Basic Things To Know About Lyme Disease Treatment And Symptoms
One of the most common tick-borne infectious disease is Lyme disease. In this disease, an infected tick transfers the bacteria to a human by a bite. As soon as the person is infected with the Lyme disease, a rash is likely to appear on the affected part. Many times it so happens that the individual does not even remember the bite. In some cases, the infection might not even need treatment. A rash is usually the very first sign of the occurrence of the disease. Lyme disease occurs in stages and the symptoms for each stage differ from one another. Likewise, each stage requires a different treatment method too. People who have pets should be more careful about the disease. Additionally, areas which have lots of greenery are more likely to have infected ticks which means more risk of disease. Taking appropriate precautions reduces the chances of Lyme disease. Simple actions like keeping the body covered in grassy areas, showering right after being exposed to grassy areas, fencing the yard and trimming the overgrown grass on a regular basis, etc. can help a lot in keeping the disease at bay. Lyme disease treatment in San Diego is effective by all means. Here are the symptoms of Lyme disease. Stage 1- Early localized disease An infected individual usually develops the first signs of Lyme disease one or two weeks after the bite. In most cases, a rash develops on the affected part. The rash may not necessarily be painful. People who are in the first stage can recover from the disease merely with medication. Stage 2- Early disseminated Lyme disease The second stage of Lyme disease occurs several weeks after the bite. In this stage, the symptoms are more noticeable like sore throat, fatigue, headache, etc. In this stage, the patient will have to take antibiotics along with antibiotic injections depending on the severity of the symptoms. Stage 3- Late disseminated Lyme disease The last stage of Lyme disease is difficult to treat because in this stage the person’s neurological and cardiac condition gets affected seriously. The symptoms may include irregular heartbeat, short term memory loss, arthritis, etc. In this stage, the antibiotics are directly made to enter your bloodstream so that the infection can stop spreading. Medications to give relief to other symptoms are also prescribed. Lyme disease treatment in San Diego is carried out by experienced medical professionals.