Annual review 2012

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ANNUAL REVIEW - 2012 International Association of students in Agricultural and related Sciences IAAS Headquarters: Faculty of Bio-science Engineering, Kasteelpark Arenberg 20 B-3001 Heverlee (Leuven) - Belgium Tel.: +32 16 321 736 -

What can you read in the IAAS Annual Review 2012? Intro 3 5 6

President’s Welcome Editors say Hi! What is IAAS?

IAAS Community 8 12 15 18

Who’s Who? Expro Information International Training Committee New IAAS Countries

Core Meetings 21 23 24 25 27

World Congress 2012 in Belgium & Germany African Directors Meeting 2012 in Benin Directors Meeting of the Americas 2012 in Canada European Directors Meeting 2011/2012 in Slovenia Alumni Meeting 2012 in Switzerland

Exchange Weeks 28 30 31 33

Hohenheim (Germany) hosts Croatia, Greece and Poland Slovenia hosts Belgium and Switzerland Croatia hosts Poland and Sassari (Italy) Exchange Week Battle: Switzerland vs Spain

Local Events 34 36 40 42 44 46

Sweet Seminar in Poland Find out about Indonesia IAAS Belarus Food Galaxy IAAS Promotion tour in Africa Motivation Weekend Germany

Upcoming Events in 2013 2


Presidents’ Welcome Dear IAASers around the world, I am really happy to present to you the Annual Review of 2012. Back in 1957, when a group of progressive students wanted to share their experiences and exchange the knowledge on agriculture, IAAS, the International Association of Students in Agricultural and Related Sciences, came into being. Over the years, IAAS has evolved from eight founding members to one of the largest international students’ associations, gathering young people who study, graduate and do research at more than 100 universities in 46 countries around the world.IAAS has a long standing tradition and we proudly keep alive our mission: “To promote the exchange of experience, knowledge and ideas, to improve the mutual understanding between students in the field of Agriculture and Related Sciences all over the world.” To emphasize the importance of IAAS in a globalized world, let me give you a brief insight on one of the most serious matters we are facing: the increased rate of Earth’s population. It is estimated that by the year 2050, the Earth will be hosting 9 billion people. Can we feed all these people? That is a question that many scientists around the world are trying to answer. On the one hand, scientists more specifically bioengineers, are convinced that Genetic Modified Organisms (GMOs) are the solution to the problem. On the other hand, more and more scientists say that GMOs are not the future and that they will destroy the planet. Are we willing to take sides in this never-ending battle? Or should we find a way to bridge the gap between these two groups of people and work all together for a better planet? As the President of IAAS, I would like to encourage all our members to participate in informal educational programs and organize extracurricular activities, so that more students of agriculture and related sciences will enjoy the knowledge and skills of IAAS members. IAAS is a place where we share ideas on how to build a better tomorrow; we experience our science and enhance our education; we create long-lasting friendships and discover opportunities for the future. By being a member of IAAS you will change your way of looking at agriculture and you will discover a new way of life. IAAS is a place where everybody feels at home and respected. Together we broaden horizons. This Annual Review will give you a synopsis of the events, worldwide congresses, our partners and activities organized or joined by IAAS members in 2012. Last but not least, I would like to present this year’s topic: “The future of the planet: Is GMO the answer or not? If not, which are the other possibilities?” You are most welcome to organize a discussion, seminar or write an article for the IAAS Magazine about this topic. To end a pleasant and fruitful year let me wish you a happy NEW IAAS YEAR! KEEP UP THE IAAS SPIRIT! IAASfully yours, Lyda Michopoulou

IAAS Annual Review 2012




Editors say Hi! Hello dear reader! We are Vincent Verdugt, student bioscience engineering at KU Leuven, and Katia Kishchenko, student multilingual communication Dutch-English-Russian at Lessius/KU Leuven. We are two cheerful, motivated and enthusiastic friends and this year’s editors of the IAAS Annual Review 2012. The Annual Review is a great medium to inform about the IAAS activities that took place in the past year, with focus on global as well as local events. It also gives IAAS members the chance to share their events, stories and adventures with fellow IAASers all over the world; so that in about ten or twenty years, we will hold this Annual Review and think back to all these sweet memories with a smile on our faces. Because if we know the past, we can create the future. Let this Annual Review be our motivation to keep organizing educational, open-minded and unforgettable events and to stimulate connections between different cultures. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all IAAS members who send in their enjoyable articles, interesting reports and wonderful pictures. These are the building stones which created this overview of last year’s activities. We hope you will enjoy reading it. Lots of love, Vincent and Katia

PS: If you are interested in being the next editor, feel free to contact for more information.

IAAS Annual Review 2012

AR 2011

AR 2010

AR 2009

AR 2008

AR 2007

Know the Past, Create the Future!



What is IAAS? The International Association of students in Agricultural and related Sciences (IAAS) is one of the leading students associations gathering students from all life sciences, such as agriculture, environmental sciences, forestry, food sciences, biotechnology and agribusiness. It is spread over all 6 continents and has committees in over 40 countries. The aims of IAAS are to promote the exchange of knowledge, information and ideas among students, and to improve the mutual understanding between countries and cultures. Therefore IAAS wants to be a place where students in life sciences from all over the world meet each other, experience new mentalities and cultures, travel and see new places and learn about all aspects of agriculture together with their future colleagues. Furthermore, IAAS is a non-profit making, completely student driven association, which is independent of any international body, government or religion.

Which are our main activities? World Congress: This is the yearly meeting of the governing body of IAAS, consisting of a General Assembly and a seminar. It attracts our members from all over the world. Usually it is organised in July-August and lasts for three weeks. Director’s Meetings and Regional Meetings: IAAS member countries are divided into different regions. Within these regions, meetings with different educational topics are held every year. Director’s Meetings usually last about a week and deal with important issues. Regional Meetings are more informal gatherings. Seminars and Conferences: These are held by our local committees around the world to facilitate learning on a certain educational topic. You can sometimes even earn credits by attending some of our high-quality seminars. Exchange Program: It enables students to get practical experience by taking part in a traineeship or working on a farm, in an organisation or in a company in another country. It has for years been the backbone of IAAS. Broaden your horizons and complete your compulsory internship abroad or gain priceless experience by learning more about life sciences in another country! Exchange Weeks: When two or more committees are interested in having an Exchange Week, they can simply do so. The participating committees will once be the hosts and the next time they will be the guests! This is an excellent way for an IAAS committee to learn more about another country. Often a theme is chosen and usually the participants only pay travel costs, only sometimes also a small participation fee. Art Festival: A relatively new concept in IAAS, which combines agriculture and arts in a very interactive way.

How is IAAS structured? The most important part are the members who are grouped in different local committees, organised by a Local Director (LD). Each country has one National Director (ND), who is responsable for the contact between the different local committees and the other IAAS countries. Different countries which are geographically related are part of a specific region, which is lead by the Regional Director (RD). On an international level there are two leading committees. First, the Executive Committee (EC), with the President, the Vice Presidents and their Boards. There are 4 Vice Presidents with each of them having a ‘Board’ of helping members. These are the Vice President of Communication, Exchange, Finance and Partnership. Secondly, there is the Control Committee (CC), which exists of tree persons. Their function is to advice and check the Executive Committee.

How to get in contact with IAAS? You can find us on the internet via, where you can find more information about IAAS and the contact information of some committees. You can also follow us on Facebook at If you have specific questions, don’t hesitate to contact our Vice President of Communication via


Africa : Americas : Europe : Asia:

Benin, Ghana, Nigeria, Rwanda, Togo, Uganda, Zimbabwe Canada, Chile, Guatemala, Mexico, USA, Venezuela Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Macedonia, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine Australia, China, India, Indonesia, Nepal, Tajikistan, Thailand, Uzbekistan

Where is IAAS represented?


IAAS Annual Review 2012


IAAS Community

Who’s who? Meet the Executive Committee

Meet Lyda, our President

Contact: ; skype: lyda_papa

Favorite color: Favorite music genre: Favorite IAAS memory: Favorite dish: Favorite hobby:

Black and blue Rock, new rock and alternative World Congress in Mexico 2009 After my last week in Porto, I am in love with Francesinha. Delivering trainings :-)

What do you want to realize this year in IAAS? The IAAS mission, which is: 1. EC visibility in IAAS and external events 2. Fundraising for IAAS International 3. IAAS corporate image Be More Professional + make our events too! 4. Flow of information more active and motivated members 5. Discuss + DO Agriculture! What aspects of IAAS do you like the most? That we are a big family where members respect each other, meet old friends and make new ones! :-) What do you want to share with the IAAS Community? Merry Christmas and a happy new IAAS year!

Meet Sylwia, our VP of Communication

Contact: ; skype: sylwia.wii Favorite color : Black Favorite music genre : Rock Favorite IAAS memory : My first IAAS seminar in Bonn (Germany). Before I went there I was so stressed because I didn’t really know what IAAS was about and what I would be doing with 20 foreigners around me. But when I met those people I understood that I was at the right place. Now I feel that IAAS is my second family. Favorite dish : Chocolate! Favorite hobby : TRAVELING! Exploring places and meeting new people!

What do you want to realize this year in IAAS ? During this year I would like to focus on our website. Of course very important for me is the improvement in communication and information flow in the IAAS community. I want also to promote our association at Universities to establish new IAAS committees. What aspect of IAAS do you like the most? I think I love every aspect of IAAS - self development, experiencing new cultures, exchanging knowledge and a lot more. But the best part of IAAS is the people. I love to spend my time with IAASers from all around the world! What do you want to share with the IAAS Community? I am very privileged to be part of such a great association. I wish you all to find passion and friendship in IAAS. Enjoy your time as a student and be 100% for IAAS because it’s worth it! YOLO!!! The IAAS member that was elected for the position of Vice President of Partnership failed to fulfill his tasks. We hope that the new one, who will be elected at the EDM in Sweden will live up to our expectations. 8

IAAS Community Meet Alex, our VP of Exchange Contact: ; skype: alexandra7373737

Favorite color : Pink (Before it was blue! So quite a change!) Favorite music genre : Trova Favorite IAAS memory : TtT and WOCO in Belgium was my first IAAS event abroad where I finally could take part in the famous Trade Fair. Immediately I got quite involved as a trainer and a chairman and I got my very personal Crash-course in IAAS. Favorite dish : Thai cuisine and Peruvian guinea pig Favorite hobby : Does IAAS count? Then for sure IAAS!! What do you want to realize this year in IAAS? My objective for this year is to improve the Exchange Programme in any way. The website still looks quite chaotic and it is difficult for student to find out which places are available and which are not. Therefore I will change and actualize the website information for an easier accessibility. I will also promote the further spread of Expro throughout the IAAS member countries to let more countries be involved and profit from this great opportunity! What aspects of IAAS do you like the most? With IAAS you do not need to travel the world. The world is coming to you when you visit events like WOCO, EDM, Exchange Weeks, Seminars,… You meet so many amazing people who do the same study as you do. They have so many similarities with you but at the same time there are many interesting differences between countries, cultures, personalities. All IAASers are very open minded and ready to learn more about the world and its people. What do you want to share with the IAAS Community? No matter if you are a Food-Scientist, Biotechnologist, Agronomist or Forester, no matter if you are African, European, Latin American or Asian, no matter if you are a Bachelor-Student, Master-Student, PhdStudent or Professional, BE ACTIVELY INVOLVED IN IAAS AND GET THE EXPERIENCE OF YOUR LIFE!

Meet Yahor, our VP of Finance

Contact: ; skype: evazwan Favorite color : Favorite music genre : Favorite IAAS memory : Favorite dish : Favorite hobby :

Green Pop pank I can’t forget EDM in Slovenia. It was my first IAAS event and it was fabulous. My favorite dish is mini burgers with a side of avocado. My favorite hobby is swimming, because, I think it is a very healthy and therefore useful sport.

What do you want to realize this year in IAAS? I want to help the committees and support them with the attraction of sponsors i.e. by providing ideas and experience,managing the finances and achieve stability in the association.

What aspect of IAAS do you like the most? The opportunity to explore many cultures, meet different people, get irreplaceable experience… and find many awesome friends!

What do you want to share with the IAAS Community? Experience, knowledge and kindness. And I can also teach them how to swim if they want. ;) IAAS Annual Review 2012


IAAS Community

Meet the Control Committee We asked CC to present themselves and to tell us what the strong points of their EC-buddies are. Let’s find out...!

Hi everybody, my name is Dorien Nijs, I am 22 years old and I study bioscience engineering at the KULeuven in Belgium. This is my last year of study so I am now working on my thesis about artificial photosynthesis. (Yes, next to eating fries and drinking beer, we do study now and then ;) ) I am privileged to be the presidential CC of 2012 - 2013 and follow and guide Lyda doing her tasks as president of our association. Next to this, she has also become a good friend. Lyda’s strong points: • As this is her second time as President of IAAS, Lyda already knows how it works. Her experience of last year prepares her for the thrills, the obstacles, the difficulties and the stress of being responsible for the efficient operation of IAAS. She knew what to expect and where she was getting herself into. • Lyda knows when to take the lead and when to sit together with the team to accomplish goals. The combination of being a leader and a team player is a big advantage: she is not only ‘the big boss’, but she also listens to the problems of the VP’s and this leads to a good guiding and motivation of the other EC members in their tasks. • Her unconditional love for IAAS is unseen. She has committed herself totally for the wellbeing of our organization. This reflects in so many things, a small list: »» Her regular presence at international events and meetings, not only IAAS related: she maintains the external relations and is the face of IAAS for partner organizations; she also enhances the face-to-face contact with IAAS members. »» Lyda’s presence and the hard work at the Headquarters in Leuven where I always see her mailing, skypeing, etc. when I jump in for a random visit. Did I already mention she is a real workaholic? Hello! I am Kristina Košmrlj from Slovenia, where I am doing my PhD in plant biotechnology and breeding. I have been a member of IAAS since 2007 and I have been the national director, OC of various events and an international control committee member already. Before I “retire” I decided to help Sylwia (VP of Communication) and Yahor (VP of Finance) with the knowledge and experience that I have gained in these years. Sylwia is somebody you like from the moment you meet her. I would describe her as kind, open minded, talkative and hard working. Well, I think it is pretty clear why she was elected VP of Communication. Yahor is probably one of the youngest VPs of Finance we have ever had. However, he has enough experience in accounting to do the job as it has to be done. Furthermore, he is a very good team player and has a great sense of humor. Hello! My name is Rafael. I am from Mexico, but I am attending graduate school in the USA. This is my first year as a member of the IAAS CC and I will be helping Alex with her role as VP of Exchange and Hafiz as VP of Partnership. Alex is very organized. She is focused, meaning that she knows what has to be done, and she helps everybody stay on top of things. She is also very good in motivating others to do the best they can. She is kind and great to talk to. Hafiz has a great attitude, which makes it easy to talk to him and figure things out. He is also good at resolving problems and looking for opportunities and alternatives. He looks like someone who is not afraid to say what is on his mind, but who is also willing to listen to what others have to say. 10

IAAS Community

Meet the Regional Directors

Africa Oscar Ahossou (IAAS Benin)

Americas Dylan Clark (IAAS USA)

West Europe Nina Ellenbroek (IAAS Switzerland)

Central Europe Anastasia Melidi (IAAS Greece)

North-East Europe Susanne Humble & Madelene Andersson (IAAS Sweden)

IAAS Annual Review 2012



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IAAS Community

Independent Training Committee (itc) Written by Irena Soljic (ITC) „Let’s keep the IAAS spirit alive.“ That’s the first sentence that pops up to my mind when I think about IAAS. It poured from dozens of mouths at IAAS events. Got me wondering: “What is this holy spirit they’re talking about? What’s this glue that makes some pretty cool people (officialy certified by me as – the coolest- after numerous events of different organizations I’ve taken part of) keep sticking to eachother?” Well, it didn’t take a long time to get the answer. Which is confirmed in every moment, every event, every initiative... Somehow these people, you, got stuck under my skin. To keep a long (and epic) story short, I’ve been around IAAS like a cat around a butcher’s shop. Years passed, events came and went, unforgetable friendships were made – and with all that, a desire inside me started evolving. A little voice that was telling me that I needed to give something back to IAAS. Well, the answer to that little voice came in the form of two extraordinary human beings (Lara and Tine, here’s a public expression of my admiration for you. I am too much of a wimp to praise you in person). They had the same desire as me. Some time (and a lot of brainstorming) later – IAAS Independent Training Committee was formed. Well, young IAAS-er, you might ask yourself what does the Independent Training Commitee (or ITC for short) do? How exactly do we contribute to the overall achievements of this splendid organization? What does “training” mean?

I think the easiest way to answer all those questions is to visit the upcoming events and find out by empirical experience. However, since you are reading this now (and, of course, imagining about participating on our trainings), it is my duty as a trainer to give you the answer. It’s easy – soft skills. Now, what are these soft skills? As a proud member of the copy/paste generation, I present to you the definition of soft skills from Wikipedia: “Sociological term relating to a persons EQ – emotional intelligence quotient; the cluster of personality traits, social graces, communication, language, personal habits, friendliness and optimism that charactarizes relationships with other people.” Put simply – it’s skills that are neccessary for every team, IAAS included, to function and evolve properly. In practice it means that good ITC-ers help ease the process of learning why, how and what good IAAS-ers should know before (and during) they put their plan into action. ITC had celebrated its first birthday this summer at WoCo in Belgium. Or maybe we celebrated it few days before on our first Train the Trainers, directed by ITC in the heart of Brussels (not really important when exactly, we had too much fun to remember these mere details). All new quests are difficult, ITC was no exception, however the reward for this difficult quest were our extraordinary participants. We couldn’t have wished for better future reinforcement. I am not sure if there is some kindhearted wizard in the world that grants people their birthday wishes, but we managed to hit the jackpot this year. Our team of three tripled!

‘The highest activity a human being can attain is learning for understanding because to understand is to be free.’ Baruch Spinoza.

IAAS Annual Review 2012


IAAS Community I remember Trade Fair on WoCo (Before I never believed I would remember Trade Fair. So this is what getting older feels like.), a truly inspiring young woman came up to me and said: „I can’t believe what we did! It’s incredible how much they learned and how fast they grew! What a team we have!“ Then she hopped off to do some silly dancing with a Portuguese dancer who could bring Patrick Swayze to shame. She also left me thinking how this was a small step for mankind, maybe even for IAAS but it sure felt like walking on the Moon. The future looks bright for ITC. I feel that there is a new wind in IAAS sails that is coming, I sense the overflow of energy after every workshop, I see the curiousness in people’s eyes. It’s an amazing feeling to encourage raising questions and finding simple effective answers for them. It’s also astonishing to see how positive atmosphere influences merging different personalities to function as one. I remember one participant saying to me: „ I used to think that these student events are just drinking, partying and lectures about stuff we already know but boy was I wrong. I actually learned something new today.“ This participant was, of course, not from IAAS as all IAAS-ers find great joy in everything we do, especially partying, drinking and getting sober on lectures about stuff we already know. I could keep on stating how trainings are incredible for hours, but nothing will convince you more than actually participating. In short, we keep it useful, motivating and most importantly FUN! If you are still not convinced to participate, I am also living proof that a little bit of engagement goes a long way. Currently I am getting ready to move to Belgium and follow my childhood dream which was made possible exclusively because of IAAS and ITC (and amazing friends). Ask me what my dream is when you see me, I will not mind showing off a little bit. Every story should have a happy end, so this one will not be an exception. If you didn’t have the pleasure to meet our official mascot - Barley the ITC monster, then let his beautiful portrait on this page catch your eye. As Barley was especially good this year, Santa decided to reward him. Santa thought long and hard what he should get Barley. Then it hit him! Barley is an ambitious monster, he would make him a CV that could skyrocket his career. Santa searched and googled, finally finding a CV example from Harvard Business Review. Barley was so happy that he told me he wanted to share this secret CV recipe to IAAS-ers around the world. So be sure to take a peak at it when you are ready to step into the working world. Last but not least, dearest IAAS-ers, Barley and his friends from ITC wish you a Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year full of promising new starts. The Beginning.


IAAS Community

Barley O. Stinson

Ossengang 5 ♦1000 Brussels ♦ +324 310312 ♦ LinkedIn:

Official mascot of Independent Training Committee Specializing in Lifting atmosphere and Raising spirit

IAAS Independent Training Committee, Leuven, BE March 2012 – Present Event host at 1st IAAS ITC Train the trainer and various training at IAAS events Jul 2012 – present *Earned several promotions, from Funny concept to Official mascot March 2012 – Jul 2012  Leading triple-digit growth of Post-it usage in the world by inspiring IAAS-ers writing down innovative ideas for products and projects thus raising awareness about agriculture around the Globe  Currently assisting development of strategy and visions of ITC, delivering triple increase in team members and a 70% increase in participation level , within only 1 year. Key Successes Include: • Successfully motivating several people to deliver up to 50 hours of Soft skills training to curious and hardworking IAAS-ers • Winning multiple major awards, including Best mascot of Training Committee, with particular recognition for Good will ambassador and Most inspiring plush toy, among others. Chinese Clothes Factory, Beijing, CH Feb 2005 – Mar 2012 Piece of cloth • Earned several significant promotions from Pieces of thread to Piece of cloth by achieving maximum in every step of production process • Increased company profit by selling on European market for sevenfold its original manufacturing price


Master of Arts in Soft skills Train the trainer IAAS ITC University, July 2012 Servant of Science in Textile Technology University of Beijing, Sep 2008


MANAGERIAL: Leadership skills • Skilled facilitator • Strategy implementer •Motivator of training coordinators • ITC event manager • TECHNOLOGICAL: • WordPress • Movie maker • Photoshop Pro • JavaScript • MAGICAL: • Tripling ITC members • Lightning up every atmosphere • Jaw-dropping cuteness


Founding member of Train the trainers, ITC event ♦ Member of ITC ♦Member of Society of recycled stuffed animals ♦ Lifelong honorary member of IAAS Page 1 of 1

IAAS Annual Review 2012


IAAS Community

New IAAS Countries - Welcome!

At this year’s General Assembly there has been voted to allow for 5 new IAAS Member Countries, namely Australia, Azerbaijan, China, Rwanda and Uganda. Welcome to the IAAS Community! Discover these new committees and their countries through this short presentation.


James, Stefan and Ryan Australian Shrimps on the Barbie!

Country area

7 692 024 km²

Official language


IAAS Base city


Main agricultural practice

Greatly varied - grazing in high rainfall zones of the South, wheat/sheep zone, irrigation and pastoral (outback)

Typical dish

Shrimp on the barbie

Funny Fact

We have kangaroos!

Burning Mountain in Azerbaijan!

Azerbaijan Country area Official language

Azerbaijani (part of Turkic language family)

IAAS Base city

Ganja (2nd largest city, 313 300 inhabitants)

Main agricultural practice

For crop production: cereals, cotton, vegetables, potatoes, fruit, viticulture, tobacco and forage In livestock production: cattle, sheep, horses, camels and poultry

Typical dish

After a cup of tea, you can enjoy a meal with an abundance of fresh vegetables and some mutton, beef, poultry or fish, often spiced with saffron. Served as a side dish are vegetable salads, with the vegetables sliced very thinly. Often after dinner dovga (cold soup from sour milk) is served for a good digestion. Azerbaijan cuisine is not only tasty but also healthy - the evidence is the country’s high number of long-livers and centeranians!

Parviz Yusifov (ND) and Elnara Naghiyeva (Exchange Coordinator)

Funny Fact - Azeri culture is known for its folklore and superstition, like ‘Leaving scissors with opened blades brings misfortune and even death’. - Garry Kasparov, the famous former world chess champion, was born in Azerbaijan. - The Burning Mountain is a hill that burns all year round due to natural gas escaping from the ground, it is a rare natural wonder!


86 641 km²

IAAS Community China

Dong (ND) and Changsong

Country area

9 706 961 km²

Official language

Mandarin Chinese

IAAS Base city

Chengdu, SiChuan Province

Main agricultural practice

Crop production in hot houses is a very common practice in China that allows farmers to grow all season vegetables and fruits.

Typical dish

There are so many traditional dishes, one of them is Stuffed Duck with the 8 Treasures (picture).

Funny Fact

China has cultivated Tea for over 2000 yrs!

Stuffed Duck with 8 Treasures... Hot houses in China

Uganda Country area

236 040 km²

Official language


IAAS Base city


Main agricultural practice

Main crops produced are maize, bananas, coffee, tea, cassava, beans, sorghum and mille. The main animals reared are cattle,goats, pig and sheep. We also have the long horned ankole cattle, which are very special.

Typical dish

Depending of the region the sauce varies a lot but the main foods are bananas, millet flour(kalo), maize(posho) and rice among others..

Funny Fact

In Uganda there are over 30 languages spoken due to the numerous tribes. Therefore it is common to find a person speaking over 5 different languages!

Venezuela Country area

916,445 km2

Official language

Castilian Spanish

IAAS Base city


Main agricultural practice

Two most important grains are corn and rice. Also a high production of pork has been established during the last years. Milk production has increased tremendously.

Typical dish

Pabellon, which is rice with beef and stewed black beans. It is common to add a fried egg or fried plantain slices.

Some members of IAAS Uganda who were part of a summer internship program with colleagues from Iowa State University in the eastern district of Kamuli in Uganda.

IAAS Annual Review 2012


IAAS Community Republic of Rwanda Country area

26 338 km²

Official language

English, French and Kinyarwanda

IAAS Base city

Butare, Huye, Southern Province

Main agricultural practice

The agricultural sector has been given a high priority in the government’s planning for development. The current national thrust is for the sector to move from subsistence to commercial mode of production. Currently, with the work of agronomist, the main practices are based on the land use consolidation, sensitization on the use of organic and inorganic fertilizers and currently the government has introduced mechanization systems in different districts. Despite the government’s effort in raising awareness of farmers for adopting improved methodology which led to sustainable agriculture and production, in most of rural areas, the farmers are still relying on traditional practices of farming.

Typical dish

In most of the cases, a typical Rwandan meal is made of bananas cooked to a mash, soya beans peanut sauce, sweet potatoes, beans, and cassava. Sometimes for breakfast we have sorghum porridge in rural areas but there is a difference in urban one as they have a high purchasing power at the market, they can afford different types of food. In Rwanda, we live by growing our own food such as beans, bananas, sweet potatoes, potatoes, cassava, sorghum, and soya beans. For variety, we also grow maize, rice, peas, cabbages, onions, green peppers, kale, carrots, avocados and peanuts.

Funny Fact

IAAS Rwanda members participate in different welcome parties and bye bye parties in collaboration with the Rwanda Village Concept Project (RVCP) when they have international participants. We like to dance together and organize football matches with the Rwandan Agriculture Student Association (RAGRISA) and this helps us to get to know each other and international people from all over the world.

IAAS Rwanda Meeting by Emmanuel Muhire (IAAS Rwanda)

At the Faculty of Agriculture from the National University of Rwanda, 4th year students and members from IAAS Rwanda held a meeting to present IAAS in general and explain its aims and activities. This was a great opportunity to confirm what IAAS Rwanda wants to do in the future regarding to the surrounding community of the campus. They emphasized on specific activities, which will make IAAS Rwanda different compared with other students organisations. Among their actual priorities is capacity building for local farmers and doing more research in agricultural issues. Some hands-on experience is very useful in this regard!

IAAS Rwanda Team

Some members of IAAS Rwanda doing practical agricultural research in the field

If you are interested in starting a new committee of IAAS, organising an activity with IAAS or becoming a member, don’t hesitate to contact a local committee, connect with us on Facebook or mail our Vice President of Communication via We will be happy to welcome you as well!


Core Meetings

World Congress - Belgium & Germany Written by Vincent Verdugt (IAAS Belgium) One of the main purposes of a World Congress is being together with as much IAASers as possible to discuss the past, the present and the future of IAAS during the General Assembly. This time participants from Australia, Belarus, Belgium, Benin, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Indonesia, Italy, Kenia, Macedonia, Mexico, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Tajikistan, Ukraine, the USA and Venezuela were present.

General Assembly

There were a lot of tasks on the agenda of the General Assembly. Some of them were really serious and other were rather pleasant to do, an example of the last was the presentation of the activities of each country during the past year. Did you know that in Indonesia they organise activities where you can learn to ride a tractor? An official report of the General Assembly can be obtained by asking a copy from the IAAS President. Maybe important to mention is that just before the World Congress, the International Training Committee (ITC) had organised their first Train-the-Trainer (TtT) workshop. The participants of this workshop were also present during the General Assembly and could therefore implement their skills in facilitating the meetings, which often resulted in an improved efficiency. Beside the facilitation, they also provided the participants with the possibility to receive trainings. Fundraising, Body Language, Teamwork, Intercultural Communication, Project Management, Effective Meetings & IAAS Promotion were some subjects that could be chosen for. To relax and freshen up our minds the serious meetings and discussions were counterparted by the evening activities and day excursions. One of the highlights of the week’s evening activities was the Trade Fair. Unbelievable how many delicious tastes there are in the world! The excursion to Ghent was planned when different music performances were held throughout the city centre. On the National Day (21st of July) we visited the Belgian capital, Brussels. Some of the participants had even the chance/luck to see the King & Queen at some meters distance, something I have never experienced myself in fact! IAAS Annual Review 2012

Seminar: Face the Future! – Agriculture from different points of view

As already suggested by our seminar’s title, the idea of this year’s program of the World Congress was to point out and model possible future developments within the agricultural and food sector. It is our conviction that the complex problems, we are facing, will never have one-sided, simple solutions and therefore need an approach from very different angles at a time. In this spirit we wanted to set impulses through a multitude of excursions (to farms and industries). Additionally we invited scientists and experts from our universities and worldwide operating NGOs, giving you the chance to evolve and discuss possible development strategies on a scientific level. Last but not least we had a look on the farmer and rural people. We also wanted to emphasize on the fact that we are the future! And we as students can play a key-role in the future development of the agricultural sector! The first week of the seminar was based in Leuven. This was a good operating base to discover Belgian agricultural companies. To show the aspect of hightechnological agricultural practices, we visited large greenhouses for tomatoes. Really everything was monitored and computer-controlled. Another company that used a lot of technology to process their products was a company that produced nutrition for animals. All products were conducted through different tubes and machines to grind them and put them in packages. The computer screens showed the incredible complex pathway of all the different pipelines. To get to know some notions on new developments in both vegetable and animal production, two different research stations were visited.


Core Meetings Belgium is famous for its fine quality beers, so a thorough explanation of the beer production process and a pleasant beer tasting in a real brewery could not be left behind. You certainly have heard about Belgian beer, but did you also hear about the Blanc-Bleu Belge (French for ‘Belgian white-blue’)? This is a sort of breed of cow with muscles that are unproportionate to the rest of their body and therefore the cows have a lot of meat. A visit to a local farm with these cows was possible for the participants. The producing and processing of products are one side of the story, another aspect are the logistics of the products. To emphasize on this a fruit sorting company, an auction of fruit and vegetables, an auction for fish and a terminal for kiwis were visited. In Belgium there is a movement that wants to add and improve social aspects of the agricultural sector by employing mentally disabled people for certain jobs. To introduce this topic a representative of the organisation ‘Greencare’ (Groenzorg) gave a presentation and talked about the different advantages and difficulties. One of the main positive effects for the hired people was that they got the feeling to be of some use and to actually do some real work. This presentation was given at a ‘Care farm’ were mentally disabled people could come and enjoy the animals or work in the field, always under supervision and with the appropriate guidance. To make the participants think about agricultural topics, different professors from our university guided discussions in smaller groups on different issues. One possibility was a talk about applied gene technology in a pig breeding company with gene markers and cloning. To reflect on agriculture on a global level, Mr. Baker from the World Agricultural Forum gave a presentation with the title ‘Rethinking agriculture in today’s context. Not only the agricultural subjects of this week were interesting to discover, also (multi)cultural subjects were present. The architecture, history and nice park of Leuven were a good scene to discover the cultures from the participants. That’s what they call: bringing the world to your home! At International Night, the wonderful mix of cultures became visible. From Indonesian traditional singings and dances, over a Polish Polonaise, to American swing and Mexican folk dance in beautiful dresses… And the list continues! An unforgettable evening where everyone could experience new cultures and express their own culture through music and dance.


The second week of the seminar was held in the neighborhood of Bonn, in the Eifel region. At the beginning of the week lectures were given on the subjects of the Fairtrade label, conservation of the water resources and the world food crisis. On another day participants could choose for a specific topic out of three, namely meat consumption, biofuel or food waste, on which they had to prepare a short presentation. This presentations led to facilitated discussions afterwards. In Germany the organic production of food has been generally adopted and is wide spread. Therefore it was a nice opportunity to highlight this point of view to agriculture through visits to organic farms, such as a goat farm and dairy farm. Organic does not mean old fashioned and this was demonstrated by the new greenhouses and new crop varieties at the university of Bonn. Beside a visit to the city of Bonn, also the university and the herb garden were part of the program. With the beatiful nature of the Eifel region next to our door, it was really pleasant to walk to the local research and nature center. After getting to know geological, soil scientifical and vegetational information about the Eifel nature park, we could roll up our sleeves and do our task in a Nature Conservation Action, which included the removal of cut off branches that were affected by a disease. The accomodation was located in the little town of Urft and had some nice recreational features so that the participants could relax at the appopriate times. Grilling sausages on the camp fire in the back of the garden was truly a nice moment for everyone. To let the participants be creative one of the evening activities was a Carnival Party, to which everyone had to come disguised. Funny characters for sure! We hope that all the participants have had an enjoyable time in which they discovered new features of agriculture as well as new cultures. That this experience may have broadened your horizon and made you aware of different points of view so we can together face the future even better!

Core Meetings

African Directors Meeting - Benin Driven by a desire to show students involved in agriculture from all over Africa our traditional values, we decided to organize the African Directors’ Meeting 2012 under the theme « Green farming for Africa : an opportunity for wealth and development ? ». The event was hosted by the National Committee and the four Local Committees were: 1. Faculty of Agricultural sciences, University of Abomey-Calavi 2. Faculty of Agricultural and Environment sciences,West Africa Catholic University 3. National school of Agricultural and techniques sciences, Center of Ketou 4. Faculty of Agronomy, University of Parakou From 9th to 15th of December 2012, the ADM took place in four locations: Abomey-Calavi, Porto-Novo, Ouidah and Zogbodomey where botanic & zoological garden, 6 steps done by our slaves ancestors before going to America and Europa, big farm of Songhai center and Protected forest of LAMA were visited. We were fortunate to have 58 participants from Benin, Côte d’Ivoire, Germany, Niger, Nigeria and Togo. During the congress, a lecture was given about the theme by Doctor Berlamain FANDOHAN. Afterwards PhD and students came together and debated about it. Moreover, some plenaries and working groups were done in order to better share the aim of IAAS and to discuss about some topics related to the theme between students. We can say that that moment was without doubt a moment of full joy and exchange. Thanks to all IAASers that attended ADM 2012 and to all EC members for making 2012 ADM a memorable moment in Africa. Donald M. Houessou (National Director of IAAS Benin) Oscar D. AHOSSOU (African Director 2012)

IAAS African Directors Picture: From left to right, Olanrewaju Olatunji (African Director 2011); Koffi Djimma (African Director 2013); Oscar Ahossou (African Director 2012) & Akorede Taiwo (African Director 2008, 2009).

IAAS Annual Review 2012


Core Meetings

Directors Meeting of the Americas -Quebec, Canada Written by Charline de Rouvroy (IAAS Canada) From 13 to 21 January 2012, the DMA took place for the first time in Quebec City at Laval University. Our new committee IAAS Canada organized and planned the week, around the theme ‘’Social responsibility’’. We were glad to have 16 participants from Chile, Guatemala, Mexico, Slovenia, Saskatchewan, USA and Holland. All the contestants discovered what a real winter in Canada was like: temperature near −15 °C, intense cold, snow covering everything … it was such a beautiful experience for our friends from South America who had never seen the snow!

In front of the Saint-Laurent, in the Old Quebec

The week was intense: full of activities in such a short time! Maybe too much, since half of the Organizing Committee got sick …The week’s activities began with a presentation by M. Jean-Paul Laforest, Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture and Food at Laval University, about agriculture in Canada Then, we traveled by bus around Quebec City to visit a bison/wapiti farm, Lufa greenhouse, the ice hotel and the SAAC (3 day event entirely organized by students from the faculty, a perfect way to learn about our agriculture). We also visited the Old Quebec with its famous Chateau Frontenac and the Saint Laurent River. We did some typical activities such as ice wine tasting, skating, sugar shack visits and sleigh dog rides.

Visit to LUFA house

In addition, we had the inevitable IAAS activities like the Trade Fair, the Development Fund and the University Fair! To end this wonderful event we went to Montreal in order to visit the Biodome, its botanical garden and to experience Montreal by night! Thanks to all of the IAASers that attended a memorable DMA 2012! And a special thanks to Ketsia, Vicky, Louis, Jerôme (our BEST cook), Awa, Nicolas, Fred, Marie Christine, Marie Elise, Phil and Phil who gave everything so that it could be perfect! 24

Sleigh dog riding

Core Meetings

European Directors Meeting - Slovenia -

Written by Klemen Oketič (IAAS Slovenia - LC Ljubljana)

Last time IAAS Slovenia organized a major event was the 2000/2001 European Directors Meeting (EDM). In 2011 members of two Slovenian local committees (LC) decided enough time passed by and we were ready for another enterprise. We decided to host the 54th EDM at the end of 2011, with as theme ‘Food for Life’. This year was also the year Slovenia was celebrating its 20th anniversary of independence. Decision wasn’t one of the easiest for the students who were about to organize the event but it certainly paid off. LCs had to organize the accommodation and transport of all the participants throughout the whole EDM. We had to organize some tours of food companies, farms and some turist sites in our country, we had to ensure and prepare enough food, so our guests wouldn’t be hungry. We asked some of our professors and people from the industry for lectures they would prepare for us and they would deliver during the event. Of course we tried our best to get money or some other useful items (food, drinks, van rental) from as many sponsors as possible. EDM in Slovenia lasted from 27th of December 2011, till 3rd of January 2012 and during that week more than 80 foreign students from 22 different countries visited Slovenia.

IAAS Annual Review 2012

Traditionally EDM kicked off with an opening ceremony in Ljubljana, the largest city in Slovenia and its capital. For the occasion we prepared a dinner along with a performance of some of Slovenian national dances by a folk group. Besides, there was also a Slovenian alumni meeting. First lectures followed the next day at the Biotechnical faculty, University of Ljubljana and afterwards an excursion to The House of Honey, a beekeeper from a village nearby Ljubljana and a visit to a flour mill that makes rusk and frozen dough. That evening we also took some time to visit Ljubljana that’s covered in Christmas lights throughout December. More lectures were in Maribor, the eastern part of the country, at Faculty of Agriculture and Life sciences, University of Maribor. Here pumpkins are grown, and in Fram we visited a company that produces oil from roasted pumpkin seeds. This region is also known for its wines, therefore we went to a wine cellar for a toast with some good wine. After a stroll through Maribor, our second largest city we headed back to Ljubljana to make everything ready for the trade fair. Lovely IAAS event where we enjoy food and drinks from all the countries.


Core Meetings

We also went to the western part of the country to visit Škocjan caves that are listed on the Unesco World Heritage List, before we moved to a hotel in Osilnica. This is a small village next to the Croatian border. Here we organized a short salsa lesson and during the day national reports and plenary sessions were held. We prepared a gala dinner for the end of the year and New year celebration was also held here. Right at the beginning of the new year workshops and trainings were organized, and we also had National directors meeting, elections and final reports. We organized the Development Fund and auctioned the items students brought here for the occasion. Atmosphere during developmend fund was fantastic and we maneged to raise 1.485 EUR for the developing countries. Afterwards was also time for one of the best parties during the week, since there was just another one next day – the farewell party at the end of the day after the meetings. This way the bids were open for the next country that will host the 55th EDM...


Core Meetings

Alumni Meeting - Switzerland -

Written by Alain Valsangiacomo

From the 30th of March to the 1st of April 2012, 36 IAAS Dinosaurs (among them some active members) from all over the world (Austria, Belgium, Croatia, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Slovenia, Switzerland and the USA) met in the beautiful Engstligenalp, Switzerland. This breathtaking plateau lies in the heart of the Swiss Alps and is famous for having plenty of snow until spring and for its huge igloos designed by the Swiss artist Bjšrn Zryd. The program included many interesting activities: eating cheese fondue in an igloo, skiing, snow-tubing, doing crosscountry, participating in the snow olympics, attending a presentation about mountain farming followed by an alphorn concert. Another activity was visiting the Tropic House in Frutigen, a huge geotermic-powered greenhouse producing tropical fruits and caviar. Of course there was also a Trade Fair! It was fun to meet so many IAAS friends, old and new, working in many different areas, and to see that the IAAS spirit does not fade away after graduation. It stays with you forever! During the meeting there was not only time to bring back happy memories, but also to talk about the future of IAAS Alumni. The long-term goals are still the same as before: - Connect people who used to be in IAAS, and offer them a platform to get to know new people from different IAAS generations; - Support IAAS by providing sponsoring, transfer of information and trainings; - Provide opportunities: job offers, internships, volunteer jobs, etc. IAAS Alumni is almost two years old and is still in its early steps. A key point in creating a strong network is to keep track of old IAAS members after they graduate. It is also one of the responsabilities of the Local Committees to not let the old Dinosaurs go away. They, for example, can organise alumni events to connect the old members with the new ones and to invite local alumni to bigger IAAS events, like IAAS Slovenia did for EDM 2011. The next IAAS Alumni Meeting will take place in Nashville, Tennessee, United States during the weekend of 10th to 12th of May 2013. If you are finishing your studies, if you already finished them and even if you will not finish them for the time being, register yourself in the Alumni database on the IAAS website and keep an eye on the IAAS Alumni Facebook group for other future activities from the Dinosaurs! IAAS Annual Review 2012

Dinosaurs with an alphorn musician


Exchange Weeks

Agri-Culture between Tradition & Innovation

IAAS Hohenheim hosts Croatia, Greece and Poland Written by Maike Schippling, Jonas Luckmann and Wiebke Rösingh

From May 28 to June 4 2012, the Local Committee IAAS Hohenheim (Germany) had the pleasure to host an exchange with fellow students from Croatia, Greece and Poland. The week was themed “Agri-Culture between Tradition and Innovation” and the participants spent one week with them, visiting the university, exploring the city of Stuttgart, as well as enjoying a two-day trip to Lake Constance, also called the “Swabian Sea”.

We all enjoyed this incredible week with our new international friends. It was a mind-boggling experience for all of us, not only have we increased our understanding of agriculture and sustainable energy use but we also met inspiring students from different countries. Thanks a lot to everybody who supported us and made this week possible, be it sponsors or all the members of our committee who invested a lot of their free time in organizing the Exchange Week. On Saturday and Sunday all participants arrived, we got a glimpse of Stuttgart and met all the other participants. Our program started on Monday by visiting a vegetable distribution company called “Gemüsering”. The company supplies fresh vegetables to most big retailers in Germany. We had a tour around the premises including the cold storage house which offered a nice contrast to the temperature outside. Besides, we were fascinated by the many differently shaped and colored tomato-varieties as well as by less known vegetables, like romanesco. In the afternoon we all strolled through the university’s botanical garden. Subsequently all the participants got the chance to experience wines from the Wuerttemberg region in a wine tasting held by IAAS-alumni Kathrin, whose family has been in business for generations. Then the day slowly drew to a close, but not before having a lovely barbecue with locally brewed Wulle beer and a trip to explore Stuttgart’s night life. 28

On Tuesday, Labour Day (1st of May), we focused our attention entirely on Stuttgart by carrying out a city tour passing by Castle Solitude, the beautiful park area around Killesberg, the Weissenhof Estate as well as the old part of town and the big Schlosspark. After lunch we increased our knowledge about cars by visiting the Mercedes Museum. This resulted in many pictures with remarkable automobiles of different eras. For the night we delved into another accomplishment Stuttgart is famous for, this time a cultural one. We all went to the “Frühlingsfest” indulging in the tradition of dancing on ale-benches while listening to traditional songs. Moreover some of IAASmembers risked a ride in some of the many fun rides. The next day started with a lecture about Proplanta. This organization has the great idea of setting up an internet platform offering free access to student’s field reports concerning internships and studying abroad. For more information feel free to visit the company’s website. Moreover, we listened to a lecture concerning aquaculture and its future importance and potential, and visited the related experimental basins of the University of Hohenheim.

Exchange Weeks After visiting the Fraunhofer Institute and learning a lot about breeding algae for biomass production we all packed our things to go to Lake Constance. There we spent two nights in an incredible cottage with a beautiful view of the lake. That night we celebrated the famous Trade Fair: all the participants brought traditional food and drinks from their home countries. That night we celebrated the famous Trade Fair: all the participants brought traditional food and drinks from their home countries. On Thursday we had time to explore the regions of Lake Constance starting with field excursions to farms focusing on vegetable production on the Island of Reichenau. The first was an organic farm specialized in herbs sold in pots. The other one was specializing in vegetables like cucumber and tomatoes. We were able to see everything first hand in the greenhouses. After having lunch at the lake shore, we had a closer look at the Island of Reichenau by visiting the World Heritage listed monastery with its botanical garden for medical herbs. Before having a walk around the beautiful city of Constance and its harbor, we had the chance to visit a large seedling producer. There we were shown how young vegetable plants are produced, seeing up-to-the-art production and grafting, while wearing wonderful white plastic coats to prevent importing plant diseases. The day ended with a cooking class on the making of “Käsespätzle”, traditional Swabian pasta, before enjoying a nice bonfire at the lake shore. After leaving our accommodation the following morning we visited a fruit-growing farm. This was followed by a journey to the experimental biogas plant of the University of Hohenheim. We could see what is going on inside of a biogas fermenter and developed the singe of the importance of a changing energy policy in general in order to accomplish a sustainable way of living. Rather than driving directly back to Stuttgart we made a small detour and stopped at the Castle Hohenneuffen. There we had time for a stroll through the ruins and enjoyed the exceptional view. Due to the wonderful weather we could even see Stuttgart’s TV-Tower in the distance. After coming back to Hohenheim we enjoyed another barbecue and had our big farewell party, which lasted until the early morning. We finally had to say goodbye to each other and all participants headed home. Again we thank all of the wonderful participants and sponsors. Without them this week would never have happened!

IAAS Annual Review 2012


Exchange Weeks

Eco - to be or not to be ? IAAS Slovenia hosts Belgium & Switzerland, september 2012 Written by Bora Mankoč and Urša Luzar (IAAS Slovenia) … Long rides, but awesome nature, right amount of sun and rain, with amazing students from Belgium and Switzerland! ... Having an amazing week in Belgium it was now our turn to show the best of our country in a very short time! After a welcome party in the capital city we started our one week tour visiting the Soča valley with its waterfall Kozjak and turquoise blue river Soča. (By the way, do you know that some scenes of the movie The chronicles of Narnia (Prince Caspian) were shot by the emerald river of Soča? :) ) Visiting the city of Bled and its lake was really a fun, because for the most of us it was the first time rowing. Luckily nobody fell into the water! Rowing and keeping balance on the boat was quite exhausting, therefore we treated ourselves with some typical Bled dessert – a creamy Kremšnita cake :). That was such an energy bust! On Trade Fair we also tried other traditional Slovenian food and beverage like Prekmurska gibanica and Potica cake, Kranjska klobasa and some typical wines, with Belgian waffles and beer, Swiss chocolate fondue and different types of cheese. Students learned about our wine production during some visits in two wine cellars in Primorska (Agroind wine cellar) and Dolenjska region (sparkling wine producer Štamberger). Do you remember the name of the typical wine of Dolenjska region ? (Yes, you are right, it is Cviček :) ) The aim of our exchange week was to compare traditional and organic farming. You can not imagine how fun and also dangerous the road to the mountain farm was! After 15 minutes of just sharp turns and narrow roads we arrived in Čadrg, city of Tolmin. But the view and nature on the mountain farm was astonishing. For comparison we also visited another ecological farm (»Zeleni hit« in Ljubljana) and had a lecture about biodinamic farming by dr. Matjaž Turinek at the Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences in city of Maribor. We visited wallnut and hazelnut center of the Biotechnical faculty in Maribor, where we heard about experimental work on wallnut and hazelnut and also had presentation in Horticultural center in Bilje. Maybe it sounds like we didn’t have any time to party! In the night hours we had a great time playing social games, going out to parties, we also attended a jazz and rock concert. Other activities were visiting the Lippizaner stud Hosta (horseriding! :)), small city of Štanjel and also Pleterje monastery. And yes, next time we will have more Danone Activia yogurts for breakfast, that is for sure :). We enjoyed every moment having you here guys! :) 30

Exchange Weeks

Croatia Hosts Poland and Sassari

This September both IAAS Sassari (Italy) and IAAS Poland were invited for an Exchange Week hosted by IAAS Croatia. Let’s find out what both the hosts and the guests experienced during this week. IAAS Poland, could you name one striking difference and similarity between your country and Croatia? “We really enjoyed our time in Croatia. The people are friendly, open and hospitable. We love the Slavic and Balkan mentality and the magnificent Balkan music. And of course our languages are very similar. We found out that Croatian meals are rich in meat, something the average Pole likes too. There are some interesting differences too. For example: Croats drink a lot of wine - and therefore have beautiful vineyards everywhere - while Poles drink more vodka. Another difference is that in Croatia they are still allowed to smoke in public places, while in Poland they are not. But what really surprised us was the capital city of Croatia, Zagreb. It is much more calm and quiet than Warsaw, which we liked as well. But actually we liked the entire exchange week. We all agreed that it was a very interesting and pleasant experience. Thank you, Croatia!” Let’s hand the word over to the hosts of this week. IAAS Croatia, during this week you had the possibility to show your country to foreign people. Which places did you choose to visit and why exactly? “We chose to show our guests a wide variety of places, from little farms that struggle to survive to large agriculture firms. Our main goal was to show them the production of wine and rakija. That is why our exchange week took place at the end of September, when the grape harvest is at its height. We went from Zagreb, the capital city, to the east of Croatia. We visited the small town Ilok, which is known all over the world for its famous wines. Then we visited Vukovar and Osijek, where we saw the large-scale farm production.”

Wine presentation and degustation at Iločki podrumi d.d.

Well, that must have been very interesting for your guests! Apart from showing your own culture, did you also learn an interesting fact about the two countries you were hosting? “We learned a lot about their culture and habits, which are similar to ours. It was interesting to get to know two Mediterranean countries and one country from the West. Poland is a great country, known for their great vodka. Sardinia has great wines and also the cheese was “first class”.”

IAAS Annual Review 2012


Exchange Weeks

So, IAAS Croatia has had also the chance to taste some flavours from Sardinia. IAAS Sassari, which wonderful food did you bring along for the Croatians? Well, we brought some home made mirto and limoncino, some bottles of commercial mirto, an aged bottle of Cagnulari wine, an aged bottle of Malvasia wine (Alvarega from Columbu winery, one of the best in Italy for this variety), 3 different kinds of home made cow and sheep cheese, 3 different kinds of sausage (home made, commercial and mixed with boar meat), carasau and pistoccu traditional bread, and also some home made honey. And, IAAS Sassari, could you give us an opinion about the Croatian wines?

Sardinian table

Croatian wine was much better, since they played at home. We had the chance to try different typical varieties, such as graševina, traminec, zeleni silvanec produced from different wineries as Iločki podrumi, Trvs, Čobanković. The best one was the Čobanković traminec predicate wine. We also tried different kind of home made and artesanal rakija: lozova, medica, vinijak, travarica, etc. The quality was always very good! Also the Polish vodka was very good. For food in general, the best food was probably the gulash prepared on fire by OC the night of the trade fair, when we moved to the countryside! Beside all these things, we must say that the company was really very special, and that the OC and the people we met through them were extraordinary hospitable and nice: we felt like home with our best friends! After this experience each one of us is more than motivated to work in IAAS to make this kind of experience possible for other students, here and in other countries! (for IAAS ASA Sassari: Roberto, Claudia, Azzurra, Salvatore, Giacomo, Andrea)

At the Castle of Nikola Iločki; Ilok


Exchange Weeks

ExWeek Battle : Switzerland vs Spain IAAS Switzerland and IAAS Spain were both guests and hosts for each other in Exchange Weeks this year. We thought of trying something new: the ExWeek Battle! So, who will be the ultimate Exchange Week organisators ;) ?



IAAS Switzerland and IAAS Spain, could you first give each other points on a scale from 0-10 on 8 criteria?

Points for IAAS Switzerland

Points for IAAS Spain Agricultural acitivities

Agricultural acitivities

Cultural activities

Cultural activities



Creativity in program

Creativity in program





Teambuilding activities

Teambuilding activities


Food 0






















Additional question: ‘What did you learn from the other country regarding the organizational aspect of the event?’ “It turns out to be immensely helpful to have small busses to travel around without any delays or complications. It is also a big advantage if you can host the people near the city center. This allows them to have some free time in a very cool environment.”

“We learned that they are very punctual. We know ourselves that this is not really the case in Spain. One Spanish minute is five real minutes. :-) So that was a real difference. We also learned that all the OC had their own job in the EW. When we organized the Exchange Week, we did not have such a clear division of tasks. In Switzerland, one group of people organized one day, another group organized another day etc. The Spanish committee, on the other hand, was a mess. We had to decide minutes before the activity started who had to do the staff...”

Finally, please tell us in one sentence what you liked about the Exchange Week of the other country! “Interesting activities, fun, cool atmosphere, crazy Spanish habits, dancing until the hips were hurting and the liver went crazy.”

IAAS Annual Review 2012

“When we had to leave somewhere and the Swiss people were saying “we will leave in 10 minutes” (for example), the Spaniards always wanted more time. So, they asked “Spanish minutes or Swiss minutes?” Really funny moments!”


Local Events

Seminar “Sweets - Indiscreet” - Poland-

Written by Sylwia Witek (IAAS Poland)

From 14 to 21 April, IAAS Poland had the privilege of organizing the Seminar “Sweets – Indiscreet” in the two most beautiful Polish cities, Warsaw and Krakow. Fifteen members from Chile, Germany, Russia, Slovenia and Spain participated in the event and all of us can agree that we had a great time. The seminar started in Warsaw. The first evening there was a Trade Fair. We had the chance to get to know each other and to taste many delicious specialties from the different countries. The next day we went sightseeing through Warsaw, but in an untraditional and creative way – we organized a city game. The winner team received a special prize. Later on all participants visited the Warsaw Rising Museum. In the evening it was time to relax and we played some games.

The next activity on the schedule was a series of very interesting lectures leaded by representatives form Nestlé Poland S.A. - The Honorary Patronage of the seminar. The subject of the first lecture was “Sharing Created Value or Creating Shared Value? – What is the sustainable future of business and society?”. That lecture gave us more insight in the sustainable development of the biggest companies. The second lecture was about “CSR and good practice in FMCG industry” and showed how CSR policy can be build in a fast-moving consumer goods business. The last lecture had the tasty title “Chocolate indiscreetly”. In this lecture we learned more about the chocolate production and we found out some interesting facts about the impact on human health.


Local Events After the lectures, there was a presentation of different national sweets, with the possibility to taste them of course. There were so many kinds of chocolate, candies and cookies. In one word: delicious! We also visited the small Candies Manufacture where we could make our own lollypops. We had some sport activities as well. First of all there was a paintball fight. It was a little bit painful, to be honest, but we had a lot of fun. So it was worth it. We also watched the Champions League together, which was very enjoyable.

Then it was time to go to Krakow, the former capital of Poland. During our sightseeing trip, we visited the most popular places, for example: the Old Town with Wawel, Kazimierz and Sukiennice. We enjoyed Krakow so much that we decided to stay there for the night and went out in one of the clubs. We really enjoyed ourselves. The next morning we went back to Warsaw. On the last day of the seminar we had some free time. At the evening we got feedback and there was a goodbye party. All our guests were very happy that they participated in this sweet seminar and the Polish Committee members enjoyed hosting such amazing people. So we are looking forward to meeting you somewhere in the future, maybe even in Poland again. Cheers, Sylwia IAAS Poland

IAAS Annual Review 2012


Local Events

Find out about Indonesia! IAAS Indonesia counts 8 different Local Committees, did you know that? If you did, do you also know where they are located in Indonesia? And what their abbreviations stand for? If you know the answers to all these questions, you certainly must be a genius! - Or an Indonesian IAAS member ;) ! Anyway, we didn’t know all this and we were keen to find out and to share it with you. That way you can imagine the place while you’re reading about the awesome Indonesian activities of the past year...

LC UNDIP (Diponegoro University) LC IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)

LC UNHALO (University Haluoleo)

LC UNRAM (University Mataram) LC UNPAD (Padjadjaran University) LC UGM (University Gajah Mada)

LC UB (University Brawijaya)

LC UNS (Sebelas Maret University)


In this era of globalization, English has become an important international language. Therefore, knowing English is important. However, especially children from rural parts of a country have almost no possibilities to learn English. So, IAAS Indonesia LC IPB organized a project named “IAAS Fun Learning English”. The purpose of this program is to help elementary school students to learn English. Not just by giving classes, but by making it fun, namely by using outdoor learning methods and link it to agriculture. The expected outcome is that elementary school students will improve their English language skills and that they will be more interested in agriculture. IAAS Fun Learning English was held in SDN I Pasarean on 3 March, 17 March, 28 April, 26 May, 8 September, 22 September, 13 October and 3 November 2012. Not only members of IAAS LC IPB contributed to this event, but also many friends from ‘Agriculture in school’ (Kak Fardhil and friends), MIKIGA (Mini Kids Garden) and IAAS LC Indonesia. We really enjoyed organizing this event and we hope that all those wonderful people that we met will be our brothers and sisters forever... :’) 36

Local Events EUREKA!!! IAAS Indonesia LC UNPAD

By: Yosie Sesbania Gewap

Eureka!!! No, we (the IAAS Local Committee Padjadjaran University (Unpad)) do not say it because we found a new theory like Archimedes did in his bath tube. Eureka is our discussion program. In this program we will learn from the experts. Eureka consists of three events and each event will have a different topic. Our first discussion was about Food Diversification. Dr Joko Kusumo and Mr Prihadi, lecturers from the Faculty of Biology in Unpad, and Fetriyuna, S.T.P., M.Si., lecturer from the Faculty of Agricultural Industrial Technology in Unpad, were our speakers during the first Eureka-event. In this discussion program, which was held on Saturday, 26 May 2012 at Arboretum of Padjadjaran University. They talked about how alternative food can replace rice as Indonesian’s staple food. The second Eureka-event will be held in October 2012. We will discuss the Medical Complex. The third and last Eureka-event will be held in November 2012 and the topic will be Plant Breeding. Eureka is part of a bigger project, namely IAAS Garden. The Arboretum managers, Mr Prihadi and Mr Joko Kusumo, rent a small part (only 10 X 10 meters ) of Arboretum out to us, for planting. The director of the IAAS Garden Special Agency (IGSI), Indrawan Abdi Sucipto and the students of the Faculty of Agriculture in Unpad, had a plan to plant this land with vegetable crops, fruit crops, root crops and medicinal plants. Land processing has started since 27 May 2012 and this project will continue to exist. Besides planting, we will also teach elementary school students how to grow a plant. We named this project “Agroschooling”. We hope they will enjoy it.

Creativity Training Class by IAAS Indonesia LC UNS On 12 May 2012, we held the first CTC. What is the CTC? CTC stands for “Creativity Training Class”, a new program of the project department that aims to develop the creativity of the members. This time, the CTC theme is “Build a healthy Body with Fresh food by Sushi training”. The event was held at the Faculty of Agriculture, Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia. 50 participants attended the event. We invited a chef and a chef assistant from the Niagara Sushi restaurant to teach us how to make good sushi. There was also a trainer who told us all there is to know about sushi and its origin. The participants were divided into 25 groups, two people per group. Each group made two kinds of sushi, the salmon roll and the fusion roll. In addition, as the owner of Niagara Shushi restaurant, Mrs Yanti also demonstrated how to make a Froggy sushi, which looks like a frog’s face, usually made for decoration. The event went very well and we got very positive reactions from the participants. Thank you very much for that!

IAAS Annual Review 2012


Local Events

Coaching Clinic by IAAS Indonesia LC UB In 2012, the HRD Department LC UB organized the new project named “Coaching Clinic”. The goal is to strengthen relationships between members and to increase their competence and skills. The theme for this event is “Discover The Secrets In Your Mind”. The fasilitator for this event was an expert in Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP). The goal of NLP is to understand the connection between neurological processes, language and behavioral patterns that have been learned through experience. As introduction Saiful Rizal – alumni of IAAS UB and consultant at BKA-MPT Dirjen Migas Malang – pointed out the importance of being in contact with our own personality. His motivational speech gave all participants the right spirit to get started with the event.The participants were divided in groups and after a presentation from the NLP team about the secrets of the human mind, topics were given to be discussed. This part of the event was guided byMr Subhan, a professional therapist and practitioner at the NLP. The rest of the morning was filled with other presentations from different speakers, medical practitioners from NLP, head of A.S.L.I and Mr. KAWIKAS Putu Dama Putra. In the afternoon we could continue listening to very some interesting topics.There was a presentation was given by Mr Eko and Mr Anang, two very passionate speakers. They told us about the importance of using and pronouncing words correctly. Then, there was an impressive presentation about “Love” by Mr Putu Darma Putra. The event ended at 5 PM with a prayer. All participants were very excited about the event and were happy to be part of such a nice experience.

IGK (IAAS GET KNOWLEDGE) by IAAS INDONESIA LC UNDIP IGK stands for “IAAS Get Knowledge”, founded in 2010 as a monthly project held by the project department IAAS Indonesia LC UNPAD. This project aim to increase the IAASers’ knowledge of agriculture, tradition, language, technology, science, and social matters. The report of these events will be published in the campus paper and the wall magazine of IAAS UNDIP. The activities that IGK organizes are very versatile. There are as well indoor activities as outdoor activities. Examples of indoor activities are: presentations, workshops, watching and discussing social and cultural movies, discussing hot issues. Outdoor activities are, for example, playing games and helping out the community around us.


Local Events IAAS Indonesia Presents : agriCAREture agriCAREture is a youth movement concerning agriculture. Our campaign is called “Caring Agriculture for Better Future�. This campaign was initiated by IAAS Indonesia members in 8 universities in Indonesia. Our goal, is to influence young people in Indonesia to be more aware of agriculture, as Indonesia is an agricultural country and has a lot of potential in agriculture. Nevertheless, we feel that the youth is less interested in agriculture and we want to do something about that. We also want to promote the local agricultural products, so that people will start to eat local fruits and vegetables instead of depending on imported products. We will try to influence young people by social media campaigns, outdoor activities in universities, discussion groups, national seminars and even a national congress. We really welcome anyone who wants to join us in this movement. By giving attention to the agriculture in Indonesia, we will have a brighter future in economy, food security, food sovereignty and welfare. So, do not hesitate and join our movement! How can you help us? Write on a big paper why agriculture is important for you. Take a picture of yourself holding the paper. Send the picture to or post it on our Facebook-page. We will show your picture to the world and hopefully, in this way, you can inspire other young people with your beautiful, enthusiastic and caring words!

IAAS Annual Review 2012


Local Events

IAAS Belarus Hi, dear IAASers! We want to share with you some interesting information about the Republic of Belarus and our IAAS activities. Our country is situated in the geographical centre of Europe, in other words, in its heart. Many people who visit Belarus like its beautiful lakes, big forests, various landscapes and kind people. Agriculture is an important part of our economy and it plays an important role in our lifes too. It is a pity that IAAS Belarus is not doing any IAAS activities at the moment, but we have a possibility to do something about it. The Republic of Belarus became an IAAS member in 1999 and the first National Committee was based in the Belarusian State Agrarian Technical University. At that time, our country actively participated in IAAS’ work. The sub-regional meeting of the North-Eastern European region of IAAS was held in Belarus in March, 2000. This meeting explored protected areas and national parks. 55 students from 16 countries were very happy to be the first foreign IAAS members to bring knowledge and experience of IAAS to our country. The next time that a meeting of the European region took place in Belarus, was in December, 2003 - January, 2004. We discussed topics such as the activity of students’ organizations and their influence on students’ future professional career with 125 students from 25 countries. Belarus was glad to meet so many new friends from all over the world and welcomed them with open arms! The next important event which was held in the Republic of Belarus was the 51th World Congress in Minsk in 2008. This congress was organized by the representatives of the institutions of higher education of Minsk, helped by the different departments and institutions. The discussion of rural tourism was not only interesting for guests, but also very important for Belarus itself. This WoCo was the peak of IAAS’ activities in our country. Unfortunately, it went downwards after that. That could have different reasons: some students became graduates and had to leave IAAS, others married and did not have enough time - who knows. The number of active Belarusian IAAS members extremely reduced. Did IAAS disappear in “the country of blue lakes”? Fortunately no! In 2011 Yahor Vetlou, a student of the Belarusian State Agricultural Academy (BSAA), heard something about the IAAS. He and his friends, who were also interested, started to look for the Belarusian IAAS committee because they wanted join. When they could not find anything, Yahor decided to visit the European Directors’ Meeting in Slovenia (2011-2012) to ask for some information. Brave guy! That event changed everything! It became the start of his long and wonderful (and sometimes difficult) travel through “the world of IAAS”. The next step was to register the group “IAAS BSAA” (IAAS Belarusian State Agricultural Academy), started by three friends. And that was just the beginning of a new era… The election of Yahor Vetlou as the new vice-president of finance of IAAS International was another milestone in the history of IAAS Belarus. It was the first time that a Belarusian got such a position within IAAS! The other “founding members” of IAAS BSAA did not stop working either. They helped to introduce the Belarusian State Agricultural Academy to IAAS.


Local Events

Yahor presenting IAAS and explaining why it is so important for Belarus

Yahor with a consultant from the Belarusian Ministry

IAAS BSAA did not want to stop. They organized the conference “IAAS New Generation”, which took place in the Belarusian State Agricultural Academy from 22 to 24 November 2012. It was rather difficult but everything is possible if you really want it. IAAS New Generation gathered all agrarian universities of Belarus together. The representatives of the IAAS Executive Committee and the Ministry of Agriculture and Feeding of the Republic of Belarus took part in the event as well. And finally, at this conference, the National Committee of Belarus was officially elected. Raman Anfimau and Siarhei Hauryichenka, students at the BSAA’s Faculty of Economics, were elected as National Director and Exchange Coordinator respectively. Of course, the good atmosphere at the meeting helped to discuss many important questions: about the debts, the creation of the Belarusian IAAS Constitution, the Exchange Program, the cooperation between universities etc. Now it is time to jump on a new level of IAAS development in Belarus! Do you agree with us? At this moment our National Committee has big plans for the IAAS in our country. We want to help all students who want to become a member of this big and friendly family – the International Association of Students in Agricultural and Related Sciences!

New team from IAAS Belarus

IAAS Annual Review 2012


Local Events !""#$%&'&()$



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Local Events

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IAAS Annual Review 2012


Local Events

IAAS Promotion tour in Africa Written by Oscar Ahossou “It is so magical to get to know new places. It is truly fabulous to meet new people and see their habits and experience how they live. There are around 50 countries in IAAS, that’s already a tremendous richness, but still we have so much to discover and to learn about other countries we didn’t reach yet. So let us all over the world expand our horizons and break boundaries to new places where IAAS isn’t established yet!”

One of the great challenges in Africa is the limited number of countries involved in IAAS activities. This can clearly be observed at the ADM where members of less than five countries have attended during the last five years. This situation has led to our decision to emphasize on communication with the old African IAAS member countries. Beside that, we also wanted to welcome some new countries in IAAS Africa. To this end, a promotion trip through four different countries was planned, which lasted from November 12 until 25. The journey started from Cotonou (Benin) and passed over Niamey (Niger), Ouagadougou and Bobo Dioulasso (Burkina Faso) to Bamako (Mali) and finally to Yamoussokro (Ivory-Coast). To minimize the costs of this mission only the African Director could execute it. Despite of some difficulties during the trip, most of the objectives are reached. What were the main objectives? The trip would include a visit to four countries in West and Central Africa to meet students from agricultural universities and present them the aims and works of IAAS. The purpose of this presentation was to establish new IAAS committees in the respective universities and invite the present students to the ADM of 2012. To reach these objectives, first the students and the universities’ authorities were informed with formal letters about the visit. T-shirts were printed with the name of each country and were given to the students present at the presentation of IAAS. All students were very interested as can be seen from the amount of people present. Especially one student from Cameroon showed a lot of motivation to become part of IAAS and to promote it in his country. Hopefully in the near future there will be some new IAAS committees in Africa. This project has been very successful and could as well be implemented in other parts of Africa in order to involve more countries in IAAS activities. IAAS Africa would like to thank the members of the EC for their indispensable financial contribution to this trip. Furthermore, IAAS Africa is very grateful for the warm welcome of the visited universities – both the authorities and the students – and their notable interest in IAAS. The members of the African Directory have put a lot of effort in preparing this project, especially with contacting the universities, so a lot of gratitude goes to them for their wonderful work. 44

NKAMBFU NWEBI KING from CAMEROON: “I want to promote all the objectives of IAAS in my region and my country. I want to portray to the youths of my country the indispensable role of agriculture to our development. I want to work with the members of IAAS to achieve her objectives and to give the association a new dimension. IAAS gave me a different approach to agriculture, so I will love to serve the association while serving my community. I look forward to the day when every country in the world will be a member of IAAS.”

Local Events

Faculté d’Agronomie (Niger)

Institut Polytechnique Rurale (Mali)

Institut du Developpement Rural (Burkina Faso)

Ecole Superieure d’Agronomie (Ivory Coast)

Some beatiful pictures from the Cattle Festival in Niger to share with you!

IAAS Annual Review 2012


Local Events

Motivation weekend - Germany -

Written by Maike Schippling and Lisa Bauer

From 2 to 4 November 2012 IAAS Hohenheim organized a Motivation Weekend for our members in Hohenheim and Bonn. We started on Friday with a lovely self-made diner of K채sesp채tzle, a traditional pasta from southern Germany and some Mexican specialties.

The next day we organized a training on conflict management, not just for us IAAS-members, but for all interested students from our university. We learned a lot about the different methods that could be applied to resolve conflicts and got some practical insights.

In the evening, Susanne, our lovely ex-president, prepared delicious South American food in order to get us going again. Even the heavy rainfall could not stop us from enjoying the fireworks taking place in the city center that night due to a special event in the city, including show acts and shopping until midnight. On the last day, after having a nice breakfast together, all the official matters were discussed, such as voting a new executive board and talking about our future plans and goals. We all had a wonderful and motivating weekend in Hohenheim and are looking forward to the next IAAS events that we will be participating in.


Upcoming Events in 2013

Upcoming events After reading about all these magnificent events, you are maybe interested in joining one?! Here the biggest upcoming events in 2013 are listed.

Directors Meeting of the Americas - Mexico Are you ready to experience Mexico through Agriculture? Don’t miss this great opportunity! When? March, 15 - 23 Where? Querétaro, the center of Mexico What? The main theme of the meeting will be ‘Connecting the dots: Agriculture, economy and sustainability”. We will focus on sustainable crop production, wise use of natural resources in agriculture and economic advantages of sustainability. We will also visit central Mexico to show you our country and traditions. Further informations: Find us on the internet: You can also contact us at:

Alumni Meeting - USA When? May, 10-12 Where? Nashville, Tennessee, USA What? The 3rd Annual Alumni Meeting! Nashville is located in the Southern States of the USA and has a culture that is very unique. Nashville, is known as the Music City and has a rich history that played important parts an important role in Americana. Further informations: To learn more about this event and to be added to the email list, please email: The USA looks forward to seeing you all here in May!

Exchange Coordinators Meeting - Poland

When? April Where? probably Warsaw & Cracow What? Focusing on the Exchange Program in all IAAS countries, beside that also discovering some farms and regional products. Further informations will be provided by IAAS Poland at the appropriate time.

IAAS Annual Review 2012


Upcoming Events in 2013

56th IAAS World Congress - Chile “Producing Food for the World”

It is going to be hosted by IAAS Chile from 17 July to 6 August and it will take place in Santiago, at Mayor University. We will also visit cities like La Serena, Valparaiso and Chillan. But first some information about Chile • If you want to find Chile on a map, look for a long and narrow strip of land, located in the extreme southwest of South America, between the Pacific Ocean and the Andes Mountains. It borders on Peru to the north and on Bolivia and Argentina to the east. • 13.41% of the total population lives in rural areas. • The main agricultural products are cereals, fruits and vegetables. • It is one of the world’s largest exporter of salmon. • It has become one of the most important countries in the wine industry. • The national sport is Rodeo and the national dance is Cueca. • The unique geographic situation of this long country makes it possible to have a great diversity of climates and landscapes, such as the Northern Atacama dessert in the North, and forests and icebergs in the South. • The Andes Mountains and the Pacific Ocean, which create natural boundaries, generate extraordinary phytosanitary conditions with low incidence of plagues and illnesses. • Chile defines itself as a tri-continental country because of its presence in South America, Oceania and Antarctica. ¿But what are we going to do in the Congress? • Conferences and lectures about Agriculture in Chile named “Present time and future Challenges” • Trends in Agriculture “GMO, organic and biodynamic” • Water Resources & Environment, Innovation in agriculture, industries visits and field trips like wine yards, avocado production, food industries, agricultural industries • Trainings and activities to show agricultural and culture reality of our country ¡And much more! It is going to be a great opportunity for scientific, social and cultural exchange. Soon we will have a link at the official website of IAAS, so before you buy the plane ticket: have a look at the website for the dates of the Congress, because they could change. Hope to see you all in Chile soon. Kind regards IAAS Chile Find more information and updates on FB! 48

Upcoming Events in 2013 International Science and Art Festival (ISAF) - Indonesia ISAF 2013 – the International Science and Art Festival in Indonesia is the annual student festival organized by IAAS. In the year of 2013, it will be held in Yogyakarta and Semarang. Why this two cities? Semarang is a city with a unique character. It is the capital city of the Central Java province. The unique form of this city provides many amazing views. The many historical places and buildings make you feel the past. Yogyakarta is the center of education and Javanese culture. It is the home of 4 state universities and 125 private universities for 305.000 students from all over the world. It is the place where traditional culture is still present in many aspects of daily life. These two cities will give you a clear view on the Javanese culture and traditions.


Yogyakarta - Prambanan temple

Yogyakarta - University Gadjah Mada (UGM)

The theme of this year’s festival is “The Spirit of ArtGriculture in Achieving gemah ripah loh jinawi”, which means that in order to achieve the peaceful and prosperous life, we have to integrate agriculture into all aspects of our life. One of the aspects that will be highlighted during this activity is that art is very close to our social life. So, we called this “ArtGriculture”: how to do agriculture in an artistic way. What are we trying to achieve? By this festival we want to promote the Indonesian culture (especially the Javanese culture) and how the culture can influence the agriculture sector of a country. We also want to promote IAAS to the students in ASEAN and over the world, so that they will join us to reach a brighter future through agriculture and related science. What we will do during the ISAF? We planned a full week’s schedule with a lot of interesting activities. All of them are related to culture, art, science and, of course, agriculture. Here are some examples: 1. international seminar 2. international conference 3. dinner at Yogyakarta palace with the king (sultan) of Yogyakarta 4. learn some practical things about Javanese agriculture 5. field trips and city tours (for example to the Javanese and modern art museum) 6. English Debating competition for the Senior high school 7. cultural performances (for example by the Ramayana Ballet at Prambanan temple) 8. award ceremony 9. and much more! Curious? Come and join us at ISAF 2013! For more information and update, follow the ISAF 2013 page on FB!

IAAS Annual Review 2012



IAAS Annual Review 2012



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