Chicago, we used the help of new coaches and new tools, for example the 3D printer to make a prototype, to take LUX to the next level. Through all the dilemmas and obstacles we faced, we managed to convince the judges that LUX had potential to become a real company. After winning the competition and an investment of $1,000, we are still working here today with the help of Mr. Combeau to one day put LUX on the market.
FILINFO | 2017-2018 #LFSFquestion
First Lego League
La FIRST LEGO League met les enfants au défi de réfléchir comme des scientifiques et des ingénieurs. Guidées par des entraîneurs adultes, les équipes de la FIRST LEGO League travaillent sur un problème réel et sont mises au défi d’y trouver une solution. Les élèves doivent aussi concevoir, construire, programmer un robot utilisant la technologie LEGO MINDSTORMS®. La compétition les motive tandis qu’ils mettent en pratique des concepts scientifiques, technologiques, techniques et
mathématiques (STEM), auxquels s’ajoute une grande dose d’imagination. Tout au long de cette aventure, au delà des compétences scientifiques et techniques, ils développent esprit critique et esprit d’équipe, et s’habituent à parler en public car ils doivent présenter leurs solutions au jury.
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FIRST LEGO League challenges kids to think like scientists and engineers. Guided by adult coaches, FIRST LEGO League teams research a real-world problem and are challenged to develop a solution. They also must design, build, and program a robot using LEGO MINDSTORM technology, then complete a table-top playing field. This unique experience culminates into a fun educational moment where students learn to apply science,
technology, engineering, and math concepts (STEM), plus a lot of creativity, to solve these problems. Along their journey of discovery, the students develop an understanding of basic STEM applications, and acquire critical and creative thinking skills, team-building skills, and presentation skills when they demonstrate their solutions to judges. IMAGINE MAKE REPEAT
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Congratulations to the Musketeers who won both competitions plus best robot performance award! 26 26 Cette année, pour la première fois, la FIRST LEGO League s’est déroulée au sein du LFSF et plus de 350 personnes sont venues assister à l’événement et soutenir les équipes.
This year, for the first time, LFSF was hosting the event. More than 350 people came to our Ortega campus to attend the competition and support their students.
Un grand merci aux parents volontaires qui ont participé au succès de l’évènement.
The auditorium was full, students were excited and a small army of volunteer parents were there to guarantee the success of this event.
Félicitations aux Mousquetaires qui ont gagné la compétition.
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Cette activité m’a beaucoup aidée à comprendre le langage informatique, à travailler en groupe, à être patiente, et à apprendre que parfois, il faut accepter de laisser tomber une idée si elle ne marche pas et de repartir sur de nouvelles bases. - ALICE DECUGIS
The theme of the year Have you ever wondered how you get the water you use in your daily life? Whether it’s to brush your teeth, quench your thirst, cook your food, or even take a swim – all of us need water! Does it come from the ground, a river or a lake? How do you make sure it’s safe to drink, and what happens when it goes down a drain? In this season’s HYDRO DYNAMISM Robot Game, students got to explore these questions and many more, and learned about the amazing engineering used to protect your most precious liquid asset – water!
Une compétition comme la FIRST LEGO League, c’est la possibilité pour toute une génération de faire valoir son talent de “maker ou ingénieurs en herbe” au sens large avec le coding, les sciences, l’art mais aussi la résolution de problèmes. - ANTON RITZU
LFSF Teacher
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Math en Jeans
...Ce n’est pas faire des maths, en Jeans! Cela veut dire Méthodes d’Apprentissage des THéories mathématiques EN Jumelant des Etablissements pour une Approche Nouvelle du Savoir! Cette initiative, soutenue par le CNRS, a pour but de développer des actions de jumelage entre un mathématicien et des établissements scolaires, afin de mettre les jeunes en situation de recherche, permettre aux élèves comme à leurs parents de se faire une autre image des mathématiques que celle d’une discipline scolaire sélective ou de champ scientifique strict et achevé.
Les élèves, de la 3eme à la Terminale, (et l’année prochaine cette expérience sera offerte des la 4eme) travaillent une fois par semaine, pendant une heure, sur l’heure du déjeuner. Ils réfléchissent ensemble sur des problèmes posés par des chercheurs et les premiers résultats commencent déjà à apparaître au bout de quelques semaines. Ils échangent avec les mathématiciens avec lesquels ils sont jumelés par skype.
Math in Jeans?...It actually has nothing to do with doing your math and wearing jeans : it’s a French acronym! (see above) MATh.en.JEANS is an initiative supported by the CNRS National Center of Scientific Research, connecting students with mathematicians and aiming to introduce them to life-like research situations in order to deliver new perspectives of mathematics. Students from Gr 9 through 12, (Gr 8 next year) met weekly for an hour during lunch, to explore problems brought up by researchers. They corresponded with the mathematicians they were paired with via Skype to analyze solutions. After six months of research, students met for a three-day conference in CHICAGO with other participating school in North America.
A l’issue d’une période d’environ 6 mois, les élèves des écoles participantes sur la zone Amérique du Nord se retrouvent pour un congrès de 3 jours à CHICAGO. L’année prochaine, au mois de mars. la rencontre se fera au LFSF. Nous accueillerons pendant 3 jours une dizaine de Lycées (dont Chicago, Montréal, Ottawa, Houston, New-York, peutêtre Boston et Los Angeles) et près de 280 élèves, chercheurs et enseignants! Un grand moment pour nos élèves et notre école. MATh.en.JEANS est l’une des nombreuses occasions pour nos élèves de travailler, approfondir et vivre les mathématiques de façon différente. Mathématiques sans frontières, la Course aux Nombres, Al Kindi, les Olympiades Nationales de Mathématiques, ou les concours Castor et Algorea sont autant d’opportunités proposées par les équipes enseignantes dès le CM2 et jusqu’à la Terminale.
Next year, the 3 day meeting will be held at the LFSF featuring about a dozen North American high schools and reuniting nearly 280 students, researchers and teachers! A great moment for our students and our school. MATh.en.JEANS is one of many opportunities for our students to work, deepen and experience mathematics in a different way. Mathematics without Borders, the Race to the Numbers, Al Kindi, the National Mathematics Olympics, or the Castor and Algorea competitions are just some of the opportunities offered by the teaching teams from Gr5 to senior year.
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L’atelier puis le congrès Math en Jeans est une expérience unique, un bouillonnement vraiment émouvant qui montre qu’on peut prendre un immense plaisir à faire des maths! – MATTHIEU SCHAVSINSKI LFSF Teacher
FILINFO | 2017-2018 #LFSFexplore
Les programmes d’échanges internationaux Déjà au 16ème siècle, Montaigne, dans ses Essais, recommandait la visite de pays étrangers aux enfants “pour en rapporter principalement les humeurs de ces nations et leurs façons et pour frotter et limer nostre cervelle contre celle d’autrui”. Il soulignait que “les voyages forment la jeunesse”. Cette année, LFSF a initié un programme d’échanges internationaux en s’appuyant sur notre réseau éducatif mondial afin de nos élèves puissent bénéficier de l’occasion d’une expérience culturelle, linguistique, personnelle et surtout humaine très riche sans que cela n’impacte leurs apprentissages scolaires. Deux élèves de Seconde purent ainsi participer à un échande de 6 semaines
avec le Lycée Français International de Tokyo (Japon). Pareillement, trois élèves du LFSF purent passer un trimestre au lycée Ste Anne de Brest. et accueillirent ensuite leur correspondant à San Francisco. Ce programme fut fort bien reçu auprès des élèves et de leur famille séduits par la découverte culturelle, le renforcement linguistique que représentent ces séjours. Ils sont également un atout pour leurs candidatures dans l’enseignement supérieur. LFSF travaille à proposer de nouvelles destinations telles que Rome, Quito, Buenos Aires, Valence ou Tapei!
Je sais que les chanceux qui sont partis se souviendront toute leur vie de leur expérience et des rencontres qu’ils ont faites à cette occasion.
This year, LFSF initiated an international exchange
program based on our worldwide educational network so that our students can benefit from a rich cultural, linguistic, personal and above all hu-
man experience without impacting their academic learning.
Two high school students participated in a 6-week exchange with the Lycée Français International de Tokyo (Japan). Similarly, three students from the LFSF were able to spend a term at the Lycée Ste Anne in Brest. and then accosted their correspondent in San Francisco.
This program was very well received by students and their families attracted by the cultural discovery, the linguistic reinforcement that these stays represent. They are also an asset for their applications in higher education. LFSF is working to offer new destinations such as Rome, Quito, Buenos Aires, Valencia or Tapei!
2017-2018 | BREST • TOKYO
My experience in France was amazing. I met new people, lived a different life, and had many new experiences. (…) My host family treated me as if I were their own and I got along very well with my “correspondante.” Integrating into the school took some time, but I quickly felt part of the community. I am so happy with this experience
definitely recommend it to anyone..
Le LFSF participe à une aventure
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Jeux Internationaux de la jeunesse [ #JIJ2018]
Une expérience inoubliable pour ces jeunes de la Génération 2024. Les Jeux internationaux de la Jeunesse 2018 se sont déroulés à Vesoul, dans le paysage des Milles Etangs, la Chapelle Le Corbusier de Ronchamp et les cabanes des grands lacs. Cette édition était organisée par l’AEFE et le service UNSS régional de Haute Sâone. Pendant trois jours, près de 300 jeunes lycéens de France et d’établissements français de l’étranger se sont s’affrontés pour une compétition qui s’apparente aux Jeux Olympiques du sport scolaire.
Après une sélection et un entraînement rigoureux, six élèves de Seconde furent sélectionnés pour représenter LFSF dans cette compétition de haute visibilité, parrainnée par des grands noms du sport.
After a rigorous training and selection process, 6 LFSF students left to compete in this great adventure. And they made us proud, finishing 5th place of the high level international competition.
Between June 12th and 16th 2018, 55 teams of students from 26 countries gathered in Haute-Saône, France for the 8th edition of the International Youth Games, a major sporting and cultural event organized by the AEFE and the UNSS. Running, hiking, mountain biking, paddling, canoeing, sailing and more are on the program, all allowing these young athletes to enjoy an intense week in full connection with nature!
An international event with 27 countries represented
BAHRAIN BELGIUM BURKINA FASO CANADA EGYPT EQUATOR FRANCE GABON GERMANY JORDAN LEBANON MAURITIUS MOROCCO POLAND PORTUGAL QATAR RUSSIA SINGAPORE SPAIN SÉNÉGAL Training TUNISIA UNITED ARAB EMIRATES UNITED KINGDOM UNITED STATES ... Training for the JIJ has been a long and rigorous process. The students met for weeks to train and went through a demanding selective process, as only 6 of them can participate in the event in France.
Nul doute que nous trouverons, au sein de ce rassemblement de la jeunesse mondiale, de futurs volontaires de la Génération 2024 appelés à jouer un rôle essentiel dans l’organisation des Jeux olympiques et paralympiques Paris 2024. – CHRISTOPHE BOUCHARD Directeur de l’AEFE + LAURENT PETRYNKA Directeur de l’UNSS
sportive et culturelle qui
rassemble 300 lycéens et lycéennes du monde entier de 52 lycées et de 27 pays différents. L’évènement organisé par l’Union National du Sport Scolaire (UNSS) et L’Agence pour l’enseignement français à l’étranger (AEFE) proposera entre autre, des épreuves de course de durée, de paddling, et d’escalade. - WILLIAM DESMOLE LFSF Teacher
FILINFO | 2017-2018 #LFSFexplore
In my 40 hours of community service I was working with people from all different backgrounds, ages and knowledge about the elephant seals, whales and the National Park that we were educating the public about. – LILLIAN STONE (GR.11)
Service Learning Trip
This year, 17 students participated in the service learning trip to Peru. All had completed 40 hours of community service, and 6 hours of classes in Peruvian culture and the issue of educating girls in developing countries. Before and during the trip, students reflected and wrote in their journals about their experiences, and practices mindfulness to integrate their service and learning.
Back on campus, students
performed 2 folkloric Andean dances to their high school peers, and discussed their experiences abroad. As part of the high school service learning program, the service learning trips strive to fulfill the LFSF mission of global citizenship, providing opportunities for global learning outside of the classroom, and for engaged citizenship. Students in Grades 10, 11, and 12 are eligible to participate each year once they have completed 40 hours of local community service. It is a 3-year program, and each year focuses on a different theme and global location.
Each service learning trip has three components:
Service Learning is distinct from community service in that it requires students to demonstrate that their work has contributed to their education.
3. A reflection component
1. A service component where the student spends time serving in the community meeting actual needs 2. A learning component where students seek out or are taught information - often both interpersonal and academic - that they integrate in their service that ties service and learning together.
LFSF HIGH SCHOOL SERVICE LEARNING PROGRAMS Year 2018-2019: TANZANIA Environmental Sustainability: Global Climate Change, Animal Conservation, and Water Crisis. Year 2017-2018: PERU Education and Equality: Educating Girls in Developing Countries Year 2016-2017: HIMALAYAS Living Together and in Exile: Cultural Diversity in India, Nepal, and Tibet.
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The service work that we
I was very intrigued by the Incan legends
did for the Peruvian girls
and how prominent they still are today in
in order for them to go to
Peru. For example, in Incan culture, duality
school showed me that
is extremely important: sun and moon, day
anything we do, no matter
and night, masculine and feminine.
how small, can have the opportunity someones life.
FILINFO | 2017-2018 #LFSFexplore
Global Learning
Morocco was the destination of this year’s Gr 5 Global Learning Trip for 20 students and their teachers.
This Global Learning Trip provided students with the opportunity to participate in sport competitions with French LycĂŠe classes from France, Morocco, Sri Lanka, and Oman, as well as to immerse themselves within a new country where they may discover its culture and language.
Africa Hassan II, Rabat and its ancient Roman site Chellah with hundreds of storks, the Jemaa El Fnaa square in Marrakech, the mountain range of the Atlas in Amanar Land. Walking through the souks and bargaining over the magnificent Moroccan artisanal crafts was also a first for our students.
While partaking in sports activities, our young travelers were able to enjoy local dances and performances, visit majestic landmarks, take memorable hikes in the Atlas or taste authentic dishes like couscous and tagines. During their short stay they were able to see the port of Casablanca, the palace of King Mohamed VI, the Habous district, the highest mosque in
The students were hosted by Moroccan families during the week and life with their host families was a highlight of the trip as all found that sharing the life of a Moroccan family was an incredible opportunity! The immersion was heightened as the journey happened during the month of Ramadan, a time of fasting observed by Muslims worldwide.
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Afin de participer à des rencontres sportives avec des classes venant de France, du Maroc, du Sri Lanka et d’Oman, 20 élèves de CM2 se sont rendus au Maroc. Le voyage fut aussi l’occasion pour nos élèves de découvrir un pays, sa culture, sa langue et ses habitants.
It was amazing! The people were really friendly and I loved the food, especially the bread. I want to go back! - STEFAN LEUNG
FILINFO | 2017-2018 #LFSFexplore
Iceland was a eye opening trip full
Voyage en Islande
of beautiful and diverse views, but of course also very fun trip thanks to my classmates.
37 students from the Gr 10 classes travelled to Iceland in May to take a close look at the country’s take on climate change, geothermal energy, and much more. More than a field trip, it was a firsthand, fully immersive experience in a country that is leading the world with its innovative solutions.
Iceland is widely considered to be a leading country from a political and social standpoint. It’s innovative approach to democracy, and progressive social equality standards awarding men and women equal pay in every professional sector are admirable. Iceland is also notable for its determination to establish and advance a sustainable and environmentally friendly system, along with its innovative solutions to current world issues. For example, researchers based in Iceland have invented a technology to trap CO2.
Les élèves du LFSF souhaitent devenir
l’ensemble de leurs camarades! Le but du voyage était de sensibiliser les élèves à la question du changement climatique. Au-delà de ce sujet, les élèves souhaitaient mener une réflexion approfondie sur les choix énergétiques, économiques et politiques en Islande dans le contexte du changement climatique. La démarche concernait de nombreuses disciplines: géographie, sciences physiques, géothermie, sciences et vie de la Terre, climatologie et protection des espèces menacées, histoire, éducation civique, langues, cinéma et audiovisuel.
J’ai adoré les paysages, voir la mer, les volcans et sentir l’air frais du Nord. L’ambiance était chaleureuse et ça m’a rappelé le Nord de la France. (…) Ce n’est pas tous les jours qu’on joue aux cartes à 10 000m d’altitude avec ses potes au dessus de l’Atlantique! - TOBIAS LEPOUTRE
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Did you know? The Global Learning trip to Iceland was endorsed by photographer and internationally renowned director, YANN ARTHUS-BERTRAND!
Everyone is responsible for our planet and must help to protect it in whatever way he or she can. - HENRI LANDES Alum & Assistant to Yann Arthus-Bertrand
FILINFO | 2017-2018 #LFSFnews
C’est un espace pour les enfants
et les adultes. C’est un outil d’apprentissage, mais aussi un lieu où les enfants peuvent se
A Garden in Sausalito
ressourcer en connection et en communion avec la nature. – Elsa RODRIGUEZ Sausalito Campus Director
Thanks to parent contributions to the Outdoor Green Initiative in 20132014, and the hard work and dedication of the Garden Committee and volunteer parents, students can now enjoy a beautiful green space on our North Bay campus. It follows the principles of permaculture, the vision of the garden committee, under the expertise of Laurent ALFIERI nominated as Garden Ambassador. GARDEN COMMITTEE VISION Respect the opportunity of this unique place on Earth to create an instrument for teaching/learning that adds more value to the education both provided and received at LFSF
PROPOSAL We propose to establish a space that can continually grow over time through the efforts of our teachers and their classes. Meanwhile, it provides opportunities for students and families to learn about sustainability. To design a space that is respectful of our native environment, organic, and sustainable. The space will be nurtured by the community under the stewardship of an annually appointed ‘Garden Ambassador’ who will be responsible for the space.
Alors que l’agroécologie est hissée au premier rang
dérèglements climatiques, il est important d’exposer
agroécologie à taille humaine où chacun peut devenir acteur de sa propre alimentation.
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Alumni Interview
Agniezska PERCHE, class of 2009 went to LFSF from 1st to 12th grade, literature section. She is a Junior Specialist at Bonhams Fine Art Auctioneers & Appraisers in New York City.
What is Bonhams? Can you explain what a Junior Specialist is? Bonhams is an international auction house, like Sotheby’s or Christie’s, that sells works of art and collectibles from a variety of departments ranging from fine art to jewelry, design and even cars! Currently I am a Junior Specialist in the Impressionist & Modern Art Department. My responsibility is to do all the research on works of art to ensure their authenticity before including them in an auction in either London or New York. What is the most exciting for you there? travelling, researching, training to be an auctioneer? Our auctions in New York happen every six months, so we work on a seasonal basis. We travel to collectors’ homes to find paintings, research and then prepare an auction catalogue for the exhibition that happens right before the sale. I must admit that every part
is very exciting! Whether travelling, handling the works, researching, or meeting new collectors, there is always a unique discovery that will make your auction stand out. Last year, for example, we found a very rare cutout by Henri Matisse that was thought to be lost. It turned out, that not only it wasn’t lost, it was in perfect condition hanging in a private collection since 1968! It was a privilege to work to so closely with such an emblematic piece by the artist. How did you find that position? After getting my Bachelor in Art History from McGill, I did a series of internships in Paris and London at both Sotheby’s and Bonhams. When I moved to New York, I was fortunate enough to be offered a position in the Impressionist & Modern department and continue working with the same team I worked with in London.
How do you see yourself in a few years? I hope to continue growing within the department and becoming a Senior Specialist. The benefit of this field is that it is endless with always something to learn and discover. When at LFSF, you were studying literature and languages, has it helped you in your career? Studying literature and languages at LFSF definitely helped in my career. I speak five languages three of which I studied at the Lycée and now use on a daily basis at work. Can you tell us what LFSF brought to you, not only in your work but in your life generally speaking. I would say LFSF has brought a strong sense of community. I moved around since 2009 and have never ended up in a city without a friend or two that also attended LFSF.
In Memoriam It is with deep regret that we learned of the passing of two LFSF alumni this year. We extend our condoleances to their loved ones.
Jacques-Emmanuel TULIPE Class of 1989 passed away on April 18, 2018.
Alexandra LACAN-GRAMOND Class of 1991 passed away on May 17, 2018.
FILINFO | 2017-2018 #LFSFnews
31 yrs
When Corine Meyer leaves us, at the end of this school year, it will be a great loss to our community. As her long-time colleague and friend – I can assure you that we are losing one of our prized possessions. For 30 years, Corine has guided and inspired both students and fellow teachers with her quiet, unassuming, and yet razor sharp professionalism. When Corine leaves us, she also takes with her a large slice of the Lycée’s history. Given that she began her career here in 1988 – she has been with the school since it was just the little campus in the country, and in that time – it is safe to say that she has taught and shaped upwards of 450 young children. What a legacy. Just for perspective – in Corine’s first year, François Mitterand and Ronald Reagan were President. Movie tickets were $3.50. Sony Walkmans were all the rage. Gas was 91 cents a gallon. “Etienne” and “Don’t worry – be Happy” were the big radio hits. The Loma Prieta Earthquake was still a year away. Corine has been an anchor and a very committed member of the Lycée community for 3 decades. We should all take a minute to think about that – and honor her and the impact she has had on all of the students she taught and the lives she touched. We wish you well Corine. Thank you for everything. By Eileen KIEBALA. LFSF Teacher Corine a commencé sa carrière au LFSF en SEPT 1987 en tant qu’ Institutrice de Moyenne section | Preschool (PK2) Son signe astrologique est le Scorpion
We would like to give a special call-out to three departing colleagues who have been working at the school for 30+ years. We thank them for their hard work and dedication over the years at the Lycée Français de San Francisco. We wish them happiness in their next adventures.
31 ½ yrs
Quel métier souhaitiez-vous faire lorsque vous étiez petite? Décoratrice ou institutrice. Quelle est la qualité que vous jugez la plus importante pour faire votre métier. Conscience professionnelle et humour. Quel est votre meilleur souvenir au LFSF? Une collègue est venue me voir dans l’après midi. Elle ne pouvait pas couper le gâteau d’anniversaire d’un de ses élèves. Après plusieurs essais avec un bon couteau à dents, je me suis rendue compte que le gâteau était en polystyrène et seul le décor était en vraie crème.! Le fournisseur nous a donné le lendemain un grand sac de bonbons pour s’excuser... mais pas un autre gâteau ! Les enfants etaient surpris mais nous, les grands, nous avons bien ri !
As any international school, the end of the school
marks the departures of students and their families along with teachers and staff.
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What profession did you want to have when you were little? I wanted to work in national parks with the animals here or in Africa. I wanted to work for National Geographic What is the most important quality to do what you do? Patience and sense What is your best LFSF memory? I have so many memories that I can’t remember them! One of many that stands out is meeting Mrs. Mitterand when she visited the school when her husband was president. I remember letting the Secret Service in to the Balboa campus so they could check it for security.
Christine a été embauchée en FEB 1986 en tant qu’ Institutrice de Grande section | Kindergarten (PK3) Elle est du signe de la Vierge.
Fun Fact.
All three were hired by the same Head of School : Pierre HUDELOT !
We say goodbye and best wishes to all of you who are
leaving the LFSF. We wish you the best and hope to stay in touch!
31 yrs Kay started at the Lycée in SEPT 1987 as a Student’s Supervisor. She’s a Capricorn.
FILINFO | 2017-2018 #LFSFnews
Gala 2018 | Masquerade Ball
THE GALA The auction gala is the our main annual fundraising event of the year. The elegant evening encourages parents to participate to a live and silent auction. Their generous donations help support important programs such as scholarships, field trips and artist-in-residence programs.
MASQUERADE Le thème de l’année retenu par le comité organisateur le gala 2018 était “Masquerade”. La soirée se déroulait dans les salons de l’emblématique hotel Fairmont. Le dîner était rythmé notamment par les interventions du proviseur, Emmanuel TEXIER, d’Eric MOREAU, président du conseil de gestion, et de Dari JULLIEN, présidente du gala.
Le gala de la vente aux enchères est l’événement central de levée de fonds de l’année. Au cours d’une soirée élégante, les parents sont invités à participer à une vente aux enchères et à la levée. Leurs dons permettent de soutenir d’importants programmes tels que les bourses d’établissement, les sorties et voyages scolaires et la venue d’artistes en résidence.
It proved to be a night to remember with mysteriously masked guests reflected in the mirrors of a Classical French salon, followed by dining and dancing under the sparkling lights of chandeliers among 17th century inspired silhouettes, wire mesh ballroom gowns and cascades of candy.
Le gala annonçait le thème de l’année:
l’enrichissement des programmes sportifs au LFSF!
FILINFO | 2017-2018 #LFSFnews 43
Your generosity and enthusiasm helped us collect $395, 000. This year the enrichment of our Sports programs was the focus of Fund for the Future. We look forward to reporting on all the ways the students will be impacted by this effort in 2018-19. - NATHALIE HAUTAVOINE Director of Advancement
Amazing evening with all the guests dressed elegantly and mysterious behind their masks. It was magical! - DARI JULLIEN Gala Chair
This year again, the Gala was that amazing time of the year where the whole LFSF community gathers for a celebration of generosity and diversity. Teachers, parents, staff members, sponsors, high school students proved again that we are all united around the best school in San Francisco. - BRIGITTE DEAN Chair Sponsor & Advertising Committee
Fund for the Future 2018 This school year Fund for the Future is going to enhance our Sports Enrichment Programs for next school year. Sports and games enhance children’s mental and physical growth as well as strengthen their social assets. Sports at school foster discipline, responsibility, self-confidence, accountability and teamwork. Each class level will follow a specific program including but not limited to biking, swimming, judo, racket sports, climbing, Tchouk ball, rollerblading, racket sports, mini golf, kayaking, or ping pong.
The final gross number
for FFF sports Enrichment
$143,000. Merci.
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