A Brief Guide to Understand the Three Stages of Lyme Disease
In Lyme disease, the detection of the infection plays a very important role. This particular tick-borne disease can turn fatal if not treated in time. Lyme disease is one of the most common infectious diseases that is transmitted via ticks. Though this infection mostly occurs during springtime and summers, it is necessary to check for the symptoms of Lyme disease throughout the year. Moreover, it is important to note that this particular disease occurs in stages and every stage requires a different level of treatment. Simple precautions like wearing gloves while gardening, wearing long pants, full-sleeves tee shirt and socks in tick-prone areas, using insect repellents, etc can help you prevent Lyme disease. Go for Lyme disease treatment in San Diego. Here is a brief guide to know about the three stages of Lyme disease. 
Stage 1 Lyme disease
Stage 1 of Lyme disease starts right after the tick bite when the first and the earliest symptoms of the infection start showing. The signs of the disease are visible a few days after the bite probably with a rash. The disease is easily curable at this stage because the infection has not yet spread all across the body. Usually, the rash is not painful and is hard to detect because it is not even itchy. Nevertheless, it is important to consult a medical expert if you spot a rash. 
Stage 2 - Early disseminated Lyme disease
After the first stage, the infection starts spreading throughout the body which can result in body conditions like numbness, eye pain, etc. Moreover, one may also witness flu-like conditions like a sore throat, fever, sudden chills, etc. There is a possibility that the rashes now spread to the other parts of the body too. Timely treatment can still cure the disease and prevent it from proceeding to the third stage.
Stage 3- Late disseminated Lyme disease
Lyme disease reaches its severity in the third stage and the patient is likely to experience serious conditions like arthritis, heart problems, brain disorders, irregular sleep, extreme feeling of fatigue, etc. When the disease is not completely treated in the first and second stage it leads to the third stage. Consult a medical expert for Lyme disease treatment in San Diego and get relief from the infection.