Important Things You Must Know About Dercum’s Disease Treatment
Dercum’s disease is a rare condition in which the fatty tissues in the body tend to grow painfully. Usually, this condition affects upper arms, upper legs and torso. Unlike other conditions, not much research has been done on Dercum’s disease. Nevertheless, it is essential to know that this condition only affects the lipomas i.e fatty tissues. Women who are suffering from obesity are at a greater risk of getting affected by Dercums disease. Additionally, it should be noted that even men can get affected by this condition. Known for being chronic, Dercums disease has no complete cure but the condition can be controlled with the help of certain treatment methods. The symptoms of Dercum’s disease are not the same for every individual. Some of the common symptoms of Dercum’s disease include weight gain, easy bruising, swelling on different body parts, etc. Moreover, the lipomas affected with the condition often become painful. In some cases, the affected individual experiences constant pain. Go for Dercums disease treatment in San Diego and control the condition effectively. Here is everything you need to know about Dercums disease treatment. The treatment focuses on one symptom at a time There is no complete cure for Dercums disease and hence, medical experts deal with one symptom at a time to lessen the pain. In simple terms, pain management techniques are heavily used to control this condition. Treatment options like liposuction, removal of lipomas, acupuncture, etc. are quite common for Dercums disease. Combination of treatment methods may be used to control the condition Not all Dercum disease cases are easy and controllable. In severe cases, the medical expert may opt for a combination of treatment methods. The doctor may also prescribe certain exercises to ease the pain in the affected area along with other treatments.
Dercums disease treatment can also affect mental health Sometimes people who are undergoing treatment for Dercum’s disease can also suffer from mental health issues. Anxiety and depression are quite common when it comes to Dercum’s disease. Consult well-experienced medical experts for Dercums disease treatment in San Diego.