All you Need to Know about Dercum’s Disease
Dercum’s disease is one of the rare disorders which still does not have a cure. The disease has symptoms but there is no definite cure to curb the same. The available treatments can only ease the symptoms and can lessen the effect. Dercum’s disease is also called adiposis dolorosa. The disease involves the painful growth of fatty tissues in the body called lipomas. The effect is generally seen in specific areas like thighs, upper arms and torso. According to some reports, Dercum’s disease is more common amongst women than men. Due to the rarity of the disease not much has been researched about the same. Because the occurrence is very limited, the awareness about Dercum’s disease is still not wide. Lack of knowledge has also been the main reason why people cannot understand its symptoms at an early stage. It is observed that children are not affected by Dercum’s disease. •
The actual cause of Dercum’s disease is still not known. It is, however, assumed that Dercum’s disease is caused by a fat gene. Based on the limited studies, it is said that this disease is caused when the body’s immune system attacks the healthy tissues of the body by mistake. Additionally, there are observations which state that this disease might also be inherited. A combination of genes is passed on to the child which can lead to this disease. This disease mostly affects people between the age of 45 to 60. •
There is only one very obvious symptom of Dercum’s disease which is the growth of fatty tissues in the body. These tissues show up all over the body but are more concentrated in certain areas. Mostly these tissues show up on the torso, upper arms and upper legs. The accumulation of the fatty tissues is very much noticeable. Another symptom of this rare disease is that these lumps may result in weakness. Additionally, these fatty tissues can also cause severe pain. As and when the disease increases its effect on the body the pain may increase. Other indirect symptoms can include weight gain, swelling on parts of the body, depression, irregular sleep pattern, etc. •
It is a well-known fact that Dercum’s disease still does not have a definite cure. The treatment for this rare disease, therefore, concentrates on lessening the pain. Some of the treatments opted by patients are liposuction, electrotherapy and acupuncture.
If you know someone who is suffering from Dercum’s Disease or if you yourself want to go for a therapy then opt for the Dercum’s disease treatment in San Diego. ***