1986-07 Lydia's Style Magazine

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• 43% of all new cars are purchased lry women. • Women are GOOD credit risks and handle their bill paying and responsibilities in a very responsible and conscientious way.

So treat yourself soon to our unique casual elegance, & food which is always delectable, delightful and delicious, morning, noon and night.


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At Markley's, a complete test drive and explanation of all the options you need are just part of finding the automobile that's right for you. It's not something special we do for women it's something we do all the time for all our customers. For 50 Years People Who People Trust.

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Keri Dorgaard P.izley Vice President of Kelly Rizley Advertising and Public Relations

We've researched the marketplace to bring you only the very best selection of fashions and accessories for Summer '86 ... relaxed, playful. and pretty looks sampled on our fashion pages. A certain body consciousness pervades this season's styles . .. all the more reason to stay toned and physically fit. And todoy's woman has many fun ways todojustthot. Weknowyou'll enjoy our in-depth interviews of how several local personalities keep their energy levels high. their stress levels low, and their bodies in shape. Diet is a " four letter word" and our feature article by Pot Kendall explains exactly why. This issue has been especially fun for us to bring you; we hope you enjoy it!

Publisher. Editor. Stylist . . . . . . Lydia Dody Advertising Soles Susan Cole Lydia Dody

49J-J708 22.3-1646

Photography Lolly Clarke of Clarke Photography Graphic Design and Production C.J. Graphics. Inc. Carol Ward, Jennifer Woods

Mary Eggleston

Devoted wife and mother. Investor and Propeny IW:Jrcger.

Contributing Writers Susan Cole Pot Kendall Lydia Dody Marge Yoder Fashions and Accessories Lydia's Fine Women's Apparel Printing Robinson Press UzMetcalf Active mother and wife embarking on new business venture in children's designer clothing .

Typography Copy(o Printing Hair Design California Concepts Thank you for "on location" courtesies: Fort Collins Athletic Club

TRUNK SHOW Saturday, July 26th 10 a.m.-5 p.m.

MERIN BROTHER'S COATS Exquisite cashmere. camel hair, Harris Tweed and Warren of Stafford fleeces. Many styles and colors, sized 4-18. ROTH-LE-COVER Stunning ultra-suede suits. separates and petites.l3eoutiful wool suits and wool and sill~ separates, sized 4-18. Meet Chuck Adamsson, representative who will be happy to ossistyouwithyour individual selection, style and size.

On the Cover: Fresh, feminine, and frosted with snowy w hite ore two easy silhouettes from Moriso Christina . V-necl~ . $75. Sailor collar, ~8.3. P.omie/ cotton in sizes P,S,M,L. Available in red , peach, yellow, fuschia , navy, pinl~ and purple.



Is Proud To Introduce


Join us for an entertaining lunch at the Marriott Fridays in May, June and July

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Linda Malara Lydia's is pleased to announce a new addi tio n to its staff, Lind a Malara. Linda is a native Coloradoan who moved to Ft. Collins from Denver fifteen years ago when her husband, Ron, bought Malara Brothers Lighting. After attending Loretto Heights College, Linda worked for Martin Marietta and then for Malara Brothers Lighting as a lighting consultant in sales and design. For the last four years, Linda has become involved with the Miss Hemisphere Pageant where her daughter, Deanna, has been the Teen State winner. She has designed many of the fashions her daughter has worn and also has judged many pageants. Linda and Ron also have two sons, Tony and Steve. The world of fashion has always played a big part in Linda's life. We invite you to come in to Lydi a's and get acquainted with her.

Surround yourself with blooming spring flowers from our colorful bedding plant department. Select from the healthiest premium annuals, hardy perrenials, and lush hanging baskets. See our "colorscaping" experts for advice on filling your yard with blooming color today!

Lydias Style Magazine is a seasonal publication direct moiled ro homes and businesses in northern Colorado and

southern Wyoming. Additional copies ore delivered ro medical facilities, clubs, and offices. Publication schedule, Fall ·August 15th Holiday· November 15th Spring · February 15th Summer · May 15th

Subscriptions are available for ~9 .95/year. Far ad rates. subscription informa tion, or correspondence, contact:

Lydia's Style Magazine Scotch Pines Village 2601 S. Lemay Ft. Collins, CO 80525 (303) 223-1646

2000 E. Prospect 484-5022

NURSERY AND GARDEN CENTER "Helping You Grow Better Everyday"

®1985 Lydias Style Magazine. All rights reserved. Reproduction without w ritten permission from Style or its publisher is prohibited.


• BY SUSAN COLE Many of us will do anything to avoid exercise. We'd rather starve than move. No amount of enticement will convince us to take action. No form of exercise is attractive enough, even in the guise of fun, be it sports, dance, running, aerobics, bicycling, swimming or working out. There are lots of excuses , the most common ones being lack of time or lack of energy. Some believe that stress or a stop/ start run-around schedule doubles for exercise. Even if a program is begun, the motivation often comes more from how we look than from how we feel. Health usually becomes an issue only after a specific threat. Over-nutrition, a "nice" word for obesity, affects twice as many women as men in the U.S. today. Concern about weight and body image is even more prevalent. Most women have attempted to deal with weight by some form of diet at least once in their lives . They may even have discovered what works for them. But, given the collision course of weight control versus a myriad of luncheons and small dinner parties, keeping off the pounds is tough. The common eat-on-the-run lifestyle that has been a boon to fast food restaurants, is devastating to our bodies. So is age. Weight and fitness become more of a challenge as we grow older. The physiological downslope of one's life poses problems we didn't face in our younger years. Fat tends to gravitate lower each year, and accumulates with amazing ease. There is nothing cute about the dimples that decorate our thighs. Thus the concept of the

born-again body begins to have serious appeal. OK- exercise it is. Given the why, the questions become how, when and where. Exercise has to be a personalized program. Recent studies confirm our worst suspicions. Caloric intake and exercise do nor have the same impact on all people in the same way. Many over-weight women would need chronic starvation and heroic levels of exercise to be thin. The individual set-point weight, that weight that our bodies establish as ideal, varies widely among individuals. Plus, there is some linkage to genetics. Some diets actually raise the setpoint weight because they tend to slow metabolism. Only exercise has been conclusively shown to be effective at lowering our set-point weight. The form of exercise should be tailer-made on an individual basis. Further, exercise has to be fun, or you won't continue long enough for positive habits to be formed . It's really a mental issue, mind over body. Think of exercise as play, and then develop a plan to incorporate play into your day. The benefits to your joie de vivre are enormous. The mood elevating effects of exercise have been well-documented. It seems to reduce anxiety, muscle tension, and depression and increases a person's sense of control over his or her life. In essence, the quality and quantity of your life is in your hands. It's nor "who me, exercise?" but "how I exercise." STYLE magazine took issue with the when and where and how of exercise with six avowed "fitness nuts."

Many over-weight women would need chronic starvation and heroic levels of exercise to be thin.






Sharon Ellis is the oldest of 3 daughters in a family of fine golfers and sport enthusiasts. With both generics and a competitive spirit in her favor , she has a neatly tuned 13 handicap and a swing that is the envy of most of her peers. She unabashedly claims she eats, sleeps, and breaths golf during her "tour season" from May through September; but, in fact, she also finds rime to be an active wife and a mother of two sons. She is highly goal-oriented and credits her determination as the reason she "broke 80" last summer at Collindale. Sharon also has had an exciting hole-in-one on the 9th hole at the Fort Collins Country Club, the only woman to ever strike gold on that hole. Last summer, the FCCC golf team, of which Sharon is a member, won the Northern Colorado Team Play Championship - a first for the club. Sharon's Dad rook her to the driving range with him on week-ends when she was young. He'd hand her a club and she'd hit it as far as she could. She quickly learned that she could hit her driver the farthest and that was how she could impress him. Sharon remembers going to the Colonial Invitational Golf Tournament every year, watching players, and getting autographs. She later took golf lessons but didn't seriously take up the game until 9 years ago. Now she's hooked and lifts weights and exercises throughout the winter to keep in shape for her summer sport. Playing golf well requires regular practice on the driving range and purring green, and frequent play. Sharon cautions novices against letting your husbands teach you to play. Golf is a sport of individualized style, and your husband will never understand yours. It also involves great patience and husbands rend to expect fast results. It's better to rake regular lessons and then play with "the ladies" for a while. Sharon takes her sport seriously and feels that it's important to exercise. Golf gives her rime away, and an opportunity to compete although she comperes mostly against herself. It is her mental health break. Happiness for Sharon, as for all of us, is a journey, not a destination, and Sharon's roads are paved with green.

RACE WALKING In the early morning hours, the mall is closed and quiet, but if you listen closely, you can hear a soft rapid patter of tennis shoes. Robin LeBlanc has become a familiar sight to other early risers, race walking in the mall before most people's days begin. At this hour, a usually immaculately groomed Robin can be found in her "grubbies", with straight hair and no make-up warming up for her day. She wears a head-set, and selects tapes that are upbeat with fast music attuned to the pace she wa lks. Often she mentally shuts out the words and uses the rime to think or plan for the day. She claims she can wrestle with problems and refresh her mind while toning her body. Walking nearly 6 miles, 6 days a week, this is her alone rime, her private space. The changes in her life have been nothing short of miraculous, for 2 years ago, she was a pain-racked near cripple. Medical problems bega n to beset Robin six years ago when the catering business she and her husband shared began to flourish. She did lots of lifting, stooping, pushing and pulling and her body finally began to complain-mightily. She had three surgeries for back and neck problems while struggling to raise three sons and keep working. Robin claims she are to deal with her frustrations and gained weight as a consequence. Exercise options were severely limited and Robin felt trapped in a two-sizes-too-large body. Finally, she was counseled to begin to walk. The first day was terrible, and it took her "forever" to walk 1/4 mile. But she kept at it. Then she saw Flashdance. It was the final inspiration she needed. Today she is a totally different person. In two years she has lost 12 inches and 26 pounds. Slim and toned, happy and far healthier, she is a joy to be with and an example for all. Race walking is available to everyone, and malls provide a safe, year-round comfortable environment in which to exercise any rime during the day. Robin's life has turned around and she, her husband and family, and Delfannies are all thriving. That tells it all.


TENNIS Pam Washburn has an ability rating of 5.0 on the tennis courts and success in her sport comes often these days. But there was a time when frustration threatened to jeopardize her game and her mental attitude defeated her more often than her opponents did. Maturity has helped her cope with the emotions and tenacity and practice, practice, practice, have honed her skills. Today, she sees staying in shape, making friends , and doing something really well, the significant benefits she derives from tennis-her sport and main means of exercise. Pam began to play tennis when she was ten years old in Sarasota, Florida. She played in her first tournament two years later against the State's top-seeded 12 year old. The experience was grim and Pam's only two points were "earned" when her opponent double defaulted. Pam bounced back and eventually qualified for the high school team. The ream subsequently won the State Championship. In college, Pam, a dental hygiene student, met Lynn Washburn, who was studying dentistry. He wanted to learn to play tennis, and Pam became his teacher. The rest is happy history. This summer, Lynn and Pam will play in the Equitable Life Family Tennis Challenge. Winners compete at the U.S. Open in N.Y. The couple won the local level last year, but had to default because of an injury. Pam remembers some of the highlights of her tennis career, like the rime she played against Bobby Riggs, tennis ' famous MCP, and playing in the Virginia Slims tournament. She has earned a roomful of trophies but admits she went through a period of eschewing collecting them, and gave them back to be recycled for other tournaments.' Today she wishes she had them back. They'd be fun for the memories. Pam loves tennis, and it has been an integral parr of her life. The challenge she sees now, is to continue to pursue her sport and develop her skills, while fulfilling her roles at home and in the community. But Pam loves a challenge. She's truly an ace, both on an off the court.


AEROBICS Ardyce Cronin hares to diet. She also admits to a certain fondness for fattening foods. Given that she absolutely refuses to be over-weight, the dilemma becomes obvious. Ardyce developed a sensitivity about her figure early in life when one of her seven siblings suggested that she looked like their decidedly plump grandmother. From then on, she was convinced. It was a choice she had to make-eat and be fat; or eat, exercise and be fit. Her exercise career was actually launched after the birth of her first child. She developed a plan that worked for her and which has now evolved into a regular program at a local health club. Her first attempt was exercising with TV's Jack LeLanne. Once she discovered how good she felt after exercising, she was addicted. She then began running in place and jumping rope "before it was in." During this rime, she took up golf and tennis, and these sports helped her appreciate the importance of being aerobically fit. Her indoor running led to running outside, but knee problems kept her from running as far as she wanted. She had also begun to recognize that boredom could become a problem when exercising alone. Finally, she decided to try a health club. Exercising in an "exercise environment" made it easier for her. She developed a fitness program to suit her needs and now combines working out on machines and riding the Life Cycle with aerobics. Ardyce has seen people come and go at the club. Some people give up, others make it a part of their daily routine. The key, she says, is discipline, and the benefits are many. For Ardyce, the big payoff came last June. She traveled to Ireland for a bicycle tour of that country and "Ireland is not flat." She loved it. Her enthusiasm stayed with her and she biked 1800 miles last summer after she returned to Colorado. For Ardyce, the advantages of exercise far outweigh the hour a day she spends: "Your cares melt away for that time, you meet new and interesting people who share your goals, and, best of all, your clothes fit." According to Ardyce-you can have your figure and your cake, too. 8



Rita Mejan is the fourth child in a family that excelled in sports. Born and raised in California, both she and her older brother received their high school's "Most Valuable Player" award for excellence in basketball. Rita also lettered in volleyball and softball. When she moved to Colorado, Rita felt a renewed interest in keeping in shape. She knew she had allowed a busy schedule to take precedence over an exercise program. And although she had talked about doing something to retone and reshape her body, she just hadn't done anything about it. An innocent remark and encouragement by a friend was the spark that she needed. Rita is in many ways a private person and was serious about developing her fitness program. Although she knew she needed the reinforcement of working out with others, she needed to be comfortable in her exercise environment. Finally, she discovered weight training. Clad in sweats and aT-shirt, Rita follows a specific program designed especially for her. Most women now begin "pumping iron" for the same reason that led an earlier generation into figure salons: to tone up and trim down. Free weights and bars help firm up the muscles and sculpt the body. Now Rita tosses around words like "quads" and "reps" and soon you begin to get the fever. Rita exercises after work 3 or 4 days a week. She usually does her warm-ups at home and then spends the next 90 minutes at the club. This is her gift to herself. It's a 'wonderful feeling just knowing that she's doing something positive for her body now and for her health for the future. Her stamina has improved and she feels alive and confident. Rita is Vice President of Marketing and Personnel at United Bank. She sees her new confidence as a definite asset in her work and in her relationships with others.

Photos by Carol Ward

RUNNING Lois Jensen is a runner-a serious runner. She has competed in 3 Boston Marthons, the running world's most prestigious event, and in numerous local marathons and runs. Lithe and energetic, she radiates health and vita lity-and she is committed to her sport. Lois first began running ten years ago and was motivated by the desire to keep up with the family's love of skiing and mountain climbing. The mother of 3 sons and the wife of artist Burney Jensen, Lois wanted the family to do things together. Now her children are grown, and she runs for herself and for local benefits. Lois works full time as an operating room nurse at Poudre Valley Hospital and begins her work day early. It is in the late afternoon hours that she makes time to run. During the week she takes short runs, about 7 miles, on country roads near Cherryhurst, her home. These are quiet times for her, and they give her time to think and unwind, and enjoy her surroundings. On weekends she runs with friends and the distances are greater, often closer to 20 miles. Running takes discipline and you have to work up to it. She advises beginners to start slowly and increase their pace gradually. Don't give up too soon, she warns. Habits form slowly, and sometimes it's hard to venture out, especially in bad weather. Great mental tenacity is necessary to force yourself out of a warm bed to run in the icy dawn. Sometimes the thought of exercising when you are tired is not pleasant. But the exercise actually will revitalize you. Lois has great stamina and perseverance. She loves a challenge and attributes her ability to exercise discipline to her childhood years and her parent's influence. She was born in Hankow, China and lived there with her Lutheran missionary parents for 12 years. She learned that there can be joy in solitude, and elation in achievement. Lois is a truly remarkable woman, and at 51, a world-class runner and an inspiration to all.


for Summer Scenes '86 Mid-tone pastels, summer brights, clear classics, PLUS BLACK AND WHITE • Santa Fe Sunsets ... terracotta, sagebrush, turquoise, Indian gold ...

Sot)hh;ticiatel5':. .. WHITE

navy, WHITE & accents of red and • Awning Brights . .. emerald, red,

royal, purple, yellow ... • Jungle Tropics _ .. indigo, sea

grass, purple passion, peach, paradise yellow ... pink • Citrus Coolers ... lemon, lime, orange Watch for brown, gold and green as important Fall color entries.

• Body Conscious Shaping-

waistline definition via cut or belts • Hemlines-

fall into two classifications: long matinee length and fluid, or short and sassy • The Shirt Dress -

full skirted or slim with special detail interest • Diane Freis look -

special, wearable art dresses


Knits • Sheer Cotton Polished Cotton • Rayon • Cotton or Cotton/Ramie Sweater Knits Sheer Linen • Twills • Seersucker Madras • Poplin • Silk • Denim


Garden Party Florals • Graphics Polka Dots • Water Color Florals Stripes • Western with Glitz Abstracts • Ethnic Positive; Negative • Tropicals


• The Bare Dress -

bright patio halters and sundresses and sophisticated strapless evening looks • Drop Torso

mostly in cottons, linens and failles • Summer Suits -

body consc"ious jackets with peblums, long loose jackets • Knits

dresses and sweater/skirt combinations in sweater knits and jerseys for year 'round fashion

• Skirts range from soft sarongs, • Big Shirt in picnic plaids, bright

prints and solids. Worn as a top or jacket. • Pants in traditional shapes in summer fabrications. Wide legged pants cropped above the ankle. • Sweaters continue in cotton and silk blend ... oversize tank, mock turtleneck, intarsias, color blocks, and embroidery.

gored trumpet, full skirts, knife pleated, to tubular knits and skinny minis. Longer 32" to 34" length • Shorts have reached new lengths from short, short to knee grazers. Jams are# 1 for the young-at-heart. The Bermuda is longer and more relaxed. Bicycle tight knit short offers a new twist. The skort is a summer favorite with waist emphasis

eysto uccessful


Man;:=~':ntt1jf~ ~ Making Weight Control Your Lifetime Goal by PAT KENDALL Maintaining an ideal weight throughout life has been called the single most important nutritional challenge facing Americans today. For many of us, it also may be one of the more difficult personal health challenges we face. However, the rewards can be well worth the effort. We've all heard the health advantages of maintaining a normal body weight. Obesity increases the risk of illness and death from coronary heart disease, arterial disease, diabetes , stroke, high blood pressure (hypertension), kidney disease, gallbladder disease and cirrhosis of the liver. In addition, complications associated with degenerative arthritis, respiration problems and gout are more serious when one is overweight. The hazards of surgery, pregnancy and childbirth also are multiplied in the obese, and heavy people, being less agile, are more prone to accidents than people of normal weights. Put more graphically, carrying around an extra 25 pounds cuts the life expectancy of a 45-year-old man by 25 %. Obesity means having an excessive amount of fat tissue, not just being overweight for one's height. As a result, height-weight charts, one of the most commonly used ways of measuring obesity, can be misleading. For example, athletes are often overweight but not overfat. On the other hand, sedentary persons can be "excessively fat" but not overweight for their height. Because of the drawbacks of heightweight charts, a number of other means have been developed to help determine the presence and extent of obesity. Some of these, such as under-water weighing are quite sophisticated and others can be done in the privacy or one's home. One very simple measure involves taking a critical look in a full-length mirror for

evidence of an excessive amount of flabby tissue. (One notoriously poor judge of this, however, is the teenage girl, who often thinks that any f!mount of fat, no matter how small, is a serious blemish. It may be that the thing she needs to change is her self-image - nor her weight. ) Another method of measuring fatness involves measuring the thickness of a pinch of skins and underlying fat at the back of the upper arm, beneath the shoulder blade or over the abdomen. Measurement is done with a set of constant-tension calipers and is compared with reference values. Skinfold values for normal weight persons range from one-half to one inch depending on age and sex. Once you've identified your degree of fatness or overweighredness and have set your weight loss goal , the next step is to analyze how you got to where you are and what factors are standing in your way of making changes in your current body weight now. This includes asking yourself some tough questions about your current body image, including how you have benefited from your present weight level and why you are ready to be rid of these benefits now. It also includes becoming fully familiar with your current eating practices - nor only how many calories you're taking in but what actions or events are triggering your overeating patterns. This information will be essential in learning to deal with the villain of obesity - appetite. Your Body Will Fight You to Keep Its Fat ... a friend once proclaimed that she'd lost 200 pounds in the last 15 years - ten pounds twenty times. Why, then, did she weigh 25 pounds more than she did 15 years ago? Because each time she regained those 10 pounds, she'd added another one or two. My friend was suffering from the "yo-yo" syndrome. Each time she'd go on a diet, she'd lose weight, then reach a "plateau" from which she couldn't seem to budge. Eventually, she'd either tire of the diet or

become so discouraged that she'd return to her usual eating habits only to quickly regain all the weight she'd lost and then some. What's more, through the years it had become more difficult to lose weight and more easy to gain it back - to the point that she now thought she could 1gain weight just walking through a bakery! My friend's experience depicts the "set-point" theory of weight regulation. According to this theory, each of us has a built-in "set-point" mechanism th at determines how much fat our body feels comfortable with. This mechanism, located in the hypothalamus or lower portion of the brain, works much like a thermostat, kicking on and off to maintain body fat at a constant level. Some of us have our thermostats set at higher levels than do others. This doesn't mean we can't lose weight, but that we'll need to work at it a little more diligently than those with a lower set-point. Typically when someone with an elevated set-point goes on a diet, they lose weight at the beginning of the program, then reach a plateau. According to the set-point theory, one or two factors have intervened - increased appetite and j or decreased ertergy expenditure. Increased hunger usually is the brain's first resort when food intake is insufficient. Someone who feels famished after two weeks on the latest "miracle" diet is experiencing internal pressure to eat normally and stay at his or her weight set-point. Similarly, the bloated feeling that remains after the Christmas-tONew Year's excess is a signal to let fat stores fall back toward normal. The facrors that control appetite are many and not well undersrood. Both shortterm controls sensitive to blood glucose and/ or liver glycogen levels, and longterm controls sensitive to changes in the amount of fat in body tissues seem to be involved. Hunger, though, is only one method the brain uses to bring the dieter back to his or her weight set-point. And, hunger may be ineffective- either because of a strong will or living in an environment where there simply is nor enough food to eat. In such cases the set-point system, coordinated by the brain, has other tools at irs disposal. One is decreasing the amount of energy expended, thus protecting whatever fat stores remain. Energy is expended 路in two ways. It drives the metabolic reactions needed ro keep us in good repair at idling speed (otherwise known as basal or resting metabolism), and it powers the contraction of muscles required for activity. Either of these energy drains may be CONT INUED ON PG 22


End the

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The Best of Sum

Fresh From The Austrian Alps

Unmistakably elegant. Unmistakably Geiger. Softly pleated imported cotton skirt in a pretty pattern of miniature floral bouquets and blue stripes , $218. Dainty, puff sleeve white blouse with lace collar and rosebud trim, $132. Over the shoulder a popcorn stitch cotton knit jacket, $158. All sizes 4-16. Coordinated Geiger socks , $22 .

Swing Into Summer

Playful summer days ahead in carefree comfort of cotton gauze. Capture a glorious tan in Wear Abouts strapless pull-on romper, sizes P,S,M,L, $39. Available in yellow, fuschia, and turquoise.

Diane Freis Loves You

Unmistakably Diane Freis, a limited edition , artful collage of ruffles , pleats , swirling patterns and bright colors . Just the ticket when looking sensational is a must! Off the shoulder ruffles , elastic waist and flirty ruffled skirt highlight this beauty , $391.

Soft Simple Silk

Capture a spirited and classic mood. marked by a return to femininity. Body consciousness pervades.

Understated elegance in sensational sky blue silk jacquard A wonderful special occasion classic from Argenti with flange shoulder accents and mini pleated skirt. Sizes 4-14 , $104.

The Old West Revisited

Enjoy a touch of western flavor in Connections' white cotton and blue denim vested dress. The news of rhinestone buttons , embroidery and two tone waistwhittling belt add all the fashion sizzle of a summer round-up. Sizes 4-14 , $143. 15

Summer's Early Harvest

A profusion of brilliant color and abstract print in summer's best crisp cotton , daytime dress from Jackie Taub for Connections. Fitted waistline, button back, and bows at the shoulder add finishing touches to this lively look. Sizes 4-14 , $115. Red straw hat from Dotty Smith, $18. Romantically Feminine

For very special occasions where the mood is understated sophistication , Cloak of Many Colors creates keepsakes of imported linen and lace. Accenting the fitted peblum blouse are coral and silver embroidered roses. Lace cut outs border the ecru pleated skirt, sizes 2-18, $405.

Applause, Applause!

The newest news in fashion suiting from St. Gillian- longer jackets over shorter skirts. Smashing double breasted linen blend jacket in emerald , black and white plaid fits smartly over an emerald smooth leather straight skirt. Sizes 2-14 , $365. Black and gold long bead necklace, $57.

Something New Just For You

Thoughts of a sunny island paradise reflected in Adrienne Vittadini's long cotton knit tunic top- complete with hot tropical colors, applique, beads and colored tones , $132. Compatible skinny white cotton knit pants , $54 . Both in sizes S,M,L. Bangle bracelet , $17, and earrings , $12. 16

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The Best of Sum

Actively Involved Sporty weekend wear from Ultrasport with many winning combinations. Cool easy care cotton with terry accents. Zip front jacket, $68, easy fitting pant $50, stripe trim T-top, $38.

Companion short, $40, tank, $38 and long sleeved sweatshirt, $50. Many other pieces in the collection sized 6-18 and XS-XL. Available in pink, pale yellow , and mint.

Free Spirit Breezy cotton playwear for summer in coo l. comfortable. cotton interlock knit from I.B. Diffusion. Smooth fitting. elastic waist short in white or royal. $36. Royal and white tropical print side tie top . S34. Other pieces in the collection. All in sizes P,S,M,L. 8 1KE CO U RTE SY OF LE E'S CYCL ERY

Summer Breezes Set sai l for a busy day in Frances Heneghan 's crisp blue and white stripe seersucker sh irt dress. Stylish brass buttons and web belt complete the nautical look in sizes 4-16,


Capture the Casual Spirit ... relaxed ... playful ... where bike paths, mountain trails, and swimming pools beckon when the temperature rises. Comfort is key!

Summer Coolers Play it ultra-cool in the carefree cotto n gauze co ll ect ion fro m Wear Abouts by Sirena. A very appea ling two piece tank dress with flirty uneven hem in su nn y ye llo w, $59. Banana necklace, $43 , matching dangle earr in gs, $29. The perfect casua l compan ion when the temperature soa rs. Pull on pant, $31, and rippl e edge top , $32. Both avai lab le in bright ye llow and fuschia. All avai lab le in sizes P,S,M,L.

Jump Into Fun Splashes of bright su mmer color on white. Joan Martin styles her li ve ly jumpsuit with mand ar in collar , pockets , and whimsical front tie . Sizes 4-14 , $168. Ceramic heart ear rings , $35 , and bangle bracelet, $15.

Make Waves With Your Curves

EnJOY a refreshing workout. or fun in the sun in a cotton blend bandeau from Adrienne Vittadini . Flattering side panels of blue and white stripe mix with a pattern of whimsical blue bows . sizes 6-14 . S48 Matching stripe big shirt cover-up (the perfect cohort to your pants . jeans. or shorts too) . in sizes S.M.L. S50 .

Affordable Apparel with


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limited in o rder ro preserve rhe body 's far. Ir has bee n shown rhar people and animals beco me less active during long periods of semi-starvation. Perhaps even more important to the perennial dieter, it's been shown that basa l metabolic rate, the speed at which we burn calories to perform bas ic maintenance functions , slows dow n with underfeeding. In the case of my friend , when she went o n a diet that reduced her usual calorie intake by 500, he r body adapted by maintaining itself o n 500 fewer calories - the nat ural respo nse to starva tion. Then , when she went off the diet and scarred eating mo re , her body (srill operating in the se mi -starva tion mode) quickly pur on fat. Eventua lly her metabo lic rare increased and she stopped ga ining weight - but roo !a re! She'd already ga ined all the weight she'd lost and then some! Attempts to Alter your Weight by Dieting are usually Sabatoged by increased pangs of hunger and decreased matabo lic rare. In actuality, many people do go through spontaneous changes i-n weight at o ne time or another gai ning or los ing several pounds fairly quickly, and often in connection with s ignifica nt events . For examp le, go ing away to college often precipitates a ga in o r loss of 10 to I 5 pounds. Many smokers ga in weight when they quit. W omen rend ro add a few extra pounds with each pregnancy. Severe depression may result in we ig ht loss. Changing jo bs , ge tting m arried o r divorced, or moving to a new house can go either way. A number of scientists have attempted to determine what factors affect setpo int. In work by Srock a nd Ro thwell , changing the menu offered rats fr o m rat chow to one fe aturing a wide va riety of foods hig h in fat and sugar (for example, chocolate, marshmallows, peanut hurter, cheese, salami, etc. ) increased the amount of food the rats wo uld ea t and resulted in rapid weight gain. Such was not the case when the rats merely were offered more rat chow. Assuming humans t hink like rats, this a s imil ar studies suggest that continual exposure to a wide variety of foods high in fat and sugar may be o ne facto r in promoting weight ga in, perhaps through so me gradual up wa rd shift in set-point. There also is some evidence that continually challenging our set-point by going "o n" and "off" diets (better know n as the "yo-yo syndrome" ) can lead to a g radual upward shift in set-point. This is seen in the person who loses I 0 pounds and regains 12, a nd is explained by a

poor return to a higher basa l metabolic rate once the dieter returns ro usual eating practices. If set-point can be ra ised , can it nor also be lowered ? Yes, and through something as bas ic as moderate daily exercise. Experts don't agree on exactly how exercise works to lower set-point, bur studies show that it does. As Dr. Gilbert Leveille puts it in his book Th e Setpoint Diet, "exercise somehow enlists your body ro work with you a nd not against you." For one thing, ir burns calories. Second ly, regul ar exercise appea rs ro speed up rhe rare at which yo u burn calories a rou nd the clock - that is , it speeds up yo ur basa l metabolic rare. Third , exercise helps burn far and build lean tissue ( muscle). This results nor on ly in a slimme r, hea lthier look, bur g reater ca lorie expenditure as lea n tissue has a hig her me tabo lic rate than far tissue. Finally , moderate exe rcise ac tually helps lower your ap petite. Many dieters are afr aid to exerci se because they think it will increase the ir appetite. Current research, however, indicates th at a daily program of moderate exercise ac tually reduces appeti te, even on those few days when the subject doesn't exercise. Note the words "daily" and "moderate." Heavy or strenuous exercise does increase hunger, bur since it also increases the calories burned, the strenuou exerciser ca n afford ro ear a little m o re. If there are n't reaso ns enough to begin an exe rcise prog ram , Dr. Leveille notes another psychological benefit of exercise- reduced tension and improved self-esteem' H ow much exercise is needed? L.eveille recommends 30 minutes of continuous moderate ac tivities - the type such as jogging o r bicycl ing, that make your heart bear fas te r a nd yo ur sweat g lands perspire - five rimes a week. And, for variety , o n the o ther tw o days , he recommends at least 30 minutes of lig hter activities, such as walking, pl ay ing golf o r mowing the law n, o r heavier, but srop-and-go, exercises such as dancing or playing tennis. Leveille stresses that weig ht ca n be lost using this exercise plan alone. But, for greater success, he reco mmends combining the exercise prog ram with a 1200-2400-calorie diet that also emphasized balance, variety and moderatio nin this case, through portion control. Such a combination is strong ammunition, no t o nly for weight loss, bur also fo r long-term weig ht management.

Pat Kenda ll, A.D., Ph .D ., is Food Science and Human Nutrition Specia list, Co lorado State Un iversity, Cooperative Extension.

Designer Spotlight

Joanie and Frank Char enjoy the perfect relationship, one that goes beyond their marriage into their fashion business . Joanie Char is a naturally-gifted designer who has been sewing since she was nine and creating custom designs since she was 19. She has an unerring eye for style, color and detail, a preference for natural fabrics and a sixth sense about what today's woman wants in fashion. Frank Char, business manager, uses his expertise and savvy to market her designs and to manage the myriad details involved in doing so. Their combination of talents has resulted in admirable successes. In 1976, they sold their retail shop in W alnut Creek, California so Joanie could design her first line of readyto-wear dresses. By Falll977, they were carried in stores across the country. The Chars' first firm had 2 employees -today, 250. The company has 2,000 retail accounts, a factory in Hong Kong, and factory and executive offices in San Francisco. The company's success is due to its commitment to their retail accounts and to the quality of their product.

Thke us fbr aspin. ~ ~~


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Note: Because of the recent airfare wars, travelers have been extremely concerned about their travel rights. We have modified the form at of the column this month to address topic areas where we have received the greatest number of inquiries.

So me travelers book more than one reservation for a trip to assure themselves of a seat. However, with the sophistication of co mputerized reservation systems, airlines usually catcl~ the "doublebooking" and will cancel your entire reservation.



AIRLINE/HOTEL/CAR CONFIRMATIONS: If a p assenger holds an airline ticker with an "OK" in the status box, hej she is entitled to be accepted on the flight. Even if an airline indicates they have no reservatio n fo r yo u demand (politely) that yo u be able to boa rd the plane. There is no central co mputerized reservation system and reco rds are periodically "lost" when transferred between reservatio n systems. Fo r this reaso n, it is a good idea to call the airline directly to confirm yo ur rese rvatio n the day before you are scheduled to fly. Toll-free numbers are ava ilable fo r all ai rlines and ca n most easily be reached in the evenings o r on weekends. H otels and car rental agencies also pe riodically "lose" reserva tio ns . Make sure yo u obtain a co nfirmatio n number and use this numbe r whe n dealing with the hote l o r car age ncy. The supplier of these services must prov ide acco m modations (a ca r ) at an equivalent o r bet ter value tha n you rese rved.

Delayed or cancelled flights due to weather or mechanical problems are considered "outside of control" of the airlines and accordingly, the airlines assume no fin ancial responsibility. If you, or your travel agent makes alternative travel a rrangements fo r you, it is equivalent to purchasing a new ticket. In order to pro tect a ny disco unted fa re o r cancellation penalties , first check if the o riginating airline will endorse the ticker over.

OVERBOOKING Airlines have always ove rbooked the ir fli ghts, bur overbooking has beco me even mo re preva lent with the recent deeply discounted airfares. It is now recomme nded to check in at the airline ticker counter at least one hour prior to your departure rime.

If you are, however, "bumped", the airline must first ask for volunteers ro relinquish their sears. If you are voluntarily bumped, your compensation is negotiable. The better negotiator you are, the better the compensation yo u can get. If you are involuntarily bumped KEEPYOUROR1GINAL TICKET. You can always exchange it or get it refunded in the future. In addition , if the airline gets you to your original destination within one hour of your o riginally scheduled arrival time, no compensation is required. If your alternative arrival time is between one and two hours later (four hours o n international fli ghts ), then you must be compensated by an amount equal to the one-way fare with a $200 f)l aximum. If you arrive more than two hours later (four hours internationally) or the airline does not make any alternative arrangements , the airline must pay you 200 % of the one-way fare, with a 8400 maximum. If the airline substitutes a smaller plane fo r the o ne it originally planned to use, the airline is nor required to compensate travelers who are bumped.

LOST /DAMAGED LUGGAGE If your bags do not arrive with your flight, do no t leave the airport without filing a lost baggage report. Such a report must be filed at the airport (nor by telepho ne ) and must be filed within 24 hours after the scheduled fli g ht arrived. For lost o r damaged baggage, the airlines will not pay replacement value fo r the articles, but rather, depreciated value to a maximum of S 125 0. If yo ur luggage does not appear to be able to survive the trip intact, you may be asked to sig n a wa iver. By sig ning the wa ive r, yo u are not releas ing the airline fro m total liability. Airline personnel must still use ca re whe n handling your luggage.

PRE-BOARDING PASSES Many travel agencies offer pre-board ing passes. Th is is wo nde rful, but the re is o ne caution - yo u must still check in at the ticket counte r. The check-in rime va ries fro m airline to airl ine, but if you do no r check in prior to the ir cu t-off ti me (somewhere between 20 to 45 minutes), yo ur seat may be re leased.

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"My fashion credo is to alway dt·ess in styles that flatter me - classic looks that don't go out of fashion and give me longer use of my wardrobe. I also feel that good quality clothes wear better than inexpensive ones. Clothes m·e very important - they are an extension ofyom·penonality. Many people would dress better if they understood how important fint impt·essions m·e; how they look can compliment or compromise. I especially enjoy the informal clothes of today - easy, loose fitting looks, pant options, and vivid colors." Fashion penpectives from Roz Spencer, our dynamic and energetic Model of the Month. Rozgrew up in New York City artending Music and Arr High School, a school for gifred and ralenred in visual and performing arrs. Aspiring ro be an arr isr, Roz won many awards, among them the 1939 World's Fair Poster Conresr and Macy's Parade Ba lloon Design Conresr. Roz continued her studies at Parson's School of Des ign swdying fashion illustration. Afrer marriage, Roz moved ro Florida in 1947 and became the first fashion illustraror for a newspaper in Miami Beach. Afrer becoming a parenr, her focus changed ro arr for kids and Roz opened the SpencerTan Sc hool of Arr, reaching gifred children. In 1957, Roz and her family moved ro Orlando, Florida and she contin ued her interest and invo lvemenr in the arrs as Executive Direcror of the Counci l of Arrs and Sciences. Her creativity resulted in founding a fine arrs festival that in 1974 and again in 1976, won the Walt Disney World Community Se r vice Award in Orlando. In 1975 it also won the Governor's Award for the arrs. Dedicated ro the arrs, Roz served as President of the Stare Arts Congress, and was act ive on th e Gram's Review Panel for s ix years. Roz moved ro Fr. Co llins in 1977 and h as g ro w n ro love ir s "ec lect ic , laid back atmosphere and you ng city leadersh ip. " She fee ls forrunare that her three daughters,


Barbara, Robin, and Stephanie and her five grandsons all live in Fr. Collins roo. It wasn't long before Roz became ac tive in th e arrs in Fr. Collins, servi ng on the Cultural Resources Board. She quickly grew ro understand the need for arrisrs ro have v isibility in the area and w ith that in mind, opened Horizon's Ga llery as a non-profit showcase bringing contemporary arr ro Fr. Collins. In 1984, Horizon's Ga llery received a prestigious grant from the National Endow ment For the Arrs (one of 112 robe g iven a grant for promoting contemporary arr isrs) While looking for larger facilities for Horizon's Ga llery, Roz discovered the vacant Power Plant building. In December 1984 an idea was born, and on August 10, 1985 , the PowerPlant Visual Arrs Center celebrated irs grand opening. Roz is a woman with great vision and the vita li ty and drive ro make her ideas become reality. She feels that Fr. Collins can become a cultura l center. "The Power Plant fills the missing link for a strong p resence of visua l arts- we already have the U niversiry, theater, opera, and the symphony." She feels "it wi ll contribute ro the fuwre rourist and convention industry and has the potential ro draw regional and national arts conventions that currently go the other large cities. Her shorr term agenda includes developing an "artist in resident" program, sculpture park, children's museum within the facility, originating cable TV programming in the visual arrs, symp hony concerts on the grounds, major arr exh ibitions and promoting the facility and grounds as a festival sire for the arts and crafts. Ambitious goa ls indeed. Roz Spencer, a dynamic woman with great ideas and the energy ro make them happen: We adm ire and supporr your efforrs. As Roz so ap tl y stared, "I never do the same thing twice- I'm always looking for a new cha llenge. People need ro stretch ro find o ur what th eir potential is- it keeps you you ng. Working h a rd and doing some thing yo u lo ve is where irs ar."

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