Diet Guidelines for Lipedema Treatment

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Diet Guidelines for Lipedema Treatment

The awareness of the lipedema treatment is quite limited. Lipedema is a disorder which causes the accumulation of fats under the skin. This particular disorder is quite rare and affects a small fraction of people. The fats in this disorder get collected in the legs and buttocks. The actual cause of lipedema is still not known but it is said that hormonal changes in the body are responsible for this condition. This condition usually affects women. According to statistics, men rarely get affected by this disorder. The fat gets deposited under the skin in an uneven manner which leads to the enlargement of the legs or the affected part. Lipedema has no specific treatment method but one can control the condition with the help of various therapies. Women are at the risk of developing lipedema during puberty, pregnancy and menopause. In some cases, women can develop lipedema after surgery too. Sometimes, this condition can also be hereditary. Additionally, unlike other disorders, the symptoms of lipedema are not uniform for all. The symptoms may vary from person to person depending on the amount of fats deposited. Consult professional therapists for lipedema treatment in San Diego. Diet also helps in controlling this condition. Check out the diet recommendations which will help you control lipedema. 

Avoid alcohol

Alcohol has ingredients which promote the storage of fat cells in the body. Consuming alcohol can worsen your lipedema because it will further increase the accumulation of fats in the body. Moreover, alcohol is also not good for digestion which can increase the fat levels in the body to a great extent. 

Choose a low-carb diet

These days ketogenic diet is very much in trend and this diet plan has several advantages too. A Ketogenic diet is a low-carb diet which focuses on the intake of proteins and healthy fats. The idea behind following this diet is that the lack of carbs will force the body to use stored fats and other sources for functioning. This will gradually lead to the reduction of fats. 

Cut down on sugar intake

It is better to lessen the intake of sugar when you are suffering from lipedema. Direct intake of sugary foods turns into fat cells quickly which can increase the swelling. This also applies to foods which are artificially sweetened. Get lipedema treatment in San Diego and control your condition effectively.

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