Crucial Myths about Lymphedema Debunked
Our bodily functions are the result of certain systems within the body that function continuously for all the organs of the body to work as well. One such system, the lymphatic system, is crucial for the immune function and is a part of the circulatory system within the body. The failure of this particular system to work properly leads to lymphedema, which can be serious if one does not opt for regular treatment. Before you begin to look at all of the treatment options, here are a few of the myths related to lymphedema that need debunking to help people understand what this condition is all about. Myth #1 – Lymphedema is caused by the accumulation of water in certain areas of the body. Unlike what the myth says, lymphedema is a condition wherein a fluid in the body, called the lymph, accumulates in the limbs (mainly in the arms and legs) which results in pain, hindered mobility of the affected limbs, and can also cause an overgrowth of fatty tissues or even disability if left untreated. Myth #2 – Changes in behavior after a cancer surgery can help reduce chances of developing lymphedema. A lot of research has gone into this particular misconception to figure out if this, indeed, can help reduce the chances of lymphedema after a surgery. However, findings revealed no proven data that behavioral changes in any way affected this particular chance. While patients can try to make use of this list of
changes to make, there is absolutely no evidence suggesting that this would work to eliminate the chance of the patient suffering from lymphedema. Myth #3 – There is no way to control lymphedema once it has been diagnosed. This particular misconceptions depends completely on the timing that the symptoms have manifested in and the duration of these symptoms. These factors can help reduce the progression of lymphedema if diagnosed earlier on and treated with physiotherapy or lymphatic massage. It has also been seen that cases where lymphedema wasn’t dealt with led to severe symptoms that became huge hindrances in the patient’s everyday living. By getting the right understanding about this condition, you can opt for a lymphedema lymphatic massage in San Deigo that helps you deal with the symptoms of this condition.