After Bottles; Second Lives

Page 1



01 Introduction

Table of Contents 00


01.1 Abstract 2 01.2 Credits 4 01.3 Press 5

02 Friendship Bottle Patent & Manufacturing 11 02.1 Background 11 02.2 Design 14

03 Disaster Relief Literature Review 03.1 Disaster Logistics 03.2 Water 03.3 Food 03.4 Transitional Shelters 03.5 Hazards 03.6 Bibliography

04 Bottle Precedents

22 22 24 27 28 31 31


04.1 Tom Kelly’s Bottle House 32 04.2 WOBO Bottle 34 04.3 Earthship Biotecture 36 04.4 Broadway Housing 38 04.5 Ecological Bottle House 39 04.6 Danone Office 40 04.7 Morimoto Restaurant 41 04.8 Ridwan Kamil’s House 42 04.9 ECOTEC 44 04.10 Water Block House 46 04.11 UNITED_BOTTLE 48 04.12 EcoARK 04.13 PET Pavilion 04.14 Rising Moon Lantern Pavilion 04.15 Head in the Clouds 04.16 Lighwall Pavilion 04.17 Labyrinth of Plastic Waste 04.18 TrussFab

05 Studio Brief 05.1 Introduction 05.2 The Joint 05.3 The Components 05.4 The Pavilion

06 Joints 06.1 Angle Joints 06.2 Multi-Purpose Joints 06.3 Interlacing Joints 06.4 Interlocking Caps 06.5 Tensile Joint 06.6 Folded Joints 06.7 Lighting Joints 06.8 Water Filtration Joint

07 Components 07.1 Pillows 07.2 Floor Palettes 07.3 Textile Floor 07.4 Mock Wall 07.5 Infill Palettes

64 64 65 66 67

68 73 74 76 78 80 82 84 86


08 Pavilion


08.1 Drawings 107 08.2 Renders 110 08.3 Boards 114 08.3.1 Floor System 114 08.3.2 North Wall Construction 116 08.3.3 South Wall Construction 118 08.3.4 Roof System 120 08.3.5 Lighting System 122 08.4 Photographs 123

09 Press Articles


09.1 Archinect 145 09.2 Architect’s Newspaper 148 09.3 Science Magazine 148 09.4 Time Warner Cable New York 150

91 94 98 104 106

50 52 54 56 58 60 62


01 Introduction 01.1 Abstract

Second Lives | After Bottles is an experimental shelter prototype assembled from interlocking plastic bottles that are intended for water supply in the event of natural catastrophe. The installation is the product of an architecture design studio at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, which functioned as a collaborative design-built thinktank and research on disaster relief. The goal has been to use the patented interlocking bottles of Friendship Bottles LLC to construct and test prototypes for emergency shelters and transitional shelters for displaced populations under conditions of distress. The design studio brought together architecture and engineering students and professors in a cross-disciplinary platform to work collaboratively and create innovative strategies for material recycling. It has supported the design, fabrication and assembly of a temporary pavilion accommodating variable occupation needs. The aim has been to foster dialogue on topics relating to recycling of industrial products as building materials and on sustainable building construction. During the design studio we have investigated several prototypes and visual analytical drawings variable solutions of construction and deconstruction of small inhabitable spaces using a specific bottle product manufactured by Friendship LLC, where components are able to interlock without joints due to their embedded creases. Throughout the design studio, we have tested different scenarios of occupation, configuration, speed of assembly, lighting, ambient temperatures, microclimates and energy efficiency. The prototype shelter is one version of this larger body of work. Rather than focusing on the purely technological aspect of material reuse, this project has addressed the social relations that inform and are informed by the second life of the usage of plastic bottles.



In building the pavilion with the interlocking bottles there were two main objectives. The first goal was not to use a structural frame where the bottles would be placed, in order to avoid shipments of heavy and large-scale infrastructural elements to the sites where a natural catastrophe has occurred. Instead of a structural frame, the team developed a number of 3d printed joints that strengthened the interlocking function of bottles in blocks and allowed the insertion of wires that could keep the entire structure in tension. The entire pavilion was held in tension with wires and a number of 3d printed joints reinforcing local connections. The intention in this initiative was to minimize the weight of shipments in disaster relief settlements and to ship only: bottles with food supplies and water that would be used as building materials once the resources are used, along with a 3d printer (to print the joints) and wire. The second objective was to design a floor system that could also perform as a packaging system to place bottles inside; the crate we designed was a wooden pyramid that could be space packed efficiently and unfold to any kind of terrain, even placed as a carpet above debris. Flooring is an essential component of disaster relief settlements and is often overlooked; our intention was to create a flexible system that would adjust to the morphology and site conditions of any given ground, while also serving as packaging during shipment. Second Lives | After Bottles was originally built at the Rensselaer campus in Troy, NY between May 5 and May 12, 2018 and consequently moved to Industry City in Brooklyn New York, where it was displayed at the exhibition Wanted Design, as part of the NYC × Design Week between May 16–22, 2018.



01.2 Credits

Professor Lydia Kallipoliti (Assistant Professor of Architecture, School of Architecture, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute) Student Team Adam Beres Bryce Crawford Amanda Esso Reed Freeman Emily Freeman

Jacob Laird Deegan Lotz Christopher Michelangelo Arun Padykula Raina Page

Abigail Ray ∆aniel Ruan Emily Sulanowski Stefanie Warner

Collaborators Tom Roland (Fabrication Coordinator, School of Architecture, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute) Andreas Theodoridis (PhD Candidate, Center for Architecture, Science and Ecology/ Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute) Structural Engineer Mohammed Alnaggar (Assistant Professor of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute) Sponsor Friendship Bottles LLC, Timothy Carlson (Managing Partner) Photography Ines Leong Bryce Crawford Arun Padykula Tanner Vargas Book Design Δaniel Ruan ©Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute School of Architecture




Press 01.3

Architect’s Newspaper

Science magazine

Science Daily

Time Warner Cable New York

Rensselaer Architecture

Inside Rensselaer




©Ines Leong / L-INES Photo

ŠBryce Crawford / Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute School of Architecture





©Ines Leong / L-INES Photo

©Ines Leong / L-INES Photo





ŠTanner Vargas / Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute School of Architecture

Friendship Bottle Patent & Manufacturing 02 Background 02.1

Recently, world events and natural disasters have caused more attention to be given to the intermixing of environmental, economic, and humanitarian needs around the world. For example, the Pacific Ocean tsunami, earthquakes in Haiti and Peru, and Hurricane Katrina all caused immense humanitarian needs and devastating loss of life. First responders to such disasters normally set up tents to house refugees. The assumption is that the stay in the tents will be brief. However, depending on the disaster, the results often show otherwise. Tents are only useful in limited climate conditions. They also wear out over time, forcing residents to piece together sticks, branches, scrap metal or plastic for tent repair. The relatively few plastic containers in disaster relief sites are used mainly for water vessels, even though many are discarded fuel containers. One example of such a scenario is the Abu Shouk IDP camp in El Fasher, Northern Darfur. There, refugees were placed in tents on a vast scale numbering in the thousands, where they denuded the vegetation during their difficult and lengthy duration of stay. These lengthy stays under conditions of severe deprivation tax the host nation’s natural resources and increase the environmental degradation of the host landscapes via stripped vegetation and toxic garbage dumps. These environmental burdens naturally lead to political pressure on the host government to insist on shorter stays. In war torn areas, shifts in zones of control may force camp dwellers to flee approaching combatants, even in the absence of “official� pressure. Other environmental and economic issues develop more slowly, such as the issue of widespread and burgeoning use of plastic beverage bottles and the enormous amount of waste caused by their disposal. One estimate states that Americans consume 2.5 million plastic bottles every five minutes or about 263 billion bottles each year. Approximately one-quarter of all plastic bottles are made with PET plastic for drinking water or soft beverages. 11


Friendship Bottle Patent & Manufacturing

ŠFriendship Bottle LLC

Although some consumers recycle, mountains of bottles still go to waste. Over the past decade recycling rates in America have decreased from over 30% to just over 20%, meaning close to 80% of plastic bottles end up in the waste stream. Approximately 50 billion PET bottles alone are wasted each year. Much of that waste ends up in landfills, but a significant amount ends up in roadside dumps or, even worse, in rivers and oceans. The “Pacific Trash Vortex,” is also known as the “Great Pacific Garbage Patch.” It is steered by prevailing currents to a still Zone north of Hawaii. The Vortex has four to six million tons of a soup-like garbage mix that hovers just under the surface in an area the size of Texas or France. It is estimated that 80% of the Vortex is from plastic, with a large portion being PET plastic bottles. Due to expanding populations increasing the demand for drinking water, food, and consumables, including in disaster zones, the need for plastic bottles will only increase. There is, then, a compelling need for plastic bottle designs that have secondary uses such that consumers will contemplate a fuller life cycle for the bottles. Such uses could increase recycling rates, or re-use rates, thereby lowering the volume of waste bottles disposed of each year and in the decades ahead.

©Friendship Bottle LLC



02.2 Design

The present invention and its embodiments relate to containers that are scalable, modular, and lockable laterally and vertically with other like containers. Various embodiments of such scalable, modular, interlocking containers are provided for a variety of applications. One use of an interlocking container of the present invention is as a vessel for storing and/or transporting flowable materials such as liquids, pourable solids, and other Such small granular materials that are relatively easy to empty via pouring. Another use of the interlocking containers is as a sturdy, modular, low cost, easily-assembled building material of a standardized nature. They may also be used as bottles or cans for transporting and drinking water and other liquids. The containers themselves could be recycled as building materials to construct basic structures and shelters such as for international relief and development efforts, and/or structures and shelter for military applications. A further use is attendant to the disassembly of structures (walled and otherwise) built from the containers, such as disassembly for purposes of relocating and/or reconfiguring the units as needs change. Embodiments of reduced sized have other uses, such as for a modeling agent or modeling toy or furniture elements. All uses also greatly benefit the environment by reducing the waste stream through recycling. The environmental problems created by Solid waste in general and plastic containers in particular are well known. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency reported that from 1980 to 2005, the volume of municipal solid waste increased 60% resulting in 246 million tons being generated in 2005 in the United States. The present technique provides an incentive to re-use containers not only for similar uses (such as to hold materials) but also for other applications (e.g., as building blocks for shelter construction). For example, certain embodiments of containers and bottles containing solid and liquid foodstuffs are recycled into use as construction materials, thereby reducing solid waste. A common alternative is to recycle containers by collecting, sorting and reprocessing the material. Another alternative is to reuse the containers for their original purpose for which they were purchased instead of recycling them. That alternative, however, requires sufficient demand for the containers such that a large number can be re-used.


Friendship Bottle Patent & Manufacturing

©Friendship Bottle LLC




Friendship Bottle Patent & Manufacturing

ŠFriendship Bottle LLC

The embodiments of consumer-sized containers could also increase the potential for recycling into other uses, which could reduce the two million tons of trash in the United States that is generated from throwing away plastic water bottles. Containers made of aluminum or other packaging materials account for another very large portion of the trash stream. The incentive for consumers to “mass’ containers after their original use makes it considerably more likely that the containers will be recycled in similar high proportion once their secondary use has terminated, a pattern that promises to improve endstage recycling rates markedly. The embodiments of the likely smaller consumer sized containers or bottles also increase the potential for recycling into other uses, in turn reducing a large portion of solid waste presently generated from discarding plastic water bottles. The embodiments also have humanitarian purposes. Resulting simple-walled structures are easily amenable to local/traditional roofing Solutions or to emergency relief roofing techniques and materials. As for yet other important efficiencies, the various embodiments of the exemplary containers allow cost-effective molding by eliminating unnecessary details in the quest design and functional elegance. Efficient transportation of bulk quantities of containers for any purpose can be challenging. Typically, efficient packing and transport of containers are helped by avoiding odd shapes and by eliminating or at least significantly reducing damage caused by unnecessary protruding edges. The exemplary containers include such advantages and additionally are scalable to conform to shipping standards, including sizes of pallets and containers. Perfect or near perfect scalability of containers allows for the manufacture of sizes and volumes regularly used in relevant industries, including prominently in the international delivery of relief and development field, but also for other practical and/ or hobbyist uses, including in sizes amenable to hold beverages and other consumer goods. Embodiments include re-usable containers appropriate for use in all geographic regions. Among the benefits is ease of assembly by strength-challenged disaster victims and/or by persons without building experience. No or limited mortar, rebar or any other connective addition is needed, and despite no or limited mortar or reinforcing elements, resulting structures can withstand stress forces such as high winds and earth quakes.




Friendship Bottle Patent & Manufacturing

ŠFriendship Bottle LLC

©Friendship Bottle LLC




Friendship Bottle Patent & Manufacturing

ŠFriendship Bottle LLC

©Friendship Bottle LLC



03 Disaster Relief Literature Review 03.1 Disaster Logistics

Basic Survival ▪▪ Those affected by disaster/conflict have a right to life with dignity/assistance ▪▪ All possible steps should be taken to alleviate human suffering from disaster/conflict ▪▪ Maintain minimum life standards: water supply, santiation/hygiene promotion, food/security/ nutrition, shelter, settlement, non-food items, and health actions ▪▪ Water collection should be done with vessels that are easily stored/carried ▪▪ Nutritional requirements: 2,100 kcals/person/day 10% of total energy provided by protein 17% of total energy provided by fat Adequate micronutrient intake


Disaster Relief Literature Review

Survival Supplies ▪▪ Unscented chlorine bleach / bleach wipes ▪▪ Trash bags / ties ▪▪ Powdered milk / baby formula ▪▪ Propane ▪▪ Small non-perishable food ▪▪ Toilet paper ▪▪ Hand sanitizer ▪▪ Laundry detergent ▪▪ Soap ▪▪ Shampoo ▪▪ Mouthwash ▪▪ Matches ▪▪ Gauze ▪▪ Gloves ▪▪ Rubbing alcohol ▪▪ Hydrogen peroxide ▪▪ Ibuprofen ▪▪ Bandages

Disaster Survivor’s Hierarchy of Needs

Assimilation/ Accommodation

Grief & Loss Stress Reactions Family & Friends Support Safety Food, Water, Shelter

From disaster to development: a systematic review of community-driven humanitarian logistics


Disaster Management Cyclemanagement cycle Figure 1. The disaster

Source: authors, based on Tatham and Spens (2011).

Disaster Logistics

Community-driven logistics structures


03.2 Water

Water Usage Water intake (drinking and food)

2.5–3 liters per day

Depends on climate / individual physiology

Basic hygiene practices

2–6 liters per day

Depends on social / cultural norms

Basic cooking needs

3–6 liters per day

Depends on food type / social / cultural norms

Total basic water needs

7.5–15 liters per day

Water Distribution 250 people per tap

Based on a flow of 7.5 liters/min

500 people per hand pump

Based on a flow of 17 liters/min

400 people per angle-user open well

Based on a flow of 12.5 liters/min

Chlorine Solutions


2% solution

0.2% solution

0.05% solution

waste and excreta dead bodies

floor objects / beds footbaths clothes

hands skin

Disaster Relief Literature Review

Fixture Counts Institution

Short Term

Long Term

Market areas

1 toilet – 50 stalls

1 toilet – 20 stalls

Hospitals / medical centers

1 toilet to 20 beds or 50 outpatients

1 toilet to 10 beds or 20 outpatients

Feeding centers

1 toilet to 50 adults 1 toilet to 20 children

1 toilet to 20 adults 1 toilet to 10 children

Reception / transit centers

1 toilet to 50 individuals 3:1 female to male


1 toilet to 30 girls 1 toilet to 60 boys


1 toilet to 30 girls 1 toilet to 60 boys 1 toilet to 20 staff

Boiling Boiling is the safest method of treating water. In a large pot or kettle, bring water to a rolling boil for 1 full minute, keeping in mind that some water will evaporate. Let the water cool before drinking Boiled water will taste better if you put oxygen back into it by pouring the water back and forth between two clean containers. This will also improve the taste of stored water. Chlorination You can use household liquid bleach to kill microorganisms. Use only regular household liquid bleach that contains 5.25 to 6.0 percent sodium hypochlorite. Do not use scented bleaches, colorsafe bleaches, or bleaches with added cleaners. Because the potency of bleach diminshes with time, use bleach from a newly opened or unopened bottle. Add 16 drops (1/8 teaspoon) of bleach per gallon of water, stir, and let stand for 30 minutes. The water should have a slight bleach odor. If it doesn’t, then repeat the dosage and let stand another 15 minutes. If it still does not smell of bleach, discard it and find another source of water. Other chemicals, such as iodine or water treatment products (sold in camping or surplus stores) that do not contain 5.25 to 6.0 percent sodium hypochlorite as the only active ingredient, are not recommended and should not be used. Water


Distillation While the boiling and chlorination will kill most microorganisms in water, distillation will remove microorganisms that resist these methods, as well as heavy metals, salts, and most other chemicals. Distillation involves boiling water and then colling the vapor that condenses back to water. The condensed vapor will not include salt or most other impurities. To distill, fill a pot halfway with water. Tie a cup to the handle on the bot’s lid so that the cup will hang right-side-up when the lid is upside-down (make sure the cup is not dangling into the water), and boil the water for 20 minutes. The water that drips from the lid into the cup is distilled.


Disaster Relief Literature Review

Food 03.2

Shelf-life Use within six months: ▪▪ Powdered milk (boxed) ▪▪ Dried fruit ▪▪ Dry, crisp crackers ▪▪ Potatoes Use within one year, or before date indicated on label: ▪▪ Canned condensed meat and vegetable soups ▪▪ Canned fruits, fruit juices, and vegetables ▪▪ Ready-to-eat cereals and uncooked instant cereals ▪▪ Peanut butter ▪▪ Jelly ▪▪ Hard candy and canned nuts ▪▪ Vitamins May be stored indefinitely (in proper containers and conditions): ▪▪ Wheat ▪▪ Vegetable oils ▪▪ Dried corn ▪▪ Baking powder ▪▪ Soybeans ▪▪ Instant coffee, tea, and cocoa ▪▪ Salt

Throw away the following foods: • Food that has an unusual odor, color, or texture. When in doubt, throw it out. • Perishable foods (including meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and leftovers) in your refrigerator when the power has been off for 4 hours or more. • Food not in packages or cans. • Canned foods or food containers that are bulging, opened, or damaged. Throw away the food if the container spurts liquid or foam when you open it or the food inside is discolored, is moldy, or smells bad. • Packaged food: Throw away food containers with screw-caps, snap-lids, crimped caps, twist caps, flip tops, and snap-open, and home-canned foods because they cannot be disinfected. Throw away food in cardboard containers, including juice/milk/baby formula boxes. • Sanitize cans and pouches in one of two ways. 1.) Place them in a solution of 1 cup (8 oz / 240 mL) of unscented household bleach in 5 callons of water for 15 minutes. OR 2.) Submerge in a pot of water, bring to a boil, and continue boiling for 2 minutes.



undertaken by the affected population themselves, and that this resourcefulness and self-management should be supported.”

This definition is adapted from: Sphere Shelter and Settlement Standard 1: Strategic Planning, Guidance note 6 (&16 Sphere Project, Sphere)

More permanent location

03.4 Transitional Shelters

Emergency shelter

Transitional shelter

Durable housing


Transitional shelters are defined as: can support disaster affected people between the emergency and the time when they Transitional shelters are able to rebuild longer term housing. If well designed, the materials from the transitional shelters can be

“Rapid, post disaster household shelters made from materials that can be upgraded or re-used in more permanent structures, re-used for housing. or that can be relocated from temporary sites to permanent locations. They are designed to facilitate the transition by affectthis durable book we shelter. focus on transitional shelters as structures and products. Transitional shelters should be part of ed populations to In more an ongoing sheltering process which is discussed in documents such as &16 Sphere Project, Sphere, and &15

Sheltercentre, DfID,that Shelter Disaster. “Transitional shelters respond to UN, the fact postafter disaster shelter is often undertaken by the affected population themselves, and that this resourcefulness and self-management should be& supported.” IFRC, The IFRC Shelter Kit and Annex I.2 Template Design For more on emergency shelter please refer to: Brief.


Transitional shelters can support disaster affected people between the emergency and the time when they are able to rebuild longer term housing. If well designed, the materials from the transitional shelters can be re-used for housing. 8


Disaster Relief Literature Review

Since 2010, Better Shelters has provided solid modular units to house displaced people. Courtesy: Better Shelter, UNHCR and the IKEA Foundation.

Better Shelter: solid modular units (UNHCR and the IKEA Foundation)

Dutch architect Jan Willem Petersen’s research on the impact of Task Force Uruzgan, a four-year program to design and build homes, schools, hospitals, roads, bridges, mosques, factories, prisons, and an airport in 2006 after decades of warfare, revealed that only 20 percent of these buildings were effective. 30 percent were badly flawed, and 50 percent were barely functional. “A common cause of failure was that the Western designers of these projects hadn’t taken account of the local context.” “Well-intentioned though these endeavors are—and many of the gutsiest, most dynamic designers of our time are working preparing so rigorously his mission, Petersen behaved lessstandards, like a stereotypical designer than the onBy them—it is essential that they arefor planned and executed to the highest possible given the political sensitivity ofanthropologists working in volatile, often perilous situations where the consequences of failure be calamitous for the intended embedded benin order to studycan them, or the war reporters within who live among their subjects eficiaries.” (Rawsthorn)

armed forces in order to give eyewitness accounts from the frontline. Another way in which Petersen deviated from stereotype was by applying his design skills not to develop new infrastructures, but to analyze the e�cacy of other designers’ work and identify how the design of similar projects might be improved. Government investment in 29

“We built 200 beautiful shelters, but 500,000 people lost their homes.. We supported 0.2% of those in need of shelter. There was no money left to support durable reconstruction�

A.1.2 Transition to what? Transitional shelters are intended to provide shelter between an emergency and the time when durable housing is completed. However, organisations often do not have the resources to build durable shelters after a transitional shelter response. Before beginning a transitional shelter programme, ensure that there is a strategy in place. The strategy should consider all settlement options (&15 Sheltercentre, UN, DfID, Shelter after Disaster) such as those who are staying with host families. It should also include provision to support people to find durable housing.

l Safety l l Lifespan l l Size l l Comfort l l Privacy l l Liability of implementing organisation l l Donor expectations l

l Cost l l Timeliness l l Number to be built l l Materials availabilty l l Maintainance and upgrade l l Equity with host population l l Capacity to implement l l Cultural appropriateness l l Construction skills l

A successful transitional shelter design must balance many factors. Design solutions are often specific to the context, and as a result no single design is suitable for all responses.

A successful transitional shelter design must balance many factors. Design solutions are often specific to the context, and as a result no single design is suitable for all responses. However, one 11 of the key features of transitional shelters is that they can be relocated, they can be upgraded, and that the materials can be re-used.


Disaster Relief Literature Review

national Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

nsitional shelters Eight designs

4.3 Classification of hazards

gnitude, likelihood and risk

the purposes of this book, the earthquake, wind and flood hazards in each location have been classified HIGH, MEDIUM or LOW. These simplified categories are based on hazard criteria in various codes and ndards as applicable to lightweight, low rise buildings, and statistical assumptions about the likelihood of ard occurring.

Hazards 03.5

International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

s se cr ea

Hazard classification used in Section B for earthquake, wind and flood Earthquake

Wind (approximate)


Seismic Design Category *

Basic Wind Speed ** Saffir/Simpson Risk of flooding (km/hr) Hurricane Category



Less than 113


Low risk of flooding



113 to 160


Medium risk of flooding



Over 160


High risk of flooding

in sk Ri

Likelihood of hazard of occuring

Section A Context and Design




* This is based on &1 ASCE/SEI 7-10, Table 11.6-1 assuming Risk Category I (Table 1.5-1 representing a low risk to human life in the event of failure) and based on the modified PGA.

The risk is a combination of the likelihood of the hazard occurring and the

** The sustained 3 second gust speed at a height of 10m in flat open terrain for a 50 year return period (as magnitude of the hazard. Note that an event with a high likelihood can still defined in the &14 Uniform Building Code (UBC) 1997, Section 1616.

be a low risk if the expected magnitude is low.

Magnitude of hazard

A.4.4 Classification of performance

The of performance of each The risk is a combination of the likelihood of the hazard occurring and the magnitude the hazard. Noteshelter has been categorised using a GREEN, AMBER, or RED scheme. This classification is for the risk of the structure failing or being damaged. It is not based on the risk of the structure injuring that an event with a high likelihood can still be a low risk if the expected magnitude is low.

Bibliography 03.6

people if it does fail.


Classification used in Section B for the performance of structures

e classification of earthquake risk used in this book is based on the seismic design categories defined in &1 Bealt, Jennifer, and S. Afshin Mansouri. “From Disaster to Development: a Systematic Review of Community-Driven Classification Meaning of classification CE/SEI 7-10. Design for earthquake loads is derived from the Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA. See Annex GREEN: Structure performs adequately under hazard loads Humanitarian Logistics.” Disasters, Jan. 2018, pp. 124–148. .1 Full Glossary) for a 475 year return period. The PGA is then modified to reflect the soil and building type.



Structure is expected to deflect and be damaged under hazard loads

RED: Structure is expected fail under hazard loads Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Response. The Sphere Project,to2013.

e classification of wind risk used in this book is based on &14 Uniform Building Code (UBC) 1997. This is International Red Cross anddirectly Red Crescent Transitional pressed as wind speeds which isFederation a parameterofthat can be used in design.Societies. These are related to the Shelters - Eight Designs. 2011. A.4.5 Performance analysis summaries fir SImpson hurricane scale in the table below, which is approximate and for comparison only.

Rawsthorn, Alice. “By Design.” Frieze, 4 Jan. 2017.

Each shelter review in Section B has a table titled ‘performance analysis’. This table provides an overall summary of the robustness of the shelter. The table assesses the performance (A.4.4 Classification of Performance) of the witheffects, respectand to the e classification of flood risk is based on knowledge of historical flood data and local shelter weather is hazards (A.4.3 Classification of Hazards) at the given location.


hly dependent on the local site conditions. Flood damage can be caused by both flash floods and standing ter. Each type of flooding has a different impact on structures.



04 Bottle Precedents 1905 04.1 Tom Kelly’s Bottle House Location Rhyolite, Nevada, USA Client/Architect Tom Kelly Material Glass Bottles / Cement Number 51,000 Cost $2,500 USD Dimension/Size Joint

Kelly’s bottle house in Rhyolite, Nevada, was built in 1905 out of bottles because lumber was scarce at the time. The bottle house was restored and reroofed by Paramount Pictures in 1925.


Bottle Precedents

Tom Kelly’s Bottle House


1963 04.2 WOBO Bottle Location Noordwijk, Amsterdam, Netherlands Client/Architect Alfred Heineken Material Number Cost Dimension/Size Joint

Glass Bottles / Cement 1,000,000 13¾ inch × 20 inch (350 mm × 500mm) Liquid Joints / Glue / Cement

The seminal steps of the bottle housing came in 1963 with the Heineken “World Bottle” (WOBO). The Dutch architect John Habraken devised “the brick that holds beer.” This project run produced one hundred thousand bottles, which were used to build a small shed on Heineken’s estate in the Netherlands, but the idea then stalled.


Bottle Precedents

WOBO Bottle


1973 04.3 Earthship Biotecture Location New Mexico, USA Client/Architect Michael Reynolds Material Glass Bottles, Cans Recycled car tires / Cement Number 200,000 Cost Dimension/Size Joint

Its creator, Mike Reynolds, calls his work “biotecture”—aimed at creating buildings that are in tune with the natural world. An earthship is a passive solar home made out of reused and natural materials. Reynolds, whose work has become internationally recognized through the documentary film “Garbage Warrior”, began developing the eartship concept in the 1970s.


Bottle Precedents

Earthship Biotecture


2007 04.4 Broadway Housing Location Santa Monica, CA, USA Client/Architect Brooks and Scarpa Architects Material Crushed can bricks Number Unknown Cost Dimension/Size Joint

The building skin is partially clad with recycled aluminum cans formed into building blocks about twice the size of concrete blocks.


Bottle Precedents

2007 Ecological Bottle House 04.5 Location Misiones, Argentina Client/Architect Alfredo Santa Cruz Material Glass, Aluminum containers, PET plastic bottles Number Unknown Cost Dimension/Size Joint

The Ecological Bottle House is a project that was conceived by a family of artisans residing in Puerto Iguazu, Misiones, Argentina. By incorporating materials made with solid urban waste, the project transforms and prevents disposable containers from being burnt or dumped into refuse pits, while creating alternative building materials and a source of income.

Ecological Bottle House


2005 04.6 Danone Office Location Tokyo, Japan Client/Architect Klein Dytham Architects Material Evian PET bottles Number 30,000 Cost Dimension/Size Joint

The Danone office interior at Daikanyama, Tokyo was designed by Klein Dytham Architects in 2005. The wall is made of bottles and bubbles one side of the office—the open plan zone—which creates a unique interior design concept. Circular zones for seating, meetings, and greetings are screened with translucent stacks of empty Evian bottles, strung on wires stretching from floor to ceiling like beads on a string. Globular lampshades hand like fat droplets in the space.


Bottle Precedents

2007 Morimoto Restaurant 04.7 Location New York, USA Client/Architect Tadao Ando Material Half-liter plastic bottles Number 17,400 Cost Dimension/Size Joint

A nearly two-story-high freestanding water wall created from 17,400 half-liter plastic bottles were then filled with mineral water and screwed into electric-socketlike couplers. LED point lights were integrated into the structure to backlight the bottles and create a shimmering effect.


2007 04.8 Ridwan Kamil’s House Location Bandung, Indonesia Client/Architect Ridwan Kamil Material Red Bull bottles Number 30,000 Cost Dimension/Size Joint

This house has been given the name of “bottle house.” The reason that it is called this is because 60% of the home is made up of 30,000 empty Red Bull bottles. These bottles were found locally as litter and what wasn’t found as litter was found at the local dump. Architect Ridway Kamil and his construction partners took 6 months to gather up these bottles and then began construction.


Bottle Precedents

Ridwan Kamil’s House


2001–2011 04.9 ECOTEC Location Bogota, Colombia Client/Architect ECOTEC Material PET bottles Number 10,000–50,000 Cost Dimension/Size Joint

All ECOTEC projects have a strong social focus. Most of the PET bottles used are recovered in cleanup campaigns and recycling drives. The community then fills them with sand. They train the unemployed and handicapped in their construction methods. They build water tanks, schools, community centers, urban benches, as well as homes. Andreas Froese, Eco-Tec’s inventor, hopes to also build some PET homes in Haiti utilizing construction debris. Most of the PET bottles used are recovered in clean-up campaigns and recycling drives. 44

Bottle Precedents



2004–2008 04.10 Water Block House Location New York, USA Client/Architect Kengo Kuma & Associates Material PET bottles Number 7,500 Cost Dimension/Size Joint

As part of the exhibition “Studies in Organic”, Kengo Kuma created Water Block House, a temporary shelter made from bottles that carry water. The construction is made from interlocking biodegradable polymer bottles that can be filled with water. These ‘bricks’ are lightweight when empty and thus easy to transport. At the building site, the bottles cna be filled with water to stabilize the walls. The concept is based on the idea that water is a highly adequate insulator.


Bottle Precedents

Water Block House


2007 04.11 UNITED_BOTTLE Location Worldwide Client/Architect INSTANT Architects Material PET bottles Number Cost Dimension/Size Joint

The ZĂźrich-based architecture office INSTANT (Dirk Hebel & JĂśrg Stollmann with Tobias Klauser) has designed a water bottle that can be recycled and filled with local soil and stacked to form temporary shelter. The concept, called UNITED_BOTTLE, can be used by governments and NGOs to distribute water locally and regionally and be able to upcycle the bottle as a building material in combination with found materials such as sand, dirt, and natural insulation materials such as animal hair. The simple water bottle would operate as a container for the awareness of the next crisis. 48

Bottle Precedents



2001–2011 04.12 EcoARK Location Taipei, Taiwan Client/Architect Miniwiz Ltd Material PET bottles Number 1,800,000 Cost Dimension/Size Joint

The Far Eastern Group sponsored this three-story “EcoARK” moveable fashion pavilion for the 2010 Taipei International Expo. The finished structure features walls made entirely out of plastic bottles, and it’s built to withstand earthquakes and hurricanes. It took 1.5 million POLLI-Bricks to make the sturdy EcoARK. The 130 meter-long structure is completely deconstrucable—it can be taken apart and reassembled at another location, like a giant LEGO building.


Bottle Precedents



2017 04.13 PET Pavilion Location Enschede, Netherlands Client/Architect Project.DWG & LOOS.FM Material PET bottles Body wash containers Number 40,000 Cost Dimension/Size Joint

The PET Pavilion is a temporary structure set up in a public park in Enschede, Netherlands. Designed by Project.DWG and LOOS.FM, the pavilion serves as an educational gathering space for topics relating to recycling and sustainable building. The components can be easily dismantled for relocation within a day.


Bottle Precedents

PET Pavilion


2013 04.14 Rising Moon Lantern Pavilion Location Victoria Park, Hong Kong Client/Architect Daydreamers Design Material Recycled water bottles Number 7,100 Cost Dimension/Size Joint

For the 2013 Mid-Autumn Festival in Victoria Park, Hong Kong, Daydreamers Design created the “Rising Moon�, an illuminating geodesic dome formed by pre-fabricated triangular modules. The exterior uses 4,800 five-gallon polycarbonate water bottles as individual beacons, referencing the shape of traditional Chinese paper lanterns. The interior is fitted with a sea of 2,300 bottles hanging in an undulating formation from the ceiling.


Bottle Precedents

Rising Moon Lantern Pavilion


2013 04.15 Head in the Clouds Location New York, USA Client/Architect Jason Klimoski & Lesley Chang Material Plastic bottles and jugs Number 53,780 Cost Dimension/Size Joint

The “Head in the Clouds” pavilion, designed by Jason Klimoski and Lesley Chang, was selected as the winner of 2013’s FIGMENT Festival on Governors Island. The pavilion’s framework is formed from lightweight aluminum tubes, while the “clouds” are fromed from recycled plastic bottles and milk jugs collected from the local area. Some of the bottles are filled with blue-colored water, creating a “sky” of illumination on the interior.


Bottle Precedents

Head in the Clouds


2012 04.16 Lighwall Pavilion Location North Carolina, USA Client/Architect Abe Drechsler & Scott Hefner Material Glass bottles Number Cost Dimension/Size Joint

The Lightwall Pavilion is the winning submission to the 2012 ReSpace Design Competition, sponsored by Habitat for Humanity of Wake County, the Triangle chapter of AIA, and the Raleigh chapter of Architecture for Humanity. The multi-purpose structure features a wall made up of glass bottles obtained from local restaurant and bars.


Bottle Precedents

Lighwall Pavilion


2014 04.17 Labyrinth of Plastic Waste Location Katowice, Poland Client/Architect luzinterruptus Material PET bottles Number 6,000 Cost Dimension/Size Joint

The “Labyrinth of Plastic Waste” was built for Poland’s Katowice Street Art Festival, with discarded water bottles collected in transparent garbage bags hung on a metallic framework to create a maze with weaving corridors and narrow pathways. LEDs are packed into the bags as well, which illuminates the structure with a neon-blue hue.


Bottle Precedents

Labyrinth of Plastic Waste


2015–2017 04.18 TrussFab Location Potsdam, Germany Client/Architect TrussFab Material PET bottles Number Cost Dimension/Size Joint

The TrussFab Team, led by Robert Kovacs at the Hasso Plattner Institute, created TrussFab, which is a SketchUp extension that populates 3D printable truss elements. Using these 3D printed parts in conjunction with plastic bottles allow for easy assembly of complex and structural trusses.


Bottle Precedents



05 Studio Brief 05.1 Introduction

This studio is a design-built thinktank bringing together architecture and engineering students and professors in a cross-disciplinary platform to work collaboratively and create innovative strategies for material recycling. This funded studio will support the design, fabrication and assembly of a temporary pavilion accommodating variable occupation needs. The ephemeral structure will be approximately 15-square-meter in size and erected by the professors and students at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. The aim is to foster dialogue on topics relating to recycling of industrial products as building materials and on sustainable building construction. During the design studio we will investigate several prototypes and visual analytical drawings variable solutions of construction and deconstruction of small inhabitable spaces using a specific bottle product manufactured by the Canadian company Friendship LLC, where components are able to interlock without joints due to their embedded creases. In groups, we will test different scenarios of occupation, configuration, speed of assembly, lighting, ambient temperatures, microclimates and energy efficiency. The work will be organized in 3 phases: the joint, the building part, and the pavilion. All bottles, materials and consultants are sponsored in this studio. The final product of this course will illuminate the campus, offer a space for rest and discovery and educate the RPI community about the sustainable use of industrial products as building materials. Rather than focusing on the purely technological aspect of material reuse, this project will address the social relations that inform and are informed by the second life of the usage of plastic bottles. This will be an outstanding opportunity for RPI students to participate in a collaborative with the aim to design, fabricate and install an experimental installation in the main campus. It will showcase student talent in a key venue, while expanding the conversation on a timely issue and exhibiting academic research to a broad audience of citizens and visitors.


Studio Brief

The Joint 05.2

We will examine different ways of creating details using the bottles and a variety of bonding agents, as well as different infill materials. The scope is to test the conditions of mechanical strength and stability, as well as the possibilities of devising new details for turning corners, wall reveals (points where walls meet ceilings), possibilities of creating curved surfaces and other options; also to test the infill of the bottles relative to the organization and design of these joints. What are the variable patterns and light ambiances created if there is a gradient detail? Liquid Containment > Illumination How can the units contains different elements and types of liquids to create patterns of light? How can light be diffused effectively based on the interior containment of bottles? Can units be crowdsourced and handed to different individuals to create patterns of light? Liquid Containment > Thermal Storage How can the containment of water in the units create passive solar strategies for heating and cooling? What are the mechanisms for retaining and releasing heat? Pulverization How can we develop meaningful details and joints if we do not keep the details intact? If units are dissected, pulverized and assembled in larger components what would the benefits be?


05.3 The Components

We will examine different ways of creating building elements for transitional shelters - like walls, furniture, ceilings, floors, dividers, walls with pockets and storage spaces- or building elements and hybrid building parts that combine different programs and modalities of occupation; these can be used in communal or public spaces of an emergency settlement and can include fountains, agoras, theaters, seating and other spaces of communal use. Students will be asked to reuse their ideas of details and joints to make blocks in walls, façade panels and other elements of occupation. Key features of this stage of the research will be how to use infill materials for stability and for regulating gradient opacities and transparencies, also how to use color in the infill material to create gradient color effects. The scope of this stage is to create several prototypes as mock-ups of multifunctional elements that will then be tested for their mechanical, thermal and insulation properties in collaboration with Professor Alnaggar. Variable Patterns Of Transparency What are the possibilities of developing patterns of transparency and opacity while varying the infill of bottles, as well as their orientation and layering? Are these patterns used for privacy or other programmatic requirements? Variable Patterns Of Occupation How are your components assembled, used in different ways and consequently disassembled and used for other purposes in the transitional shelters? Mechanical Strength Please coordinate with Professor Alnaggar to test the mechanical properties of your building elements. Liquid Containment > Thermal and Energy Properties Please consider the thermal and energy properties of your building elements and test your prototypes in Professor Alnaggar’s environmental chambers. You will be required to measure and provide diagrams of performance for your elements.


Studio Brief

The Pavilion 05.4

In the final stage of the design studio, the team of students will work as one team to design, construct and assemble a pavilion made of recycled bottles located outside of the School of Architecture at RPI. The plan is to complete the pavilion by May 3rd and to disassemble the structure in two weeks. In the final ephemeral structures, we will aim to collect, and implement the findings of the previous two phases, so that the pavilion showcases the different properties of occupation, environmental ambience, lighting that have been investigated. The aim of the studio is to understand architecture as part of larger complex systems, be those cultural, social, ecological, economic or political; the studio will take the position that architecture is a leading instrument of social change, through rethinking the lifecycle of materials and their reuse as building elements in the age of climate change. What role can architecture play in social and political change? What role should an architect take in determining the direction and character of change?


06 Joints



ŠArun Padykula / Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute School of Architecture

ŠArun Padykula / Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute School of Architecture





ŠArun Padykula / Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute School of Architecture

ŠArun Padykula / Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute School of Architecture





ŠArun Padykula / Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute School of Architecture


Angle Joints 06.1







06.2 Multi-Purpose Joints














Multi-Purpose Joints


06.3 Interlacing Joints

ADS 7 | After Bottles | Joint 02 Christopher Michelngelo








ADS 7 | After Bottles | Joint 02 Christopher Michelngelo

Interlacing Joints


Diagonal Wall Configuration w/ Dual 45ยบ Joint

Horizontal Wall Pattern

06.4 Interlocking Caps

Current Joint Iterations

Male / Female - Threaded and Stem



45ยบ Male / Female - Threaded and Stem

Arrangement using 45ยบ female - threaded joints

Male / Female - Threaded and Stem

45ยบ Male / Female - Threaded and Stem

Arrangement using 45ยบ female - threaded joints

Arrangement using male and female - stem joints

Interlocking Caps



06.5 Tensile Joint

Two modulues based o for a racheted tensionin

Both elements slide alo

Weakness of end to en

Multiple uses for each a

Single Threade

Slim profile fit keeps ca

Cable can support from tensioning elements

Racheting and tie off sy spans than offset syste


Double Threade

Bulk around threader to

Element can support tw to one

Elements 1





Plan and section o


Single threader un


Double threader u


Unit placement in

Cable placement a

Single threader pr Sizing of doubble



Cross section of b Bottle groove fit




Tensile Joint




06.6 Folded Joints


1. 2.





Folded Joints:

Folded Joints



Lead-Acid Battery

06.7 Lighting Joints


Light Joints






1A 1

1 Plastic Bottle 26.33g -283.88g


250mL -257.55mL

1A Cap Opening 21mm


2 Cap-Recess Joint



2A Bottle Clip 14mm

2C 2B Recess Lock

1B Bottle Recess



2C Wedge Lock

1C Bottle Protrusion



3A 3 LED Light Joint 3.3mL



5mm 20mA -60mA 2.0-3.2-3.2V 800mcd -5700mcd

3B Bottle Clip 14mm




3C Recess Lock



3D Terminal Connections 22 guage Copper (4x) 42mm





4B 4 Rotating LED Switch 12.6g

4A 5mm LED 2mA 0.38g $0.18

4B Bottle Cap 3.50g 2.80mL

4C Bottle Receiver 5.70g 4.54mL

4D 20mm Lithium Battery 3V 225mAh 2.82g $0.20

4E Ceramic Resistor


220-680Ω 0.20g $0.02



2 Cap-Recess Joint 4mL


2A Bottle Clip 14mm

2B Recess Lock


5 Rotating LED


Color-Shifting Switch



2C Wedge Lock

5A 5mm RGB LED 20mA 0.38g $0.18


5B Bottle Cap 3.50g 2.80mL

5C Bottle Receiver 5.70g 4.54mL

5D 20mm Lithium Battery 3V 225mAh 2.82g $0.20

5E Ceramic Resistor

3 LED Light Joint 3.3mL



220-680Ω 0.20g $0.02



5mm 20mA -60mA 2.0-3.2-3.2V 800mcd -5700mcd





3B Bottle Clip 14mm

3C Recess Lock 42mm

3D Terminal Connections 22 guage Copper (4x) 42mm




Lighting Joints


06.8 Water Filtration Joint 2






7 9 8




Components 07

ŠArun Padykula / Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute School of Architecture




ŠArun Padykula / Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute School of Architecture

ŠArun Padykula / Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute School of Architecture




ŠEmily Sulanowski / Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute School of Architecture




Pillows 07.1

9 10 8


Fabrication: 5

1. Small welding seam to be trimmed after fabrica 2. Tapered center area to accomodate being squeezed by neighboring roof bottles 3. Valve on interior lobe of inflatable to reinflate as needed 4. Centered loop with hole for neck of bottle to be attached using standard cap 5. Side attached flap with snap to connect inflatab laterally

Variation: 11

2 12

6. Most elongated inflatable 7. Medium elongated inflatable 8. Least elongated inflatable (Not pictured: mismatched top and bottom half inflatables)

Attachment Module:


9. Inflatable contours around surrounding bottles a inflates the most above and below roof plane 10. Inflatable loop anchored to bottle neck 11. Point of maximum compression 12. Orientation of valve to interior of roof 3

Module Assembly:

13. Inflatable loop to be sandwiched between bott neck and bottle cap 14. Two intermediate bottles space out the bottle attached by neck to inflatables 15. Lateral flaps are snapped once inflatables are place in the roof 16. Inflatables mildly deform from the bottles and tension cable system 17. Typical transition row (3 bottles high) 18. Placement of inflatable within roof 19. Placement of inflatable flap onto bottle neck 20. Up to every third bottle is removed in both laye of the roof plane to insert inflatables 21. standard row sandwiches the hollowed out row




Structural Implications:


22. Too many inflatables placed as close together possible down the slope poses structural problems 23. Several inflatables across the slope is less problematic, but still to be considered


20 18 23 16 14




Top View

Front View


Underlying Roof Structure

Built-Up Filtration Bottle Support

Upright Filtration Bottles

Inflatable Inserts

Left View


Top View

Upright Filtration Bottles

Front View

Left View

Pitch Section 1

Cross-Pitch Section

Back View

Right View

Inflatable Inserts



Electric Wiring

Water Bottle Module

07.2 Floor Palettes

Top View Scale 3”= 1’

1” x 4” Stud Supports 1” Water Pipe Double Sided Top Plate Cloth Floor Covering

1” Water Pipe


Electric Wiring

Double Sided Base Plate

Local Water 94



Scale 3”= 1’


Floor Palettes





Fabric Handle





3/4” Plywood

1/8” MDF Connection Plates



6” Stud (Nominal)

MDF Plate Channel 3/4” Plywood

10x10 Bottle Matrix



24” Sq




V2 Plywood Panels Nylon Straps w/ Clasps

Nylon Strap Channels





Milled Plywood Pallet Zip Tie Connection Points







Floor Palettes


Floor Module

07.3 Textile Floor

Exploded view



Dimensions = 24” x 20” Bottles Used = 18 per Unit 98


Exploded view





Floor Assembly

Floor Assembly

Topographical Adaptation Topographical Adaptation

Specifications Materials 60 Floor Panels 6 Storage Panels 4 Half Floor Panels 10 Whole Wall Panels 8 Half Wall Panels 9 Custom Wall Panels 8’ 2” x 4” Board 48’ 2” x 6” Board 9 Angle Framing Brackets 56 Sandbags ~750 Zipties 360 Bottles 24“ 2” x 3” x .25“ Steel L Channel 16” 3” x 3” x .25” Steel Tube 1 24” x 24” x .25” Steel Plate

Specifications Materials Dimensions 60 Floor Floor Panels 19’- 1” x 7’- 1” Footprint: 6 Storage Panels 8’- 0” x 7’- 3” Frame Footprint: 4 Half Floor Frame Lift atPanels Peak: 2’- 2” 10 Integrated Whole Wall Panels Wall Panels: 8’- 2” x 6’- 9” 8 Half WallWall Panels Integrated Panels Peak: 5’ 11” 9 Custom Wall Panels Floor Panel: 24” x 20” 8’ 2” xPanel 4” Board Floor Bottle Count: 18 48’ Storage 2” x 6”Panel: Board 24” x 20” 9 Angle Framing Brackets Storage Panel Bottle Count: 21 56 Sandbags ~750 Zipties 360 Bottles 24“ 2” x 3” x .25“ Steel L Channel 16” 3” x 3” x .25” Steel Tube 1 24” x 24” x .25” Steel Plate

Textile Floor


Dim F Fr Fr In In F F S S



ŠArun Padykula / Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute School of Architecture

©Arun Padykula / Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute School of Architecture

Textile Floor




ŠArun Padykula / Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute School of Architecture

ŠAdam Beres & Jacob Laird / Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute School of Architecture

Textile Floor


Wall Proposals

07.4 Mock Wall Empty Dirt Removeable



Nothing Dirt infill Sand infill

Structural Wall (Dirt interior layer, empty exterior layer)

Consumable liquids Non-consumable liquids Medical supplies Non-perishable foods

Dirt Infill (Bewteen layers of removable bottles)

Dirt Infill Empty

Water Hygiene


Non-Removable(Dirt/Empty) Potential Usable


Dried Fruit Gatorade


Wall “Chunks�


Right Elevation

Left Elevation Plan View






Removable Chunks

Isometric NE


Isometric SW


Mock Wall


07.5 Infill Palettes Program: Disaster Relief Pallet Configuration 01

Program: Disaster Relief Pallet Configuration 02

Medicine Chlorine Tablets

Medicine Chlorine Tablets

Drinking Water Drinking Water


Dehydrated Food

Consumables Pallet Configuration 01

Consumables Pallet Configuration 02 Non-Perishable Food Clothing

Module 02 Module 03

Module 01

Chlorine Tablets



Chlorine Tablets

Pavilion 08 Drawings 08.1






08.2 Renders









Full Wall Panels

Half Wall Panels

08.3 Boards

08.3.1 Floor System

Shipping Module

Floor Module

Exploded view



Storage Module Exploded view



Floor Assembly



Shipping Module

Floor Module

Floor System

Integrated Wall Modules

Full Flooring System Assembly

Exploded view


Custom Panels Bottom

Full Wall Panels

Storage Module

Exploded view

Half Wall Panels



Floor Assembly Shipping Module

Floor Module

Exploded view



Topographical Adaptation

Specifications Storage Module

Materials Floor Panels 60 Storage Panels 6 Half Floor Panels 4 Whole Wall Panels 10 Half Wall Panels 8 Custom Wall Panels 9 2” x 4” Board 8’ 2” x 6” Board 48’ Angle Framing Brackets 9 Sandbags 56 ~750 Zipties Bottles 360 Top 2” x 3” x .25“ Steel L Channel 24“ 3” x 3” x .25” Steel Tube 16” 24” x 24” x .25” Steel Plate 1

Dimensions Exploded view Floor Footprint: 19’- 1” x 7’- 1” Frame Footprint: 8’- 0” x 7’- 3” Frame Lift at Peak: 2’- 2” Integrated Wall Panels: 8’- 2” x 6’- 9” Integrated Wall Panels Peak: 5’ 11” Floor Panel: 24” x 20” Floor Panel Bottle Count: 18 Storage Panel: 24” x 20” Storage Panel Bottle Count: 21




7 Bottles 10 Bottles 10 Bottles

08.3.2 North Wall Construction

Overall North Wall And Detail Call-Outs

10 Bottles 10 Bottles

Female-stem cap joints allow for 360 degree rotation in order to accommodate for the bottles incorporated into the filtration system.

X-shaped straps are used to better bind a group of bottles, and create better stability and structure.

Cables are run though custom bottle caps in order to tension the wall segments to the roof and ground.

Male-to-female joints are used for easy access to bottles with supplies in them. This allows the infill to be easily accessible and removable.

Texture Logic



Female-stem cap joints allow for 360 degree rotation in order to accommodate for the bottles incorporated into the filtration system.

North Wall Construction Exploded Sections With Filtration

X-shaped straps are used to better bind a group of bottles, and create better stability and structure.

Cables are run though custom bottle caps in order to tension the wall segments to the roof and ground.

Male-to-female 7 Bottles joints are used for easy access to bottles with supplies in them. This allows the infill to be easily accessible and removable.

10 Bottles 10 Bottles 10 Bottles 10 Bottles

Texture Logic Overall North Wall And Detail Call-Outs

Female-stem cap joints allow for 360 degree rotation in order to accommodate for the bottles incorporated into the filtration system.

1.5” Regulated Orientation

Filtration System

Undulating Orientation

Specifications Materials


4,986 bottles 15 female-stem cap 12 x-shaped straps 12 tension cap joints 48 regular caps 42 feet steel cable 85 male-to-female joints 47 rows of bottles 3 layers of bottles Height: 8’6” Length: 10’0” Width: 2’0”

X-shaped straps are used to better bind a group of bottles, and create better stability and structure.

Cables are run though custom bottle caps in order to tension the wall segments to the roof and ground.


joints are used for Boards easy access to 117 bottles with supplies in them. This allows the

9 Bottles

8 Bottles

8 Bottles

8 Bottles

08.3.3 South Wall Construction 9 Bottles

The panels that create the floor extend up into the wall and are covered by a layer of the bottles.

The wall is assebled in five components with smaller, connector pieces inbetween the larger ones.

Female-stem cap-joint to allow for 360 degree rotation of a perpendicularly fastened bottle.

Cables are run though custom bottle caps in order to tension the wall segments to the roof and ground.

Double-stemmed cap joint to connect interior floor panels into the wall. The floor panels will fasten inbetween bottles.

Texture Logic


Construction Aids

Pavilion Bottles offset by 1.75 inches

Every other row is flipped, connection caps can be added to exterior and interior.

The sections of the wall was constructed by offsetting each row using a longitudinal jig. The jig was used on every row.

The diagonal punch-outs within the wall design were created by sliding an extra jig underneath the bottles.

the bottles.

larger ones.

South Wall Construction

Female-stem cap-joint to allow for 360 degree rotation of a perpendicularly fastened bottle.

9 Bottles

Cables are run though custom bottle caps in order to tension the wall segments to the roof and ground.

8 Bottles

8 Bottles

8 Bottles

Double-stemmed cap joint to connect interior floor panels into the wall. The floor panels will fasten The wall is assebled in inbetween bottles. five components with smaller, connector pieces inbetween the larger ones.

9 Bottles

The panels that create the floor extend up into the wall and are covered by a layer of the bottles.

Texture Logic

Construction Aids Female-stem cap-joint to allow for 360 degree rotation of a perpendicularly fastened bottle.

Bottles offset by 1.75 inches

The sections of the wall was constructed by offsetting each row using a longitudinal jig. The jig was used on every row.

Every other row is flipped, connection caps can be added to exterior and interior.

Embeded Panel Construction

The diagonal punch-outs within the wall design were created by sliding an extra jig underneath the bottles.

Specifications Materials:


Doubled sided stem joint allows for third layer of bottles to be added over the panels within the wall.

5,089 bottles 15 tension cap joints 74 female-stem cap joints 60 regular caps 42 double-stemmed cap joints 14 floor panels 42 feet steel cable

Cables are run though custom bottle caps in order to tension the wall segments to the roof and ground.

50 rows of bottles 3 layers of bottles Height: 8’6” Length: 9’7” Width: 1’7” Double-stemmed cap joint to connect interior floor panels into the wall. The floor panels will fasten inbetween bottles.



10 bottles

9 bottles

10 bottles

08.3.4 Roof System 10 bottles

Tension System Components: Roof tension dovetail joint inserted into female bottle dovetail 1/32” braided steel cable

1/16” aluminum crimps 4 1/4” aluminum turnbuckle 1/16” braided steel cable spanning roof

Roof tension cap joint screwed onto bottle neck at 45 degrees 1/16” braided steel cable spanning roof

Roof tension cap joint screwed onto bottle neck at 90 degrees

Red components counteract the thrust of the roof, enabling the roof to stabilize the walls rather than push them outward.

1/16” braided steel cable threaded down wall

Orange components reinforce the lateral interlock of the dovetails and act as a safety net in the event of collapse. Yellow components tie to the walls, ensuring the roof stays in place if the dovetails do not engage during installation.

Texture Logic:

interior attachment row equal spacing



equal spacing

Equal spacing between every layer of bottles creates regions where dovetails have minimal interlock, weakening the roof structure.

looser spacing

tighter spacing

Shifting even-numbered layers of bottles out by 1/2” varies the dovetail interlock so pairs of rows are always securely locked.

exterior attachment rows

Reversing the direction of even-numbered layers further varies dovetail interlock, enables lights to be strung on the ceiling and adds texture to the roof surface.

Tension System Components:

Roof Structure and Construction

Roof tension dovetail joint inserted into female bottle dovetail 1/32” braided steel cable

Modular Construction:

1/16” aluminum crimps

10 bottles

4 1/4” aluminum turnbuckle 1/16” braided steel cable spanning roof

10 bottles

Roof tension cap joint screwed onto bottle neck at 45 degrees

9 bottles

1/16” braided steel cable spanning roof

10 bottles

Roof tension cap joint screwed onto bottle neck at 90 degrees

Red components counteract the thrust of the roof, enabling the roof to stabilize the walls rather than push them outward. Orange components reinforce the lateral interlock of the dovetails and act as a safety net in the event of collapse.

10 bottles

1/16” braided steel cable threaded down wall

Yellow components tie to the walls, ensuring the roof stays in place if the dovetails do not engage during installation.

Texture Logic: Tension System Components: Roof tension dovetail joint inserted into female bottle dovetail interior attachment row 1/32” braided steel cable equal spacing

equal spacing

Equal spacing between every layer of bottles creates regions where dovetails have minimal interlock, weakening the roof structure.

looser spacing

tighter spacing

Shifting even-numbered layers of bottles out by 1/2” varies the dovetail interlock so pairs of rows are always securely locked.

Construction Aids:

exterior attachment rows 1/16” aluminum crimps Reversing the direction of even-numbered layers further varies dovetail interlock, enables lights to be strung on the ceiling and adds texture to the roof surface. 4 1/4” aluminum turnbuckle


1/16” braided steel cable spanning roof

Materials: 4,326

105 Dimensions:

30 Roof tension cap joint 10 screwed onto bottle neck at 45 degrees 9’ - 5 5/8” 1/16” braided steel 49 bottles cable spanning roof 3’ - 1 1/8” 16 bottles 8’ - 6 1/2”

Each section of the roof has two longitudinal jigs, one for the

steep and the oneroof for the Red components counteract the thrust of the roof,angle enabling to stabilize the walls rather than push themshallow. outward.Each jig is used twice. Orange components reinforce the lateral interlock of the dovetails and act as a safety net in the event of collapse. Yellow components tie to the walls, ensuring the roof stays in place if the dovetails do not engage during installation.

The pattern in each row is constant across the entire roof. Rows 1-12 are constructed with horizontal jigs; rows 13-16 of the peak are custom-spaced to completely butt the bottles to one another.

Roof tension cap joint screwed onto bottle neck at 90 degrees 1/16” braided steel cable threaded down wall




WS2811 Controller

08.3.5 Lighting System

Individually Addressable LEDs 12V Data/signal 3pin JST connector, input port

WS2811 IC


Connection Schematic

2.75in ~ 2.95in

Bottle-Light Connection





Lead-Acid Battery 4B 4 Rotating LED Switch 12.6g

4A 5mm LED 2mA 0.38g $0.18

4B Bottle Cap



3.50g 2.80mL

4C Bottle Receiver 5.70g 4.54mL

4D 20mm Lithium Battery 3V 225mAh 2.82g $0.20

Photographs 08.4

ŠArun Padykula / Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute School of Architecture




ŠArun Padykula / Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute School of Architecture

ŠArun Padykula / Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute School of Architecture





ŠArun Padykula / Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute School of Architecture

ŠBryce Crawford / Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute School of Architecture





©Ines Leong / L-IINES Photo

©Ines Leong / L-IINES Photo





©Ines Leong / L-IINES Photo

©Ines Leong / L-IINES Photo





©Ines Leong / L-IINES Photo

©Ines Leong / L-IINES Photo





©Ines Leong / L-IINES Photo

©Ines Leong / L-IINES Photo





ŠArun Padykula / Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute School of Architecture

ŠArun Padykula / Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute School of Architecture





ŠTanner Vargas / Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute School of Architecture

ŠTanner Vargas / Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute School of Architecture





ŠTanner Vargas / Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute School of Architecture

ŠTanner Vargas / Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute School of Architecture





ŠTanner Vargas / Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute School of Architecture

ŠArun Padykula / Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute School of Architecture





ŠArun Padykula / Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute School of Architecture

Suresh Shrestha ~ Personal Residence Remodel

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Press Articles 09

Rensselaer Students Develop a Disaster Architecture from Water © Ines Leong / L-INES Photo Bottles and Shipping Materials

Filter by Category: » Architectural Issues » Architects

By Nicholas Korody

Jul 11, '18 10:20 AM EST

A preliminary hypothesis: we are living in an era marked by a profusion of “crises” 0 Follow — some environmental, some sociopolitical, some economic, and most a mixture of all three. In turn, in architecture, particularly its academies, we are witnessing an attendant explosion of designs for shelters that endeavor to alleviate or solve such crises. After all, architecture is a discipline that often imagines itself capable of “problem-solving,” with shelter design as the go-to solution. By and large, these undeniably well-intentioned endeavors fail to take-off for any number of reasons: practicality, scalability, affordability, etc. But — to offer a secondary hypothesis —

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Nicholas Korody July 11, 2018 ↓ More » Academia

this may be the wrong metric through which to interpret and judge such pedagogical exercises. Rather, these projects can be read as if texts, wherein the mutable and muted meanings of terms like “crisis” and “architecture” — and their relations with each other — emerge from the shadows cast by their ubiquity.

Second Lives: After Bottles, a project by a team of undergraduate students at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute led by Lydia Kallipoliti and in collaboration with engineering students, is one such project. It comprises an experimental prototype structure composed of interlocking plastic bottles developed by Friendship Bottles LLC, specifically designed with the dual use of water container and structural material in mind. The two primary objectives behind the project were to develop a shelter without a structural frame, so as to avoid the need for shipments of large and heavy infrastructural elements to disaster areas. The second objective was to design a flooring system that could also serve as a packaging system for the bottles during shipment. © Ines Leong / L-INES Photo To meet the first, the team developed an array of 3D-printed joints that strengthened the interlocking function of the bottles while also providing new uses, such as allowing the insertion of wire for tensile support. Submit Share/Follow

Therefore, theoretically, the entire shelter system could to a disaster simply with water A preliminary hypothesis: we are living in be anprovided era marked by a site profusion of the “crises” bottles themselves and a 3D printer and wire. As for the second objective, the team designed — some environmental, some sociopolitical, some economic, and most aawooden mixture

pyramidal crate. When unfolded, the triangular panels could adapt to fit a wide variety of terrains, including

of all three. In turn, in architecture, particularly its academies, we are witnessing an attendant explosion of designs for shelters that endeavor to alleviate or solve such crises. After all, architecture is a discipline that often imagines itself capable of “problem-solving,” with shelter design as the go-to solution. By and large, these undeniably well-intentioned endeavors fail to take-off for any number of reasons:

debris — a design requisite often ignored in disaster relief projects.

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08/22/2018, 09:4 145

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Image courtesy Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

The actual built prototype, perched on the grassy lawn of the Rensselaer campus, felt far removed from the sort of desperate landscape that one typically imagines of a disaster situation. Equipped with rainbow-colored LED lighting along its roof, it seemed better-suited for a concert pavilion. The relatively simple A-frame structure recalled, intentionally, a primitive hut: architecture at its most bare.

This is not exactly a structure that can be deployed to Zaatari tomorrow. The problems presented by a “crisis” have not here been solved in their totality.

This is not the neobaroque formalism being produced at so many other architecture schools. It is also not particularly functional since, with two walls exposed, it would hardly protect inhabitants from harsh weather conditions, let alone the sort of violent behavior often found in refugee camps, particularly against women and children. And while the students analyzed several “crisis” sites, the prototype itself is largely siteless, existing within the vacuum of the design imaginary. The adaptability of its floor system was exhibited through the artificial construction of an uneven surface, with sandbags standing-in for debris on the otherwise smooth

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surface of the campus quad. This is not exactly a structure that can be deployed to Zaatari tomorrow. The problems presented by a “crisis” have not here been solved in their totality. © Ines Leong / L-INES Photo

And yet the project nevertheless succeeds — precisely by avoiding the trap of striving for a universal fix. “Crisis,” that is, understood as a totalizing and generalizing condition, wasn’t the problem to solve. Architectural heroism was kept at bay. Instead, the project responds to a context where the very notion of “crisis” must be put under-erasure, recognized as necessary yet also inadequate. That is, a crisis is no longer a cut in the normal — it is the new normal. Global warming, geopolitical instability, economic disparity feed

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into one another to the point where they have become inextricable. There are more refugees in the world now than since World War II and yet, in “the rest of the world,” those privileged areas of the Global North often responsible for the very conditions forcing people from their homes, life goes on as if nothing is happening. In many cases, “crises” even become profitable. War opens up new terrains for the expenditure of surplus capital. Displaced refugees become a cheap labor source.


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the project responds to a context where the very notion of “crisis” must be put under-erasure, recognized as necessary yet also inadequate

08/22/2018, 09:46

“Crisis,” that is, understood as a totalizing and generalizing condition, wasn’t the problem to solve. Architectural heroism was kept at bay. Instead, the project responds to a context where the very notion of “crisis” must be put under-erasure, recognized as necessary yet also inadequate. That is, a crisis is no longer a cut in the normal — it is the new normal. Global warming, geopolitical instability, economic disparity feed into one another to the point where they have become inextricable. There are more refugees in the world now than since World War II and yet, in “the rest of the world,” those privileged areas of the Global North often responsible for the very conditions forcing people from their homes, life goes on as if nothing is happening. In many cases, “crises” even become profitable. War opens up new terrains for the expenditure of surplus capital. Displaced refugees become a cheap labor source.

the project responds to a context where the very notion of “crisis” must be put under-erasure, recognized as necessary yet also inadequate

Rensselaer Students Develop a Disaster Architecture from Water Bottles...

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What then is the role of the architect in this context? Certainly there is some value in flying into disaster situations and building livable structures. But this — as is evidenced by all the “crisis” contexts without architects on the ground — is not a tenable or universally-applicable response. And the vast differences between the various sites on the world where housing is desperately needed precludes the possibility of ever © Ines Leong / L-INES Photo developing a singular design response.

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08/22/2018, 09:4

The value of the Second Lives project as a pedagogical exercise doesn’t lie solely in the structure it produced. And neither, really, does it lie in its rather clever components — the joints or the flooring system. Instead, what makes Second Lives successful is the relationships it cultivated between the students and other agents. If “crisis” has become commonplace, then perhaps architects too should turn to the commonplace. And what is more common than a plastic water bottle, already produced at vast scales (to the detriment of the planet, admittedly)?


Regardless of whether Second Lives becomes Buildings, in other words, actualized at a larger scale, it points to a potential might sometimes be less role for architects in the crisis-filled new normal. Community That is, by tweaking and adjusting what already important than the many Academia exists, rather than remaining exclusively-oriented other things that architects around buildings, architects may find they can have About Rensselaer Students Develop a Disaster Architecture from Water Bottles... can create a greater influence then at present. Through Submit Employment

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analyzing and mapping existing circuits of capital and commodities, points and places can be discovered where the insertion of a simple design product — a 1-inch plastic joint, for example — could have enormous potential. But in order to do so, strategic relationships must first be forged with those outside the often hermetic world of architecture. Buildings, in other words, might sometimes be less important than the

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many other things that architects can create — a lesson more students should learn.

08/22/2018, 09:4

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An experimental disaster shelter turns packaging into protection - Archp...

An experimental disaster shelter turns packaging into protection - Archp...

An experimental disaster shelter turns packaging into protection - Archp...

1 of 7 An experimental disaster shelter turns packaging into protection - Archp...

08/22/2018, 09:57

09.2 Architect’s Newspaper Jonathan Hilburg June 1, 2018

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08/22/2018, 09:57

Building with bottles - Scienmag: Latest Science and Health News

Science Magazine 09.3

Building with bottles - Scienmag: Latest Science and Health News Building with bottles - Scienmag: Latest Science and Health News

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08/22/2018, 10:08 2 of 5

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08/22/2018, 10:08


RPI making use of leftover packaging materials |


May 18, 2018 06:47 AM

09.4 Time Warner Cable New York May 18, 2018

TROY - RPI is trying to solve a problem that comes after a hurricane or earthquake. After tons and tons of food, water, and supplies are sent to the disaster zone, tons and tons of packaging material are left over.

15 seconds left One building sticks out on the RPI campus. Swaying and squeaking in the wind, it's not made of bricks. It's made of plastic bottles.

"These bottles, they interlock side by side," said civil and environmental engineering professor RPI making use of leftover packaging materials |

Mohammed Alnaggar.

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A company called Friendship Products designed them, but they're leaving it to RPI students to 1 of 3

figure out how to actually build something out of them.

08/22/2018, 10:19

"Basically you're taking material from landfills and putting it in buildings to live for 100 years," Alnagger said. May 18, 2018 06:47 AM The idea is to send water or other supplies in the bottles, use it up, then build a structure from the TROY -up. RPI is trying to solve a problem that comes after a hurricane or earthquake. After tons and ground tons of food, water, and supplies are sent to the disaster zone, tons and tons of packaging material "Theleft bottles are over. look like bricks and also act a lot like bricks in that they work very well in compression especially along the long axis," said architecture major Emily Sulanowski. "But tension and One building sticksnot outtheir on the RPIsuit." campus. Swaying and squeaking in the wind, it's not made of spanning is really strong bricks. It's made of plastic bottles. Architecture majors like Sulanowski are working alongside engineering students in the class. That doesn't happen often at college, but it happens in the real world. "These bottles, they interlock side by side," said civil and environmental engineering professor Plus the structures aren't models that sit on a desk. They have to stand. Mohammed Alnaggar.

Send news to my email "They could test what would break, what would stand, how feasible older ideas were," said 1 of 3

architecture professor Lydia Kallipoliti. "Very literally when they're working with the bottles."

08/22/2018, 10:19

For now, it's just a prototype. But sometime in the future, the work at RPI could mean the materials for house and home come in a 24 pack of water bottles.


WNYT Staff


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Updated: May 18, 2018 06:47 AM Created: May 18, 2018 06:42 AM

School of Architecture

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