Lesser-Known Facts About Lymphedema
The excess build-up of fluid in the body leads to the occurrence of lymphedema. Lymphedema is a very common condition after cancer treatments. Individuals generally develop lymphedema after radiation therapy or surgery. Certain infections like cellulitis can also lead to lymphedema. In most cancer treatments, the lymphatic system is adversely affected by damage in the lymph nodes. This damage results in the accumulation of excess fluid which leads to swelling. In most cases, lymphedema affects the arms and legs. Along with swelling, the lymphedema affected part can also experience itchiness, stiffness, rashes, pain, etc. The body may witness symptoms like fever and chills too if the condition is too severe. This condition can also hamper flexibility and restrict movements. Lymphedema treatment services in San Diego are helpful in controlling the condition. Self-care also plays a very important role in keeping lymphedema under control. Keeping the skin moisturised at all times can help in treating the condition. Likewise, protect your skin from minor injuries too like burns and cuts to avoid infections. Seek immediate medical help if you notice any skin infection along with lymphedema. Here are some lesser-known facts you should know about lymphedema. • Lymphedema can be controlled Lymphedema has no treatment but it can be controlled with appropriate methods. Massage techniques are very beneficial for treating this condition. See to it that you consult trained professionals when it comes to massage techniques. Bandaging or wrapping is also used for controlling the condition. • Lymphedema may not occur immediately after the surgery The condition of lymphedema can occur at any time after surgery. In several cases, patients have experienced the presence of lymphedema even months after the surgery. Sometimes, the signs and symptoms of the condition go unnoticed. Additionally, obesity can also trigger the condition. • Lack of physical activity can encourage lymphedema Most people start leading a sedentary lifestyle after surgeries and treatments. It is necessary to keep yourself active in order to reduce the risk of lymphedema. Non-activity can further lead to increased
chances of lymphedema. Make sure you carry out simple exercises to keep your body active. Regular exercises encourage the flow of lymph which in turn reduces swelling. Lymphedema treatment services in San Diego are ideal for treating the condition.